lstatus : LexiconEngine.status
-type lowtactic = lowtac_status * int -> lowtac_status * int list * int list
+type lowtactic = lowtac_status -> int -> lowtac_status
type tac_status = {
gstatus : Continuationals.Stack.t;
type tactic = tac_status -> tac_status
type tactic_term = CicNotationPt.term Disambiguate.disambiguator_input
+type tactic_pattern = GrafiteAst.npattern Disambiguate.disambiguator_input
let pp_tac_status status =
prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppobj status.istatus.pstatus)
+let pp_lowtac_status status =
+ prerr_endline "--------------------------------------------";
+ prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppobj status.pstatus)
open Continuationals.Stack
let dot_tac status =
let block_tac l status =
List.fold_left (fun status tac -> tac status) status l
-let compare_menv ~past ~present =
- fst (List.filter (fun (i,_) -> not (List.mem_assoc i past)) present),
- fst (List.filter (fun (i,_) -> not (List.mem_assoc i present)) past)
+let compare_statuses ~past ~present =
+ let _,_,past,_,_ = past.pstatus in
+ let _,_,present,_,_ = present.pstatus in
+ fst (List.filter (fun (i,_) -> not (List.mem_assoc i past)) present),
+ fst (List.filter (fun (i,_) -> not (List.mem_assoc i present)) past)
(* Exec and distribute_tac form a retraction pair:
1) exec (distribute_tac low_tac) (s,i) = low_tac (s,i)
2) tac [s]::G = G1::...::Gn::G' && G' is G with some goals closed =>
let exec tac (low_status,g) =
let stack = [ [0,Open g], [], [], `NoTag ] in
- let _,_,old_metasenv,_,_ = low_status.pstatus in
let status = tac { gstatus = stack ; istatus = low_status } in
- let _,_,metasenv,_,_ = status.istatus.pstatus in
- let open_goals, closed_goals =
- compare_menv ~past:old_metasenv ~present:metasenv
- in
- status.istatus, open_goals, closed_goals
+ status.istatus
let distribute_tac tac status =
match switch_of_loc loc with
| Closed _ -> fail (lazy "cannot apply to a Closed goal")
| Open n ->
- let s, go', gc' = tac (s,n) in
- s, (go @- gc') @+ go', gc @+ gc'
+ let sn = tac s n in
+ let go', gc' = compare_statuses ~past:s ~present:sn in
+ sn, (go @- gc') @+ go', gc @+ gc'
aux s go gc loc_tl
type cic_term = NCic.conjecture
type ast_term = string * int * CicNotationPt.term
-type position = Ctx of NCic.context | Term of cic_term
+type position = [ `Ctx of NCic.context | `Term of cic_term ]
-let relocate (name,ctx,t as term) context =
+let relocate context (name,ctx,t as term) =
let is_prefix l1 l2 =
let rec aux = function
| [],[] -> true
let disambiguate (status : lowtac_status) (t : ast_term)
(ty : cic_term option) (where : position) =
let uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status.pstatus in
- let context = match where with Ctx c -> c | Term (_,c,_) -> c in
+ let context = match where with `Ctx c -> c | `Term (_,c,_) -> c in
let expty =
match ty with
- | None -> None | Some ty -> let _,_,x = relocate ty context in Some x
+ | None -> None | Some ty -> let _,_,x = relocate context ty in Some x
let metasenv, subst, lexicon_status, t =
GrafiteDisambiguate.disambiguate_nterm expty
{ lstatus = lexicon_status; pstatus = new_pstatus }, (None, context, t)
-let select_term low_status (name,context,term) (path, matched) =
- let eq context (status as old_status) t1 t2 =
- let _,_,t2 = relocate t2 context in
- if t2 = t1 then true, status else false, old_status
+let in_scope_tag = "tag:in_scope" ;;
+let out_scope_tag = "tag:out_scope" ;;
+let typeof status where t =
+ let _,_,metasenv,subst,_ = status.pstatus in
+ let ctx = match where with `Ctx c -> c | `Term (_,c,_) -> c in
