(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/preamble.ma".
+include "Basic-1/preamble.ma".
inductive A: Set \def
| ASort: nat \to (nat \to A)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/defs.ma".
inductive C: Set \def
| CSort: nat \to C
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/props.ma".
theorem clt_cong:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).((clt c d) \to (\forall (k: K).(\forall (t:
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (H: (lt (cweight c) (cweight
d))).(\lambda (_: K).(\lambda (t: T).(lt_reg_r (cweight c) (cweight d)
(tweight t) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 33
+END *)
theorem clt_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(clt c (CHead c k u))))
c) O) (\lambda (n: nat).(lt n (plus (cweight c) (tweight u))))
(le_lt_plus_plus (cweight c) (cweight c) O (tweight u) (le_n (cweight c))
(tweight_lt u)) (cweight c) (plus_n_O (cweight c))))).
+Initial nodes: 69
+END *)
theorem clt_wf__q_ind:
\forall (P: ((C \to Prop))).(((\forall (n: nat).((\lambda (P0: ((C \to
Prop))).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (n: nat).(\forall (c: C).((eq nat (cweight c)
n) \to (P c)))))).(\lambda (c: C).(H (cweight c) c (refl_equal nat (cweight
+Initial nodes: 61
+END *)
theorem clt_wf_ind:
\forall (P: ((C \to Prop))).(((\forall (c: C).(((\forall (d: C).((clt d c)
c1)))))) H0 (cweight c0) H1) in (H c0 (\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (H3: (lt
(cweight d) (cweight c0))).(H2 (cweight d) H3 d (refl_equal nat (cweight
d))))))))))))) c)))).
+Initial nodes: 179
+END *)
theorem chead_ctail:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (k: K).(ex_3 K C T (\lambda (h:
C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq C (CHead (CTail x0 x2 x1) k0 t0) (CTail h u d))))) x0
(CHead x1 k0 t0) x2 (refl_equal C (CHead (CTail x0 x2 x1) k0 t0))) (CHead c0
k t) H1))))) H0))))))))) c).
+Initial nodes: 395
+END *)
theorem clt_thead:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (c: C).(clt c (CTail k u c))))
c0 (CTail k u c0))) (\lambda (n: nat).(clt_head k (CSort n) u)) (\lambda (c0:
C).(\lambda (H: (clt c0 (CTail k u c0))).(\lambda (k0: K).(\lambda (t:
T).(clt_cong c0 (CTail k u c0) H k0 t))))) c))).
+Initial nodes: 71
+END *)
theorem c_tail_ind:
\forall (P: ((C \to Prop))).(((\forall (n: nat).(P (CSort n)))) \to
(eq_ind C (CHead c1 k t) (\lambda (c2: C).(\forall (d: C).((clt d c2) \to (P
d)))) H2 (CTail x0 x2 x1) H4) in (H0 x1 (H5 x1 (clt_thead x0 x2 x1)) x0 x2))
(CHead c1 k t) H4))))) H3)))))))) c0)) c)))).
+Initial nodes: 295
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/preamble.ma".
+include "Basic-1/preamble.ma".
record G : Set \def {
next: (nat \to nat);
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/defs.ma".
theorem terms_props__bind_dec:
\forall (b1: B).(\forall (b2: B).(or (eq B b1 b2) ((eq B b1 b2) \to (\forall
Abst \Rightarrow False | Void \Rightarrow True])) I Abst H) in (False_ind P
H0))))) (or_introl (eq B Void Void) ((eq B Void Void) \to (\forall (P:
Prop).P)) (refl_equal B Void)) b2)) b1).
+Initial nodes: 559
+END *)
theorem bind_dec_not:
\forall (b1: B).(\forall (b2: B).(or (eq B b1 b2) (not (eq B b1 b2))))
b2)).(or_introl (eq B b1 b2) ((eq B b1 b2) \to False) H0)) (\lambda (H0:
(((eq B b1 b2) \to (\forall (P: Prop).P)))).(or_intror (eq B b1 b2) ((eq B b1
b2) \to False) (\lambda (H1: (eq B b1 b2)).(H0 H1 False)))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 131
+END *)
theorem terms_props__flat_dec:
\forall (f1: F).(\forall (f2: F).(or (eq F f1 f2) ((eq F f1 f2) \to (\forall
\Rightarrow True])) I Appl H) in (False_ind P H0))))) (or_introl (eq F Cast
Cast) ((eq F Cast Cast) \to (\forall (P: Prop).P)) (refl_equal F Cast)) f2))
+Initial nodes: 263
+END *)
theorem terms_props__kind_dec:
\forall (k1: K).(\forall (k2: K).(or (eq K k1 k2) ((eq K k1 k2) \to (\forall
[(Bind _) \Rightarrow f | (Flat f1) \Rightarrow f1])) (Flat f) (Flat f0) H1)
in (let H3 \def (eq_ind_r F f0 (\lambda (f1: F).((eq F f f1) \to (\forall
(P0: Prop).P0))) H0 f H2) in (H3 (refl_equal F f) P))))))) H)))) k2))) k1).
+Initial nodes: 799
+END *)
theorem term_dec:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(or (eq T t1 t2) ((eq T t1 t2) \to (\forall
(let H13 \def (eq_ind_r T t3 (\lambda (t5: T).(or (eq T (THead k t t0) t5)
((eq T (THead k t t0) t5) \to (\forall (P0: Prop).P0)))) H1 t H9) in (H12
(refl_equal T t) P))))))) H7)) H6)))))) H3)))))))) t2))))))) t1).
+Initial nodes: 2821
+END *)
theorem binder_dec:
\forall (t: T).(or (ex_3 B T T (\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (w: T).(\lambda (u:
\Rightarrow (match k0 in K return (\lambda (_: K).Prop) with [(Bind _)
\Rightarrow False | (Flat _) \Rightarrow True])])) I (THead (Bind b) w u) H1)
in (False_ind P H2))))))))))))) k)) t).
+Initial nodes: 1063
+END *)
theorem abst_dec:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (v: T).(or (ex T (\lambda (t: T).(eq T u (THead
\Rightarrow t2])) (THead k t t0) (THead (Bind Abst) v t1) H3) in (\lambda (_:
(eq T t v)).(\lambda (H8: (eq K k (Bind Abst))).(H2 H8 P)))) H5)) H4)))))))
H1))))))))) u).
+Initial nodes: 1305
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/preamble.ma".
+include "Basic-1/preamble.ma".
inductive B: Set \def
| Abbr: B
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/defs.ma".
theorem not_abbr_abst:
not (eq B Abbr Abst)
B).(match ee in B return (\lambda (_: B).Prop) with [Abbr \Rightarrow True |
Abst \Rightarrow False | Void \Rightarrow False])) I Abst H) in (False_ind
False H0)).
+Initial nodes: 34
+END *)
theorem not_void_abst:
not (eq B Void Abst)
B).(match ee in B return (\lambda (_: B).Prop) with [Abbr \Rightarrow False |
Abst \Rightarrow False | Void \Rightarrow True])) I Abst H) in (False_ind
False H0)).
+Initial nodes: 34
+END *)
theorem not_abbr_void:
not (eq B Abbr Void)
B).(match ee in B return (\lambda (_: B).Prop) with [Abbr \Rightarrow True |
Abst \Rightarrow False | Void \Rightarrow False])) I Void H) in (False_ind
False H0)).
+Initial nodes: 34
+END *)
theorem not_abst_void:
not (eq B Abst Void)
B).(match ee in B return (\lambda (_: B).Prop) with [Abbr \Rightarrow False |
Abst \Rightarrow True | Void \Rightarrow False])) I Void H) in (False_ind
False H0)).
+Initial nodes: 34
+END *)
theorem thead_x_y_y:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t: T).((eq T (THead k v t) t) \to
H0 t0 H5) in (let H8 \def (eq_ind K k (\lambda (k1: K).((eq T (THead k1 t0
t1) t1) \to (\forall (P0: Prop).P0))) H7 k0 H6) in (H8 H4 P)))))) H3))
H2))))))))) t))).
+Initial nodes: 461
+END *)
theorem tweight_lt:
\forall (t: T).(lt O (tweight t))
(t0: T).(\lambda (H: (lt O (tweight t0))).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (_: (lt O
(tweight t1))).(le_S (S O) (plus (tweight t0) (tweight t1)) (le_plus_trans (S
O) (tweight t0) (tweight t1) H))))))) t).
+Initial nodes: 85
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/asucc/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/asucc/defs.ma".
definition aplus:
G \to (A \to (nat \to A))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/aplus/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/aplus/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/next_plus/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/next_plus/props.ma".
theorem aplus_reg_r:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(\forall (h1: nat).(\forall
(plus n h2)))) H (\lambda (n: nat).(\lambda (H0: (eq A (aplus g a1 (plus n
h1)) (aplus g a2 (plus n h2)))).(f_equal2 G A A asucc g g (aplus g a1 (plus n
h1)) (aplus g a2 (plus n h2)) (refl_equal G g) H0))) h))))))).
+Initial nodes: 143
+END *)
theorem aplus_assoc:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).(\forall (h1: nat).(\forall (h2: nat).(eq A
(aplus g a n1)))) (f_equal2 G A A asucc g g (aplus g (asucc g (aplus g a n))
n0) (asucc g (aplus g a (plus n n0))) (refl_equal G g) H0) (plus n (S n0))
(plus_n_Sm n n0)))) h2)))) h1))).
+Initial nodes: 361
+END *)
theorem aplus_asucc:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (a: A).(eq A (aplus g (asucc g a)
(plus (S O) h)) (\lambda (a0: A).(eq A a0 (asucc g (aplus g a h))))
(refl_equal A (asucc g (aplus g a h))) (aplus g (aplus g a (S O)) h)
(aplus_assoc g a (S O) h)))).
+Initial nodes: 87
+END *)
theorem aplus_sort_O_S_simpl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (k: nat).(eq A (aplus g (ASort O
g (ASort O n)) k) (\lambda (a: A).(eq A a (aplus g (ASort O (next g n)) k)))
(refl_equal A (aplus g (ASort O (next g n)) k)) (asucc g (aplus g (ASort O n)
k)) (aplus_asucc g k (ASort O n))))).
+Initial nodes: 97
+END *)
theorem aplus_sort_S_S_simpl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (k: nat).(eq A
A (aplus g (asucc g (ASort (S h) n)) k) (\lambda (a: A).(eq A a (aplus g
(ASort h n) k))) (refl_equal A (aplus g (ASort h n) k)) (asucc g (aplus g
(ASort (S h) n) k)) (aplus_asucc g k (ASort (S h) n)))))).
+Initial nodes: 97
+END *)
theorem aplus_asort_O_simpl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (n: nat).(eq A (aplus g (ASort O
g n0)) n) (ASort O n1))) (H (next g n0)) (next g (next_plus g n0 n))
(next_plus_next g n0 n)) (asucc g (aplus g (ASort O n0) n)) (aplus_asucc g n
(ASort O n0)))))) h)).
+Initial nodes: 229
+END *)
theorem aplus_asort_le_simpl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (k: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((le h
(S n) n0)) h0) (\lambda (a: A).(eq A a (ASort (minus (S n) (S h0)) n0))) (H n
n0 (le_S_n h0 n H1)) (asucc g (aplus g (ASort (S n) n0) h0)) (aplus_asucc g
h0 (ASort (S n) n0))))))) k)))) h)).
+Initial nodes: 484
+END *)
theorem aplus_asort_simpl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (k: nat).(\forall (n: nat).(eq A
n) (ASort (minus k h) (next_plus g n n0)))) (refl_equal A (ASort (minus k h)
(next_plus g n O))) (minus h k) (O_minus h k H)) (aplus g (ASort k n) h)
(aplus_asort_le_simpl g h k n H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 587
+END *)
theorem aplus_ahead_simpl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(eq A
(AHead a1 a))) (H a1 (asucc g a2)) (asucc g (aplus g a2 n)) (aplus_asucc g n
a2)) (asucc g (aplus g (AHead a1 a2) n)) (aplus_asucc g n (AHead a1 a2)))))))
+Initial nodes: 239
+END *)
theorem aplus_asucc_false:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).(\forall (h: nat).((eq A (aplus g (asucc g a)
g0 (aplus g0 a2 n0))]) in aplus) g (asucc g a1) h) | (AHead _ a2) \Rightarrow
a2])) (AHead a0 (aplus g (asucc g a1) h)) (AHead a0 a1) H2) in (H0 h H3
P)))))))))) a)).
+Initial nodes: 977
+END *)
theorem aplus_inj:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (h1: nat).(\forall (h2: nat).(\forall (a: A).((eq A
(eq_ind_r A (asucc g (aplus g a n0)) (\lambda (a0: A).(eq A (aplus g (asucc g
a) n) a0)) H2 (aplus g (asucc g a) n0) (aplus_asucc g n0 a)) in (f_equal nat
nat S n n0 (H n0 (asucc g a) H3)))))))) h2)))) h1)).
+Initial nodes: 599
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/defs.ma".
definition cbk:
C \to nat
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/A/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/A/defs.ma".
inductive aprem: nat \to (A \to (A \to Prop)) \def
| aprem_zero: \forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(aprem O (AHead a1 a2) a1))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/aprem/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/aprem/defs.ma".
theorem aprem_gen_sort:
\forall (x: A).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((aprem
in A return (\lambda (_: A).Prop) with [(ASort _ _) \Rightarrow False |
(AHead _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I (ASort h n) H3) in (False_ind False
H4))))))))) i y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 227
+END *)
theorem aprem_gen_head_O:
\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(\forall (x: A).((aprem O (AHead a1 a2) x)
(\lambda (ee: nat).(match ee in nat return (\lambda (_: nat).Prop) with [O
\Rightarrow False | (S _) \Rightarrow True])) I O H4) in (False_ind (eq A a
a1) H11)))))) H6)))))))))) y0 y x H1))) H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 500
+END *)
theorem aprem_gen_head_S:
\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(\forall (x: A).(\forall (i: nat).((aprem
(S i)) \to ((eq A a2 (AHead a1 a2)) \to (aprem i a2 a)))) H9 i H11) in (let
H13 \def (eq_ind nat i0 (\lambda (n: nat).(aprem n a2 a)) H10 i H11) in
H13))))))) H6)))))))))) y0 y x H1))) H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 631
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/aprem/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/aprem/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/leq/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/leq/defs.ma".
theorem aprem_repl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((leq g a1 a2) \to (\forall
A (\lambda (b1: A).(leq g b1 b2)) (\lambda (b1: A).(aprem (S i0) (AHead a0
a4) b1)) x H7 (aprem_succ a4 x i0 H8 a0))))) H6))))))) i H4)))))))))))) a1 a2
+Initial nodes: 621
+END *)
theorem aprem_asucc:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(\forall (i: nat).((aprem i
(i0: nat).(\lambda (_: (aprem i0 a0 a)).(\lambda (H1: (aprem i0 (asucc g a0)
a)).(\lambda (a3: A).(aprem_succ (asucc g a0) a i0 H1 a3))))))) i a1 a2
+Initial nodes: 101
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/cimp.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/cimp.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/aprem/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/aprem/props.ma".
theorem arity_aprem:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c t
T).(\lambda (_: nat).(arity g d u (asucc g b))))) x0 x1 x2 H8 (arity_repl g
x0 x1 (asucc g x) H9 (asucc g b) (asucc_repl g x b H5)))))))) H7))))))
H4))))))))))))) c t a H))))).
+Initial nodes: 4526
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/cimp/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/cimp/props.ma".
theorem arity_cimp_conf:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c1
C).((cimp c c2) \to (arity g c2 t0 a1))))).(\lambda (a2: A).(\lambda (H2:
(leq g a1 a2)).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (H3: (cimp c c2)).(arity_repl g c2
t0 a1 (H1 c2 H3) a2 H2)))))))))) c1 t a H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1505
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/leq/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/leq/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/defs.ma".
inductive arity (g: G): C \to (T \to (A \to Prop)) \def
| arity_sort: \forall (c: C).(\forall (n: nat).(arity g c (TSort n) (ASort O
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/leq/asucc.ma".
+include "Basic-1/leq/asucc.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/drop.ma".
theorem arity_gen_sort:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c
T).(arity g c0 t0 a1)) H1 (TSort n) H5) in (leq_trans g a2 a1 (leq_sym g a1
a2 H3) (ASort O n) (H6 (refl_equal T (TSort n))))))))))))))) c y a H0)))
+Initial nodes: 1235
+END *)
theorem arity_gen_lref:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c
(CHead d (Bind Abst) u)))) (\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (u: T).(arity g d u
(asucc g a2)))) x0 x1 H10 (arity_repl g x0 x1 (asucc g a1) H11 (asucc g a2)
(asucc_repl g a1 a2 H3)))))))) H9)) H8))))))))))))) c y a H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 3853
+END *)
theorem arity_gen_bind:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (g: G).(\forall (c:
c0 u a3)) (\lambda (_: A).(arity g (CHead c0 (Bind b) u) t a0)) x H10
(arity_repl g (CHead c0 (Bind b) u) t a1 H11 a0 H4))))) H9))))))))))))) c y
a2 H1))) H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 3365
+END *)
theorem arity_gen_abst:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a:
x2 x3)) (arity_repl g c0 u (asucc g x0) H10 (asucc g x2) (asucc_repl g x0 x2
H15)) (arity_repl g (CHead c0 (Bind Abst) u) t x1 H11 x3 H16)) a2 H18)))))))
H14)))))))))) H8))))))))))))) c y a H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 4265
+END *)
theorem arity_gen_appl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a2:
u a3)) (\lambda (a3: A).(arity g c0 t (AHead a3 a0))) x H9 (arity_repl g c0 t
(AHead x a1) H10 (AHead x a0) (leq_head g x x (leq_refl g x) a1 a0 H3))))))
H8))))))))))))) c y a2 H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 2277
+END *)
theorem arity_gen_cast:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a:
a1)).(conj (arity g c0 u (asucc g a2)) (arity g c0 t a2) (arity_repl g c0 u
(asucc g a1) H9 (asucc g a2) (asucc_repl g a1 a2 H3)) (arity_repl g c0 t a1
H10 a2 H3)))) H8))))))))))))) c y a H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 2147
+END *)
theorem arity_gen_appls:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (vs: TList).(\forall
(\lambda (a: A).(arity g c t a)) (ex A (\lambda (a: A).(arity g c t a)))
(\lambda (x0: A).(\lambda (H5: (arity g c t x0)).(ex_intro A (\lambda (a:
A).(arity g c t a)) x0 H5))) H4)))))) H1))))))) vs)))).
+Initial nodes: 341
+END *)
theorem arity_gen_lift:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).(\forall (h:
a2)).(\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (x0: T).(\lambda (H4: (eq T t0 (lift h x
x0))).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (H5: (drop h x c c2)).(arity_repl g c2 x0 a1
(H2 x x0 H4 c2 H5) a2 H3))))))))))))) c1 y a H0))))) H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 4693
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
theorem arity_lift1:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (hds:
(lift n n0 (lift1 p t)) a) (\lambda (x: C).(\lambda (H3: (drop n n0 c1
x)).(\lambda (H4: (drop1 p x c2)).(arity_lift g x (lift1 p t) a (H x t H4 H1)
c1 n n0 H3)))) H2))))))))))) hds)))).
+Initial nodes: 289
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csuba/arity.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wcpr0/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/subst0.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/subst0.ma".
theorem arity_sred_wcpr0_pr0:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g
(a2: A).(\lambda (H2: (leq g a1 a2)).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (H3: (wcpr0 c
c2)).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H4: (pr0 t t2)).(arity_repl g c2 t2 a1 (H1 c2
H3 t2 H4) a2 H2)))))))))))) c1 t1 a H))))).
+Initial nodes: 10246
+END *)
theorem arity_sred_wcpr0_pr1:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr1 t1 t2) \to (\forall (g: G).(\forall
(arity g c1 t4 a)).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (H4: (wcpr0 c1 c2)).(H2 g c2 a
(arity_sred_wcpr0_pr0 g c1 t4 a H3 c2 H4 t3 H0) c2 (wcpr0_refl
c2)))))))))))))) t1 t2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 213
+END *)
theorem arity_sred_pr2:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
G).(\lambda (a: A).(\lambda (H3: (arity g c0 t3 a)).(arity_subst0 g c0 t4 a
(arity_sred_wcpr0_pr0 g c0 t3 a H3 c0 (wcpr0_refl c0) t4 H1) d u i H0 t
H2)))))))))))))) c t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 205
+END *)
theorem arity_sred_pr3:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
t3 a) \to (arity g c t5 a)))))).(\lambda (g: G).(\lambda (a: A).(\lambda (H3:
(arity g c t4 a)).(H2 g a (arity_sred_pr2 c t4 t3 H0 g a H3))))))))))) t1 t2
+Initial nodes: 151
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/fwd.ma".
theorem node_inh:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (k: nat).(ex_2 C T (\lambda (c:
C).(\lambda (t: T).(arity g c t (ASort (S n0) n)))) (CHead x0 (Bind Abst) x1)
(TLRef O) (arity_abst g (CHead x0 (Bind Abst) x1) x0 x1 O (getl_refl Abst x0
x1) (ASort (S n0) n) H1))))) H0)))) k))).
+Initial nodes: 253
+END *)
theorem arity_lift:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c2
C).(\lambda (h: nat).(\lambda (d: nat).(\lambda (H3: (drop h d c1
c)).(arity_repl g c1 (lift h d t0) a1 (H1 c1 h d H3) a2 H2)))))))))))) c2 t a
+Initial nodes: 2661
+END *)
theorem arity_mono:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a1: A).((arity g c
A).((arity g c0 t0 a3) \to (leq g a2 a3))))).(\lambda (a3: A).(\lambda (H2:
(leq g a2 a3)).(\lambda (a0: A).(\lambda (H3: (arity g c0 t0 a0)).(leq_trans
g a3 a2 (leq_sym g a2 a3 H2) a0 (H1 a0 H3))))))))))) c t a1 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 2947
+END *)
theorem arity_repellent:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a1:
(eq_ind A a2 (\lambda (a: A).(arity g (CHead c (Bind Abst) w) t a)) H_y
(AHead x0 x1) H3) in (leq_ahead_false_2 g x1 x0 (arity_mono g (CHead c (Bind
Abst) w) t (AHead x0 x1) H6 x1 H5) P))))))) H2)))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 283
+END *)
theorem arity_appls_cast:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (vs:
(AHead x (asucc g a)) (leq_head g x0 x (arity_mono g c t0 x0 H6 x H3) (asucc
g a) (asucc g a) (leq_refl g (asucc g a)))) (asucc g (AHead x a)) (leq_refl g
(asucc g (AHead x a)))) H4))))) H5))))) H2)))))))) vs))))).
+Initial nodes: 707
+END *)
theorem arity_appls_abbr:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i:
A).(\lambda (H3: (arity g c t x)).(\lambda (H4: (arity g c (THeads (Flat
Appl) t0 (lift (S i) O v)) (AHead x a))).(arity_appl g c t x H3 (THeads (Flat
Appl) t0 (TLRef i)) a (H0 (AHead x a) H4))))) H2))))))) vs))))))).
+Initial nodes: 425
+END *)
theorem arity_appls_bind:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (c:
a2))).(arity_appl g c t0 x (arity_gen_lift g (CHead c (Bind b) v) t0 x (S O)
O H4 c (drop_drop (Bind b) O c c (drop_refl c) v)) (THeads (Flat Appl) t1
(THead (Bind b) v t)) a2 (H1 (AHead x a2) H5))))) H3))))))) vs))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 567
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/fsubst0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/getl.ma".
theorem arity_gen_cvoid_subst0:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c t
nat).(\lambda (H3: (getl i c0 (CHead d (Bind Void) u))).(\lambda (w:
T).(\lambda (v: T).(\lambda (H4: (subst0 i w t0 v)).(\lambda (P: Prop).(H1 d
u i H3 w v H4 P)))))))))))))))) c t a H))))).
+Initial nodes: 4131
+END *)
theorem arity_gen_cvoid:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c t
x) (\lambda (t0: T).(ex T (\lambda (v: T).(eq T t0 (lift (S O) i v)))))
(ex_intro T (\lambda (v: T).(eq T (lift (S O) i x) (lift (S O) i v))) x
(refl_equal T (lift (S O) i x))) t H3))) H2))) H1))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 423
+END *)
theorem arity_fsubst0:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g
(\lambda (H7: (subst0 i u t t2)).(\lambda (H8: (csubst0 i u c
c2)).(arity_repl g c2 t2 a1 (H1 d1 u i H3 c2 t2 (fsubst0_both i u c t t2 H7
c2 H8)) a2 H2))) H6)) H5))))))))))))))))) c1 t1 a H))))).
+Initial nodes: 20387
+END *)
theorem arity_subst0:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c
(H0: (getl i c (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u))).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H1:
(subst0 i u t1 t2)).(arity_fsubst0 g c t1 a H d u i H0 c t2 (fsubst0_snd i u
c t1 t2 H1)))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 89
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/A/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/A/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/G/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/G/defs.ma".
definition asucc:
G \to (A \to A)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/asucc/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/asucc/defs.ma".
theorem asucc_gen_sort:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (a: A).((eq A
False])) I (asucc g (AHead a0 a1)) H1) in (False_ind (ex_2 nat nat (\lambda
(h0: nat).(\lambda (n0: nat).(eq A (AHead a0 a1) (ASort h0 n0))))) H2)))))))
+Initial nodes: 317
+END *)
theorem asucc_gen_head:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(\forall (a: A).((eq A
a1 a3) (AHead a1 a4))) (\lambda (a4: A).(eq A (asucc g a3) (asucc g a4))) a3
(refl_equal A (AHead a1 a3)) (refl_equal A (asucc g a3))) a2 H3))) a0 H4))))
H2))))))) a)))).
+Initial nodes: 957
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/defs.ma".
definition cimp:
C \to (C \to Prop)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/cimp/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/cimp/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/getl.ma".
theorem cimp_flat_sx:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(cimp (CHead c (Flat f) v)
b) w))))))).(\lambda (H0: (getl (S h0) (CHead c (Flat f) v) (CHead d1 (Bind
b) w))).(ex_intro C (\lambda (d2: C).(getl (S h0) c (CHead d2 (Bind b) w)))
d1 (getl_gen_S (Flat f) c (CHead d1 (Bind b) w) v h0 H0))))) h H)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 327
+END *)
theorem cimp_flat_dx:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(cimp c (CHead c (Flat f)
C).(\lambda (w: T).(\lambda (h: nat).(\lambda (H: (getl h c (CHead d1 (Bind
b) w))).(ex_intro C (\lambda (d2: C).(getl h (CHead c (Flat f) v) (CHead d2
(Bind b) w))) d1 (getl_flat c (CHead d1 (Bind b) w) h H f v))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 83
+END *)
theorem cimp_bind:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((cimp c1 c2) \to (\forall (b: B).(\forall
(\lambda (d2: C).(getl (S h0) (CHead c2 (Bind b) v) (CHead d2 (Bind b0) w)))
x (getl_head (Bind b) h0 c2 (CHead x (Bind b0) w) H3 v)))) H2)))))) h
+Initial nodes: 817
+END *)
theorem cimp_getl_conf:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((cimp c1 c2) \to (\forall (b: B).(\forall
b) w) (CHead x0 (Bind b0) w0))) H7 (S h) (minus_plus_r (S h) i)) in (ex_intro
C (\lambda (d2: C).(getl h x (CHead d2 (Bind b0) w0))) x0 (getl_gen_S (Bind
b) x (CHead x0 (Bind b0) w0) w h H8)))))))) H4))))))))) H2))) H1)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 673
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/defs.ma".
inductive clear: C \to (C \to Prop) \def
| clear_bind: \forall (b: B).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (u: T).(clear (CHead e
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma".
theorem drop_clear:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (i: nat).((drop (S i) O c1 c2) \to
(Bind b) v))))) (\lambda (_: B).(\lambda (e: C).(\lambda (_: T).(drop i O e
c2)))) x0 x1 x2 (clear_flat c (CHead x1 (Bind x0) x2) H3 f t) H4)))))) H2))))
k (drop_gen_drop k c c2 t i H0))))))))) c1).
+Initial nodes: 770
+END *)
theorem drop_clear_O:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (u: T).((clear c
F).(\lambda (H2: (clear (CHead c0 (Flat f) t) (CHead e1 (Bind b)
u))).(drop_drop (Flat f) i c0 e2 (H e1 u (clear_gen_flat f c0 (CHead e1 (Bind
b) u) t H2) e2 i H1) t))) k H0))))))))))) c)).
+Initial nodes: 619
+END *)
theorem drop_clear_S:
\forall (x2: C).(\forall (x1: C).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((drop
u)))) (\lambda (c1: C).(drop h d c1 c2)) x0 (clear_flat x (CHead x0 (Bind b)
(lift h d u)) H7 f (lift h (r (Flat f) d) t)) H8)))) H6))))) k H1 H3) x1
H2)))) (drop_gen_skip_r c x1 t h d k H0)))))))))))))) x2).
+Initial nodes: 1449
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/defs.ma".
theorem clear_gen_sort:
\forall (x: C).(\forall (n: nat).((clear (CSort n) x) \to (\forall (P:
(ee: C).(match ee in C return (\lambda (_: C).Prop) with [(CSort _)
\Rightarrow False | (CHead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I (CSort n) H3) in
(False_ind P H4))))))))) y x H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 215
+END *)
theorem clear_gen_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (u: T).((clear
(_: K).Prop) with [(Bind _) \Rightarrow False | (Flat _) \Rightarrow
True])])) I (CHead e (Bind b) u) H3) in (False_ind (eq C c (CHead e0 (Flat f)
u0)) H4))))))))) y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 525
+END *)
theorem clear_gen_flat:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (u: T).((clear
(eq_ind C e0 (\lambda (c0: C).((eq C c0 (CHead e (Flat f) u)) \to (clear e
c))) H2 e H8) in (let H10 \def (eq_ind C e0 (\lambda (c0: C).(clear c0 c)) H1
e H8) in H10))))) H5)) H4))))))))) y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 453
+END *)
theorem clear_gen_flat_r:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (u: T).((clear x
u)) \to P)) H2 (CHead e (Flat f) u) H3) in (let H5 \def (eq_ind C c (\lambda
(c0: C).(clear e0 c0)) H1 (CHead e (Flat f) u) H3) in (H4 (refl_equal C
(CHead e (Flat f) u)))))))))))) x y H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 303
+END *)
theorem clear_gen_all:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((clear c1 c2) \to (ex_3 B C T (\lambda (b:
C T (\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (e0: C).(\lambda (u0: T).(eq C (CHead x1 (Bind
x0) x2) (CHead e0 (Bind b) u0))))) x0 x1 x2 (refl_equal C (CHead x1 (Bind x0)
x2))) c H3)))))) H2)))))))) c1 c2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 381
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma".
theorem clear_clear:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((clear c1 c2) \to (clear c2 c2)))
(clear_bind b c t) c2 (clear_gen_bind b c c2 t H1)))) (\lambda (f:
F).(\lambda (H1: (clear (CHead c (Flat f) t) c2)).(H c2 (clear_gen_flat f c
c2 t H1)))) k H0))))))) c1).
+Initial nodes: 199
+END *)
theorem clear_mono:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (c1: C).((clear c c1) \to (\forall (c2: C).((clear c
H3))))) (\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (H2: (clear (CHead c0 (Flat f) t)
c1)).(\lambda (H3: (clear (CHead c0 (Flat f) t) c2)).(H c1 (clear_gen_flat f
c0 c1 t H2) c2 (clear_gen_flat f c0 c2 t H3))))) k H0 H1))))))))) c).
+Initial nodes: 357
+END *)
theorem clear_trans:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c: C).((clear c1 c) \to (\forall (c2: C).((clear c
c (Bind b) t) c3)) (clear_bind b c t) c2 (clear_gen_bind b c c2 t H3)))))
(\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (H2: (clear (CHead c (Flat f) t) c0)).(clear_flat c
c2 (H c0 (clear_gen_flat f c c0 t H2) c2 H1) f t))) k H0))))))))) c1).
+Initial nodes: 299
+END *)
theorem clear_ctail:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (u2: T).((clear c1
(clear (CHead c (Flat f) t) (CHead c2 (Bind b) u2))).(clear_flat (CTail k0 u1
c) (CHead (CTail k0 u1 c2) (Bind b) u2) (H c2 u2 (clear_gen_flat f c (CHead
c2 (Bind b) u2) t H1) k0 u1) f t))) k H0)))))))))) c1)).
+Initial nodes: 819
+END *)
theorem clear_cle:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((clear c1 c2) \to (cle c2 c1)))
c2 t H1)))) (\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (H1: (clear (CHead c (Flat f) t)
c2)).(le_plus_trans (cweight c2) (cweight c) (tweight t) (H c2
(clear_gen_flat f c c2 t H1))))) k H0))))))) c1).
+Initial nodes: 247
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/s/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/s/defs.ma".
definition clen:
C \to nat
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clen/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clen/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/props.ma".
theorem getl_ctail_clen:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (c: C).(ex nat (\lambda (n:
F).(ex_intro nat (\lambda (n: nat).(getl (clen c0) (CHead (CTail (Bind b) t
c0) (Flat f) t0) (CHead (CSort n) (Bind b) t))) x (getl_flat (CTail (Bind b)
t c0) (CHead (CSort x) (Bind b) t) (clen c0) H1 f t0))) k))) H0)))))) c))).
+Initial nodes: 459
+END *)
theorem getl_gen_tail:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (b: B).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).(\forall
(Bind b)) (refl_equal T u1) (refl_equal C (CSort x0)))) (s k0 (r k0 n)) (s_r
k0 n)) (clen c) H4) k H5))) u2 H6))) c2 H7)))))))) H3)) H2)))))) i))))))
+Initial nodes: 7489
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/defs.ma".
inductive cnt: T \to Prop \def
| cnt_sort: \forall (n: nat).(cnt (TSort n))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/cnt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/cnt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/fwd.ma".
theorem cnt_lift:
\forall (t: T).((cnt t) \to (\forall (i: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(cnt (lift i
nat).(\lambda (d: nat).(eq_ind_r T (THead k (lift i d v) (lift i (s k d) t0))
(\lambda (t1: T).(cnt t1)) (cnt_head (lift i (s k d) t0) (H1 i (s k d)) k
(lift i d v)) (lift i d (THead k v t0)) (lift_head k v t0 i d))))))))) t H)).
+Initial nodes: 191
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csuba/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csuba/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubv/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubv/getl.ma".
theorem csuba_arity:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c1
g c2 t0 a1))))).(\lambda (a2: A).(\lambda (H2: (leq g a1 a2)).(\lambda (c2:
C).(\lambda (H3: (csuba g c c2)).(arity_repl g c2 t0 a1 (H1 c2 H3) a2
H2)))))))))) c1 t a H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1505
+END *)
theorem csuba_arity_rev:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c1
(a2: A).(\lambda (H2: (leq g a1 a2)).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (H3: (csuba g
c2 c)).(\lambda (H4: (csubv c2 c)).(arity_repl g c2 t0 a1 (H1 c2 H3 H4) a2
H2))))))))))) c1 t a H))))).
+Initial nodes: 3597
+END *)
theorem arity_appls_appl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (a1: A).((arity g c
(AHead x a2))).(arity_appl g c t0 x H4 (THeads (Flat Appl) t1 (THead (Flat
Appl) v (THead (Bind Abst) u t))) a2 (H1 (AHead x a2) H5))))) H3)))))))
+Initial nodes: 687
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csuba/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma".
theorem csuba_clear_conf:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csuba g c1 c2) \to
(\lambda (e2: C).(clear (CHead c4 (Bind Abbr) u) e2)) (CHead c4 (Bind Abbr)
u) (csuba_abst g c3 c4 H0 t a H2 u H3) (clear_bind Abbr c4 u)) e1
(clear_gen_bind Abst c3 e1 t H4))))))))))))) c1 c2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 937
+END *)
theorem csuba_clear_trans:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csuba g c2 c1) \to
(\lambda (e2: C).(clear (CHead c3 (Bind Abst) t) e2)) (CHead c3 (Bind Abst)
t) (csuba_abst g c3 c4 H0 t a H2 u H3) (clear_bind Abst c3 t)) e1
(clear_gen_bind Abbr c4 e1 u H4))))))))))))) c2 c1 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 937
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/defs.ma".
inductive csuba (g: G): C \to (C \to Prop) \def
| csuba_sort: \forall (n: nat).(csuba g (CSort n) (CSort n))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csuba/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma".
theorem csuba_drop_abbr:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (u: T).((drop i
d1 d2)) x (drop_drop (Flat f) n x0 (CHead x (Bind Abbr) u) H9 x1) H10))))
H8)) c2 H6))))) H5)))))) k H2 (drop_gen_drop k c (CHead d1 (Bind Abbr) u) t n
H1)))))))))))) c1)))) i).
+Initial nodes: 3648
+END *)
theorem csuba_drop_abst:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (u1: T).((drop i
A).(arity g d2 u2 a)))) x2 x3 x4 (drop_drop (Flat f) n x0 (CHead x2 (Bind
Abbr) x3) H10 x1) H11 H12 H13))))))))) H9)) H8)) c2 H6))))) H5)))))) k H2
(drop_gen_drop k c (CHead d1 (Bind Abst) u1) t n H1)))))))))))) c1)))) i).
+Initial nodes: 12528
+END *)
theorem csuba_drop_abst_rev:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (u: T).((drop i
(drop_drop (Flat f) n x0 (CHead x2 (Bind Void) x3) H10 x1) H11)))))) H9))
H8)) c2 H6))))) H5)))))) k H2 (drop_gen_drop k c (CHead d1 (Bind Abst) u) t n
H1)))))))))))) c1)))) i).
+Initial nodes: 11438
+END *)
theorem csuba_drop_abbr_rev:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (u1: T).((drop i
(d2: C).(\lambda (_: T).(csuba g d2 d1))) x2 x3 (drop_drop (Flat f) n x0
(CHead x2 (Bind Void) x3) H10 x1) H11)))))) H9)) H8)) c2 H6))))) H5)))))) k
H2 (drop_gen_drop k c (CHead d1 (Bind Abbr) u1) t n H1)))))))))))) c1)))) i).
+Initial nodes: 23852
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csuba/defs.ma".
theorem csuba_gen_abbr:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).((csuba g
u) H5) in (False_ind (ex2 C (\lambda (d2: C).(eq C (CHead c2 (Bind Abbr) u0)
(CHead d2 (Bind Abbr) u))) (\lambda (d2: C).(csuba g d1 d2))) H6))))))))))))
y c H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1117
+END *)
theorem csuba_gen_void:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).((csuba g
C).(\lambda (u2: T).(eq C (CHead c2 (Bind Abbr) u) (CHead d2 (Bind b) u2)))))
(\lambda (_: B).(\lambda (d2: C).(\lambda (_: T).(csuba g d1 d2)))))
H6)))))))))))) y c H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1418
+END *)
theorem csuba_gen_abst:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).((csuba g
a0))))) (\lambda (d2: C).(\lambda (u2: T).(\lambda (a0: A).(arity g d2 u2
a0)))) c2 u a (refl_equal C (CHead c2 (Bind Abbr) u)) H12 H10 H4))))))))
H6)))))))))))) y c H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 2550
+END *)
theorem csuba_gen_flat:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall
T (\lambda (d2: C).(\lambda (u2: T).(eq C (CHead c2 (Bind Abbr) u) (CHead d2
(Flat f) u2)))) (\lambda (d2: C).(\lambda (_: T).(csuba g d1 d2))))
H6)))))))))))) y c H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1183
+END *)
theorem csuba_gen_bind:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (b1: B).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall
(Bind b2) v2))))) (\lambda (_: B).(\lambda (e2: C).(\lambda (_: T).(csuba g
e1 e2)))) Abbr c3 u (refl_equal C (CHead c3 (Bind Abbr) u)) H14))))))))) H7))
H6)))))))))))) y c2 H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1889
+END *)
theorem csuba_gen_abst_rev:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).((csuba g c
d1))) (ex2_2 C T (\lambda (d2: C).(\lambda (u2: T).(eq C (CHead c1 (Bind
Abst) t) (CHead d2 (Bind Void) u2)))) (\lambda (d2: C).(\lambda (_: T).(csuba
g d2 d1))))) H6)))))))))))) c y H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1980
+END *)
theorem csuba_gen_void_rev:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).((csuba g c
d1 (Bind Void) u) H5) in (False_ind (ex2 C (\lambda (d2: C).(eq C (CHead c1
(Bind Abst) t) (CHead d2 (Bind Void) u))) (\lambda (d2: C).(csuba g d2 d1)))
H6)))))))))))) c y H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1326
+END *)
theorem csuba_gen_abbr_rev:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).((csuba g c
(asucc g a0))))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (a0: A).(arity g d1
u1 a0)))) c1 t a (refl_equal C (CHead c1 (Bind Abst) t)) H12 H3 H10))))))))
H6)))))))))))) c y H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 3459
+END *)
theorem csuba_gen_flat_rev:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall
T (\lambda (d2: C).(\lambda (u2: T).(eq C (CHead c1 (Bind Abst) t) (CHead d2
(Flat f) u2)))) (\lambda (d2: C).(\lambda (_: T).(csuba g d2 d1))))
H6)))))))))))) c y H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1183
+END *)
theorem csuba_gen_bind_rev:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (b1: B).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall
v2))))) (\lambda (_: B).(\lambda (e2: C).(\lambda (_: T).(csuba g e2 e1))))
Abst c1 t (refl_equal C (CHead c1 (Bind Abst) t)) H14))))))))) H7))
H6)))))))))))) c2 y H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1831
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csuba/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csuba/clear.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/clear.ma".
theorem csuba_getl_abbr:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall
(\lambda (d2: C).(csuba g d1 d2)) x9 (getl_clear_bind x6 c2 x7 x8 H20 (CHead
x9 (Bind Abbr) u) n H22) H23)))) H21)))))))) H17)))))) H14))))))) H11))))))))
i) H7))))) k H3 H4))))))) x H1 H2)))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 2319
+END *)
theorem csuba_getl_abst:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall
c2 x7 x8 H20 (CHead x9 (Bind Abbr) x10) n H23) H24 H25 H26))))))))) H22))
H21)))))))) H17)))))) H14))))))) H11)))))))) i) H7))))) k H3 H4))))))) x H1
H2)))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 6437
+END *)
theorem csuba_getl_abst_rev:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall
(getl_clear_bind x6 c2 x7 x8 H20 (CHead x9 (Bind Void) x10) n H23) H24))))))
H22)) H21)))))))) H17)))))) H14))))))) H11)))))))) i) H7))))) k H3 H4)))))))
x H1 H2)))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 4703
+END *)
theorem csuba_getl_abbr_rev:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall
(getl_clear_bind x6 c2 x7 x8 H20 (CHead x9 (Bind Void) x10) n H23) H24))))))
H22)) H21)))))))) H17)))))) H14))))))) H11)))))))) i) H7))))) k H3 H4)))))))
x H1 H2)))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 9091
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csuba/defs.ma".
theorem csuba_refl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(csuba g c c))
\lambda (g: G).(\lambda (c: C).(C_ind (\lambda (c0: C).(csuba g c0 c0))
(\lambda (n: nat).(csuba_sort g n)) (\lambda (c0: C).(\lambda (H: (csuba g c0
c0)).(\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (t: T).(csuba_head g c0 c0 H k t))))) c)).
+Initial nodes: 53
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/csuba.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/csuba.ma".
theorem csubc_arity_conf:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubc g c1 c2) \to
\lambda (g: G).(\lambda (c1: C).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (H: (csubc g c1
c2)).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (a: A).(\lambda (H0: (arity g c1 t
a)).(csuba_arity g c1 t a H0 c2 (csubc_csuba g c1 c2 H)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 51
+END *)
theorem csubc_arity_trans:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubc g c1 c2) \to
c2)).(\lambda (H0: (csubv c1 c2)).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (a: A).(\lambda
(H1: (arity g c2 t a)).(csuba_arity_rev g c2 t a H1 c1 (csubc_csuba g c1 c2
H) H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 59
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/fwd.ma".
theorem csubc_clear_conf:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (e1: C).((clear c1 e1) \to (\forall
_) \Rightarrow True])) I (Bind Void) H6) in (False_ind (ex2 C (\lambda (e2:
C).(clear (CHead x1 (Bind x0) x2) e2)) (\lambda (e2: C).(csubc g c e2))) H9))
c2 H5)))))))) H4)) H3))))))))))) c1 e1 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 2837
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sc3/props.ma".
theorem csubc_csuba:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubc g c1 c2) \to (csuba
T).(\lambda (a: A).(\lambda (H2: (sc3 g (asucc g a) c3 v)).(\lambda (w:
T).(\lambda (H3: (sc3 g a c4 w)).(csuba_abst g c3 c4 H1 v a (sc3_arity_gen g
c3 v (asucc g a) H2) w (sc3_arity_gen g c4 w a H3))))))))))) c1 c2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 231
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sc3/defs.ma".
inductive csubc (g: G): C \to (C \to Prop) \def
| csubc_sort: \forall (n: nat).(csubc g (CSort n) (CSort n))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sc3/props.ma".
theorem csubc_drop_conf_O:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (h: nat).((drop h
e1 x)).(ex_intro2 C (\lambda (e2: C).(drop (S n) O (CHead x1 (Bind x0) x2)
e2)) (\lambda (e2: C).(csubc g e1 e2)) x (drop_drop (Bind x0) n x1 x H12 x2)
H13)))) H11))))) c2 H5)))))))) H4)) H3)))))))) h))))))) c1)).
+Initial nodes: 2389
+END *)
theorem drop_csubc_trans:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (e2: C).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall
x2 x4) (csubc_void g c x H19 x2 H13 (lift h (r (Bind Void) n) x1) (lift h n
x4)))))) H17))) k H12))) e1 H11)))))))) H10)) H9))) t H4)))))))))
(drop_gen_skip_l c e2 t h n k H1)))))))) d))))))) c2)).
+Initial nodes: 3747
+END *)
theorem csubc_drop_conf_rev:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (e2: C).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall
(drop_skip_bind h n x x3 H18 Void x4) (csubc_void g x c H19 x2 H13 (lift h n
x4) (lift h (r (Bind x2) n) x1)))))) H17))) k H12))) e1 H11)))))))) H10))
H9))) t H4))))))))) (drop_gen_skip_l c e2 t h n k H1)))))))) d))))))) c2)).
+Initial nodes: 3747
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/drop.ma".
theorem drop1_csubc_trans:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (e2:
x1 x0)).(\lambda (H10: (csubc g c2 x1)).(ex_intro2 C (\lambda (c1: C).(drop1
(PCons n n0 p) c1 e1)) (\lambda (c1: C).(csubc g c2 c1)) x1 (drop1_cons x1 x0
n n0 H9 e1 p H6) H10)))) H8)))))) H5)))))) H2)))))))))))) hds)).
+Initial nodes: 551
+END *)
theorem csubc_drop1_conf_rev:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (e2:
x1 x0)).(\lambda (H10: (csubc g x1 c2)).(ex_intro2 C (\lambda (c1: C).(drop1
(PCons n n0 p) c1 e1)) (\lambda (c1: C).(csubc g c1 c2)) x1 (drop1_cons x1 x0
n n0 H9 e1 p H6) H10)))) H8)))))) H5)))))) H2)))))))))))) hds)).
+Initial nodes: 551
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/defs.ma".
theorem csubc_gen_sort_l:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (n: nat).((csubc g (CSort n) x) \to
(\lambda (_: C).Prop) with [(CSort _) \Rightarrow False | (CHead _ _ _)
\Rightarrow True])) I (CSort n) H5) in (False_ind (eq C (CHead c2 (Bind Abbr)
w) (CHead c1 (Bind Abst) v)) H6)))))))))))) y x H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 533
+END *)
theorem csubc_gen_head_l:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (k:
g a0 c3 w0)))) c2 w a (refl_equal K (Bind Abst)) (refl_equal C (CHead c2
(Bind Abbr) w)) H14 H12 H4)) k H9))))))))) H7)) H6)))))))))))) y x H0)))
+Initial nodes: 5205
+END *)
theorem csubc_gen_sort_r:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (n: nat).((csubc g x (CSort n)) \to
(\lambda (_: C).Prop) with [(CSort _) \Rightarrow False | (CHead _ _ _)
\Rightarrow True])) I (CSort n) H5) in (False_ind (eq C (CHead c1 (Bind Abst)
v) (CHead c2 (Bind Abbr) w)) H6)))))))))))) x y H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 533
+END *)
theorem csubc_gen_head_r:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (k:
A).(sc3 g a0 c2 w)))) c1 v a (refl_equal K (Bind Abbr)) (refl_equal C (CHead
c1 (Bind Abst) v)) H14 H3 H12)) k H9))))))))) H7)) H6)))))))))))) x y H0)))
+Initial nodes: 5197
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/clear.ma".
theorem csubc_getl_conf:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i
x1)).(\lambda (H9: (csubc g e1 x1)).(ex_intro2 C (\lambda (e2: C).(getl i c2
e2)) (\lambda (e2: C).(csubc g e1 e2)) x1 (getl_intro i c2 x1 x0 H5 H8)
H9)))) H7)))))) H4)))))) H1)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 315
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sc3/props.ma".
theorem csubc_refl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(csubc g c c))
\lambda (g: G).(\lambda (c: C).(C_ind (\lambda (c0: C).(csubc g c0 c0))
(\lambda (n: nat).(csubc_sort g n)) (\lambda (c0: C).(\lambda (H: (csubc g c0
c0)).(\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (t: T).(csubc_head g c0 c0 H k t))))) c)).
+Initial nodes: 53
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma".
theorem csubst0_clear_O:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (v: T).((csubst0 O v c1 c2) \to
t x0)) H5 O H8) in (clear_flat x1 c0 (H x1 v H9 c0 (clear_gen_flat f c c0 t
H7)) f x0)))))) k H1 H3) c2 H4)))))))) H2)) (csubst0_gen_head k c c2 t v O
H0))))))))))) c1).
+Initial nodes: 1582
+END *)
theorem csubst0_clear_O_back:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (v: T).((csubst0 O v c1 c2) \to
(n: nat).(subst0 n v t x0)) H5 O H8) in (clear_flat c c0 (H x1 v H10 c0
(clear_gen_flat f x1 c0 x0 H9)) f t)))))) k H3 H7))))))))) H2))
(csubst0_gen_head k c c2 t v O H0))))))))))) c1).
