D x (y1. x (y2. x (y3. x (y4. y1 y2 y3 y4))))\r
C x (y1. x (y2. x (y3. x (y4. y1 y2 y3 y1))))\r
C x (y1. x (y2. x (y3. x (y4. y1 y2 y1 y4))))\r
-$! the measure of the divergent is not sufficient\r
-D x y\r
-C x (y a)\r
-$! the measure of the divergent is badly not sufficient\r
-D x y\r
-C x (a. y (a b))\r
--- /dev/null
+$! the measure of the divergent is not sufficient
+D x y
+C x (y a)
+$! the measure of the divergent is badly not sufficient
+D x y
+C x (a. y (a b))
+$! stepping on useless arg
+D x0 x1
+C x9 (x0 x0) (x1 x7 x8)
+$! algorithm diverges!
+D x0 x1
+C x9 (x0 x0) (x1 x1 x8)