apply_tactic (tactical_of_ast tac)
+(** given a uri and a type list (the contructors types) builds a list of pairs
+ * (name,uri) that is used to generate authomatic aliases **)
+let extract_alias types uri =
+ fst(List.fold_left (
+ fun (acc,i) (name, _, _, cl) ->
+ ((name, UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri,[i]))
+ ::
+ (fst(List.fold_left (
+ fun (acc,j) (name,_) ->
+ (((name,UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri,[i;j])) :: acc) , j+1)
+ ) (acc,1) cl))),i+1
+ ) ([],0) types)
+(** adds a (name,uri) list l to a disambiguation environment e **)
+let env_of_list l e =
+ let module DT = DisambiguateTypes in
+ let module DTE = DisambiguateTypes.Environment in
+ List.fold_left (
+ fun e (name,uri) ->
+ DTE.add
+ (DT.Id name)
+ (uri,fun _ _ _ -> CicUtil.term_of_uri uri)
+ e
+ ) e l
let eval_command status cmd =
match cmd with
| TacticAst.Set (loc, name, value) -> set_option status name value
"type you've declared!");
MatitaLog.message (sprintf "%s defined" suri);
let status = MatitaSync.add_constant ~uri ~body:bo ~ty ~ugraph status in
+ let status =
+ let name = UriManager.name_of_uri uri in
+ let new_env = env_of_list [(name,suri)] status.aliases in
+ {status with aliases = new_env }
+ in
{status with proof_status = No_proof }
| TacticAst.Inductive (loc, dummy_params, types) ->
(* dummy_params are not real params, it is a list of nothing, and the only
~uri ~types ~params:[] ~leftno ~ugraph status
- let extract_alias types uri =
- fst(List.fold_left (
- fun (acc,i) (name, _, _, cl) ->
- ((name, UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri,[i]))
- ::
- (fst(List.fold_left (
- fun (acc,j) (name,_) ->
- (((name,UriManager.string_of_uriref (uri,[i;j])) :: acc) , j+1)
- ) (acc,1) cl))),i+1
- ) ([],0) types)
- in
- let env_of_list l e =
- let module DT = DisambiguateTypes in
- let module DTE = DisambiguateTypes.Environment in
- List.fold_left (
- fun e (name,uri) ->
- DTE.add
- (DT.Id name)
- (uri,fun _ _ _ -> CicUtil.term_of_uri uri)
- e
- ) e l
- in
let aliases = env_of_list (extract_alias types uri) status.aliases in
let status = {status with proof_status = No_proof } in
{ status with aliases = aliases}
let body = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst body in
let ty = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst ty in
let status = MatitaSync.add_constant ~uri ~body ~ty ~ugraph status in
+ let status =
+ let suri = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
+ let new_env = env_of_list [(name,suri)] status.aliases in
+ {status with aliases = new_env }
+ in
{status with proof_status = No_proof}
| TacticAst.Theorem (_, _, None, _, _) ->
command_error "The grammas should avoid having unnamed theorems!"