+Initial nodes: 1606
+END *)
theorem csubst0_clear_S:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i: nat).((csubst0
T).(\lambda (_: T).(csubst0 i v e1 e2)))))) x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 H14 (clear_flat x1
(CHead x5 (Bind x3) x7) H15 f x0) H16 H17))))))))))) H13)) H12)))))))) k H1
H3) c2 H4)))))))) H2)) (csubst0_gen_head k c c2 t v (S i) H0)))))))))))) c1).
+Initial nodes: 14968
+END *)
theorem csubst0_clear_trans:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i: nat).((csubst0
(\lambda (e1: C).(csubst0 i0 v0 e1 e2)) (\lambda (e1: C).(clear (CHead c3
(Flat f) u1) e1)) x H7 (clear_flat c3 x H8 f u1)))))) H6)) H5))))) k
H3))))))))))))) i v c1 c2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 2085
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/defs.ma".
inductive csubst0: nat \to (T \to (C \to (C \to Prop))) \def
| csubst0_snd: \forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (u1:
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/s/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/s/props.ma".
theorem csubst0_drop_gt:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (i: nat).((lt i n) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
f) n0 x1 e (H12 x1 v H8 e H11) x0)))) H14)) (lt_gen_xS x2 n0 H13)))))) k
(drop_gen_drop k c e t n0 H3) H9 H10))) c2 H6)))))))) H4)) (csubst0_gen_head
k c c2 t v i H2))))))))))) c1)))))) n).
+Initial nodes: 3092
+END *)
theorem csubst0_drop_gt_back:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (i: nat).((lt i n) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
x))).(\lambda (_: (lt x n0)).(drop_drop (Flat f) n0 c e (H12 x1 v H8 e H14)
t)))) H15)) (lt_gen_xS x2 n0 H13)))))) k H10 H11 (drop_gen_drop k x1 e x0 n0
H9)))))))))))) H4)) (csubst0_gen_head k c c2 t v i H2))))))))))) c1)))))) n).
+Initial nodes: 2989
+END *)
theorem csubst0_drop_lt:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (i: nat).((lt n i) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
x7) H16 x0) H17 H18)) e H15)))))))))) H14)) H13)))))) k (drop_gen_drop k c e
t n0 H2) H8 H9) i H4))) c2 H5)))))))) H3)) (csubst0_gen_head k c c2 t v i
H1))))))))))) c1)))))) n).
+Initial nodes: 39886
+END *)
theorem csubst0_drop_eq:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (v: T).((csubst0
(Flat x3) x7) H15 x0) H16 H17)) e H14)))))))))) H13)) H12)))))))) k
(drop_gen_drop k c e t n0 H1) H3) c2 H4)))))))) H2)) (csubst0_gen_head k c c2
t v (S n0) H0))))))))))) c1)))) n).
+Initial nodes: 36162
+END *)
theorem csubst0_drop_eq_back:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (v: T).((csubst0
x3) x7)) (drop_drop (Flat f) n0 c (CHead x4 (Flat x3) x6) H16 t) H17 H18)) e
H15)))))))))) H14)) H13)))))))) k H3 (drop_gen_drop k x1 e x0 n0 H7))))))))))
H2)) (csubst0_gen_head k c c2 t v (S n0) H0))))))))))) c1)))) n).
+Initial nodes: 34765
+END *)
theorem csubst0_drop_lt_back:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (i: nat).((lt n i) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
H16 (drop_drop (Flat f) n0 c x H17 t)))))) H15)) H14))))))) k H9 H10
(drop_gen_drop k x1 e2 x0 n0 H8)) i H4))))))))))) H3)) (csubst0_gen_head k c
c2 t v i H1))))))))))) c1)))))) n).
+Initial nodes: 5939
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/defs.ma".
theorem csubst0_gen_sort:
\forall (x: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((csubst0
C).(match ee in C return (\lambda (_: C).Prop) with [(CSort _) \Rightarrow
False | (CHead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I (CSort n) H4) in (False_ind P
H5))))))))))))) i v y x H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 355
+END *)
theorem csubst0_gen_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall
u3)))) (\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (c3: C).(\lambda (j: nat).(csubst0 j v0 c1
c3)))) u2 c2 i0 (refl_equal nat (s k i0)) (refl_equal C (CHead c2 k u2)) H12
H11)) k0 H8))))))) H6)) H5))))))))))))) i v y x H0))) H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 4039
+END *)
theorem csubst0_gen_S_bind_2:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall
T).(eq C (CHead c1 (Bind b) u1) (CHead c3 (Bind b) v1)))) c1 u1 H19 H18
(refl_equal C (CHead c1 (Bind b) u1)))))))) k H10)))))))) H8))
H7)))))))))))))) y0 v x y H1))) H0))) H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 3878
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/clear.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/fwd.ma".
theorem csubst0_getl_ge:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((le i n) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
H11 (clear_flat x2 e (csubst0_clear_O x1 x2 v H13 e (clear_gen_flat x0 x1 e
x3 H14)) x0 x4)))))))))))) H9)) H8)) n H5)))) (\lambda (H5: (lt n
i)).(le_lt_false i n H H5 (getl n c2 e))))))) H2)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1525
+END *)
theorem csubst0_getl_lt:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((lt n i) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
(getl_intro n c2 (CHead x7 (Bind x5) x9) (CHead x2 (Flat f) x4) H12
(clear_flat x2 (CHead x7 (Bind x5) x9) H20 f x4)) H21 H22)) e H19))))))))))
H18)) H17)))))))) x0 H8 H9 H10 H11))))))))))) H6)) H5))))) H2)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 17179
+END *)
theorem csubst0_getl_ge_back:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((le i n) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
H11 (clear_flat x1 e (csubst0_clear_O_back x1 x2 v H13 e (clear_gen_flat x0
x2 e x4 H14)) x0 x3)))))))))))) H9)) H8)) n H5)))) (\lambda (H5: (lt n
i)).(le_lt_false i n H H5 (getl n c1 e))))))) H2)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1525
+END *)
theorem csubst0_getl_lt_back:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (i: nat).((lt n i) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
C).(getl n c1 e1))) (ex_intro2 C (\lambda (e1: C).(csubst0 (minus i n) v e1
e2)) (\lambda (e1: C).(getl n c1 e1)) x1 H11 (getl_intro n c1 x1 x0 H8
H12)))))) H10)) H9)))))) H6)) H5)))))) H2)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 801
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/defs.ma".
theorem csubst0_snd_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall
b) i) (\lambda (n: nat).(csubst0 n v (CHead c (Bind b) u1) (CHead c (Bind b)
u2))) (csubst0_snd (Bind b) i v u1 u2 H c) (S i) (refl_equal nat (S
+Initial nodes: 91
+END *)
theorem csubst0_fst_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall
(v: T).(\lambda (H: (csubst0 i v c1 c2)).(\lambda (u: T).(eq_ind nat (s (Bind
b) i) (\lambda (n: nat).(csubst0 n v (CHead c1 (Bind b) u) (CHead c2 (Bind b)
u))) (csubst0_fst (Bind b) i c1 c2 v H u) (S i) (refl_equal nat (S i))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 91
+END *)
theorem csubst0_both_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall
nat).(csubst0 n v (CHead c1 (Bind b) u1) (CHead c2 (Bind b) u2)))
(csubst0_both (Bind b) i v u1 u2 H c1 c2 H0) (S i) (refl_equal nat (S
+Initial nodes: 107
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/defs.ma".
inductive csubst1 (i: nat) (v: T) (c1: C): C \to Prop \def
| csubst1_refl: csubst1 i v c1 c1
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst1/props.ma".
theorem csubst1_gen_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall
(\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (c3: C).(csubst1 i v c1 c3))) x0 x1 (refl_equal C
(CHead x1 k x0)) (subst1_single i v u1 x0 H7) (csubst1_sing i v c1 x1 H6))))
c2 H3)))))))) H1)) (csubst0_gen_head k c1 c2 u1 v (s k i) H0)))) x H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1817
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/props.ma".
theorem csubst1_getl_ge:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((le i n) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
(getl n c e)))) (\lambda (e: C).(\lambda (H1: (getl n c1 e)).H1)) (\lambda
(c3: C).(\lambda (H1: (csubst0 i v c1 c3)).(\lambda (e: C).(\lambda (H2:
(getl n c1 e)).(csubst0_getl_ge i n H c1 c3 v H1 e H2))))) c2 H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 111
+END *)
theorem csubst1_getl_lt:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((lt n i) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
(csubst1_sing (S (minus i (S n))) v (CHead x1 (Bind x0) x3) (CHead x2 (Bind
x0) x4) (csubst0_both_bind x0 (minus i (S n)) v x3 x4 H7 x1 x2 H8)) H6) e1
H5)))))))))) H4)) H3)) (minus i n) (minus_x_Sy i n H)))))) c2 H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 2035
+END *)
theorem csubst1_getl_ge_back:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((le i n) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
(getl n c1 e)))) (\lambda (e: C).(\lambda (H1: (getl n c1 e)).H1)) (\lambda
(c3: C).(\lambda (H1: (csubst0 i v c1 c3)).(\lambda (e: C).(\lambda (H2:
(getl n c3 e)).(csubst0_getl_ge_back i n H c1 c3 v H1 e H2))))) c2 H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 111
+END *)
theorem getl_csubst1:
\forall (d: nat).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (u: T).((getl d c
n) a0 a))) (CHead x0 (Flat f) (lift (S O) (S n) x)) (CHead x1 (Flat f) x)
(csubst1_flat f (S n) u t (lift (S O) (S n) x) H3 c0 x0 H5) (drop_skip_flat
(S O) n x0 x1 H6 f x)))))) H4)))) H2)))))))) k)))) c)))) d).
+Initial nodes: 2467
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst1/defs.ma".
theorem csubst1_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall
(csubst0_snd k i v u1 t2 H0 c1)) (\lambda (c3: C).(\lambda (H2: (csubst0 i v
c1 c3)).(csubst1_sing (s k i) v (CHead c1 k u1) (CHead c3 k t2) (csubst0_both
k i v u1 t2 H0 c1 c3 H2)))) c2 H1)))))) u2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 365
+END *)
theorem csubst1_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall
nat).(csubst1 n v (CHead c1 (Bind b) u1) (CHead c2 (Bind b) u2)))
(csubst1_head (Bind b) i v u1 u2 H c1 c2 H0) (S i) (refl_equal nat (S
+Initial nodes: 107
+END *)
theorem csubst1_flat:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall
C).(\lambda (H0: (csubst1 i v c1 c2)).(eq_ind nat (s (Flat f) i) (\lambda (n:
nat).(csubst1 n v (CHead c1 (Flat f) u1) (CHead c2 (Flat f) u2)))
(csubst1_head (Flat f) i v u1 u2 H c1 c2 H0) i (refl_equal nat i)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 103
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma".
theorem csubt_clear_conf:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubt g c1 c2) \to
(Bind Abbr) u) e2)) (CHead c4 (Bind Abbr) u) (csubt_abst g c3 c4 H0 u t H2
H3) (clear_bind Abbr c4 u)) e1 (clear_gen_bind Abst c3 e1 t H4)))))))))))) c1
c2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 929
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/arity.ma".
theorem csubt_csuba:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubt g c1 c2) \to (csuba
(x: A).(\lambda (H5: (arity g c3 u x)).(\lambda (H6: (arity g c3 t (asucc g
x))).(csuba_abst g c3 c4 H1 t x H6 u (csuba_arity g c3 u x H5 c4 H1)))))
H4))))))))))) c1 c2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 313
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/defs.ma".
inductive csubt (g: G): C \to (C \to Prop) \def
| csubt_sort: \forall (n: nat).(csubt g (CSort n) (CSort n))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma".
theorem csubt_drop_flat:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (f: F).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall
u0))) x H6 (drop_drop (Bind Abbr) n0 c3 (CHead x (Flat f) u0) H7 u))))) (H c0
c3 H1 d1 u0 (drop_gen_drop (Bind Abst) c0 (CHead d1 (Flat f) u0) t n0
H5)))))))))))))) c1 c2 H0)))))) n))).
+Initial nodes: 2090
+END *)
theorem csubt_drop_abbr:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubt g
(CHead d2 (Bind Abbr) u0))) x H6 (drop_drop (Bind Abbr) n0 c3 (CHead x (Bind
Abbr) u0) H7 u))))) (H c0 c3 H1 d1 u0 (drop_gen_drop (Bind Abst) c0 (CHead d1
(Bind Abbr) u0) t n0 H5)))))))))))))) c1 c2 H0)))))) n)).
+Initial nodes: 2084
+END *)
theorem csubt_drop_abst:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubt g
g d2 u0 t0))) x0 x1 H7 (drop_drop (Bind Abbr) n0 c3 (CHead x0 (Bind Abbr) x1)
H8 u) H9 H10)))))))) H6)) (H c0 c3 H1 d1 t0 (drop_gen_drop (Bind Abst) c0
(CHead d1 (Bind Abst) t0) t n0 H5)))))))))))))) c1 c2 H0)))))) n)).
+Initial nodes: 7940
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/defs.ma".
theorem csubt_gen_abbr:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (v: T).((csubt g
_) \Rightarrow False])])) I (CHead e1 (Bind Abbr) v) H5) in (False_ind (ex2 C
(\lambda (e2: C).(eq C (CHead c3 (Bind Abbr) u) (CHead e2 (Bind Abbr) v)))
(\lambda (e2: C).(csubt g e1 e2))) H6))))))))))) y c2 H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1111
+END *)
theorem csubt_gen_abst:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (v1: T).((csubt g
g e1 e2))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda (v2: T).(ty3 g e1 v2 v1))) (\lambda (e2:
C).(\lambda (v2: T).(ty3 g e2 v2 v1))) c3 u (refl_equal C (CHead c3 (Bind
Abbr) u)) H13 H11 H9))))))))) H6))))))))))) y c2 H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 2362
+END *)
theorem csubt_gen_flat:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall
False])])) I (CHead e1 (Flat f) v) H5) in (False_ind (ex2 C (\lambda (e2:
C).(eq C (CHead c3 (Bind Abbr) u) (CHead e2 (Flat f) v))) (\lambda (e2:
C).(csubt g e1 e2))) H6))))))))))) y c2 H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1103
+END *)
theorem csubt_gen_bind:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (b1: B).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall
(Bind b2) v2))))) (\lambda (_: B).(\lambda (e2: C).(\lambda (_: T).(csubt g
e1 e2)))) Abbr c3 u (refl_equal C (CHead c3 (Bind Abbr) u)) H15))))))))))
H7)) H6))))))))))) y c2 H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1899
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/clear.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/clear.ma".
theorem csubt_getl_abbr:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall
(getl_clear_bind x6 c2 x7 x8 H20 (CHead x9 (Bind Abbr) u) n0 H23)))))
H21)))))))) H17))))) H14))))))) H11)))))))) n) H7))))) k H3 H4))))))) x H1
H2)))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 2313
+END *)
theorem csubt_getl_abst:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall
g d2 u t))) x9 x10 H23 (getl_clear_bind x6 c2 x7 x8 H20 (CHead x9 (Bind Abbr)
x10) n0 H24) H25 H26)))))))) H22)) H21)))))))) H17))))) H14)))))))
H11)))))))) n) H7))))) k H3 H4))))))) x H1 H2)))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 5861
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/left.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/left.ma".
theorem csubt_pr2:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c1
i c2 (CHead d2 (Bind Abbr) u))) (pr2 c2 t3 t) (\lambda (x: C).(\lambda (_:
(csubt g d x)).(\lambda (H6: (getl i c2 (CHead x (Bind Abbr) u))).(pr2_delta
c2 x u i H6 t3 t4 H1 t H2)))) H4)))))))))))))) c1 t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 245
+END *)
theorem csubt_pc3:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3 c1
(c2: C).((csubt g c1 c2) \to (pc3 c2 t0 t4))))).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda
(H3: (csubt g c1 c2)).(pc3_t t0 c2 t3 (pc3_pr2_x c2 t3 t0 (csubt_pr2 g c1 t0
t3 H0 c2 H3)) t4 (H2 c2 H3)))))))))) t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 245
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/defs.ma".
theorem csubt_refl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(csubt g c c))
\lambda (g: G).(\lambda (c: C).(C_ind (\lambda (c0: C).(csubt g c0 c0))
(\lambda (n: nat).(csubt_sort g n)) (\lambda (c0: C).(\lambda (H: (csubt g c0
c0)).(\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (t: T).(csubt_head g c0 c0 H k t))))) c)).
+Initial nodes: 53
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/pc3.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/pc3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/props.ma".
theorem csubt_ty3:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((ty3 g c1
T).(\lambda (_: (ty3 g c t3 t4)).(\lambda (H3: ((\forall (c2: C).((csubt g c
c2) \to (ty3 g c2 t3 t4))))).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (H4: (csubt g c
c2)).(ty3_cast g c2 t0 t3 (H1 c2 H4) t4 (H3 c2 H4)))))))))))) c1 t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1325
+END *)
theorem csubt_ty3_ld:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (v: T).((ty3 g c u
(ty3 g c u v)).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H0: (ty3 g (CHead
c (Bind Abst) v) t1 t2)).(csubt_ty3 g (CHead c (Bind Abst) v) t1 t2 H0 (CHead
c (Bind Abbr) u) (csubt_abst g c c (csubt_refl g c) u v H H))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 91
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubv/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubv/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma".
theorem csubv_clear_conf:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubv c1 c2) \to (\forall (b1:
C).(\lambda (v3: T).(clear (CHead c4 (Flat f2) v2) (CHead d2 (Bind b2)
v3))))) x0 x1 x2 H4 (clear_flat c4 (CHead x1 (Bind x0) x2) H5 f2 v2)))))))
H3))))))))))))))) c1 c2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 1357
+END *)
theorem csubv_clear_conf_void:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubv c1 c2) \to (\forall (d1:
(v3: T).(clear (CHead c4 (Flat f2) v2) (CHead d2 (Bind Void) v3)))) x0 x1 H4
(clear_flat c4 (CHead x0 (Bind Void) x1) H5 f2 v2)))))) H3)))))))))))))) c1
c2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 1205
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/defs.ma".
inductive csubv: C \to (C \to Prop) \def
| csubv_sort: \forall (n: nat).(csubv (CSort n) (CSort n))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubv/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubv/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma".
theorem csubv_drop_conf:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubv c1 c2) \to (\forall (e1:
(e2: C).(csubv e1 e2)) (\lambda (e2: C).(drop (S h0) O (CHead c4 (Flat f2)
v2) e2)) x H5 (drop_drop (Flat f2) h0 c4 x H6 v2))))) H4)))))) h
H2)))))))))))) c1 c2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 1897
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubv/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubv/clear.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubv/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubv/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/fwd.ma".
theorem csubv_getl_conf:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubv c1 c2) \to (\forall (b1:
(\lambda (b2: B).(\lambda (d2: C).(\lambda (v2: T).(getl i c2 (CHead d2 (Bind
b2) v2))))) x1 x2 x3 H8 (getl_intro i c2 (CHead x2 (Bind x1) x3) x0 H6
H9))))))) H7)))))) H4)))))) H1))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 455
+END *)
theorem csubv_getl_conf_void:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubv c1 c2) \to (\forall (d1:
(\lambda (d2: C).(\lambda (_: T).(csubv d1 d2))) (\lambda (d2: C).(\lambda
(v2: T).(getl i c2 (CHead d2 (Bind Void) v2)))) x1 x2 H8 (getl_intro i c2
(CHead x1 (Bind Void) x2) x0 H6 H9)))))) H7)))))) H4)))))) H1)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 417
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubv/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubv/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/props.ma".
theorem csubv_bind_same:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((csubv c1 c2) \to (\forall (b: B).(\forall
H0)) Abbr v1 v2))) (\lambda (v1: T).(\lambda (v2: T).(csubv_bind c1 c2 H Abst
(sym_not_eq B Void Abst not_void_abst) Abst v1 v2))) (\lambda (v1:
T).(\lambda (v2: T).(csubv_void c1 c2 H v1 v2))) b)))).
+Initial nodes: 121
+END *)
theorem csubv_refl:
\forall (c: C).(csubv c c)
(k: K).(K_ind (\lambda (k0: K).(\forall (t: T).(csubv (CHead c0 k0 t) (CHead
c0 k0 t)))) (\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (t: T).(csubv_bind_same c0 c0 H b t t)))
(\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (t: T).(csubv_flat c0 c0 H f f t t))) k)))) c).
+Initial nodes: 93
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/tlt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/tlt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/iso/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/iso/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clen/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clen/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/flt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/flt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/app/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/app/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/cnt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/cnt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/cimp/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/cimp/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubv/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubv/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/fsubst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/next_plus/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/next_plus/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sty1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sty1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/llt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/llt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/aprem/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/aprem/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ex0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ex0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wcpr0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csuba/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ex2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ex2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ex1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ex1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wf3/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/r/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/r/defs.ma".
inductive drop: nat \to (nat \to (C \to (C \to Prop))) \def
| drop_refl: \forall (c: C).(drop O O c c)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/defs.ma".
theorem drop_gen_sort:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (x: C).((drop
_) \Rightarrow False | (CHead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I (CSort n) H3) in
(False_ind (and3 (eq C (CHead e k u) (CHead c k (lift h0 (r k d0) u))) (eq
nat h0 O) (eq nat (S d0) O)) H4))))))))))) h d y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 595
+END *)
theorem drop_gen_refl:
\forall (x: C).(\forall (e: C).((drop O O x e) \to (eq C x e)))
(_: nat).Prop) with [O \Rightarrow False | (S _) \Rightarrow True])) I O H4)
in (False_ind (eq C (CHead c k (lift (S d) (r k d) u)) (CHead e0 k u)) H9)) h
H6)))))))))))))) y y0 x e H1))) H0))) H))).
+Initial nodes: 561
+END *)
theorem drop_gen_drop:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (h:
\Rightarrow False | (S _) \Rightarrow True])) I O H6) in (False_ind (drop (r
k h) (S d) c (CHead e k u0)) H22))) k0 H14))))))))) H12)) H11))))))))))))))))
y1 y0 y x H2))) H1))) H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1856
+END *)
theorem drop_gen_skip_r:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
(CHead e0 k (lift h0 (r k d) u)))) (\lambda (e0: C).(drop h0 (r k d) e0 c))
c0 (refl_equal C (CHead c0 k (lift h0 (r k d) u))) H17) d0 H15)))) k0 H9)))))
u0 H8)))) H7)) H6)))))))))))) h y0 x y H1))) H0))) H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1758
+END *)
theorem drop_gen_skip_l:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
T).(drop h0 (r k d) c e0))) e u0 (refl_equal C (CHead e k u0)) (refl_equal T
(lift h0 (r k d) u0)) H19) d0 H17)))) u H13)) k0 H9))))))))) H7))
H6)))))))))))) h y0 y x H1))) H0))) H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 2574
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/r/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/r/props.ma".
theorem drop_skip_bind:
\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).((drop h
(H: (drop h d c e)).(\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (u: T).(eq_ind nat (r (Bind b)
d) (\lambda (n: nat).(drop h (S d) (CHead c (Bind b) (lift h n u)) (CHead e
(Bind b) u))) (drop_skip (Bind b) h d c e H u) d (refl_equal nat d)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 95
+END *)
theorem drop_skip_flat:
\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).((drop h
f) d) (\lambda (n: nat).(drop h (S d) (CHead c (Flat f) (lift h n u)) (CHead
e (Flat f) u))) (drop_skip (Flat f) h d c e H u) (S d) (refl_equal nat (S
+Initial nodes: 101
+END *)
theorem drop_S:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (h:
u))).(drop_drop k (S n) c0 e (eq_ind_r nat (S (r k n)) (\lambda (n0:
nat).(drop n0 O c0 e)) (H e u (r k n) (drop_gen_drop k c0 (CHead e (Bind b)
u) t n H1)) (r k (S n)) (r_S k n)) t)))) h)))))))) c)).
+Initial nodes: 807
+END *)
theorem drop_ctail:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (h: nat).((drop
(drop_skip k h n (CTail k0 u c2) (CTail k0 u x0) (IHc x0 (r k n) h H3 k0 u)
x1) t H2)) c3 H1))))))) (drop_gen_skip_l c2 c3 t h n k H0)))))))) d)))))))
+Initial nodes: 1211
+END *)
theorem drop_mono:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (x1: C).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (h: nat).((drop h
H5 x4 H8)) (refl_equal K k) (refl_equal T x3)) x5 (lift_inj x5 x3 h (r k n)
H11))))) x1 H6)) x2 H3)))))) (drop_gen_skip_l c0 x1 t h n k H1)))))))
(drop_gen_skip_l c0 x2 t h n k H2)))))))) d))))))) c).
+Initial nodes: 1539
+END *)
theorem drop_conf_lt:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (c0: C).(\forall
H8)))))) (H0 (drop_gen_drop (Flat f) c1 (CHead c0 k u) t i0 H1) x0 h d H5)) e
H3)))))) (drop_gen_skip_l c1 e t h (plus (S i0) d) (Flat f) H2)))))))))
k0)))) c)))))) i)).
+Initial nodes: 2972
+END *)
theorem drop_conf_ge:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (a: C).(\forall (c: C).((drop i O c a) \to
(minus_Sn_m i0 h (le_trans_plus_r d0 h i0 (le_S_n (plus d0 h) i0 H5))))) e
H6)))))) (drop_gen_skip_l c0 e t h d0 (Flat f) H4)))))) d H2 H3)))))))))
k)))) c))))) i).
+Initial nodes: 2726
+END *)
theorem drop_conf_rev:
\forall (j: nat).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (e2: C).((drop j O e1 e2) \to
f) t))) (CHead x (Flat f) (lift i (r (Flat f) j0) t)) (drop_drop (Flat f) j0
x c2 H3 (lift i (r (Flat f) j0) t)) (drop_skip (Flat f) i j0 x e2 H4 t)))))
H2))))) k (drop_gen_drop k e2 e3 t j0 H))))))))))) e1)))) j).
+Initial nodes: 1154
+END *)
theorem drop_trans_le:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((le i d) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
i0)) e1 e2)) x (drop_drop (Flat f) i0 c2 x H6 (lift h (r (Flat f) d0) x1))
H7)))) (IHc x0 h H4 e2 (drop_gen_drop (Flat f) x0 e2 x1 i0 H5))) t H3)))))))
(drop_gen_skip_l c2 c3 t h d0 (Flat f) H0))))))))) k)))) c1))))) d)))) i).
+Initial nodes: 2453
+END *)
theorem drop_trans_ge:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (d:
f) i0) O x0 e2)).(IHc x0 (r (Flat f) d0) h H8 e2 H9 H1)))) k H4
(drop_gen_drop k x0 e2 x1 i0 H6)) (lift h (r k d0) x1)) t H3)))))))))
(drop_gen_skip_l c2 c3 t h d0 k H))))))))) d))))))) c1)))) i).
+Initial nodes: 2020
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift1/defs.ma".
inductive drop1: PList \to (C \to (C \to Prop)) \def
| drop1_nil: \forall (c: C).(drop1 PNil c c)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop1/defs.ma".
theorem drop1_gen_pnil:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((drop1 PNil c1 c2) \to (eq C c1 c2)))
(\lambda (_: PList).Prop) with [PNil \Rightarrow False | (PCons _ _ _)
\Rightarrow True])) I PNil H4) in (False_ind (eq C c3 c5) H5)))))))))))) y c1
c2 H0))) H))).
+Initial nodes: 198
+END *)
theorem drop1_gen_pcons:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c3: C).(\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (h:
(n: nat).(drop n d c2 c4)) H12 h H9) in (ex_intro2 C (\lambda (c6: C).(drop h
d c2 c6)) (\lambda (c6: C).(drop1 hds c6 c5)) c4 H13 H11)))))))) H6))
H5)))))))))))) y c1 c3 H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 587
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/drop.ma".
theorem drop1_getl_trans:
\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((drop1 hds c2 c1)
(ptrans hds0 i) e2 e1)) (\lambda (e2: C).(getl (plus (trans hds0 i) h) c2
(CHead e2 (Bind b) (lift1 (ptrans hds0 i) v)))) x0 H7 (H9 (bge_le d (trans
hds0 i) H5))))))) H6)))) x_x)))))) H2))))))))))))))) hds).
+Initial nodes: 1674
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/defs.ma".
theorem drop1_skip_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (c:
e)).(drop1_cons (CHead c (Bind b) (lift n n0 (lift1 p u))) (CHead x (Bind b)
(lift1 p u)) n (S n0) (drop_skip_bind n n0 c x H2 b (lift1 p u)) (CHead e
(Bind b) u) (Ss p) (H x u H3))))) H1)))))))))) hds))).
+Initial nodes: 379
+END *)
theorem drop1_cons_tail:
\forall (c2: C).(\forall (c3: C).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((drop
(PCons n n0 (PConsTail p h d)) c1 c3) (\lambda (x: C).(\lambda (H3: (drop n
n0 c1 x)).(\lambda (H4: (drop1 p x c2)).(drop1_cons c1 x n n0 H3 c3
(PConsTail p h d) (H0 x H4))))) H2))))))))) hds)))))).
+Initial nodes: 271
+END *)
theorem drop1_trans:
\forall (is1: PList).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c0: C).((drop1 is1 c1 c0)
c2) (\lambda (x: C).(\lambda (H3: (drop n n0 c1 x)).(\lambda (H4: (drop1 p x
c0)).(drop1_cons c1 x n n0 H3 c2 (papp p is2) (H x c0 H4 is2 c2 H1)))))
H2))))))))))))) is1).
+Initial nodes: 287
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/A/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/A/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/G/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/G/defs.ma".
definition gz:
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ex0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ex0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/leq/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/leq/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/aplus/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/aplus/props.ma".
theorem aplus_gz_le:
\forall (k: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((le h k) \to (eq A
A).(eq A a (aplus gz (ASort n n0) k0))) (refl_equal A (aplus gz (ASort n n0)
k0)) (asucc gz (aplus gz (ASort (S n) n0) k0)) (aplus_asucc gz k0 (ASort (S
n) n0))) (ASort O (plus (minus k0 n) n0)) (IH n n0 H_y))))))) h)))) k).
+Initial nodes: 683
+END *)
theorem aplus_gz_ge:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (k: nat).(\forall (h: nat).((le k h) \to (eq A
k0) (\lambda (a: A).(eq A a (aplus gz (ASort n0 n) k0))) (refl_equal A (aplus
gz (ASort n0 n) k0)) (asucc gz (aplus gz (ASort (S n0) n) k0)) (aplus_asucc
gz k0 (ASort (S n0) n))) (ASort (minus n0 k0) n) (IH n0 H_y)))))) h)))) k)).
+Initial nodes: 524
+END *)
theorem next_plus_gz:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(eq nat (next_plus gz n h) (plus h n)))
(next_plus gz n n0) (plus n0 n))) (refl_equal nat n) (\lambda (n0:
nat).(\lambda (H: (eq nat (next_plus gz n n0) (plus n0 n))).(f_equal nat nat
S (next_plus gz n n0) (plus n0 n) H))) h)).
+Initial nodes: 77
+END *)
theorem leqz_leq:
\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((leq gz a1 a2) \to (leqz a1 a2)))
A).(\lambda (_: (leq gz a0 a3)).(\lambda (H1: (leqz a0 a3)).(\lambda (a4:
A).(\lambda (a5: A).(\lambda (_: (leq gz a4 a5)).(\lambda (H3: (leqz a4
a5)).(leqz_head a0 a3 H1 a4 a5 H3))))))))) a1 a2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 1375
+END *)
theorem leq_leqz:
\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((leqz a1 a2) \to (leq gz a1 a2)))
A).(\lambda (a3: A).(\lambda (_: (leqz a0 a3)).(\lambda (H1: (leq gz a0
a3)).(\lambda (a4: A).(\lambda (a5: A).(\lambda (_: (leqz a4 a5)).(\lambda
(H3: (leq gz a4 a5)).(leq_head gz a0 a3 H1 a4 a5 H3))))))))) a1 a2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 717
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/defs.ma".
definition ex1_c:
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ex1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ex1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/pr3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/leq/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/leq/props.ma".
theorem ex1__leq_sort_SS:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (k: nat).(\forall (n: nat).(leq g (ASort k n) (asucc
\lambda (g: G).(\lambda (k: nat).(\lambda (n: nat).(leq_refl g (asucc g
(asucc g (ASort (S (S k)) n)))))).
+Initial nodes: 27
+END *)
theorem ex1_arity:
\forall (g: G).(arity g ex1_c ex1_t (ASort O O))
O))) (ex1__leq_sort_SS g O O))) (TSort O) (ASort O O) (arity_sort g (CHead
(CHead (CHead (CHead (CSort O) (Bind Abst) (TSort O)) (Bind Abst) (TSort O))
(Bind Abst) (TLRef O)) (Bind Abst) (TLRef (S (S O)))) O))).
+Initial nodes: 753
+END *)
theorem ex1_ty3:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (u: T).((ty3 g ex1_c ex1_t u) \to (\forall (P:
(TLRef O)) x0 O H2))))))) (ty3_gen_appl g (CHead (CHead (CHead (CSort O)
(Bind Abst) (TSort O)) (Bind Abst) (TSort O)) (Bind Abst) (TLRef O)) (TLRef
O) (THead (Bind Abst) (TLRef (S (S O))) (TSort O)) u H))))).
+Initial nodes: 9973
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/defs.ma".
definition ex2_c:
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ex2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ex2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/fwd.ma".
theorem ex2_nf2:
nf2 ex2_c ex2_t
x2) H3) in (False_ind (eq T (THead (Flat Appl) (TSort O) (TSort O)) (THead
(Bind x0) x5 (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O (TSort O)) x3))) H9)) t2
H8))))))))))))))) H1)) H0))).
+Initial nodes: 1939
+END *)
theorem ex2_arity:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).((arity g ex2_c ex2_t a) \to (\forall (P:
(eq_ind A (ASort O O) (\lambda (ee: A).(match ee in A return (\lambda (_:
A).Prop) with [(ASort _ _) \Rightarrow True | (AHead _ _) \Rightarrow
False])) I (AHead x0 x1) H6) in (False_ind P H7))))))) H3)))))) H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 289
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/defs.ma".
definition fweight:
C \to (T \to nat)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/flt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/flt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/props.ma".
theorem flt_thead_sx:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(flt c u c
T).(le_lt_plus_plus (cweight c) (cweight c) (tweight u) (S (plus (tweight u)
(tweight t))) (le_n (cweight c)) (le_n_S (tweight u) (plus (tweight u)
(tweight t)) (le_plus_l (tweight u) (tweight t))))))).
+Initial nodes: 65
+END *)
theorem flt_thead_dx:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(flt c t c
T).(le_lt_plus_plus (cweight c) (cweight c) (tweight t) (S (plus (tweight u)
(tweight t))) (le_n (cweight c)) (le_n_S (tweight t) (plus (tweight u)
(tweight t)) (le_plus_r (tweight u) (tweight t))))))).
+Initial nodes: 65
+END *)
theorem flt_shift:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(flt (CHead c
t))) (plus_assoc_l (cweight c) (tweight u) (tweight t))) (plus (cweight c) (S
(plus (tweight u) (tweight t)))) (plus_n_Sm (cweight c) (plus (tweight u)
(tweight t))))))).
+Initial nodes: 179
+END *)
theorem flt_arith0:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (i: nat).(flt c t
\lambda (_: K).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (_:
nat).(lt_x_plus_x_Sy (plus (cweight c) (tweight t)) O)))).
+Initial nodes: 21
+END *)
theorem flt_arith1:
\forall (k1: K).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t1: T).((cle
(tweight t2)) (le_plus_l (cweight c2) (tweight t2))) (plus (plus (cweight c2)
(tweight t2)) (S O)) (plus_sym (plus (cweight c2) (tweight t2)) (S
+Initial nodes: 151
+END *)
theorem flt_arith2:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (i: nat).((flt c1
(tweight t1)) (plus (cweight c2) (S O)) (plus (plus (cweight c2) (tweight
t2)) (S O)) H (le_plus_plus (cweight c2) (plus (cweight c2) (tweight t2)) (S
O) (S O) (le_plus_l (cweight c2) (tweight t2)) (le_n (S O))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 115
+END *)
theorem flt_trans:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((flt c1
(H: (lt (fweight c1 t1) (fweight c2 t2))).(\lambda (c3: C).(\lambda (t3:
T).(\lambda (H0: (lt (fweight c2 t2) (fweight c3 t3))).(lt_trans (fweight c1
t1) (fweight c2 t2) (fweight c3 t3) H H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 63
+END *)
theorem flt_wf__q_ind:
\forall (P: ((C \to (T \to Prop)))).(((\forall (n: nat).((\lambda (P0: ((C
(P: ((C \to (T \to Prop)))).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (n: nat).(\forall (c:
C).(\forall (t: T).((eq nat (fweight c t) n) \to (P c t))))))).(\lambda (c:
C).(\lambda (t: T).(H (fweight c t) c t (refl_equal nat (fweight c t))))))).
+Initial nodes: 85
+END *)
theorem flt_wf_ind:
\forall (P: ((C \to (T \to Prop)))).(((\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t2:
(\lambda (c1: C).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (H3: (flt c1 t1 c0 t0)).(H2
(fweight c1 t1) H3 c1 t1 (refl_equal nat (fweight c1 t1))))))))))))))) c
+Initial nodes: 211
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/defs.ma".
inductive fsubst0 (i: nat) (v: T) (c1: C) (t1: T): C \to (T \to Prop) \def
| fsubst0_snd: \forall (t2: T).((subst0 i v t1 t2) \to (fsubst0 i v c1 t1 c1
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/fsubst0/defs.ma".
theorem fsubst0_gen_base:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall
i v c1 c0)).(or3_intro2 (land (eq C c1 c0) (subst0 i v t1 t0)) (land (eq T t1
t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)) (land (subst0 i v t1 t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c0)) (conj
(subst0 i v t1 t0) (csubst0 i v c1 c0) H0 H1)))))) c2 t2 H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 431
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/drop.ma".
theorem clear_getl_trans:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (c3: C).((getl i c2 c3) \to
H6) H7)))) H5))))) (\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (_: (getl (S n) (CHead c (Flat f)
t) c3)).(\lambda (H4: (clear c1 (CHead c (Flat f) t))).(clear_gen_flat_r f c1
c t H4 (getl (S n) c1 c3))))) k H1 H2))))))))) c2)))) i).
+Initial nodes: 525
+END *)
theorem getl_clear_trans:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((getl i c1 c2) \to
x0) x2) H5) in (eq_ind_r C (CHead x1 (Bind x0) x2) (\lambda (c: C).(getl i c1
c)) (getl_intro i c1 (CHead x1 (Bind x0) x2) x H2 H6) c3 (clear_gen_bind x0
x1 c3 x2 H7)))))))) H4))))) H1))))))).
+Initial nodes: 269
+END *)
theorem getl_clear_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (v: T).((clear c
(CHead c0 (Flat f) t) (CHead e1 (Bind b) v))).(getl_flat c0 e2 (S n) (H e1 v
(clear_gen_flat f c0 (CHead e1 (Bind b) v) t H2) e2 n H1) f t))) k
H0))))))))))) c)).
+Initial nodes: 599
+END *)
theorem getl_clear_conf:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c3: C).((getl i c1 c3) \to
(\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (H3: (getl (S n) (CHead c (Flat f) t) c3)).(\lambda
(H4: (clear (CHead c (Flat f) t) c2)).(H0 c3 (getl_gen_S (Flat f) c c3 t n
H3) c2 (clear_gen_flat f c c2 t H4))))) k H1 H2))))))))) c1)))) i).
+Initial nodes: 641
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/props.ma".
theorem getl_dec:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (i: nat).(or (ex_3 C B T (\lambda (e: C).(\lambda
Prop).P))) (\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (H3: (getl (S n) (CHead c0 k t)
d)).(\lambda (P: Prop).(H2 d (getl_gen_S k c0 d t n H3) P)))))) H1)))))
i)))))) c).
+Initial nodes: 1563
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/defs.ma".
inductive getl (h: nat) (c1: C) (c2: C): Prop \def
| getl_intro: \forall (e: C).((drop h O c1 e) \to ((clear e c2) \to (getl h
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/drop.ma".
theorem getl_drop:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (h:
(Bind b) u))).(drop_drop k (S n) c0 e (eq_ind_r nat (S (r k n)) (\lambda (n0:
nat).(drop n0 O c0 e)) (H e u (r k n) (getl_gen_S k c0 (CHead e (Bind b) u) t
n H1)) (r k (S n)) (r_S k n)) t)))) h)))))))) c)).
+Initial nodes: 827
+END *)
theorem getl_drop_conf_lt:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (c0: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i:
h d x3)) (getl_head k i0 x1 (CHead x4 (Bind b) x3) H23 x2) H24) u H22))))))))
H21)))))) e H11))))))))) (drop_gen_skip_l c0 e t h (plus (S i0) d) k
H9))))))) i H1 H7 IHx)))) k0 H5 H6))))))) x H3 H4)))) H2)))))))))))))) c)).
+Initial nodes: 6137
+END *)
theorem getl_drop_conf_ge:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (a: C).(\forall (c: C).((getl i c a) \to (\forall
a)) (getl (minus i h) e a) (\lambda (x: C).(\lambda (H3: (drop i O c
x)).(\lambda (H4: (clear x a)).(getl_intro (minus i h) e a x (drop_conf_ge i
x c H3 e h d H0 H1) H4)))) H2)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 141
+END *)
theorem getl_conf_ge_drop:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i:
u i H) c2 (S O) i H0 (eq_ind_r nat (plus (S O) i) (\lambda (n: nat).(le n (S
i))) (le_n (S i)) (plus i (S O)) (plus_sym i (S O)))) i (minus_Sx_SO i)) in
+Initial nodes: 151
+END *)
theorem getl_drop_conf_rev:
\forall (j: nat).(\forall (e1: C).(\forall (e2: C).((drop j O e1 e2) \to
e2)).(\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (v2: T).(\lambda (i:
nat).(\lambda (H0: (getl i c2 (CHead e2 (Bind b) v2))).(drop_conf_rev j e1 e2
H c2 (S i) (getl_drop b c2 e2 v2 i H0)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 69
+END *)
theorem drop_getl_trans_lt:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((lt i d) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
(minus d (S i)) e1 e2)) x1 (getl_intro i c1 (CHead x1 (Bind b) (lift h (minus
d (S i)) v)) x0 H5 H9) H10)))) H8)))))) (drop_trans_le i d (le_S_n i d (le_S
(S i) d H)) c1 c2 h H0 x H3))))) H2)))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 627
+END *)
theorem drop_getl_trans_le:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((le i d) \to (\forall (c1: C).(\forall
O c1 e0))) (\lambda (e0: C).(\lambda (e1: C).(drop h (minus d i) e0 e1)))
(\lambda (_: C).(\lambda (e1: C).(clear e1 e2))) x0 x H6 H7 H4)))) H5)))))
+Initial nodes: 323
+END *)
theorem drop_getl_trans_ge:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (d:
(\lambda (e: C).(clear e e2)) (getl (plus i h) c1 e2) (\lambda (x:
C).(\lambda (H3: (drop i O c2 x)).(\lambda (H4: (clear x e2)).(getl_intro
(plus i h) c1 e2 x (drop_trans_ge i c1 c2 d h H x H3 H1) H4)))) H2)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 137
+END *)
theorem getl_drop_trans:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (h: nat).((getl h c1 c2) \to
(Flat f) t) c3)).(\lambda (e2: C).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (H1: (drop (S i)
O c3 e2)).(drop_drop (Flat f) (plus i (S n)) c2 e2 (IHc c3 (S n) (getl_gen_S
(Flat f) c2 c3 t n H0) e2 i H1) t))))))) h))))) k)))) c1).
+Initial nodes: 953
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/flt/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/flt/props.ma".
theorem getl_flt:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i:
(CHead c0 k t) (TLRef n))))).(\lambda (H1: (getl (S n) (CHead c0 k t) (CHead
e (Bind b) u))).(let H_y \def (H e u (r k n) (getl_gen_S k c0 (CHead e (Bind
b) u) t n H1)) in (flt_arith2 e c0 u (r k n) H_y k t (S n)))))) i)))))))) c)).
+Initial nodes: 815
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma".
theorem getl_gen_all:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c1 c2) \to (ex2
C).(clear e c2))) (\lambda (e: C).(\lambda (H0: (drop i O c1 e)).(\lambda
(H1: (clear e c2)).(ex_intro2 C (\lambda (e0: C).(drop i O c1 e0)) (\lambda
(e0: C).(clear e0 c2)) e H0 H1)))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 95
+END *)
theorem getl_gen_sort:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (x: C).((getl h (CSort n) x) \to
(eq nat O O)).(let H6 \def (eq_ind C x0 (\lambda (c: C).(clear c x)) H2
(CSort n) H3) in (clear_gen_sort x n H6 P))))) (drop_gen_sort n h O x0
H1))))) H0)))))).
+Initial nodes: 179
+END *)
theorem getl_gen_O:
\forall (e: C).(\forall (x: C).((getl O e x) \to (clear e x)))
(\lambda (e0: C).(clear e0 x)) (clear e x) (\lambda (x0: C).(\lambda (H1:
(drop O O e x0)).(\lambda (H2: (clear x0 x)).(let H3 \def (eq_ind_r C x0
(\lambda (c: C).(clear c x)) H2 e (drop_gen_refl e x0 H1)) in H3)))) H0)))).
+Initial nodes: 99
+END *)
theorem getl_gen_S:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (h:
k u) e)) (\lambda (e: C).(clear e x)) (getl (r k h) c x) (\lambda (x0:
C).(\lambda (H1: (drop (S h) O (CHead c k u) x0)).(\lambda (H2: (clear x0
x)).(getl_intro (r k h) c x x0 (drop_gen_drop k c x0 u h H1) H2)))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 145
+END *)
theorem getl_gen_2:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c1 c2) \to (ex_3
B).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (v: T).(eq C (CHead x1 (Bind x0) x2) (CHead c
(Bind b) v))))) x0 x1 x2 (refl_equal C (CHead x1 (Bind x0) x2))) c2 H4))))))
H3))))) H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 325
+END *)
theorem getl_gen_flat:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i:
H)))) (\lambda (n: nat).(\lambda (_: (((getl n (CHead e (Flat f) v) d) \to
(getl n e d)))).(\lambda (H0: (getl (S n) (CHead e (Flat f) v)
d)).(getl_gen_S (Flat f) e d v n H0)))) i))))).
+Initial nodes: 155
+END *)
theorem getl_gen_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i:
j e d))) (ex_intro2 nat (\lambda (j: nat).(eq nat (S n) (S j))) (\lambda (j:
nat).(getl j e d)) n (refl_equal nat (S n)) (getl_gen_S (Bind b) e d v n
H0)))))) i))))).
+Initial nodes: 525
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/clear.ma".
theorem getl_conf_le:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (a: C).(\forall (c: C).((getl i c a) \to (\forall
a) (\lambda (x: C).(\lambda (H3: (drop h O c x)).(\lambda (H4: (clear x
e)).(getl_clear_conf (minus i h) x a (getl_drop_conf_ge i a c H x h O H3 H1)
e H4)))) H2))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 133
+END *)
theorem getl_trans:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).(\forall (h: nat).((getl
(getl (plus i0 h) c1 e2)))).(\lambda (H4: (drop (S i0) O c2 x)).(let H_y \def
(getl_drop_trans c1 c2 h H x i0 H4) in (getl_intro (plus (S i0) h) c1 e2 x
H_y H3))))) i H2)))) H1)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 247
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clear/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clear/props.ma".
theorem getl_refl:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(getl O (CHead c (Bind b) u)
\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (u: T).(getl_intro O (CHead c (Bind
b) u) (CHead c (Bind b) u) (CHead c (Bind b) u) (drop_refl (CHead c (Bind b)
u)) (clear_bind b c u)))).
+Initial nodes: 59
+END *)
theorem getl_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).((getl (r k
C).(clear e0 e)) (getl (S h) (CHead c k u) e) (\lambda (x: C).(\lambda (H1:
(drop (r k h) O c x)).(\lambda (H2: (clear x e)).(getl_intro (S h) (CHead c k
u) e x (drop_drop k h c x H1 u) H2)))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 137
+END *)
theorem getl_flat:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (h: nat).((getl h c e) \to (\forall
(((drop h0 O c x) \to (getl h0 (CHead c (Flat f) u) e)))).(\lambda (H3: (drop
(S h0) O c x)).(getl_intro (S h0) (CHead c (Flat f) u) e x (drop_drop (Flat
f) h0 c x H3 u) H2)))) h H1)))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 285
+END *)
theorem getl_ctail:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i:
C).(\lambda (H1: (drop i O c x)).(\lambda (H2: (clear x (CHead d (Bind b)
u))).(getl_intro i (CTail k v c) (CHead (CTail k v d) (Bind b) u) (CTail k v
x) (drop_ctail c x O i H1 k v) (clear_ctail b x d u H2 k v))))) H0))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 203
+END *)
theorem getl_mono:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (x1: C).(\forall (h: nat).((getl h c x1) \to
C).(drop h O c c0)) H7 x (drop_mono c x O h H2 x0 H5)) in (let H9 \def
(eq_ind_r C x0 (\lambda (c0: C).(clear c0 x1)) H6 x (drop_mono c x O h H2 x0
H5)) in (clear_mono x x1 H9 x2 H3))))))) H4))))) H1))))))).
+Initial nodes: 269
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/defs.ma".
inductive iso: T \to (T \to Prop) \def
| iso_sort: \forall (n1: nat).(\forall (n2: nat).(iso (TSort n1) (TSort n2)))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/iso/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/iso/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/tlist/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/tlist/defs.ma".
theorem iso_gen_sort:
\forall (u2: T).(\forall (n1: nat).((iso (TSort n1) u2) \to (ex nat (\lambda
with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _
_) \Rightarrow True])) I (TSort n1) H1) in (False_ind (ex nat (\lambda (n2:
nat).(eq T (THead k v2 t2) (TSort n2)))) H2)))))))) y u2 H0))) H))).
