exception ThereDoesNotExistAnyWellTypedInterpretationOfTheInput;;
exception AmbiguousInput;;
+type test_result =
+ Ok of Cic.term * Cic.metasenv
+ | Ko
+ | Uncertain
let disambiguate_input context metasenv dom mk_metasenv_and_expr =
let known_ids,resolve_id = !id_to_uris in
let dom' =
(* for each id in dom' we get the list of uris associated to it *)
let list_of_uris = List.map locate_one_id dom' in
- (* and now we compute the list of all possible assignments from id to uris *)
+ let tests_no =
+ List.fold_left (fun i uris -> i * List.length uris) 1 list_of_uris
+ in
+ if tests_no > 1 then
+ output_html (outputhtml ())
+ ("<h1>Disambiguation phase started: " ^
+ string_of_int tests_no ^ " cases will be tried.") ;
+ (* and now we compute the list of all possible assignments from *)
+ (* id to uris that generate well-typed terms *)
let resolve_ids =
- let rec aux ids list_of_uris =
+ (* function to test if a partial interpretation is so far correct *)
+ let test resolve_id residual_dom =
+ (* We put implicits in place of every identifier that is not *)
+ (* resolved by resolve_id *)
+ let resolve_id'' =
+ let resolve_id' =
+ function id ->
+ match resolve_id id with
+ None -> None
+ | Some uri -> Some (CicTextualParser0.Uri uri)
+ in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun f id ->
+ function id' ->
+ if id = id' then Some (CicTextualParser0.Implicit) else f id'
+ ) resolve_id' residual_dom
+ in
+ (* and we try to refine the term *)
+ let saved_status = !CicTextualParser0.metasenv in
+ let metasenv',expr = mk_metasenv_and_expr resolve_id'' in
+(*CSC: Bug here: we do not try to typecheck also the metasenv' *)
+ (* The parser is imperative ==> we must restore the old status ;-(( *)
+ CicTextualParser0.metasenv := saved_status ;
+ try
+ let term,_,_,metasenv'' =
+ CicRefine.type_of_aux' metasenv' context expr
+ in
+ Ok (term,metasenv'')
+ with
+ CicRefine.MutCaseFixAndCofixRefineNotImplemented ->
+ (try
+ let term = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv' context expr in
+ Ok (term,metasenv')
+ with _ -> Ko
+ )
+ | CicRefine.Uncertain _ ->
+prerr_endline ("%%% UNCERTAIN!!! " ^ CicPp.ppterm expr) ;
+ Uncertain
+ | _ ->
+prerr_endline ("%%% PRUNED!!! " ^ CicPp.ppterm expr) ;
+ Ko
+ in
+ let rec aux resolve_id ids list_of_uris =
match ids,list_of_uris with
- [],[] -> [resolve_id]
+ [],[] ->
+ (match test resolve_id [] with
+ Ok (term,metasenv) -> [resolve_id,term,metasenv]
+ | Ko | Uncertain -> [])
| id::idtl,uris::uristl ->
- let resolves = aux idtl uristl in
- List.concat
- (List.map
- (function uri ->
- List.map
- (function f ->
- function id' -> if id = id' then Some uri else f id'
- ) resolves
- ) uris
- )
+ let rec filter =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | uri::uritl ->
+ let resolve_id' =
+ function id' -> if id = id' then Some uri else resolve_id id'
+ in
+ (match test resolve_id' idtl with
+ Ok (term,metasenv) ->
+ (* the next three ``if''s are used to avoid the base *)
+ (* case where the term would be refined a second time. *)
+ (if uristl = [] then
+ [resolve_id',term,metasenv]
+ else
+ (aux resolve_id' idtl uristl)
+ ) @ (filter uritl)
+ | Uncertain ->
+ (if uristl = [] then []
+ else
+ (aux resolve_id' idtl uristl)
+ ) @ (filter uritl)
+ | Ko ->
+ filter uritl
+ )
+ in
+ filter uris
| _,_ -> assert false
- aux dom' list_of_uris
+ aux resolve_id dom' list_of_uris
- let tests_no = List.length resolve_ids in
- if tests_no > 1 then
