delift_to_subst test_eq_only n lc (attrs,cc,ty) t context metasenv
- | kind, ty, NCic.Meta(m,lcm), _ when List.mem_assoc m subst ->
- let at,ccm,bo,tym = NCicUtils.lookup_subst m subst in
- if NCicMetaSubst.is_out_scope_tag at then
- begin
- (* Case meta vs out-scope *)
- pp(lazy("4.1"));
- let ty_t, ccm, kindm =
- NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lcm tym, ccm,
- NCicUntrusted.kind_of_meta at in
- let lty = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lc ty in
- pp (lazy ("On the types: " ^
- ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context lty ^ "=<=" ^
- ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context ty_t));
- let metasenv, subst =
- unify rdb false metasenv subst context ty_t lty in
- (*CSC: here I should call kindfy, but it fails since the second
- meta in in the susbt, not the metasenv! *)
- (* let metasenv,subst,t = kindfy exc metasenv subst ccm m lcm ty_t kindm kind in *)
- delift_to_subst test_eq_only n lc attrs cc t ty context metasenv subst
- end
- else
- let bo = NCicSubstitution.subst_meta lcm bo in
- instantiate rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc bo swap
(*D*) in outside None; rc with exn -> outside (Some exn); raise exn
and unify rdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2 =