| None ->
if !debug then [T.Note "NORMAL: NO INNER TYPES"] else []
| Some (sty, ety) -> mk_convert st ?name sty ety "NORMAL"
-let convert_elim st ?name t v pattern =
- match t, get_inner_types st t, get_inner_types st v with
- | _, None, _
- | _, _, None -> [(* T.Note "ELIM: NO INNER TYPES"*)]
- | C.AAppl (_, hd :: tl), Some (tsty, _), Some (vsty, _) ->
- let where = List.hd (List.rev tl) in
- let cty = Cn.elim_inferred_type
- st.context (H.cic vsty) (H.cic where) (H.cic hd) (H.cic pattern)
- in
- mk_convert st ?name (Cn.fake_annotate "" st.context cty) tsty "ELIM"
- | _, Some _, Some _ -> assert false
let get_intro = function
| C.Anonymous -> None
if (Cn.does_not_occur e) then st, [] else
match where with
| C.ARel (_, _, i, premise) as w ->
-(* let _script = convert_elim st ~name:(premise, i) v w e in *)
let script name =
let where = Some (premise, name) in
- let script = mk_arg st what @ mk_arg st w (* @ script *) in
+ let script = mk_arg st what @ mk_arg st w in
T.Rewrite (direction, what, where, e, dtext) :: script
if DTI.does_not_occur (succ i) (H.cic t) || compare premise name then
let predicate = List.nth tl 2 in
let e = Cn.mk_pattern 1 predicate in
let script = [T.Branch (qs, "")] in
- if (Cn.does_not_occur e) then script else
-(* let script = convert_elim st t t e in *)
+ if (Cn.does_not_occur e) then script else
T.Rewrite (direction, where, None, e, dtext) :: script
let rec proc_lambda st what name v t =
let predicate = List.nth tl2 (parsno - i) in
let e = Cn.mk_pattern j predicate in
let using = Some hd in
- (* convert_elim st what what e @ *) script2 @
+ script2 @
[T.Elim (where, using, e, dtext ^ text); T.Branch (qs, "")]
| None ->
let names = get_sub_names hd tl in