tree_view#set_model (Some (tree_store :> GTree.model));
ignore (tree_view#append_column id_view_col);
ignore (tree_view#append_column dsc_view_col);
- let name_of_interp =
- (* try to find a reasonable name for an interpretation *)
- let idx = ref 0 in
- fun interp ->
- try
- let _,_,y = List.find (fun (_,x,y) -> x="0") interp in y
- with Not_found ->
- incr idx; string_of_int !idx
- in
tree_store#clear ();
let idx = ref ~-1 in
- (fun pass,env,_,_,_ ->
+ (fun passes,env,_,_,_ ->
incr idx;
let interp_row = tree_store#append () in
tree_store#set ~row:interp_row ~column:id_col
- ("Pass " ^ string_of_int pass ^
- "; Interpretation " ^ name_of_interp env);
+ ("Passes " ^ String.concat " " ( string_of_int passes));
tree_store#set ~row:interp_row ~column:interp_no_col !idx;
(fun (_, id, dsc) ->
(fun l ->
incr pass;
- (fun (env,diff,offset,msg) -> !pass, env, diff, offset, msg) l
+ (fun (env,diff,offset,msg) -> [!pass], env, diff, offset, msg) l
) errorll') in
- let choices_eq (_,e1,_,_,_) (_,e2,_,_,_) = e1 = e2 in
- let choices_compare (_,e1,_,_,_) (_,e2,_,_,_) = compare e1 e2 in
(* Here we are doing a stable sort and list_uniq returns the latter
"equal" element. I.e. we are showing the error corresponding to the
most advanced disambiguation pass *)
let choices =
- HExtlib.list_uniq ~eq:choices_eq
- (List.stable_sort choices_compare choices)
+ let choices_compare (_,e1,_,_,m1) (_,e2,_,_,m2) = compare (e1,m1) (e2,m2) in
+ let choices_compare_by_passes (p1,_,_,_,_) (p2,_,_,_,_) = compare p1 p2 in
+ let rec uniq =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | h::[] -> [h]
+ | (p1,e1,_,_,_)::(p2,e2,d2,o2,m2)::tl when e1 = e2 ->
+ uniq ((p1@p2,e2,d2,o2,m2) :: tl)
+ | h1::tl -> h1 :: uniq tl
+ in
+ List.sort choices_compare_by_passes
+ (uniq (List.stable_sort choices_compare choices))
match choices with
[] -> assert false
if all_passes then
dialog#disambiguationErrorsMoreErrors#misc#set_sensitive false;
let model = new interpErrorModel dialog#treeview choices in
- dialog#disambiguationErrors#set_title "Interpretation choice";
- dialog#disambiguationErrorsLabel#set_label "Choose an interpretation:";
+ dialog#disambiguationErrors#set_title "Disambiguation error";
+ dialog#disambiguationErrorsLabel#set_label
+ "Click on an interpretation to see the corresponding error message:";
ignore (dialog#treeview#connect#cursor_changed (fun _ ->
let tree_path =
match fst (dialog#treeview#get_cursor ()) with