let dot_rex = Str.regexp "\\."
let spaces_rex = Str.regexp "[ \t\n\r]+"
let heading_spaces_rex = Str.regexp "^[ \t\n\r]+"
+let margin_blanks_rex =
+ Str.regexp "^\\([ \t\n\r]*\\)\\([^ \t\n\r]*\\)\\([ \t\n\r]*\\)$"
+let strip_blanks s = Str.global_replace margin_blanks_rex "\\2" s
let split s =
(* trailing blanks are removed per default by split *)
aux stack key)
- aux [] key
+ strip_blanks (aux [] key)
let set registry = set' registry
-open Pxp_dtd
-open Pxp_document
-open Pxp_types
-open Pxp_yacc
-let save_to =
- let dtd = new dtd PxpHelmConf.pxp_config.warner `Enc_utf8 in
- let dot_RE = Str.regexp "\\." in
- let create_key_node key value = (* create a <key name="foo">value</key> *)
- let element =
- create_element_node ~valcheck:false PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd
- "key" ["name", key]
- in
- let data = create_data_node PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd value in
- element#append_node data;
- element
+type xml_tree =
+ | Cdata of string
+ | Element of string * (string * string) list * xml_tree list
+let dot_RE = Str.regexp "\\."
+let xml_tree_of_registry registry =
+ let has_child name elements =
+ List.exists
+ (function
+ | Element (_, ["name", name'], _) when name = name' -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ elements
- let is_section name =
- fun node ->
- match node#node_type with
- | T_element "section" ->
- (try node#attribute "name" = Value name with Not_found -> false)
- | _ -> false
+ let rec get_child name = function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | (Element (_, ["name", name'], _) as child) :: tl when name = name' ->
+ child, tl
+ | hd :: tl ->
+ let child, rest = get_child name tl in
+ child, hd :: rest
- let add_key_node root sections key value =
- let rec aux node = function
- | [] ->
- let key_node = create_key_node key value in
- node#append_node key_node
- | section :: tl ->
- let next_node =
- try
- find ~deeply:false (is_section section) node
- with Not_found ->
- let section_node =
- create_element_node ~valcheck:false PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd
- "section" ["name", section]
- in
- node#append_node section_node;
- section_node
- in
- aux next_node tl
- in
- aux root sections
+ let rec add_key path value tree =
+ match path, tree with
+ | [key], Element (name, attrs, children) ->
+ Element (name, attrs,
+ Element ("key", ["name", key],
+ [Cdata (strip_blanks value)]) :: children)
+ | dir :: path, Element (name, attrs, children) ->
+ if has_child dir children then
+ let child, rest = get_child dir children in
+ Element (name, attrs, add_key path value child :: rest)
+ else
+ Element (name, attrs,
+ ((add_key path value (Element ("section", ["name", dir], [])))
+ :: children))
+ | _ -> assert false
- fun registry fname ->
- let xml_root =
- create_element_node ~valcheck:false PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd
- "helm_registry" []
- in
- Hashtbl.iter
- (fun key value ->
- let sections, key =
- let hd, tl =
- match List.rev (Str.split dot_RE key) with
- | hd :: tl -> hd, tl
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- List.rev tl, hd
- in
- add_key_node xml_root sections key value)
- registry;
- let outfile = open_out fname in
- Unix.lockf (Unix.descr_of_out_channel outfile) Unix.F_LOCK 0; (* blocks *)
- if
- Unix.system "xmllint --version &> /dev/null" = Unix.WEXITED 0
- then begin
- let (xmllint_in, xmllint_out) =
- Unix.open_process "xmllint --format --encode utf8 -"
- in
- xml_root#write (`Out_channel xmllint_out) `Enc_utf8;
- close_out xmllint_out;
- try
- while true do
- output_string outfile (input_line xmllint_in ^ "\n")
- done
- with End_of_file ->
- close_in xmllint_in;
- ignore (Unix.close_process (xmllint_in, xmllint_out))
- end else
- xml_root#write (`Out_channel outfile) `Enc_utf8;
- Unix.lockf (Unix.descr_of_out_channel outfile) Unix.F_ULOCK 0;
- close_out outfile
-let load_from_absolute =
- let config = PxpHelmConf.pxp_config in
- let entry = `Entry_document [ `Extend_dtd_fully; `Parse_xml_decl ] in
- let fold_key key_stack key =
- match key_stack with
- | [] -> key
- | _ -> String.concat "." key_stack ^ "." ^ key
+ Hashtbl.fold
+ (fun k v tree -> add_key ("helm_registry" :: (Str.split dot_RE k)) v tree)
+ registry
+ (Element ("helm_registry", [], []))
+let rec stream_of_xml_tree = function
+ | Cdata s -> Xml.xml_cdata s
+ | Element (name, attrs, children) ->
