self#listTutors ();
subscribeWindow#subscribeWindow#show ()));
+ let get_selected_row_index () =
+ match mainWindow#hintsCList#selection#get_selected_rows with
+ [path] ->
+ (match GTree.Path.get_indices path with
+ [|n|] -> n
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
(* GUI: hints list *)
- ignore (mainWindow#hintsCList#selection#set_select_function
- (fun path already_selected ->
- let row =
-prerr_endline ("**** BEFORE CRASH: " ^ if already_selected then "yes" else "no") ;
- match GTree.Path.get_indices path with
- [|n|] -> n
- | _ -> assert false
- in
-prerr_endline ("**** AFTER CRASH: " ^ string_of_int row) ;
- (*CSC: there used to be an event whose type was checked against *)
- (*CSC: `TWO_BUTTON_PRESS. This is just a bad approximation. *)
- if already_selected then
- use_hint_callback (self#hint row)
- else
- describe_hint_callback (self#hint row) ;
- true)) ;
+ ignore (
+ let event_ops = new GObj.event_ops mainWindow#hintsCList#as_widget in
+ event_ops#connect#button_press
+ (fun event ->
+ if GdkEvent.get_type event = `TWO_BUTTON_PRESS then
+ use_hint_callback (self#hint (get_selected_row_index ())) ;
+ false));
+ ignore (mainWindow#hintsCList#selection#connect#changed
+ (fun () ->
+ describe_hint_callback (self#hint (get_selected_row_index ())))) ;
(* GUI: main status bar *)
let ctxt = mainWindow#mainWindowStatusBar#new_context "0" in