Management</a> tools and techniques. </p>
<p> Matita is <strong>traditional</strong>. Its logical foundation is the
- Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions (CIC), and it can re-use
+ Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions (CIC). It can re-use
mathematical concepts produced by other proof assistants like
<a href="">Coq</a> and encoded in an
- <a href="">XML</a> dialect. The interaction
- paradigm of Matita is well known, having been inspired by
- <a href="">Proof General</a>, and its
+ <a href="">XML</a> encoding of CIC. The interaction
+ paradigm of Matita is familiar, being inspired by CtCoq and
+ <a href="">Proof General</a>. Its
proof language is procedural in the same spirit of LCF. </p>
<p> Matita is <strong>innovative</strong>: </p>
<ul class="wide">
- <li> its user interface sports high quality bidimensional rendering of
- proofs and formulae exploiting
- <a href="">MathML</a> markup, equipped with
- direct manipulation of the underlying CIC terms; </li>
+ <li> the user interface sports high quality bidimensional rendering of
+ proofs and formulae transformed on-the-fly to
+ <a href="">MathML</a> markup, on which direct
+ manipulation of the underlying CIC terms is still possible; </li>
- <li> its library is distributed: every authored concepts can be
- published and become part of the Matita library which can be browsed as
- an hypertext (locally or on the World Wide Web) and searched by means of
- content-based queries; </li>
+ <li> the knowledge base is distributed: every authored concepts can be
+ published becoming part of the Matita library which can be browsed as
+ an hypertext (locally or on the World Wide Web) and searched by means
+ of content-based queries; </li>
<li> the tactical language, part of the proof language, has
step-by-step semantics, enabling inspection and replaying of deeply
- structured proof scripts </li>
+ structured proof scripts. </li>