raise (Error (lazy "eq_coerc non yet defined",Some e))
| Error _ as e -> debug_print (lazy "error"); raise e
+let compare_statuses ~past ~present =
+ let _,_,past,_,_ = past#obj in
+ let _,_,present,_,_ = present#obj in
+ List.map fst (List.filter (fun (i,_) -> not(List.mem_assoc i past)) present),
+ List.map fst (List.filter (fun (i,_) -> not (List.mem_assoc i present)) past)
+(* paramodulation has only an implicit knoweledge of the symmetry of equality;
+ hence it is in trouble in proving (a = b) = (b = a) *)
+let try_sym tac status g =
+ (* put the right uri *)
+ let sym_eq = Ast.Appl [Ast.Ident("sym_eq",`Ambiguous); Ast.Implicit `Vector] in
+ let _,_,metasenv,subst,_ = status#obj in
+ let _, context, gty = List.assoc g metasenv in
+ let is_eq =
+ NCicParamod.is_equation status metasenv subst context gty
+ in
+ if is_eq then
+ try tac status g
+ with Error _ ->
+ let new_status = instantiate_with_ast status g ("",0,sym_eq) in
+ let go, _ = compare_statuses ~past:status ~present:new_status in
+ assert (List.length go = 1);
+ let ng = List.hd go in
+ tac new_status ng
+ else tac status g
let smart_apply_tac t s =
let unit_eq = index_local_equations s#eq_cache s in
- NTactics.distribute_tac (smart_apply t unit_eq) s
+ NTactics.distribute_tac (try_sym (smart_apply t unit_eq)) s
+ (* NTactics.distribute_tac (smart_apply t unit_eq) s *)
let smart_apply_auto t eq_cache =
- NTactics.distribute_tac (smart_apply t eq_cache)
+ NTactics.distribute_tac (try_sym (smart_apply t eq_cache))
+ (* NTactics.distribute_tac (smart_apply t eq_cache) *)
(****************** types **************)
| _ -> false, NCicParamod.is_equation status metasenv subst context t
debug_print ~depth (lazy (string_of_bool is_eq));
- (* old
- let candidates, smart_candidates =
- get_candidates ~smart:(not is_eq) depth
- flags status tcache signature gty in
- (* if the goal is an equation we avoid to apply unit equalities,
- since superposition should take care of them; refl is an
- exception since it prompts for convertibility *)
- let candidates =
- let test x = not (is_a_fact_ast status subst metasenv context x) in
- if is_eq then
- Ast.Ident("refl",None) ::List.filter test candidates
- else candidates in *)
(* new *)
let candidates, smart_candidates =
get_candidates ~smart:true depth
flags status tcache signature gty in
+ let test = is_a_fact_ast status subst metasenv context in
+ let candidates_facts,candidates_other =
(* if the goal is an equation we avoid to apply unit equalities,
- since superposition should take care of them; refl is an
- exception since it prompts for convertibility *)
- let candidates,smart_candidates =
- let test x = not (is_a_fact_ast status subst metasenv context x) in
- if is_eq then
- Ast.Ident("refl",`Ambiguous) ::List.filter test candidates,
- List.filter test smart_candidates
- else candidates,smart_candidates in
- debug_print ~depth
- (lazy ("candidates: " ^ string_of_int (List.length candidates)));
- debug_print ~depth
- (lazy ("smart candidates: " ^
- string_of_int (List.length smart_candidates)));
- (*
- let sm = 0 in
- let smart_candidates = [] in *)
+ since superposition should take care of them; refl is an
+ exception since it prompts for convertibility *)
+ let l1,l2 = List.partition test candidates in
+ (* put the right uri *)
+ if is_eq then [Ast.Ident("refl",`Ambiguous)],l2 else l1,l2
+ in
+ let smart_candidates_facts, smart_candidates_other =
+ let l1,l2 = List.partition test smart_candidates in
+ if is_eq then [],l2 else l1,l2
+ in
let sm = if is_eq then 0 else 2 in
- (* wrong: we constraint maxdepth for equality goals to three *)
- (* let maxdepth = if is_eq then min flags.maxdepth 6 else flags.maxdepth in *)
+ let sm1 = if flags.last then 2 else 0 in
let maxd = (depth + 1 = flags.maxdepth) in
- let only_one = flags.last && maxd in
- debug_print ~depth (lazy ("only_one: " ^ (string_of_bool only_one)));
- debug_print ~depth (lazy ("maxd: " ^ (string_of_bool maxd)));
- let elems =
+ let try_candidates only_one sm acc candidates =
(fun elems cand ->
if (only_one && (elems <> [])) then elems
- else
- if (maxd && not(is_prod) &
- not(is_a_fact_ast status subst metasenv context cand))
- then (debug_print ~depth (lazy "pruned: not a fact"); elems)
match try_candidate (~smart:sm)
flags depth status cache.unit_eq context cand with
| None -> elems
| Some x -> x::elems)
- [] candidates
- in
- let more_elems =
- if only_one && elems <> [] then elems
- else
- List.fold_left
- (fun elems cand ->
- if (only_one && (elems <> [])) then elems
- else
- if (maxd && not(is_prod) &&
- not(is_a_fact_ast status subst metasenv context cand))
- then (debug_print ~depth (lazy "pruned: not a fact"); elems)
- else
- match try_candidate (~smart:2) (* was smart:1 *)
- flags depth status cache.unit_eq context cand with
- | None -> elems
- | Some x -> x::elems)
- [] smart_candidates
- in
- elems@more_elems
+ acc candidates
+ in
+ (* if the goal is the last one we stop at the first fact *)
+ let elems = try_candidates flags.last sm [] candidates_facts in
+ (* now we add smart_facts *)
+ let elems = try_candidates flags.last sm elems smart_candidates_facts in
+ (* if we are at maxdepth and the goal is not a product we are done
+ similarly, if the goal is the last one and we already found a
+ solution *)
+ if (maxd && not(is_prod)) || (flags.last && elems<>[]) then elems
+ else
+ let elems = try_candidates false 2 elems candidates_other in
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("not facts: try smart application"));
+ try_candidates false 2 elems smart_candidates_other
exception Found