# we omit dependencies since it is a pain when distributing *Tactics.mli *Tactic.mli fourierR.mli ring.mli paramodulation/indexing.mli
+tactics_mli_deps = *Tactics.mli *Tactic.mli fourierR.mli ring.mli paramodulation/indexing.mli
$(H)echo " OCAMLC -i $$(tactics_mli_deps) > $@"
$(H)echo "(* GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT. STAMP:`date` *)" > $@
$(H)$(OCAMLC) -I paramodulation -i >> $@
-# FG: was (wrongly) $(tactics_mli_deps)
UTF8DIR = $(shell $(OCAMLFIND) query helm-syntax_extensions)
STR=$(shell $(OCAMLFIND) query str)
let debug_print =
if debug then (fun x -> prerr_endline (Lazy.force x)) else (fun _ -> ())
-(* funzione generale di rilocazione dei riferimenti locali *)
-let relocate_term map t =
- let rec map_xnss k xnss =
- let imap (uri, t) = uri, map_term k t in
- imap xnss
- and map_mss k mss =
- let imap = function
- | None -> None
- | Some t -> Some (map_term k t)
- in
- imap mss
- and map_fs len k fs =
- let imap (name, i, ty, bo) = name, i, map_term k ty, map_term (k + len) bo in
- imap fs
- and map_cfs len k cfs =
- let imap (name, ty, bo) = name, map_term k ty, map_term (k + len) bo in
- imap cfs
- and map_term k = function
- | C.Rel m -> if m < k then C.Rel m else C.Rel (map (m - k))
- | C.Sort _ as t -> t
- | C.Implicit _ as t -> t
- | C.Var (uri, xnss) -> C.Var (uri, map_xnss k xnss)
- | C.Const (uri, xnss) -> C.Const (uri, map_xnss k xnss)
- | C.MutInd (uri, tyno, xnss) -> C.MutInd (uri, tyno, map_xnss k xnss)
- | C.MutConstruct (uri, tyno, consno, xnss) ->
- C.MutConstruct (uri, tyno, consno, map_xnss k xnss)
- | C.Meta (i, mss) -> C.Meta(i, map_mss k mss)
- | C.Cast (te, ty) -> C.Cast (map_term k te, map_term k ty)
- | C.Appl ts -> C.Appl ( (map_term k) ts)
- | C.MutCase (sp, i, outty, t, pl) ->
- C.MutCase (sp, i, map_term k outty, map_term k t, (map_term k) pl)
- | C.Prod (n, s, t) -> C.Prod (n, map_term k s, map_term (succ k) t)
- | C.Lambda (n, s, t) -> C.Lambda (n, map_term k s, map_term (succ k) t)
- | C.LetIn (n, s, t) -> C.LetIn (n, map_term k s, map_term (succ k) t)
- | C.Fix (i, fs) -> C.Fix (i, map_fs (List.length fs) k fs)
- | C.CoFix (i, cfs) -> C.CoFix (i, map_cfs (List.length cfs) k cfs)
- in
- map_term 0 t
-let id n = n
-let after continuation aftermap beforemap =
- continuation ~map:(fun n -> aftermap (beforemap n))
-let after2 continuation aftermap beforemap ~map =
- continuation ~map:(fun n -> map (aftermap (beforemap n)))
(* term ha tipo t1=t2; funziona solo se t1 e t2 hanno in testa costruttori
diversi *)
let rec search_name i = function
| [] -> T.id_tac
| Some (Cic.Name n, _) :: _ when n = name ->
- destruct ~first_time:false ~term:(Cic.Rel i)
+ destruct ~first_time:false (Cic.Rel i)
| _ :: tl -> search_name (succ i) tl
PET.apply_tactic (search_name 1 context) status
PET.mk_tactic subst_tac
-(* ~term vive nel contesto della tattica una volta ~mappato
- * ~continuation riceve la mappa assoluta
- *)
-and destruct ~first_time ~term =
+and destruct ?(simplified = false) ~first_time term =
let are_convertible hd1 hd2 metasenv context =
fst (CR.are_convertible ~metasenv context hd1 hd2 CU.empty_ugraph)
| _, C.Rel i2 when DTI.does_not_occur i2 t1 ->
mk_subst_chain `RightToLeft i2 t1 t2
