let canonical t context menv =
+ let remove_cycles t =
+ let is_transitive =
+ function
+ Cic.Appl (Cic.Const (uri_trans,_)::_)
+ when LibraryObjects.is_trans_eq_URI uri_trans ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false in
+ let rec collect =
+ function
+ Cic.Appl (Cic.Const (uri_trans,ens)::tl)
+ when LibraryObjects.is_trans_eq_URI uri_trans ->
+ let ty,l,m,r,p1,p2 = open_trans ens tl in
+ (if is_transitive p1 then fst (collect p1) else [l,p1]) @
+ (if is_transitive p2 then fst (collect p2) else [m,p2]),
+ (r, uri_trans, ty)
+ | t -> assert false in
+ let rec cut_to_last_duplicate l acc =
+ function
+ [] -> List.rev acc
+ | (l',p)::tl when l=l' ->
+if acc <> [] then
+prerr_endline ("!!! RISPARMIO " ^ string_of_int (List.length acc) ^ " PASSI");
+ cut_to_last_duplicate l [l',p] tl
+ | (l',p)::tl ->
+ cut_to_last_duplicate l ((l',p)::acc) tl
+ in
+ let rec rebuild =
+ function
+ (l,_)::_::_ as steps, ((r,uri_trans,ty) as last) ->
+ (match cut_to_last_duplicate l [] steps with
+ (l,p1)::((m,_)::_::_ as tl) ->
+ mk_trans uri_trans ty l m r p1 (rebuild (tl,last))
+ | [l,p1 ; m,p2] -> mk_trans uri_trans ty l m r p1 p2
+ | [l,p1] -> p1
+ | [] -> assert false)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ if is_transitive t then
+ rebuild (collect t)
+ else
+ t
+ in
let rec remove_refl t =
match t with
| Cic.Appl (((Cic.Const(uri_trans,ens))::tl) as args)
| Cic.Appl l -> Cic.Appl (List.map (canonical context) l)
| _ -> t
- remove_refl (canonical context t)
+ remove_cycles (remove_refl (canonical context t))
let compose_contexts ctx1 ctx2 =