(* $Id: nCicReduction.ml 8250 2008-03-25 17:56:20Z tassi $ *)
+(* web interface stuff *)
+let logger =
+ ref (function (`Start_type_checking _|`Type_checking_completed _) -> ())
+let set_logger f = logger := f;;
exception TypeCheckerFailure of string Lazy.t
exception AssertFailure of string Lazy.t
returns_a_coinductive ~subst ((n,C.Decl so)::context) de
| _ -> None
-and type_of_constant ref = assert false (* USARE typecheck_obj0 *)
-(* ALIAS typecheck *)
- let cobj,ugraph1 =
- match CicEnvironment.is_type_checked ~trust:true ugraph uri with
- CicEnvironment.CheckedObj (cobj,ugraph') -> cobj,ugraph'
- | CicEnvironment.UncheckedObj uobj ->
+and type_of_constant ref =
+assert false (*
+ let cobj =
+ match E.get_obj uri with
+ | true, cobj -> cobj
+ | false, uobj ->
logger#log (`Start_type_checking uri) ;
let ugraph1_dust =
typecheck_obj0 ~logger uri CicUniv.empty_ugraph uobj in