(* else part *)
- | _ when not first_time -> T.id_tac
- | _ (* when first_time *) ->
+ | _ when first_time && simplified -> raise exn_nothingtodo
+ | _ when simplified (* && not first time *) -> T.id_tac
+ | _ (* when not simplified *) ->
T.then_ ~start:(simpl_in_term context term)
- ~continuation:(destruct ~first_time:false ~term)
+ ~continuation:(destruct ~simplified:true ~first_time term)
- | _ when not first_time -> T.id_tac
- | _ (* when first_time *) -> raise exn_nothingtodo
+ | _ when first_time && simplified -> raise exn_nothingtodo
+ | _ when simplified (* && not first time *) -> T.id_tac
+ | _ (* when not simplified *) ->
+ T.then_ ~start:(simpl_in_term context term)
+ ~continuation:(destruct ~simplified:true ~first_time term)
PET.apply_tactic tac status
let _,context,_ = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
let term, _, _ = lterm context metasenv CU.empty_ugraph in
let tactic =
- if exists context term then destruct ~first_time ~term else T.id_tac
+ if exists context term then destruct ~first_time term else T.id_tac
PET.apply_tactic tactic status
(* destruct performs either injection or discriminate *)
(* equivalent to Coq's "analyze equality" *)
let destruct_tac = function
- | Some term -> destruct ~first_time:true ~term
+ | Some term -> destruct ~first_time:true term
| None ->
let destruct_all status =
let (proof, goal) = status in
-(* GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT. STAMP:Tue Nov 6 16:23:06 CET 2007 *)
+(* GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT. STAMP:Wed Nov 7 13:24:27 CET 2007 *)
val absurd : term:Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val apply : term:Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val applyS :
n) t2)).(eq_ind_r T (TSort n) (\lambda (t: T).(eq T (TSort n) t)) (refl_equal
T (TSort n)) t2 (pr2_gen_sort c t2 n H))))).
+theorem nf2_csort_lref:
+ \forall (n: nat).(\forall (i: nat).(nf2 (CSort n) (TLRef i)))
+ \lambda (n: nat).(\lambda (i: nat).(\lambda (t2: T).(\lambda (H: (pr2 (CSort
+n) (TLRef i) t2)).(let H0 \def (pr2_gen_lref (CSort n) t2 i H) in (or_ind (eq
+T t2 (TLRef i)) (ex2_2 C T (\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (u: T).(getl i (CSort n)
+(CHead d (Bind Abbr) u)))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq T t2 (lift (S
+i) O u))))) (eq T (TLRef i) t2) (\lambda (H1: (eq T t2 (TLRef i))).(eq_ind_r
+T (TLRef i) (\lambda (t: T).(eq T (TLRef i) t)) (refl_equal T (TLRef i)) t2
+H1)) (\lambda (H1: (ex2_2 C T (\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (u: T).(getl i (CSort
+n) (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u)))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq T t2 (lift
+(S i) O u)))))).(ex2_2_ind C T (\lambda (d: C).(\lambda (u: T).(getl i (CSort
+n) (CHead d (Bind Abbr) u)))) (\lambda (_: C).(\lambda (u: T).(eq T t2 (lift
+(S i) O u)))) (eq T (TLRef i) t2) (\lambda (x0: C).(\lambda (x1: T).(\lambda
+(H2: (getl i (CSort n) (CHead x0 (Bind Abbr) x1))).(\lambda (H3: (eq T t2
+(lift (S i) O x1))).(eq_ind_r T (lift (S i) O x1) (\lambda (t: T).(eq T
+(TLRef i) t)) (getl_gen_sort n i (CHead x0 (Bind Abbr) x1) H2 (eq T (TLRef i)
+(lift (S i) O x1))) t2 H3))))) H1)) H0))))).
