assert false (* TODO *)
| NCic.Meta _ -> assert false (* TODO *)
| NCic.Appl (he::_) -> classify_not_term status no_dep_prods context he
- | NCic.Rel _ -> `KindOrType
+ | NCic.Rel n ->
+ let rec find_sort typ =
+ match NCicReduction.whd status ~subst:[] context (NCicSubstitution.lift status n typ) with
+ NCic.Sort NCic.Prop -> `Proposition
+ | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type [`CProp,_]) -> `Proposition
+ | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type [`Type,_]) ->
+ (*CSC: we could be more precise distinguishing the user provided
+ minimal elements of the hierarchies and classify these
+ as `Kind *)
+ `KindOrType
+ | NCic.Sort (NCic.Type _) -> assert false (* ALGEBRAIC *)
+ | NCic.Prod (_,_,t) ->
+ (* we skipped arguments of applications, so here we need to skip
+ products *)
+ find_sort t
+ | _ -> assert false (* NOT A SORT *)
+ in
+ (match List.nth context (n-1) with
+ _,NCic.Decl typ -> find_sort typ
+ | _,NCic.Def _ -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *))
| NCic.Const (NReference.Ref (_,NReference.Decl) as ref) ->
let _,_,ty,_,_ = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_decl status ref in
(match classify_not_term status true [] ty with
let rec kind_of status ~metasenv context k =
match NCicReduction.whd status ~subst:[] context k with
- | NCic.Sort _ -> Type
+ | NCic.Sort NCic.Type _ -> Type
+ | NCic.Sort _ -> assert false (* NOT A KIND *)
| NCic.Prod (b,s,t) ->
(* CSC: non-invariant assumed here about "_" *)
(match classify status ~metasenv context s with
let rec glue_ctx_typ ctx typ =
match ctx with
| [] -> typ
- | Some (_,`OfType so)::ctx -> Arrow (so,glue_ctx_typ ctx typ)
- | Some (name,`OfKind so)::ctx -> Forall (name,so,glue_ctx_typ ctx typ)
- | None::ctx -> Skip (glue_ctx_typ ctx typ)
+ | Some (_,`OfType so)::ctx -> glue_ctx_typ ctx (Arrow (so,typ))
+ | Some (name,`OfKind so)::ctx -> glue_ctx_typ ctx (Forall (name,so,typ))
+ | None::ctx -> glue_ctx_typ ctx (Skip typ)
let rec split_typ_lambdas status n ~metasenv context typ =
(ReferenceMap.add ref ctx status#extraction_db),
Some (uri, TypeDeclaration res)
- | `KindOrType -> assert false (* TODO ??? *)
| `PropKind
| `Proposition -> status, None
- | `Type ->
+ | `Type
+ | `KindOrType (*???*) ->
let ty = typ_of status ~metasenv [] ty in
Some (uri, TermDeclaration (split_typ_prods [] ty))
let ty = typ_of status ~metasenv [] ty in
Some (uri, TermDefinition (split_typ_prods [] ty,
- term_of status ~metasenv [](* BAD! *) bo))
+ term_of status ~metasenv [] bo))
| `Term _ -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *))
NotInFOmega ->
| TermDefinition ((ctx,ty),bo) ->
let name = name_of_uri `FunctionName uri in
let namectx = namectx_of_ctx ctx in
- name ^ " :: " ^ pp_typ status [] (glue_ctx_typ ctx ty) ^ "\n" ^
+ name ^ " :: " ^ pp_typ status ["a";"b";"c"] (glue_ctx_typ ctx ty) ^ "\n" ^
name ^ " = " ^ pp_term status namectx bo
| LetRec _ -> assert false (* TODO
(* inductive and records missing *)*)