+Initial nodes: 321
+END *)
theorem iso_gen_lref:
\forall (u2: T).(\forall (n1: nat).((iso (TLRef n1) u2) \to (ex nat (\lambda
with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _
_) \Rightarrow True])) I (TLRef n1) H1) in (False_ind (ex nat (\lambda (n2:
nat).(eq T (THead k v2 t2) (TLRef n2)))) H2)))))))) y u2 H0))) H))).
+Initial nodes: 321
+END *)
theorem iso_gen_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (v1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((iso
(ex_2_intro T T (\lambda (v3: T).(\lambda (t3: T).(eq T (THead k v2 t2)
(THead k v3 t3)))) v2 t2 (refl_equal T (THead k v2 t2))) k0 H6)))) H3))
H2)))))))) y u2 H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 545
+END *)
theorem iso_flats_lref_bind_false:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (b: B).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (v: T).(\forall
(\lambda (_: K).Prop) with [(Bind _) \Rightarrow True | (Flat _) \Rightarrow
False])])) I (THead (Flat f) x0 x1) H2) in (False_ind P H3))))) H1))))))))
+Initial nodes: 391
+END *)
theorem iso_flats_flat_bind_false:
\forall (f1: F).(\forall (f2: F).(\forall (b: B).(\forall (v: T).(\forall
(_: K).Prop) with [(Bind _) \Rightarrow True | (Flat _) \Rightarrow
False])])) I (THead (Flat f1) x0 x1) H2) in (False_ind P H3))))) H1))))))))
+Initial nodes: 461
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/iso/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/iso/fwd.ma".
theorem iso_refl:
\forall (t: T).(iso t t)
nat).(iso_sort n n)) (\lambda (n: nat).(iso_lref n n)) (\lambda (k:
K).(\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (_: (iso t0 t0)).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (_:
(iso t1 t1)).(iso_head t0 t0 t1 t1 k)))))) t).
+Initial nodes: 59
+END *)
theorem iso_trans:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((iso t1 t2) \to (\forall (t3: T).((iso t2
(\lambda (x0: T).(\lambda (x1: T).(\lambda (H2: (eq T t5 (THead k x0
x1))).(eq_ind_r T (THead k x0 x1) (\lambda (t: T).(iso (THead k v1 t3) t))
(iso_head v1 x0 t3 x1 k) t5 H2)))) H1)))))))))) t1 t2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 351
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/leq/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/leq/props.ma".
theorem asucc_repl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((leq g a1 a2) \to (leq g
(asucc g a3) (asucc g a4))).(\lambda (a5: A).(\lambda (a6: A).(\lambda (_:
(leq g a5 a6)).(\lambda (H3: (leq g (asucc g a5) (asucc g a6))).(leq_head g
a3 a4 H0 (asucc g a5) (asucc g a6) H3))))))))) a1 a2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 1907
+END *)
theorem asucc_inj:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((leq g (asucc g a1) (asucc
in (let H12 \def (eq_ind_r A x0 (\lambda (a5: A).(leq g a a5)) H5 a3 H10) in
(leq_head g a a3 H12 a0 a4 (H0 a4 H11)))))) H8))))))) H4)))))))) a2))))))
+Initial nodes: 4697
+END *)
theorem leq_asucc:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).(ex A (\lambda (a0: A).(leq g a (asucc g
g x))).(ex_intro A (\lambda (a2: A).(leq g (AHead a0 a1) (asucc g a2)))
(AHead a0 x) (leq_head g a0 a0 (leq_refl g a0) a1 (asucc g x) H2)))) H1))))))
+Initial nodes: 221
+END *)
theorem leq_ahead_asucc_false:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((leq g (AHead a1 a2)
H4 (asucc g a0) H7) in (let H10 \def (eq_ind_r A x0 (\lambda (a3: A).(leq g
(AHead a a0) a3)) H3 a H8) in (leq_ahead_false_1 g a a0 H10 P))))) H6)))))))
H2)))))))))) a1)).
+Initial nodes: 927
+END *)
theorem leq_asucc_false:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).((leq g (asucc g a) a) \to (\forall (P:
A).(leq g (asucc g a1) a2)) H4 a1 H7) in (let H10 \def (eq_ind_r A x0
(\lambda (a2: A).(leq g a0 a2)) H3 a0 H8) in (H0 H9 P))))) H6)))))))
H2))))))))) a)).
+Initial nodes: 1327
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/aplus/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/aplus/defs.ma".
inductive leq (g: G): A \to (A \to Prop) \def
| leq_sort: \forall (h1: nat).(\forall (h2: nat).(\forall (n1: nat).(\forall
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/leq/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/leq/defs.ma".
theorem leq_gen_sort1:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (h1: nat).(\forall (n1: nat).(\forall (a2: A).((leq
(aplus g (ASort h2 n2) k))))) (\lambda (n2: nat).(\lambda (h2: nat).(\lambda
(_: nat).(eq A (AHead a3 a5) (ASort h2 n2)))))) H6))))))))))) y a2 H0)))
+Initial nodes: 913
+END *)
theorem leq_gen_head1:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(\forall (a: A).((leq g
(a7: A).(leq g a2 a7))) (\lambda (a6: A).(\lambda (a7: A).(eq A (AHead a3 a5)
(AHead a6 a7)))) a3 a5 H12 H10 (refl_equal A (AHead a3 a5)))))))))
H6))))))))))) y a H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 797
+END *)
theorem leq_gen_sort2:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (h1: nat).(\forall (n1: nat).(\forall (a2: A).((leq
(aplus g (AHead a3 a5) k))))) (\lambda (n2: nat).(\lambda (h2: nat).(\lambda
(_: nat).(eq A (AHead a1 a4) (ASort h2 n2)))))) H6))))))))))) a2 y H0)))
+Initial nodes: 913
+END *)
theorem leq_gen_head2:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(\forall (a: A).((leq g a
(a7: A).(leq g a7 a2))) (\lambda (a6: A).(\lambda (a7: A).(eq A (AHead a0 a4)
(AHead a6 a7)))) a0 a4 H12 H10 (refl_equal A (AHead a0 a4)))))))))
H6))))))))))) a y H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 797
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/leq/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/leq/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/aplus/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/aplus/props.ma".
theorem ahead_inj_snd:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(\forall (a3: A).(\forall
in (\lambda (H6: (eq A a3 x0)).(let H7 \def (eq_ind_r A x1 (\lambda (a:
A).(leq g a2 a)) H2 a4 H5) in (let H8 \def (eq_ind_r A x0 (\lambda (a:
A).(leq g a1 a)) H1 a3 H6) in H7)))) H4))))))) H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 259
+END *)
theorem leq_refl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).(leq g a a))
(aplus g (ASort n n0) O))))) (\lambda (a0: A).(\lambda (H: (leq g a0
a0)).(\lambda (a1: A).(\lambda (H0: (leq g a1 a1)).(leq_head g a0 a0 H a1 a1
H0))))) a)).
+Initial nodes: 87
+END *)
theorem leq_eq:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((eq A a1 a2) \to (leq g a1
\lambda (g: G).(\lambda (a1: A).(\lambda (a2: A).(\lambda (H: (eq A a1
a2)).(eq_ind A a1 (\lambda (a: A).(leq g a1 a)) (leq_refl g a1) a2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 39
+END *)
theorem leq_sym:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((leq g a1 a2) \to (leq g
(leq g a3 a4)).(\lambda (H1: (leq g a4 a3)).(\lambda (a5: A).(\lambda (a6:
A).(\lambda (_: (leq g a5 a6)).(\lambda (H3: (leq g a6 a5)).(leq_head g a4 a3
H1 a6 a5 H3))))))))) a1 a2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 173
+END *)
theorem leq_trans:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((leq g a1 a2) \to (\forall
(AHead x0 x1) H8) in (eq_ind_r A (AHead x0 x1) (\lambda (a: A).(leq g (AHead
a3 a5) a)) (leq_head g a3 x0 (H1 x0 H6) a5 x1 (H3 x1 H7)) a0 H9)))))))
H5))))))))))))) a1 a2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 869
+END *)
theorem leq_ahead_false_1:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((leq g (AHead a1 a2) a1)
(eq_ind_r A x1 (\lambda (a3: A).(leq g a2 a3)) H4 a0 H7) in (let H10 \def
(eq_ind_r A x0 (\lambda (a3: A).(leq g (AHead a a0) a3)) H3 a H8) in (H a0
H10 P))))) H6))))))) H2)))))))))) a1)).
+Initial nodes: 797
+END *)
theorem leq_ahead_false_2:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a2: A).(\forall (a1: A).((leq g (AHead a1 a2) a2)
(eq_ind_r A x1 (\lambda (a3: A).(leq g (AHead a a0) a3)) H4 a0 H7) in (let
H10 \def (eq_ind_r A x0 (\lambda (a3: A).(leq g a1 a3)) H3 a H8) in (H0 a H9
P))))) H6))))))) H2)))))))))) a2)).
+Initial nodes: 797
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/tlist/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/tlist/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/s/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/s/defs.ma".
definition lref_map:
((nat \to nat)) \to (nat \to (T \to T))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/defs.ma".
theorem lift_sort:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(eq T (lift h d (TSort
\lambda (n: nat).(\lambda (_: nat).(\lambda (_: nat).(refl_equal T (TSort
+Initial nodes: 13
+END *)
theorem lift_lref_lt:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((lt n d) \to (eq T
d)).(eq_ind bool true (\lambda (b: bool).(eq T (TLRef (match b with [true
\Rightarrow n | false \Rightarrow (plus n h)])) (TLRef n))) (refl_equal T
(TLRef n)) (blt n d) (sym_eq bool (blt n d) true (lt_blt d n H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 72
+END *)
theorem lift_lref_ge:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((le d n) \to (eq T
\Rightarrow n | false \Rightarrow (plus n h)])) (TLRef (plus n h))))
(refl_equal T (TLRef (plus n h))) (blt n d) (sym_eq bool (blt n d) false
(le_bge d n H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 80
+END *)
theorem lift_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (h: nat).(\lambda
(d: nat).(refl_equal T (THead k (lift h d u) (lift h (s k d) t))))))).
+Initial nodes: 37
+END *)
theorem lift_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (h: nat).(\lambda
(d: nat).(refl_equal T (THead (Bind b) (lift h d u) (lift h (S d) t))))))).
+Initial nodes: 37
+END *)
theorem lift_flat:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (h: nat).(\lambda
(d: nat).(refl_equal T (THead (Flat f) (lift h d u) (lift h d t))))))).
+Initial nodes: 35
+END *)
theorem lift_gen_sort:
\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (t: T).((eq T
True | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow False])) I
(THead k (lift h d t0) (lift h (s k d) t1)) H2) in (False_ind (eq T (THead k
t0 t1) (TSort n)) H3))))))))) t)))).
+Initial nodes: 613
+END *)
theorem lift_gen_lref:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (i: nat).((eq T
t1)) H2) in (False_ind (or (land (lt i d) (eq T (THead k t0 t1) (TLRef i)))
(land (le (plus d h) i) (eq T (THead k t0 t1) (TLRef (minus i h)))))
H3)))))))))))) t).
+Initial nodes: 1221
+END *)
theorem lift_gen_lref_lt:
\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((lt n d) \to (\forall
(minus n h)) (\lambda (t0: T).(eq T t0 (TLRef n))) (le_false (plus d h) n (eq
T (TLRef (minus n h)) (TLRef n)) H3 (lt_le_S n (plus d h) (le_plus_trans (S
n) d h H))) t H4))) H2)) H1)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 363
+END *)
theorem lift_gen_lref_false:
\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((le d n) \to ((lt n
h))))).(land_ind (le (plus d h) n) (eq T t (TLRef (minus n h))) P (\lambda
(H4: (le (plus d h) n)).(\lambda (_: (eq T t (TLRef (minus n h)))).(le_false
(plus d h) n P H4 H0))) H3)) H2)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 269
+END *)
theorem lift_gen_lref_ge:
\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((le d n) \to (\forall
(H4: (eq T t (TLRef (minus (plus n h) h)))).(eq_ind_r T (TLRef (minus (plus n
h) h)) (\lambda (t0: T).(eq T t0 (TLRef n))) (f_equal nat T TLRef (minus
(plus n h) h) n (minus_plus_r n h)) t H4))) H2)) H1)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 473
+END *)
theorem lift_gen_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (h:
z)))) t0 t1 (refl_equal T (THead k t0 t1)) (refl_equal T (lift h d t0))
(refl_equal T (lift h (s k d) t1))) u H6))) t H8))) k0 H7))))) H4))
H3))))))))))) x)))).
+Initial nodes: 2083
+END *)
theorem lift_gen_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (h:
y)))) (\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (z: T).(eq T (lift h (S d) x1) (lift h (S d)
z)))) x0 x1 (refl_equal T (THead (Bind b) x0 x1)) (refl_equal T (lift h d
x0)) (refl_equal T (lift h (S d) x1))) u H2) t H3) x H1)))))) H0))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 637
+END *)
theorem lift_gen_flat:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (h:
(lift h d x1) (lift h d z)))) x0 x1 (refl_equal T (THead (Flat f) x0 x1))
(refl_equal T (lift h d x0)) (refl_equal T (lift h d x1))) u H2) t H3) x
H1)))))) H0))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 615
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/s/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/s/props.ma".
theorem thead_x_lift_y_y:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
t1)) (\lambda (t2: T).(eq T t2 t1)) H4 (THead k0 (lift h d t0) (lift h (s k0
d) t1)) (lift_head k0 t0 t1 h d)) in (H7 (lift h d t0) h (s k0 d) H8 P))))))
H3)) H2)))))))))))) t)).
+Initial nodes: 887
+END *)
theorem lift_r:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (d: nat).(eq T (lift O d t) t))
t1)) (\lambda (t2: T).(eq T t2 (THead k t0 t1))) (f_equal3 K T T T THead k k
(lift O d t0) t0 (lift O (s k d) t1) t1 (refl_equal K k) (H d) (H0 (s k d)))
(lift O d (THead k t0 t1)) (lift_head k t0 t1 O d)))))))) t).
+Initial nodes: 367
+END *)
theorem lift_lref_gt:
\forall (d: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((lt d n) \to (eq T (lift (S O) d (TLRef
(lift (S O) d (TLRef (pred n))) (lift_lref_ge (pred n) (S O) d (le_S_n d
(pred n) (eq_ind nat n (\lambda (n0: nat).(le (S d) n0)) H (S (pred n))
(S_pred n d H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 193
+END *)
theorem lifts_tapp:
\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (vs: TList).(eq
(TCons (lift h d t) (TApp (lifts h d t0) (lift h d v))))) (refl_equal TList
(TCons (lift h d t) (TApp (lifts h d t0) (lift h d v)))) (lifts h d (TApp t0
v)) H)))) vs)))).
+Initial nodes: 215
+END *)
theorem lift_inj:
\forall (x: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((eq T
(THead (Flat f) t t0) t2)) (f_equal3 K T T T THead (Flat f) (Flat f) t x0 t0
x1 (refl_equal K (Flat f)) (H x0 h d H4) (H0 x1 h d H5)) t1 H3))))))
(lift_gen_flat f (lift h d t) (lift h d t0) t1 h d H2)))))))))))) k)) x).
+Initial nodes: 1391
+END *)
theorem lift_gen_lift:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (h1: nat).(\forall (h2:
H11) x1 H10)))) (H0 x1 h1 h2 d1 d2 H1 H7)) t H9) x0 H8)))) (H x0 h1 h2 d1 d2
H1 H6)) x H5)))))) (lift_gen_flat f (lift h1 d1 t) (lift h1 d1 t0) x h2 (plus
d2 h1) H4))))) k H2))))))))))))) t1).
+Initial nodes: 5037
+END *)
theorem lifts_inj:
\forall (xs: TList).(\forall (ts: TList).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d:
h d t) (lift h d t1))).(eq_ind T t (\lambda (t3: T).(eq TList (TCons t t0)
(TCons t3 t2))) (f_equal2 T TList TList TCons t t t0 t2 (refl_equal T t) (H
t2 h d H3)) t1 (lift_inj t t1 h d H4)))) H2)))))))) ts))))) xs).
+Initial nodes: 772
+END *)
theorem lift_free:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (k: nat).(\forall (d:
(THead k (lift h d t0) (lift h (s k d) t1))) (lift_head k (lift h d t0) (lift
h (s k d) t1) k0 e)) (lift h d (THead k t0 t1)) (lift_head k t0 t1 h
d))))))))))))) t).
+Initial nodes: 1407
+END *)
theorem lift_d:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (k: nat).(\forall (d:
(lift_head k t0 t1 h d)) (lift h (plus k0 d) (THead k (lift k0 e t0) (lift k0
(s k e) t1))) (lift_head k (lift k0 e t0) (lift k0 (s k e) t1) h (plus k0
d))) (lift k0 e (THead k t0 t1)) (lift_head k t0 t1 k0 e)))))))))))) t).
+Initial nodes: 2143
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/tlt/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/tlt/props.ma".
theorem lift_weight_map:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (f: ((nat \to
(weight_map f (lift h d t1)) (weight_map f t1) (H h d f H1) (H0 h d f H1)))
(lift h d (THead (Flat f0) t0 t1)) (lift_head (Flat f0) t0 t1 h d)))
k)))))))))) t).
+Initial nodes: 1969
+END *)
theorem lift_weight:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(eq nat (weight (lift h d
\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (h: nat).(\lambda (d: nat).(lift_weight_map t h d
(\lambda (_: nat).O) (\lambda (m: nat).(\lambda (_: (le d m)).(refl_equal nat
+Initial nodes: 31
+END *)
theorem lift_weight_add:
\forall (w: nat).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d:
(lift (S h) d (THead (Flat f0) t0 t1)) (lift_head (Flat f0) t0 t1 (S h) d))
(lift h d (THead (Flat f0) t0 t1)) (lift_head (Flat f0) t0 t1 h d)))
k))))))))))))) t)).
+Initial nodes: 3697
+END *)
theorem lift_weight_add_O:
\forall (w: nat).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (f: ((nat \to
nat).(\lambda (H: (lt m O)).(lt_x_O m H (eq nat (wadd f w m) (f m)))))
(plus_n_O (wadd f w O)) (\lambda (m: nat).(\lambda (_: (le O m)).(refl_equal
nat (f m)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 93
+END *)
theorem lift_tlt_dx:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
(d: nat).(eq_ind nat (weight (lift h d t)) (\lambda (n: nat).(lt n (weight
(THead k u (lift h d t))))) (tlt_head_dx k u (lift h d t)) (weight t)
(lift_weight t h d)))))).
+Initial nodes: 71
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/defs.ma".
definition trans:
PList \to (nat \to nat)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/fwd.ma".
theorem lift1_sort:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (is: PList).(eq T (lift1 is (TSort n)) (TSort n)))
nat).(\lambda (n1: nat).(\lambda (p: PList).(\lambda (H: (eq T (lift1 p
(TSort n)) (TSort n))).(eq_ind_r T (TSort n) (\lambda (t: T).(eq T (lift n0
n1 t) (TSort n))) (refl_equal T (TSort n)) (lift1 p (TSort n)) H))))) is)).
+Initial nodes: 99
+END *)
theorem lift1_lref:
\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (i: nat).(eq T (lift1 hds (TLRef i)) (TLRef
(trans p i) | false \Rightarrow (plus (trans p i) n)])))) (refl_equal T
(TLRef (match (blt (trans p i) n0) with [true \Rightarrow (trans p i) | false
\Rightarrow (plus (trans p i) n)]))) (lift1 p (TLRef i)) (H i))))))) hds).
+Initial nodes: 165
+END *)
theorem lift1_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(eq T
(Ss p) t)))) (lift n n0 (THead (Bind b) (lift1 p u) (lift1 (Ss p) t)))
(lift_bind b (lift1 p u) (lift1 (Ss p) t) n n0)) (lift1 p (THead (Bind b) u
t)) (H u t)))))))) hds)).
+Initial nodes: 379
+END *)
theorem lift1_flat:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(eq T
(lift n n0 (lift1 p u)) (lift n n0 (lift1 p t)))) (lift n n0 (THead (Flat f)
(lift1 p u) (lift1 p t))) (lift_flat f (lift1 p u) (lift1 p t) n n0)) (lift1
p (THead (Flat f) u t)) (H u t)))))))) hds)).
+Initial nodes: 353
+END *)
theorem lift1_cons_tail:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (hds: PList).(eq
t)) (\lambda (t0: T).(eq T (lift n n0 t0) (lift n n0 (lift1 p (lift h d
t))))) (refl_equal T (lift n n0 (lift1 p (lift h d t)))) (lift1 (PConsTail p
h d) t) H))))) hds)))).
+Initial nodes: 171
+END *)
theorem lifts1_flat:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (ts:
f) (lifts1 hds t1) (lift1 hds t)))) (lift1 hds (THeads (Flat f) t1 t)) H)
(lift1 hds (THead (Flat f) t0 (THeads (Flat f) t1 t))) (lift1_flat f hds t0
(THeads (Flat f) t1 t)))))) ts)))).
+Initial nodes: 329
+END *)
theorem lifts1_nil:
\forall (ts: TList).(eq TList (lifts1 PNil ts) ts)
(eq TList (lifts1 PNil t0) t0)).(eq_ind_r TList t0 (\lambda (t1: TList).(eq
TList (TCons t t1) (TCons t t0))) (refl_equal TList (TCons t t0)) (lifts1
PNil t0) H)))) ts).
+Initial nodes: 83
+END *)
theorem lifts1_cons:
\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (ts:
hds t)) (lifts h d (lifts1 hds t0))))) (refl_equal TList (TCons (lift h d
(lift1 hds t)) (lifts h d (lifts1 hds t0)))) (lifts1 (PCons h d hds) t0)
H)))) ts)))).
+Initial nodes: 187
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop1/defs.ma".
theorem lift1_lift1:
\forall (is1: PList).(\forall (is2: PList).(\forall (t: T).(eq T (lift1 is1
(papp p is2) t)))))).(\lambda (is2: PList).(\lambda (t: T).(f_equal3 nat nat
T T lift n n n0 n0 (lift1 p (lift1 is2 t)) (lift1 (papp p is2) t) (refl_equal
nat n) (refl_equal nat n0) (H is2 t)))))))) is1).
+Initial nodes: 145
+END *)
theorem lift1_xhg:
\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (t: T).(eq T (lift1 (Ss hds) (lift (S O) O t))
(S O) O (lift h d (lift1 p t)))) (lift h (plus (S O) d) (lift (S O) O (lift1
p t))) (lift_d (lift1 p t) h (S O) d O (le_O_n d))) (S d) (refl_equal nat (S
d))) (lift1 (Ss p) (lift (S O) O t)) (H t))))))) hds).
+Initial nodes: 371
+END *)
theorem lifts1_xhg:
\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (ts: TList).(eq TList (lifts1 (Ss hds) (lifts
t0))))) (refl_equal TList (TCons (lift (S O) O (lift1 hds t)) (lifts (S O) O
(lifts1 hds t0)))) (lifts1 (Ss hds) (lifts (S O) O t0)) H) (lift1 (Ss hds)
(lift (S O) O t)) (lift1_xhg hds t))))) ts)).
+Initial nodes: 307
+END *)
theorem lift1_free:
\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (t: T).(eq T (lift1 hds
(plus_sym O (trans hds0 i))) (plus O (S (trans hds0 i))) (plus_n_Sm O (trans
hds0 i))) (le_O_n d)))) x_x))) (lift1 hds0 (lift (S i) O t)) (H i t))))))))
+Initial nodes: 1339
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/A/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/A/defs.ma".
definition lweight:
A \to nat
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/llt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/llt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/leq/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/leq/defs.ma".
theorem lweight_repl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((leq g a1 a2) \to (eq nat
a0) (lweight a4)) (plus (lweight a3) (lweight a5)) (f_equal2 nat nat nat plus
(lweight a0) (lweight a3) (lweight a4) (lweight a5) H1 H3)))))))))) a1 a2
+Initial nodes: 189
+END *)
theorem llt_repl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).((leq g a1 a2) \to (\forall
a2)).(\lambda (a3: A).(\lambda (H0: (lt (lweight a1) (lweight a3))).(let H1
\def (eq_ind nat (lweight a1) (\lambda (n: nat).(lt n (lweight a3))) H0
(lweight a2) (lweight_repl g a1 a2 H)) in H1)))))).
+Initial nodes: 61
+END *)
theorem llt_trans:
\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(\forall (a3: A).((llt a1 a2) \to ((llt a2
\lambda (a1: A).(\lambda (a2: A).(\lambda (a3: A).(\lambda (H: (lt (lweight
a1) (lweight a2))).(\lambda (H0: (lt (lweight a2) (lweight a3))).(lt_trans
(lweight a1) (lweight a2) (lweight a3) H H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 43
+END *)
theorem llt_head_sx:
\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(llt a1 (AHead a1 a2)))
\lambda (a1: A).(\lambda (a2: A).(le_n_S (lweight a1) (plus (lweight a1)
(lweight a2)) (le_plus_l (lweight a1) (lweight a2)))).
+Initial nodes: 29
+END *)
theorem llt_head_dx:
\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(llt a2 (AHead a1 a2)))
\lambda (a1: A).(\lambda (a2: A).(le_n_S (lweight a2) (plus (lweight a1)
(lweight a2)) (le_plus_r (lweight a1) (lweight a2)))).
+Initial nodes: 29
+END *)
theorem llt_wf__q_ind:
\forall (P: ((A \to Prop))).(((\forall (n: nat).((\lambda (P0: ((A \to
Prop))).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (n: nat).(\forall (a: A).((eq nat (lweight a)
n) \to (P a)))))).(\lambda (a: A).(H (lweight a) a (refl_equal nat (lweight
+Initial nodes: 61
+END *)
theorem llt_wf_ind:
\forall (P: ((A \to Prop))).(((\forall (a2: A).(((\forall (a1: A).((llt a1
a1)))))) H0 (lweight a0) H1) in (H a0 (\lambda (a1: A).(\lambda (H3: (lt
(lweight a1) (lweight a0))).(H2 (lweight a1) H3 a1 (refl_equal nat (lweight
a1))))))))))))) a)))).
+Initial nodes: 179
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/G/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/G/defs.ma".
definition next_plus:
G \to (nat \to (nat \to nat))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/next_plus/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/next_plus/defs.ma".
theorem next_plus_assoc:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (h1: nat).(\forall (h2: nat).(eq
n1)) (next g (next_plus g n n2)))) (f_equal nat nat (next g) (next_plus g
(next g (next_plus g n n0)) n1) (next g (next_plus g n (plus n0 n1))) H0)
(plus n0 (S n1)) (plus_n_Sm n0 n1)))) h2)))) h1))).
+Initial nodes: 351
+END *)
theorem next_plus_next:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(eq nat (next_plus g
g n (plus (S O) h)) (\lambda (n0: nat).(eq nat n0 (next g (next_plus g n
h)))) (refl_equal nat (next g (next_plus g n h))) (next_plus g (next_plus g n
(S O)) h) (next_plus_assoc g n (S O) h)))).
+Initial nodes: 87
+END *)
theorem next_plus_lt:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (n: nat).(lt n (next_plus g (next
n) (\lambda (n1: nat).(lt n0 n1)) (lt_trans n0 (next g n0) (next_plus g (next
g (next g n0)) n) (next_lt g n0) (H (next g n0))) (next g (next_plus g (next
g n0) n)) (next_plus_next g (next g n0) n))))) h)).
+Initial nodes: 153
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/subst0.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/subst0.ma".
theorem arity_nf2_inv_all:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c t
nat).(nfs2 c0 ws))) (\lambda (_: TList).(\lambda (i: nat).(nf2 c0 (TLRef
i)))) x0 x1 (refl_equal T (THeads (Flat Appl) x0 (TLRef x1))) H7 H8)) t0
H6)))))) H5)) H4))))))))))) c t a H))))).
+Initial nodes: 9193
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/clen.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/clen.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/props.ma".
theorem nf2_dec:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(or (nf2 c t1) (ex2 T (\lambda (t2: T).((eq
c0) t1 t2))) (ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t2: T).((eq T t1 t2) \to (\forall (P:
Prop).P))) (\lambda (t2: T).(pr2 (CTail k t c0) t1 t2)) x H2 (pr2_ctail c0 t1
x H3 k t)))))) H1)) H0)))))))) c).
+Initial nodes: 3653
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma".
definition nf2:
C \to (T \to Prop)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/clen.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/clen.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/props.ma".
theorem nf2_gen_lref:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c
Prop).(lift_gen_lref_false (S i) O i (le_O_n i) (le_n (plus O (S i))) u (H0
(lift (S i) O u) (pr2_delta c d u i H (TLRef i) (TLRef i) (pr0_refl (TLRef
i)) (lift (S i) O u) (subst0_lref u i))) P))))))).
+Initial nodes: 129
+END *)
theorem nf2_gen_abst:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).((nf2 c (THead (Bind Abst) u
H_y))) in (let H2 \def (eq_ind_r T t2 (\lambda (t0: T).(pr2 (CHead c (Bind
Abst) u) t t0)) H0 t H1) in (eq_ind T t (\lambda (t0: T).(eq T t t0))
(refl_equal T t) t2 H1))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 353
+END *)
theorem nf2_gen_cast:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).((nf2 c (THead (Flat Cast) u
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (H: (nf2 c (THead
(Flat Cast) u t))).(\lambda (P: Prop).(thead_x_y_y (Flat Cast) u t (H t
(pr2_free c (THead (Flat Cast) u t) t (pr0_tau t t (pr0_refl t) u))) P))))).
+Initial nodes: 65
+END *)
theorem nf2_gen_beta:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t: T).((nf2 c
Abbr) u t) (pr2_free c (THead (Flat Appl) u (THead (Bind Abst) v t)) (THead
(Bind Abbr) u t) (pr0_beta v u u (pr0_refl u) t t (pr0_refl t))))) in
(False_ind P H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 183
+END *)
theorem nf2_gen_flat:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).((nf2 c
\Rightarrow t | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow t | (THead _ _ t0) \Rightarrow t0]))
(THead (Flat f) u t) (THead (Flat f) u t2) (H (THead (Flat f) u t2)
(pr2_head_2 c u t t2 (Flat f) (pr2_cflat c t t2 H0 f u)))) in H1)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 251
+END *)
theorem nf2_gen__nf2_gen_aux:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (d: nat).((eq T
t0)) (\lambda (t1: T).(eq T t1 t0)) H7 (THead (Bind b) (lift (S O) d t) (lift
(S O) (S d) t0)) (lift_bind b t t0 (S O) d)) in (H0 (lift (S O) d t) (S d) H8
P)))))) H3)) H2))))))))))) x)).
+Initial nodes: 935
+END *)
theorem nf2_gen_abbr:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).((nf2 c (THead (Bind Abbr) u
(lift (S O) O x) H2) in (nf2_gen__nf2_gen_aux Abbr x u O (H3 x (pr2_free c
(THead (Bind Abbr) u (lift (S O) O x)) x (pr0_zeta Abbr not_abbr_abst x x
(pr0_refl x) u))) P))) H1))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 511
+END *)
theorem nf2_gen_void:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).((nf2 c (THead (Bind Void) u
Void t u O (H t (pr2_free c (THead (Bind Void) u (lift (S O) O t)) t
(pr0_zeta Void (sym_not_eq B Abst Void not_abst_void) t t (pr0_refl t) u)))
+Initial nodes: 121
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/pr3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/iso/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/iso/props.ma".
theorem nf2_iso_appls_lref:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (i: nat).((nf2 c (TLRef i)) \to (\forall (vs:
(THead (Bind x0) x1 x2) H5) in (iso_flats_lref_bind_false Appl x0 i x1 x2 t0
H_y (iso (THead (Flat Appl) t (THeads (Flat Appl) t0 (TLRef i)))
u))))))))))))))) H3)) H2))))))) vs)))).
+Initial nodes: 1817
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
theorem nf2_lift1:
\forall (e: C).(\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).((drop1
(c2: C).(drop1 p c2 e)) (nf2 c (lift n n0 (lift1 p t))) (\lambda (x:
C).(\lambda (H3: (drop n n0 c x)).(\lambda (H4: (drop1 p x e)).(nf2_lift x
(lift1 p t) (H x t H4 H1) c n n0 H3)))) H2))))))))))) hds)).
+Initial nodes: 249
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/pr3.ma".
theorem nf2_pr3_unfold:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c t1 t2) \to ((nf2 c
(eq_ind T t3 (\lambda (t: T).(nf2 c t)) H3 t0 (H4 t0 H0)) in (let H6 \def
(eq_ind T t3 (\lambda (t: T).(pr2 c t t0)) H0 t0 (H4 t0 H0)) in (eq_ind_r T
t0 (\lambda (t: T).(eq T t t4)) (H2 H5) t3 (H4 t0 H0)))))))))))) t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 187
+END *)
theorem nf2_pr3_confluence:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).((nf2 c t1) \to (\forall (t2: T).((nf2 c t2)
(\lambda (t0: T).(pr3 c t0 t1)) H6 t1 H_y0) in (eq_ind_r T t1 (\lambda (t0:
T).(eq T t1 t0)) (refl_equal T t1) t2 H_y0))))))))) (pr3_confluence c t t2 H2
t1 H1))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 215
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/fwd.ma".
theorem nf2_sort:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (n: nat).(nf2 c (TSort n)))
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (n: nat).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (pr2 c (TSort
n) t2)).(eq_ind_r T (TSort n) (\lambda (t: T).(eq T (TSort n) t)) (refl_equal
T (TSort n)) t2 (pr2_gen_sort c t2 n H))))).
+Initial nodes: 55
+END *)
theorem nf2_csort_lref:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (i: nat).(nf2 (CSort n) (TLRef i)))
(lift (S i) O x1))).(eq_ind_r T (lift (S i) O x1) (\lambda (t: T).(eq T
(TLRef i) t)) (getl_gen_sort n i (CHead x0 (Bind Abbr) x1) H2 (eq T (TLRef i)
(lift (S i) O x1))) t2 H3))))) H1)) H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 355
+END *)
theorem nf2_abst:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).((nf2 c u) \to (\forall (b: B).(\forall (v:
(Bind Abst) u t) t0)) (f_equal3 K T T T THead (Bind Abst) (Bind Abst) u x0 t
x1 (refl_equal K (Bind Abst)) (H x0 H4) (H0 x1 (H5 b v))) t2 H3))))))
+Initial nodes: 299
+END *)
theorem nf2_abst_shift:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).((nf2 c u) \to (\forall (t: T).((nf2 (CHead c
(THead (Bind Abst) u t) t0)) (f_equal3 K T T T THead (Bind Abst) (Bind Abst)
u x0 t x1 (refl_equal K (Bind Abst)) (H x0 H4) (H0 x1 (H5 Abst u))) t2
H3)))))) H2)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 295
+END *)
theorem nfs2_tapp:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (ts: TList).((nfs2 c (TApp ts t))
t1)) (nf2 c t)) (\lambda (H5: (nfs2 c t1)).(\lambda (H6: (nf2 c t)).(conj
(land (nf2 c t0) (nfs2 c t1)) (nf2 c t) (conj (nf2 c t0) (nfs2 c t1) H2 H5)
H6))) H4))))) H1)))))) ts))).
+Initial nodes: 295
+END *)
theorem nf2_appls_lref:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (i: nat).((nf2 c (TLRef i)) \to (\forall (vs:
Appl) t (THeads (Flat Appl) (TCons t1 t3) (TLRef i))) (THead (Bind x0) x5
(THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) x3))) H16))))))) t0 H_y H9) t2
H10))))))))))))) H7)) H6))))))) H2)))))) vs)))).
+Initial nodes: 2915
+END *)
theorem nf2_appl_lref:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).((nf2 c u) \to (\forall (i: nat).((nf2 c
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (H: (nf2 c u)).(\lambda (i:
nat).(\lambda (H0: (nf2 c (TLRef i))).(let H_y \def (nf2_appls_lref c i H0
(TCons u TNil)) in (H_y (conj (nf2 c u) True H I))))))).
+Initial nodes: 49
+END *)
theorem nf2_lref_abst:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c
Abbr) x1) (getl_mono c (CHead e (Bind Abst) u) i H (CHead x0 (Bind Abbr) x1)
H3)) in (False_ind (eq T (TLRef i) (lift (S i) O x1)) H6))) t2 H4))))) H2))
+Initial nodes: 494
+END *)
theorem nf2_lift:
\forall (d: C).(\forall (t: T).((nf2 d t) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall (h:
(\lambda (t0: T).(pr2 d t t0)) H4 t H_y) in (eq_ind T t (\lambda (t0: T).(eq
T (lift h i t) (lift h i t0))) (refl_equal T (lift h i t)) x H_y))) t2 H3))))
+Initial nodes: 245
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr1/defs.ma".
definition pc1:
T \to (T \to Prop)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr1/pr1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr1/pr1.ma".
theorem pc1_pr0_r:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t1 t2) \to (pc1 t1 t2)))
\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (pr0 t1 t2)).(ex_intro2 T
(\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t2 t)) t2 (pr1_pr0 t1 t2 H)
(pr1_refl t2)))).
+Initial nodes: 43
+END *)
theorem pc1_pr0_x:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t2 t1) \to (pc1 t1 t2)))
\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (pr0 t2 t1)).(ex_intro2 T
(\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t2 t)) t1 (pr1_refl t1)
(pr1_pr0 t2 t1 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 43
+END *)
theorem pc1_refl:
\forall (t: T).(pc1 t t)
\lambda (t: T).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t0: T).(pr1 t t0)) (\lambda (t0:
T).(pr1 t t0)) t (pr1_refl t) (pr1_refl t)).
+Initial nodes: 31
+END *)
theorem pc1_pr0_u:
\forall (t2: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr0 t1 t2) \to (\forall (t3: T).((pc1 t2
T).(\lambda (H2: (pr1 t2 x)).(\lambda (H3: (pr1 t3 x)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda
(t: T).(pr1 t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t3 t)) x (pr1_sing t2 t1 H x H2)
H3)))) H1)))))).
+Initial nodes: 97
+END *)
theorem pc1_s:
\forall (t2: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pc1 t1 t2) \to (pc1 t2 t1)))
t1) (\lambda (x: T).(\lambda (H1: (pr1 t1 x)).(\lambda (H2: (pr1 t2
x)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t2 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t1 t)) x H2
H1)))) H0)))).
+Initial nodes: 79
+END *)
theorem pc1_head_1:
\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pc1 u1 u2) \to (\forall (t: T).(\forall
(\lambda (t0: T).(pr1 (THead k u1 t) t0)) (\lambda (t0: T).(pr1 (THead k u2
t) t0)) (THead k x t) (pr1_head_1 u1 x H1 t k) (pr1_head_1 u2 x H2 t k)))))
+Initial nodes: 133
+END *)
theorem pc1_head_2:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc1 t1 t2) \to (\forall (u: T).(\forall
T).(\lambda (H1: (pr1 t1 x)).(\lambda (H2: (pr1 t2 x)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda
(t: T).(pr1 (THead k u t1) t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 (THead k u t2) t)) (THead
k u x) (pr1_head_2 t1 x H1 u k) (pr1_head_2 t2 x H2 u k))))) H0)))))).
+Initial nodes: 133
+END *)
theorem pc1_t:
\forall (t2: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pc1 t1 t2) \to (\forall (t3: T).((pc1 t2
x1)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t3 t)) x1
(pr1_t x0 t1 H5 x1 H7) (pr1_t x t3 H3 x1 H8))))) (pr1_confluence t2 x0 H6 x
H2))))) H4))))) H1)))))).
+Initial nodes: 203
+END *)
theorem pc1_pr0_u2:
\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr0 t0 t1) \to (\forall (t2: T).((pc1 t0
\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (H: (pr0 t0 t1)).(\lambda (t2:
T).(\lambda (H0: (pc1 t0 t2)).(pc1_t t0 t1 (pc1_pr0_x t1 t0 H) t2 H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 35
+END *)
theorem pc1_head:
\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pc1 u1 u2) \to (\forall (t1: T).(\forall
T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H0: (pc1 t1 t2)).(\lambda (k: K).(pc1_t (THead
k u2 t1) (THead k u1 t1) (pc1_head_1 u1 u2 H t1 k) (THead k u2 t2)
(pc1_head_2 t1 t2 H0 u2 k)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 71
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity_props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/arity_props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/fwd.ma".
theorem pc3_dec:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).((ty3 g c
(eq_ind_r T x2 (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c x1 t)) H15 x0 H_y1) in (let H17 \def
(nf2_pr3_confluence c x H3 x0 H6 u1 H2) in (H8 (H17 (pr3_t x1 u1 c H11 x0
H16)) False))))))) H13)))))) H10))))) H7)))))) H4)))))) H1)))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 551
+END *)
theorem pc3_abst_dec:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).((ty3 g c
(Bind Abst)) (H32 (pr3_t x3 u2 c H20 x5 H25)) (refl_equal T x6))) False))))
H29))))))))) H23)))))))) H18))))))) (pr3_confluence c u1 x1 H13 x H4)))))
H12)))))) H9)))))) H6)))))) H3)))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1759
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/defs.ma".
definition pc3:
C \to (T \to (T \to Prop))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/left.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/left.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/fsubst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst0/getl.ma".
theorem pc3_pr2_fsubst0:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t: T).((pr2 c1 t1 t) \to (\forall
t0 (pc3_pr2_r c0 t2 t0 (pr2_delta c0 d u i (csubst0_getl_ge i0 i H7 c c0 u0
H5 (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) H0) t2 t3 H1 t0 H2))))))))))) c2 t4
H3)))))))))))))))) c1 t1 t H)))).
+Initial nodes: 6455
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr2_fsubst0_back:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr2 c1 t t1) \to (\forall
H2) t5 (pc3_pr2_r c0 t0 t5 (pr2_delta c0 e u0 i0 (csubst0_getl_ge i0 i0 (le_n
i0) c c0 u0 H5 (CHead e (Bind Abbr) u0) H6) t0 t0 (pr0_refl t0) t5
H4))))))))))) c2 t4 H3)))))))))))))))) c1 t t1 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 6191
+END *)
theorem pc3_fsubst0:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t: T).((pc3 c1 t1 t) \to (\forall
u))).(pc3_t t0 c0 t5 (pc3_s c0 t5 t0 (pc3_pr2_fsubst0_back c1 t0 t2 H0 i u c0
t5 (fsubst0_both i u c1 t2 t5 H4 c0 H5) e H6)) t3 (H2 i u c0 t0 (fsubst0_fst
i u c1 t0 c0 H5) e H6)))))))) c2 t4 H3)))))))))))) t1 t H)))).
+Initial nodes: 1249
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/fwd.ma".
theorem pc3_gen_sort:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (m: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((pc3 c (TSort m) (TSort
(\lambda (e: T).(match e in T return (\lambda (_: T).nat) with [(TSort n0)
\Rightarrow n0 | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow m | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow m]))
(TSort m) (TSort n) H3) in H4))))) H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 153
+END *)
theorem pc3_gen_abst:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall
B).(\forall (u: T).(pc3 (CHead c (Bind b) u) t1 t2))) (pc3_pr3_t c u1 x0 H16
u2 H5) (\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (u: T).(pc3_pr3_t (CHead c (Bind b) u) t1 x1
(H15 b u) t2 (H6 b u))))))))) H12)))))))) H7))))))) H3))))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 715
+END *)
theorem pc3_gen_abst_shift:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3 c
(CHead c (Bind Abst) u) t1 t2) (\lambda (_: (pc3 c u u)).(\lambda (H2:
((\forall (b: B).(\forall (u0: T).(pc3 (CHead c (Bind b) u0) t1 t2))))).(H2
Abst u))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 129
+END *)
theorem pc3_gen_lift:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
T).(eq T t (lift h d x0))) H5 (lift h d x1) H8) in (let H11 \def (eq_ind T x1
(\lambda (t: T).(pr3 e t1 t)) H9 x0 (lift_inj x1 x0 h d H10)) in (pc3_pr3_t e
t1 x0 H11 t2 H6)))))) H7))))) H4))))) H1))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 363
+END *)
theorem pc3_gen_not_abst:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1:
Void) O c c (drop_refl c) u1) (THead (Bind Abst) u2 t2) (THead (Bind Abst) x0
x1) (pr3_head_12 c u2 x0 H8 (Bind Abst) t2 x1 (H9 Abst x0)))))))))) H6)))
H4))))) H1))))))))) b).
+Initial nodes: 2427
+END *)
theorem pc3_gen_lift_abst:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (u2: T).(\forall
T).(\lambda (t1: T).(\forall (b: B).(\forall (u: T).(pr3 (CHead c (Bind b) u)
t2 (lift h (S d) t1)))))) x3 x4 H17 H16 H15))))))))) (lift_gen_bind Abst x1
x2 x0 h d H11)))))))) H7))))) H4))))) H1)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 973
+END *)
theorem pc3_gen_sort_abst:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (n: nat).((pc3 c
(_: T).Prop) with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False
| (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I (TSort n) H7) in (False_ind P
H8)))))))) H3))))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 303
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/props.ma".
theorem pc3_ind_left__pc3_left_pr3:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c t1 t2) \to
(t: T).(pc3_left_r c t)) (\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (t3: T).(\lambda (H0: (pr2
c t3 t0)).(\lambda (t4: T).(\lambda (_: (pr3 c t0 t4)).(\lambda (H2:
(pc3_left c t0 t4)).(pc3_left_ur c t3 t0 H0 t4 H2))))))) t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 87
+END *)
theorem pc3_ind_left__pc3_left_trans:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3_left c t1 t2) \to
(H2: ((\forall (t5: T).((pc3_left c t4 t5) \to (pc3_left c t0
t5))))).(\lambda (t5: T).(\lambda (H3: (pc3_left c t4 t5)).(pc3_left_ux c t0
t3 H0 t5 (H2 t5 H3)))))))))) t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 195
+END *)
theorem pc3_ind_left__pc3_left_sym:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3_left c t1 t2) \to
(_: (pc3_left c t0 t4)).(\lambda (H2: (pc3_left c t4
t0)).(pc3_ind_left__pc3_left_trans c t4 t0 H2 t3 (pc3_left_ur c t0 t3 H0 t3
(pc3_left_r c t3))))))))) t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 163
+END *)
theorem pc3_ind_left__pc3_left_pc3:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3 c t1 t2) \to
x)).(\lambda (H2: (pr3 c t2 x)).(pc3_ind_left__pc3_left_trans c t1 x
(pc3_ind_left__pc3_left_pr3 c t1 x H1) t2 (pc3_ind_left__pc3_left_sym c t2 x
(pc3_ind_left__pc3_left_pr3 c t2 x H2)))))) H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 105
+END *)
theorem pc3_ind_left__pc3_pc3_left:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3_left c t1 t2) \to
T).(\lambda (t3: T).(\lambda (H0: (pr2 c t0 t3)).(\lambda (t4: T).(\lambda
(_: (pc3_left c t0 t4)).(\lambda (H2: (pc3 c t0 t4)).(pc3_t t0 c t3
(pc3_pr2_x c t3 t0 H0) t4 H2))))))) t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 147
+END *)
theorem pc3_ind_left:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (P: ((T \to (T \to Prop)))).(((\forall (t: T).(P t
c t1 t3)).(\lambda (H5: (P t1 t3)).(H1 t1 t2 H3 t3
(pc3_ind_left__pc3_pc3_left c t1 t3 H4) H5))))))) t t0
(pc3_ind_left__pc3_left_pc3 c t t0 H2))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 225
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/pr3.ma".
theorem pc3_nf2:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3 c t1 t2) \to ((nf2 c
t2 t1 H5 H1) in (let H7 \def (eq_ind T t2 (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t t1)) H5 t1
H_y0) in (eq_ind_r T t1 (\lambda (t: T).(eq T t1 t)) (refl_equal T t1) t2
H_y0))))))))) H2))))))).
+Initial nodes: 195
+END *)
theorem pc3_nf2_unfold:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3 c t1 t2) \to ((nf2 c
T).(\lambda (H2: (pr3 c t1 x)).(\lambda (H3: (pr3 c t2 x)).(let H_y \def
(nf2_pr3_unfold c t2 x H3 H0) in (let H4 \def (eq_ind_r T x (\lambda (t:
T).(pr3 c t1 t)) H2 t2 H_y) in H4))))) H1)))))).
+Initial nodes: 109
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/pr1.ma".
theorem pc3_pc1:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc1 t1 t2) \to (\forall (c: C).(pc3 c t1
x)).(\lambda (H2: (pr1 t2 x)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t1 t))
(\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t2 t)) x (pr3_pr1 t1 x H1 c) (pr3_pr1 t2 x H2 c)))))
+Initial nodes: 103
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/pr3.ma".
theorem clear_pc3_trans:
\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3 c2 t1 t2) \to
x)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c1 t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c1 t2
t)) x (clear_pr3_trans c2 t1 x H2 c1 H0) (clear_pr3_trans c2 t2 x H3 c1
H0))))) H1))))))).
+Initial nodes: 129
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr2_r:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c t1 t2) \to (pc3 c
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (pr2 c t1
t2)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t2 t))
t2 (pr3_pr2 c t1 t2 H) (pr3_refl c t2))))).
+Initial nodes: 55
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr2_x:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c t2 t1) \to (pc3 c
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (pr2 c t2
t1)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t2 t))
t1 (pr3_refl c t1) (pr3_pr2 c t2 t1 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 55
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr3_r:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c t1 t2) \to (pc3 c
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (pr3 c t1
t2)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t2 t))
t2 H (pr3_refl c t2))))).
+Initial nodes: 47
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr3_x:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c t2 t1) \to (pc3 c
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (pr3 c t2
t1)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t2 t))
t1 (pr3_refl c t1) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 47
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr3_t:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t0: T).((pr3 c t1 t0) \to (\forall
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (H: (pr3 c t1
t0)).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H0: (pr3 c t2 t0)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t:
T).(pr3 c t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t2 t)) t0 H H0)))))).
+Initial nodes: 53
+END *)
theorem pc3_refl:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(pc3 c t t))
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t: T).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t0: T).(pr3 c t t0))
(\lambda (t0: T).(pr3 c t t0)) t (pr3_refl c t) (pr3_refl c t))).