- output_html (outputhtml ())
- ("<h1>Disambiguation phase started: " ^
- string_of_int (List.length resolve_ids) ^ " cases will be tried.") ;
- (* now we select only the ones that generates well-typed terms *)
- let resolve_ids' =
- let rec filter =
- function
- [] -> []
- | resolve::tl ->
- let metasenv',expr = mk_metasenv_and_expr resolve in
- try
-(*CSC: Bug here: we do not try to typecheck also the metasenv' *)
- let term,_,_,metasenv'' =
- CicRefine.type_of_aux' metasenv' context expr
- in
- (* If metasen <> metasenv'' is a normal condition, we should *)
- (* be prepared to apply the returned substitution to the *)
- (* whole current proof. *)
- if metasenv <> metasenv'' then
- begin
- prerr_endline
- ("+++++ ASSERTION FAILED: " ^
- "a refine operation should not modify the metasenv") ;
- (* an assert would raise an exception that could be caught *)
- exit 1
- end ;
- (resolve,term,metasenv'')::(filter tl)
- with
- CicRefine.MutCaseFixAndCofixRefineNotImplemented ->
- (try
- let term = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv' context expr in
- (resolve,term,metasenv')::(filter tl)
- with _ -> filter tl
- )
- | _ -> filter tl
- in
- filter resolve_ids
+ List.iter
+ (function (resolve,term,newmetasenv) ->
+ (* If metasen <> newmetasenv is a normal condition, we should *)
+ (* be prepared to apply the returned substitution to the *)
+ (* whole current proof. *)
+ if metasenv <> newmetasenv then
+ begin
+ prerr_endline
+ ("+++++ ASSERTION FAILED: " ^
+ "a refine operation should not modify the metasenv") ;
+ (* an assert would raise an exception that could be caught *)
+ exit 1
+ end
+ ) resolve_ids ;
+ let resolve_id',term,metasenv' =
+ match resolve_ids with
+ [] -> raise ThereDoesNotExistAnyWellTypedInterpretationOfTheInput
+ | [resolve_id] -> resolve_id
+ | _ ->
+ let choices =
+ List.map
+ (function (resolve,_,_) ->
+ List.map
+ (function id ->
+ id,
+ match resolve id with
+ None -> assert false
+ | Some uri ->
+ match uri with
+ CicTextualParser0.ConUri uri
+ | CicTextualParser0.VarUri uri ->
+ UriManager.string_of_uri uri
+ | CicTextualParser0.IndTyUri (uri,tyno) ->
+ UriManager.string_of_uri uri ^ "#xpointer(1/" ^
+ string_of_int (tyno+1) ^ ")"
+ | CicTextualParser0.IndConUri (uri,tyno,consno) ->
+ UriManager.string_of_uri uri ^ "#xpointer(1/" ^
+ string_of_int (tyno+1) ^ "/" ^ string_of_int consno ^ ")"
+ ) dom
+ ) resolve_ids
+ in
+ let index = interactive_interpretation_choice choices in
+ List.nth resolve_ids index
- let resolve_id',term,metasenv' =
- match resolve_ids' with
- [] -> raise ThereDoesNotExistAnyWellTypedInterpretationOfTheInput
- | [resolve_id] -> resolve_id
- | _ ->
- let choices =
- List.map
- (function (resolve,_,_) ->
- List.map
- (function id ->
- id,
- match resolve id with
- None -> assert false
- | Some uri ->
- match uri with
- CicTextualParser0.ConUri uri
- | CicTextualParser0.VarUri uri ->
- UriManager.string_of_uri uri
- | CicTextualParser0.IndTyUri (uri,tyno) ->
- UriManager.string_of_uri uri ^ "#xpointer(1/" ^
- string_of_int (tyno+1) ^ ")"
- | CicTextualParser0.IndConUri (uri,tyno,consno) ->
- UriManager.string_of_uri uri ^ "#xpointer(1/" ^
- string_of_int (tyno+1) ^ "/" ^ string_of_int consno ^ ")"
- ) dom
- ) resolve_ids'
- in
- let index = interactive_interpretation_choice choices in
- List.nth resolve_ids' index
- in
- id_to_uris := known_ids @ dom', resolve_id' ;
- metasenv',term
+ id_to_uris := known_ids @ dom', resolve_id' ;
+ metasenv',term