theorem nf2_abst:
\forall (c: C).(\forall (u: T).((nf2 c u) \to (\forall (b: B).(\forall (v:
T).(\forall (t: T).((nf2 (CHead c (Bind b) v) t) \to (nf2 c (THead (Bind
theorem insert_inj: \forall S1,i,P, Q. Insert S1 i P Q \to
\forall S2. Insert S2 i P Q \to S1 = S2.
intros 5; elim H; clear H i P Q;
- [ lapply linear insert_inv_zero to H1; subst; autobatch
- | lapply linear insert_inv_succ to H3; decompose; subst; autobatch
+ [ lapply linear insert_inv_zero to H1; destruct; autobatch
+ | lapply linear insert_inv_succ to H3; decompose; destruct; autobatch
include "Insert/".
theorem insert_inv_zero: \forall S,P,Q. Insert S zero P Q \to Q = abst P S.
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch.
theorem insert_inv_succ: \forall S,Q1,Q2,i. Insert S (succ i) Q1 Q2 \to
\exists P1,P2,R. Insert S i P1 P2 \land
Q1 = abst P1 R \land Q2 = abst P2 R.
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch depth = 6 size = 8.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch depth = 6 size = 8.
theorem insert_inv_leaf_1: \forall Q,S,i. Insert S i leaf Q \to
i = zero \land Q = S.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst. autobatch.
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct. autobatch.
theorem insert_inv_abst_1: \forall P,Q,R,S,i. Insert S i (abst P R) Q \to
\exists n, c1.
i = succ n \land Q = abst c1 R \land
Insert S n P c1.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch depth = 6 size = 8.
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch depth = 6 size = 8.
theorem insert_inv_leaf_2: \forall P,S,i. Insert S i P leaf \to False.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst.
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct.
theorem insert_inv_abst_2: \forall P,i. \forall R,S:Sequent.
Insert S i P R \to
i = zero \land P = leaf \land R = S.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst;
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct;
[ autobatch
| clear H1. lapply linear insert_inv_leaf_2 to H. decompose
Insert S2 j2 Q1 Q \land Insert S1 j1 Q2 Q.
intros 5. elim H; clear H i1 P Q1;
[ elim H1; clear H1 i2 c Q2; decompose; autobatch depth = 7 size = 8
- | lapply linear insert_inv_abst_1 to H3. decompose; subst;
+ | lapply linear insert_inv_abst_1 to H3. decompose; destruct;
[ autobatch depth = 7 size = 8
- | lapply linear H2 to H4. decompose. subst. autobatch depth = 6 size = 8
+ | lapply linear H2 to H4. decompose. destruct. autobatch depth = 6 size = 8
\exists P2,j1,j2.
Insert S2 j2 P1 P2 \land Insert S1 j1 P2 Q2.
intros 5. elim H; clear H i1 P1 Q1;
- [ lapply linear insert_inv_abst_1 to H1. decompose; subst; autobatch depth = 6 size = 7
- | lapply linear insert_inv_abst_1 to H3. decompose; subst;
+ [ lapply linear insert_inv_abst_1 to H1. decompose; destruct; autobatch depth = 6 size = 7
+ | lapply linear insert_inv_abst_1 to H3. decompose; destruct;
[ clear H2. autobatch depth = 7 size = 8
- | lapply linear H2 to H4. decompose. subst. autobatch depth = 6 size = 8
+ | lapply linear H2 to H4. decompose. destruct. autobatch depth = 6 size = 8
\exists Q1,Q2,j1,j2.
Insert S2 j2 Q2 P1 \land Insert S1 j1 Q1 P2.
intros 5; elim H; clear H i1 P1 Q;
- [ inversion H1; clear H1; intros; subst; autobatch depth = 7 size = 8
- | inversion H3; clear H3; intros; subst;
+ [ inversion H1; clear H1; intros; destruct; autobatch depth = 7 size = 8
+ | inversion H3; clear H3; intros; destruct;
[ autobatch depth = 7 size = 8
- | clear H3; lapply linear H2 to H; decompose; subst;
+ | clear H3; lapply linear H2 to H; decompose; destruct;
autobatch depth = 8 size = 10
(S1 = S2 \land i1 = i2 \land P1 = P2) \lor
\exists Q1,Q2,j1,j2.