+Initial nodes: 41
+END *)
theorem pc3_s:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pc3 c t1 t2) \to (pc3 c
T).(pr3 c t2 t)) (pc3 c t2 t1) (\lambda (x: T).(\lambda (H1: (pr3 c t1
x)).(\lambda (H2: (pr3 c t2 x)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t2 t))
(\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t1 t)) x H2 H1)))) H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 97
+END *)
theorem pc3_thin_dx:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
(Flat f) u t1) t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c (THead (Flat f) u t2) t)) (THead
(Flat f) u x) (pr3_thin_dx c t1 x H1 u f) (pr3_thin_dx c t2 x H2 u f)))))
+Initial nodes: 165
+END *)
theorem pc3_head_1:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pc3 c u1 u2) \to (\forall
(\lambda (t0: T).(pr3 c (THead k u2 t) t0)) (THead k x t) (pr3_head_12 c u1 x
H1 k t t (pr3_refl (CHead c k x) t)) (pr3_head_12 c u2 x H2 k t t (pr3_refl
(CHead c k x) t)))))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 183
+END *)
theorem pc3_head_2:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall
T (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c (THead k u t1) t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c (THead k u
t2) t)) (THead k u x) (pr3_head_12 c u u (pr3_refl c u) k t1 x H1)
(pr3_head_12 c u u (pr3_refl c u) k t2 x H2))))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 201
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr2_u:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr2 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
t1 t3) (\lambda (x: T).(\lambda (H2: (pr3 c t2 x)).(\lambda (H3: (pr3 c t3
x)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t3 t))
x (pr3_sing c t2 t1 H x H2) H3)))) H1))))))).
+Initial nodes: 119
+END *)
theorem pc3_t:
\forall (t2: T).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).((pc3 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
(pr3 c x0 x1)).(\lambda (H8: (pr3 c x x1)).(pc3_pr3_t c t1 x1 (pr3_t x0 t1 c
H5 x1 H7) t3 (pr3_t x t3 c H3 x1 H8))))) (pr3_confluence c t2 x0 H6 x H2)))))
H4))))) H1))))))).
+Initial nodes: 233
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr2_u2:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr2 c t0 t1) \to (\forall
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (H: (pr2 c t0
t1)).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H0: (pc3 c t0 t2)).(pc3_t t0 c t1 (pc3_pr2_x
c t1 t0 H) t2 H0)))))).
+Initial nodes: 45
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr3_conf:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pc3 c t t1) \to (\forall
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (H: (pc3 c t
t1)).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H0: (pr3 c t t2)).(pc3_t t c t2 (pc3_pr3_x c
t2 t H0) t1 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 45
+END *)
theorem pc3_head_12:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pc3 c u1 u2) \to (\forall
u2)).(\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H0: (pc3
(CHead c k u2) t1 t2)).(pc3_t (THead k u2 t1) c (THead k u1 t1) (pc3_head_1 c
u1 u2 H k t1) (THead k u2 t2) (pc3_head_2 c u2 t1 t2 k H0))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 89
+END *)
theorem pc3_head_21:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pc3 c u1 u2) \to (\forall
u2)).(\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H0: (pc3
(CHead c k u1) t1 t2)).(pc3_t (THead k u1 t2) c (THead k u1 t1) (pc3_head_2 c
u1 t1 t2 k H0) (THead k u2 t2) (pc3_head_1 c u1 u2 H k t2))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 89
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr0_pr2_t:
\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr0 u2 u1) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall
(pr2_cflat c t3 t (pr2_delta c d u (r (Flat f) i0) H10 t3 t4 H3 t H9) f
u1))))) k IHi (getl_gen_S k c (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) u2 i0 H8)))))) i H7
H4)))))))))))))) y t1 t2 H1))) H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1533
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr2_pr2_t:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr2 c u2 u1) \to (\forall
H12 t4 t5 H6 t6 H11) f t)))) k (getl_gen_S k c0 (CHead d0 (Bind Abbr) u0) t1
i1 H10)))))) i0 H9 H7))))))))))))) y t0 t3 H4))) H3))))))))))))))) c u2 u1
+Initial nodes: 1671
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr2_pr3_t:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u2: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall
\to (pc3 (CHead c k u1) t0 t4))))).(\lambda (u1: T).(\lambda (H3: (pr2 c u2
u1)).(pc3_t t0 (CHead c k u1) t3 (pc3_pr2_pr2_t c u1 u2 H3 t3 t0 k H0) t4 (H2
u1 H3)))))))))) t1 t2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 199
+END *)
theorem pc3_pr3_pc3_t:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr3 c u2 u1) \to (\forall
(pr3 (CHead c k t1) t4 x)).(pc3_t x (CHead c k t2) t0 (pc3_pr2_pr3_t c t1 t0
x k H5 t2 H0) t4 (pc3_s (CHead c k t2) x t4 (pc3_pr2_pr3_t c t1 t4 x k H6 t2
H0)))))) H4))))))))))))) u2 u1 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 319
+END *)
theorem pc3_lift:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((drop h
(H2: (pr3 e t1 x)).(\lambda (H3: (pr3 e t2 x)).(pc3_pr3_t c (lift h d t1)
(lift h d x) (pr3_lift c e h d H t1 x H2) (lift h d t2) (pr3_lift c e h d H
t2 x H3))))) H1))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 159
+END *)
theorem pc3_eta:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (u: T).((pc3 c t
(pc3_pr3_r c (THead (Bind Abst) w (THead (Flat Appl) (TLRef O) (lift (S O) O
(THead (Bind Abst) w u)))) (THead (Bind Abst) w u) (pr3_eta c w u w (pr3_refl
c w))) t (pc3_s c (THead (Bind Abst) w u) t H))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 399
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/subst1.ma".
theorem pc3_gen_cabbr:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
(subst1_confluence_lift x x3 u d H10 x0 H8)) in (pc3_pr3_t a x1 x0 H12 x2
H9))))) (pr3_gen_cabbr c t1 x H6 e u d H0 a0 H1 a H2 x1 H3)))))
(pr3_gen_cabbr c t2 x H7 e u d H0 a0 H1 a H2 x2 H4))))) H5))))))))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 405
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wcpr0/getl.ma".
theorem pc3_wcpr0__pc3_wcpr0_t_aux:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((wcpr0 c1 c2) \to (\forall (k: K).(\forall
H14)))))) (pr0_subst0_fwd u0 t0 t i H7 x1 H12))))))) (wcpr0_getl (CHead c1 k
u) (CHead c2 k u) (wcpr0_comp c1 c2 H u u (pr0_refl u) k) i d u0 (Bind Abbr)
H9)))))))))))))) y t4 t3 H4))) H1) t5 H3))))))) t1 t2 H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 689
+END *)
theorem pc3_wcpr0_t:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((wcpr0 c1 c2) \to (\forall (t1:
(CHead c3 k u2) t1 (pc3_wcpr0__pc3_wcpr0_t_aux c0 c3 H0 k u2 t1 x H5) t2
(pc3_s (CHead c3 k u2) x t2 (pc3_wcpr0__pc3_wcpr0_t_aux c0 c3 H0 k u2 t2 x
H6)))))) H4))))))))))))) c1 c2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 299
+END *)
theorem pc3_wcpr0:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((wcpr0 c1 c2) \to (\forall (t1:
t2) (\lambda (x: T).(\lambda (H2: (pr3 c1 t1 x)).(\lambda (H3: (pr3 c1 t2
x)).(pc3_t x c2 t1 (pc3_wcpr0_t c1 c2 H t1 x H2) t2 (pc3_s c2 x t2
(pc3_wcpr0_t c1 c2 H t2 x H3)))))) H1))))))).
+Initial nodes: 121
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/props.ma".
theorem nf0_dec:
\forall (t1: T).(or (\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t1 t2) \to (eq T t1 t2))) (ex2 T
(Flat Cast) t t0) t2)) t0 (\lambda (H1: (eq T (THead (Flat Cast) t t0)
t0)).(\lambda (P: Prop).(thead_x_y_y (Flat Cast) t t0 H1 P))) (pr0_tau t0 t0
(pr0_refl t0) t))) f)) k)))))) t1).
+Initial nodes: 10459
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma".
inductive pr0: T \to (T \to Prop) \def
| pr0_refl: \forall (t: T).(pr0 t t)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/props.ma".
theorem pr0_gen_sort:
\forall (x: T).(\forall (n: nat).((pr0 (TSort n) x) \to (eq T x (TSort n))))
False | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I
(TSort n) H3) in (False_ind (eq T t2 (THead (Flat Cast) u t1)) H4)))))))) y x
H0))) H))).
+Initial nodes: 1045
+END *)
theorem pr0_gen_lref:
\forall (x: T).(\forall (n: nat).((pr0 (TLRef n) x) \to (eq T x (TLRef n))))
False | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I
(TLRef n) H3) in (False_ind (eq T t2 (THead (Flat Cast) u t1)) H4)))))))) y x
H0))) H))).
+Initial nodes: 1045
+END *)
theorem pr0_gen_abst:
\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr0 (THead (Bind Abst) u1
t1) H3) in (False_ind (ex3_2 T T (\lambda (u2: T).(\lambda (t3: T).(eq T t2
(THead (Bind Abst) u2 t3)))) (\lambda (u2: T).(\lambda (_: T).(pr0 u1 u2)))
(\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (t3: T).(pr0 t1 t3)))) H4)))))))) y x H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 2838
+END *)
theorem pr0_gen_appl:
\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr0 (THead (Flat Appl) u1
T).(\lambda (v2: T).(\lambda (_: T).(pr0 y1 v2))))))) (\lambda (_:
B).(\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (z1: T).(\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (_: T).(\lambda
(t3: T).(pr0 z1 t3))))))))) H4)))))))) y x H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 12299
+END *)
theorem pr0_gen_cast:
\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr0 (THead (Flat Cast) u1
(\lambda (u2: T).(\lambda (t3: T).(eq T t2 (THead (Flat Cast) u2 t3))))
(\lambda (u2: T).(\lambda (_: T).(pr0 u1 u2))) (\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (t3:
T).(pr0 t1 t3)))) (pr0 t1 t2) H8))))) H4)))))))) y x H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 2911
+END *)
theorem pr0_gen_abbr:
\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr0 (THead (Bind Abbr) u1
T).(\lambda (t3: T).(or (pr0 t1 t3) (ex2 T (\lambda (y0: T).(pr0 t1 y0))
(\lambda (y0: T).(subst0 O u2 y0 t3))))))) (pr0 t1 (lift (S O) O t2)))
H4)))))))) y x H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 4711
+END *)
theorem pr0_gen_void:
\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr0 (THead (Bind Void) u1
u2 t3)))) (\lambda (u2: T).(\lambda (_: T).(pr0 u1 u2))) (\lambda (_:
T).(\lambda (t3: T).(pr0 t1 t3)))) (pr0 t1 (lift (S O) O t2))) H4)))))))) y x
H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 3436
+END *)
theorem pr0_gen_lift:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((pr0
Cast) x2 x3) t4)) x4 (refl_equal T (lift h x1 x4)) (pr0_tau x3 x4 H7 x2)) t3
H_x)))) (H2 x3 x1 H6)) x0 H4)))))) (lift_gen_flat Cast u t2 x0 h x1
H3)))))))))) y x H0))))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 7569
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/tlt.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/tlt.ma".
theorem pr0_confluence__pr0_cong_upsilon_refl:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (u0: T).(\forall (u3:
(THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x) t5) (pr0_comp (lift (S O) O v2) (lift (S
O) O x) (pr0_lift v2 x H3 (S O) O) t5 t5 (pr0_refl t5) (Flat Appl)) (Bind
+Initial nodes: 257
+END *)
theorem pr0_confluence__pr0_cong_upsilon_cong:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (u2: T).(\forall (v2:
Appl) (lift (S O) O v2) t5) (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x) x0) (pr0_comp
(lift (S O) O v2) (lift (S O) O x) (pr0_lift v2 x H1 (S O) O) t5 x0 H3 (Flat
Appl)) (Bind b))))))))))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 269
+END *)
theorem pr0_confluence__pr0_cong_upsilon_delta:
(not (eq B Abbr Abst)) \to (\forall (u5: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (w:
(THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x) x2) (subst0_snd (Flat Appl) x1 x2 x0 O H9
(lift (S O) O x))))))) H7)) (pr0_subst0 t2 x0 H3 u5 w O H0 x1
+Initial nodes: 769
+END *)
theorem pr0_confluence__pr0_cong_upsilon_zeta:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (u0: T).(\forall (u3:
Appl) x0 x1) (pr0_comp v2 x0 H2 x x1 H3 (Flat Appl)) u3)) (THead (Flat Appl)
(lift (S O) O v2) (lift (S O) O x)) (lift_flat Appl v2 x (S O)
+Initial nodes: 283
+END *)
theorem pr0_confluence__pr0_cong_delta:
\forall (u3: T).(\forall (t5: T).(\forall (w: T).((subst0 O u3 t5 w) \to
(t: T).(pr0 (THead (Bind Abbr) u3 w) t)) (THead (Bind Abbr) x x1) (pr0_delta
u2 x H0 t3 x0 H2 x1 H6) (pr0_comp u3 x H1 w x1 H5 (Bind Abbr)))))) H4))
(pr0_subst0 t5 x0 H3 u3 w O H x H1))))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 409
+END *)
theorem pr0_confluence__pr0_upsilon_upsilon:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (v1: T).(\forall (v2:
H3 (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O v2) t2) (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O
x0) x2) (pr0_comp (lift (S O) O v2) (lift (S O) O x0) (pr0_lift v2 x0 H1 (S
O) O) t2 x2 H5 (Flat Appl)) (Bind b))))))))))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 347
+END *)
theorem pr0_confluence__pr0_delta_delta:
\forall (u2: T).(\forall (t3: T).(\forall (w: T).((subst0 O u2 t3 w) \to
(Bind Abbr)) (pr0_delta u3 x H2 w0 x1 H6 x2 H11))) (subst0_confluence_eq x0
x2 x O H10 x1 H7))))) H8)) (pr0_subst0 t3 x0 H3 u2 w O H x H1))))) H5))
(pr0_subst0 t5 x0 H4 u3 w0 O H0 x H2))))))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1501
+END *)
theorem pr0_confluence__pr0_delta_tau:
\forall (u2: T).(\forall (t3: T).(\forall (w: T).((subst0 O u2 t3 w) \to
(le_n (plus (S O) O)) (plus O (S O)) (plus_sym O (S O))) H3 (ex2 T (\lambda
(t: T).(pr0 (THead (Bind Abbr) u2 w) t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr0 t2 t))))))))
(pr0_gen_lift t4 t3 (S O) O H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 257
+END *)
theorem pr0_confluence:
\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr0 t0 t1) \to (\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t0
H13)))) t6 (sym_eq T t6 t2 H10))) t H8 H9 H7)))]) in (H7 (refl_equal T t)
(refl_equal T t2)))) t4 (sym_eq T t4 t1 H5))) t H3 H4 H2)))]) in (H2
(refl_equal T t) (refl_equal T t1))))))))) t0).
+Initial nodes: 46103
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/subst0.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/subst0.ma".
theorem pr0_lift:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t1 t2) \to (\forall (h: nat).(\forall
t3)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr0 t (lift h d t4))) (pr0_tau (lift h (s (Flat Cast)
d) t3) (lift h d t4) (H1 h d) (lift h d u)) (lift h d (THead (Flat Cast) u
t3)) (lift_head (Flat Cast) u t3 h d))))))))) t1 t2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 2845
+END *)
theorem pr0_subst0_back:
\forall (u2: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst0
(t: T).(subst0 i0 u0 (THead k u1 t3) t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr0 t (THead k u3
t4))) (THead k x0 x) (subst0_both u0 u1 x0 i0 H7 k t3 x H5) (pr0_comp x0 u3
H8 x t4 H6 k))))) (H1 u0 H4))))) (H3 u0 H4))))))))))))))) i u2 t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 979
+END *)
theorem pr0_subst0_fwd:
\forall (u2: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst0
(t: T).(subst0 i0 u0 (THead k u1 t3) t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr0 (THead k u3 t4)
t)) (THead k x0 x) (subst0_both u0 u1 x0 i0 H7 k t3 x H5) (pr0_comp u3 x0 H8
t4 x H6 k))))) (H1 u0 H4))))) (H3 u0 H4))))))))))))))) i u2 t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 979
+END *)
theorem pr0_subst0:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t1 t2) \to (\forall (v1: T).(\forall
x (pr0_tau x1 x H9 x0) H10))))) H8)) (H1 v1 x1 (s (Flat Cast) i) H7 v2 H3))
w1 H5)))))) H4)) (subst0_gen_head (Flat Cast) v1 u t3 w1 i H2))))))))))))) t1
t2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 38857
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst1/defs.ma".
theorem pr0_delta1:
\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr0 u1 u2) \to (\forall (t1: T).(\forall
Abbr) u1 t1) (THead (Bind Abbr) u2 t))) (pr0_comp u1 u2 H t1 t2 H0 (Bind
Abbr)) (\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (H2: (subst0 O u2 t2 t0)).(pr0_delta u1 u2 H
t1 t2 H0 t0 H2))) w H1)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 115
+END *)
theorem pr0_subst1_back:
\forall (u2: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst1
(H2: (subst0 i u1 t1 x)).(\lambda (H3: (pr0 x t0)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t:
T).(subst1 i u1 t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr0 t t0)) x (subst1_single i u1 t1 x
H2) H3)))) (pr0_subst0_back u2 t1 t0 i H0 u1 H1)))))) t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 251
+END *)
theorem pr0_subst1_fwd:
\forall (u2: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst1
(H2: (subst0 i u1 t1 x)).(\lambda (H3: (pr0 t0 x)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t:
T).(subst1 i u1 t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr0 t0 t)) x (subst1_single i u1 t1 x
H2) H3)))) (pr0_subst0_fwd u2 t1 t0 i H0 u1 H1)))))) t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 251
+END *)
theorem pr0_subst1:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t1 t2) \to (\forall (v1: T).(\forall
(pr0 t0 x)).(\lambda (H5: (subst0 i v2 t2 x)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (w2:
T).(pr0 t0 w2)) (\lambda (w2: T).(subst1 i v2 t2 w2)) x H4 (subst1_single i
v2 t2 x H5))))) H3)) (pr0_subst0 t1 t2 H v1 t0 i H1 v2 H2)))))) w1 H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 385
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/defs.ma".
inductive pr1: T \to (T \to Prop) \def
| pr1_refl: \forall (t: T).(pr1 t t)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/pr0.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/pr0.ma".
theorem pr1_strip:
\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr1 t0 t1) \to (\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t0
x0)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t4 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t5 t)) x0
H7 (pr1_t x t5 (pr1_pr0 t5 x H4) x0 H8))))) H6))))) (pr0_confluence t3 t5 H3
t2 H0)))))))))) t0 t1 H))).
+Initial nodes: 317
+END *)
theorem pr1_confluence:
\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr1 t0 t1) \to (\forall (t2: T).((pr1 t0
t))) (\lambda (x0: T).(\lambda (H8: (pr1 t4 x0)).(\lambda (H9: (pr1 x
x0)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t4 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr1 t5 t)) x0
H8 (pr1_t x t5 H5 x0 H9))))) H7)))))) H4))))))))))) t0 t1 H))).
+Initial nodes: 311
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/subst1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/props.ma".
theorem pr1_pr0:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t1 t2) \to (pr1 t1 t2)))
\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (pr0 t1 t2)).(pr1_sing t2 t1 H
t2 (pr1_refl t2)))).
+Initial nodes: 23
+END *)
theorem pr1_t:
\forall (t2: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr1 t1 t2) \to (\forall (t3: T).((pr1 t2
(_: (pr1 t0 t4)).(\lambda (H2: ((\forall (t5: T).((pr1 t4 t5) \to (pr1 t0
t5))))).(\lambda (t5: T).(\lambda (H3: (pr1 t4 t5)).(pr1_sing t0 t3 H0 t5 (H2
t5 H3)))))))))) t1 t2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 103
+END *)
theorem pr1_head_1:
\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr1 u1 u2) \to (\forall (t: T).(\forall
(_: (pr1 t2 t3)).(\lambda (H2: (pr1 (THead k t2 t) (THead k t3 t))).(pr1_sing
(THead k t2 t) (THead k t1 t) (pr0_comp t1 t2 H0 t t (pr0_refl t) k) (THead k
t3 t) H2))))))) u1 u2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 137
+END *)
theorem pr1_head_2:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr1 t1 t2) \to (\forall (u: T).(\forall
(pr1 t0 t4)).(\lambda (H2: (pr1 (THead k u t0) (THead k u t4))).(pr1_sing
(THead k u t0) (THead k u t3) (pr0_comp u u (pr0_refl u) t3 t0 H0 k) (THead k
u t4) H2))))))) t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 137
+END *)
theorem pr1_comp:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (w: T).((pr1 v w) \to (\forall (t: T).(\forall (u:
t1 t0) (THead k t3 t5))).(pr1_sing (THead k t1 t0) (THead k t1 t4) (pr0_comp
t1 t1 (pr0_refl t1) t4 t0 H4 k) (THead k t3 t5) H6))))))) t u H3))))))))))) v
w H))).
+Initial nodes: 273
+END *)
theorem pr1_eta:
\forall (w: T).(\forall (u: T).(let t \def (THead (Bind Abst) w u) in
(pr1_pr0 (THead (Bind Abbr) (TLRef O) (lift (S O) O u)) u (pr0_zeta Abbr
not_abbr_abst u u (pr0_refl u) (TLRef O))))) (Bind Abst)) (lift (S O) O
(THead (Bind Abst) w u)) (lift_bind Abst w u (S O) O)))))).
+Initial nodes: 463
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/clen/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/clen/getl.ma".
theorem pr2_gen_ctail:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall
(t0: T).(pr0 t3 t0)) (\lambda (t0: T).(subst0 (clen c) u t0 t)) t4
(refl_equal K (Bind Abbr)) H2 H13)) k H9)))))))) H7)) H6))))))))))))))) y t1
t2 H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1161
+END *)
theorem pr2_gen_cbind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall
(Bind b) (pr2_delta (CHead c (Bind b) v) d u (S x) (getl_clear_bind b (CHead
c (Bind b) v) c v (clear_bind b c v) (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) x H9) t3 t4 H2 t
H11))))))) H7)) H6))))))))))))))) y t1 t2 H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1085
+END *)
theorem pr2_gen_cflat:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall
c (Flat f) v) H4) in (let H_y \def (getl_gen_flat f c (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u)
v i H5) in (pr2_delta c d u i H_y t3 t4 H2 t H3)))))))))))))) y t1 t2 H0)))
+Initial nodes: 293
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/defs.ma".
inductive pr2: C \to (T \to (T \to Prop)) \def
| pr2_free: \forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t1 t2) \to
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/clear.ma".
theorem pr2_gen_sort:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (n: nat).((pr2 c (TSort n) x) \to
(let H6 \def (eq_ind T t2 (\lambda (t0: T).(subst0 i u t0 t)) H3 (TSort n)
(pr0_gen_sort t2 n H5)) in (subst0_gen_sort u t i n H6 (eq T t (TSort n))))
t1 H4))))))))))))) c y x H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 347
+END *)
theorem pr2_gen_lref:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (n: nat).((pr2 c (TLRef n) x) \to
Abbr) u0)))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda (u0: T).(eq T (lift (S n) O u) (lift (S
n) O u0)))) d u H9 (refl_equal T (lift (S n) O u))))) t H8)))
(subst0_gen_lref u t i n H6))) t1 H4))))))))))))) c y x H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 1003
+END *)
theorem pr2_gen_abst:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr2 c
(S i) (getl_head (Bind b) i c0 (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) H1 u0) t1 x1 H8 x3
H13)))) t H11)))))) H10)) (subst0_gen_head (Bind Abst) u x0 x1 t i H9))))))))
(pr0_gen_abst u1 t1 t2 H5)))))))))))))) c y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 2383
+END *)
theorem pr2_gen_cast:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr2 c
u2))) (\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (t3: T).(pr2 c0 t1 t3)))) (pr2 c0 t1 t)
(pr2_delta c0 d u i H1 t1 t2 H6 t H3))) (pr0_gen_cast u1 t1 t2
H5)))))))))))))) c y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 2659
+END *)
theorem pr2_gen_csort:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (n: nat).((pr2 (CSort n) t1 t2)
(CSort n))).(let H5 \def (eq_ind C c (\lambda (c0: C).(getl i c0 (CHead d
(Bind Abbr) u))) H1 (CSort n) H4) in (getl_gen_sort n i (CHead d (Bind Abbr)
u) H5 (pr0 t3 t)))))))))))))) y t1 t2 H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 221
+END *)
theorem pr2_gen_appl:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr2 c
x7 (s (Bind x0) i) H17)) t H15)))))) H14)) (subst0_gen_head (Bind x0) u x4
(THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x3) x5) t i H13)) t1 H8)))))))))))))) H6))
(pr0_gen_appl u1 t1 t2 H5)))))))))))))) c y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 38859
+END *)
theorem pr2_gen_abbr:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr2 c
(getl_head (Bind b) i c0 (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) H1 u0) t1 (lift (S O) O t2)
H6 (lift (S O) O t) (subst0_lift_ge_S t2 t u i H3 O (le_O_n i)))))))
(pr0_gen_abbr u1 t1 t2 H5)))))))))))))) c y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 11671
+END *)
theorem pr2_gen_void:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr2 c
(Bind b) i c0 (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) H1 u0) t1 (lift (S O) O t2) H6 (lift (S
O) O t) (subst0_lift_ge_S t2 t u i H3 O (le_O_n i))))))) (pr0_gen_void u1 t1
t2 H5)))))))))))))) c y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 3467
+END *)
theorem pr2_gen_lift:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
(getl_drop_conf_ge i (CHead d0 (Bind Abbr) u) c0 H1 e h d H5 H11) t1 x0 H8 x1
H13))))) (subst0_gen_lift_ge u x0 t i h d H9 H11)))))))))) (pr0_gen_lift t1
t2 h d H6)))))))))))))))) c y x H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1579
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/pr0.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/pr0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/props.ma".
theorem pr2_confluence__pr2_free_free:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t0
x)).(\lambda (H2: (pr0 t1 x)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(pr2 c t1 t))
(\lambda (t: T).(pr2 c t2 t)) x (pr2_free c t1 x H2) (pr2_free c t2 x H1)))))
(pr0_confluence t0 t2 H0 t1 H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 135
+END *)
theorem pr2_confluence__pr2_free_delta:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall
T).(pr2 c t2 t)) x0 (pr2_delta c d u i H0 t1 x H4 x0 H7) (pr2_free c t2 x0
H6))))) H5)) (pr0_subst0 t4 x H3 u t2 i H2 u (pr0_refl u))))))
(pr0_confluence t0 t4 H1 t1 H))))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 403
+END *)
theorem pr2_confluence__pr2_delta_delta:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (d0: C).(\forall (t0: T).(\forall
(pr0_subst0 t4 x H5 u0 t2 i0 H4 u0 (pr0_refl u0)))))) H7)) (pr0_subst0 t3 x
H6 u t1 i H1 u (pr0_refl u)))))) (pr0_confluence t0 t4 H3 t3
+Initial nodes: 1901
+END *)
theorem pr2_confluence:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr2 c t0 t1) \to (\forall
(refl_equal T t0) (refl_equal T t2)))))) t (sym_eq T t t1 H8))) t3 (sym_eq T
t3 t0 H7))) c0 (sym_eq C c0 c H4) H5 H6 H1 H2 H3))))]) in (H1 (refl_equal C
c) (refl_equal T t0) (refl_equal T t1)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 2087
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/clear.ma".
theorem pr2_thin_dx:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
H0 (THead (Flat f) u t0) (THead (Flat f) u t3) (pr0_comp u u (pr0_refl u) t0
t3 H1 (Flat f)) (THead (Flat f) u t) (subst0_snd (Flat f) u0 t t3 i H2
u)))))))))))) c t1 t2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 239
+END *)
theorem pr2_head_1:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr2 c u1 u2) \to (\forall
t0)).(pr2_delta c0 d u i H0 (THead k t1 t) (THead k t2 t) (pr0_comp t1 t2 H1
t t (pr0_refl t) k) (THead k t0 t) (subst0_fst u t0 t2 i H2 t k)))))))))))) c
u1 u2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 219
+END *)
theorem pr2_head_2:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall
(THead (Flat f) u t4) (pr0_comp u u (pr0_refl u) t3 t4 H3 (Flat f)) (THead
(Flat f) u t) (subst0_snd (Flat f) u0 t t4 (r (Flat f) n) H4 u)))))))))))))
i)))))) k) y t1 t2 H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1947
+END *)
theorem clear_pr2_trans:
\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c2 t1 t2) \to
t4)).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (H2: (subst0 i u t4 t)).(\lambda (c1:
C).(\lambda (H3: (clear c1 c)).(pr2_delta c1 d u i (clear_getl_trans i c
(CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) H0 c1 H3) t3 t4 H1 t H2))))))))))))) c2 t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 171
+END *)
theorem pr2_cflat:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
(t: T).(\lambda (H2: (subst0 i u t4 t)).(pr2_delta (CHead c0 (Flat f) v) d u
i (getl_flat c0 (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) i H0 f v) t3 t4 H1 t H2))))))))))) c
t1 t2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 175
+END *)
theorem pr2_ctail:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
T).(\lambda (t4: T).(\lambda (H1: (pr0 t3 t4)).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (H2:
(subst0 i u0 t4 t)).(pr2_delta (CTail k u c0) (CTail k u d) u0 i (getl_ctail
Abbr c0 d u0 i H0 k u) t3 t4 H1 t H2))))))))))) c t1 t2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 171
+END *)
theorem pr2_change:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abbr)) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall (v1:
(getl_head (Bind b) i0 c (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) (getl_gen_S (Bind b) c
(CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) v1 i0 H7) v2) t3 t4 H3 t H8))))) i H6 H4)))))))))))))
y t1 t2 H1))) H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 913
+END *)
theorem pr2_lift:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((drop h
(drop_getl_trans_ge i c e d h H (CHead d0 (Bind Abbr) u) H6 H7) (lift h d t3)
(lift h d t4) (pr0_lift t3 t4 H3 h d) (lift h d t) (subst0_lift_ge t4 t u i h
H4 d H7)))))))))))))))) y t1 t2 H1))) H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 849
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/subst1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst1/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubst1/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst1/subst1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/drop.ma".
theorem pr2_delta1:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c
t)).(subst1_ind i u t2 (\lambda (t0: T).(pr2 c t1 t0)) (pr2_free c t1 t2 H0)
(\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (H2: (subst0 i u t2 t0)).(pr2_delta c d u i H t1 t2
H0 t0 H2))) t H1)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 111
+END *)
theorem pr2_subst1:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c
(subst1_confluence_eq t4 t v i (subst1_single i v t4 t H18) x H9)))))))
H14)))))))))) (pr0_subst1 t3 t4 H3 v w1 i H6 v (pr0_refl v))) c0
H5))))))))))))))) y t1 t2 H1))) H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1311
+END *)
theorem pr2_gen_cabbr:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
(S O) d0 x0) u0 d0 H11 (sym_not_eq nat d0 i (lt_neq d0 i H12))))))))))
(pr0_gen_lift x1 x (S O) d0 H7))))) (pr0_subst1 t3 t4 H1 u0 (lift (S O) d0
x1) d0 H6 u0 (pr0_refl u0))))))))))))))))))))))) c t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 3757
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma".
inductive pr3 (c: C): T \to (T \to Prop) \def
| pr3_refl: \forall (t: T).(pr3 c t t)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/fwd.ma".
theorem pr3_gen_sort:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (n: nat).((pr3 c (TSort n) x) \to
T).(eq T t3 t)) (let H6 \def (eq_ind T t2 (\lambda (t: T).((eq T t (TSort n))
\to (eq T t3 t))) H3 (TSort n) (pr2_gen_sort c t2 n H5)) in (H6 (refl_equal T
(TSort n)))) t1 H4))))))))) y x H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 253
+END *)
theorem pr3_gen_abst:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr3 c
x4 x5 H12 (pr3_sing c x2 x0 H8 x4 H13) (\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (u:
T).(pr3_sing (CHead c (Bind b) u) x3 x1 (H9 b u) x5 (H14 b u))))))))))
H11)))))))) H6)))))))))))) y x H0))))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1261
+END *)
theorem pr3_gen_cast:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr3 c
t5)))) (\lambda (u2: T).(\lambda (_: T).(pr3 c x0 u2))) (\lambda (_:
T).(\lambda (t5: T).(pr3 c x1 t5)))) (pr3 c x1 t4) (pr3_sing c t2 x1 H7 t4
H2))) H6)))))))))))) y x H0))))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 2001
+END *)
theorem pr3_gen_lift:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
(\lambda (t5: T).(eq T t4 (lift h d t5))) (\lambda (t5: T).(pr3 e x0 t5)) x2
H10 (pr3_sing e x1 x0 H9 x2 H11))))) (H3 x1 H8 e H5))))) H7))))))))))))) y x
H0)))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 689
+END *)
theorem pr3_gen_lref:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (n: nat).((pr3 c (TLRef n) x) \to
C).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (v: T).(pr3 d u v)))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda
(_: T).(\lambda (v: T).(eq T t3 (lift (S n) O v))))) x0 x1 x2 H8 H14 H13)))))
H12)))))))) H7)) H6)) t1 H4))))))))) y x H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 1515
+END *)
theorem pr3_gen_void:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr3 c
(pr3_sing (CHead c (Bind Void) x0) (lift (S O) O t2) x1 (H7 Void x0) (lift (S
O) O t4) (pr3_lift (CHead c (Bind Void) x0) c (S O) O (drop_drop (Bind Void)
O c c (drop_refl c) x0) t2 t4 H2)))) H6)))))))))))) y x H0))))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 2645
+END *)
theorem pr3_gen_abbr:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr3 c
(CHead c (Bind Abbr) x0) (lift (S O) O t2) x1 (H7 Abbr x0) (lift (S O) O t4)
(pr3_lift (CHead c (Bind Abbr) x0) c (S O) O (drop_drop (Bind Abbr) O c c
(drop_refl c) x0) t2 t4 H2)))) H6)))))))))))) y x H0))))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 5983
+END *)
theorem pr3_gen_appl:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).((pr3 c
y2) z1 z2))))))) x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 H8 (pr3_refl c (THead (Bind x2) x3 x4))
H15 (pr3_pr2 c x0 x6 H11) (pr3_pr2 c x3 x7 H12) (pr3_pr2 (CHead c (Bind x2)
x7) x4 x5 H13))))) x1 H9))))))))))))) H7)) H6)))))))))))) y x H0))))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 12691
+END *)
theorem pr3_gen_bind:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1:
T).(eq T x (THead (Bind Void) u2 t2)))) (\lambda (u2: T).(\lambda (_: T).(pr3
c u1 u2))) (\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(pr3 (CHead c (Bind Void) u1) t1
t2)))) (pr3 (CHead c (Bind Void) u1) t1 (lift (S O) O x)) H2)) H1)))))))) b).
+Initial nodes: 1721
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/iso/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/iso/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/tlist/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/tlist/props.ma".
theorem pr3_iso_appls_abbr:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c
c x1 x5 H9 (Bind x0) (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) x2) (THead (Flat
Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) x3) (pr3_thin_dx (CHead c (Bind x0) x5) x2 x3 H10
(lift (S O) O x4) Appl)) u2 H7)))))))))))))) H4)) H3)))))))) vs)))))).
+Initial nodes: 3759
+END *)
theorem pr3_iso_appls_cast:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (vs: TList).(let u1
(pr3_head_12 c x1 x5 H8 (Bind x0) (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) x2)
(THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) x3) (pr3_thin_dx (CHead c (Bind x0) x5)
x2 x3 H9 (lift (S O) O x4) Appl)) u2 H6)))))))))))))) H3)) H2)))))))) vs)))).
+Initial nodes: 3297
+END *)
theorem pr3_iso_appl_bind:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (v1: T).(\forall (v2:
O) O x4) Appl))) (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) (lift (S O) O (THead
(Bind x0) x1 x2))) (lift_flat Appl x4 (THead (Bind x0) x1 x2) (S O) O))))
H10))) u2 H6))))))))))))) H3)) H2)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 4805
+END *)
theorem pr3_iso_appls_appl_bind:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (v: T).(\forall (u:
Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) x2) (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) x3)
(pr3_thin_dx (CHead c (Bind x0) x5) x2 x3 H10 (lift (S O) O x4) Appl)) u2
H7)))))))))))))) H4)) H3))))))))) vs)))))).
+Initial nodes: 3571
+END *)
theorem pr3_iso_appls_bind:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (vs: TList).(\forall (u:
(Flat Appl) (TApp (lifts (S O) O ts) (lift (S O) O t)) t0) (theads_tapp (Flat
Appl) (lift (S O) O t) t0 (lifts (S O) O ts))) (lifts (S O) O (TApp ts t))
(lifts_tapp (S O) O t ts))))))))))) vs))).
+Initial nodes: 1681
+END *)
theorem pr3_iso_beta:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (t: T).(let u1 \def (THead (Flat
Abst))) H3 Abst H17) in (let H23 \def (match (H22 (refl_equal B Abst)) in
False return (\lambda (_: False).(pr3 c (THead (Bind Abbr) v t) u2)) with [])
in H23))))))))) H14)) H13))))))) H9)))))))))))))) H2)) H1)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 2459
+END *)
theorem pr3_iso_appls_beta:
\forall (us: TList).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (t: T).(let u1
(pr3_head_12 c x1 x5 H8 (Bind x0) (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) x2)
(THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) x3) (pr3_thin_dx (CHead c (Bind x0) x5)
x2 x3 H9 (lift (S O) O x4) Appl)) u2 H6)))))))))))))) H3)) H2)))))))))))) us).
+Initial nodes: 3345
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr1/defs.ma".
theorem pr3_pr1:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr1 t1 t2) \to (\forall (c: C).(pr3 c t1
T).(\lambda (H0: (pr0 t3 t0)).(\lambda (t4: T).(\lambda (_: (pr1 t0
t4)).(\lambda (H2: ((\forall (c: C).(pr3 c t0 t4)))).(\lambda (c:
C).(pr3_sing c t0 t3 (pr2_free c t3 t0 H0) t4 (H2 c))))))))) t1 t2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 95
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/pr2.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/pr2.ma".
theorem pr3_strip:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr3 c t0 t1) \to (\forall
(\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t4 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t5 t)) x0 H6 (pr3_sing c
x t5 H4 x0 H7))))) (H2 x H5))))) (pr2_confluence c t3 t5 H3 t2 H0))))))))))
t0 t1 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 375
+END *)
theorem pr3_confluence:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).((pr3 c t0 t1) \to (\forall
(\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t4 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t5 t)) x0 H6 (pr3_t x t5
c H4 x0 H7))))) (H2 x H5))))) (pr3_strip c t3 t5 H3 t2 H0)))))))))) t0 t1
+Initial nodes: 367
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/pr1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr1/props.ma".
theorem clear_pr3_trans:
\forall (c2: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c2 t1 t2) \to
(t3: T).(\lambda (t4: T).(\lambda (H1: (pr2 c2 t4 t3)).(\lambda (t5:
T).(\lambda (_: (pr3 c2 t3 t5)).(\lambda (H3: (pr3 c1 t3 t5)).(pr3_sing c1 t3
t4 (clear_pr2_trans c2 t4 t3 H1 c1 H0) t5 H3))))))) t1 t2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 107
+END *)
theorem pr3_pr2:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c t1 t2) \to (pr3 c
\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (pr2 c t1
t2)).(pr3_sing c t2 t1 H t2 (pr3_refl c t2))))).
+Initial nodes: 31
+END *)
theorem pr3_t:
\forall (t2: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (c: C).((pr3 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
t0)).(\lambda (t4: T).(\lambda (_: (pr3 c t0 t4)).(\lambda (H2: ((\forall
(t5: T).((pr3 c t4 t5) \to (pr3 c t0 t5))))).(\lambda (t5: T).(\lambda (H3:
(pr3 c t4 t5)).(pr3_sing c t0 t3 H0 t5 (H2 t5 H3)))))))))) t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 127
+END *)
theorem pr3_thin_dx:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
t4)).(\lambda (H2: (pr3 c (THead (Flat f) u t0) (THead (Flat f) u
t4))).(pr3_sing c (THead (Flat f) u t0) (THead (Flat f) u t3) (pr2_thin_dx c
t3 t0 H0 u f) (THead (Flat f) u t4) H2))))))) t1 t2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 167
+END *)
theorem pr3_head_1:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr3 c u1 u2) \to (\forall
(THead k t2 t) (THead k t3 t)))))).(\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (t: T).(pr3_sing
c (THead k t2 t) (THead k t1 t) (pr2_head_1 c t1 t2 H0 k t) (THead k t3 t)
(H2 k t)))))))))) u1 u2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 167
+END *)
theorem pr3_head_2:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall
(pr3 (CHead c k u) t0 t4)).(\lambda (H2: (pr3 c (THead k u t0) (THead k u
t4))).(pr3_sing c (THead k u t0) (THead k u t3) (pr2_head_2 c u t3 t0 k H0)
(THead k u t4) H2))))))) t1 t2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 175
+END *)
theorem pr3_head_21:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr3 c u1 u2) \to (\forall
u2)).(\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H0: (pr3
(CHead c k u1) t1 t2)).(pr3_t (THead k u1 t2) (THead k u1 t1) c (pr3_head_2 c
u1 t1 t2 k H0) (THead k u2 t2) (pr3_head_1 c u1 u2 H k t2))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 89
+END *)
theorem pr3_head_12:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr3 c u1 u2) \to (\forall
u2)).(\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H0: (pr3
(CHead c k u2) t1 t2)).(pr3_t (THead k u2 t1) (THead k u1 t1) c (pr3_head_1 c
u1 u2 H k t1) (THead k u2 t2) (pr3_head_2 c u2 t1 t2 k H0))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 89
+END *)
theorem pr3_cflat:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
(_: (pr3 c t3 t5)).(\lambda (H2: ((\forall (f: F).(\forall (v: T).(pr3 (CHead
c (Flat f) v) t3 t5))))).(\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (v: T).(pr3_sing (CHead c
(Flat f) v) t3 t4 (pr2_cflat c t4 t3 H0 f v) t5 (H2 f v)))))))))) t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 151
+END *)
theorem pr3_flat:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr3 c u1 u2) \to (\forall
u2)).(\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H0: (pr3 c t1 t2)).(\lambda
(f: F).(pr3_head_12 c u1 u2 H (Flat f) t1 t2 (pr3_cflat c t1 t2 H0 f
+Initial nodes: 59
+END *)
theorem pr3_pr0_pr2_t:
\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr0 u1 u2) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall
(CHead c (Flat f) u1) t3 t (pr2_cflat c t3 t (pr2_delta c d u (r (Flat f) i0)
(getl_gen_S (Flat f) c (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) u2 i0 H9) t3 t4 H3 t H8) f
u1))))) k H7 IHi))))) i H6 H4))))))))))))) y t1 t2 H1))) H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1557
+END *)
theorem pr3_pr2_pr2_t:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr2 c u1 u2) \to (\forall
(pr2_cflat c0 t4 t6 (pr2_delta c0 d0 u0 (r (Flat f) i1) (getl_gen_S (Flat f)
c0 (CHead d0 (Bind Abbr) u0) t i1 H12) t4 t5 H6 t6 H11) f t1)))) k H10)))))
i0 H9 H7))))))))))))) y t0 t3 H4))) H3))))))))))))))) c u1 u2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 1697
+END *)
theorem pr3_pr2_pr3_t:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u2: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall
\to (pr3 (CHead c k u1) t0 t4))))).(\lambda (u1: T).(\lambda (H3: (pr2 c u1
u2)).(pr3_t t0 t3 (CHead c k u1) (pr3_pr2_pr2_t c u1 u2 H3 t3 t0 k H0) t4 (H2
u1 H3)))))))))) t1 t2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 199
+END *)
theorem pr3_pr3_pr3_t:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr3 c u1 u2) \to (\forall
(CHead c k t3) t4 t5) \to (pr3 (CHead c k t2) t4 t5))))))).(\lambda (t0:
T).(\lambda (t4: T).(\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (H3: (pr3 (CHead c k t3) t0
t4)).(pr3_pr2_pr3_t c t2 t0 t4 k (H2 t0 t4 k H3) t1 H0))))))))))) u1 u2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 187
+END *)
theorem pr3_lift:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((drop h
t4)).(\lambda (H3: (pr3 c (lift h d t0) (lift h d t4))).(pr3_sing c (lift h d
t0) (lift h d t3) (pr2_lift c e h d H t3 t0 H1) (lift h d t4) H3))))))) t1 t2
+Initial nodes: 167
+END *)
theorem pr3_eta:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (u: T).(let t \def (THead (Bind
Abbr) (TLRef O) (lift (S O) O u)) u (pr0_zeta Abbr not_abbr_abst u u
(pr0_refl u) (TLRef O))))) (CHead c (Bind Abst) w))) (lift (S O) O (THead
(Bind Abst) w u)) (lift_bind Abst w u (S O) O))))))).
+Initial nodes: 523
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr2/subst1.ma".
theorem pr3_subst1:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c
t5 x0)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (w2: T).(pr3 c w1 w2)) (\lambda (w2: T).(subst1
i v t5 w2)) x0 (pr3_sing c x w1 H5 x0 H7) H8)))) (H3 x H6))))) (pr2_subst1 c
e v i H t4 t3 H1 w1 H4)))))))))) t1 t2 H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 425
+END *)
theorem pr3_gen_cabbr:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
u t4 (lift (S O) d x2))) (\lambda (x2: T).(pr3 a x1 x2)) x0 H9 (pr3_sing a x
x1 H8 x0 H10))))) (H2 e u d H3 a0 H4 a H5 x H7))))) (pr2_gen_cabbr c t3 t0 H0
e u d H3 a0 H4 a H5 x1 H6)))))))))))))))))) t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 731
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wcpr0/getl.ma".
theorem pr3_wcpr0_t:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((wcpr0 c2 c1) \to (\forall (t1:
H0 u1 u1 (pr0_refl u1) k) i d u (Bind Abbr) H12)))))))))))))) y t3 t0 H7)))
H4) t4 H6))))))) t1 t2 (pr3_pr2_pr3_t c3 u2 t1 t2 k H3 u1 (pr2_free c3 u1 u2
H2)))))))))))))) c2 c1 H))).
+Initial nodes: 799
+END *)
(* *)
-include "Base-1/theory.ma".
+include "Ground-1/theory.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/defs.ma".
definition r:
K \to (nat \to nat)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/r/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/r/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/s/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/s/defs.ma".
theorem r_S:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(eq nat (r k (S i)) (S (r k i))))
i)) (S (r k0 i))))) (\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (i: nat).(refl_equal nat (S (r
(Bind b) i))))) (\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (i: nat).(refl_equal nat (S (r (Flat
f) i))))) k).
+Initial nodes: 65
+END *)
theorem r_plus:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).(eq nat (r k (plus i j))
(i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(refl_equal nat (plus (r (Bind b) i) j)))))
(\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(refl_equal nat (plus (r
(Flat f) i) j))))) k).
+Initial nodes: 79
+END *)
theorem r_plus_sym:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).(eq nat (r k (plus i j))
nat).(eq nat (r k0 (plus i j)) (plus i (r k0 j)))))) (\lambda (_: B).(\lambda
(i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(refl_equal nat (plus i j))))) (\lambda (_:
F).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(plus_n_Sm i j)))) k).
+Initial nodes: 63
+END *)
theorem r_minus:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((lt n i) \to (\forall (k: K).(eq nat
K).(K_ind (\lambda (k0: K).(eq nat (minus (r k0 i) (S n)) (r k0 (minus i (S
n))))) (\lambda (_: B).(refl_equal nat (minus i (S n)))) (\lambda (_:
F).(minus_x_Sy i n H)) k)))).
+Initial nodes: 69
+END *)
theorem r_dis:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (P: Prop).(((((\forall (i: nat).(eq nat (r k i) i)))
((((\forall (i: nat).(eq nat (r (Flat f) i) i))) \to P))).(\lambda (H0:
((((\forall (i: nat).(eq nat (r (Flat f) i) (S i)))) \to P))).(H0 (\lambda
(i: nat).(refl_equal nat (S i)))))))) k).
+Initial nodes: 151
+END *)
theorem s_r:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(eq nat (s k (r k i)) (S i)))
\lambda (k: K).(K_ind (\lambda (k0: K).(\forall (i: nat).(eq nat (s k0 (r k0
i)) (S i)))) (\lambda (_: B).(\lambda (i: nat).(refl_equal nat (S i))))
(\lambda (_: F).(\lambda (i: nat).(refl_equal nat (S i)))) k).
+Initial nodes: 51
+END *)
theorem r_arith0:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(eq nat (minus (r k (S i)) (S O)) (r k i)))
nat).(eq nat (minus n (S O)) (r k i))) (eq_ind_r nat (r k i) (\lambda (n:
nat).(eq nat n (r k i))) (refl_equal nat (r k i)) (minus (S (r k i)) (S O))
(minus_Sx_SO (r k i))) (r k (S i)) (r_S k i))).
+Initial nodes: 105
+END *)
theorem r_arith1:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).(eq nat (minus (r k (S
\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(eq_ind_r nat (S (r k i))
(\lambda (n: nat).(eq nat (minus n (S j)) (minus (r k i) j))) (refl_equal nat
(minus (r k i) j)) (r k (S i)) (r_S k i)))).
+Initial nodes: 69
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/defs.ma".
definition s:
K \to (nat \to nat)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/s/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/s/defs.ma".
theorem s_S:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(eq nat (s k (S i)) (S (s k i))))
i)) (S (s k0 i))))) (\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (i: nat).(refl_equal nat (S (s
(Bind b) i))))) (\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (i: nat).(refl_equal nat (S (s (Flat
f) i))))) k).
+Initial nodes: 65
+END *)
theorem s_plus:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).(eq nat (s k (plus i j))
(i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(refl_equal nat (plus (s (Bind b) i) j)))))
(\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(refl_equal nat (plus (s
(Flat f) i) j))))) k).
