(* no idea why ocaml wants this *)
let parsed_text_length = String.length parsed_text in
let dbd = LibraryDb.instance () in
- (* XXX use a real CIC -> string pretty printer *)
let pp_macro =
- TAPp.pp_macro ~term_pp:(ApplyTransformation.txt_of_cic_term max_int [] [])
+ let f t = ProofEngineReduction.replace
+ ~equality:(fun _ t -> match t with Cic.Meta _ -> true | _ -> false)
+ ~what:[()] ~with_what:[Cic.Implicit None] ~where:t
+ in
+ let metasenv = GrafiteTypes.get_proof_metasenv grafite_status in
+ TAPp.pp_macro
+ ~term_pp:(fun x ->
+ ApplyTransformation.txt_of_cic_term max_int metasenv [] (f x))
match mac with
(* WHELP's stuff *)