helena.opt : 01.14 to 01.18 (optimized, 2nd run) ages => 904871 beta-steps
helena.byte: 08.73 to 08.77 (optimized, 2nd run) ages
+helena.opt : 00.44 to 00.52 (optimized, 1st run) ages (just validation)
+helena.opt : 00.50 to 00.53 (optimized, 2st run) ages (just validation)
+helena.byte: 05.33 to 05.40 (optimized, 1st run) ages (just validation)
+helena.byte: 05.54 to 05.58 (optimized, 2nd run) ages (just validation)
helena.opt : 01.50 to 01.54 (optimized, 2nd run) no ages => 1423268 beta-steps
coqtop.opt : 24.26 to 24.43 no ages
coqtop.byte: 94.18 to 95.78 no ages
+coqtop.opt : 14.91 to 15.79 no ages (just validation)
+coqtop.byte: 51.63 to 53.76 no ages (just validation)
+coqtop.opt : 29.55 to 31.33 no ages, typed definitions
coqtop.opt : 27.73 to 28.07 ages
coqtop.opt : 28.64 to 28.83 reversed ages
let uris = ref []
+let chunk = ref 0
+let sub_och = ref stdout
let top_age = 7000
-let size = 16
+let size = 250
let base = "lp"
let ext_lp = ".elpi"
let ext_tj = ".mod"
+let ext_tj_sig = ".sig"
let reserved = ["pi"; "sigma"; "nil"; "delay"; "in"; "with"; "resume"; "context"]
(* teyjus variant 2 *************************************************)
+let append_out name =
+ open_out_gen [Open_append; Open_creat; Open_text] 0o666 name
+let sub_close () = if !sub_och <> stdout then close_out !sub_och
+let mk_name chunk =
+ let dir = KF.concat !G.manager_dir base in
+ let name = KP.sprintf "grundlagen%02u" chunk in
+ dir, name
let output_entity_tj2 och st (_, na, u, b) =
if na.E.n_apix <= !G.last then begin
- out_comment och (KP.sprintf "constant %u" na.E.n_apix);
+ if pred na.E.n_apix mod size = 0 then begin
+ sub_close ();
+ incr chunk;
+ let dir, name = mk_name !chunk in
+ let soch = open_out (KF.concat dir name ^ ext_tj_sig) in
+ out_preamble soch;
+ out_top_comment soch (KP.sprintf "This file was generated by %s: do not edit" G.version_string);
+ out_clause soch (KP.sprintf "sig %s." name);
+ out_clause soch "accum_sig grundlagen.";
+ out_clause soch (KP.sprintf "type line+%02u t -> int -> t -> o." !chunk);
+ close_out soch;
+ let soch = open_out (KF.concat dir name ^ ext_tj) in
+ out_preamble soch;
+ out_top_comment soch (KP.sprintf "This file was generated by %s: do not edit" G.version_string);
+ out_clause soch (KP.sprintf "module %s." name);
+ sub_och := soch
+ end;
+ out_comment !sub_och (KP.sprintf "constant %u" na.E.n_apix);
match b with
| E.Abbr v ->
- KP.fprintf och "g+line %a %u\n %a\n.\n\n"
- out_uri u (top_age - na.E.n_apix) (out_term st B.empty) v;
+ KP.fprintf !sub_och "line+%02u %a %u\n %a\n.\n\n"
+ !chunk out_uri u (top_age - na.E.n_apix) (out_term st B.empty) v;
uris := (true, u) :: !uris; !ok
| E.Abst w ->
- KP.fprintf och "g+line %a %u\n %a\n.\n\n"
- out_uri u (top_age - na.E.n_apix) (out_term st B.empty) w;
+ KP.fprintf !sub_och "line+%02u %a %u\n %a\n.\n\n"
+ !chunk out_uri u (top_age - na.E.n_apix) (out_term st B.empty) w;
uris := (false, u) :: !uris; !ok
| E.Void -> C.err ()
end else !ok
let close_out_tj2 och () =
- let out_name (b, u) =
+ let out_name och (b, u) =
let gde = if b then "gdef+2" else "gdec+2" in
KP.fprintf och "(%s %a\n" gde out_uri u
let rec out_pars och p =
if p > 0 then begin KP.fprintf och "%s" ")"; out_pars och (pred p) end
- let rec out_list och chunk pars first items uris = match first, items, uris with
+ let rec out_list chunk pars first items uris = match first, items, uris with
| true, _, _ ->
- KP.fprintf och "g+list %u\n" chunk;
- out_list och (succ chunk) pars false items uris
- | false, _, [] -> KP.fprintf och "gtop%a.\n\n" out_pars pars
+ let dir, name = mk_name chunk in
+ let soch = append_out (KF.concat dir name ^ ext_tj) in
+ out_clause soch (KP.sprintf "g+line R C T :- line+%02u R C T, !." chunk);
+ KP.fprintf soch "g+list %u\n" chunk;
+ sub_och := soch;
+ out_list (succ chunk) pars false items uris
+ | false, _, [] ->
+ KP.fprintf !sub_och "gtop%a.\n\n" out_pars pars;
+ sub_close ()
| false, 0, _ ->
- KP.fprintf och "(genv %u)%a.\n\n" chunk out_pars pars;
- out_list och chunk 0 true size uris
+ KP.fprintf !sub_och "(genv %u)%a.\n\n" chunk out_pars pars;
+ sub_close ();
+ out_list chunk 0 true size uris
| false, _, hd :: tl ->
- out_name hd; out_list och chunk (succ pars) false (pred items) tl
+ out_name !sub_och hd; out_list chunk (succ pars) false (pred items) tl
- out_list och 1 0 true size (List.rev !uris);
+ let rec out_accumulate c =
+ if !chunk < c then KP.fprintf och "\n" else begin
+ let _, name = mk_name c in
+ KP.fprintf och "accumulate %s.\n" name;
+ out_accumulate (succ c)
+ end
+ in
+ sub_close ();
+ out_list 1 0 true size (List.rev !uris);
+ KP.fprintf och "accumulate helena.\n";
+ out_accumulate 1;
out_clause och "main :- grundlagen.";
out_clause och "grundlagen :- gv+ (genv 1).";
close_out och
output_entity_lp2 och, close_out_lp2 och
let open_out_tj2 fname =
- let dir = KF.concat !G.manager_dir base in
- let path = KF.concat dir fname in
- let och = open_out (path ^ "2" ^ ext_tj) in
+ let dir = KF.concat !G.manager_dir base in
+ let path = KF.concat dir fname ^ "2" in
+ let och = open_out (path ^ ext_tj) in
out_preamble och;
out_top_comment och (KP.sprintf "This file was generated by %s: do not edit" G.version_string);
out_clause och "module grundlagen.";
- out_clause och "accumulate helena.";
output_entity_tj2 och, close_out_tj2 och
let open_out_tj3 fname =