+Initial nodes: 79
+END *)
theorem s_plus_sym:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).(eq nat (s k (plus i j))
nat n (plus i (S j)))) (refl_equal nat (plus i (S j))) (S (plus i j))
(plus_n_Sm i j))))) (\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j:
nat).(refl_equal nat (plus i (s (Flat f) j)))))) k).
+Initial nodes: 117
+END *)
theorem s_minus:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).((le j i) \to (eq nat (s
j))) (refl_equal nat (minus (S i) j)) (S (minus i j)) (minus_Sn_m i j H))))))
(\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(\lambda (_: (le j
i)).(refl_equal nat (minus (s (Flat f) i) j)))))) k).
+Initial nodes: 137
+END *)
theorem minus_s_s:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).(eq nat (minus (s k i) (s
B).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(refl_equal nat (minus i j)))))
(\lambda (_: F).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(refl_equal nat (minus i
j))))) k).
+Initial nodes: 67
+END *)
theorem s_le:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).((le i j) \to (le (s k i)
nat).((le i j) \to (le (s k0 i) (s k0 j)))))) (\lambda (_: B).(\lambda (i:
nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(\lambda (H: (le i j)).(le_n_S i j H))))) (\lambda (_:
F).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(\lambda (H: (le i j)).H)))) k).
+Initial nodes: 65
+END *)
theorem s_lt:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).((lt i j) \to (lt (s k i)
nat).((lt i j) \to (lt (s k0 i) (s k0 j)))))) (\lambda (_: B).(\lambda (i:
nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(\lambda (H: (lt i j)).(le_n_S (S i) j H))))) (\lambda
(_: F).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(\lambda (H: (lt i j)).H)))) k).
+Initial nodes: 67
+END *)
theorem s_inj:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).((eq nat (s k i) (s k j))
B).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(\lambda (H: (eq nat (s (Bind b) i) (s
(Bind b) j))).(eq_add_S i j H))))) (\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda
(j: nat).(\lambda (H: (eq nat (s (Flat f) i) (s (Flat f) j))).H)))) k).
+Initial nodes: 97
+END *)
theorem s_inc:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(le i (s k i)))
(\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (i: nat).(le_S_n i (s (Bind b) i) (le_S (S i) (s
(Bind b) i) (le_n (s (Bind b) i)))))) (\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (i: nat).(le_n
(s (Flat f) i)))) k).
+Initial nodes: 73
+END *)
theorem s_arith0:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (i: nat).(eq nat (minus (s k i) (s k O)) i))
\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (i: nat).(eq_ind_r nat (minus i O) (\lambda (n:
nat).(eq nat n i)) (eq_ind nat i (\lambda (n: nat).(eq nat n i)) (refl_equal
nat i) (minus i O) (minus_n_O i)) (minus (s k i) (s k O)) (minus_s_s k i O))).
+Initial nodes: 77
+END *)
theorem s_arith1:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (i: nat).(eq nat (minus (s (Bind b) i) (S O)) i))
\lambda (_: B).(\lambda (i: nat).(eq_ind nat i (\lambda (n: nat).(eq nat n
i)) (refl_equal nat i) (minus i O) (minus_n_O i))).
+Initial nodes: 35
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/arity.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/drop1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubc/props.ma".
theorem sc3_arity_csubc:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c1
(leq g a1 a2)).(\lambda (d1: C).(\lambda (is: PList).(\lambda (H3: (drop1 is
d1 c)).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (H4: (csubc g d1 c2)).(sc3_repl g a1 c2
(lift1 is t0) (H1 d1 is H3 c2 H4) a2 H2))))))))))))) c1 t a H))))).
+Initial nodes: 5940
+END *)
theorem sc3_arity:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).((arity g c t
\lambda (g: G).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (a: A).(\lambda (H:
(arity g c t a)).(let H_y \def (sc3_arity_csubc g c t a H c PNil) in (H_y
(drop1_nil c) c (csubc_refl g c))))))).
+Initial nodes: 47
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sn3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sn3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop1/defs.ma".
definition sc3:
G \to (A \to (C \to (T \to Prop)))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sc3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sn3/lift1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sn3/lift1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/lift1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/lift1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csuba/arity.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/lift1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/lift1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/aprem.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/aprem.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/llt/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/llt/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop1/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift1/props.ma".
theorem sc3_arity_gen:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (a: A).((sc3 g a c
g c t (AHead a0 a1))).(\lambda (_: ((\forall (d: C).(\forall (w: T).((sc3 g
a0 d w) \to (\forall (is: PList).((drop1 is d c) \to (sc3 g a1 d (THead (Flat
Appl) w (lift1 is t)))))))))).H3)) H2))))))) a)))).
+Initial nodes: 369
+END *)
theorem sc3_repl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).((sc3 g a1 c
Appl) w (lift1 is t)) (H6 d w (H1 x0 (llt_repl g a x0 H8 (AHead a a0)
(llt_head_sx a a0)) d w H12 a (leq_sym g a x0 H8)) is H13) x1 H9))))))) a3
H11))))))) H7))))) H4)))))))))))) a2)) a1)).
+Initial nodes: 1359
+END *)
theorem sc3_lift:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (t: T).((sc3 g a e
(PConsTail is h d) t) (\lambda (t0: T).(sc3 g a1 d0 (THead (Flat Appl) w
t0))) (H_y (drop1_cons_tail c e h d H2 is d0 H7)) (lift1 is (lift h d t))
(lift1_cons_tail t h d is))))))))))) H3))))))))))))) a)).
+Initial nodes: 849
+END *)
theorem sc3_lift1:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (a: A).(\forall (hds:
e)) (sc3 g a c (lift n n0 (lift1 p t))) (\lambda (x: C).(\lambda (H3: (drop n
n0 c x)).(\lambda (H4: (drop1 p x e)).(sc3_lift g a x (lift1 p t) (H x t H0
H4) c n n0 H3)))) H2))))))))))) hds)))).
+Initial nodes: 289
+END *)
theorem sc3_abbr:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).(\forall (vs: TList).(\forall (i:
H10) (lift1 is (TLRef i)) (lift1_lref is i)) (lift1 is (THeads (Flat Appl) vs
(TLRef i))) (lifts1_flat Appl is (TLRef i) vs)))))) H8)))))))))))
H3))))))))))))) a)).
+Initial nodes: 1563
+END *)
theorem sc3_cast:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).(\forall (vs: TList).(\forall (c: C).(\forall
is t vs))) (lift1 is (THead (Flat Cast) u t)) (lift1_flat Cast is u t))
(lift1 is (THeads (Flat Appl) vs (THead (Flat Cast) u t))) (lifts1_flat Appl
is (THead (Flat Cast) u t) vs))))))))))) H6)))) H3)))))))))))) a)).
+Initial nodes: 2625
+END *)
theorem sc3_props__sc3_sn3_abst:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).(land (\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).((sc3 g
vs)) (H7 d w H4) (sns3_lifts1 c is d H5 vs H3))) (lift1 is (TLRef i))
(lift1_lref is i)) (lift1 is (THeads (Flat Appl) vs (TLRef i))) (lifts1_flat
Appl is (TLRef i) vs))))) H9)))) H6))))))))))))))))))) a)).
+Initial nodes: 2737
+END *)
theorem sc3_sn3:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).((sc3 g a c
C).((arity g c0 (THeads (Flat Appl) vs (TLRef i)) a) \to ((nf2 c0 (TLRef i))
\to ((sns3 c0 vs) \to (sc3 g a c0 (THeads (Flat Appl) vs (TLRef
i))))))))))).(H1 c t H))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 203
+END *)
theorem sc3_abst:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a: A).(\forall (vs: TList).(\forall (c: C).(\forall
nat).(\forall (c0: C).((arity g c0 (THeads (Flat Appl) vs0 (TLRef i0)) a) \to
((nf2 c0 (TLRef i0)) \to ((sns3 c0 vs0) \to (sc3 g a c0 (THeads (Flat Appl)
vs0 (TLRef i0))))))))))).(H4 vs i c H H0 H1))) H2)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 249
+END *)
theorem sc3_bind:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (a1:
d v H3 H8)) (lift1 is (THead (Bind b) v t)) (lift1_bind b is v t)) (lift1 is
(THeads (Flat Appl) vs (THead (Bind b) v t))) (lifts1_flat Appl is (THead
(Bind b) v t) vs))))))))))) H4)))))))))))) a2))))).
+Initial nodes: 1797
+END *)
theorem sc3_appl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (a1: A).(\forall (a2: A).(\forall (vs:
v (THead (Bind Abst) w t))) (lift1 is (THeads (Flat Appl) vs (THead (Flat
Appl) v (THead (Bind Abst) w t)))) (lifts1_flat Appl is (THead (Flat Appl) v
(THead (Bind Abst) w t)) vs)))))))))) H4)))))))))))))) a2))).
+Initial nodes: 1901
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/defs.ma".
inductive sn3 (c: C): T \to Prop \def
| sn3_sing: \forall (t1: T).(((\forall (t2: T).((((eq T t1 t2) \to (\forall
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sn3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sn3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/props.ma".
theorem sn3_gen_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).((sn3 c
(CHead c (Bind b) x) t2) (sn3 (CHead c (Bind b) x) t2) (\lambda (_: (sn3 c
x)).(\lambda (H10: (sn3 (CHead c (Bind b) x) t2)).H10)) H8))))))))))))))) y
H0))))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1055
+END *)
theorem sn3_gen_flat:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).((sn3 c
T x0) P)))))) (pr3_thin_dx c x0 t2 H7 x f) x t2 (refl_equal T (THead (Flat f)
x t2))) in (land_ind (sn3 c x) (sn3 c t2) (sn3 c t2) (\lambda (_: (sn3 c
x)).(\lambda (H10: (sn3 c t2)).H10)) H8))))))))))))))) y H0))))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 925
+END *)
theorem sn3_gen_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).((sn3 c
(Flat f) u t))).(let H_x \def (sn3_gen_flat f c u t H) in (let H0 \def H_x in
(land_ind (sn3 c u) (sn3 c t) (sn3 c u) (\lambda (H1: (sn3 c u)).(\lambda (_:
(sn3 c t)).H1)) H0)))))))) k).
+Initial nodes: 191
+END *)
theorem sn3_gen_cflat:
\forall (f: F).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).((sn3 (CHead
(sn3 c t2)))))).(sn3_sing c t1 (\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H2: (((eq T t1 t2)
\to (\forall (P: Prop).P)))).(\lambda (H3: (pr3 c t1 t2)).(H1 t2 H2
(pr3_cflat c t1 t2 H3 f u))))))))) t H))))).
+Initial nodes: 175
+END *)
theorem sn3_gen_lift:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (d: nat).((sn3 c1
(\forall (P0: Prop).P0))) H7 x (lift_inj x t2 h d H9)) in (H11 (refl_equal T
x) P))))) (pr3_lift c1 c2 h d H4 x t2 H8) t2 (refl_equal T (lift h d t2)) c2
H4)))))))))))))) y H0)))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 565
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sn3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sn3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift1/fwd.ma".
theorem sns3_lifts1:
\forall (e: C).(\forall (hds: PList).(\forall (c: C).((drop1 hds c e) \to
(H4: (drop1 p x e)).(eq_ind_r TList (lifts n n0 (lifts1 p ts)) (\lambda (t:
TList).(sns3 c t)) (sns3_lifts c x n n0 H3 (lifts1 p ts) (H x H4 ts H1))
(lifts1 (PCons n n0 p) ts) (lifts1_cons n n0 p ts))))) H2))))))))))) hds)).
+Initial nodes: 323
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sn3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sn3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/pr3.ma".
theorem sn3_nf2:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).((nf2 c t) \to (sn3 c t)))
in (let H3 \def (eq_ind_r T t2 (\lambda (t0: T).((eq T t t0) \to (\forall (P:
Prop).P))) H0 t H_y) in (eq_ind T t (\lambda (t0: T).(sn3 c t0)) (H3
(refl_equal T t) (sn3 c t)) t2 H_y)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 129
+END *)
theorem nf2_sn3:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).((sn3 c t) \to (ex2 T (\lambda (u: T).(pr3 c
x0)).(\lambda (H8: (nf2 c x0)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (u: T).(pr3 c t1 u))
(\lambda (u: T).(nf2 c u)) x0 (pr3_sing c x t1 H5 x0 H7) H8)))) H6)))))) H3))
H2)))))) t H))).
+Initial nodes: 443
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sn3/nf2.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sn3/nf2.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sn3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sn3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/iso.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/iso.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/iso.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/iso.ma".
theorem sn3_pr3_trans:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).((sn3 c t1) \to (\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c t1
H3 t2 H6) in (let H9 \def (eq_ind_r T t3 (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c t2 t)) H2 t2
H6) in (H0 t0 H8 H7))))) (\lambda (H6: (((eq T t2 t3) \to (\forall (P:
Prop).P)))).(H1 t3 H6 H2 t0 H4)) H5)))))))))))) t1 H))).
+Initial nodes: 289
+END *)
theorem sn3_pr2_intro:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(((\forall (t2: T).((((eq T t1 t2) \to
T).(pr2 c t t3)) H4 t3 H10) in (H6 H12 H11))))) (\lambda (H10: (((eq T t4 t3)
\to (\forall (P: Prop).P)))).(sn3_pr3_trans c t3 (H7 t3 H10 H4) t5 H5))
H9))))))))))) t1 t2 H1 H3)) H2)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 467
+END *)
theorem sn3_cast:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).((sn3 c u) \to (\forall (t: T).((sn3 c t) \to
H11))) H15))))) H13))) t2 H9))))))) H8)) (\lambda (H8: (pr2 c t0
t2)).(sn3_pr3_trans c t0 (sn3_sing c t0 H3) t2 (pr3_pr2 c t0 t2 H8)))
H7))))))))) t H2)))))) u H))).
+Initial nodes: 1239
+END *)
theorem sn3_cflat:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).((sn3 c t) \to (\forall (f: F).(\forall (u:
(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H2: (((eq T t1 t2) \to (\forall (P:
Prop).P)))).(\lambda (H3: (pr2 (CHead c (Flat f) u) t1 t2)).(H1 t2 H2
(pr3_pr2 c t1 t2 (pr2_gen_cflat f c u t1 t2 H3)))))))))) t H))))).
+Initial nodes: 175
+END *)
theorem sn3_shift:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t: T).((sn3 c
H0 \def H_x in (land_ind (sn3 c v) (sn3 (CHead c (Bind b) v) t) (sn3 (CHead c
(Bind b) v) t) (\lambda (_: (sn3 c v)).(\lambda (H2: (sn3 (CHead c (Bind b)
v) t)).H2)) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 95
+END *)
theorem sn3_change:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abbr)) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall (v1:
Prop).P)))).(\lambda (H4: (pr2 (CHead c (Bind b) v2) t1 t2)).(H2 t2 H3
(pr3_pr2 (CHead c (Bind b) v1) t1 t2 (pr2_change b H c v2 t1 t2 H4
v1)))))))))) t H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 239
+END *)
theorem sn3_gen_def:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c
(pr3_pr2 c (TLRef i) (lift (S i) O v) (pr2_delta c d v i H (TLRef i) (TLRef
i) (pr0_refl (TLRef i)) (lift (S i) O v) (subst0_lref v i)))) d (getl_drop
Abbr c d v i H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 139
+END *)
theorem sn3_cdelta:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (i: nat).(((\forall (w: T).(ex T
(Bind Abbr) v0))).(\lambda (H7: (sn3 c (THead k u1 t1))).(let H_y \def
(sn3_gen_head k c u1 t1 H7) in (H3 c d H6 H_y))))))))))))))))) i v t x H1)))
+Initial nodes: 949
+END *)
theorem sn3_cpr3_trans:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).((pr3 c u1 u2) \to (\forall
t2)))))).(sn3_sing (CHead c k u2) t1 (\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H3: (((eq T
t1 t2) \to (\forall (P: Prop).P)))).(\lambda (H4: (pr3 (CHead c k u2) t1
t2)).(H2 t2 H3 (pr3_pr3_pr3_t c u1 u2 H t1 t2 k H4))))))))) t H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 203
+END *)
theorem sn3_bind:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).((sn3 c u) \to (\forall (t:
(Bind b) t1) t2 (sn3_sing (CHead c (Bind b) t1) t2 H3) (lift (S O) O t3) H10)
c (drop_drop (Bind b) O c c (drop_refl c) t1))) H9)))) H7)))))))))) t
H2)))))) u H)))).
+Initial nodes: 2401
+END *)
theorem sn3_beta:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t: T).((sn3 c (THead (Bind Abbr) v
False).(sn3 c (THead (Bind Abst) x6 (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x5)
x4)))) with []) in H29) x1 H24)))))))) H21)) H20)) t3 H15)))))))))))))) H12))
H11))))))))) w H4))))))))))) y H0))))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 5699
+END *)
theorem sn3_appl_lref:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (i: nat).((nf2 c (TLRef i)) \to (\forall (v:
False])) I (THead (Bind x0) x1 x2) H8) in (False_ind (sn3 c (THead (Bind x0)
x5 (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) x3))) H14)) t2 H9)))))))))))))) H6))
H5))))))))) v H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 2125
+END *)
theorem sn3_appl_abbr:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c
(THead (Bind x0) x1 x2) H12) in (False_ind (sn3 c (THead (Bind x0) x5 (THead
(Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O x4) x3))) H18)) t2 H13)))))))))))))) H10))
H9))))))))))))) y H1)))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 3727
+END *)
theorem sn3_appl_cast:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (u: T).((sn3 c (THead (Flat Appl) v
H18) in (False_ind (sn3 c (THead (Bind x2) x7 (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O)
O x6) x5))) H24)) t2 H19)))))))))))))) H16)) H15))))))))))))))) y0 H5))))
H4))))))))) y H0))))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 5149
+END *)
theorem sn3_appl_bind:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall (u:
x5) x4)) (pr2_head_1 c t1 x6 H27 (Bind b) (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O) O
x5) x4)))) x1 H25))))))) H22)) H21)) t3 H16)))))))))))))) H13))
H12)))))))))))))) y H4))))) H3))))))) u H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 9191
+END *)
theorem sn3_appl_appl:
\forall (v1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(let u1 \def (THead (Flat Appl) v1 t1) in
H17) in (False_ind (sn3 c (THead (Bind x1) x6 (THead (Flat Appl) (lift (S O)
O x5) x4))) H23)) t3 H18)))))))))))))) H15)) H14)))))) t2 H3))))))))) v2
H4))))))))) y H0))))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 9317
+END *)
theorem sn3_appl_beta:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t: T).((sn3 c
Appl) u (THead (Bind Abbr) v t)) H (THead (Flat Appl) u u2) (pr3_thin_dx c
(THead (Bind Abbr) v t) u2 (pr3_iso_beta v w t c u2 H4 H5) u Appl))))))))
+Initial nodes: 289
+END *)
theorem sn3_appl_appls:
\forall (v1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (vs: TList).(let u1 \def (THeads
(Flat Appl) vs t1)) u2) \to (\forall (P: Prop).P))) \to (sn3 c (THead (Flat
Appl) v2 u2))))))).(sn3_appl_appl v1 (THeads (Flat Appl) vs t1) c H v2 H0
+Initial nodes: 141
+END *)
theorem sn3_appls_lref:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (i: nat).((nf2 c (TLRef i)) \to (\forall (us:
(TCons t1 t2) (TLRef i)) u2) \to (\forall (P: Prop).P)))).(H9
(nf2_iso_appls_lref c i H (TCons t1 t2) u2 H8) (sn3 c (THead (Flat Appl) t
u2))))))))) H5))) H3))))))) t0))) us)))).
+Initial nodes: 577
+END *)
theorem sn3_appls_cast:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (vs: TList).(\forall (u: T).((sn3 c (THeads (Flat
t1 t2) t3)) H2 (THead (Flat Appl) t u2) (pr3_thin_dx c (THeads (Flat Appl)
(TCons t1 t2) t3) u2 (pr3_iso_appls_cast c u t3 (TCons t1 t2) u2 H11 H12) t
Appl))))))))) H7)))))) H3))))))))))) t0))) vs)).
+Initial nodes: 1025
+END *)
theorem sn3_appls_bind:
\forall (b: B).((not (eq B b Abst)) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall (u:
t1) v H3) (THead (Flat Appl) v u2) (pr3_flat c v v (pr3_refl c v) (THead
(Bind b) u (THeads (Flat Appl) (lifts (S O) O (TCons t t0)) t1)) u2 H9
Appl)))))))))) H4))))))))) vs0))) vs)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1143
+END *)
theorem sn3_appls_beta:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (us: TList).((sn3 c
(THead (Flat Appl) u (THeads (Flat Appl) (TCons t0 t1) (THead (Bind Abbr) v
t))) H1 (THead (Flat Appl) u u2) (pr3_thin_dx c (THeads (Flat Appl) (TCons t0
t1) (THead (Bind Abbr) v t)) u2 H8 u Appl))))))))) H3)))))))))) us0))) us)))).
+Initial nodes: 987
+END *)
theorem sn3_lift:
\forall (d: C).(\forall (t: T).((sn3 d t) \to (\forall (c: C).(\forall (h:
H11 \def (eq_ind_r T x (\lambda (t0: T).(pr2 d t1 t0)) H7 t1 H9) in (H10
(refl_equal T (lift h i t1)) P))))) (pr3_pr2 d t1 x H7) c h i H2) t2 H6)))))
H5))))))))))))) t H))).
+Initial nodes: 439
+END *)
theorem sn3_abbr:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c
(eq_ind_r C x0 (\lambda (c0: C).(getl i c (CHead c0 (Bind Abbr) v))) H12 d
H11) in (sn3_lift d v H0 c (S i) O (getl_drop Abbr c d v i H13))) x1 H10))))
H9))) t2 H6)))))) H4)) H3))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 743
+END *)
theorem sn3_appls_abbr:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (i: nat).((getl i c
(pr3_thin_dx c (THeads (Flat Appl) (TCons t t0) (lift (S i) O w)) u2
(pr3_iso_appls_abbr c d w i H (TCons t t0) u2 H6 H7) v Appl))))))))
H3)))))))) vs0))) vs)))))).
+Initial nodes: 797
+END *)
theorem sns3_lifts:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (i: nat).((drop h
(lifts h i t0))) (\lambda (H3: (sn3 d t)).(\lambda (H4: (sns3 d t0)).(conj
(sn3 c (lift h i t)) (sns3 c (lifts h i t0)) (sn3_lift d t H3 c h i H) (H0
H4)))) H2)))))) ts)))))).
+Initial nodes: 185
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/theory.ma".
+include "Basic-1/theory.ma".
axiom pc3_gen_appls_sort_abst:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (vs: TList).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/G/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/G/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/defs.ma".
inductive sty0 (g: G): C \to (T \to (T \to Prop)) \def
| sty0_sort: \forall (c: C).(\forall (n: nat).(sty0 g c (TSort n) (TSort
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sty0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sty0/defs.ma".
theorem sty0_gen_sort:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (n: nat).((sty0 g c
\Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I (TSort n) H5) in
(False_ind (eq T (THead (Flat Cast) v2 t2) (TSort (next g n))) H6))))))))))))
c y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 869
+END *)
theorem sty0_gen_lref:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (n: nat).((sty0 g c
C).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(sty0 g e u t)))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda
(u: T).(\lambda (_: T).(eq T (THead (Flat Cast) v2 t2) (lift (S n) O u)))))))
H6)))))))))))) c y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 3231
+END *)
theorem sty0_gen_bind:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1:
True])])) I (THead (Bind b) u t1) H5) in (False_ind (ex2 T (\lambda (t3:
T).(sty0 g (CHead c0 (Bind b) u) t1 t3)) (\lambda (t3: T).(eq T (THead (Flat
Cast) v2 t2) (THead (Bind b) u t3)))) H6)))))))))))) c y x H0))) H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1975
+END *)
theorem sty0_gen_appl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x:
H5) in (False_ind (ex2 T (\lambda (t3: T).(sty0 g c0 t1 t3)) (\lambda (t3:
T).(eq T (THead (Flat Cast) v2 t2) (THead (Flat Appl) u t3)))) H6))))))))))))
c y x H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1489
+END *)
theorem sty0_gen_cast:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall
T).(\lambda (t3: T).(eq T (THead (Flat Cast) v2 t2) (THead (Flat Cast) v3
t3)))) v2 t2 H12 H10 (refl_equal T (THead (Flat Cast) v2 t2)))))))))
H6)))))))))))) c y x H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1855
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sty0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sty0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/drop.ma".
theorem sty0_lift:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((sty0 g e
(s (Flat Cast) d) H4)) (lift h d (THead (Flat Cast) v2 t4)) (lift_head (Flat
Cast) v2 t4 h d)) (lift h d (THead (Flat Cast) v1 t3)) (lift_head (Flat Cast)
v1 t3 h d))))))))))))))) e t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 3677
+END *)
theorem sty0_correct:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t: T).((sty0 g c
(sty0 g c0 t3 x0)).(ex_intro T (\lambda (t4: T).(sty0 g c0 (THead (Flat Cast)
v2 t3) t4)) (THead (Flat Cast) x x0) (sty0_cast g c0 v2 x H5 t3 x0 H7))))
H6)))) H4))))))))))) c t1 t H))))).
+Initial nodes: 991
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sty1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sty1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/cnt/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/cnt/props.ma".
theorem sty1_cnt:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t: T).((sty0 g c
x))).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t4: T).(sty1 g c0 (THead (Flat Cast) v1 t2) t4))
(\lambda (t4: T).(cnt t4)) (THead (Flat Cast) x0 x) H9 (cnt_head x H6 (Flat
Cast) x0))))) H7)))))) H4))))))))))) c t1 t H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1313
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sty0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sty0/defs.ma".
inductive sty1 (g: G) (c: C) (t1: T): T \to Prop \def
| sty1_sty0: \forall (t2: T).((sty0 g c t1 t2) \to (sty1 g c t1 t2))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sty1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sty1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sty0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sty0/props.ma".
theorem sty1_trans:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t: T).((sty1 g c
c t t3)).(sty1_sing g c t1 t H t3 H1))) (\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (_: (sty1 g
c t t0)).(\lambda (H2: (sty1 g c t1 t0)).(\lambda (t3: T).(\lambda (H3: (sty0
g c t0 t3)).(sty1_sing g c t1 t0 H2 t3 H3)))))) t2 H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 131
+END *)
theorem sty1_bind:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t1:
t1) (THead (Bind b) v t))).(\lambda (t3: T).(\lambda (H2: (sty0 g (CHead c
(Bind b) v) t t3)).(sty1_sing g c (THead (Bind b) v t1) (THead (Bind b) v t)
H1 (THead (Bind b) v t3) (sty0_bind g b c v t t3 H2))))))) t2 H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 259
+END *)
theorem sty1_appl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall
t1) (THead (Flat Appl) v t))).(\lambda (t3: T).(\lambda (H2: (sty0 g c t
t3)).(sty1_sing g c (THead (Flat Appl) v t1) (THead (Flat Appl) v t) H1
(THead (Flat Appl) v t3) (sty0_appl g c v t t3 H2))))))) t2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 213
+END *)
theorem sty1_lift:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((sty1 g e
(sty0 g e t t3)).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (h: nat).(\lambda (d: nat).(\lambda
(H3: (drop h d c e)).(sty1_sing g c (lift h d t1) (lift h d t) (H1 c h d H3)
(lift h d t3) (sty0_lift g e t t3 H2 c h d H3))))))))))) t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 277
+END *)
theorem sty1_correct:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t: T).((sty1 g c
t2)).(sty0_correct g c t1 t2 H0))) (\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (_: (sty1 g c t1
t0)).(\lambda (_: (ex T (\lambda (t2: T).(sty0 g c t0 t2)))).(\lambda (t2:
T).(\lambda (H2: (sty0 g c t0 t2)).(sty0_correct g c t0 t2 H2)))))) t H))))).
+Initial nodes: 123
+END *)
theorem sty1_abbr:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (d: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i:
t2)).(sty1_sing g c (TLRef i) (lift (S i) O t) H2 (lift (S i) O t2)
(sty0_lift g d t t2 H3 c (S i) O (getl_drop Abbr c d v i H)))))))) w
+Initial nodes: 231
+END *)
theorem sty1_cast2:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((sty1 g c
Cast) v3 t3))) x0 (sty1_sing g c v1 x H5 x0 H8) (sty1_sing g c (THead (Flat
Cast) v1 t1) (THead (Flat Cast) x t) H6 (THead (Flat Cast) x0 t3) (sty0_cast
g c x x0 H8 t t3 H2))))) H7)))))) H4))))))))))) t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 657
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/defs.ma".
definition subst:
nat \to (T \to (T \to T))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst/defs.ma".
theorem subst_sort:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (k: nat).(eq T (subst d v (TSort
\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (_: nat).(\lambda (k: nat).(refl_equal T (TSort
+Initial nodes: 13
+END *)
theorem subst_lref_lt:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (i: nat).((lt i d) \to (eq T
\Rightarrow (TLRef i) | false \Rightarrow (match (blt d i) with [true
\Rightarrow (TLRef (pred i)) | false \Rightarrow (lift d O v)])]) (TLRef i)))
(refl_equal T (TLRef i)) (blt i d) (lt_blt d i H))))).
+Initial nodes: 73
+END *)
theorem subst_lref_eq:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (i: nat).(eq T (subst i v (TLRef i)) (lift i O v)))
T (match b with [true \Rightarrow (TLRef i) | false \Rightarrow (match b with
[true \Rightarrow (TLRef (pred i)) | false \Rightarrow (lift i O v)])]) (lift
i O v))) (refl_equal T (lift i O v)) (blt i i) (le_bge i i (le_n i)))).
+Initial nodes: 71
+END *)
theorem subst_lref_gt:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (i: nat).((lt d i) \to (eq T
\Rightarrow (TLRef (pred i)) | false \Rightarrow (lift d O v)]) (TLRef (pred
i)))) (refl_equal T (TLRef (pred i))) (blt d i) (lt_blt i d H)) (blt i d)
(le_bge d i (lt_le_weak d i H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 130
+END *)
theorem subst_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (d:
\lambda (k: K).(\lambda (w: T).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (d:
nat).(refl_equal T (THead k (subst d w u) (subst (s k d) w t))))))).
+Initial nodes: 37
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/props.ma".
theorem subst_lift_SO:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (d: nat).(eq T (subst d v (lift (S
(THead k (lift (S O) d t0) (lift (S O) (s k d) t1))) (subst_head k v (lift (S
O) d t0) (lift (S O) (s k d) t1) d)) (lift (S O) d (THead k t0 t1))
(lift_head k t0 t1 (S O) d)))))))) t)).
+Initial nodes: 879
+END *)
theorem subst_subst0:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (d: nat).((subst0
(subst (s k i) v0 t3) H3) (subst i v0 u1) H1) (subst i v0 (THead k u2 t4))
(subst_head k v0 u2 t4 i)) (subst i v0 (THead k u1 t3)) (subst_head k v0 u1
t3 i))))))))))))) d v t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1363
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/props.ma".
theorem dnf_dec2:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (d: nat).(or (\forall (w: T).(ex T (\lambda (v:
(lift (S O) (s k d) x0)) t2)) (refl_equal T (THead k (lift (S O) d x) (lift
(S O) (s k d) x0))) (lift (S O) d (THead k x x0)) (lift_head k x x0 (S O)
d)))) t0 H3) t1 H6))) H5)) H4))))) H2)) H1))))))))) t).
+Initial nodes: 3549
+END *)
theorem dnf_dec:
\forall (w: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (d: nat).(ex T (\lambda (v: T).(or
(lift (S O) d v)))) x (or_intror (subst0 d w (lift (S O) d x) (lift (S O) d
x)) (eq T (lift (S O) d x) (lift (S O) d x)) (refl_equal T (lift (S O) d
x)))) t H1))) H0)) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 603
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/defs.ma".
inductive subst0: nat \to (T \to (T \to (T \to Prop))) \def
| subst0_lref: \forall (v: T).(\forall (i: nat).(subst0 i v (TLRef i) (lift
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/props.ma".
theorem subst0_gen_sort:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((subst0
T).(match ee in T return (\lambda (_: T).Prop) with [(TSort _) \Rightarrow
False | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I
(TSort n) H5) in (False_ind P H6)))))))))))))) i v y x H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 445
+END *)
theorem subst0_gen_lref:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((subst0
\Rightarrow False | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow
True])) I (TLRef n) H5) in (False_ind (land (eq nat n i0) (eq T (THead k u2
t2) (lift (S n) O v0))) H6)))))))))))))) i v y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 779
+END *)
theorem subst0_gen_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall
(_: T).(subst0 i0 v0 u1 u3))) (\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (t3: T).(subst0 (s k
i0) v0 t1 t3))) u2 t2 (refl_equal T (THead k u2 t2)) H16 H14)))) k0
H10)))))))) H7)) H6)))))))))))))) i v y x H0))) H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 4255
+END *)
theorem subst0_gen_lift_lt:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall
i h d H5))))) (H0 x1 (s k i) h d H8)))) x H4)))))) H3)) (subst0_gen_head k
(lift h d u) (lift h (S (plus i d)) t) (lift h (s k (S (plus i d))) t0) x i
H2))))))))))))) t1)).
+Initial nodes: 5157
+END *)
theorem subst0_gen_lift_false:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
(subst0 i u (lift h d t0) x0)).(\lambda (_: (subst0 (s k i) u (lift h (s k d)
t1) x1)).(H u x0 h d i H1 H2 H7 P)))))) H5)) (subst0_gen_head k u (lift h d
t0) (lift h (s k d) t1) x i H4))))))))))))))))) t).
+Initial nodes: 1621
+END *)
theorem subst0_gen_lift_ge:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall
nat (s k (plus d h)) (\lambda (n: nat).(le n (s k i))) (s_le k (plus d h) i
H2) (plus (s k d) h) (s_plus k d h)))) x H5)))))) H4)) (subst0_gen_head k u
(lift h d t) (lift h (s k d) t0) x i H3)))))))))))))) t1)).
+Initial nodes: 4191
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/fwd.ma".
theorem subst0_refl:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (d: nat).((subst0 d u t t) \to
t2)) H5 t1 H7) in (let H10 \def (eq_ind_r T x0 (\lambda (t2: T).(subst0 d u
t0 t2)) H4 t0 H8) in (H d H10 P))))) H6))))))) H2)) (subst0_gen_head k u t0
t1 (THead k t0 t1) d H1)))))))))) t)).
+Initial nodes: 1119
+END *)
theorem subst0_lift_lt:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst0
(s_lt k i0 d H4) h) (minus d (S i0)) (minus_s_s k d (S i0)))) (lift h d
(THead k u2 t3)) (lift_head k u2 t3 h d)) (lift h d (THead k u1 t0))
(lift_head k u1 t0 h d))))))))))))))))) i u t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1805
+END *)
theorem subst0_lift_ge:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall
h) (H1 d H4) k (lift h (s k d) t0) (lift h (s k d) t3) (H5 (s k d) (s_le k d
i0 H4))) (lift h d (THead k u2 t3)) (lift_head k u2 t3 h d)) (lift h d (THead
k u1 t0)) (lift_head k u1 t0 h d)))))))))))))))) i u t1 t2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1449
+END *)
theorem subst0_lift_ge_S:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst0
t2))) (subst0_lift_ge t1 t2 u i (S O) H d H0) (S i) (eq_ind_r nat (plus (S O)
i) (\lambda (n: nat).(eq nat n (S i))) (refl_equal nat (S i)) (plus i (S O))
(plus_sym i (S O)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 137
+END *)
theorem subst0_lift_ge_s:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst0
\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda
(H: (subst0 i u t1 t2)).(\lambda (d: nat).(\lambda (H0: (le d i)).(\lambda
(_: B).(subst0_lift_ge_S t1 t2 u i H d H0)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 43
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/props.ma".
theorem subst0_subst0:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (u2: T).(\forall (j: nat).((subst0
t (THead k u0 t3))) (THead k x0 x) (subst0_both u3 u1 x0 i H7 k t0 x H5)
(subst0_both u x0 u0 (S (plus i0 i)) H8 k x t3 H10))))))) (H1 u3 u i0 H4)))))
(H3 u3 u i0 H4))))))))))))))))) j u2 t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1613
+END *)
theorem subst0_subst0_back:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (u2: T).(\forall (j: nat).((subst0
x) (subst0_both u3 u1 x0 i H7 k t0 x H5) (subst0_both u u0 x0 (S (plus i0 i))
H8 k t3 x H10))))))) (H1 u3 u i0 H4))))) (H3 u3 u i0 H4))))))))))))))))) j u2
t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1613
+END *)
theorem subst0_trans:
\forall (t2: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst0
T).(subst0 i0 v0 (THead k u1 t0) t)) (subst0_both v0 u1 x0 i0 (H1 x0 H7) k t0
x1 (H3 x1 H8)) t4 H6)))))) H5)) (subst0_gen_head k v0 u2 t3 t4 i0
H4))))))))))))))) i v t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 2555
+END *)
theorem subst0_confluence_neq:
\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (i1:
(H12: (eq nat (s k i) (s k i2))).(H5 (s_inj k i i2 H12)))))))))) (H1 x0 u3 i2
H8 H5)) t4 H7)))))) H6)) (subst0_gen_head k u3 u0 t2 t4 i2
H4)))))))))))))))))) i1 u1 t0 t1 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 5375
+END *)
theorem subst0_confluence_eq:
\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst0
k x0 x1)) (subst0 i0 v (THead k x0 x1) (THead k u2 t3)) (subst0_both v x0 u2
i0 H10 k x1 t3 H9))) (H1 x0 H7))) (H3 x1 H8)) t4 H6)))))) H5))
(subst0_gen_head k v u1 t2 t4 i0 H4))))))))))))))) i u t0 t1 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 25595
+END *)
theorem subst0_confluence_lift:
\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst0
(eq_ind_r nat (plus (S O) i) (\lambda (n: nat).(lt i n)) (le_n (plus (S O)
i)) (plus i (S O)) (plus_sym i (S O))) H1 (eq T t1 t2)))
(subst0_confluence_eq t0 (lift (S O) i t2) u i H0 (lift (S O) i t1) H)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 703
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/lift/tlt.ma".
+include "Basic-1/lift/tlt.ma".
theorem subst0_weight_le:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (z: T).(\forall (d: nat).((subst0 d
(weight_map f0 t2)) (plus (weight_map g u1) (weight_map g t1)) (le_plus_plus
(weight_map f0 u2) (weight_map g u1) (weight_map f0 t2) (weight_map g t1) (H1
f0 g H4 H5) (H3 f0 g H4 H5)))))))))))) k)))))))) d u t z H))))).
+Initial nodes: 4101
+END *)
theorem subst0_weight_lt:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (z: T).(\forall (d: nat).((subst0 d
(lt_plus_plus (weight_map f0 u2) (weight_map g u1) (weight_map f0 t2)
(weight_map g t1) (H1 f0 g H4 H5) (H3 f0 g H4 H5)))))))))))) k)))))))) d u t
z H))))).
+Initial nodes: 4207
+END *)
theorem subst0_tlt_head:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (z: T).((subst0 O u t z) \to (tlt
(lift_r u O)) (weight_map (wadd (\lambda (_: nat).O) (S (weight_map (\lambda
(_: nat).O) u))) (lift (S O) O u)) (lift_weight_add_O (S (weight_map (\lambda
(_: nat).O) u)) u O (\lambda (_: nat).O))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 347
+END *)
theorem subst0_tlt:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (z: T).((subst0 O u t z) \to (tlt z
\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (z: T).(\lambda (H: (subst0 O u t
z)).(tlt_trans (THead (Bind Abbr) u z) z (THead (Bind Abbr) u t) (tlt_head_dx
(Bind Abbr) u z) (subst0_tlt_head u t z H))))).
+Initial nodes: 59
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma".
inductive subst1 (i: nat) (v: T) (t1: T): T \to Prop \def
| subst1_refl: subst1 i v t1 t1
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/props.ma".
theorem subst1_gen_sort:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((subst1
t (TSort n))) (refl_equal T (TSort n)) (\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H0: (subst0
i v (TSort n) t2)).(subst0_gen_sort v t2 i n H0 (eq T t2 (TSort n))))) x
+Initial nodes: 89
+END *)
theorem subst1_gen_lref:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((subst1
(TLRef n)) (land (eq nat n i) (eq T t2 (lift (S n) O v))) (conj (eq nat n i)
(eq T t2 (lift (S n) O v)) H1 H2)))) (subst0_gen_lref v t2 i n H0)))) x
+Initial nodes: 305
+END *)
theorem subst1_gen_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall
i v u1 u2))) (\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (t3: T).(subst1 (s k i) v t1 t3))) x0
x1 H2 (subst1_single i v u1 x0 H3) (subst1_single (s k i) v t1 x1 H4)))))))
H1)) (subst0_gen_head k v u1 t1 t2 i H0)))) x H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1199
+END *)
theorem subst1_gen_lift_lt:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall
t2 (lift h (S (plus i d)) t3))) (\lambda (t3: T).(subst1 i u t1 t3)) x0 H1
(subst1_single i u t1 x0 H2))))) (subst0_gen_lift_lt u t1 t2 i h d H0)))) x
+Initial nodes: 395
+END *)
theorem subst1_gen_lift_eq:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall
(\lambda (t0: T).(eq T t0 (lift h d t))) (refl_equal T (lift h d t)) (\lambda
(t2: T).(\lambda (H2: (subst0 i u (lift h d t) t2)).(subst0_gen_lift_false t
u t2 h d i H H0 H2 (eq T t2 (lift h d t))))) x H1))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 141
+END *)
theorem subst1_gen_lift_ge:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall
T).(eq T t2 (lift h d t3))) (\lambda (t3: T).(subst1 (minus i h) u t1 t3)) x0
H2 (subst1_single (minus i h) u t1 x0 H3))))) (subst0_gen_lift_ge u t1 t2 i h
d H1 H0)))) x H)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 355
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/props.ma".
theorem subst1_head:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (u2: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst1
(subst0_fst v t2 u1 i H0 t1 k)) (\lambda (t3: T).(\lambda (H2: (subst0 (s k
i) v t1 t3)).(subst1_single i v (THead k u1 t1) (THead k t2 t3) (subst0_both
v u1 t2 i H0 k t1 t3 H2)))) t0 H1))))))) u2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 369
+END *)
theorem subst1_lift_lt:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst1
nat).(\lambda (H1: (lt i d)).(\lambda (h: nat).(subst1_single i (lift h
(minus d (S i)) u) (lift h d t1) (lift h d t3) (subst0_lift_lt t1 t3 u i H0 d
H1 h))))))) t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 185
+END *)
theorem subst1_lift_ge:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall
(lift h d t1)))) (\lambda (t3: T).(\lambda (H0: (subst0 i u t1 t3)).(\lambda
(d: nat).(\lambda (H1: (le d i)).(subst1_single (plus i h) u (lift h d t1)
(lift h d t3) (subst0_lift_ge t1 t3 u i h H0 d H1)))))) t2 H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 157
+END *)
theorem subst1_ex:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (d: nat).(ex T (\lambda (t2:
d) x0)) (\lambda (t2: T).(subst1 d u (THead k t t0) t2)) (subst1_head u t
(lift (S O) d x) d H2 k t0 (lift (S O) (s k d) x0) H4) (lift (S O) d (THead k
x x0)) (lift_head k x x0 (S O) d))))) H3))))) H1))))))))) t1)).
+Initial nodes: 925
+END *)
theorem subst1_lift_S:
\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (h: nat).((le h i) \to (subst1 i
(S h) (s k i) t0))) (H0 (s k i) h (le_trans h i (s k i) H1 (s_inc k i))) (s k
(S i)) (s_S k i))) (lift (S h) i (THead k t t0)) (lift_head k t t0 (S h) i))
(lift (S h) (S i) (THead k t t0)) (lift_head k t t0 (S h) (S i))))))))))) u).
+Initial nodes: 1421
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst1/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/subst0.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/subst0.ma".
theorem subst1_subst1:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (u2: T).(\forall (j: nat).((subst1
t)) (\lambda (t: T).(subst1 (S (plus i j)) u t t3)) x (subst1_single j u1 t1
x H6) (subst1_single (S (plus i j)) u x t3 H7))))) (subst0_subst0 t1 t3 u2 j
H0 u1 u i H5)))))) y H2))) H1))))))) t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 649
+END *)
theorem subst1_subst1_back:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (u2: T).(\forall (j: nat).((subst1
T).(subst1 j t0 t1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(subst1 (S (plus i j)) u t3 t)) x
(subst1_single j t0 t1 x H3) (subst1_single (S (plus i j)) u t3 x H4)))))
(subst0_subst0_back t1 t3 u2 j H0 t0 u i H2)))) u1 H1))))))) t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 487
+END *)
theorem subst1_trans:
\forall (t2: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst1
(\lambda (t: T).(subst1 i v t1 t)) (subst1_single i v t1 t3 H0) (\lambda (t0:
T).(\lambda (H2: (subst0 i v t3 t0)).(subst1_single i v t1 t0 (subst0_trans
t3 t1 v i H0 t0 H2)))) t4 H1))))) t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 165
+END *)
theorem subst1_confluence_neq:
\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (i1:
(subst1_single i2 u2 t2 x H5) (subst1_single i1 u1 t4 x H4)))))
(subst0_confluence_neq t0 t4 u2 i2 H3 t2 u1 i1 H0 (sym_not_eq nat i1 i2
H2))))) t3 H1)))))))) t1 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 455
+END *)
theorem subst1_confluence_eq:
\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst1
t4)).(ex_intro2 T (\lambda (t: T).(subst1 i u t2 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(subst1
i u t4 t)) t4 (subst1_single i u t2 t4 H3) (subst1_refl i u t4)))
(subst0_confluence_eq t0 t4 u i H2 t2 H0)))) t3 H1))))) t1 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 729
+END *)
theorem subst1_confluence_lift:
\forall (t0: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((subst1
(eq_ind T t4 (\lambda (t: T).(subst0 i u t0 t)) H6 (lift (S O) i t3) H7) in
(sym_eq T t3 t1 (subst0_confluence_lift t0 t3 u i H8 t1 H4)))))) y0 H5)))
H3))))))) y H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 735
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/tlt.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst0/tlt.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/subst/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/subst/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sty1/cnt.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sty1/cnt.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ex0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ex0/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wcpr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/wcpr0.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr3/wcpr0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ex2/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ex2/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ex1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ex1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/sty0.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/sty0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/csuba.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/csuba.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/nf2.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/nf2.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wf3/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/defs.ma".
inductive TList: Set \def
| TNil: TList
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/tlist/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/tlist/defs.ma".
theorem tslt_wf__q_ind:
\forall (P: ((TList \to Prop))).(((\forall (n: nat).((\lambda (P0: ((TList
Prop))).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (n: nat).(\forall (ts: TList).((eq nat (tslen
ts) n) \to (P ts)))))).(\lambda (ts: TList).(H (tslen ts) ts (refl_equal nat
(tslen ts)))))).
+Initial nodes: 61
+END *)
theorem tslt_wf_ind:
\forall (P: ((TList \to Prop))).(((\forall (ts2: TList).(((\forall (ts1:
(\forall (ts1: TList).((eq nat (tslen ts1) m) \to (P ts1)))))) H0 (tslen ts0)
H1) in (H ts0 (\lambda (ts1: TList).(\lambda (H3: (lt (tslen ts1) (tslen
ts0))).(H2 (tslen ts1) H3 ts1 (refl_equal nat (tslen ts1))))))))))))) ts)))).
+Initial nodes: 179
+END *)
theorem theads_tapp:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (vs: TList).(eq T
v t)))).(eq_ind T (THeads k (TApp t1 v) t) (\lambda (t2: T).(eq T (THead k t0
(THeads k (TApp t1 v) t)) (THead k t0 t2))) (refl_equal T (THead k t0 (THeads
k (TApp t1 v) t))) (THeads k t1 (THead k v t)) H)))) vs)))).
+Initial nodes: 175
+END *)
theorem tcons_tapp_ex:
\forall (ts1: TList).(\forall (t1: T).(ex2_2 TList T (\lambda (ts2:
(\lambda (ts2: TList).(\lambda (_: T).(eq nat (S (tslen x0)) (tslen ts2))))
(TCons t1 x0) x1 (refl_equal TList (TApp (TCons t1 x0) x1)) (refl_equal nat
(tslen (TCons t1 x0)))) (tslen t0) H2) (TCons t t0) H1))))) H0))))))) ts1).
+Initial nodes: 503
+END *)
theorem tlist_ind_rev:
\forall (P: ((TList \to Prop))).((P TNil) \to (((\forall (ts:
t1)) (H0 x0 x1 (H2 x0 (eq_ind nat (tslen t0) (\lambda (n: nat).(lt n (tslen
(TCons t t0)))) (le_n (tslen (TCons t t0))) (tslen x0) H5))) (TCons t t0)
H4))))) H3))))))) ts2)) ts)))).
+Initial nodes: 273
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/T/defs.ma".
definition wadd:
((nat \to nat)) \to (nat \to (nat \to nat))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/tlt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/tlt/defs.ma".
theorem wadd_le:
\forall (f: ((nat \to nat))).(\forall (g: ((nat \to nat))).(((\forall (n:
nat).(\lambda (H0: (le v w)).(\lambda (n: nat).(nat_ind (\lambda (n0:
nat).(le (wadd f v n0) (wadd g w n0))) H0 (\lambda (n0: nat).(\lambda (_: (le
(wadd f v n0) (wadd g w n0))).(H n0))) n))))))).
+Initial nodes: 81
+END *)
theorem wadd_lt:
\forall (f: ((nat \to nat))).(\forall (g: ((nat \to nat))).(((\forall (n:
nat).(le (wadd f v n0) (wadd g w n0))) (le_S_n v w (le_S (S v) w H0))
(\lambda (n0: nat).(\lambda (_: (le (wadd f v n0) (wadd g w n0))).(H n0)))
+Initial nodes: 95
+END *)
theorem wadd_O:
\forall (n: nat).(eq nat (wadd (\lambda (_: nat).O) O n) O)
\lambda (n: nat).(nat_ind (\lambda (n0: nat).(eq nat (wadd (\lambda (_:
nat).O) O n0) O)) (refl_equal nat O) (\lambda (n0: nat).(\lambda (_: (eq nat
(wadd (\lambda (_: nat).O) O n0) O)).(refl_equal nat O))) n).
