<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<page xmlns="http://lambdadelta.info/"
- description = "applications of \lambda\delta version 2"
- title = "applications of \lambda\delta version 2"
+ description = "\lambda\delta home page"
+ title = "\lambda\delta home page"
head = "cic:/matita/lambdadelta/apps_2/ (applications of λδ version 2)"
- <section>Contents of the Specification</section>
+ <sitemap name="sitemap"/>
+ <section4 name="contents">Contents of the Specification</section4>
<body>This specification comprises a collection of checked
applications of λδ version 2.
In particular it contains the components below.
<rlink to="implementation.html#helena">Helena 0.8</rlink>.
- <section>Summary of the Specification</section>
+ <section4 name="summary">Summary of the Specification</section4>
<body>Here is a numerical acount of the specification's contents
and its timeline.
The MLTT1 component is started.
- <section>Logical Structure of the Specification</section>
- <body>The source files are grouped in planes and components
- according to the following table.
- Each component contains its own notation file.
- The notation for the relations or functions introduced in each file
- is shown in parentheses (? are placeholders).
+ <section4 name="structure">Logical Structure of the Specification</section4>
+ <body>This table reports the specification's components and their planes.
<table name="apps_2_src"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<page xmlns="http://lambdadelta.info/"
- description = "\lambda\delta version 2"
- title = "\lambda\delta version 2"
- head = "cic:/matita/lambdadelta/basic_2/ (λδ version 2)"
+ description = "\lambda\delta home page"
+ title = "\lambda\delta home page"
+ head = "cic:/matita/lambdadelta/basic_2/ (core λδ version 2)"
+ <sitemap name="sitemap"/>
<section>System's Syntax and Behavior</section>
<body>This is a summary of the "block structure"
- <section>Summary of the Specification</section>
+ <section4 name="summary">Summary of the Specification</section4>
<body>Here is a numerical acount of the specification's contents
and its timeline.
<table name="basic_2_sum"/>
- <subsection>Stage "B"</subsection>
+ <subsection name="B">Stage "B"</subsection>
<news class="alpha" date="Ongoing.">
Context-sensitive subject equivalence
for native type assignment.
- <subsection>Stage "A": "Weakening the Applicability Condition"</subsection>
+ <subsection name="A">Stage "A": "Extending the Applicability Condition"</subsection>
+ <news class="gamma" date="2014 October 28.">
+ λδ version 2A is released.
+ </news>
<news class="beta" date="2014 September 9.">
Iterated static type assignment defined (more elegantly)
as a primitive notion.
Specification starts.
- <section>Logical Structure of the Specification</section>
- <body>The source files are grouped in planes and components
- according to the following table.
- Notation files covering the whole specification are provided.
- The notation for the relations or functions introduced in each file
- is shown in parentheses (? are placeholders).
+ <section4 name="structure">Logical Structure of the Specification</section4>
+ <body>This table reports the specification's components and their planes.
<table name="basic_2_src"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<page xmlns="http://lambdadelta.info/"
- description = "background for \lambda\delta version 2"
- title = "background for \lambda\delta version 2"
+ description = "\lambda\delta home page"
+ title = "\lambda\delta home page"
head = "cic:/matita/lambdadelta/ground_2/ (background for λδ version 2)"
- <section>Summary of the Specification</section>
+ <sitemap name="sitemap"/>
+ <section4 name="summary">Summary of the Specification</section4>
<body>Here is a numerical acount of the specification's contents
and its timeline.
- Nodes are counted according to the "intrinsinc complexity measure"
- [F. Guidi: "Procedural Representation of CIC Proof Terms"
- Journal of Automated Reasoning 44(1-2), Springer (February 2010),
- pp. 53-78].
<table name="ground_2_sum"/>
<news class="alpha" date="2013 November 27.">
Specification starts.
- <section>Logical Structure of the Specification</section>
- <body>The source files are grouped in planes
- according to the following table.
- Notation files covering the whole specification are provided.
- The notation for the relations or functions introduced in each file
- is shown in parentheses (? are placeholders).
+ <section4 name="structure">Logical Structure of the Specification</section4>
+ <body>This table reports the specification's components and their planes.
<table name="ground_2_src"/>
table {
class "gray"
- [ { "plane" * } {
- [ "files" * ]
+ [ { "component" * } {
+ [ { "plane" * } {
+ [ "files" * ]
+ }
+ ]
class "yellow"
[ { "natural numbers with infinity" * } {
- [ "ynat ( ∞ )" "ynat_pred ( ⫰? )" "ynat_succ ( ⫯? )"
- "ynat_le ( ?≤? )" "ynat_lt ( ?<? )"
- "ynat_minus ( ? - ? )" "ynat_plus ( ? + ? )"
- "ynat_max" "ynat_min" * ]
+ [ { "" * } {
+ [ "ynat ( ∞ )" "ynat_pred ( ⫰? )" "ynat_succ ( ⫯? )"
+ "ynat_le ( ? ≤ ? )" "ynat_lt ( ? < ? )"
+ "ynat_minus ( ? - ? )" "ynat_plus ( ? + ? )"
+ "ynat_max" "ynat_min" *
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
class "orange"
[ { "extensions to the library" * } {
- [ "arith.ma ( ?^? )" * ]
+ [ { "" * } {
+ [ "star" "lstar" "bool ( Ⓕ ) ( Ⓣ )" "arith ( ?^? )"
+ "list ( ◊ ) ( ? @ ? ) ( {?,?} @ ? ) ( ? @@ ? ) ( |?| )" *
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
class "red"
[ { "generated logical decomposables" * } {
- [ "xoa ( ∃∃ ) ( ∨∨ ) ( ∧∧ )" "xoa_props ( ⊥ ) ( ⊤ )" * ]
+ [ { "" * } {
+ [ "xoa ( ∃∃ ) ( ∨∨ ) ( ∧∧ )" "xoa_props ( ⊥ ) ( ⊤ )" * ]
+ }
+ ]
-class "top" { * }
+class "top" { * }
-class "italic" { 0 }
+class "capitalize italic" { 0 }
+class "italic" { 1 }