open DisambiguateTypes
open UriManager
-exception No_choices of domain_item
exception NoWellTypedInterpretation of string Lazy.t list
exception PathNotWellFormed
| None -> lookup_in_library ()
| Some e ->
+ let item =
+ match item with
+ | Symbol (symb, _) -> Symbol (symb, 0)
+ | item -> item
+ in
Environment.find item e
- with Not_found -> lookup_in_library ())
+ with Not_found -> [])
- if choices = [] then raise (No_choices item);
None -> lookup_choices item
| Some choices -> choices in
match choices with
- [] -> [], [lazy "No choices"]
+ [] -> [], [lazy ("No choices for " ^ string_of_domain_item item)]
| [codomain_item] ->
(* just one choice. We perform a one-step look-up and
if the next set of choices is also a singleton we