open Neturl;;
open Printf;;
-exception Malformed_query of string
-exception Malformed_query_part of string * string
-exception Unsupported_method of string
-exception Unsupported_HTTP_version of string
-exception Malformed_request_URI of string
-exception Malformed_request of string
+open Http_types;;
+open Http_constants;;
type url_syntax_option =
url_is_valid = (fun _ -> true);
+module CharSet = Set.Make (Char)
+ (** create an "is in" predicate over a character set using an efficient,
+ set-based implementation *)
+let mk_char_predicate chars =
+ let charset =
+ List.fold_left (fun oldset c -> CharSet.add c oldset) CharSet.empty chars
+ in
+ fun c -> CharSet.mem c charset
+let is_http_separator =
+ mk_char_predicate
+ [ '('; ')'; '<'; '>'; '@'; ','; ';'; ':'; '\\'; '"'; '/'; '['; ']'; '?';
+ '='; '{'; '}'; ' '; '\t' ]
+let is_http_ctl c =
+ match Char.code c with
+ | c when (((c >= 0) && (c <= 31)) || (c = 127)) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ (* internal: used to implement is_* functions *)
+exception Invalid_char;;
+let is_http_token s =
+ try
+ String.iter
+ (fun c ->
+ if (is_http_ctl c) || (is_http_separator) c then raise Invalid_char)
+ s;
+ true
+ with Invalid_char -> false
+let rec is_http_lws s =
+ (match s.[0] with
+ | ' ' | '\t' -> true
+ | '\r' ->
+ (try
+ (s.[1] = '\n') && ((s.[2] = ' ') || (s.[2] = '\t'))
+ with Invalid_argument "String.get" -> false)
+ | _ -> false)
+let is_http_field_name = is_http_token
+let is_http_field_value s =
+ let rec strip_quoted_string = function
+ | [] -> (false, [])
+ | '"' :: tl -> (true, tl)
+ | '\\' :: '"' :: tl -> strip_quoted_string tl
+ | hd :: tl -> strip_quoted_string tl
+ in
+ let rec is_http_field_value' = function
+ | '\r' :: '\n' :: sp :: rest when (sp = ' ' || sp = '\t') -> (* strip LWS *)
+ is_http_field_value' rest
+ | c :: rest when (is_http_ctl c && c <> '\t') -> (* \t is in CTL /\ SEP *)
+ false (* CTL aren't allowed *)
+ | '"' :: rest ->
+ let (valid, rest) = strip_quoted_string rest in
+ if not valid then false else is_http_field_value' rest
+ | c :: rest -> is_http_field_value' rest
+ | [] -> true
+ in is_http_field_value' (Http_misc.string_explode s)
+let heal_header (name, value) =
+ if not (is_http_field_name name && is_http_field_value value) then
+ raise (Invalid_header (name ^ ": " ^ value))
+ else
+ ()
(** given an HTTP like query string (e.g. "name1=value1&name2=value2&...")
@return a list of pairs [("name1", "value1"); ("name2", "value2")]
@raise Malformed_query if the string isn't a valid query string
let patch_empty_path s = (if s = "" then "/" else s) in
let pieces_sep = Pcre.regexp " " in
fun ic ->
- let request_line = generic_input_line ~sep:Http_common.crlf ~ic in
+ let request_line = generic_input_line ~sep:crlf ~ic in
match Pcre.split ~rex:pieces_sep request_line with
| [meth; request_uri_raw; http_version] ->
if meth <> "GET" then
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-exception Malformed_query of string
-exception Malformed_query_part of string * string
-exception Unsupported_method of string
-exception Unsupported_HTTP_version of string
-exception Malformed_request_URI of string
-exception Malformed_request of string
+val is_http_field_name: string -> bool
+val is_http_field_value: string -> bool
+val heal_header: string * string -> unit
val parse_request: in_channel -> string * (string * string) list