+ let _,_,t = relocate ctx t in
+ let ty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~subst ~metasenv ctx t in
+ None, ctx, ty
+let unify status where a b =
+ let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status.pstatus in
+ let ctx = match where with `Ctx c -> c | `Term (_,c,_) -> c in
+ let _,_,a = relocate ctx a in
+ let _,_,b = relocate ctx b in
+ let metasenv, subst =
+ NCicUnification.unify (NCicUnifHint.db ()) metasenv subst ctx a b
- let match_term m =
+ { status with pstatus = n,h,metasenv,subst,o }
+let refine status where term expty =
+ let ctx = match where with `Ctx c -> c | `Term (_,c,_) -> c in
+ let nt,_,term = relocate ctx term in
+ let ne, ty =
+ match expty with None -> None, None
+ | Some e -> let n,_, e = relocate ctx e in Some n, Some e
+ in
+ let name,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status.pstatus in
+ let db = NCicUnifHint.db () in (* XXX fixme *)
+ let coercion_db = NCicCoercion.db () in
+ let look_for_coercion = NCicCoercion.look_for_coercion coercion_db in
+ let metasenv, subst, t, ty =
+ NCicRefiner.typeof db ~look_for_coercion metasenv subst ctx term ty
+ in
+ { status with pstatus = (name,height,metasenv,subst,obj) },
+ (nt,ctx,t), (ne,ctx,ty)
+let get_goal (status : lowtac_status) (g : int) =
+ let _,_,metasenv,_,_ = status.pstatus in
+ List.assoc g metasenv
+let instantiate status i t =
+ let (goalname, context, _ as ety) = get_goal status i in
+ let status, (_,_,t), (_,_,ty) = refine status (`Term ety) t (Some ety) in
+ let name,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status.pstatus in
+ let metasenv = List.filter (fun j,_ -> j <> i) metasenv in
+ let subst = (i, (goalname, context, t, ty)) :: subst in
+ { status with pstatus = (name,height,metasenv,subst,obj) }
+let mk_meta status ?name where bo_or_ty =
+ let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status.pstatus in
+ let ctx = match where with `Ctx c -> c | `Term (_,c,_) -> c in
+ match bo_or_ty with
+ | `Decl ty ->
+ let _,_,ty = relocate ctx ty in
+ let metasenv, _, instance, _ =
+ NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta ?name metasenv ctx (`WithType ty)
+ in
+ let status = { status with pstatus = n,h,metasenv,subst,o } in
+ status, (None,ctx,instance)
+ | `Def bo ->
+ let _,_,ty = typeof status (`Ctx ctx) bo in
+ let metasenv, metano, instance, _ =
+ NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta ?name metasenv ctx (`WithType ty)
+ in
+ let status = { status with pstatus = n,h,metasenv,subst,o } in
+ let status = instantiate status metano bo in
+ status, (None,ctx,instance)
+let select_term low_status (name,context,term) (wanted,path) =
+ let found status ctx t wanted =
+ (* we could lift wanted step-by-step *)
+ try true, unify status (`Ctx ctx) (None,ctx,t) wanted
+ with
+ | NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _
+ | NCicUnification.Uncertain _ -> false, status
+ in
+ let match_term status ctx (wanted : cic_term) t =
let rec aux ctx status t =
- let b, status = eq ctx status t m in
+ let b, status = found status ctx t wanted in
if b then
- let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status.pstatus in
- let ty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~subst ~metasenv ctx t in
- let metasenv, instance, ty =
- NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta ~name:"expanded" metasenv ctx (`WithType ty)
- in
- let metasenv, subst =
- NCicUnification.unify (NCicUnifHint.db ()) metasenv subst ctx
- t instance
- in
- let status = { status with pstatus = n,h,metasenv,subst,o } in