+ Xml.xml_nempty name
+ (List.map (fun (n, v) -> (None, n, v)) attrs)
+ (stream_of_xml_trees children)
+and stream_of_xml_trees = function
+ | [] -> [< >]
+ | hd :: tl -> [< stream_of_xml_tree hd; stream_of_xml_trees tl >]
+let save_to registry fname =
+ let token_stream = stream_of_xml_tree (xml_tree_of_registry registry) in
+ let oc = open_out fname in
+ Xml.pp_to_outchan token_stream oc;
+ close_out oc
+(* PXP version *)
+(*open Pxp_dtd*)
+(*open Pxp_document*)
+(*open Pxp_types*)
+(*open Pxp_yacc*)
+(*let save_to =*)
+(* let dtd = new dtd PxpHelmConf.pxp_config.warner `Enc_utf8 in*)
+(* let create_key_node key value = |+ create a <key name="foo">value</key> +|*)
+(* let element =*)
+(* create_element_node ~valcheck:false PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd*)
+(* "key" ["name", key]*)
+(* in*)
+(* let data = create_data_node PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd value in*)
+(* element#append_node data;*)
+(* element*)
+(* in*)
+(* let is_section name =*)
+(* fun node ->*)
+(* match node#node_type with*)
+(* | T_element "section" ->*)
+(* (try node#attribute "name" = Value name with Not_found -> false)*)
+(* | _ -> false*)
+(* in*)
+(* let add_key_node root sections key value =*)
+(* let rec aux node = function*)
+(* | [] ->*)
+(* let key_node = create_key_node key value in*)
+(* node#append_node key_node*)
+(* | section :: tl ->*)
+(* let next_node =*)
+(* try*)
+(* find ~deeply:false (is_section section) node*)
+(* with Not_found ->*)
+(* let section_node =*)
+(* create_element_node ~valcheck:false PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd*)
+(* "section" ["name", section]*)
+(* in*)
+(* node#append_node section_node;*)
+(* section_node*)
+(* in*)
+(* aux next_node tl*)
+(* in*)
+(* aux root sections*)
+(* in*)
+(* fun registry fname ->*)
+(* let xml_root =*)
+(* create_element_node ~valcheck:false PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec dtd*)
+(* "helm_registry" []*)
+(* in*)
+(* Hashtbl.iter*)
+(* (fun key value ->*)
+(* let sections, key =*)
+(* let hd, tl =*)
+(* match List.rev (Str.split dot_RE key) with*)
+(* | hd :: tl -> hd, tl*)
+(* | _ -> assert false*)
+(* in*)
+(* List.rev tl, hd*)
+(* in*)
+(* add_key_node xml_root sections key value)*)
+(* registry;*)
+(* let outfile = open_out fname in*)
+(* Unix.lockf (Unix.descr_of_out_channel outfile) Unix.F_LOCK 0; |+ blocks +|*)
+(* if*)
+(* Unix.system "xmllint --version &> /dev/null" = Unix.WEXITED 0*)
+(* then begin*)
+(* let (xmllint_in, xmllint_out) =*)
+(* Unix.open_process "xmllint --format --encode utf8 -"*)
+(* in*)
+(* xml_root#write (`Out_channel xmllint_out) `Enc_utf8;*)
+(* close_out xmllint_out;*)
+(* try*)
+(* while true do*)
+(* output_string outfile (input_line xmllint_in ^ "\n")*)
+(* done*)
+(* with End_of_file ->*)
+(* close_in xmllint_in;*)
+(* ignore (Unix.close_process (xmllint_in, xmllint_out))*)
+(* end else*)
+(* xml_root#write (`Out_channel outfile) `Enc_utf8;*)
+(* Unix.lockf (Unix.descr_of_out_channel outfile) Unix.F_ULOCK 0;*)
+(* close_out outfile*)
+(* PXP version *)
+(*let load_from_absolute =*)
+(* let config = PxpHelmConf.pxp_config in*)
+(* let entry = `Entry_document [ `Extend_dtd_fully; `Parse_xml_decl ] in*)
+(* let fold_key key_stack key =*)
+(* match key_stack with*)
+(* | [] -> key*)
+(* | _ -> String.concat "." key_stack ^ "." ^ key*)
+(* in*)
+(* fun registry fname ->*)
+(* debug_print ("Loading configuration from " ^ fname);*)
+(* let document =*)
+(* parse_wfdocument_entity config (from_file fname) PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec*)
+(* in*)
+(* let rec aux key_stack node =*)
+(* node#iter_nodes (fun n ->*)
+(* try*)
+(* (match n#node_type with*)
+(* | T_element "section" ->*)
+(* let section = n#required_string_attribute "name" in*)
+(* aux (key_stack @ [section]) n*)
+(* | T_element "key" ->*)
+(* let key = n#required_string_attribute "name" in*)
+(* let value = n#data in*)
+(* set registry ~key:(fold_key key_stack key) ~value*)
+(* | _ -> ())*)
+(* with exn ->*)
+(* let (fname, line, pos) = n#position in*)
+(* raise (Parse_error (fname, line, pos,*)
+(* "Uncaught exception: " ^ Printexc.to_string exn)))*)
+(* in*)
+(* let backup = backup_registry registry in*)
+(* Hashtbl.clear registry;*)
+(* try*)
+(* aux [] document#root*)
+(* with exn ->*)
+(* restore_registry backup registry;*)
+(* raise exn*)