Insert S2 j2 Q2 P1 \land Insert S1 j1 Q1 P2.
- intros; lapply insert_conf_rev to H, H1; decompose; subst;
- [ lapply linear insert_inj to H, H1; subst; autobatch depth = 4
+ intros; lapply insert_conf_rev to H, H1; decompose; destruct;
+ [ lapply linear insert_inj to H, H1; destruct; autobatch depth = 4
| autobatch depth = 7 size = 8
theorem ntrack_inv_lref: \forall Q,S,i. NTrack Q (lref i) S \to
\exists P. Insert S i P Q.
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch.
theorem ntrack_inv_parx: \forall P,S,h. NTrack P (parx h) S \to
S = pair (posr h) (posr h).
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch.
theorem ntrack_inv_impw: \forall P,p,S. NTrack P (impw p) S \to
\exists B,a,b.
S = pair (impl a b) B \land
NTrack P p (pair lleaf B).
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch depth = 5.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch depth = 5.
theorem ntrack_inv_impr: \forall P,p,S. NTrack P (impr p) S \to
\exists a,b:Formula.
S = pair lleaf (impl a b) \land
NTrack P p (pair a b).
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch depth = 4.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch depth = 4.
theorem ntrack_inv_impi: \forall P,p,q,r,S. NTrack P (impi p q r) S \to
NTrack P q (pair b B) \land
NTrack Q r (pair lleaf D) \land
Insert (pair A B) i P Q.
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch depth = 12 width = 5 size = 16.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch depth = 12 width = 5 size = 16.
theorem ntrack_inv_scut: \forall P,q,r,S. NTrack P (scut q r) S \to False.
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct.
theorem ntrack_inv_lleaf_impl:
\forall Q,p,a,b. NTrack Q p (pair lleaf (impl a b)) \to
(\exists P,i. p = lref i \land Insert (pair lleaf (impl a b)) i P Q) \lor
(\exists r. p = impr r \land NTrack Q r (pair a b)).
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst;
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct;
[ autobatch depth = 5
- | subst; autobatch depth = 4
+ | destruct; autobatch depth = 4
intros 2; elim p; clear p;
[ lapply linear ntrack_inv_lref to H as H0; decompose;
lapply linear insert_trans to H, H1; decompose; autobatch
- | lapply linear ntrack_inv_parx to H; subst; autobatch
- | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impw to H1; decompose; subst;
+ | lapply linear ntrack_inv_parx to H; destruct; autobatch
+ | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impw to H1; decompose; destruct;
lapply linear H to H4, H2; decompose; autobatch
- | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impr to H1; decompose; subst;
+ | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impr to H1; decompose; destruct;
lapply linear H to H4, H2; decompose; autobatch
- | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impi to H3; decompose; subst;
+ | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impi to H3; decompose; destruct;
lapply insert_conf to H4, H6; clear H6; decompose;
lapply H to H9, H4; clear H H9; lapply linear H1 to H8, H4;
lapply linear H2 to H7, H6; decompose; autobatch width = 4
\exists r. NTrack P r S.