+Initial nodes: 53
+END *)
theorem weight_le:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (f: ((nat \to nat))).(\forall (g: ((nat \to
(weight_map f0 t0) (weight_map f0 t1)) (plus (weight_map g t0) (weight_map g
t1)) (le_plus_plus (weight_map f0 t0) (weight_map g t0) (weight_map f0 t1)
(weight_map g t1) (H f0 g H1) (H0 f0 g H1))))))))))) k)) t).
+Initial nodes: 1309
+END *)
theorem weight_eq:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (f: ((nat \to nat))).(\forall (g: ((nat \to
nat).(eq_ind_r nat (g n) (\lambda (n0: nat).(le n0 (g n))) (le_n (g n)) (f n)
(H n)))) (weight_le t g f (\lambda (n: nat).(eq_ind_r nat (g n) (\lambda (n0:
nat).(le (g n) n0)) (le_n (g n)) (f n) (H n)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 121
+END *)
theorem weight_add_O:
\forall (t: T).(eq nat (weight_map (wadd (\lambda (_: nat).O) O) t)
\lambda (t: T).(weight_eq t (wadd (\lambda (_: nat).O) O) (\lambda (_:
nat).O) (\lambda (n: nat).(wadd_O n))).
+Initial nodes: 23
+END *)
theorem weight_add_S:
\forall (t: T).(\forall (m: nat).(le (weight_map (wadd (\lambda (_: nat).O)
(wadd (\lambda (_: nat).O) (S m)) (\lambda (n: nat).(wadd_le (\lambda (_:
nat).O) (\lambda (_: nat).O) (\lambda (_: nat).(le_n O)) O (S m) (le_S O m
(le_O_n m)) n)))).
+Initial nodes: 61
+END *)
theorem tlt_trans:
\forall (v: T).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).((tlt u v) \to ((tlt v t) \to
\lambda (v: T).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (H: (lt (weight u)
(weight v))).(\lambda (H0: (lt (weight v) (weight t))).(lt_trans (weight u)
(weight v) (weight t) H H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 43
+END *)
theorem tlt_head_sx:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(tlt u (THead k u t))))
(weight_map (\lambda (_: nat).O) u) (plus (weight_map (\lambda (_: nat).O) u)
(weight_map (\lambda (_: nat).O) t)) (le_plus_l (weight_map (\lambda (_:
nat).O) u) (weight_map (\lambda (_: nat).O) t)))))) k).
+Initial nodes: 379
+END *)
theorem tlt_head_dx:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t: T).(tlt t (THead k u t))))
(weight_map (\lambda (_: nat).O) u) (weight_map (\lambda (_: nat).O) t))
(le_plus_r (weight_map (\lambda (_: nat).O) u) (weight_map (\lambda (_:
nat).O) t)))))) k).
+Initial nodes: 659
+END *)
theorem tlt_wf__q_ind:
\forall (P: ((T \to Prop))).(((\forall (n: nat).((\lambda (P0: ((T \to
Prop))).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (n: nat).(\forall (t: T).((eq nat (weight t)
n) \to (P t)))))).(\lambda (t: T).(H (weight t) t (refl_equal nat (weight
+Initial nodes: 61
+END *)
theorem tlt_wf_ind:
\forall (P: ((T \to Prop))).(((\forall (t: T).(((\forall (v: T).((tlt v t)
t1)))))) H0 (weight t0) H1) in (H t0 (\lambda (v: T).(\lambda (H3: (lt
(weight v) (weight t0))).(H2 (weight v) H3 v (refl_equal nat (weight
v))))))))))))) t)))).
+Initial nodes: 179
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/arity/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-1/arity/pr3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/asucc/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/asucc/fwd.ma".
theorem ty3_arity:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((ty3 g c
x) (arity_repl g c0 t0 (asucc g x0) H9 (asucc g (asucc g x)) (asucc_repl g x0
(asucc g x) (arity_mono g c0 t4 x0 H8 (asucc g x) H6))) t4 H6))))) H7)))))
H4)))))))))) c t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 3761
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/arity.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sc3/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sc3/arity.ma".
theorem ty3_predicative:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (u:
in (leq_ahead_asucc_false g x2 (asucc g x3) (arity_mono g c v (asucc g (AHead
x2 x3)) H12 (asucc g x2) H10) P))))))) H8))))) H5))))))))) (ty3_gen_bind g
Abst c v t u H1)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 497
+END *)
theorem ty3_repellent:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (u1:
(S O) O H8 c (drop_drop (Bind Abst) O c c (drop_refl c) w)) (asucc g x2)
H11)) P)))) H9)))))) H6))))))) H3)))) (ty3_correct g (CHead c (Bind Abst) w)
t (lift (S O) O u2) H0))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 651
+END *)
theorem ty3_acyclic:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (u: T).((ty3 g c t
(a1: A).(arity g c t (asucc g a1))) P (\lambda (x: A).(\lambda (H2: (arity g
c t x)).(\lambda (H3: (arity g c t (asucc g x))).(leq_asucc_false g x
(arity_mono g c t (asucc g x) H3 x H2) P)))) H1)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 151
+END *)
theorem ty3_sn3:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (u: T).((ty3 g c t
(asucc g a1))) (sn3 c t) (\lambda (x: A).(\lambda (H1: (arity g c t
x)).(\lambda (_: (arity g c u (asucc g x))).(sc3_sn3 g x c t (sc3_arity g c t
x H1))))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 119
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/flt.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/flt.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/dec.ma".
theorem ty3_inference:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(or (ex T (\lambda (t2:
T).(ty3 g c2 x0 t4)) False (\lambda (x: T).(\lambda (_: (ty3 g c2 x0 x)).(H5
x0 H9))) (ty3_correct g c2 t x0 H9)))))) (ty3_gen_cast g c2 t0 t t3 H6))))))
H4))) f H2))) k H1))))))) t2))) c t1))).
+Initial nodes: 9001
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/G/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/G/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/defs.ma".
inductive ty3 (g: G): C \to (T \to (T \to Prop)) \def
| ty3_conv: \forall (c: C).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall (t: T).((ty3 g c t2 t)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fsubst0.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/fsubst0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/getl.ma".
theorem ty3_fsubst0:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t: T).((ty3 g c1
i H10 t0) c3 H6) e H7)))) (ty3_correct g c3 t3 t0 (H3 i u c3 t3 (fsubst0_fst
i u c t3 c3 H6) e H7))) t5 H9)))))) H8)) (subst0_gen_head (Flat Cast) u t3 t2
t5 i H5)))))))) c2 t4 H4)))))))))))))) c1 t1 t H))))).
+Initial nodes: 23439
+END *)
theorem ty3_csubst0:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((ty3 g c1
nat).(\lambda (H0: (getl i c1 (CHead e (Bind Abbr) u))).(\lambda (c2:
C).(\lambda (H1: (csubst0 i u c1 c2)).(ty3_fsubst0 g c1 t1 t2 H i u c2 t1
(fsubst0_fst i u c1 t1 c2 H1) e H0))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 89
+END *)
theorem ty3_subst0:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t: T).((ty3 g c t1
(H0: (getl i c (CHead e (Bind Abbr) u))).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H1:
(subst0 i u t1 t2)).(ty3_fsubst0 g c t1 t H i u c t2 (fsubst0_snd i u c t1 t2
H1) e H0))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 89
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/props.ma".
theorem ty3_gen_sort:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (n: nat).((ty3 g c
(TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I (TSort n)
H5) in (False_ind (pc3 c0 (TSort (next g n)) (THead (Flat Cast) t0 t2))
H6))))))))))) c y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1179
+END *)
theorem ty3_gen_lref:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (n: nat).((ty3 g c
(\lambda (e: C).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (_: T).(getl n c0 (CHead e (Bind
Abst) u))))) (\lambda (e: C).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(ty3 g e u
t)))))) H6))))))))))) c y x H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 5569
+END *)
theorem ty3_gen_bind:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (b: B).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1:
(THead (Flat Cast) t3 t2)))) (\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (t: T).(ty3 g c0 u t)))
(\lambda (t4: T).(\lambda (_: T).(ty3 g (CHead c0 (Bind b) u) t1 t4))))
H6))))))))))) c y x H0))) H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 3389
+END *)
theorem ty3_gen_appl:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (x:
(THead (Flat Cast) t0 t2)))) (\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (t: T).(ty3 g c0 v
(THead (Bind Abst) u t)))) (\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (_: T).(ty3 g c0 w u))))
H6))))))))))) c y x H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 3171
+END *)
theorem ty3_gen_cast:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).(\forall
Cast) t5 t2) (THead (Flat Cast) t4 t2))) (\lambda (_: T).(ty3 g c0 t1 t2))
(\lambda (t5: T).(ty3 g c0 t2 t5)) t4 (pc3_refl c0 (THead (Flat Cast) t4 t2))
H14 H10))) t3 H8))))))) H6))))))))))) c y x H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 2609
+END *)
theorem tys3_gen_nil:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).((tys3 g c TNil u) \to (ex T
TList).(match ee in TList return (\lambda (_: TList).Prop) with [TNil
\Rightarrow False | (TCons _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I TNil H4) in (False_ind
(ex T (\lambda (u1: T).(ty3 g c u0 u1))) H5))))))))) y u H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 255
+END *)
theorem tys3_gen_cons:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (ts: TList).(\forall (t: T).(\forall
ts0 (\lambda (t1: TList).(tys3 g c t1 u0)) H2 ts H6) in (let H10 \def (eq_ind
T t0 (\lambda (t1: T).(ty3 g c t1 u0)) H1 t H7) in (conj (ty3 g c t u0) (tys3
g c ts u0) H10 H9)))))) H5))))))))) y u H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 479
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity_props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/arity_props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/nf2.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/nf2.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/fwd.ma".
theorem ty3_gen_appl_nf2:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (x:
x6) H16)) (ty3_conv g c x5 x3 (ty3_sred_pr3 c x0 x5 H13 g x3 H6) w x0 H2
(pc3_pr3_r c x0 x5 H13)) H15)))))))) H11))))) H8)))))) H5))))) H3))))))))
(ty3_gen_appl g c w v x H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 1289
+END *)
theorem ty3_inv_lref_nf2_pc3:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (i: nat).((ty3 g c
_) \Rightarrow False | (TLRef _) \Rightarrow False | (THead _ _ _)
\Rightarrow True])) I (TLRef i) H5) in (False_ind (ex T (\lambda (u: T).(eq T
u2 (lift (S i) O u)))) H9))))))))))))))) c y u1 H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 2175
+END *)
theorem ty3_inv_lref_nf2:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (i: nat).((ty3 g c
\lambda (g: G).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda
(H: (ty3 g c (TLRef i) u)).(\lambda (H0: (nf2 c (TLRef i))).(\lambda (H1:
(nf2 c u)).(ty3_inv_lref_nf2_pc3 g c u i H H0 u H1 (pc3_refl c u)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 57
+END *)
theorem ty3_inv_appls_lref_nf2:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (vs: TList).(\forall (u1:
(THead (Flat Appl) t (THeads (Flat Appl) t0 (lift (S i) O x))) (pc3_thin_dx c
(THeads (Flat Appl) t0 (lift (S i) O x)) (THead (Bind Abst) x0 x1) H13 t
Appl) u1 H4))))) H11))))) H8)))))))) H3))))))))))) vs))).
+Initial nodes: 1213
+END *)
theorem ty3_inv_lref_lref_nf2:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).((ty3 g c
i) j) (eq T x (TLRef (minus j (S i)))) (lt i j) (\lambda (H6: (le (S i)
j)).(\lambda (_: (eq T x (TLRef (minus j (S i))))).H6)) H5)) H4)))))
+Initial nodes: 337
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/arity.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/nf2.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/nf2.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-1/nf2/arity.ma".
definition ty3_nf2_inv_abst_premise:
C \to (T \to (T \to Prop))
wi))).(\lambda (vs: TList).(\lambda (_: (pc3 (CSort m) (THeads (Flat Appl) vs
(lift (S i) O wi)) (THead (Bind Abst) w u))).(getl_gen_sort m i (CHead d
(Bind Abst) wi) H False))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 85
+END *)
theorem ty3_nf2_inv_all:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (u: T).((ty3 g c t
TList).(\lambda (i: nat).(nf2 c (TLRef i)))))) (\lambda (x: A).(\lambda (H2:
(arity g c t x)).(\lambda (_: (arity g c u (asucc g x))).(arity_nf2_inv_all g
c t x H2 H0)))) H1)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 233
+END *)
theorem ty3_nf2_inv_sort:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (m: nat).((ty3 g c t
nat).(nfs2 c ws))) (\lambda (_: TList).(\lambda (i: nat).(nf2 c (TLRef i))))
x0 x1 (refl_equal T (THeads (Flat Appl) x0 (TLRef x1))) H4 H5)) t H3)))))))
H2)) H1)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 2045
+END *)
theorem ty3_nf2_gen__ty3_nf2_inv_abst_aux:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (w1: T).(\forall (u1: T).((ty3_nf2_inv_abst_premise
(THeads (Flat Appl) vs (lift (S i) O wi))) (pc3_thin_dx c (THeads (Flat Appl)
vs (lift (S i) O wi)) (THead (Bind Abst) w2 u2) H2 t Appl) (THead (Bind Abst)
w1 u1) H0))))))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 271
+END *)
theorem ty3_nf2_inv_abst:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (w: T).(\forall (u:
v)))) H23)))))) t1 H18))))))) H17))))))))) (ty3_gen_appl g c t0 (THeads (Flat
Appl) t1 (TLRef x1)) (THead (Bind Abst) x x2) H12))))))))) x0)) H10)) H9)) t
H5))))))) H4)) H3))))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 5333
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/ty3.ma".
+include "Basic-1/csubt/ty3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/subst1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fsubst0.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/fsubst0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/pc1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/pc1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/wcpr0.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/wcpr0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc1/props.ma".
theorem ty3_sred_wcpr0_pr0:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t: T).((ty3 g c1
(H3 c2 H4 t3 (pr0_refl t3))))) t6 (sym_eq T t6 t4 H12))) t5 (sym_eq T t5 t2
H11))) u (sym_eq T u t3 H10))) H9)) H8 H6)))]) in (H6 (refl_equal T (THead
(Flat Cast) t3 t2)) (refl_equal T t4))))))))))))))) c1 t1 t H))))).
+Initial nodes: 14710
+END *)
theorem ty3_sred_pr0:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr0 t1 t2) \to (\forall (g: G).(\forall
\lambda (t1: T).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (pr0 t1 t2)).(\lambda (g:
G).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (H0: (ty3 g c t1
t)).(ty3_sred_wcpr0_pr0 g c t1 t H0 c (wcpr0_refl c) t2 H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 47
+END *)
theorem ty3_sred_pr1:
\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr1 t1 t2) \to (\forall (g: G).(\forall
C).(\forall (t: T).((ty3 g c t3 t) \to (ty3 g c t5 t))))))).(\lambda (g:
G).(\lambda (c: C).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (H3: (ty3 g c t4 t)).(H2 g c t
(ty3_sred_pr0 t4 t3 H0 g c t H3)))))))))))) t1 t2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 151
+END *)
theorem ty3_sred_pr2:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
G).(\lambda (t0: T).(\lambda (H3: (ty3 g c0 t3 t0)).(ty3_subst0 g c0 t4 t0
(ty3_sred_wcpr0_pr0 g c0 t3 t0 H3 c0 (wcpr0_refl c0) t4 H1) d u i H0 t
H2)))))))))))))) c t1 t2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 205
+END *)
theorem ty3_sred_pr3:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c t1 t2) \to (\forall
t3 t) \to (ty3 g c t5 t)))))).(\lambda (g: G).(\lambda (t: T).(\lambda (H3:
(ty3 g c t4 t)).(H2 g t (ty3_sred_pr2 c t4 t3 H0 g t H3))))))))))) t1 t2
+Initial nodes: 151
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/pr3.ma".
theorem ty3_cred_pr2:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v1: T).(\forall (v2: T).((pr2 c v1
c0 (Bind b) t2) c0 t2 (clear_bind b c0 t2) (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u) i H0)
(CHead c0 (Bind b) t) (csubst0_snd_bind b i u t2 t H2 c0)))))))))))))))) c v1
v2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 383
+END *)
theorem ty3_cred_pr3:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v1: T).(\forall (v2: T).((pr3 c v1
(ty3 g (CHead c (Bind b) t3) t4 t5))))))).(\lambda (b: B).(\lambda (t0:
T).(\lambda (t4: T).(\lambda (H3: (ty3 g (CHead c (Bind b) t1) t0 t4)).(H2 b
t0 t4 (ty3_cred_pr2 g c t1 t2 H0 b t0 t4 H3)))))))))))) v1 v2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 215
+END *)
theorem ty3_gen_lift:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (x: T).(\forall (h:
x2 x5 H21 x3 x4 H18 (pc3_gen_lift c0 x4 x2 h x1 H17 e H6)) x5 H21)))))
H19))))) H16)))) t3 H8))))) x0 H7)))))) (lift_gen_flat Cast t3 t2 x0 h x1
H5))))))))))))))) c y x H0))))) H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 9781
+END *)
theorem ty3_tred:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).((ty3 g c u
(\lambda (t: T).(ty3 g c t1 t)) (ty3 g c u t2) (\lambda (x: T).(\lambda (H1:
(ty3 g c t1 x)).(let H_y \def (ty3_sred_pr3 c t1 t2 H0 g x H1) in (ty3_conv g
c t2 x H_y u t1 H (pc3_pr3_r c t1 t2 H0))))) (ty3_correct g c u t1 H)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 121
+END *)
theorem ty3_sconv_pc3:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).((ty3 g c
T).(\lambda (H3: (pr3 c u1 x)).(\lambda (H4: (pr3 c u2 x)).(let H_y \def
(ty3_sred_pr3 c u2 x H4 g t2 H0) in (let H_y0 \def (ty3_sred_pr3 c u1 x H3 g
t1 H) in (ty3_unique g c x t1 H_y0 t2 H_y)))))) H2)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 141
+END *)
theorem ty3_sred_back:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t0: T).((ty3 g c
t3)) (ty3 g c t1 t) (\lambda (x: T).(\lambda (H2: (ty3 g c t x)).(ty3_conv g
c t x H2 t1 t0 H (ty3_unique g c t2 t0 (ty3_sred_pr3 c t1 t2 H0 g t0 H) t
H1)))) (ty3_correct g c t2 t H1)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 137
+END *)
theorem ty3_sconv:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u1: T).(\forall (t1: T).((ty3 g c
(t: T).(pr3 c u1 t)) (\lambda (t: T).(pr3 c u2 t)) (ty3 g c u1 t2) (\lambda
(x: T).(\lambda (H3: (pr3 c u1 x)).(\lambda (H4: (pr3 c u2 x)).(ty3_sred_back
g c u1 t1 H x H3 t2 (ty3_sred_pr3 c u2 x H4 g t2 H0))))) H2)))))))))).
+Initial nodes: 129
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/fwd.ma".
theorem ty3_lift:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (e: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((ty3 g e
Cast) d) h H4) (lift h d t4) (H3 c0 d h H4)) (lift h d (THead (Flat Cast) t4
t3)) (lift_head (Flat Cast) t4 t3 h d)) (lift h d (THead (Flat Cast) t3 t0))
(lift_head (Flat Cast) t3 t0 h d)))))))))))))) e t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 4253
+END *)
theorem ty3_correct:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((ty3 g c
Cast) t4 t3) t))) (\lambda (x: T).(\lambda (H5: (ty3 g c0 t4 x)).(ex_intro T
(\lambda (t: T).(ty3 g c0 (THead (Flat Cast) t4 t3) t)) (THead (Flat Cast) x
t4) (ty3_cast g c0 t3 t4 H2 x H5)))) H4)))))))))) c t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1333
+END *)
theorem ty3_unique:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).((ty3 g c u
(THead (Flat Cast) x0 t2) c0 (THead (Flat Cast) t3 t2) (pc3_head_1 c0 t3 x0
(H3 x0 H7) (Flat Cast) t2) t4 H5))))) (ty3_gen_cast g c0 t0 t2 t4
H4)))))))))))) c u t1 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 3459
+END *)
theorem ty3_gen_abst_abst:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall
(ty3_gen_bind g Abst c u t1 (THead (Bind Abst) u t2) H))))))) (ty3_gen_bind g
Abst c u t2 x H0)))) (ty3_correct g c (THead (Bind Abst) u t1) (THead (Bind
Abst) u t2) H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 571
+END *)
theorem ty3_typecheck:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (v: T).((ty3 g c t
c v x)).(ex_intro T (\lambda (u: T).(ty3 g c (THead (Flat Cast) v t) u))
(THead (Flat Cast) x v) (ty3_cast g c t v H x H0)))) (ty3_correct g c t v
+Initial nodes: 131
+END *)
theorem ty3_getl_subst0:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (u: T).((ty3 g c t
x0)).(\lambda (_: (subst0 (s (Flat Cast) i) v0 t1 x1)).(H3 v0 x0 i H8 b d v
H5)))))) H6)) (subst0_gen_head (Flat Cast) v0 t2 t1 t3 i H4))))))))))))))))))
c t u H))))).
+Initial nodes: 4343
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/sty0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/sty0/fwd.ma".
theorem ty3_sty0:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).(\forall (t1: T).((ty3 g c u
Cast) x0 t3) (ty3_cast g c0 t2 t3 H0 x0 H_y0) (pc3_thin_dx c0 t3 x1
(ty3_unique g c0 t2 t3 H0 x1 H_y) x0 Cast)))) (ty3_correct g c0 t2 x1 H_y))))
(ty3_correct g c0 t3 x0 H_y0))))) t4 H9))))))) H5))))))))))))) c u t1 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 4539
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pc3/subst1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/getl.ma".
theorem ty3_gen_cabbr:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((ty3 g c
O) d x1) d H9 (Flat Cast) t4 (lift (S O) d x0) H8) (lift (S O) d (THead (Flat
Cast) x1 x0)) (lift_flat Cast x1 x0 (S O) d)) (ty3_cast g a x2 x0 H15 x1
H10)))))))) H11))))))) H7)))))))))))))))))) c t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 12848
+END *)
theorem ty3_gen_cvoid:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((ty3 g c
(lift_flat Cast x1 x0 (S O) d)) (THead (Flat Cast) (lift (S O) d x0) (lift (S
O) d x2)) (lift_flat Cast x0 x2 (S O) d))) t3 H15))))))) H14)) t4 H7)))) t0
H8))))))) H6)))))))))))))))) c t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 13105
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/pr0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/C/defs.ma".
inductive wcpr0: C \to (C \to Prop) \def
| wcpr0_refl: \forall (c: C).(wcpr0 c c)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wcpr0/defs.ma".
theorem wcpr0_gen_sort:
\forall (x: C).(\forall (n: nat).((wcpr0 (CSort n) x) \to (eq C x (CSort
with [(CSort _) \Rightarrow False | (CHead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I
(CSort n) H4) in (False_ind (eq C (CHead c2 k u2) (CHead c1 k u1))
H5))))))))))) y x H0))) H))).
+Initial nodes: 249
+END *)
theorem wcpr0_gen_head:
\forall (k: K).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (u1: T).((wcpr0
c1 c3))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda (u3: T).(pr0 u1 u3))) c2 u2 (refl_equal C
(CHead c2 k u2)) H12 H10)) c0 H9))) u0 H7)) k0 H8)))) H6)) H5))))))))))) y x
H0))) H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1133
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wcpr0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-1/getl/props.ma".
theorem wcpr0_drop:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((wcpr0 c1 c2) \to (\forall (h:
T).(wcpr0 e1 e2))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda (u3: T).(pr0 u0 u3))) x0 x1
(drop_drop (Flat f) n c4 (CHead x0 k0 x1) H6 u2) H7 H8)))))) H5))))))))) k)
h)))))))))) c1 c2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 1755
+END *)
theorem wcpr0_drop_back:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((wcpr0 c2 c1) \to (\forall (h:
T).(wcpr0 e2 e1))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda (u3: T).(pr0 u3 u0))) x0 x1
(drop_drop (Flat f) n c3 (CHead x0 k0 x1) H6 u1) H7 H8)))))) H5))))))))) k)
h)))))))))) c2 c1 H))).
+Initial nodes: 1755
+END *)
theorem wcpr0_getl:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((wcpr0 c1 c2) \to (\forall (h:
(\lambda (e2: C).(\lambda (_: T).(wcpr0 e1 e2))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda
(u3: T).(pr0 u0 u3))) x0 x1 (getl_head (Flat f) n c4 (CHead x0 k0 x1) H6 u2)
H7 H8)))))) H5))))))))) k) h)))))))))) c1 c2 H))).
+Initial nodes: 2103
+END *)
theorem wcpr0_getl_back:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((wcpr0 c2 c1) \to (\forall (h:
(\lambda (e2: C).(\lambda (_: T).(wcpr0 e2 e1))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda
(u3: T).(pr0 u3 u0))) x0 x1 (getl_head (Flat f) n c3 (CHead x0 k0 x1) H6 u1)
H7 H8)))))) H5))))))))) k) h)))))))))) c2 c1 H))).
+Initial nodes: 2103
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wf3/fwd.ma".
theorem wf3_clear_conf:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c: C).((clear c1 c) \to (\forall (g: G).(\forall
c0 c2)))))).(\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (g: G).(\lambda (c2:
C).(\lambda (H2: (wf3 g (CHead e (Flat f) u) c2)).(let H_y \def
(wf3_gen_flat1 g e c2 u f H2) in (H1 g c2 H_y))))))))))) c1 c H))).
+Initial nodes: 145
+END *)
theorem clear_wf3_trans:
\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).((clear c1 d1) \to (\forall (g: G).(\forall
(x: C).(\lambda (H4: (wf3 g e x)).(\lambda (H5: (clear x d2)).(ex_intro2 C
(\lambda (c2: C).(wf3 g (CHead e (Flat f) u) c2)) (\lambda (c2: C).(clear c2
d2)) x (wf3_flat g e x H4 u f) H5)))) H3)))))))))))) c1 d1 H))).
+Initial nodes: 1023
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/defs.ma".
inductive wf3 (g: G): C \to (C \to Prop) \def
| wf3_sort: \forall (m: nat).(wf3 g (CSort m) (CSort m))
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wf3/defs.ma".
theorem wf3_gen_sort1:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (m: nat).((wf3 g (CSort m) x) \to
C).(match ee in C return (\lambda (_: C).Prop) with [(CSort _) \Rightarrow
False | (CHead _ _ _) \Rightarrow True])) I (CSort m) H3) in (False_ind (eq C
c2 (CHead c1 (Flat f) u)) H4))))))))) y x H0))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 523
+END *)
theorem wf3_gen_bind1:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (b:
g c1 v w)))) (ex3 C (\lambda (c3: C).(eq C c2 (CHead c3 (Bind Void) (TSort
O)))) (\lambda (c3: C).(wf3 g c1 c3)) (\lambda (_: C).(\forall (w: T).((ty3 g
c1 v w) \to False))))) H4))))))))) y x H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 2507
+END *)
theorem wf3_gen_flat1:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (f:
(\lambda (c: C).((eq C c (CHead c1 (Flat f) v)) \to (wf3 g c1 c2))) H2 c1 H8)
in (let H10 \def (eq_ind C c0 (\lambda (c: C).(wf3 g c c2)) H1 c1 H8) in
H10))))) H5)) H4))))))))) y x H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 737
+END *)
theorem wf3_gen_head2:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (x: C).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (v: T).(\forall (k:
K k (Bind b)))))) H2 (CHead c k v) H4) in (let H6 \def (eq_ind C c2 (\lambda
(c0: C).(wf3 g c1 c0)) H1 (CHead c k v) H4) in (H5 (refl_equal C (CHead c k
v))))))))))))) x y H0))) H)))))).
+Initial nodes: 1225
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wf3/clear.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-1/ty3/dec.ma".
theorem wf3_getl_conf:
\forall (b: B).(\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).(\forall
(CHead d1 (Bind b) v))).(let H_y \def (wf3_gen_flat1 g c c2 t f H4) in (H0 d1
v H5 g c2 H_y w H3))))) k H2 (getl_gen_S k c (CHead d1 (Bind b) v) t n
H1)))))))))))))) c1)))) i)).
+Initial nodes: 2531
+END *)
theorem getl_wf3_trans:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (d1: C).((getl i c1 d1) \to
n) x d2)).(ex_intro2 C (\lambda (c2: C).(wf3 g (CHead c (Flat f) t) c2))
(\lambda (c2: C).(getl (S n) c2 d2)) x (wf3_flat g c x H5 t f) H6)))) H4)))))
k (getl_gen_S k c d1 t n H1))))))))))) c1)))) i).
+Initial nodes: 1139
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/ty3.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wf3/ty3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/app/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-1/app/defs.ma".
theorem wf3_mono:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).(\forall (c1: C).((wf3 g c c1) \to (\forall
T).(\lambda (f: F).(\lambda (c0: C).(\lambda (H2: (wf3 g (CHead c2 (Flat f)
u) c0)).(let H_y \def (wf3_gen_flat1 g c2 c0 u f H2) in (H1 c0 H_y))))))))))
c c1 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 1555
+END *)
theorem wf3_total:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(ex C (\lambda (c2: C).(wf3 g c1 c2))))
(CHead x (Bind Void) (TSort O)) (wf3_void g c x H1 t H3 b))) H2)))) (\lambda
(f: F).(ex_intro C (\lambda (c2: C).(wf3 g (CHead c (Flat f) t) c2)) x
(wf3_flat g c x H1 t f))) k))) H0)))))) c1)).
+Initial nodes: 435
+END *)
theorem ty3_shift1:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c: C).((wf3 g c c) \to (\forall (t1: T).(\forall
(Bind x) H9) in (False_ind (ty3 g (CSort (cbk c1)) (app1 c1 (THead (Flat f) u
t1)) (app1 c1 (THead (Flat f) u t2))) H10)))) H8)))))))))))))))) y c H0)))
+Initial nodes: 1677
+END *)
theorem wf3_idem:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (c2: C).((wf3 g c1 c2) \to (wf3 g
c4 H1 (TSort O) (TSort (next g O)) (ty3_sort g c4 O) Void)))))))) (\lambda
(c3: C).(\lambda (c4: C).(\lambda (_: (wf3 g c3 c4)).(\lambda (H1: (wf3 g c4
c4)).(\lambda (_: T).(\lambda (_: F).H1)))))) c1 c2 H)))).
+Initial nodes: 207
+END *)
theorem wf3_ty3:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t: T).(\forall (u: T).((ty3 g c1 t
(\lambda (c2: C).(ty3 g c2 t u))) (\lambda (x: C).(\lambda (H1: (wf3 g c1
x)).(ex_intro2 C (\lambda (c2: C).(wf3 g c1 c2)) (\lambda (c2: C).(ty3 g c2 t
u)) x H1 (wf3_ty3_conf g c1 t u H x H1)))) H0))))))).
+Initial nodes: 123
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-1/wf3/getl.ma".
theorem wf3_pr2_conf:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr2 c1
(\lambda (x0: C).(\lambda (H8: (getl i c2 (CHead x0 (Bind Abbr) u))).(\lambda
(_: (wf3 g d x0)).(pr2_delta c2 x0 u i H8 t3 t4 H1 t H2)))) H7)))))
H5)))))))))))))))))) c1 t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 373
+END *)
theorem wf3_pr3_conf:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pr3 c1
(c2: C).(\lambda (H3: (wf3 g c1 c2)).(\lambda (u: T).(\lambda (H4: (ty3 g c1
t4 u)).(pr3_sing c2 t3 t4 (wf3_pr2_conf g c1 t4 t3 H0 c2 H3 u H4) t5 (H2 c2
H3 u (ty3_sred_pr2 c1 t4 t3 H0 g u H4))))))))))))) t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 217
+END *)
theorem wf3_pc3_conf:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((pc3 c1
(pr3 c1 t1 x)).(\lambda (H5: (pr3 c1 t2 x)).(pc3_pr3_t c2 t1 x (wf3_pr3_conf
g c1 t1 x H4 c2 H0 u1 H1) t2 (wf3_pr3_conf g c1 t2 x H5 c2 H0 u2 H2)))))
+Initial nodes: 153
+END *)
theorem wf3_ty3_conf:
\forall (g: G).(\forall (c1: C).(\forall (t1: T).(\forall (t2: T).((ty3 g c1
T).(\lambda (_: (ty3 g c t4 t0)).(\lambda (H3: ((\forall (c2: C).((wf3 g c
c2) \to (ty3 g c2 t4 t0))))).(\lambda (c2: C).(\lambda (H4: (wf3 g c
c2)).(ty3_cast g c2 t3 t4 (H1 c2 H4) t0 (H3 c2 H4)))))))))))) c1 t1 t2 H))))).
+Initial nodes: 1027
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/preamble.ma".
+include "Basic-2/preamble.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/C/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/C/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/preamble.ma".
+include "Basic-2/preamble.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/T/dec.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/T/dec.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/preamble.ma".
+include "Basic-2/preamble.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/T/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/asucc/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/asucc/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/aplus/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/aplus/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/next_plus/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/aplus/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/aplus/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/A/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/aprem/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/aprem/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/aprem/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/aprem/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/aprem/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/aprem/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/leq/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/aprem/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/aprem/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/cimp.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/cimp.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/aprem/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/aprem/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/arity/aprem.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/arity/aprem.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/cimp/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/cimp/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/arity/cimp.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/arity/cimp.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/leq/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/leq/asucc.ma".
+include "Basic-2/leq/asucc.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/drop.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/arity/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/arity/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop1/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/arity/lift1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/arity/lift1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csuba/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csuba/arity.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wcpr0/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/subst0.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/subst0.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/arity/pr3.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/arity/pr3.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/arity/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/arity/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/fsubst0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/getl.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/arity/subst0.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/arity/subst0.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/A/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/G/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/asucc/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/asucc/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/asucc/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/asucc/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/cimp/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/cimp/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/getl.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/cimp/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/cimp/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/clear/drop.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/clear/drop.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/clear/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/clear/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/s/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clen/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clen/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/clen/getl.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/clen/getl.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/cnt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/cnt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/cnt/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/cnt/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csuba/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csuba/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csuba/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csuba/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubv/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubv/getl.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/arity.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csuba/arity.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csuba/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/clear.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csuba/clear.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csuba/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csuba/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/drop.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csuba/drop.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csuba/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csuba/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csuba/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csuba/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csuba/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csuba/clear.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/clear.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/getl.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csuba/getl.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csuba/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csuba/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csuba/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/csuba.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/csuba.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/arity.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubc/arity.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/clear.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubc/clear.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sc3/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/csuba.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubc/csuba.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sc3/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sc3/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubc/drop.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/drop.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubc/drop1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubc/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/clear.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/getl.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubc/getl.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sc3/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubc/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubc/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/clear.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubst0/clear.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/s/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/s/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/drop.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubst0/drop.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubst0/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/clear.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/getl.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubst0/getl.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubst0/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst1/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubst1/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/getl.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubst1/getl.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst1/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubst1/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/clear.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubt/clear.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/arity.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/csuba.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubt/csuba.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubt/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubt/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/drop.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubt/drop.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubt/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubt/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubt/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubt/clear.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubt/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubt/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/clear.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/getl.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubt/getl.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubt/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubt/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/left.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/left.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/pc3.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubt/pc3.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubt/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubt/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubt/pc3.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubt/pc3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubt/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubt/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubt/ty3.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubt/ty3.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubv/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubv/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubv/clear.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubv/clear.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubv/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubv/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubv/drop.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubv/drop.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubv/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubv/clear.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubv/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubv/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubv/getl.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubv/getl.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubv/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubv/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/csubv/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/csubv/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/r/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/r/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/r/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/r/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/drop/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/drop/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift1/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop1/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop1/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/drop.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/getl.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/drop1/getl.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop1/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/drop1/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/drop1/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/A/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/G/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ex0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ex0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/leq/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/aplus/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/aplus/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ex0/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ex0/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ex1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ex1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/pr3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/leq/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/leq/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ex1/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ex1/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ex2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ex2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ex2/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ex2/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/flt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/flt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/flt/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/flt/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/fsubst0/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/fsubst0/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/drop.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/getl/clear.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/getl/dec.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/getl/dec.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/drop.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/getl/drop.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/flt/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/flt/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/getl/flt.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/getl/flt.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/getl/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/getl/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/clear.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/getl/getl.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/getl/getl.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clear/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clear/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/getl/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/iso/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/iso/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/tlist/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/iso/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/iso/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/iso/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/iso/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/iso/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/iso/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/leq/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/leq/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/leq/asucc.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/leq/asucc.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/aplus/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/aplus/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/leq/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/leq/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/leq/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/leq/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/leq/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/aplus/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/aplus/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/leq/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/leq/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/tlist/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/s/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/lift/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/lift/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/s/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/s/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/lift/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/tlt/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/tlt/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/lift/tlt.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/lift/tlt.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/lift1/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/lift1/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop1/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/lift1/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/lift1/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/A/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/llt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/llt/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/leq/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/llt/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/llt/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/G/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/next_plus/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/next_plus/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/next_plus/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/subst0.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/subst0.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/arity.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/nf2/arity.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/clen.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/clen.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/dec.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/nf2/dec.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/clen.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/clen.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/nf2/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/pr3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/iso/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/iso/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/iso.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/nf2/iso.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop1/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/lift1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/nf2/lift1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/pr3.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/pr3.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/nf2/pr3.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/nf2/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/nf2/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr1/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr1/pr1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr1/pr1.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pc1/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pc1/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity_props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/arity_props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/dec.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pc3/dec.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/left.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/left.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/fsubst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst0/getl.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fsubst0.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pc3/fsubst0.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pc3/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/left.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pc3/left.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/pr3.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/nf2.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pc3/nf2.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/pr1.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/pc1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pc3/pc1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/pr3.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pc3/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/subst1.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/subst1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pc3/subst1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wcpr0/getl.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pc3/wcpr0.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pc3/wcpr0.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/dec.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr0/dec.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/tlt.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/tlt.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/pr0.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr0/pr0.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/subst0.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/subst0.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr0/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst1/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr0/subst1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr0/subst1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/pr0.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/pr0.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr1/pr1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr1/pr1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/subst1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr1/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr1/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/clen/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/clen/getl.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/clen.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr2/clen.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/clear.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr2/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/pr0.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/pr0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/pr2.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr2/pr2.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/drop.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/clear.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr2/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/subst1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst1/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubst1/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst1/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst1/subst1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/drop.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr2/subst1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr2/subst1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr3/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/iso/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/iso/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/tlist/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/tlist/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/iso.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr3/iso.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr1/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr3/pr1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/pr2.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/pr2.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr3.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr3/pr3.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/pr1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr1/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr3/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr2/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr2/subst1.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/subst1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr3/subst1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wcpr0/getl.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/pr3/wcpr0.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/pr3/wcpr0.ma".
(* *)
-include "Base-2/theory.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-1/definitions.ma".
+include "Ground-2/theory.ma".
+include "Basic-1/definitions.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/r/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/r/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/s/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/r/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/r/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/s/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/s/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/s/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/arity.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/drop1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubc/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubc/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/sc3/arity.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/sc3/arity.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sn3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop1/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sc3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sn3/lift1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sn3/lift1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/lift1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/lift1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csuba/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csuba/arity.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/lift1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/lift1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/aprem.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/aprem.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/llt/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/llt/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop1/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop1/getl.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift1/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/sc3/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/sc3/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sn3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/sn3/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/sn3/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sn3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sn3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/drop1/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift1/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/sn3/lift1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/sn3/lift1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sn3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/pr3.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/sn3/nf2.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/sn3/nf2.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sn3/nf2.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sn3/nf2.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sn3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sn3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/iso.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/iso.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/iso.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/iso.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/sn3/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/sn3/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/G/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sty0/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/sty0/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/sty0/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sty0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/drop.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/sty0/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/sty0/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sty1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sty1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/cnt/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/cnt/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/sty1/cnt.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/sty1/cnt.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sty0/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sty1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sty1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sty0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sty0/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/sty1/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/sty1/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/subst/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/subst/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/subst/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/subst/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/dec.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/subst0/dec.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/subst0/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/subst0/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/subst0.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/subst0/subst0.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/lift/tlt.ma".
+include "Basic-2/lift/tlt.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/subst0/tlt.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/subst0/tlt.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/subst1/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst1/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/subst1/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst1/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst1/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/subst0.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/subst0.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/subst1/subst1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/subst1/subst1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst0/tlt.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst0/tlt.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/subst/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/subst/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sty1/cnt.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sty1/cnt.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ex0/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ex0/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wcpr0/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr3/wcpr0.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr3/wcpr0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ex2/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ex2/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ex1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ex1/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/sty0.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/sty0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubt/csuba.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubt/csuba.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/nf2.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/nf2.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wf3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wf3/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/tlist/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/tlist/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/tlist/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/T/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/tlt/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/tlt/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/tlt/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/tlt/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/arity/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-2/arity/pr3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/asucc/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/asucc/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/arity.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/arity.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sc3/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sc3/arity.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity_props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/arity_props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/dec.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/flt.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/flt.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/dec.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/dec.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/dec.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/G/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fsubst0.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/fsubst0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/getl.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fsubst0.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/fsubst0.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity_props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/arity_props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/nf2.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/nf2.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/arity.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/nf2.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/nf2.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/nf2/arity.ma".
+include "Basic-2/nf2/arity.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/nf2.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/nf2.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/csubt/ty3.ma".
+include "Basic-2/csubt/ty3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/subst1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fsubst0.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/fsubst0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/pc1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/pc1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/wcpr0.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/wcpr0.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc1/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc1/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/pr3.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/pr3.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/fwd.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/sty0/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/sty0/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/sty0.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/sty0.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/props.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pc3/subst1.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pc3/subst1.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/getl.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/ty3/subst1.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/ty3/subst1.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/pr0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/C/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wcpr0/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/wcpr0/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wcpr0/defs.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma".
+include "Basic-2/getl/props.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/getl.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/wcpr0/getl.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wf3/fwd.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wf3/fwd.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/clear.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/wf3/clear.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wf3/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wf3/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/fwd.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/wf3/fwd.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wf3/clear.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wf3/clear.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/ty3/dec.ma".
+include "Basic-2/ty3/dec.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/getl.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/wf3/getl.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wf3/ty3.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wf3/ty3.ma".
-include "LambdaDelta-2/app/defs.ma".
+include "Basic-2/app/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/wf3/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "LambdaDelta-2/wf3/getl.ma".
+include "Basic-2/wf3/getl.ma".
-inline procedural "LambdaDelta-1/wf3/ty3.ma".
+inline procedural "Basic-1/wf3/ty3.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-1/preamble.ma".
+include "Ground-1/preamble.ma".
definition blt:
nat \to (nat \to bool)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-1/blt/defs.ma".
+include "Ground-1/blt/defs.ma".
theorem lt_blt:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((lt y x) \to (eq bool (blt y x) true)))
\to (eq bool (match n0 with [O \Rightarrow true | (S m) \Rightarrow (blt m
n)]) true)))).(\lambda (H1: (lt (S n0) (S n))).(H n0 (le_S_n (S n0) n H1)))))
y)))) x).
+Initial nodes: 291
+END *)
theorem le_bge:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((le x y) \to (eq bool (blt y x) false)))
nat).(\lambda (_: (((le (S n) n0) \to (eq bool (blt n0 (S n))
false)))).(\lambda (H1: (le (S n) (S n0))).(H n0 (le_S_n n n0 H1))))) y))))
+Initial nodes: 293
+END *)
theorem blt_lt:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((eq bool (blt y x) true) \to (lt y x)))
bool (match n0 with [O \Rightarrow true | (S m) \Rightarrow (blt m n)]) true)
\to (lt n0 (S n))))).(\lambda (H1: (eq bool (blt n0 n) true)).(lt_n_S n0 n (H
n0 H1))))) y)))) x).
+Initial nodes: 252
+END *)
theorem bge_le:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((eq bool (blt y x) false) \to (le x y)))
(S n)) false) \to (le (S n) n0)))).(\lambda (H1: (eq bool (blt (S n0) (S n))
false)).(le_S_n (S n) (S n0) (le_n_S (S n) (S n0) (le_n_S n n0 (H n0
H1))))))) y)))) x).
+Initial nodes: 262
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-1/types/defs.ma".
+include "Ground-1/types/defs.ma".
-include "Base-1/blt/defs.ma".
+include "Ground-1/blt/defs.ma".
-include "Base-1/plist/defs.ma".
+include "Ground-1/plist/defs.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-1/preamble.ma".
+include "Ground-1/preamble.ma".
theorem nat_dec:
\forall (n1: nat).(\forall (n2: nat).(or (eq nat n1 n2) ((eq nat n1 n2) \to
(\lambda (n3: nat).(or (eq nat (S n) n3) ((eq nat (S n) n3) \to (\forall (P0:
Prop).P0)))) H0 n H3) in (H4 (refl_equal nat n) P)))))))) (H n0)))) n2))))
+Initial nodes: 676
+END *)
theorem simpl_plus_r:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (m: nat).(\forall (p: nat).((eq nat (plus m n)
(n0: nat).(eq nat n0 (plus n p))) (eq_ind_r nat (plus p n) (\lambda (n0:
nat).(eq nat n0 (plus n p))) (sym_eq nat (plus n p) (plus p n) (plus_sym n
p)) (plus m n) H) (plus n m) (plus_sym n m)))))).
+Initial nodes: 119
+END *)
theorem minus_Sx_Sy:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).(eq nat (minus (S x) (S y)) (minus x y)))
\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (y: nat).(refl_equal nat (minus x y))).
+Initial nodes: 13
+END *)
theorem minus_plus_r:
\forall (m: nat).(\forall (n: nat).(eq nat (minus (plus m n) n) m))
\lambda (m: nat).(\lambda (n: nat).(eq_ind_r nat (plus n m) (\lambda (n0:
nat).(eq nat (minus n0 n) m)) (minus_plus n m) (plus m n) (plus_sym m n))).
+Initial nodes: 45
+END *)
theorem plus_permute_2_in_3:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).(\forall (z: nat).(eq nat (plus (plus x
nat (plus (plus x z) y) (\lambda (n: nat).(eq nat n (plus (plus x z) y)))
(refl_equal nat (plus (plus x z) y)) (plus x (plus z y)) (plus_assoc_r x z
y)) (plus y z) (plus_sym y z)) (plus (plus x y) z) (plus_assoc_r x y z)))).
+Initial nodes: 163
+END *)
theorem plus_permute_2_in_3_assoc:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (k: nat).(eq nat (plus (plus n
nat (plus (plus n k) h) (\lambda (n0: nat).(eq nat (plus (plus n k) h) n0))
(refl_equal nat (plus (plus n k) h)) (plus n (plus k h)) (plus_assoc_l n k
h)) (plus (plus n h) k) (plus_permute_2_in_3 n h k)))).
+Initial nodes: 119
+END *)
theorem plus_O:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((eq nat (plus x y) O) \to (land (eq nat
nat return (\lambda (_: nat).Prop) with [O \Rightarrow False | (S _)
\Rightarrow True])) I O H1) in (False_ind (land (eq nat (S n) O) (eq nat y
O)) H2)))]) in (H1 (refl_equal nat O))))))) x).
+Initial nodes: 233
+END *)
theorem minus_Sx_SO:
\forall (x: nat).(eq nat (minus (S x) (S O)) x)
\lambda (x: nat).(eq_ind nat x (\lambda (n: nat).(eq nat n x)) (refl_equal
nat x) (minus x O) (minus_n_O x)).
+Initial nodes: 33
+END *)
theorem eq_nat_dec:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).(or (not (eq nat i j)) (eq nat i j)))
n) (S n0)) (not_eq_S n n0 H1))) (\lambda (H1: (eq nat n n0)).(or_intror (not
(eq nat (S n) (S n0))) (eq nat (S n) (S n0)) (f_equal nat nat S n n0 H1))) (H
n0)))) j)))) i).
+Initial nodes: 401
+END *)
theorem neq_eq_e:
\forall (i: nat).(\forall (j: nat).(\forall (P: Prop).((((not (eq nat i j))
\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (j: nat).(\lambda (P: Prop).(\lambda (H: (((not
(eq nat i j)) \to P))).(\lambda (H0: (((eq nat i j) \to P))).(let o \def
(eq_nat_dec i j) in (or_ind (not (eq nat i j)) (eq nat i j) P H H0 o)))))).
+Initial nodes: 61
+END *)
theorem le_false:
\forall (m: nat).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (P: Prop).((le m n) \to ((le (S
((\forall (P: Prop).((le (S n) n1) \to ((le (S n1) (S n)) \to P))))).(\lambda
(P: Prop).(\lambda (H1: (le (S n) (S n1))).(\lambda (H2: (le (S (S n1)) (S
n))).(H n1 P (le_S_n n n1 H1) (le_S_n (S n1) n H2))))))) n0)))) m).
+Initial nodes: 409
+END *)
theorem le_Sx_x:
\forall (x: nat).((le (S x) x) \to (\forall (P: Prop).P))
\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (H: (le (S x) x)).(\lambda (P: Prop).(let H0 \def
le_Sn_n in (False_ind P (H0 x H))))).
+Initial nodes: 23
+END *)
theorem le_n_pred:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (m: nat).((le n m) \to (le (pred n) (pred m))))
(n0: nat).(le (pred n) (pred n0))) (le_n (pred n)) (\lambda (m0:
nat).(\lambda (_: (le n m0)).(\lambda (H1: (le (pred n) (pred m0))).(le_trans
(pred n) (pred m0) m0 H1 (le_pred_n m0))))) m H))).
+Initial nodes: 71
+END *)
theorem minus_le:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).(le (minus x y) x))
nat).(le (minus (S n) n0) (S n))) (le_n (S n)) (\lambda (n0: nat).(\lambda
(_: (le (match n0 with [O \Rightarrow (S n) | (S l) \Rightarrow (minus n l)])
(S n))).(le_S (minus n n0) n (H n0)))) y)))) x).
