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+ <head>
+ <title>Project Objectives</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>Project Objectives</h1>
+ <p>The new frontier of Content Based Information Systems is the so called
+ ``Semantic Web'' (see
+ <a href="publications/others/w3c_bl98.html">others/w3c_bl98</a>).
+ Associating meaning with content or establishing a layer of machine
+ understandable data will allow automated agents, sophisticated search
+ engines and interoperable services and will enable higher degree
+ of automation and more intelligent applications. The ultimate goal of the
+ Semantic Web is to allow machines to share and exploit knowledge in the
+ Web way, i.e. without central authority, with few basic rules, in a
+ scalable, adaptable, extensible manner. However, the actual development
+ of the Semantic Web and its technologies has been hindered so far by the
+ lack of large scale, distributed repositories of structured, content
+ oriented information. The case of Mathematical knowledge, the most
+ rigorous and condensed form of knowledge, is paradigmatic. The World Wide
+ Web is already now the largest single resource of mathematical knowledge,
+ and its importance will be exponentiated by the emerging display
+ technologies like MathML. However, almost all mathematical documents
+ available on the Web are marked up only for presentation (in this respect,
+ current practice in MathML improves on, but does not fundamentally differ
+ from the older paper-oriented markup schemes like {\LaTeX} or Postscript).
+ A consequence of this is that the online material is machine-readable, but
+ not machine-understandable, severely crippling the possibility to offer
+ added-value services like</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Preservation of the real informative content in a highly structured and
+ machine understandable format, suitable for transformation, automatic
+ elaboration and processing.</li>
+ <li>Cut and paste on the level of computation (take the output from a Web
+ search engine and paste it into a computer algebra system).</li>
+ <li>Automatic proof checking of published proofs.</li>
+ <li>Semantical search for mathematical concepts (rather than keywords).</li>
+ <li>Classification: given a concrete mathematical structure, is there a
+ general theory for it?</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Due to its rich notational, logical and semantical structure, mathematical
+ knowledge is thus a main case study for the development of the new
+ generation of semantic Web systems. The aim of the proposed project is
+ both to help in this process, as well as pave the way towards a really
+ useful virtual, distributed, hyper-textual resource for the working
+ mathematician, scientist or engineer. All modern sciences have a
+ strongly mathematicised core, and will benefit. The real market and
+ application area for the techniques developed in this project, apart from
+ the obvious realm of education, lies with high-tech and engineering
+ corporations that rely on huge formula databases. Currently, both the
+ content markup as well as the added-value services alluded to above are
+ very underdeveloped, limiting the usefulness of the vital knowledge. The
+ infrastructure and knowhow needed for mining this information treasure
+ and obtaining a competitive edge in development is exactly what we are
+ attempting to develop in our project.</p>
+ <p>Several languages have been already proposed for the management of
+ mathematical information on the Web, both for publishing, communication
+ and archiving purposes: most notably,
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/MathML2/">MathML</a>,
+ <a href="http://www.nag.co.uk/projects/openmath/omsoc/">OpenMath</a>,
+ <a href="http://www.mathweb.org/omdoc/">OMDoc</a>. Other languages
+ must be also considered for definition and specification of Metadata,
+ such as the <a href="http://purl.org/dc/">Dublin Core</a> System, or
+ the Resource Description Framework
+ [<a href="http://www.w3.org/RDF/">RDF</a>].
+ All these languages, which tend to cover different and orthogonal aspects
+ of the management of mathematical documents, must be eventually taken into
+ account for the ambitious goal of our project. One of our aims is actually
+ the definition of a modular architecture which could exploit the
+ distinctive potentialities of each one of these languages, integrating
+ them into a single application. The integration is in this case
+ facilitated by the fact that all the languages mentioned are particular
+ instances of XML, providing the opportunity to use standard XML
+ technology, and in particular XSL Transformations or
+ stylesheets [<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt">XSLT</a>], to pass from
+ one language to the other.</p>
+ <img border="0" alt="Architecture" src="./../images/arch.gif" />
+ <p>The fact of encoding also the microscopic, logical level of mathematics
+ opens the possibility to have completely formalised subsystems of the
+ library, which could be checked automatically by standard tools for the
+ automation of formal reasoning and the mechanisation of mathematics
+ (proof assistants and logical frameworks, see
+ <a href="publications/others/cup_hp91.html">others/cup_hp91</a> and
+ <a href="publications/others/cup_hp93.html">others/cup_hp93</a>). At
+ the same time, any of these tools could be used as an authoring system for
+ documents of the library, by simply exporting their internal libraries
+ into XML, and using stylesheets to transform the output into a standard,
+ machine-understandable representation, such as MathML content markup or
+ OpenMath.</p>
+ <p>The precise formal content can still be preserved by the machinery of
+ <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/">Xlinks</a>. Moreover, stylesheets
+ can be also used to solve the annoying notational problem that usually
+ afflicts formal mathematics, providing a simple way for adding
+ user-defined styles and notations.</p>
+ <p>So, our approach leads to a natural integration of proof assistant tools
+ and the Web. In this integration, the emphasis is just on ``content'':
+ we do not try to link directly the specific applications to the Web,
+ that would be a major mistake, for obvious modularity reasons. On the
+ contrary, we adopt XML as a neutral specification language, and then we
+ merely work on XML-documents, forgetting the underlying application. In
+ this way, similar software tools can be applied to different logical
+ dialects, regardless of their concrete nature. Moreover, if having a
+ common representation layer is not the ultimate solution to all
+ inter-operability problems between different applications, it is
+ however a first and essential step in this direction. Finally, this
+ ``standardisation'' process should naturally lead to a substantial
+ simplification and re-organisation of the current, ``monolithic''
+ architecture of logical frameworks. All the many different and often
+ loosely connected functionalities of these complex programs (proof
+ checking, editing, search and consulting, program extraction, and so on)
+ could be clearly split in more or less autonomous tasks, and could be
+ developed by different teams, in totally different languages. This is
+ the new, ``content-based'' architectural design of future systems.</p>
+ </body>