- status, instance
+ let status, (_,_,t) =
+ mk_meta status ~name:in_scope_tag (`Ctx ctx) (`Def (None,ctx,t))
+ in
+ status, t
else NCicUntrusted.map_term_fold_a (fun e c -> e::c) ctx aux status t
- aux
+ aux ctx status t
let rec select status ctx pat cic =
match pat, cic with
+ | NCic.LetIn (_,t1,s1,b1), NCic.LetIn (n,t2,s2,b2) ->
+ let status, t = select status ctx t1 t2 in
+ let status, s = select status ctx s1 s2 in
+ let ctx = (n, NCic.Def (s2,t2)) :: ctx in
+ let status, b = select status ctx b1 b2 in
+ status, NCic.LetIn (n,t,s,b)
+ | NCic.Lambda (_,s1,t1), NCic.Lambda (n,s2,t2) ->
+ let status, s = select status ctx s1 s2 in
+ let ctx = (n, NCic.Decl s2) :: ctx in
+ let status, t = select status ctx t1 t2 in
+ status, NCic.Lambda (n,s,t)
| NCic.Prod (_,s1,t1), NCic.Prod (n,s2,t2) ->
let status, s = select status ctx s1 s2 in
let ctx = (n, NCic.Decl s2) :: ctx in
(fun (status,l) x y ->
let status, x = select status ctx x y in
- status, l @ [x])
+ status, x::l)
(status,[]) l1 l2
- status, NCic.Appl l
- | NCic.Implicit `Hole, t -> status, t
- | NCic.Implicit `Term, t ->
- let status, matched = disambiguate status matched None (Ctx ctx) in
- match_term matched ctx status t
- | _,t -> status, t
+ status, NCic.Appl (List.rev l)
+ | NCic.Match (_,ot1,t1,pl1), NCic.Match (u,ot2,t2,pl2) ->
+ let status, t = select status ctx t1 t2 in
+ let status, ot = select status ctx ot1 ot2 in
+ let status, pl =
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun (status,l) x y ->
+ let status, x = select status ctx x y in
+ status, x::l)
+ (status,[]) pl1 pl2
+ in
+ status, NCic.Match (u,ot,t,List.rev pl)
+ | NCic.Implicit `Hole, t ->
+ (match wanted with
+ | Some wanted ->
+ let status, wanted = disambiguate status wanted None (`Ctx ctx) in
+ match_term status ctx wanted t
+ | None -> match_term status ctx (None,ctx,t) t)
+ | NCic.Implicit _, t -> status, t
+ | _,t ->
+ fail (lazy ("malformed pattern: " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv:[]
+ ~context:[] ~subst:[] pat))
let status, term = select low_status context path term in
- let _,_,_,subst,_ = status.pstatus in
- let selections =
- HExtlib.filter_map
- (function (i,(Some "expanded",c,_,_)) -> Some i | _ -> None)
- subst
- in
- status, (name, context, term), selections
-let get_goal (status : lowtac_status) (g : int) =
- let _,_,metasenv,_,_ = status.pstatus in
- List.assoc g metasenv
+ let term = (name, context, term) in
+ mk_meta status ~name:out_scope_tag (`Ctx context) (`Def term)
-let return ~orig status =
- let _,_,past,_,_ = orig.pstatus in
- let _,_,present,_,_ = status.pstatus in
- let open_goals, closed_goals = compare_menv ~past ~present in
- status, open_goals, closed_goals
-let instantiate status i t =
- let name,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status.pstatus in
- let _, context, ty = List.assoc i metasenv in
- let _,_,t = relocate t context in
- let m = NCic.Meta (i,(0,NCic.Irl (List.length context))) in
- let db = NCicUnifHint.db () in (* XXX fixme *)
- let metasenv, subst = NCicUnification.unify db metasenv subst context m t in
- { status with pstatus = (name,height,metasenv,subst,obj) }
+let exact t status goal =
+ let goalty = get_goal status goal in
+ let status, t = disambiguate status t (Some goalty) (`Term goalty) in
+ instantiate status goal t
-let mkmeta name status (_,ctx,ty) =
- let n,h,metasenv,s,o = status.pstatus in
- let metasenv, instance, _ =
- NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta ?name metasenv ctx (`WithType ty)
- in