+Initial nodes: 101
+END *)
theorem le_plus_minus_sym:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (m: nat).((le n m) \to (eq nat m (plus (minus m n)
\lambda (n: nat).(\lambda (m: nat).(\lambda (H: (le n m)).(eq_ind_r nat
(plus n (minus m n)) (\lambda (n0: nat).(eq nat m n0)) (le_plus_minus n m H)
(plus (minus m n) n) (plus_sym (minus m n) n)))).
+Initial nodes: 61
+END *)
theorem le_minus_minus:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((le x y) \to (\forall (z: nat).((le y z)
(eq_ind_r nat y (\lambda (n: nat).(le n (plus x (minus z x)))) (eq_ind_r nat
z (\lambda (n: nat).(le y n)) H0 (plus x (minus z x)) (le_plus_minus_r x z
(le_trans x y z H H0))) (plus x (minus y x)) (le_plus_minus_r x y H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 117
+END *)
theorem le_minus_plus:
\forall (z: nat).(\forall (x: nat).((le z x) \to (\forall (y: nat).(eq nat
z0) n) \to (\forall (y: nat).(eq nat (minus (plus n y) (S z0)) (plus (minus n
(S z0)) y)))))).(\lambda (H1: (le (S z0) (S n))).(\lambda (y: nat).(H n
(le_S_n z0 n H1) y))))) x)))) z).
+Initial nodes: 603
+END *)
theorem le_minus:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (z: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((le (plus x y) z) \to
x y) z)).(eq_ind nat (minus (plus x y) y) (\lambda (n: nat).(le n (minus z
y))) (le_minus_minus y (plus x y) (le_plus_r x y) z H) x (minus_plus_r x
+Initial nodes: 69
+END *)
theorem le_trans_plus_r:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).(\forall (z: nat).((le (plus x y) z) \to
\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (y: nat).(\lambda (z: nat).(\lambda (H: (le (plus
x y) z)).(le_trans y (plus x y) z (le_plus_r x y) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 35
+END *)
theorem lt_x_O:
\forall (x: nat).((lt x O) \to (\forall (P: Prop).P))
(le_n_O_eq (S x) H) in (let H0 \def (eq_ind nat O (\lambda (ee: nat).(match
ee in nat return (\lambda (_: nat).Prop) with [O \Rightarrow True | (S _)
\Rightarrow False])) I (S x) H_y) in (False_ind P H0))))).
+Initial nodes: 48
+END *)
theorem le_gen_S:
\forall (m: nat).(\forall (x: nat).((le (S m) x) \to (ex2 nat (\lambda (n:
m0)).(ex_intro2 nat (\lambda (n: nat).(eq nat (S m0) (S n))) (\lambda (n:
nat).(le m n)) m0 (refl_equal nat (S m0)) (le_S_n m m0 (le_S (S m) m0 H2))))
x H1 H0))]) in (H0 (refl_equal nat x))))).
+Initial nodes: 261
+END *)
theorem lt_x_plus_x_Sy:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).(lt x (plus x (S y))))
\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (y: nat).(eq_ind_r nat (plus (S y) x) (\lambda (n:
nat).(lt x n)) (le_S_n (S x) (S (plus y x)) (le_n_S (S x) (S (plus y x))
(le_n_S x (plus y x) (le_plus_r y x)))) (plus x (S y)) (plus_sym x (S y)))).
+Initial nodes: 83
+END *)
theorem simpl_lt_plus_r:
\forall (p: nat).(\forall (n: nat).(\forall (m: nat).((lt (plus n p) (plus m
(\lambda (n0: nat).(lt n0 (plus m p))) H (plus p n) (plus_sym n p)) in (let
H1 \def (eq_ind nat (plus m p) (\lambda (n0: nat).(lt (plus p n) n0)) H0
(plus p m) (plus_sym m p)) in H1)))))).
+Initial nodes: 101
+END *)
theorem minus_x_Sy:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((lt y x) \to (eq nat (minus x y) (S
nat).(\lambda (_: (((lt n0 (S n)) \to (eq nat (minus (S n) n0) (S (minus (S
n) (S n0))))))).(\lambda (H1: (lt (S n0) (S n))).(let H2 \def (le_S_n (S n0)
n H1) in (H n0 H2))))) y)))) x).
+Initial nodes: 383
+END *)
theorem lt_plus_minus:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((lt x y) \to (eq nat y (S (plus x (minus
\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (y: nat).(\lambda (H: (lt x y)).(le_plus_minus (S
x) y H))).
+Initial nodes: 19
+END *)
theorem lt_plus_minus_r:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((lt x y) \to (eq nat y (S (plus (minus y
\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (y: nat).(\lambda (H: (lt x y)).(eq_ind_r nat
(plus x (minus y (S x))) (\lambda (n: nat).(eq nat y (S n))) (lt_plus_minus x
y H) (plus (minus y (S x)) x) (plus_sym (minus y (S x)) x)))).
+Initial nodes: 69
+END *)
theorem minus_x_SO:
\forall (x: nat).((lt O x) \to (eq nat x (S (minus x (S O)))))
\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (H: (lt O x)).(eq_ind nat (minus x O) (\lambda (n:
nat).(eq nat x n)) (eq_ind nat x (\lambda (n: nat).(eq nat x n)) (refl_equal
nat x) (minus x O) (minus_n_O x)) (S (minus x (S O))) (minus_x_Sy x O H))).
+Initial nodes: 77
+END *)
theorem le_x_pred_y:
\forall (y: nat).(\forall (x: nat).((lt x y) \to (le x (pred y))))
(refl_equal nat O))))) (\lambda (n: nat).(\lambda (_: ((\forall (x: nat).((lt
x n) \to (le x (pred n)))))).(\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (H0: (lt x (S
n))).(le_S_n x n H0))))) y).
+Initial nodes: 189
+END *)
theorem lt_le_minus:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((lt x y) \to (le x (minus y (S O)))))
\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (y: nat).(\lambda (H: (lt x y)).(le_minus x y (S
O) (eq_ind_r nat (plus (S O) x) (\lambda (n: nat).(le n y)) H (plus x (S O))
(plus_sym x (S O)))))).
+Initial nodes: 57
+END *)
theorem lt_le_e:
\forall (n: nat).(\forall (d: nat).(\forall (P: Prop).((((lt n d) \to P))
\lambda (n: nat).(\lambda (d: nat).(\lambda (P: Prop).(\lambda (H: (((lt n
d) \to P))).(\lambda (H0: (((le d n) \to P))).(let H1 \def (le_or_lt d n) in
(or_ind (le d n) (lt n d) P H0 H H1)))))).
+Initial nodes: 49
+END *)
theorem lt_eq_e:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).(\forall (P: Prop).((((lt x y) \to P))
\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (y: nat).(\lambda (P: Prop).(\lambda (H: (((lt x
y) \to P))).(\lambda (H0: (((eq nat x y) \to P))).(\lambda (H1: (le x
y)).(or_ind (lt x y) (eq nat x y) P H H0 (le_lt_or_eq x y H1))))))).
+Initial nodes: 59
+END *)
theorem lt_eq_gt_e:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).(\forall (P: Prop).((((lt x y) \to P))
y) \to P))).(\lambda (H0: (((eq nat x y) \to P))).(\lambda (H1: (((lt y x)
\to P))).(lt_le_e x y P H (\lambda (H2: (le y x)).(lt_eq_e y x P H1 (\lambda
(H3: (eq nat y x)).(H0 (sym_eq nat y x H3))) H2)))))))).
+Initial nodes: 79
+END *)
theorem lt_gen_xS:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((lt x (S n)) \to (or (eq nat x O) (ex2
(\lambda (m: nat).(eq nat (S n) (S m))) (\lambda (m: nat).(lt m n0)))
(ex_intro2 nat (\lambda (m: nat).(eq nat (S n) (S m))) (\lambda (m: nat).(lt
m n0)) n (refl_equal nat (S n)) (le_S_n (S n) n0 H0))))))) x).
+Initial nodes: 243
+END *)
theorem le_lt_false:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((le x y) \to ((lt y x) \to (\forall (P:
\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (y: nat).(\lambda (H: (le x y)).(\lambda (H0: (lt
y x)).(\lambda (P: Prop).(False_ind P (le_not_lt x y H H0)))))).
+Initial nodes: 31
+END *)
theorem lt_neq:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((lt x y) \to (not (eq nat x y))))
\lambda (x: nat).(\lambda (y: nat).(\lambda (H: (lt x y)).(\lambda (H0: (eq
nat x y)).(let H1 \def (eq_ind nat x (\lambda (n: nat).(lt n y)) H y H0) in
(lt_n_n y H1))))).
+Initial nodes: 43
+END *)
theorem arith0:
\forall (h2: nat).(\forall (d2: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((le (plus d2 h2) n)
(le_plus_plus (plus d2 h2) n h1 h1 H (le_n h1)))) (plus h2 d2) (plus_sym h2
d2)) (plus h2 (plus d2 h1)) (plus_assoc_l h2 d2 h1))) (plus d2 h1)
(minus_plus h2 (plus d2 h1))))))).
+Initial nodes: 235
+END *)
theorem O_minus:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((le x y) \to (eq nat (minus x y) O)))
\to (eq nat (match n with [O \Rightarrow (S x0) | (S l) \Rightarrow (minus x0
l)]) O)))).(\lambda (H1: (le (S x0) (S n))).(H n (le_S_n x0 n H1))))) y))))
+Initial nodes: 252
+END *)
theorem minus_minus:
\forall (z: nat).(\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((le z x) \to ((le z y)
y0))).(\lambda (H1: (eq nat (minus (S x0) (S z0)) (minus (S y0) (S
z0)))).(f_equal nat nat S x0 y0 (IH x0 y0 (le_S_n z0 x0 H) (le_S_n z0 y0 H0)
H1))))))) y)))) x)))) z).
+Initial nodes: 751
+END *)
theorem plus_plus:
\forall (z: nat).(\forall (x1: nat).(\forall (x2: nat).(\forall (y1:
x2) y1) (plus (minus z0 x4) y2))).(f_equal nat nat S (plus x2 y2) (plus x4
y1) (IH x2 x4 y1 y2 (le_S_n x2 z0 H) (le_S_n x4 z0 H0) H1))))))))) x3))))
x1)))) z).
+Initial nodes: 1495
+END *)
theorem le_S_minus:
\forall (d: nat).(\forall (h: nat).(\forall (n: nat).((le (plus d h) n) \to
\def (eq_ind nat n (\lambda (n0: nat).(le d n0)) H0 (plus (minus n h) h)
(le_plus_minus_sym h n (le_trans h (plus d h) n (le_plus_r d h) H))) in (le_S
d (minus n h) (le_minus d n h H))))))).
+Initial nodes: 107
+END *)
theorem lt_x_pred_y:
\forall (x: nat).(\forall (y: nat).((lt x (pred y)) \to (lt (S x) y)))
(\lambda (n: nat).(\lambda (_: (((lt x (pred n)) \to (lt (S x) n)))).(\lambda
(H0: (lt x n)).(le_S_n (S (S x)) (S n) (le_n_S (S (S x)) (S n) (le_n_S (S x)
n H0)))))) y)).
+Initial nodes: 103
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-1/preamble.ma".
+include "Ground-1/preamble.ma".
theorem insert_eq:
\forall (S: Set).(\forall (x: S).(\forall (P: ((S \to Prop))).(\forall (G:
\lambda (S: Set).(\lambda (x: S).(\lambda (P: ((S \to Prop))).(\lambda (G:
((S \to Prop))).(\lambda (H: ((\forall (y: S).((P y) \to ((eq S y x) \to (G
y)))))).(\lambda (H0: (P x)).(H x H0 (refl_equal S x))))))).
+Initial nodes: 45
+END *)
theorem unintro:
\forall (A: Set).(\forall (a: A).(\forall (P: ((A \to Prop))).(((\forall (x:
\lambda (A: Set).(\lambda (a: A).(\lambda (P: ((A \to Prop))).(\lambda (H:
((\forall (x: A).(P x)))).(H a)))).
+Initial nodes: 17
+END *)
theorem xinduction:
\forall (A: Set).(\forall (t: A).(\forall (P: ((A \to Prop))).(((\forall (x:
\lambda (A: Set).(\lambda (t: A).(\lambda (P: ((A \to Prop))).(\lambda (H:
((\forall (x: A).((eq A t x) \to (P x))))).(H t (refl_equal A t))))).
+Initial nodes: 31
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-1/preamble.ma".
+include "Ground-1/preamble.ma".
inductive PList: Set \def
| PNil: PList
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-1/plist/defs.ma".
+include "Ground-1/plist/defs.ma".
theorem papp_ss:
\forall (is1: PList).(\forall (is2: PList).(eq PList (papp (Ss is1) (Ss
(Ss (papp p is2)) (\lambda (p0: PList).(eq PList (PCons n (S n0) p0) (PCons n
(S n0) (Ss (papp p is2))))) (refl_equal PList (PCons n (S n0) (Ss (papp p
is2)))) (papp (Ss p) (Ss is2)) (H is2))))))) is1).
+Initial nodes: 151
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-1/theory.ma".
+include "Ground-1/theory.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-1/ext/tactics.ma".
+include "Ground-1/ext/tactics.ma".
-include "Base-1/ext/arith.ma".
+include "Ground-1/ext/arith.ma".
-include "Base-1/types/props.ma".
+include "Ground-1/types/props.ma".
-include "Base-1/blt/props.ma".
+include "Ground-1/blt/props.ma".
-include "Base-1/plist/props.ma".
+include "Ground-1/plist/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-1/preamble.ma".
+include "Ground-1/preamble.ma".
inductive and3 (P0: Prop) (P1: Prop) (P2: Prop): Prop \def
| and3_intro: P0 \to (P1 \to (P2 \to (and3 P0 P1 P2))).
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-1/types/defs.ma".
+include "Ground-1/types/defs.ma".
theorem ex2_sym:
\forall (A: Set).(\forall (P: ((A \to Prop))).(\forall (Q: ((A \to
(\lambda (x: A).(Q x)) (\lambda (x: A).(P x))) (\lambda (x: A).(\lambda (H0:
(P x)).(\lambda (H1: (Q x)).(ex_intro2 A (\lambda (x0: A).(Q x0)) (\lambda
(x0: A).(P x0)) x H1 H0)))) H)))).
+Initial nodes: 91
+END *)
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-2/preamble.ma".
+include "Ground-2/preamble.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-2/blt/defs.ma".
+include "Ground-2/blt/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "Base-1/blt/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Ground-1/blt/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-2/preamble.ma".
+include "Ground-2/preamble.ma".
-inline procedural "Base-1/ext/arith.ma".
+inline procedural "Ground-1/ext/arith.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-2/preamble.ma".
+include "Ground-2/preamble.ma".
-inline procedural "Base-1/ext/tactics.ma".
+inline procedural "Ground-1/ext/tactics.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-2/preamble.ma".
+include "Ground-2/preamble.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-2/plist/defs.ma".
+include "Ground-2/plist/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "Base-1/plist/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Ground-1/plist/props.ma".
(* *)
-include "Base-1/definitions.ma".
+include "Ground-1/definitions.ma".
include "Legacy-2/theory.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-2/ext/tactics.ma".
+include "Ground-2/ext/tactics.ma".
-include "Base-2/ext/arith.ma".
+include "Ground-2/ext/arith.ma".
-include "Base-2/types/props.ma".
+include "Ground-2/types/props.ma".
-include "Base-2/blt/props.ma".
+include "Ground-2/blt/props.ma".
-include "Base-2/plist/props.ma".
+include "Ground-2/plist/props.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-2/preamble.ma".
+include "Ground-2/preamble.ma".
(* This file was automatically generated: do not edit *********************)
-include "Base-2/types/defs.ma".
+include "Ground-2/types/defs.ma".
-inline procedural "Base-1/types/props.ma".
+inline procedural "Ground-1/types/props.ma".
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/asucc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/asucc/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/dec.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/flt.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/dec.ma
-Base-2/plist/defs.mma Base-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/leq/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/aplus/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/getl.mma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr3.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sn3/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/sn3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift1/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/lift1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift1/defs.ma
+Basic-2/clear/defs.ma Basic-2/clear/defs.mma
+Basic-1/lift/defs.ma Basic-1/s/defs.ma Basic-1/tlist/defs.ma
+Basic-1/subst0/dec.ma Basic-1/lift/props.ma Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/sc3/props.mma Basic-1/sc3/props.ma Basic-2/arity/aprem.ma Basic-2/arity/lift1.ma Basic-2/csuba/arity.ma Basic-2/drop1/getl.ma Basic-2/drop1/props.ma Basic-2/lift1/props.ma Basic-2/llt/props.ma Basic-2/nf2/lift1.ma Basic-2/sc3/defs.ma Basic-2/sn3/lift1.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/subst1.ma Basic-2/pr3/subst1.mma
+Basic-2/csubt/csuba.mma Basic-1/csubt/csuba.ma Basic-2/ty3/arity.ma
+Basic-2/sn3/props.mma Basic-1/sn3/props.ma Basic-2/nf2/iso.ma Basic-2/pr3/iso.ma Basic-2/sn3/fwd.ma Basic-2/sn3/nf2.ma
+Basic-2/pr1/defs.ma Basic-2/pr1/defs.mma
+Basic-2/arity/props.mma Basic-1/arity/props.ma Basic-2/arity/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/flt/defs.mma Basic-2/C/defs.ma
+Basic-2/clen/getl.ma Basic-2/clen/getl.mma
+Basic-2/drop/defs.ma Basic-2/drop/defs.mma
Legacy-1/theory.ma Legacy-1/coq/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/cnt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/cnt/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/cnt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/clen.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/ty3.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/pc1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/wcpr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/subst1.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sc3/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/arity.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop1.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr1/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/iso/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/iso/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/lift/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/tlt/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/dec.mma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/next_plus/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/next_plus/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/pc3.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/pc3.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/left.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/C/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/pc1.mma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/pc1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/clear.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr1.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clear/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/clear/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3_props.mma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ex0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/A/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/G/defs.ma
+Basic-1/csubt/defs.ma Basic-1/ty3/defs.ma
+Basic-1/clear/drop.ma Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/lift1/props.ma Basic-1/drop1/defs.ma Basic-1/lift/props.ma
+Basic-1/nf2/lift1.ma Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma Basic-1/nf2/props.ma
+Basic-1/flt/defs.ma Basic-1/C/defs.ma
+Basic-2/getl/props.ma Basic-2/getl/props.mma
+Basic-1/pc3/subst1.ma Basic-1/pc3/props.ma Basic-1/pr3/subst1.ma
+Basic-2/pr0/defs.mma Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma Basic-1/drop1/defs.ma
+Basic-2/arity/cimp.mma Basic-1/arity/cimp.ma Basic-2/arity/defs.ma Basic-2/cimp/props.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/props.ma Basic-2/ty3/props.mma
+Basic-2/drop1/getl.mma Basic-1/drop1/getl.ma Basic-2/drop1/fwd.ma Basic-2/getl/drop.ma
+Basic-2/subst/defs.ma Basic-2/subst/defs.mma
+Basic-2/lift1/defs.mma Basic-2/lift/defs.ma
+Basic-2/A/defs.mma Basic-2/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/clear.ma Basic-2/csubt/clear.mma
+Basic-1/csuba/defs.ma Basic-1/arity/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csuba/props.ma Basic-2/csuba/props.mma
+Basic-1/csubc/fwd.ma Basic-1/csubc/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/wcpr0.mma Basic-1/pc3/wcpr0.ma Basic-2/pc3/props.ma Basic-2/wcpr0/getl.ma
+Basic-2/subst/props.mma Basic-1/subst/props.ma Basic-2/lift/props.ma Basic-2/subst/fwd.ma Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma
Legacy-1/coq/defs.ma Legacy-1/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/wf3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/iso.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/iso.ma LambdaDelta-2/iso/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlist/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc3/wcpr0.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/dec.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/csuba.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/csuba.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr1.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/tlt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/r/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr1/pr1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/ty3.mma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/ty3.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/T/dec.mma LambdaDelta-1/T/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst0/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/aprem/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/aprem/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/aprem/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubv/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sn3/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/lift1.mma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sn3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/sn3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/asucc/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/A/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/G/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/aplus/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/aplus/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/asucc/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/aprem.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/llt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/lift1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/clear.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst1/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/cimp/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/cimp/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/nf2.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift/tlt.mma LambdaDelta-1/lift/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlt/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/r/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/dec.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/clen.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/s/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma
-Base-1/theory.ma Base-1/blt/props.ma Base-1/ext/arith.ma Base-1/ext/tactics.ma Base-1/plist/props.ma Base-1/types/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/A/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/C/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/C/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/cnt/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/cnt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/cnt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.mma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr3.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/pr2.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/pr2.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/pr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/subst1.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csuba/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/sty0.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/sty0.mma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fsubst0.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/left.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/app/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/ty3.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/flt/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/flt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/C/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/flt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/llt/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma
+Basic-1/tlt/props.ma Basic-1/tlt/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr1/pr1.ma Basic-2/pr1/pr1.mma
+Ground-1/ext/arith.ma Ground-1/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/subst1/props.ma Basic-2/subst1/props.mma
+Basic-2/llt/props.mma Basic-1/llt/props.ma Basic-2/leq/defs.ma Basic-2/llt/defs.ma
+Basic-2/sn3/nf2.mma Basic-1/sn3/nf2.ma Basic-2/nf2/dec.ma Basic-2/nf2/pr3.ma Basic-2/sn3/defs.ma
+Basic-1/pr3/pr3.ma Basic-1/pr2/pr2.ma Basic-1/pr3/props.ma
+Basic-1/lift1/defs.ma Basic-1/lift/defs.ma
+Basic-2/sty1/cnt.ma Basic-2/sty1/cnt.mma
+Basic-1/wf3/props.ma Basic-1/app/defs.ma Basic-1/wf3/ty3.ma
+Basic-2/wf3/getl.ma Basic-2/wf3/getl.mma
+Basic-2/arity/subst0.ma Basic-2/arity/subst0.mma
+Basic-2/pr0/props.mma Basic-1/pr0/props.ma Basic-2/pr0/defs.ma Basic-2/subst0/subst0.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/csuba.ma Basic-2/csubt/csuba.mma
+Basic-2/csubst0/clear.mma Basic-1/csubst0/clear.ma Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubst0/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubst0/props.ma
+Basic-2/nf2/arity.mma Basic-1/nf2/arity.ma Basic-2/arity/subst0.ma Basic-2/nf2/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/fsubst0/defs.ma Basic-1/csubst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/G/defs.ma Basic-1/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/tlist/props.ma Basic-2/tlist/props.mma
+Basic-2/subst0/props.ma Basic-2/subst0/props.mma
+Basic-2/ex2/defs.mma Basic-2/C/defs.ma
+Basic-1/ty3/defs.ma Basic-1/G/defs.ma Basic-1/pc3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/clear/props.ma Basic-2/clear/props.mma
+Basic-2/nf2/iso.ma Basic-2/nf2/iso.mma
+Basic-1/theory.ma Basic-1/csubt/csuba.ma Basic-1/ex0/props.ma Basic-1/ex1/props.ma Basic-1/ex2/props.ma Basic-1/pr3/wcpr0.ma Basic-1/sty1/cnt.ma Basic-1/subst/props.ma Basic-1/subst0/tlt.ma Basic-1/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma Basic-1/ty3/nf2.ma Basic-1/ty3/sty0.ma Basic-1/wcpr0/fwd.ma Basic-1/wf3/props.ma
+Basic-2/wf3/getl.mma Basic-1/wf3/getl.ma Basic-2/ty3/dec.ma Basic-2/wf3/clear.ma
+Basic-2/csubst1/fwd.mma Basic-1/csubst1/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubst0/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubst1/defs.ma Basic-2/subst1/props.ma
+Basic-2/app/defs.mma Basic-2/C/defs.ma
+Basic-1/pr0/defs.ma Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma
+Basic-2/asucc/defs.mma Basic-2/A/defs.ma Basic-2/G/defs.ma
+Basic-2/lift/fwd.ma Basic-2/lift/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/csubst1/props.ma Basic-2/csubst1/props.mma
+Basic-2/sty1/props.ma Basic-2/sty1/props.mma
+Basic-2/ex1/defs.mma Basic-2/C/defs.ma
+Basic-2/subst1/subst1.mma Basic-1/subst1/subst1.ma Basic-2/subst0/subst0.ma Basic-2/subst1/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/pr2/props.mma Basic-1/pr2/props.ma Basic-2/getl/clear.ma Basic-2/getl/drop.ma Basic-2/pr0/props.ma Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma
+Basic-2/arity/pr3.ma Basic-2/arity/pr3.mma
+Basic-1/pr2/clen.ma Basic-1/clen/getl.ma Basic-1/pr2/props.ma
+Basic-2/wcpr0/fwd.ma Basic-2/wcpr0/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/ty3/dec.mma Basic-1/ty3/dec.ma Basic-2/getl/dec.ma Basic-2/getl/flt.ma Basic-2/pc3/dec.ma
+Basic-2/sty0/props.mma Basic-1/sty0/props.ma Basic-2/getl/drop.ma Basic-2/sty0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/T/props.mma Basic-1/T/props.ma Basic-2/T/defs.ma
+Basic-1/wf3/defs.ma Basic-1/ty3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubst0/props.ma Basic-2/csubst0/props.mma
+Basic-2/pr0/dec.mma Basic-1/pr0/dec.ma Basic-2/T/dec.ma Basic-2/T/props.ma Basic-2/pr0/fwd.ma Basic-2/subst0/dec.ma
+Basic-1/drop1/getl.ma Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma Basic-1/getl/drop.ma
+Basic-2/arity/props.ma Basic-2/arity/props.mma
+Basic-2/C/defs.ma Basic-2/C/defs.mma
+Basic-1/getl/flt.ma Basic-1/clear/props.ma Basic-1/flt/props.ma Basic-1/getl/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/llt/props.ma Basic-2/llt/props.mma
+Basic-2/drop/defs.mma Basic-2/C/defs.ma Basic-2/lift/defs.ma Basic-2/r/defs.ma
+Basic-2/leq/asucc.mma Basic-1/leq/asucc.ma Basic-2/leq/props.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/getl.ma Basic-2/csubt/getl.mma
+Basic-2/clen/getl.mma Basic-1/clen/getl.ma Basic-2/clen/defs.ma Basic-2/getl/props.ma
+Basic-2/sty0/props.ma Basic-2/sty0/props.mma
+Basic-2/tlist/props.mma Basic-1/tlist/props.ma Basic-2/tlist/defs.ma
+Ground-1/blt/defs.ma Ground-1/preamble.ma
+Basic-1/sc3/defs.ma Basic-1/arity/defs.ma Basic-1/drop1/defs.ma Basic-1/sn3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ex0/defs.mma Basic-2/A/defs.ma Basic-2/G/defs.ma
+Basic-2/nf2/dec.mma Basic-1/nf2/dec.ma Basic-2/C/props.ma Basic-2/nf2/defs.ma Basic-2/pr0/dec.ma Basic-2/pr2/clen.ma Basic-2/pr2/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/subst/fwd.ma Basic-1/subst/defs.ma
+Basic-2/iso/defs.ma Basic-2/iso/defs.mma
+Basic-2/aplus/props.ma Basic-2/aplus/props.mma
+Basic-2/s/props.mma Basic-1/s/props.ma Basic-2/s/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr2/subst1.mma Basic-1/pr2/subst1.ma Basic-2/csubst1/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubst1/getl.ma Basic-2/getl/drop.ma Basic-2/pr0/fwd.ma Basic-2/pr0/subst1.ma Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma Basic-2/subst1/subst1.ma
+Basic-1/llt/defs.ma Basic-1/A/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/fsubst0.mma Basic-1/ty3/fsubst0.ma Basic-2/getl/getl.ma Basic-2/pc3/fsubst0.ma Basic-2/ty3/props.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/defs.ma Basic-2/pc3/defs.mma
+Basic-1/ty3/fsubst0.ma Basic-1/getl/getl.ma Basic-1/pc3/fsubst0.ma Basic-1/ty3/props.ma
+Basic-1/subst1/props.ma Basic-1/subst0/props.ma Basic-1/subst1/defs.ma
+Basic-1/wcpr0/defs.ma Basic-1/C/defs.ma Basic-1/pr0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csuba/getl.ma Basic-2/csuba/getl.mma
+Basic-2/nf2/defs.mma Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma
+Ground-1/preamble.ma Legacy-1/theory.ma
+Basic-2/asucc/fwd.mma Basic-1/asucc/fwd.ma Basic-2/asucc/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/props.ma Basic-2/pr3/props.mma
+Basic-2/nf2/props.mma Basic-1/nf2/props.ma Basic-2/nf2/defs.ma Basic-2/pr2/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/s/props.ma Basic-1/s/defs.ma
+Basic-1/tlist/defs.ma Basic-1/T/defs.ma
+Basic-1/arity/subst0.ma Basic-1/arity/props.ma Basic-1/csubst0/getl.ma Basic-1/fsubst0/fwd.ma Basic-1/getl/getl.ma Basic-1/subst0/dec.ma Basic-1/subst0/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/csubv/drop.ma Basic-2/csubv/drop.mma
+Basic-2/nf2/iso.mma Basic-1/nf2/iso.ma Basic-2/iso/props.ma Basic-2/nf2/pr3.ma Basic-2/pr3/fwd.ma
Legacy-1/definitions.ma Legacy-1/coq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sn3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/iso.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/iso.ma LambdaDelta-1/sn3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/sn3/nf2.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clear/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/drop.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/drop1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd_nf2.mma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc3/left.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/iso.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/iso.mma LambdaDelta-2/iso/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlist/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/pc1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/pc1.mma LambdaDelta-2/pc1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr1.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/definitions.ma LambdaDelta-1/app/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/aprem/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/cimp/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/clen/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/cnt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubv/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/ex0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/ex1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/ex2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/flt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/iso/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/llt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/next_plus/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/sty1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/tlt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/pr3.mma LambdaDelta-1/arity/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/subst1.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubt/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty1/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/sty1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubv/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubv/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/flt.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/dec.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/defs.ma
-Base-2/plist/props.ma Base-2/plist/props.mma Base-2/plist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubv/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csuba/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma
-Base-1/definitions.ma Base-1/blt/defs.ma Base-1/plist/defs.ma Base-1/types/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/nf2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/clen.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/dec.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/leq/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/aplus/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/leq/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/ty3.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/pc1.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/wcpr0.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/subst1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/aprem/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/aprem/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/aprem/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sty0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/G/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma
-Base-2/ext/tactics.ma Base-2/ext/tactics.mma Base-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/getl/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr0/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/ty3.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/pc1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/wcpr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/subst1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/r/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/asucc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc3/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/clear.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/arity/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/asucc.ma
-Base-1/types/defs.ma Base-1/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/cimp/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/leq/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/leq/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/aplus/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst1/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/T/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/dec.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.mma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr3.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty1/cnt.mma LambdaDelta-1/sty1/cnt.ma LambdaDelta-2/cnt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr1.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/lift/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/s/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/tlist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/cnt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubc/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/sc3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst0/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/asucc.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/app/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/app/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/clen/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/s/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.ma
-Base-1/types/props.ma Base-1/types/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/flt/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/leq/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr2/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/subst1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/T/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/arity.mma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/getl.mma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma
-Base-2/types/defs.mma Base-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst1/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clen/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/clen/getl.mma LambdaDelta-2/clen/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/r/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/nf2/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/clear.mma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/fwd.ma
-Base-2/types/props.mma Base-1/types/props.ma Base-2/types/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/clen.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/clear.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex0/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/ex0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/aplus/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/ty3.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/ty3.mma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/arity.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/csuba.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma
-Base-1/spare.ma Base-1/theory.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/aprem/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/aprem/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/leq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/tlt/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/tlt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/nf2/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/clen.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/getl/defs.ma Basic-2/getl/defs.mma
+Basic-2/cimp/defs.mma Basic-2/getl/defs.ma
+Basic-2/wf3/clear.ma Basic-2/wf3/clear.mma
+Basic-1/csubv/getl.ma Basic-1/csubv/clear.ma Basic-1/csubv/drop.ma Basic-1/getl/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma Basic-2/clear/fwd.mma
+Basic-1/subst0/props.ma Basic-1/subst0/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/cnt/props.ma Basic-1/cnt/defs.ma Basic-1/lift/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/getl/fwd.ma Basic-2/getl/fwd.mma
+Basic-1/r/props.ma Basic-1/r/defs.ma Basic-1/s/defs.ma
+Basic-2/arity/aprem.mma Basic-1/arity/aprem.ma Basic-2/aprem/props.ma Basic-2/arity/cimp.ma Basic-2/arity/props.ma
+Basic-2/leq/asucc.ma Basic-2/leq/asucc.mma
+Basic-2/ex1/defs.ma Basic-2/ex1/defs.mma
+Basic-2/arity/cimp.ma Basic-2/arity/cimp.mma
+Basic-2/ty3/fwd_nf2.mma Basic-1/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma Basic-2/nf2/fwd.ma Basic-2/pc3/nf2.ma Basic-2/ty3/arity_props.ma
+Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma Basic-1/drop/defs.ma
+Basic-2/subst1/subst1.ma Basic-2/subst1/subst1.mma
+Basic-2/pr2/props.ma Basic-2/pr2/props.mma
+Basic-2/aplus/props.mma Basic-1/aplus/props.ma Basic-2/aplus/defs.ma Basic-2/next_plus/props.ma
+Basic-1/csubst0/clear.ma Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma Basic-1/csubst0/fwd.ma Basic-1/csubst0/props.ma
+Basic-1/csubc/getl.ma Basic-1/csubc/clear.ma Basic-1/csubc/drop.ma
+Basic-1/csubt/pc3.ma Basic-1/csubt/getl.ma Basic-1/pc3/left.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/drop1.mma Basic-1/csubc/drop1.ma Basic-2/csubc/drop.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/wcpr0.ma Basic-2/pr3/wcpr0.mma
+Basic-1/sc3/arity.ma Basic-1/csubc/arity.ma Basic-1/csubc/drop1.ma Basic-1/csubc/getl.ma Basic-1/csubc/props.ma
+Basic-1/csubc/drop1.ma Basic-1/csubc/drop.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/drop.ma Basic-2/csubc/drop.mma
+Basic-2/pr3/pr1.ma Basic-2/pr3/pr1.mma
+Basic-2/C/props.ma Basic-2/C/props.mma
+Basic-2/wf3/fwd.ma Basic-2/wf3/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/pr2/fwd.mma Basic-1/pr2/fwd.ma Basic-2/getl/clear.ma Basic-2/getl/drop.ma Basic-2/pr0/fwd.ma Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma
+Basic-1/pr3/defs.ma Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr2/clen.mma Basic-1/pr2/clen.ma Basic-2/clen/getl.ma Basic-2/pr2/props.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/defs.mma Basic-2/pr3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr1/props.ma Basic-2/pr1/props.mma
+Basic-2/ty3/arity_props.ma Basic-2/ty3/arity_props.mma
+Ground-1/plist/props.ma Ground-1/plist/defs.ma
+Basic-2/flt/props.ma Basic-2/flt/props.mma
+Basic-1/leq/defs.ma Basic-1/aplus/defs.ma
+Ground-1/ext/tactics.ma Ground-1/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/iso/defs.mma Basic-2/T/defs.ma
+Basic-2/drop1/fwd.mma Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma Basic-2/drop1/defs.ma
+Basic-2/sn3/fwd.mma Basic-1/sn3/fwd.ma Basic-2/pr3/props.ma Basic-2/sn3/defs.ma
+Ground-2/plist/defs.mma Ground-2/preamble.ma
+Basic-1/arity/lift1.ma Basic-1/arity/props.ma Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/csuba.mma Basic-1/csubc/csuba.ma Basic-2/csubc/defs.ma Basic-2/sc3/props.ma
+Basic-1/s/defs.ma Basic-1/T/defs.ma
+Basic-2/wcpr0/getl.ma Basic-2/wcpr0/getl.mma
+Basic-2/pr0/props.ma Basic-2/pr0/props.mma
+Basic-2/lift1/props.ma Basic-2/lift1/props.mma
+Basic-2/wcpr0/getl.mma Basic-1/wcpr0/getl.ma Basic-2/getl/props.ma Basic-2/wcpr0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/lift1/props.mma Basic-1/lift1/props.ma Basic-2/drop1/defs.ma Basic-2/lift/props.ma
+Basic-1/pr1/pr1.ma Basic-1/pr0/pr0.ma Basic-1/pr1/props.ma
+Ground-1/types/defs.ma Ground-1/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/pc1.mma Basic-1/pc3/pc1.ma Basic-2/pc1/defs.ma Basic-2/pc3/defs.ma Basic-2/pr3/pr1.ma
+Basic-1/sn3/lift1.ma Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma Basic-1/lift1/fwd.ma Basic-1/sn3/props.ma
+Basic-1/sc3/props.ma Basic-1/arity/aprem.ma Basic-1/arity/lift1.ma Basic-1/csuba/arity.ma Basic-1/drop1/getl.ma Basic-1/drop1/props.ma Basic-1/lift1/props.ma Basic-1/llt/props.ma Basic-1/nf2/lift1.ma Basic-1/sc3/defs.ma Basic-1/sn3/lift1.ma
+Basic-2/sn3/fwd.ma Basic-2/sn3/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/lift/props.mma Basic-1/lift/props.ma Basic-2/lift/fwd.ma Basic-2/s/props.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/drop.mma Basic-1/csubc/drop.ma Basic-2/csubc/fwd.ma Basic-2/sc3/props.ma
+Basic-1/lift/tlt.ma Basic-1/lift/fwd.ma Basic-1/tlt/props.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/fwd.ma Basic-2/ty3/fwd.mma
+Basic-1/next_plus/props.ma Basic-1/next_plus/defs.ma
+Basic-1/aprem/defs.ma Basic-1/A/defs.ma
+Basic-1/ex0/defs.ma Basic-1/A/defs.ma Basic-1/G/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/iso.mma Basic-1/pr3/iso.ma Basic-2/iso/props.ma Basic-2/pr3/fwd.ma Basic-2/tlist/props.ma
+Basic-2/pc1/defs.mma Basic-2/pr1/defs.ma
+Basic-2/getl/dec.ma Basic-2/getl/dec.mma
+Basic-2/getl/props.mma Basic-1/getl/props.ma Basic-2/clear/props.ma Basic-2/drop/props.ma Basic-2/getl/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/lift1/fwd.ma Basic-2/lift1/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/subst0/props.mma Basic-1/subst0/props.ma Basic-2/subst0/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/getl/drop.ma Basic-1/clear/drop.ma Basic-1/getl/props.ma
+Basic-1/nf2/iso.ma Basic-1/iso/props.ma Basic-1/nf2/pr3.ma Basic-1/pr3/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/sty0.mma Basic-1/ty3/sty0.ma Basic-2/sty0/fwd.ma Basic-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma
+Basic-1/arity/defs.ma Basic-1/getl/defs.ma Basic-1/leq/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ex2/props.ma Basic-2/ex2/props.mma
+Basic-1/tlt/defs.ma Basic-1/T/defs.ma
+Basic-2/wf3/ty3.mma Basic-1/wf3/ty3.ma Basic-2/wf3/getl.ma
+Basic-2/csubst1/defs.ma Basic-2/csubst1/defs.mma
+Basic-1/csubt/fwd.ma Basic-1/csubt/defs.ma
+Basic-1/csubc/clear.ma Basic-1/csubc/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/fwd.ma Basic-2/pc3/fwd.mma
+Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma Basic-1/lift/defs.ma
+Basic-2/getl/drop.mma Basic-1/getl/drop.ma Basic-2/clear/drop.ma Basic-2/getl/props.ma
+Basic-2/nf2/arity.ma Basic-2/nf2/arity.mma
+Basic-1/ty3/subst1.ma Basic-1/getl/getl.ma Basic-1/pc3/subst1.ma Basic-1/ty3/props.ma
+Basic-2/subst0/fwd.mma Basic-1/subst0/fwd.ma Basic-2/lift/props.ma Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pc1/props.mma Basic-1/pc1/props.ma Basic-2/pc1/defs.ma Basic-2/pr1/pr1.ma
Legacy-2/preamble.ma Legacy-1/preamble.ma Legacy-1/coq/defs.ma Legacy-1/coq/props.ma Legacy-1/definitions.ma
-Base-2/blt/props.mma Base-1/blt/props.ma Base-2/blt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubc/arity.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/csuba.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/aprem/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubv/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/getl.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/tlt.mma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sn3/lift1.mma LambdaDelta-1/sn3/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/wf3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/app/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/ty3.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/subst/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubv/clear.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubv/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr3.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sty1/cnt.ma LambdaDelta-1/cnt/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/sty1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/pr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/pr0.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/wf3/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/clear.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex2/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex2/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/ex2/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/iso/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/iso/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/iso/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/getl.mma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/clear.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr2/pr2.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/pr0.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/app/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/G/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/csuba/drop.mma Basic-1/csuba/drop.ma Basic-2/csuba/fwd.ma Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/fwd.mma Basic-1/csubc/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubc/defs.ma
+Basic-1/csubc/csuba.ma Basic-1/csubc/defs.ma Basic-1/sc3/props.ma
+Basic-2/clear/props.mma Basic-1/clear/props.ma Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/ex1/props.ma Basic-2/ex1/props.mma
+Basic-2/csubt/ty3.ma Basic-2/csubt/ty3.mma
+Basic-2/ty3/nf2.mma Basic-1/ty3/nf2.ma Basic-2/nf2/arity.ma Basic-2/pc3/nf2.ma Basic-2/ty3/arity.ma
+Ground-2/blt/props.mma Ground-1/blt/props.ma Ground-2/blt/defs.ma
+Ground-1/blt/props.ma Ground-1/blt/defs.ma
+Basic-1/csubv/props.ma Basic-1/T/props.ma Basic-1/csubv/defs.ma
+Basic-2/drop/props.ma Basic-2/drop/props.mma
+Basic-2/csubst0/getl.ma Basic-2/csubst0/getl.mma
+Basic-2/subst0/tlt.ma Basic-2/subst0/tlt.mma
+Basic-2/csubv/defs.mma Basic-2/C/defs.ma
+Basic-1/pr3/subst1.ma Basic-1/pr2/subst1.ma Basic-1/pr3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/ty3.mma Basic-1/csubt/ty3.ma Basic-2/csubt/pc3.ma Basic-2/csubt/props.ma
+Basic-2/ex0/props.ma Basic-2/ex0/props.mma
+Basic-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma Basic-1/ty3/pr3.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/subst1.mma Basic-1/ty3/subst1.ma Basic-2/getl/getl.ma Basic-2/pc3/subst1.ma Basic-2/ty3/props.ma
+Basic-1/clear/defs.ma Basic-1/C/defs.ma
+Basic-2/subst0/subst0.ma Basic-2/subst0/subst0.mma
Legacy-2/coq/defs.mma Legacy-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubv/drop.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubv/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr3.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/pr2.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/theory.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/csuba.ma LambdaDelta-1/ex0/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/ex1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/ex2/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/wcpr0.ma LambdaDelta-1/sty1/cnt.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/sty0.ma LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/subst0.mma LambdaDelta-1/arity/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/dec.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/getl.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/arity/aprem.ma LambdaDelta-1/aprem/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/cimp.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/pr3.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/preamble.ma Base-2/theory.ma LambdaDelta-1/definitions.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csuba/arity.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubv/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex2/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-Base-2/ext/arith.ma Base-2/ext/arith.mma Base-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr3/iso.ma LambdaDelta-1/iso/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/tlist/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubv/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubv/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/llt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/llt/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/llt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubc/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/sc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc3/pc1.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/drop.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/s/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sc3/arity.mma LambdaDelta-1/sc3/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop1.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sn3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/nf2.mma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/pc3.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/pc3.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/left.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/drop.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/iso/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/leq/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/leq/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/nf2.mma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/flt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/flt/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/aprem/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/aprem/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/clear.mma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/aplus/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/asucc/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/cnt/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/cnt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/r/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/r/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/r/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/dec.mma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubt/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/pr2.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/pr2.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/pr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csuba/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/leq/asucc.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/asucc.mma LambdaDelta-2/leq/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/getl/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/nf2.mma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/s/props.ma
-Base-2/blt/defs.mma Base-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/getl.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubt/pc3.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/left.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ex1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/wcpr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/wcpr0.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sc3/arity.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/arity.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop1.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/leq/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/leq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubt/csuba.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity.ma
-Base-2/ext/arith.mma Base-1/ext/arith.ma Base-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/clen.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/clen.ma LambdaDelta-2/clen/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/lift1.mma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/clear/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/tlist/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/tlist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.ma
-Base-2/plist/defs.ma Base-2/plist/defs.mma Base-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/flt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/flt/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/flt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma
-Base-2/types/props.ma Base-2/types/props.mma Base-2/types/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/s/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/iso/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clear/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clear/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/clear.mma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/sc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/aprem.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/llt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/lift1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/subst0.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/clen.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/clen.mma LambdaDelta-2/clen/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/wf3/ty3.ma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sn3/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/sn3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/iso.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/iso.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/nf2.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sn3/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/sn3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/s/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/aprem.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/arity.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/llt/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-1/sc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/sn3/lift1.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/clear/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/r/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/flt.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/flt.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/flt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubv/getl.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubv/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/subst1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma
+Basic-1/csuba/clear.ma Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma Basic-1/csuba/defs.ma
+Basic-2/aprem/props.mma Basic-1/aprem/props.ma Basic-2/aprem/fwd.ma Basic-2/leq/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/props.mma Basic-1/pc3/props.ma Basic-2/pc3/defs.ma Basic-2/pr3/pr3.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/left.mma Basic-1/pc3/left.ma Basic-2/pc3/props.ma
+Basic-2/C/props.mma Basic-1/C/props.ma Basic-2/C/defs.ma Basic-2/T/props.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/wcpr0.mma Basic-1/pr3/wcpr0.ma Basic-2/pr3/props.ma Basic-2/wcpr0/getl.ma
+Basic-2/clear/drop.mma Basic-1/clear/drop.ma Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/dec.ma Basic-2/ty3/dec.mma
+Basic-1/getl/props.ma Basic-1/clear/props.ma Basic-1/drop/props.ma Basic-1/getl/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/asucc/defs.ma Basic-2/asucc/defs.mma
+Basic-2/ty3/fsubst0.ma Basic-2/ty3/fsubst0.mma
+Basic-1/sty1/defs.ma Basic-1/sty0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/sty0.ma Basic-2/ty3/sty0.mma
+Basic-2/nf2/props.ma Basic-2/nf2/props.mma
+Basic-2/cimp/props.ma Basic-2/cimp/props.mma
+Basic-2/ex1/props.mma Basic-1/ex1/props.ma Basic-2/arity/defs.ma Basic-2/ex1/defs.ma Basic-2/leq/props.ma Basic-2/nf2/pr3.ma Basic-2/nf2/props.ma Basic-2/pc3/fwd.ma Basic-2/ty3/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/subst/defs.ma Basic-1/lift/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/pr3.ma Basic-2/ty3/pr3.mma
+Basic-2/sn3/defs.mma Basic-2/pr3/defs.ma
+Ground-2/types/props.mma Ground-1/types/props.ma Ground-2/types/defs.ma
+Basic-2/T/defs.ma Basic-2/T/defs.mma
+Basic-2/csubst0/drop.mma Basic-1/csubst0/drop.ma Basic-2/csubst0/fwd.ma Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma Basic-2/s/props.ma
+Basic-2/nf2/fwd.ma Basic-2/nf2/fwd.mma
+Basic-1/csubt/props.ma Basic-1/csubt/defs.ma
+Basic-1/csubst1/defs.ma Basic-1/csubst0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/dec.ma Basic-2/pc3/dec.mma
+Basic-2/csubt/defs.mma Basic-2/ty3/defs.ma
+Basic-1/pc3/left.ma Basic-1/pc3/props.ma
+Basic-2/getl/clear.mma Basic-1/getl/clear.ma Basic-2/clear/drop.ma Basic-2/getl/props.ma
+Basic-2/cimp/props.mma Basic-1/cimp/props.ma Basic-2/cimp/defs.ma Basic-2/getl/getl.ma
+Basic-2/aprem/fwd.ma Basic-2/aprem/fwd.mma
+Basic-1/pr3/pr1.ma Basic-1/pr1/defs.ma Basic-1/pr3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/r/defs.ma Basic-2/r/defs.mma
+Basic-1/ty3/arity.ma Basic-1/arity/pr3.ma Basic-1/asucc/fwd.ma Basic-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma
+Basic-1/C/props.ma Basic-1/C/defs.ma Basic-1/T/props.ma
+Basic-1/pc3/fsubst0.ma Basic-1/csubst0/getl.ma Basic-1/fsubst0/defs.ma Basic-1/pc3/left.ma
+Basic-1/wf3/fwd.ma Basic-1/wf3/defs.ma
+Basic-1/arity/fwd.ma Basic-1/arity/defs.ma Basic-1/getl/drop.ma Basic-1/leq/asucc.ma
+Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma Basic-2/pr2/defs.mma
+Basic-2/asucc/fwd.ma Basic-2/asucc/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/leq/defs.mma Basic-2/aplus/defs.ma
+Basic-2/A/defs.ma Basic-2/A/defs.mma
+Basic-1/csubst0/getl.ma Basic-1/csubst0/clear.ma Basic-1/csubst0/drop.ma Basic-1/getl/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/pc1/defs.ma Basic-2/pc1/defs.mma
+Basic-2/csubc/drop1.ma Basic-2/csubc/drop1.mma
+Basic-2/csubc/getl.mma Basic-1/csubc/getl.ma Basic-2/csubc/clear.ma Basic-2/csubc/drop.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/props.ma Basic-2/pc3/props.mma
+Basic-1/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma Basic-1/nf2/fwd.ma Basic-1/pc3/nf2.ma Basic-1/ty3/arity_props.ma
+Basic-2/sty0/fwd.mma Basic-1/sty0/fwd.ma Basic-2/sty0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/clen/getl.ma Basic-1/clen/defs.ma Basic-1/getl/props.ma
