| a::ta, [] -> f a def; list_iter_default2 f ta def []
+let rec list_forall_default3 f l1 l2 def l3 =
+ match l1,l2,l3 with
+ | [], [], _ -> true
+ | [], _, _
+ | _, [], _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "list_forall_default3")
+ | a::ta, b::tb, c::tc -> f a b c && list_forall_default3 f ta tb def tc
+ | a::ta, b::tb, [] -> f a b def && list_forall_default3 f ta tb def []
let sharing_map f l =
let unchanged = ref true in
let rec aux b = function
The second one can be shorter and is padded with a default value.
This function cannot fail. *)
val list_iter_default2: ('a -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a list -> 'b -> 'b list -> unit
+(* Checks a predicate in parallel on three lists, the first two having the same
+ length (otherwise it raises Invalid_argument). It stops when the first two
+ lists are empty. The third one can be shorter and is padded with a default value. *)
+val list_forall_default3: ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c -> 'c list -> bool
(** split_nth n l