- let status = { status with pstatus = n,h,metasenv,s,o } in
- status, (name,ctx,instance)
-let apply t (status as orig, goal) =
- let goalty = get_goal status goal in
- let status, t = disambiguate status t (Some goalty) (Term goalty) in
- let status = instantiate status goal t in
- return ~orig status
+let reopen status =
+ let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status.pstatus in
+ let subst, newm =
+ List.partition
+ (function (_,(Some tag,_,_,_)) -> tag <> in_scope_tag && tag <> out_scope_tag
+ | _ -> true)
+ subst
+ in
+ let in_m, out_m =
+ List.partition
+ (function (_,(Some tag,_,_,_)) -> tag = in_scope_tag | _ -> assert false)
+ newm
+ in
+ let metasenv = (fun (i,(_,c,_,t)) -> i,(None,c,t)) in_m @ metasenv in
+ let in_m = fst in_m in
+ let out_m = match out_m with [i] -> i | _ -> assert false in
+ { status with pstatus = n,h,metasenv,subst,o }, in_m, out_m
-let change what (*where*) with_what (status as orig, goal) =
+let change ~where ~with_what status goal =
let (name,_,_ as goalty) = get_goal status goal in
- let status, newgoalty, selections =
- select_term status goalty
- (NCic.Prod ("_",NCic.Implicit `Hole,NCic.Implicit `Term), what)
+ let (wanted,_,where) = GrafiteDisambiguate.disambiguate_npattern where in
+ let path =
+ match where with None -> NCic.Implicit `Term | Some where -> where
+ let status, newgoalty = select_term status goalty (wanted,path) in
+ let status, in_scope, out_scope = reopen status in
+ let status = List.fold_left (exact with_what) status in_scope in
+ let j,(n,cctx,bo,_) = out_scope in
+ let _ = typeof status (`Term goalty) (n,cctx,bo) in
let n,h,metasenv,subst,o = status.pstatus in
- let subst, newm =
- List.partition (fun i,_ -> not (List.mem i selections)) subst
- in
- let metasenv = (fun (i,(n,c,_,t)) -> i,(n,c,t)) newm @ metasenv in
+ let subst = out_scope :: subst in
let status = { status with pstatus = n,h,metasenv,subst,o } in
- let status = (* queste sono apply, usa un tatticale! *)
- List.fold_left
- (fun status i ->
- let x = get_goal status i in
- let status, with_what =
- disambiguate status with_what (Some x) (Term x)
- in
- instantiate status i with_what)
- status selections
+ let status, instance =
+ mk_meta status ?name (`Term newgoalty) (`Decl newgoalty)
- let status, m = mkmeta name status newgoalty in
- let status = instantiate status goal m in
- return ~orig status
+ instantiate status goal instance
-let apply t (status,goal) =
- let uri,height,(metasenv as old_metasenv), subst,obj = status.pstatus in
+let apply t status goal =
+ let uri,height,metasenv, subst,obj = status.pstatus in
let name,context,gty = List.assoc goal metasenv in
let metasenv, subst, lexicon_status, t =
GrafiteDisambiguate.disambiguate_nterm (Some gty)
(goal, (name, context, t, gty)):: subst,
List.filter(fun (x,_) -> x <> goal) metasenv
- let open_goals, closed_goals =
- compare_menv ~past:old_metasenv ~present:metasenv in
let new_pstatus = uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj in
- prerr_endline ("termine disambiguato: " ^
- NCicPp.ppterm ~context ~metasenv ~subst t);
- prerr_endline ("menv:" ^ NCicPp.ppmetasenv ~subst metasenv);
- prerr_endline ("subst:" ^ NCicPp.ppsubst subst ~metasenv);
- prerr_endline "fine napply";
- { lstatus = lexicon_status; pstatus = new_pstatus }, open_goals, closed_goals
+ { lstatus = lexicon_status; pstatus = new_pstatus }
let apply_tac t = distribute_tac (apply t) ;;
-let change_tac w ww = distribute_tac (change w ww) ;;
+let change_tac ~where ~with_what = distribute_tac (change ~where ~with_what) ;;