+Basic-1/drop/defs.ma Basic-1/C/defs.ma Basic-1/lift/defs.ma Basic-1/r/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/props.mma Basic-1/csubt/props.ma Basic-2/csubt/defs.ma
+Basic-2/drop1/defs.ma Basic-2/drop1/defs.mma
+Basic-2/sn3/defs.ma Basic-2/sn3/defs.mma
+Basic-1/sty1/props.ma Basic-1/sty0/props.ma Basic-1/sty1/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/pr3.mma Basic-1/ty3/pr3.ma Basic-2/csubt/ty3.ma Basic-2/pc1/props.ma Basic-2/pc3/pc1.ma Basic-2/pc3/wcpr0.ma Basic-2/ty3/fsubst0.ma Basic-2/ty3/subst1.ma
+Basic-2/iso/props.ma Basic-2/iso/props.mma
+Ground-2/ext/tactics.ma Ground-2/ext/tactics.mma
+Basic-1/sn3/fwd.ma Basic-1/pr3/props.ma Basic-1/sn3/defs.ma
+Ground-2/plist/props.ma Ground-2/plist/props.mma
+Basic-1/csubt/getl.ma Basic-1/csubt/clear.ma Basic-1/csubt/drop.ma Basic-1/getl/clear.ma
+Ground-1/definitions.ma Ground-1/blt/defs.ma Ground-1/plist/defs.ma Ground-1/types/defs.ma
+Basic-2/nf2/pr3.mma Basic-1/nf2/pr3.ma Basic-2/nf2/defs.ma Basic-2/pr3/pr3.ma
+Basic-1/ty3/props.ma Basic-1/pc3/fwd.ma Basic-1/ty3/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/pr1.mma Basic-1/pr3/pr1.ma Basic-2/pr1/defs.ma Basic-2/pr3/defs.ma
+Basic-1/ty3/fwd.ma Basic-1/pc3/props.ma Basic-1/ty3/defs.ma
+Basic-1/sty0/props.ma Basic-1/getl/drop.ma Basic-1/sty0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/arity/lift1.ma Basic-2/arity/lift1.mma
+Basic-2/csubt/drop.ma Basic-2/csubt/drop.mma
+Basic-2/getl/getl.mma Basic-1/getl/getl.ma Basic-2/getl/clear.ma Basic-2/getl/drop.ma
+Basic-2/app/defs.ma Basic-2/app/defs.mma
+Basic-2/pc3/wcpr0.ma Basic-2/pc3/wcpr0.mma
+Basic-2/lift/fwd.mma Basic-1/lift/fwd.ma Basic-2/lift/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubv/props.mma Basic-1/csubv/props.ma Basic-2/T/props.ma Basic-2/csubv/defs.ma
+Basic-1/drop1/props.ma Basic-1/drop/props.ma Basic-1/drop1/fwd.ma Basic-1/getl/defs.ma
+Basic-1/cnt/defs.ma Basic-1/T/defs.ma
+Basic-1/spare.ma Basic-1/theory.ma
+Ground-2/plist/defs.ma Ground-2/plist/defs.mma
+Basic-1/csuba/getl.ma Basic-1/csuba/clear.ma Basic-1/csuba/drop.ma Basic-1/getl/clear.ma
+Ground-2/ext/arith.mma Ground-1/ext/arith.ma Ground-2/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/fwd.mma Basic-1/ty3/fwd.ma Basic-2/pc3/props.ma Basic-2/ty3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/nf2/dec.ma Basic-2/nf2/dec.mma
+Basic-2/csuba/getl.mma Basic-1/csuba/getl.ma Basic-2/csuba/clear.ma Basic-2/csuba/drop.ma Basic-2/getl/clear.ma
+Basic-2/csubv/defs.ma Basic-2/csubv/defs.mma
+Basic-2/pc1/props.ma Basic-2/pc1/props.mma
+Basic-2/csuba/drop.ma Basic-2/csuba/drop.mma
+Basic-1/pc3/fwd.ma Basic-1/pc3/props.ma Basic-1/pr3/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/drop1/defs.mma Basic-2/drop/defs.ma Basic-2/lift1/defs.ma
+Ground-1/types/props.ma Ground-1/types/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr0/fwd.mma Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma Basic-2/pr0/props.ma
+Basic-1/pr1/defs.ma Basic-1/pr0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/csubv/drop.ma Basic-1/csubv/props.ma Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/pr2/pr2.ma Basic-2/pr2/pr2.mma
+Basic-2/pr0/subst1.ma Basic-2/pr0/subst1.mma
+Basic-2/nf2/pr3.ma Basic-2/nf2/pr3.mma
+Basic-2/next_plus/defs.ma Basic-2/next_plus/defs.mma
+Basic-2/lift/defs.mma Basic-2/s/defs.ma Basic-2/tlist/defs.ma
+Ground-1/theory.ma Ground-1/blt/props.ma Ground-1/ext/arith.ma Ground-1/ext/tactics.ma Ground-1/plist/props.ma Ground-1/types/props.ma
+Basic-2/csubst1/props.mma Basic-1/csubst1/props.ma Basic-2/csubst1/defs.ma Basic-2/subst1/defs.ma
+Basic-2/nf2/fwd.mma Basic-1/nf2/fwd.ma Basic-2/T/props.ma Basic-2/nf2/defs.ma Basic-2/pr2/clen.ma Basic-2/subst0/dec.ma
+Ground-2/types/defs.mma Ground-2/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/clear.ma Basic-2/csubc/clear.mma
+Basic-2/wf3/fwd.mma Basic-1/wf3/fwd.ma Basic-2/wf3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma Basic-2/subst0/defs.mma
+Basic-1/arity/cimp.ma Basic-1/arity/defs.ma Basic-1/cimp/props.ma
+Basic-2/tlt/defs.mma Basic-2/T/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/defs.ma Basic-2/csubc/defs.mma
+Basic-1/fsubst0/fwd.ma Basic-1/fsubst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/wcpr0/fwd.ma Basic-1/wcpr0/defs.ma
Legacy-2/coq/props.mma Legacy-1/coq/props.ma Legacy-2/coq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/sty0.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/sty0.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/aplus/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/aplus/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/next_plus/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/clear.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/llt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/llt/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr1/pr1.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr1/pr1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/pr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift1/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr0/pr0.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/aprem/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/aprem/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/aprem/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/iso/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/iso/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/tlist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csuba/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/aplus/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/asucc/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity_props.ma LambdaDelta-1/sc3/arity.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/wcpr0.mma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/wcpr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/arity.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/csuba.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/getl/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex2/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex2/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst1/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/llt/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/llt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/llt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubt/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/props.ma
-Legacy-2/coq/props.ma Legacy-2/coq/props.mma Legacy-2/coq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/props.ma
-Base-2/blt/defs.ma Base-2/blt/defs.mma Base-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/dec.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/lift1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.mma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/subst0.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/arity.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/arity.mma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.ma
-Base-2/preamble.ma Base-1/definitions.ma Legacy-2/theory.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/getl.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex1/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/ty3.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/ty3.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/pc3.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/aprem.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/aprem.mma LambdaDelta-2/aprem/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/cimp.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma
+Basic-1/csubc/drop.ma Basic-1/csubc/fwd.ma Basic-1/sc3/props.ma
+Basic-2/wf3/defs.mma Basic-2/ty3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr0/subst1.mma Basic-1/pr0/subst1.ma Basic-2/pr0/props.ma Basic-2/subst1/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubst1/getl.mma Basic-1/csubst1/getl.ma Basic-2/csubst0/getl.ma Basic-2/csubst1/props.ma Basic-2/drop/props.ma Basic-2/subst1/props.ma
+Basic-2/pr2/subst1.ma Basic-2/pr2/subst1.mma
+Basic-2/csuba/arity.mma Basic-1/csuba/arity.ma Basic-2/arity/props.ma Basic-2/csuba/getl.ma Basic-2/csuba/props.ma Basic-2/csubv/getl.ma
+Basic-1/arity/pr3.ma Basic-1/arity/subst0.ma Basic-1/csuba/arity.ma Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma Basic-1/pr1/defs.ma Basic-1/pr3/defs.ma Basic-1/wcpr0/getl.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/iso.ma Basic-2/pr3/iso.mma
+Basic-2/ty3/arity.mma Basic-1/ty3/arity.ma Basic-2/arity/pr3.ma Basic-2/asucc/fwd.ma Basic-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/pc1.ma Basic-2/pc3/pc1.mma
+Basic-2/csubc/csuba.ma Basic-2/csubc/csuba.mma
+Basic-1/llt/props.ma Basic-1/leq/defs.ma Basic-1/llt/defs.ma
+Basic-2/getl/clear.ma Basic-2/getl/clear.mma
+Basic-2/sty0/fwd.ma Basic-2/sty0/fwd.mma
+Basic-1/sty1/cnt.ma Basic-1/cnt/props.ma Basic-1/sty1/props.ma
+Legacy-2/coq/props.ma Legacy-2/coq/props.mma
+Basic-1/wf3/getl.ma Basic-1/ty3/dec.ma Basic-1/wf3/clear.ma
+Basic-2/csubv/props.ma Basic-2/csubv/props.mma
+Basic-2/csubst0/getl.mma Basic-1/csubst0/getl.ma Basic-2/csubst0/clear.ma Basic-2/csubst0/drop.ma Basic-2/getl/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/arity_props.mma Basic-1/ty3/arity_props.ma Basic-2/sc3/arity.ma Basic-2/ty3/arity.ma
+Basic-1/ty3/dec.ma Basic-1/getl/dec.ma Basic-1/getl/flt.ma Basic-1/pc3/dec.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/pr3_props.mma Basic-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma Basic-2/ty3/pr3.ma
+Basic-2/csuba/fwd.ma Basic-2/csuba/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/pr3/pr3.mma Basic-1/pr3/pr3.ma Basic-2/pr2/pr2.ma Basic-2/pr3/props.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/clear.mma Basic-1/csubt/clear.ma Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubt/defs.ma
+Basic-2/tlt/props.mma Basic-1/tlt/props.ma Basic-2/tlt/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/arity.mma Basic-1/csubc/arity.ma Basic-2/csubc/csuba.ma
+Basic-2/csuba/clear.ma Basic-2/csuba/clear.mma
+Basic-1/ty3/pr3.ma Basic-1/csubt/ty3.ma Basic-1/pc1/props.ma Basic-1/pc3/pc1.ma Basic-1/pc3/wcpr0.ma Basic-1/ty3/fsubst0.ma Basic-1/ty3/subst1.ma
+Basic-1/pr3/props.ma Basic-1/pr1/props.ma Basic-1/pr2/props.ma Basic-1/pr3/pr1.ma
+Basic-2/clen/defs.mma Basic-2/C/defs.ma Basic-2/s/defs.ma
+Basic-2/iso/props.mma Basic-1/iso/props.ma Basic-2/iso/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/lift/fwd.ma Basic-1/lift/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/fwd.mma Basic-1/csubt/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubt/defs.ma
Legacy-2/theory.ma Legacy-2/coq/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sn3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-1/sn3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/arity.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex0/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/aplus/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma
-Base-2/plist/props.mma Base-1/plist/props.ma Base-2/plist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty1/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr3.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/pr2.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubv/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/clear.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/left.mma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/left.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/drop1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fsubst0.mma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/left.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/aplus/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/leq/asucc.mma LambdaDelta-1/leq/asucc.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/r/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/arity.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clen/getl.mma LambdaDelta-1/clen/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/clen/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/getl.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity_props.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity_props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sty1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/sty0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/pr0.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/pr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/nf2.mma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/sty0.ma LambdaDelta-1/sty0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/getl.mma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/lift1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/asucc/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/asucc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/asucc/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/tlist/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/tlt.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlt/props.ma
-Base-2/blt/props.ma Base-2/blt/props.mma Base-2/blt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/cimp.mma LambdaDelta-1/arity/cimp.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/cimp/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubv/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/drop.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/lift1.mma LambdaDelta-1/arity/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/cimp/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop1/getl.mma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma
-Legacy-2/coq/defs.ma Legacy-2/coq/defs.mma Legacy-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/aprem/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/aprem/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/aprem/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubv/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubv/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubv/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/clear.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-1/asucc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/arity/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/leq/asucc.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/r/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/r/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/leq/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/aplus/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/asucc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/asucc/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/asucc/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/tlt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlt/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/cimp.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/cimp.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/cimp/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/defs.ma
-Base-2/theory.ma Base-2/blt/props.ma Base-2/ext/arith.ma Base-2/ext/tactics.ma Base-2/plist/props.ma Base-2/types/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubc/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/csuba.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/csuba.mma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr3.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/sty0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/clen/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/clen/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sn3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/iso/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/iso/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/iso/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/drop/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/r/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/tlist/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlist/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clear/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/subst0.mma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/s/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/s/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/asucc/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/r/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/r/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/r/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3_props.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty0/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/sty0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/wcpr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/wcpr0.mma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/drop.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/s/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/app/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc1/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/pc1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/pr1.ma
-Base-2/ext/tactics.mma Base-1/ext/tactics.ma Base-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/aplus/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/aplus/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/aplus/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/subst1.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/aprem/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/A/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/tlt/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/leq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr1/pr1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/pr1.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/pr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/arity/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/arity.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop1/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.mma LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/left.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/left.mma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/props.ma
+Basic-2/sn3/props.ma Basic-2/sn3/props.mma
+Basic-1/nf2/fwd.ma Basic-1/T/props.ma Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma Basic-1/pr2/clen.ma Basic-1/subst0/dec.ma
+Basic-1/pc3/dec.ma Basic-1/nf2/fwd.ma Basic-1/ty3/arity_props.ma
+Basic-2/fsubst0/defs.mma Basic-2/csubst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/getl/defs.ma Basic-1/clear/defs.ma Basic-1/drop/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ex2/defs.ma Basic-2/ex2/defs.mma
+Basic-1/wf3/clear.ma Basic-1/wf3/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/next_plus/defs.mma Basic-2/G/defs.ma
+Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma Basic-1/clear/defs.ma
+Basic-1/subst/props.ma Basic-1/lift/props.ma Basic-1/subst/fwd.ma Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/wcpr0/getl.ma Basic-1/getl/props.ma Basic-1/wcpr0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/preamble.ma Basic-1/definitions.ma Ground-2/theory.ma
+Basic-2/csubv/clear.mma Basic-1/csubv/clear.ma Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubv/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csuba/fwd.mma Basic-1/csuba/fwd.ma Basic-2/csuba/defs.ma
+Basic-2/getl/getl.ma Basic-2/getl/getl.mma
+Basic-1/leq/asucc.ma Basic-1/leq/props.ma
+Basic-2/T/defs.mma Basic-2/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/subst/defs.mma Basic-2/lift/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/fwd.mma Basic-1/pr3/fwd.ma Basic-2/pr2/fwd.ma Basic-2/pr3/props.ma
+Basic-1/pr2/props.ma Basic-1/getl/clear.ma Basic-1/getl/drop.ma Basic-1/pr0/props.ma Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/props.ma Basic-2/csubt/props.mma
+Basic-2/pr0/fwd.ma Basic-2/pr0/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/leq/fwd.ma Basic-2/leq/fwd.mma
+Basic-1/pr3/wcpr0.ma Basic-1/pr3/props.ma Basic-1/wcpr0/getl.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/subst1.mma Basic-1/pc3/subst1.ma Basic-2/pc3/props.ma Basic-2/pr3/subst1.ma
+Basic-2/lift1/fwd.mma Basic-1/lift1/fwd.ma Basic-2/lift/fwd.ma Basic-2/lift1/defs.ma
+Basic-1/iso/defs.ma Basic-1/T/defs.ma
+Basic-1/pc3/defs.ma Basic-1/pr3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/props.mma Basic-1/ty3/props.ma Basic-2/pc3/fwd.ma Basic-2/ty3/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/fsubst0.ma Basic-2/pc3/fsubst0.mma
+Basic-2/pr1/props.mma Basic-1/pr1/props.ma Basic-2/T/props.ma Basic-2/pr0/subst1.ma Basic-2/pr1/defs.ma Basic-2/subst1/props.ma
+Basic-1/pr1/props.ma Basic-1/T/props.ma Basic-1/pr0/subst1.ma Basic-1/pr1/defs.ma Basic-1/subst1/props.ma
+Basic-2/leq/props.ma Basic-2/leq/props.mma
+Basic-2/csuba/props.mma Basic-1/csuba/props.ma Basic-2/csuba/defs.ma
+Basic-2/sty0/defs.ma Basic-2/sty0/defs.mma
+Basic-1/flt/props.ma Basic-1/C/props.ma Basic-1/flt/defs.ma
+Basic-2/leq/fwd.mma Basic-1/leq/fwd.ma Basic-2/leq/defs.ma
+Basic-2/G/defs.ma Basic-2/G/defs.mma
+Basic-2/csubst0/clear.ma Basic-2/csubst0/clear.mma
+Basic-2/theory.ma Basic-2/csubt/csuba.ma Basic-2/ex0/props.ma Basic-2/ex1/props.ma Basic-2/ex2/props.ma Basic-2/pr3/wcpr0.ma Basic-2/sty1/cnt.ma Basic-2/subst/props.ma Basic-2/subst0/tlt.ma Basic-2/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma Basic-2/ty3/nf2.ma Basic-2/ty3/sty0.ma Basic-2/wcpr0/fwd.ma Basic-2/wf3/props.ma
+Basic-2/cnt/defs.mma Basic-2/T/defs.ma
+Basic-1/C/defs.ma Basic-1/T/defs.ma
+Basic-2/flt/defs.ma Basic-2/flt/defs.mma
+Basic-2/pc3/dec.mma Basic-1/pc3/dec.ma Basic-2/nf2/fwd.ma Basic-2/ty3/arity_props.ma
+Basic-2/cimp/defs.ma Basic-2/cimp/defs.mma
+Basic-2/wf3/ty3.ma Basic-2/wf3/ty3.mma
+Basic-2/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma Basic-2/ty3/fwd_nf2.mma
+Basic-2/subst0/fwd.ma Basic-2/subst0/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/pr2/pr2.mma Basic-1/pr2/pr2.ma Basic-2/getl/props.ma Basic-2/pr0/pr0.ma Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubst0/drop.ma Basic-2/csubst0/drop.mma
+Basic-1/getl/fwd.ma Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma Basic-1/getl/defs.ma
+Legacy-2/coq/defs.ma Legacy-2/coq/defs.mma
+Basic-1/definitions.ma Basic-1/app/defs.ma Basic-1/aprem/defs.ma Basic-1/cimp/defs.ma Basic-1/clen/defs.ma Basic-1/cnt/defs.ma Basic-1/csuba/defs.ma Basic-1/csubc/defs.ma Basic-1/csubst1/defs.ma Basic-1/csubt/defs.ma Basic-1/csubv/defs.ma Basic-1/ex0/defs.ma Basic-1/ex1/defs.ma Basic-1/ex2/defs.ma Basic-1/flt/defs.ma Basic-1/fsubst0/defs.ma Basic-1/iso/defs.ma Basic-1/llt/defs.ma Basic-1/next_plus/defs.ma Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma Basic-1/pc1/defs.ma Basic-1/sty1/defs.ma Basic-1/subst/defs.ma Basic-1/subst1/defs.ma Basic-1/tlt/defs.ma Basic-1/wcpr0/defs.ma Basic-1/wf3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/r/props.mma Basic-1/r/props.ma Basic-2/r/defs.ma Basic-2/s/defs.ma
+Basic-1/pr0/props.ma Basic-1/pr0/defs.ma Basic-1/subst0/subst0.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/props.mma Basic-1/pr3/props.ma Basic-2/pr1/props.ma Basic-2/pr2/props.ma Basic-2/pr3/pr1.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/props.mma Basic-1/csubc/props.ma Basic-2/csubc/defs.ma Basic-2/sc3/props.ma
+Basic-1/ex1/defs.ma Basic-1/C/defs.ma
+Basic-2/getl/flt.mma Basic-1/getl/flt.ma Basic-2/clear/props.ma Basic-2/flt/props.ma Basic-2/getl/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/drop/props.ma Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma Basic-1/lift/props.ma Basic-1/r/props.ma
+Basic-2/clen/defs.ma Basic-2/clen/defs.mma
+Basic-2/sty1/props.mma Basic-1/sty1/props.ma Basic-2/sty0/props.ma Basic-2/sty1/defs.ma
+Basic-2/lift/defs.ma Basic-2/lift/defs.mma
+Basic-1/subst0/tlt.ma Basic-1/lift/props.ma Basic-1/lift/tlt.ma Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/nf2/dec.ma Basic-1/C/props.ma Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma Basic-1/pr0/dec.ma Basic-1/pr2/clen.ma Basic-1/pr2/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/getl/dec.mma Basic-1/getl/dec.ma Basic-2/getl/props.ma
+Basic-1/csubst0/fwd.ma Basic-1/csubst0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/defs.ma Basic-2/ty3/defs.mma
+Basic-2/pr0/pr0.ma Basic-2/pr0/pr0.mma
+Basic-1/lift1/fwd.ma Basic-1/lift/fwd.ma Basic-1/lift1/defs.ma
+Ground-2/plist/props.mma Ground-1/plist/props.ma Ground-2/plist/defs.ma
+Basic-2/iso/fwd.ma Basic-2/iso/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/aplus/defs.ma Basic-2/aplus/defs.mma
+Basic-1/asucc/defs.ma Basic-1/A/defs.ma Basic-1/G/defs.ma
+Basic-2/drop1/props.ma Basic-2/drop1/props.mma
+Basic-1/next_plus/defs.ma Basic-1/G/defs.ma
+Basic-1/nf2/pr3.ma Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma Basic-1/pr3/pr3.ma
+Basic-1/subst1/defs.ma Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/pr2/pr2.ma Basic-1/getl/props.ma Basic-1/pr0/pr0.ma Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr0/defs.ma Basic-2/pr0/defs.mma
+Basic-2/wcpr0/fwd.mma Basic-1/wcpr0/fwd.ma Basic-2/wcpr0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/wcpr0/defs.mma Basic-2/C/defs.ma Basic-2/pr0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/nf2/lift1.ma Basic-2/nf2/lift1.mma
+Basic-2/drop/props.mma Basic-1/drop/props.ma Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma Basic-2/lift/props.ma Basic-2/r/props.ma
+Basic-1/cimp/props.ma Basic-1/cimp/defs.ma Basic-1/getl/getl.ma
+Basic-2/pr0/dec.ma Basic-2/pr0/dec.mma
+Basic-2/drop1/fwd.ma Basic-2/drop1/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/pr2/clen.ma Basic-2/pr2/clen.mma
+Basic-2/nf2/defs.ma Basic-2/nf2/defs.mma
+Basic-1/ex2/props.ma Basic-1/arity/fwd.ma Basic-1/ex2/defs.ma Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma Basic-1/pr2/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/subst1/fwd.mma Basic-1/subst1/fwd.ma Basic-2/subst0/props.ma Basic-2/subst1/defs.ma
+Ground-2/types/props.ma Ground-2/types/props.mma
+Basic-2/lift/props.ma Basic-2/lift/props.mma
+Basic-1/nf2/arity.ma Basic-1/arity/subst0.ma Basic-1/nf2/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubc/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/wf3/defs.ma Basic-2/wf3/defs.mma
+Basic-2/sc3/defs.mma Basic-2/arity/defs.ma Basic-2/drop1/defs.ma Basic-2/sn3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubst1/getl.ma Basic-2/csubst1/getl.mma
+Basic-2/tlt/props.ma Basic-2/tlt/props.mma
+Basic-2/cnt/props.mma Basic-1/cnt/props.ma Basic-2/cnt/defs.ma Basic-2/lift/fwd.ma
+Ground-2/ext/arith.ma Ground-2/ext/arith.mma
+Basic-2/getl/flt.ma Basic-2/getl/flt.mma
+Basic-2/subst1/fwd.ma Basic-2/subst1/fwd.mma
+Basic-1/pr3/iso.ma Basic-1/iso/props.ma Basic-1/pr3/fwd.ma Basic-1/tlist/props.ma
+Basic-1/ex1/props.ma Basic-1/arity/defs.ma Basic-1/ex1/defs.ma Basic-1/leq/props.ma Basic-1/nf2/pr3.ma Basic-1/nf2/props.ma Basic-1/pc3/fwd.ma Basic-1/ty3/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/csubt/ty3.ma Basic-1/csubt/pc3.ma Basic-1/csubt/props.ma
+Basic-2/wf3/props.ma Basic-2/wf3/props.mma
+Basic-1/pc3/pc1.ma Basic-1/pc1/defs.ma Basic-1/pc3/defs.ma Basic-1/pr3/pr1.ma
+Basic-1/csubst1/props.ma Basic-1/csubst1/defs.ma Basic-1/subst1/defs.ma
+Basic-2/sc3/defs.ma Basic-2/sc3/defs.mma
+Ground-2/blt/defs.ma Ground-2/blt/defs.mma
+Basic-2/fsubst0/fwd.ma Basic-2/fsubst0/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/subst0/dec.ma Basic-2/subst0/dec.mma
+Basic-1/csubst0/drop.ma Basic-1/csubst0/fwd.ma Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma Basic-1/s/props.ma
+Basic-1/getl/dec.ma Basic-1/getl/props.ma
+Basic-2/llt/defs.ma Basic-2/llt/defs.mma
+Basic-2/pr1/pr1.mma Basic-1/pr1/pr1.ma Basic-2/pr0/pr0.ma Basic-2/pr1/props.ma
+Basic-1/csubst0/props.ma Basic-1/csubst0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csuba/clear.mma Basic-1/csuba/clear.ma Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma Basic-2/csuba/defs.ma
+Basic-2/wf3/props.mma Basic-1/wf3/props.ma Basic-2/app/defs.ma Basic-2/wf3/ty3.ma
+Basic-2/pr2/fwd.ma Basic-2/pr2/fwd.mma
+Ground-2/preamble.ma Ground-1/definitions.ma Legacy-2/theory.ma
+Basic-2/flt/props.mma Basic-1/flt/props.ma Basic-2/C/props.ma Basic-2/flt/defs.ma
+Basic-2/sn3/nf2.ma Basic-2/sn3/nf2.mma
+Basic-1/csubst1/fwd.ma Basic-1/csubst0/fwd.ma Basic-1/csubst1/defs.ma Basic-1/subst1/props.ma
+Basic-1/ty3/arity_props.ma Basic-1/sc3/arity.ma Basic-1/ty3/arity.ma
+Basic-1/drop1/defs.ma Basic-1/drop/defs.ma Basic-1/lift1/defs.ma
+Basic-1/ex0/props.ma Basic-1/aplus/props.ma Basic-1/ex0/defs.ma Basic-1/leq/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/nf2.ma Basic-2/ty3/nf2.mma
+Basic-2/csubt/defs.ma Basic-2/csubt/defs.mma
+Basic-2/clear/drop.ma Basic-2/clear/drop.mma
+Basic-1/aprem/props.ma Basic-1/aprem/fwd.ma Basic-1/leq/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubst0/fwd.mma Basic-1/csubst0/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/nf2/props.ma Basic-1/nf2/defs.ma Basic-1/pr2/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma Basic-2/ty3/pr3_props.mma
+Basic-1/csubc/arity.ma Basic-1/csubc/csuba.ma
+Basic-2/arity/pr3.mma Basic-1/arity/pr3.ma Basic-2/arity/subst0.ma Basic-2/csuba/arity.ma Basic-2/pr0/fwd.ma Basic-2/pr1/defs.ma Basic-2/pr3/defs.ma Basic-2/wcpr0/getl.ma
+Basic-2/aprem/defs.mma Basic-2/A/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/subst1.ma Basic-2/pc3/subst1.mma
+Basic-1/csubt/drop.ma Basic-1/csubt/fwd.ma Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/subst0/tlt.mma Basic-1/subst0/tlt.ma Basic-2/lift/props.ma Basic-2/lift/tlt.ma Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma
+Ground-2/blt/defs.mma Ground-2/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/clear.mma Basic-1/csubc/clear.ma Basic-2/csubc/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/pr2.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/props.ma
-Base-1/ext/arith.ma Base-1/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/llt/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/leq/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/llt/defs.ma
-Base-1/plist/defs.ma Base-1/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/iso.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/iso.mma LambdaDelta-2/iso/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/iso/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/iso/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/iso/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sty0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/sty0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc1/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/pc1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/pr1.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop1.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/r/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/tlt.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/ty3.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/ty3.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/pc3.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/csuba.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/csuba.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/clear/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/pr1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sn3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/iso.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/iso.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/nf2.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/wcpr0.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/wcpr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/wf3/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/wf3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr3.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/preamble.ma Base-1/theory.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/asucc/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/asucc/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/A/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr2/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ex2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/arity/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/leq/asucc.ma LambdaDelta-1/leq/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/next_plus/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/G/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/cimp/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/cimp/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/cimp/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex1/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/ex1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift1/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/cnt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/cnt/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/getl.mma LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/subst/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/s/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr3/wcpr0.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/leq/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/aplus/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/leq/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/getl.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/subst0.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/cnt/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/spare.ma LambdaDelta-1/theory.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/flt/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/flt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/s/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/s/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/flt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubst1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/getl.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubc/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/G/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/cimp/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/cimp/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/theory.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/csuba.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex2/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/wcpr0.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty1/cnt.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/tlt.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/sty0.ma LambdaDelta-2/wcpr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr0/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/subst0.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/r/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/r/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/s/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/drop/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sty1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/sty0/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/sty1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/flt.mma LambdaDelta-1/getl/flt.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/flt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/C/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/C/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/drop.mma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clen/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/clen/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubc/csuba.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/sc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sn3/nf2.mma LambdaDelta-1/sn3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sty1/cnt.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty1/cnt.mma LambdaDelta-2/cnt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sty1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/pr1.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/dec.mma LambdaDelta-1/getl/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/fsubst0/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/getl.mma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/clear.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubt/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubv/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubv/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/lift1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/lift1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sty0/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/sty0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/tlist/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/tlist/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubv/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/drop.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/G/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.mma LambdaDelta-1/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/lift1.mma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ex2/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/ex2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fsubst0.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst0/subst0.mma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csuba/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sc3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csuba/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/clear.ma LambdaDelta-1/csuba/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clear/drop.mma LambdaDelta-1/clear/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubv/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubv/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csuba/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/drop.mma LambdaDelta-2/csuba/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr1/pr1.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/pr0.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr1/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/nf2/arity.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/T/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
+Basic-2/subst0/subst0.mma Basic-1/subst0/subst0.ma Basic-2/subst0/props.ma
+Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma Basic-2/drop/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/pc3/nf2.ma Basic-2/pc3/nf2.mma
+Basic-2/s/defs.ma Basic-2/s/defs.mma
+Basic-2/csuba/defs.ma Basic-2/csuba/defs.mma
+Basic-2/subst/fwd.ma Basic-2/subst/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/next_plus/props.ma Basic-2/next_plus/props.mma
+Basic-2/lift1/defs.ma Basic-2/lift1/defs.mma
+Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma Basic-1/pr0/props.ma
+Basic-1/leq/fwd.ma Basic-1/leq/defs.ma
+Basic-2/subst/props.ma Basic-2/subst/props.mma
+Basic-2/pr3/defs.ma Basic-2/pr3/defs.mma
+Basic-1/csuba/drop.ma Basic-1/csuba/fwd.ma Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/csubv/defs.ma Basic-1/C/defs.ma
+Basic-1/aprem/fwd.ma Basic-1/aprem/defs.ma
+Ground-1/plist/defs.ma Ground-1/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/csubv/drop.mma Basic-1/csubv/drop.ma Basic-2/csubv/props.ma Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma
+Basic-1/csubst1/getl.ma Basic-1/csubst0/getl.ma Basic-1/csubst1/props.ma Basic-1/drop/props.ma Basic-1/subst1/props.ma
+Basic-2/aprem/fwd.mma Basic-1/aprem/fwd.ma Basic-2/aprem/defs.ma
+Basic-2/T/props.ma Basic-2/T/props.mma
+Basic-1/pr0/subst1.ma Basic-1/pr0/props.ma Basic-1/subst1/defs.ma
+Basic-1/arity/aprem.ma Basic-1/aprem/props.ma Basic-1/arity/cimp.ma Basic-1/arity/props.ma
+Basic-2/leq/defs.ma Basic-2/leq/defs.mma
+Basic-2/s/defs.mma Basic-2/T/defs.ma
+Basic-1/subst1/subst1.ma Basic-1/subst0/subst0.ma Basic-1/subst1/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/arity/fwd.mma Basic-1/arity/fwd.ma Basic-2/arity/defs.ma Basic-2/getl/drop.ma Basic-2/leq/asucc.ma
+Ground-2/ext/tactics.mma Ground-1/ext/tactics.ma Ground-2/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/leq/props.mma Basic-1/leq/props.ma Basic-2/aplus/props.ma Basic-2/leq/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/subst1/props.mma Basic-1/subst1/props.ma Basic-2/subst0/props.ma Basic-2/subst1/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/fwd.ma Basic-2/pr3/fwd.mma
+Basic-1/asucc/fwd.ma Basic-1/asucc/defs.ma
+Basic-1/csuba/arity.ma Basic-1/arity/props.ma Basic-1/csuba/getl.ma Basic-1/csuba/props.ma Basic-1/csubv/getl.ma
+Basic-1/pc3/props.ma Basic-1/pc3/defs.ma Basic-1/pr3/pr3.ma
+Basic-1/csubc/defs.ma Basic-1/sc3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/cnt/props.ma Basic-2/cnt/props.mma
+Basic-2/pr0/pr0.mma Basic-1/pr0/pr0.ma Basic-2/lift/tlt.ma Basic-2/pr0/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/nf2.mma Basic-1/pc3/nf2.ma Basic-2/nf2/pr3.ma Basic-2/pc3/defs.ma
+Basic-1/ty3/sty0.ma Basic-1/sty0/fwd.ma Basic-1/ty3/pr3_props.ma
+Basic-1/wf3/ty3.ma Basic-1/wf3/getl.ma
+Basic-1/csubv/clear.ma Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma Basic-1/csubv/defs.ma
+Basic-1/csubc/props.ma Basic-1/csubc/defs.ma Basic-1/sc3/props.ma
+Basic-1/iso/props.ma Basic-1/iso/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/defs.mma Basic-2/sc3/defs.ma
+Basic-1/pr2/subst1.ma Basic-1/csubst1/fwd.ma Basic-1/csubst1/getl.ma Basic-1/getl/drop.ma Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma Basic-1/pr0/subst1.ma Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma Basic-1/subst1/subst1.ma
+Basic-2/lift/tlt.ma Basic-2/lift/tlt.mma
+Basic-2/r/defs.mma Basic-2/T/defs.ma
+Basic-2/drop1/getl.ma Basic-2/drop1/getl.mma
+Basic-2/csubt/pc3.ma Basic-2/csubt/pc3.mma
+Basic-2/sc3/arity.ma Basic-2/sc3/arity.mma
+Basic-2/ex0/defs.ma Basic-2/ex0/defs.mma
+Basic-2/fsubst0/fwd.mma Basic-1/fsubst0/fwd.ma Basic-2/fsubst0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/wf3/clear.mma Basic-1/wf3/clear.ma Basic-2/wf3/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/drop.mma Basic-1/csubt/drop.ma Basic-2/csubt/fwd.ma Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/fsubst0.mma Basic-1/pc3/fsubst0.ma Basic-2/csubst0/getl.ma Basic-2/fsubst0/defs.ma Basic-2/pc3/left.ma
+Basic-1/getl/clear.ma Basic-1/clear/drop.ma Basic-1/getl/props.ma
+Basic-1/pc3/wcpr0.ma Basic-1/pc3/props.ma Basic-1/wcpr0/getl.ma
+Basic-1/pr0/pr0.ma Basic-1/lift/tlt.ma Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/clear/fwd.mma Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma Basic-2/clear/defs.ma
+Basic-1/iso/fwd.ma Basic-1/iso/defs.ma Basic-1/tlist/defs.ma
+Basic-2/T/dec.mma Basic-1/T/dec.ma Basic-2/T/defs.ma
+Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma Basic-1/getl/defs.ma Basic-1/pr0/defs.ma
+Ground-1/spare.ma Ground-1/theory.ma
+Basic-2/ex0/props.mma Basic-1/ex0/props.ma Basic-2/aplus/props.ma Basic-2/ex0/defs.ma Basic-2/leq/defs.ma
+Basic-2/tlt/defs.ma Basic-2/tlt/defs.mma
+Basic-1/pc1/props.ma Basic-1/pc1/defs.ma Basic-1/pr1/pr1.ma
+Basic-2/drop/fwd.mma Basic-1/drop/fwd.ma Basic-2/drop/defs.ma
+Basic-2/getl/defs.mma Basic-2/clear/defs.ma Basic-2/drop/defs.ma
+Basic-2/wcpr0/defs.ma Basic-2/wcpr0/defs.mma
+Basic-1/pr0/dec.ma Basic-1/T/dec.ma Basic-1/T/props.ma Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma Basic-1/subst0/dec.ma
+Basic-1/pc1/defs.ma Basic-1/pr1/defs.ma
+Basic-1/sn3/defs.ma Basic-1/pr3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubst0/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubst0/fwd.mma
+Basic-1/T/defs.ma Basic-1/preamble.ma
+Basic-1/csubt/clear.ma Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma Basic-1/csubt/defs.ma
+Basic-1/csuba/props.ma Basic-1/csuba/defs.ma
+Basic-2/sn3/lift1.ma Basic-2/sn3/lift1.mma
+Basic-2/T/dec.ma Basic-2/T/dec.mma
+Basic-2/next_plus/props.mma Basic-1/next_plus/props.ma Basic-2/next_plus/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubv/getl.ma Basic-2/csubv/getl.mma
+Basic-2/subst1/defs.ma Basic-2/subst1/defs.mma
+Basic-2/csuba/defs.mma Basic-2/arity/defs.ma
+Basic-2/tlist/defs.ma Basic-2/tlist/defs.mma
+Basic-2/sn3/lift1.mma Basic-1/sn3/lift1.ma Basic-2/drop1/fwd.ma Basic-2/lift1/fwd.ma Basic-2/sn3/props.ma
+Basic-2/arity/lift1.mma Basic-1/arity/lift1.ma Basic-2/arity/props.ma Basic-2/drop1/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/defs.mma Basic-2/G/defs.ma Basic-2/pc3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/sc3/props.ma Basic-2/sc3/props.mma
+Basic-2/subst/fwd.mma Basic-1/subst/fwd.ma Basic-2/subst/defs.ma
+Basic-2/subst1/defs.mma Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/r/defs.ma Basic-1/T/defs.ma
+Basic-1/csubt/csuba.ma Basic-1/ty3/arity.ma
+Basic-2/ex2/props.mma Basic-1/ex2/props.ma Basic-2/arity/fwd.ma Basic-2/ex2/defs.ma Basic-2/nf2/defs.ma Basic-2/pr2/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/lift/tlt.mma Basic-1/lift/tlt.ma Basic-2/lift/fwd.ma Basic-2/tlt/props.ma
+Basic-2/getl/drop.ma Basic-2/getl/drop.mma
+Basic-1/tlist/props.ma Basic-1/tlist/defs.ma
+Basic-1/A/defs.ma Basic-1/preamble.ma
+Basic-1/clear/props.ma Basic-1/clear/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/tlist/defs.mma Basic-2/T/defs.ma
+Basic-1/T/dec.ma Basic-1/T/defs.ma
+Basic-1/app/defs.ma Basic-1/C/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/pr3.ma Basic-2/pr3/pr3.mma
+Basic-2/csubc/getl.ma Basic-2/csubc/getl.mma
+Basic-1/pr2/fwd.ma Basic-1/getl/clear.ma Basic-1/getl/drop.ma Basic-1/pr0/fwd.ma Basic-1/pr2/defs.ma
+Basic-1/sn3/nf2.ma Basic-1/nf2/dec.ma Basic-1/nf2/pr3.ma Basic-1/sn3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubt/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/subst0/defs.mma Basic-2/lift/defs.ma
+Basic-2/clear/defs.mma Basic-2/C/defs.ma
+Basic-2/G/defs.mma Basic-2/preamble.ma
+Basic-2/csubst1/defs.mma Basic-2/csubst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/ty3/nf2.ma Basic-1/nf2/arity.ma Basic-1/pc3/nf2.ma Basic-1/ty3/arity.ma
+Basic-2/csubst0/defs.ma Basic-2/csubst0/defs.mma
+Basic-1/csuba/fwd.ma Basic-1/csuba/defs.ma
Legacy-1/coq/props.ma Legacy-1/coq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fsubst0.mma LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/sn3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/sn3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr2/clen.ma LambdaDelta-1/clen/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/dec.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/flt.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/dec.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/tlt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlt/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/tlt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/next_plus/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/arity/subst0.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/wf3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ex1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/ex1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/leq/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubt/ty3.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/pc3.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/props.ma
+Basic-2/sty1/defs.mma Basic-2/sty0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/subst0/subst0.ma Basic-1/subst0/props.ma
+Basic-1/arity/props.ma Basic-1/arity/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/csubst1/fwd.ma Basic-2/csubst1/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/csubv/getl.mma Basic-1/csubv/getl.ma Basic-2/csubv/clear.ma Basic-2/csubv/drop.ma Basic-2/getl/fwd.ma
Legacy-1/spare.ma Legacy-1/theory.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/wf3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/props.mma LambdaDelta-2/app/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/wf3/ty3.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr0/dec.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/T/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst0/dec.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/clear.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst0/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/sc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/sn3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/dec.mma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/C/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/dec.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/clen.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/subst0/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/subst0/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/getl/flt.ma LambdaDelta-1/clear/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/flt/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/fwd.ma
-Base-2/types/defs.ma Base-2/types/defs.mma Base-2/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubv/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubv/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/s/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/s/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubt/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/nf2/iso.ma LambdaDelta-1/iso/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/aprem.mma LambdaDelta-1/arity/aprem.ma LambdaDelta-2/aprem/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/cimp.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/arity/cimp.ma LambdaDelta-1/arity/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/cimp/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/iso/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/iso/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/fwd_nf2.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/llt/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/A/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/cimp/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/cimp/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/cimp/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/getl.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/aplus/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/aplus/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/aplus/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/next_plus/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.mma LambdaDelta-1/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/clear/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ex0/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/aplus/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/ex0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/leq/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop1.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop1.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pc3/fsubst0.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubst0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/fsubst0/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/left.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/csubc/drop.ma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/sc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/subst1.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubst1/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/subst1.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst1/subst1.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.mma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/asucc/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/pr3_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/pc3/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/nf2/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/fwd.ma
-Base-1/blt/defs.ma Base-1/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/nf2/iso.mma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/iso.ma LambdaDelta-2/iso/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/nf2/pr3.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr3/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop1.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop1.mma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/getl.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/getl.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/drop.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/ty3/fwd_nf2.ma LambdaDelta-1/nf2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/pc3/nf2.ma LambdaDelta-1/ty3/arity_props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/clear/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/tlt/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/tlt/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/tlt/defs.ma
-Base-1/preamble.ma Legacy-1/theory.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ex1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/ex1/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubc/csuba.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubc/csuba.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubc/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/subst/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/subst/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-2/subst/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/clen/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/C/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/iso/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/iso/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/iso/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/drop/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/csubt/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/csubt/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/csubt/defs.ma
-Base-1/blt/props.ma Base-1/blt/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/pr3/defs.ma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/s/defs.mma LambdaDelta-2/T/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/lift1/props.mma LambdaDelta-1/lift1/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/defs.ma LambdaDelta-2/lift/props.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/aprem/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/aprem/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity_props.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity_props.mma LambdaDelta-2/sc3/arity.ma LambdaDelta-2/ty3/arity.ma
-Base-1/plist/props.ma Base-1/plist/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/arity/lift1.ma LambdaDelta-2/arity/lift1.mma LambdaDelta-2/arity/props.ma LambdaDelta-2/drop1/fwd.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/getl.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/wcpr0/defs.ma
-LambdaDelta-2/pr2/fwd.mma LambdaDelta-1/pr2/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/clear.ma LambdaDelta-2/getl/drop.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr0/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-2/pr2/defs.ma
-Base-1/ext/tactics.ma Base-1/preamble.ma
-LambdaDelta-1/drop1/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop/props.ma LambdaDelta-1/drop1/fwd.ma LambdaDelta-1/getl/defs.ma
+Basic-2/sc3/arity.mma Basic-1/sc3/arity.ma Basic-2/csubc/arity.ma Basic-2/csubc/drop1.ma Basic-2/csubc/getl.ma Basic-2/csubc/props.ma
+Basic-1/subst0/fwd.ma Basic-1/lift/props.ma Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/pc3/nf2.ma Basic-1/nf2/pr3.ma Basic-1/pc3/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/pc3.mma Basic-1/csubt/pc3.ma Basic-2/csubt/getl.ma Basic-2/pc3/left.ma
+Basic-1/sn3/props.ma Basic-1/nf2/iso.ma Basic-1/pr3/iso.ma Basic-1/sn3/fwd.ma Basic-1/sn3/nf2.ma
+Ground-2/blt/props.ma Ground-2/blt/props.mma
+Basic-1/aplus/props.ma Basic-1/aplus/defs.ma Basic-1/next_plus/props.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/left.ma Basic-2/pc3/left.mma
+Basic-2/csubst0/defs.mma Basic-2/C/defs.ma Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/sty0/defs.mma Basic-2/G/defs.ma Basic-2/getl/defs.ma
+Basic-2/aprem/props.ma Basic-2/aprem/props.mma
+Basic-2/arity/defs.mma Basic-2/getl/defs.ma Basic-2/leq/defs.ma
+Basic-2/aplus/defs.mma Basic-2/asucc/defs.ma
+Basic-2/llt/defs.mma Basic-2/A/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/arity.ma Basic-2/csubc/arity.mma
+Ground-2/types/defs.ma Ground-2/types/defs.mma
+Basic-2/iso/fwd.mma Basic-1/iso/fwd.ma Basic-2/iso/defs.ma Basic-2/tlist/defs.ma
+Basic-1/T/props.ma Basic-1/T/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pc3/fwd.mma Basic-1/pc3/fwd.ma Basic-2/pc3/props.ma Basic-2/pr3/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/aprem/defs.ma Basic-2/aprem/defs.mma
+Basic-1/sty0/fwd.ma Basic-1/sty0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/subst0/dec.mma Basic-1/subst0/dec.ma Basic-2/lift/props.ma Basic-2/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/pr3/subst1.mma Basic-1/pr3/subst1.ma Basic-2/pr2/subst1.ma Basic-2/pr3/defs.ma
+Basic-1/aplus/defs.ma Basic-1/asucc/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubst0/props.mma Basic-1/csubst0/props.ma Basic-2/csubst0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/getl/getl.ma Basic-1/getl/clear.ma Basic-1/getl/drop.ma
+Basic-2/sty1/defs.ma Basic-2/sty1/defs.mma
+Basic-1/pr3/fwd.ma Basic-1/pr2/fwd.ma Basic-1/pr3/props.ma
+Basic-2/arity/defs.ma Basic-2/arity/defs.mma
+Basic-2/pr3/defs.mma Basic-2/pr2/defs.ma
+Basic-1/lift/props.ma Basic-1/lift/fwd.ma Basic-1/s/props.ma
+Basic-2/csubt/getl.mma Basic-1/csubt/getl.ma Basic-2/csubt/clear.ma Basic-2/csubt/drop.ma Basic-2/getl/clear.ma
+Basic-1/leq/props.ma Basic-1/aplus/props.ma Basic-1/leq/fwd.ma
+Basic-2/s/props.ma Basic-2/s/props.mma
+Basic-2/drop1/props.mma Basic-1/drop1/props.ma Basic-2/drop/props.ma Basic-2/drop1/fwd.ma Basic-2/getl/defs.ma
+Basic-2/arity/aprem.ma Basic-2/arity/aprem.mma
+Basic-1/sty0/defs.ma Basic-1/G/defs.ma Basic-1/getl/defs.ma
+Basic-2/getl/fwd.mma Basic-1/getl/fwd.ma Basic-2/clear/fwd.ma Basic-2/drop/fwd.ma Basic-2/getl/defs.ma
+Basic-1/subst1/fwd.ma Basic-1/subst0/props.ma Basic-1/subst1/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/subst1.ma Basic-2/ty3/subst1.mma
+Basic-2/pr2/defs.mma Basic-2/getl/defs.ma Basic-2/pr0/defs.ma
+Ground-2/theory.ma Ground-2/blt/props.ma Ground-2/ext/arith.ma Ground-2/ext/tactics.ma Ground-2/plist/props.ma Ground-2/types/props.ma
+Basic-1/preamble.ma Ground-1/theory.ma
+Basic-2/csuba/arity.ma Basic-2/csuba/arity.mma
+Basic-1/cimp/defs.ma Basic-1/getl/defs.ma
+Basic-2/nf2/lift1.mma Basic-1/nf2/lift1.ma Basic-2/drop1/fwd.ma Basic-2/nf2/props.ma
+Basic-1/ex2/defs.ma Basic-1/C/defs.ma
+Basic-2/r/props.ma Basic-2/r/props.mma
+Basic-1/csubst0/defs.ma Basic-1/C/defs.ma Basic-1/subst0/defs.ma
+Basic-2/ty3/arity.ma Basic-2/ty3/arity.mma
+Basic-2/sty1/cnt.mma Basic-1/sty1/cnt.ma Basic-2/cnt/props.ma Basic-2/sty1/props.ma
+Basic-2/csubv/clear.ma Basic-2/csubv/clear.mma
+Basic-2/fsubst0/defs.ma Basic-2/fsubst0/defs.mma
+Basic-2/C/defs.mma Basic-2/T/defs.ma
+Basic-2/csubc/props.ma Basic-2/csubc/props.mma
+Basic-2/cnt/defs.ma Basic-2/cnt/defs.mma
+Basic-2/arity/fwd.ma Basic-2/arity/fwd.mma
+Basic-2/pr1/defs.mma Basic-2/pr0/defs.ma
+Basic-1/clen/defs.ma Basic-1/C/defs.ma Basic-1/s/defs.ma
+Basic-2/arity/subst0.mma Basic-1/arity/subst0.ma Basic-2/arity/props.ma Basic-2/csubst0/getl.ma Basic-2/fsubst0/fwd.ma Basic-2/getl/getl.ma Basic-2/subst0/dec.ma Basic-2/subst0/fwd.ma