Printf.sprintf "%d: %s" d (String.concat "; " gl')) goals))
+let pp_goal_set msg goals names =
+ let active_goals, passive_goals = goals in
+ prerr_endline ("////" ^ msg);
+ prerr_endline ("ACTIVE G: " ^
+ (String.concat "\n " ( (fun (_,_,g) -> CicPp.pp g names)
+ active_goals)));
+ prerr_endline ("PASSIVE G: " ^
+ (String.concat "\n " ( (fun (_,_,g) -> CicPp.pp g names)
+ passive_goals)))
let check_if_goal_is_subsumed ((_,ctx,_) as env) table (goalproof,menv,ty) =
let names = names_of_context ctx in
| (Some p) as ok -> ok
-let simplify_goal_set env goals passive active =
+let simplify_goal_set env goals ?passive active =
let active_goals, passive_goals = goals in
let find (_,_,g) where =
List.exists (fun (_,_,g1) -> Equality.meta_convertibility g g1) where
let simplified =
(fun acc goal ->
- match simplify_goal env goal ~passive active with
+ match simplify_goal env goal ?passive active with
| changed, g ->
if changed then prerr_endline "???????????????cambiato ancora";
if find g acc then acc else g::acc)
let infer_goal_set env active goals =
let active_goals, passive_goals = goals in
let rec aux = function
- | [] -> goals
+ | [] -> active_goals, []
| hd::tl ->
let changed,selected = simplify_goal env hd active in
if changed then
prerr_endline ("--------------- goal semplificato");
let (_,_,t1) = selected in
- if (List.exists
- (fun (_,_,t) ->
- Equality.meta_convertibility t t1)
- active_goals) then aux tl
- else
- let passive_goals = tl in
- let new_passive_goals =
- if Utils.metas_of_term t1 = [] then passive_goals
- else
- let new' =
- Indexing.superposition_left env (snd active) selected in
- passive_goals @ new'
+ let already_in =
+ List.exists (fun (_,_,t) -> Equality.meta_convertibility t t1)
+ active_goals
- selected::active_goals, new_passive_goals
+ if already_in then
+ aux tl
+ else
+ let passive_goals = tl in
+ let new_passive_goals =
+ if Utils.metas_of_term t1 = [] then passive_goals
+ else
+ let new' =
+ Indexing.superposition_left env (snd active) selected in
+ passive_goals @ new'
+ in
+ selected::active_goals, new_passive_goals
aux passive_goals
let infer_goal_set_with_current env current goals =
let active_goals, passive_goals = goals in
- let _,table,_ = build_table [current] in
- active_goals,
+ let l,table,_ = build_table [current] in
+ let active_goals, _ =
+ simplify_goal_set env goals (l,table)
+ in
+ active_goals,
(fun acc g ->
let new' = Indexing.superposition_left env table g in
prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Current goal = %s\n"
(CicPp.pp g names)))
(fst goals);
+ List.iter
+ (fun _,_,g ->
+ prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Passive goal = %s\n"
+ (CicPp.pp g names)))
+ (snd goals);
prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Selected = %s\n"
(Equality.string_of_equality ~env current))
let goals =
let a,b,_ = build_table new' in
let _ = <:start<simplify_goal_set new>> in
- let rc = simplify_goal_set env goals passive (a,b) in
+ let rc = simplify_goal_set env goals ~passive (a,b) in
let _ = <:stop<simplify_goal_set new>> in
let al, tbl = active in
al @ [current], Indexing.index tbl current
+ (* alla fine new' contiene anche le attive semplificate!
+ * quindi le aggiungo alle passive insieme alle new *)
let rec simplify new' active passive =
let new' = forward_simplify_new eq_uri env new' ~passive active in
let active, passive, newa, retained, pruned =
let saturate
+ caso_strano
dbd ?(full=false) ?(depth=default_depth) ?(width=default_width) status =
let module C = Cic in
reset_refs ();
let res, time =
let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let lib_eq_uris, library_equalities, maxm =
- find_library_equalities dbd context (proof, goalno) (maxm+2)
+ find_library_equalities caso_strano dbd context (proof, goalno) (maxm+2)
let library_equalities = snd library_equalities in
let t2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let env = (metasenv, context, ugraph) in
let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let lib_eq_uris, library_equalities, maxm =
- find_library_equalities dbd context (proof, goal') (maxm+2) in
+ find_library_equalities false dbd context (proof, goal') (maxm+2) in
let t2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
maxmeta := maxm+2;
let equalities = (* equalities @ *) library_equalities in
let eq_uri = eq_of_goal goal in
let eq_indexes, equalities, maxm = find_equalities context proof in
let lib_eq_uris, library_equalities, maxm =
- find_library_equalities dbd context (proof, goal') (maxm+2)
+ find_library_equalities false dbd context (proof, goal') (maxm+2)
let library_equalities = snd library_equalities in
maxmeta := maxm+2; (* TODO ugly!! *)
Inference.find_equalities context proof
let lib_eq_uris, library_equalities, maxm =
- Inference.find_library_equalities dbd context (proof, goal) (maxm+2) in
+ Inference.find_library_equalities false dbd context (proof, goal) (maxm+2) in
if library_equalities = [] then prerr_endline "VUOTA!!!";
let irl = CicMkImplicit.identity_relocation_list_for_metavariable context in
let library_equalities = snd library_equalities in