type tactic = input_status -> output_status
- let id_tactic = apply_tactic ("",0,(GrafiteAst.IdTac HExtlib.dummy_floc))
let mk_tactic tac = tac
let apply_tactic tac = tac
let goals (_, opened, closed) = opened, closed
- let set_goals (opened, closed) (status, _, _) = (status, opened, closed)
let get_stack (status, _) = GrafiteTypes.get_stack status
- let get_status (status, goal) =
- match status.GrafiteTypes.proof_status with
- | GrafiteTypes.Incomplete_proof incomplete -> incomplete.GrafiteTypes.proof, goal
- | _ -> assert false
- let get_proof (status, _, _) =
- match status.GrafiteTypes.proof_status with
- | GrafiteTypes.Incomplete_proof incomplete -> incomplete.GrafiteTypes.proof
- | _ -> assert false
let set_stack stack (status, opened, closed) =
GrafiteTypes.set_stack stack status, opened, closed
type output_status
type tactic
- val id_tactic : tactic
val mk_tactic : (input_status -> output_status) -> tactic
val apply_tactic : tactic -> input_status -> output_status
- val get_status: input_status -> ProofEngineTypes.status
- val get_proof: output_status -> ProofEngineTypes.proof
val goals : output_status -> goal list * goal list (** opened, closed goals *)
- val set_goals: goal list * goal list -> output_status -> output_status
val get_stack : input_status -> Stack.t
val set_stack : Stack.t -> output_status -> output_status
type output_status
type tactic
- val id_tactic : tactic
val mk_tactic : (input_status -> output_status) -> tactic
val apply_tactic : tactic -> input_status -> output_status
- val get_status: input_status -> ProofEngineTypes.status
- val get_proof: output_status -> ProofEngineTypes.proof
val goals : output_status -> goal list * goal list (** opened, closed goals *)
- val set_goals: goal list * goal list -> output_status -> output_status
val get_stack : input_status -> Stack.t
val set_stack : Stack.t -> output_status -> output_status
type tactic = PET.tactic
- let id_tactic = id_tac
(* f is an eval function of a machine;
the machine is applied to a fresh stack and the final stack is read
back to obtain the result of the tactic *)
let opened_goals, closed_goals = goals_diff ~before ~after ~opened in
(proof', opened_goals, closed_goals), stack
- let get_status (status, _) = status
- let get_proof ((proof, _, _), _) = proof
let goals ((_, opened, closed), _) = opened, closed
- let set_goals (opened, closed) ((proof, _, _), stack) =
- (proof, opened, closed), stack
(* Done only at the beginning of the eval of the machine *)
let get_stack = snd