val is_in_frozen: UriManager.uri -> bool
val is_in_unchecked: UriManager.uri -> bool
val is_in_cooked: UriManager.uri -> bool
+ val list_all_cooked_uris: unit -> UriManager.uri list
HT.remove cacheOfCookedObjects uri
+ let list_all_cooked_uris () =
+ HT.fold (fun u _ l -> u::l) cacheOfCookedObjects []
+ ;;
with Http_getter_types.Key_not_found _ -> false)
let remove_term = Cache.remove
+let list_uri () =
+ Cache.list_all_cooked_uris ()
+let list_obj () =
+ try
+ (fun u ->
+ let o,ug = get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph u in
+ (u,o,ug))
+ (list_uri ())
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ prerr_endline "Who has removed the uri in the meanwhile?";
+ raise Not_found
* otherwise (i.e. objects already parsed from XML) *)
val in_cache : UriManager.uri -> bool
+(* to debug the matitac batch compiler *)
+val list_obj: unit -> (UriManager.uri * Cic.obj * CicUniv.universe_graph) list
+val list_uri: unit -> UriManager.uri list
(** @return true for objects available in the library *)
val in_library: UriManager.uri -> bool