"select h_occurrence from refObj where source='"^uri^
"' and (h_position="^main_hypothesis^" or h_position="^in_hypothesis^
"or h_position="^main_conclusion^" or h_position="^in_conclusion^")" in
- prerr_endline ("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"^query);
+(* prerr_endline ("$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"^query);*)
let result = Mysql.exec conn query in
(* now we transform the result in a set *)
let f a =
const, the set of the costants of the proof *)
let filter_new_constants (conn:Mysql.dbd) const (_,uri) =
let hyp = hyp_const conn uri in
- prerr_endline (NewConstraints.pp_StringSet hyp);
+ (* prerr_endline (NewConstraints.pp_StringSet hyp);*)
NewConstraints.StringSet.subset hyp const
[] -> []
|_ ->
let must = choose_must list_of_must only in
- prerr_endline "123";
let result =
I.execute mqi_handle
(Some CGMatchConclusion.universe)
(must,[],[]) (Some only,None,None)) in
- prerr_endline "456";
let uris =
(function uri,_ ->
not (suffix = ".var") in
let uris = List.filter isvar uris in
(* delete all not "cic:/Coq" uris *)
+ (*
let uris =
(* TODO ristretto per ragioni di efficienza *)
- List.filter (fun _,uri -> Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^cic:/Coq/" uri) uris in
+ List.filter (fun _,uri -> Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^cic:/Coq/" uri) uris in
+ *)
+ (*
+ let uris =
+ List.filter (fun _,uri -> not (Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^cic:/Coq/ring" uri)) uris in
+ *)
(* concl_cost are the costants in the conclusion of the proof
while hyp_const are the constants in the hypothesis *)
let (_,concl_const) = NewConstraints.constants_of ty in
Some (ey, ty) ->
prerr_endline ("CURRENT GOAL = " ^ (CicPp.ppterm ty));
prerr_endline ("CURRENT HYP = " ^ (fst (print_context ey)));
- (*
- let time1 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
- let _, all_paths = NewConstraints.prefixes 5 ty in
- let time2 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
- prerr_endline
- (Printf.sprintf "TEMPO DI CALCOLO = %1.3f" (time2 -. time1) );
- prerr_endline
- ("ALL PATHS: n = " ^ string_of_int
- (List.length all_paths));
- prerr_endline (NewConstraints.pp_prefixes all_paths);
- *)
- (* if the goal does not have a sort Prop we return the
+ (* if the goal does not have a sort Prop we return the
current proof and a list containing the goal *)
let ty_sort = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv ey ty in
if CicReduction.are_convertible
Some (ey, ty)
with _ -> None) in
match meta_inf with
- Some _ ->
+ Some (ey, ty) ->
+ prerr_endline ("CURRENT GOAL = " ^ (CicPp.ppterm ty));
+ prerr_endline ("CURRENT HYP = " ^ (fst (print_context ey)));
let local_choices =
search_theorems_in_context proof goal (depth-1) gtl in
proof goal (depth-1) gtl in
let all_choices =
local_choices@global_choices@tl in
- let reorder = all_choices in
+ let sorting_list (_,g1) (_,g2) =
+ let l1 = List.length g1 in
+ let l2 = List.length g2 in
+ if (l1 = l2 && not(l1 = 0)) then
+ (snd(List.nth g2 0)) - (snd(List.nth g1 0))
+ else l1 - l2 in
+ let reorder =
+ List.stable_sort sorting_list all_choices
+ in
auto_new mqi_handle reorder
| None -> auto_new mqi_handle ((proof,gtl)::tl)