intros 2; elim q; clear q;
[ lapply linear ntrack_inv_lref to H1 as H0; decompose;
- lapply linear insert_conf_rev_full to H1,H2; decompose; subst; autobatch
- | lapply linear ntrack_inv_parx to H1; subst; autobatch
- | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impw to H2; decompose; subst;
+ lapply linear insert_conf_rev_full to H1,H2; decompose; destruct; autobatch
+ | lapply linear ntrack_inv_parx to H1; destruct; autobatch
+ | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impw to H2; decompose; destruct;
lapply linear H to H1, H5, H3; decompose; autobatch
- | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impr to H2; decompose; subst;
+ | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impr to H2; decompose; destruct;
lapply linear H to H1, H5, H3; decompose; autobatch
- | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impi to H4; decompose; subst;
+ | lapply linear ntrack_inv_impi to H4; decompose; destruct;
lapply insert_trans to H5, H7; clear H7; decompose;
lapply ntrack_weak to H3, H6; decompose;
lapply H to H3, H10, H5; clear H H10; lapply linear H1 to H3, H9, H5;
theorem track_inv_lref: \forall Q,S,i. Track Q (lref i) S \to
\exists p1,p2,P. Insert p1 p2 S i P Q.
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch depth = 4.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch depth = 4.
theorem track_inv_prin: \forall P,S,h. Track P (prin h) S \to
S = pair (posr h) (posr h).
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch.
theorem track_inv_impw: \forall P,p,S. Track P (impw p) S \to
\exists B,a,b.
S = pair (impl a b) B \land
Track P p (pair lleaf B).
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch depth = 5.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch depth = 5.
theorem track_inv_impr: \forall Q,p,S. Track Q (impr p) S \to
\exists a,b:Formula.
S = pair lleaf (impl a b) \land
Track Q p (pair a b).
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch depth = 4.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch depth = 4.
theorem track_inv_impi: \forall P,p,q,r,S. Track P (impi p q r) S \to
Track P p (pair A a) \land
Track P q (pair b B) \land
Track (abst P p q (pair A B)) r (pair lleaf D).
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch depth = 9 width = 4 size = 12.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch depth = 9 width = 4 size = 12.
theorem track_inv_scut: \forall P,q,r,S. Track P (scut q r) S \to
S = pair A B \land
Track P q (pair A c) \land
Track P r (pair c B).
- intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; subst; autobatch depth = 6 size = 8.
+ intros; inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct; autobatch depth = 6 size = 8.
intros 7; elim H; clear H Q1 Q2 p1 p2 S1 S2;
[ autobatch
| autobatch
- | lapply linear track_inv_impw to H3; decompose; subst; autobatch
- | lapply linear track_inv_impr to H3; decompose; subst; autobatch
- | lapply linear track_inv_impi to H7; decompose; subst; autobatch size = 7
- | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H5; decompose; subst; autobatch
- | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H4; decompose; subst;
+ | lapply linear track_inv_impw to H3; decompose; destruct; autobatch
+ | lapply linear track_inv_impr to H3; decompose; destruct; autobatch
+ | lapply linear track_inv_impi to H7; decompose; destruct; autobatch size = 7
+ | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H5; decompose; destruct; autobatch
+ | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H4; decompose; destruct;
lapply linear track_inv_lref to H6; decompose; autobatch
- | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H4; decompose; subst;
+ | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H4; decompose; destruct;
lapply linear track_inv_lref to H5; decompose; autobatch
- | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H3; decompose; subst;
- lapply linear track_inv_prin to H5; subst; autobatch
- | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H3; decompose; subst;
- lapply linear track_inv_prin to H4; subst; autobatch
- | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H3; decompose; subst;
- lapply linear track_inv_impw to H4; decompose; subst;
- lapply linear track_inv_impr to H5; decompose; subst; autobatch
+ | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H3; decompose; destruct;
+ lapply linear track_inv_prin to H5; destruct; autobatch
+ | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H3; decompose; destruct;
+ lapply linear track_inv_prin to H4; destruct; autobatch
+ | lapply linear track_inv_scut to H3; decompose; destruct;
+ lapply linear track_inv_impw to H4; decompose; destruct;
+ lapply linear track_inv_impr to H5; decompose; destruct; autobatch
theorem nle_inv_succ_1: \forall x,y. x < y \to
\exists z. y = succ z \land x <= z.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst. autobatch.
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct. autobatch.
theorem nle_inv_succ_succ: \forall x,y. x < succ y \to x <= y.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst. autobatch.
