ocaml-http (0.1.3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* force bash as SHELL in Makefile, since we rely on bashisms
+ * removed Http_daemon.{start,start'}, they have been deprecated a while ago
+ in favour of Http_daemon.main
+ * added 'auto_close' to daemon specifications. When set to true (defaults to
+ false), makes ocaml-http close every connection with client just after
+ having executed a callback, no matter if that callback succeeds or fails
+ with an exception
-- Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@debian.org> Mon, 29 May 2006 22:22:51 +0200
let default_addr = ""
let default_auth = None
+let default_auto_close = false
let default_callback = fun _ _ -> ()
let default_mode = `Fork
let default_port = 80
let default_exn_handler = Some (fun exn outchan -> ())
let default_timeout = Some 300
val default_addr: string
val default_auth: (string * Http_types.auth_info) option
+val default_auto_close: bool
val default_callback: Http_types.request -> out_channel -> unit
val default_mode: Http_types.daemon_mode
val default_port: int
callbacks keep on living until the end or are them all killed immediatly?
The right semantics should obviously be the first one *)
-let handle_manual_auth outchan f =
- try
- f ()
- with
- | Unauthorized realm -> respond_unauthorized ~realm outchan
- | Again -> ()
-let handle_auth req spec outchan =
+ (** - handle HTTP authentication
+ * - handle automatic closures of client connections *)
+let invoke_callback req spec outchan =
+ let callback req outchan =
+ if spec.auto_close then
+ Http_misc.finally
+ (fun () -> try close_out outchan with Sys_error _ -> ())
+ (fun () -> spec.callback req outchan) ()
+ else
+ spec.callback req outchan in
(match (spec.auth, req#authorization) with
- | None, _ -> spec.callback req outchan (* no auth required *)
+ | None, _ -> callback req outchan (* no auth required *)
| Some (realm, `Basic (spec_username, spec_password)),
Some (`Basic (username, password))
when (username = spec_username) && (password = spec_password) ->
(* auth ok *)
- spec.callback req outchan
+ callback req outchan
| Some (realm, _), _ -> raise (Unauthorized realm)) (* auth failure *)
| Unauthorized realm -> respond_unauthorized ~realm outchan
| Again -> ()
- (* TODO support also chroot to 'root', not only chdir *)
- (* TODO deprecated: remove from future versions *)
- (* curried request *)
-let start
- ?(addr = default_addr) ?(port = default_port)
- ?(timeout = default_timeout) ?(mode = default_mode) ?root callback
- =
- Http_misc.warn
- "Http_daemon.start is deprecated in favour of Http_daemon.main and will be removed in future versions of the library";
- chdir_to_document_root root;
- let sockaddr = Http_misc.build_sockaddr (addr, port) in
- let daemon_callback inchan outchan =
- handle_manual_auth outchan (fun () ->
- let (path, parameters) = safe_parse_request inchan outchan in
- callback path parameters outchan;
- flush outchan);
- in
- try
- (server_of_mode mode) ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
- with Quit -> ()
- (* OO request *)
- (* TODO deprecated: remove from future versions *)
-let start'
- ?(addr = default_addr) ?(port = default_port)
- ?(timeout = default_timeout) ?(mode = default_mode) ?root callback
- Http_misc.warn
- "Http_daemon.start' is deprecated in favour of Http_daemon.main and will be removed in future versions of the library";
- chdir_to_document_root root;
- let sockaddr = Http_misc.build_sockaddr (addr, port) in
- let daemon_callback inchan outchan =
- handle_manual_auth outchan (fun () ->
- let req = safe_parse_request' inchan outchan in
- callback req outchan;
- flush outchan)
- in
- try
- (server_of_mode mode) ~sockaddr ~timeout daemon_callback
- with Quit -> ()
let main spec =
chdir_to_document_root spec.root_dir;
let sockaddr = Http_misc.build_sockaddr (spec.address, spec.port) in
match next_req () with
| Some req ->
debug_print (sprintf "request #%d" n);
- handle_auth req spec outchan;
+ invoke_callback req spec outchan;
flush outchan;
loop (n + 1)
| None ->
let default_spec = {
address = default_addr;
auth = default_auth;
+ auto_close = default_auto_close;
callback = default_callback;
mode = default_mode;
port = default_port;
let daemon_spec
?(address = default_addr) ?(auth = default_auth)
+ ?(auto_close = default_auto_close)
?(callback = default_callback) ?(mode = default_mode) ?(port = default_port)
?(root_dir = default_root_dir) ?(exn_handler = default_exn_handler)
?(timeout = default_timeout)
* - do not change to a root directory (i.e. keep cwd)
* - 300 seconds timeout
* - ignores exceptions
- * - no authentication required *)
+ * - no authentication required
+ * - do not automatically close client connections after callback *)
val default_spec: Http_types.daemon_spec
(** currified daemon_spec constructor. Each parameter of this function
val daemon_spec:
?address:string ->
?auth:(string * Http_types.auth_info) option ->
+ ?auto_close:bool ->
?callback:(Http_types.request -> out_channel -> unit) ->
?mode:(Http_types.daemon_mode) ->
?port:int ->
unit ->
- (** starts an HTTP daemon (deprecated function)
- *
- * @deprecated This function will be removed in future versions, please switch
- * to Http_daemon.main below.
- *
- * see {!Http_types.daemon_spec} for a detailed description of parameters
- *
- * @param addr like the "address" field of Http_types.daemon_spec, defaults to
- * the wildcard address ""
- * @param port like the "port" field of Http_types.daemon_spec, defaults to 80
- * @param timeout like the "timeout" field of Http_types.daemon_spec, defaults
- * to Some 300
- * @param mode like the "mode" field of Http_types.daemon_spec, defaults to
- * `Fork
- * @param root like the "root_dir" field of Http_types.daemon_spec, defaults to
- * None
- * @param callback functional version of the "callback" field of
- * Http_types.daemon_spec. 1st argument is the request path, 2nd argument
- * the decoded query string, 3rd argument an output channel connect to the
- * client
- *)
+(** XXX
+ * This function has been deprecated for a while. Now it has been removed! *)
val start:
?addr: string -> ?port: int ->
?timeout: int option -> ?mode: Http_types.daemon_mode -> ?root: string ->
(string -> (string * string) list -> out_channel -> unit) ->
- (** starts an HTTP daemon (deprecated function)
- *
- * @deprecated This function will be removed in future versions, please switch
- * to Http_daemon.main below.
- *
- * parameters as per {!Http_daemon.start} except for the callback, in this case
- * it behaves as the "callback" field of Http_types.daemon_spec
- *)
+(** XXX
+ * This function has been deprecated for a while. Now it has been removed! *)
val start':
?addr: string -> ?port: int ->
?timeout: int option -> ?mode: Http_types.daemon_mode -> ?root: string ->
(Http_types.request -> out_channel -> unit) ->
(** Object oriented interface to HTTP daemons.
* @param addr address on which daemon will listen for connections
root_dir: string option;
exn_handler: (exn -> out_channel -> unit) option;
timeout: int option;
+ auto_close: bool;
(** timeout in seconds after which an incoming HTTP request will be
* terminated closing the corresponding TCP connection; None disable the
* timeout *)
+ auto_close: bool;
+ (** whether ocaml-http will automatically close the connection with the
+ * client after callback has completed its execution. If set to true, close
+ * will be attempted no matter if the callback raises an exception or not *)
(** {2 OO representation of other HTTP entities} *)