add_xml_attrs (RenderingAttrs.builtin_symbol_attributes `MathML)
(builtin_symbol s)
-let string_of_sort_kind = function
- | `Prop -> "Prop"
- | `Set -> "Set"
- | `CProp _ -> "CProp"
- | `Type _ -> "Type"
- | `NType s -> "Type[" ^ s ^ "]"
- | `NCProp s -> "CProp[" ^ s ^ "]"
+let xml_of_sort x =
+ let to_string x = Ast.Ident (x, None) in
+ let identify x =
+ add_xml_attrs (RenderingAttrs.keyword_attributes `MathML) (to_string x)
+ in
+ let lvl t = Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level 90,t) in
+ match x with
+ | `Prop -> identify "Prop"
+ | `Set -> identify "Set"
+ | `CProp _ -> identify "CProp"
+ | `Type _ -> identify "Type"
+ | `NType s -> lvl(Ast.Layout (Ast.Sub (identify "Type",to_string s)))
+ | `NCProp s -> lvl(Ast.Layout (Ast.Sub (identify "CProp",to_string s)))
let map_space f l =
| Ast.Literal _
| Ast.UserInput as leaf -> leaf
| t -> CicNotationUtil.visit_ast ~special_k k t
- and aux_sort sort_kind =
- add_xml_attrs (RenderingAttrs.keyword_attributes `MathML)
- (Ast.Ident (string_of_sort_kind sort_kind, None))
+ and aux_sort sort_kind = xml_of_sort sort_kind
and aux_ty = function
| None -> builtin_symbol "?"
| Some ty -> k ty
Ast.AttributedTerm (`IdRef id, t)
+let level_of_uri u =
+ let name = NUri.name_of_uri u in
+ assert(String.length name > String.length "Type");
+ String.sub name 4 (String.length name - 4)
(* CODICE c&p da NCicPp *)
let nast_of_cic0 status
idref (Ast.Meta
(n, (fun x -> Some (k ~context (NCicSubstitution.lift s x))) l))
| NCic.Sort NCic.Prop -> idref (Ast.Sort `Prop)
- | NCic.Sort NCic.Type _ -> idref (Ast.Sort `Set)
- (* CSC: | C.Sort (C.Type []) -> F.fprintf f "Type0"
- | C.Sort (C.Type [false, u]) -> F.fprintf f "%s" (NUri.name_of_uri u)
- | C.Sort (C.Type [true, u]) -> F.fprintf f "S(%s)" (NUri.name_of_uri u)
- | C.Sort (C.Type l) ->
- F.fprintf f "Max(";
- aux ctx (C.Sort (C.Type [List.hd l]));
- List.iter (fun x -> F.fprintf f ",";aux ctx (C.Sort (C.Type [x])))
- ( l);
- F.fprintf f ")"*)
- (* CSC: qua siamo grezzi *)
+ | NCic.Sort NCic.Type [] -> idref (Ast.Sort `Set)
+ | NCic.Sort NCic.Type ((`Type,u)::_) ->
+ idref(Ast.Sort (`NType (level_of_uri u)))
+ | NCic.Sort NCic.Type ((`CProp,u)::_) ->
+ idref(Ast.Sort (`NCProp (level_of_uri u)))
+ | NCic.Sort NCic.Type ((`Succ,u)::_) ->
+ idref(Ast.Sort (`NType (level_of_uri u ^ "+1")))
| NCic.Implicit `Hole -> idref (Ast.UserInput)
| NCic.Implicit `Vector -> idref (Ast.Implicit `Vector)
| NCic.Implicit _ -> idref (Ast.Implicit `JustOne)