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct. autobatch.
theorem nle_inv_succ_zero: \forall x. x < zero \to False.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst.
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct.
theorem nle_inv_zero_2: \forall x. x <= zero \to x = zero.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst. autobatch.
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct. autobatch.
theorem nle_inv_succ_2: \forall y,x. x <= succ y \to
x = zero \lor \exists z. x = succ z \land z <= y.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst;
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct;
autobatch depth = 4.
\forall z. y <= z \to x <= z.
intros 3. elim H; clear H x y;
[ autobatch
- | lapply linear nle_inv_succ_1 to H3. decompose. subst.
+ | lapply linear nle_inv_succ_1 to H3. decompose. destruct.
theorem nle_irrefl_ei: \forall x, z. z <= x \to z = succ x \to False.
- intros 3. elim H; clear H x z; subst. autobatch.
+ intros 3. elim H; clear H x z; destruct. autobatch.
theorem nle_irrefl_smart: \forall x. x < x \to False.
| decompose;
[ lapply linear nle_inv_succ_1 to H1
| lapply linear nle_lt_or_eq to H1
- ]; decompose; subst; autobatch depth = 4
+ ]; decompose; destruct; autobatch depth = 4
intros 4. elim H; clear H q r1;
[ lapply linear nplus_inv_zero_2 to H1
| lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H3. decompose
- ]; subst; autobatch.
+ ]; destruct; autobatch.
theorem nplus_inj_1: \forall p1, q, r. (p1 + q == r) \to
\exists s. r = (succ s) \land p + q == s.
intros. elim H; clear H q r; intros;
[ autobatch depth = 4
- | clear H1. decompose. subst. autobatch depth = 4
+ | clear H1. decompose. destruct. autobatch depth = 4
theorem nplus_inv_zero_2: \forall p,r. (p + zero == r) \to p = r.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst. autobatch.
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct. autobatch.
theorem nplus_inv_succ_2: \forall p,q,r. (p + (succ q) == r) \to
\exists s. r = (succ s) \land p + q == s.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst.
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct.
autobatch depth = 4.
theorem nplus_inv_zero_3: \forall p,q. (p + q == zero) \to
p = zero \land q = zero.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst. autobatch.
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct. autobatch.
theorem nplus_inv_succ_3: \forall p,q,r. (p + q == (succ r)) \to
\exists s. p = succ s \land (s + q == r) \lor
q = succ s \land p + s == r.
- intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; subst;
+ intros. inversion H; clear H; intros; destruct;
autobatch depth = 4.
theorem nplus_inv_succ_2_3: \forall p,q,r.
(p + (succ q) == (succ r)) \to p + q == r.
- lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H. decompose. subst. autobatch.
+ lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H. decompose. destruct. autobatch.
theorem nplus_inv_succ_1_3: \forall p,q,r.
((succ p) + q == (succ r)) \to p + q == r.
- lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_1 to H. decompose. subst. autobatch.
+ lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_1 to H. decompose. destruct. autobatch.
theorem nplus_inv_eq_2_3: \forall p,q. (p + q == q) \to p = zero.
intros 4; elim H; clear H q x;
[ lapply linear nplus_inv_zero_1 to H1
| lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_1 to H3. decompose
- ]; subst; autobatch.
+ ]; destruct; autobatch.
theorem nplus_comm_rew: \forall p,q,r. (p + q == r) \to q + p == r.
\forall r3. (p2 + p3 == r3) \to
\forall s3. (p1 + r3 == s3) \to s1 = s3.
intros 4. elim H; clear H p2 r1;
- [ lapply linear nplus_inv_zero_1 to H2. subst.
- lapply nplus_mono to H1, H3. subst. autobatch
- | lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_1 to H3. decompose. subst.
- lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_1 to H4. decompose. subst.
- lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H5. decompose. subst. autobatch
+ [ lapply linear nplus_inv_zero_1 to H2. destruct.
+ lapply nplus_mono to H1, H3. destruct. autobatch
+ | lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_1 to H3. decompose. destruct.
+ lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_1 to H4. decompose. destruct.
+ lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H5. decompose. destruct. autobatch
intros 4. elim H; clear H q r1;
[ lapply linear nplus_inv_zero_2 to H1
| lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H3.
- lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H4. decompose. subst.
+ lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H4. decompose. destruct.
lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H5. decompose
- ]; subst; autobatch.
+ ]; destruct; autobatch.
theorem nplus_comm_1_rew: \forall p1,q,r1. (p1 + q == r1) \to
\forall p2,r2. (p2 + q == r2) \to
\forall s. (p1 + r2 == s) \to (p2 + r1 == s).
intros 4. elim H; clear H q r1;
- [ lapply linear nplus_inv_zero_2 to H1. subst
- | lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H3. decompose. subst.
- lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H4. decompose. subst
+ [ lapply linear nplus_inv_zero_2 to H1. destruct
+ | lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H3. decompose. destruct.
+ lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H4. decompose. destruct
]; autobatch.
(p + (succ q) == r) \to (succ p) + q == r.
lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H as H0.
- decompose. subst. auto new timeout=100.
+ decompose. destruct. auto new timeout=100.
theorem nplus_shift_succ_dx: \forall p,q,r.
((succ p) + q == r) \to p + (succ q) == r.
lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_1 to H as H0.
- decompose. subst. auto new timeout=100.
+ decompose. destruct. auto new timeout=100.
theorem nplus_trans_1: \forall p,q1,r1. (p + q1 == r1) \to
\exists q. (q1 + q2 == q) \land p + q == r2.
intros 2; elim q1; clear q1; intros;
[ lapply linear nplus_inv_zero_2 to H as H0.
- subst.
+ destruct.
| lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H1 as H0.
- decompose. subst.
+ decompose. destruct.
lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_1 to H2 as H0.
- decompose. subst.
+ decompose. destruct.
lapply linear H to H4, H3 as H0.
]; apply ex_intro; [| auto new timeout=100 || auto new timeout=100 ]. (**)
\exists p. (p1 + p2 == p) \land p + q == r2.
intros 2; elim q; clear q; intros;
[ lapply linear nplus_inv_zero_2 to H as H0.
- subst
+ destruct
| lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H1 as H0.
- decompose. subst.
+ decompose. destruct.
lapply linear nplus_inv_succ_2 to H2 as H0.
- decompose. subst.
+ decompose. destruct.
lapply linear H to H4, H3 as H0.
]; apply ex_intro; [| auto new timeout=100 || auto new timeout=100 ]. (**)
intros. inversion H; clear H; intros;
[ id
- | subst.
+ | destruct.
theorem npluslist_inj_2: \forall ns1,ns2,n.
theorem zeq_trans: \forall z1,z2. z1 = z2 \to
\forall z3. z2 = z3 \to z1 = z3.
intros 3. elim H. clear H z1 z2.
- inversion H3. clear H3. intros. subst.
+ inversion H3. clear H3. intros. destruct.
lapply (nplus_total n5 n6). decompose.
lapply (nplus_total n4 n9). decompose.
apply zeq.
∀t,t'. tnode nat t tempty = tnode nat t' tempty → t = t'.
destruct H.
- assumption.
+ reflexivity.
theorem injection_test3:
theorem injection_test0: ∀n,n',m,m'. k0 n m = k0 n' m' → m = m'.
destruct H;
- assumption.
+ reflexivity.
inductive t : Type → Type :=
theorem injection_test1: ∀n,n'. k n = k n' → n = n'.
destruct H;
- assumption.
+ reflexivity.
inductive tt (A:Type) : Type -> Type :=
theorem injection_test2: ∀n,n',m,m'. k1 bool n n' = k1 bool m m' → n' = m'.
destruct H;
- assumption.
+ reflexivity.
inductive ttree : Type → Type :=
∀n,n',m,m'. k1 bool (S n) (S (S m)) = k1 bool (S n') (S (S (S m'))) → m = S m'.
destruct H;
- assumption.
+ reflexivity.