object (self)
inherit ThreadSafe.threadSafe
+ (* <DEBUGGING> *)
+ method private doCritical: 'a. 'a lazy_t -> 'a = fun act -> Lazy.force act
+ method private doWriter: 'a. 'a lazy_t -> 'a = fun act -> Lazy.force act
+ method private doReader: 'a. 'a lazy_t -> 'a = fun act -> Lazy.force act
+ (* </DEBUGGING> *)
val timetable: (client_id, float) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
val urls: (client_id, string) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
object (self)
inherit ThreadSafe.threadSafe
+ (* <DEBUGGING> *)
+ method private doCritical: 'a. 'a lazy_t -> 'a = fun act -> Lazy.force act
+ method private doWriter: 'a. 'a lazy_t -> 'a = fun act -> Lazy.force act
+ method private doReader: 'a. 'a lazy_t -> 'a = fun act -> Lazy.force act
+ (* </DEBUGGING> *)
val timetable: (tutor_id, float) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
val tbl: (tutor_id, string * hint_type * string) Hashtbl.t =
object (self)
inherit ThreadSafe.threadSafe
+ (* <DEBUGGING> *)
+ method private doCritical: 'a. 'a lazy_t -> 'a = fun act -> Lazy.force act
+ method private doWriter: 'a. 'a lazy_t -> 'a = fun act -> Lazy.force act
+ method private doReader: 'a. 'a lazy_t -> 'a = fun act -> Lazy.force act
+ (* </DEBUGGING> *)
val timetable: (musing_id, float) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
val musings: (musing_id, client_id * tutor_id) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
- val clients: (client_id, musing_id) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
- val tutors: (tutor_id, musing_id) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
+ val clients: (client_id, musing_id list) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
+ val tutors: (tutor_id, musing_id list) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
(** INVARIANT: each registered musing <musing_id, client_id, tutor_id> has
- an entry in 'musings' table, an entry in 'clients' table and an entry in
- 'tutors' table *)
+ an entry in 'musings' table, an entry in 'clients' (i.e. one of the
+ musings for client_id is musing_id) table, an entry in 'tutors' table
+ (i.e. one of the musings for tutor_id is musing_id) and an entry in
+ 'timetable' table *)
method register musing_id client_id tutor_id = self#doWriter (lazy (
if Hashtbl.mem musings musing_id then
raise (Musing_already_in musing_id)
else begin
Hashtbl.add musings musing_id (client_id, tutor_id);
- Hashtbl.add clients client_id musing_id;
- Hashtbl.add tutors tutor_id musing_id;
+ (* now add this musing as the first one of musings list for client and
+ tutor *)
+ Hashtbl.replace clients client_id
+ (musing_id ::
+ (try Hashtbl.find clients client_id with Not_found -> []));
+ Hashtbl.replace tutors tutor_id
+ (musing_id ::
+ (try Hashtbl.find tutors tutor_id with Not_found -> []));
Hashtbl.add timetable musing_id (Unix.time ())
method private remove id =
+ (* ASSUMPTION: this method is invoked under a 'writer' lock *)
+ let (client_id, tutor_id) = self#getByMusingId' id in
Hashtbl.remove musings id;
- hashtbl_remove_all clients id;
- hashtbl_remove_all tutors id;
+ (* now remove this musing from the list of musings for client and tutor
+ *)
+ Hashtbl.replace clients client_id
+ (List.filter ((<>) id)
+ (try Hashtbl.find clients client_id with Not_found -> []));
+ Hashtbl.replace tutors tutor_id
+ (List.filter ((<>) id)
+ (try Hashtbl.find tutors tutor_id with Not_found -> []));
Hashtbl.remove timetable id
method unregister id = self#doWriter (lazy (
if Hashtbl.mem musings id then
self#remove id
- method getByMusingId id = self#doReader (lazy (
+ method private getByMusingId' id =
+ (* ASSUMPTION: this method is invoked under a 'reader' lock *)
Hashtbl.find musings id
with Not_found -> raise (Musing_not_found id)
+ method getByMusingId id = self#doReader (lazy (
+ self#getByMusingId' id
method getByClientId id = self#doReader (lazy (
- Hashtbl.find_all clients id
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find clients id
+ with Not_found -> []
method getByTutorId id = self#doReader (lazy (
- Hashtbl.find_all tutors id
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find tutors id
+ with Not_found -> []
+ ))
+ method isActive id = self#doReader (lazy (
+ Hashtbl.mem musings id
method dump = self#doReader (lazy (