+(* XmlPushParser version *)
+let load_from_absolute registry fname =
+ let path = ref [] in (* <section> elements entered so far *)
+ let in_key = ref false in (* have we entered a <key> element? *)
+ let push_path name = path := name :: !path in
+ let pop_path () = path := List.tl !path in
+ let start_element tag attrs =
+ match tag, attrs with
+ | "section", ["name", name] -> push_path name
+ | "key", ["name", name] -> in_key := true; push_path name
+ | "helm_registry", _ -> ()
+ | tag, _ ->
+ raise (Parse_error (fname, ~-1, ~-1,
+ (sprintf "unexpected element <%s> or wrong attribute set" tag)))
- fun registry fname ->
- debug_print ("Loading configuration from " ^ fname);
- let document =
- parse_wfdocument_entity config (from_file fname) PxpHelmConf.pxp_spec
- in
- let rec aux key_stack node =
- node#iter_nodes (fun n ->
- try
- (match n#node_type with
- | T_element "section" ->
- let section = n#required_string_attribute "name" in
- aux (key_stack @ [section]) n
- | T_element "key" ->
- let key = n#required_string_attribute "name" in
- let value = n#data in
- set registry ~key:(fold_key key_stack key) ~value
- | _ -> ())
- with exn ->
- let (fname, line, pos) = n#position in
- raise (Parse_error (fname, line, pos,
- "Uncaught exception: " ^ Printexc.to_string exn)))
- in
- let backup = backup_registry registry in
- Hashtbl.clear registry;
- try
- aux [] document#root
- with exn ->
- restore_registry backup registry;
- raise exn
+ let end_element tag =
+ match tag with
+ | "section" -> pop_path ()
+ | "key" -> in_key := false; pop_path ()
+ | "helm_registry" -> ()
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let character_data text =
+ if !in_key then
+ let key = String.concat "." (List.rev !path) in
+ let value =
+ if Hashtbl.mem registry key then
+ Hashtbl.find registry key ^ text
+ else
+ text
+ in
+ set registry ~key ~value
+ in
+ let callbacks = {
+ XmlPushParser.default_callbacks with
+ XmlPushParser.start_element = Some start_element;
+ XmlPushParser.end_element = Some end_element;
+ XmlPushParser.character_data = Some character_data;
+ } in
+ let xml_parser = XmlPushParser.create_parser callbacks in
+ let backup = backup_registry registry in
+ Hashtbl.clear registry;
+ try
+ XmlPushParser.parse xml_parser (`File fname)
+ with exn ->
+ restore_registry backup registry;
+ raise exn
let load_from registry ?path fname =
if Filename.is_relative fname then begin
end else
load_from_absolute registry fname
-let fold registry ?prefix f init =
+let fold registry ?prefix ?(interpolate = true) f init =
+ let value_of k v = if interpolate then get registry k else strip_blanks v in
match prefix with
- | None -> Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> f acc k v) registry init
+ | None -> Hashtbl.fold (fun k v acc -> f acc k (value_of k v)) registry init
| Some s ->
let key_matches = starts_with (s ^ ".") in
let rec fold_filter acc = function
| [] -> acc
- | (k,v) :: tl when key_matches k -> fold_filter (f acc k v) tl
+ | (k,v) :: tl when key_matches k ->
+ fold_filter (f acc k (value_of k v)) tl
| _ :: tl -> fold_filter acc tl
fold_filter init (hashtbl_pairs registry)
-let iter registry ?prefix f = fold registry ?prefix (fun _ k v -> f k v) ()
-let to_list registry ?prefix () =
- fold registry ?prefix (fun acc k v -> (k, v) :: acc) []
+let iter registry ?prefix ?interpolate f =
+ fold registry ?prefix ?interpolate (fun _ k v -> f k v) ()
+let to_list registry ?prefix ?interpolate () =
+ fold registry ?prefix ?interpolate (fun acc k v -> (k, v) :: acc) []
let ls registry prefix =
let prefix = prefix ^ "." in
method has = has _registry
method unset = unset _registry
method fold:
- 'a. ?prefix:string -> ('a -> string -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+ 'a.
+ ?prefix:string -> ?interpolate: bool ->
+ ('a -> string -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
- fold _registry
+ fun ?prefix ?interpolate f init ->
+ fold _registry ?prefix ?interpolate f init
method iter = iter _registry
method to_list = to_list _registry
method ls = ls _registry
let get = get default_registry
let set = set default_registry
let has = has default_registry
-let fold ?prefix f init = fold default_registry ?prefix f init
+let fold ?prefix ?interpolate f init =
+ fold default_registry ?prefix ?interpolate f init
let iter = iter default_registry
let to_list = to_list default_registry
let ls = ls default_registry