$HELM_LIB_PATH = $DEFAULT_HELM_LIB_DIR."/configuration.pl";
-# Let's override the configuration file
-$style_dir = $ENV{"HELM_STYLE_DIR"} if (defined ($ENV{"HELM_STYLE_DIR"}));
-$dtd_dir = $ENV{"HELM_DTD_DIR"} if (defined ($ENV{"HELM_DTD_DIR"}));
# <ZACK>: TODO temporary, move this setting to configuration file
# set the cache mode, may be "gzipped" or "normal"
my $cachemode = $ENV{'HTTP_GETTER_CACHE_MODE'} || 'gzipped';
# next require defines: $helm_dir, $html_link, $dtd_dir, $uris_dbm
require $HELM_LIB_PATH;
+# Let's override the configuration file
+$style_dir = $ENV{"HELM_STYLE_DIR"} if (defined ($ENV{"HELM_STYLE_DIR"}));
+$dtd_dir = $ENV{"HELM_DTD_DIR"} if (defined ($ENV{"HELM_DTD_DIR"}));
use HTTP::Daemon;
use HTTP::Status;
use HTTP::Request;
print "processing server: $server ...\n";
chomp $server;
$debugserver = "http://dalamar.krynn.it/helm"; # FOR DEBUG ONLY: REMOVE ME !!
- helm_wget($tmpdir, $debugserver."/".$indexname); #get index
- $idxfile = $tmpdir."/".$indexname;
+ helm_wget($tmp_dir, $server."/".$indexname); #get index
+ $idxfile = $tmp_dir."/".$indexname;
open (INDEX, "< $idxfile") or
die "cannot open temporary index file: $idxfile\n";
while ($line = <INDEX>) { #parse index and add entry to urls_of_uris