<sect1 id="matita.conf.xml">
<title>Configuring &appname;</title>
- The file <emphasis>matita.conf.xml</emphasis>...
- &TODO;
+ The configuration file is divided in four sections. The user and
+ matita ones are self explicative and does not need user
+ intervention. Here we report a sample snippet for these two
+ sections. The remaining db and getter sections will be explained in
+ details later.
+ <programlisting>
+ <section name="user">
+ <key name="home">$(HOME)</key>
+ <key name="name">$(USER)</key>
+ </section>
+ <section name="matita">
+ <key name="basedir">$(user.home)/.matita</key>
+ <key name="rt_base_dir">/usr/share/matita/</key>
+ <key name="owner">$(user.name)</key>
+ </section>
- <sect2>
- <title>The db and the getter sections</title>
&appname; needs to store/fetch data and metadata. Data is essentially
composed of XML files, metadata is a set of tuples for a relational
<textobject><phrase>How to configure the databases.</phrase></textobject>
- <sect3>
- <title>The getter</title>
+ <para>The getter</para>
Consider the following snippet and the URI
<userinput>cic:/matita/foo/bar.con</userinput>. If &appname;
writing when &appname; is started in system mode (used to publish user
developments in the library space).
- </sect3>
- <sect3>
- <title>The db</title>
+ <para>The db</para>
The database subsystem has three fron ends: library, user and
legacy. The latter is the only optional one. Every query is done on
a password (or <userinput>none</userinput>) and the name of the front
end to which it is attached.
- </sect3>
- </sect2>