$query_gc = urlencode(
"GC usage @@@" .
- "select bench.mark, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench.time)) - SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench1.time))) as gc_hoverhead from bench, bench as bench1 where bench.mark = bench1.mark and bench.test = bench1.test and bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench1.options = 'gc-off' and bench.compilation = bench1.compilation group by mark***"
+ "select bench.mark, SUM(bench.time) - SUM(bench1.time) as gc_hoverhead from bench, bench as bench1 where bench.mark = bench1.mark and bench.test = bench1.test and bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench1.options = 'gc-off' and bench.compilation = bench1.compilation group by mark***"
. "###" .
"GC usage (opt)@@@" .
- "select bench.mark, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench.time)) - SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench1.time))) as gc_hoverhead from bench, bench as bench1 where bench.mark = bench1.mark and bench.test = bench1.test and bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench1.options = 'gc-off' and bench.compilation = bench1.compilation and bench.compilation = 'opt' group by mark***"
+ "select bench.mark, SUM(bench.time) - SUM(bench1.time) as gc_hoverhead from bench, bench as bench1 where bench.mark = bench1.mark and bench.test = bench1.test and bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench1.options = 'gc-off' and bench.compilation = bench1.compilation and bench.compilation = 'opt' group by mark***"
. "###" .
"GC usage (byte)@@@" .
- "select bench.mark, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench.time)) - SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench1.time))) as gc_hoverhead from bench, bench as bench1 where bench.mark = bench1.mark and bench.test = bench1.test and bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench1.options = 'gc-off' and bench.compilation = bench1.compilation and bench.compilation = 'byte' group by mark***"
+ "select bench.mark, SUM(bench.time) - SUM(bench1.time) as gc_hoverhead from bench, bench as bench1 where bench.mark = bench1.mark and bench.test = bench1.test and bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench1.options = 'gc-off' and bench.compilation = bench1.compilation and bench.compilation = 'byte' group by mark***"
$query_auto = urlencode(
- "Auto (with GC)@@@select mark, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench.time))) as time from bench where test='auto.ma' and options = 'gc-on' group by mark order by mark desc***"
+ "Auto (with GC)@@@select mark, SUM(bench.time) as time from bench where test='auto.ma' and options = 'gc-on' group by mark order by mark desc***"
. "###" .
- "Auto (without GC)@@@select mark, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench.time))) as time from bench where test='auto.ma' and options = 'gc-off' group by mark order by mark desc***"
- # . "###" .
- # "GC overhead@@@select bench.mark, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench.time)) - SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench1.time))) as gc_hoverhead from bench, bench as bench1 where bench.mark = bench1.mark and bench.test = bench1.test and bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench1.options = 'gc-off' and bench.compilation = bench1.compilation and bench.test = 'auto.ma' group by mark"
+ "Auto (without GC)@@@select mark, SUM(bench.time) as time from bench where test='auto.ma' and options = 'gc-off' group by mark order by mark desc***"
+ . "###" .
+ "GC overhead@@@select bench.mark, SUM(bench.time) - SUM(bench1.time) as gc_hoverhead from bench, bench as bench1 where bench.mark = bench1.mark and bench.test = bench1.test and bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench1.options = 'gc-off' and bench.compilation = bench1.compilation and bench.test = 'auto.ma' group by mark"
-$query_csc = urlencode("Performances (byte and GC) per mark@@@select bench.mark ,bench_svn.revision as revision, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench.time))) as sum_time, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench.timeuser))) as sum_timeuser from bench, bench_svn where bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench.compilation = 'byte' and bench_svn.mark = bench.mark group by bench.mark order by bench.mark desc"
+$query_csc = urlencode("Performances (byte and GC) per mark@@@select bench.mark ,bench_svn.revision as revision, SUM(bench.time) as sum_time, SUM(bench.timeuser) as sum_timeuser from bench, bench_svn where bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench.compilation = 'byte' and bench_svn.mark = bench.mark group by bench.mark order by bench.mark desc"
-$query_csc_opt = urlencode("Performances (opt and GC) per mark@@@select bench.mark,bench_svn.revision as revision, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench.time))) as sum_time, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(bench.timeuser))) as sum_timeuser from bench, bench_svn where bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench.compilation = 'opt' and bench_svn.mark = bench.mark group by bench.mark order by bench.mark desc"
+$query_csc_opt = urlencode("Performances (opt and GC) per mark@@@select bench.mark,bench_svn.revision as revision, SUM(bench.time) as sum_time, SUM(bench.timeuser) as sum_timeuser from bench, bench_svn where bench.options = 'gc-on' and bench.compilation = 'opt' and bench_svn.mark = bench.mark group by bench.mark order by bench.mark desc"
$query_total = urlencode(
-function query($q) {
+function query($q,$f) {
$db = mysql_pconnect("localhost","helm");
- if (preg_match("/TIME_TO_SEC/",$q)) {
- $group_by = true;
- $q = preg_replace("/group by bench.mark/","",$q);
- $q = preg_replace("/SEC_TO_TIME\(SUM\(TIME_TO_SEC\(([^)]+)\)\)\)/","$1",$q);
- }
$rc = mysql_query($q,$db);
if(!$rc) {
die("Query failed: " . mysql_error());
- $result = array();
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($rc, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
- $result[] = $row;
+ $f($row);
- if ($group_by){
- return group_array_by_mark($result);
- } else {
- return $result;
- }
function time_2_cents($t) {
return ((int) $t_cents) + ((int) $t_secs) * 100 + ((int)$t_minutes) * 6000 ;
-function sum_time($t1, $t2) {
- $matches1 = array();
- $matches2 = array();
- $rex = "/^(\d+)m(\d\d?)\.(\d{2})s$/";
- $m1 = preg_match($rex,$t1,$matches1);
- $m2 = preg_match($rex,$t2,$matches2);
- if ($m1 != 0 && $m2 != 0) {
- $t1_minutes = $matches1[1];
- $t2_minutes = $matches2[1];
- $t1_secs = $matches1[2];
- $t2_secs = $matches2[2];
- $t1_cents = $matches1[3];
- $t2_cents = $matches2[3];
- $time1 = ((int) $t1_cents) + ((int) $t1_secs) * 100 + ((int)$t1_minutes) * 6000 ;
- $time2 = ((int) $t2_cents) + ((int) $t2_secs) * 100 + ((int)$t2_minutes) * 6000 ;
- $sum = $time1 + $time2;
- $min = $sum / 6000;
- $sec = ($sum % 6000) / 100;
- $cent = ($sum % 6000) % 100;
- return sprintf("%dm%02d.%02ds",$min,$sec,$cent);
- } else {
- return $t1;
- }
-function group_array_by_mark($a) {
- $rc = array();
- foreach ($a as $x) {
- if ($rc[$x['mark']] == NULL) {
- $rc[$x['mark']] = $x;
- } else {
- foreach ($rc[$x['mark']] as $k => $v) {
- $rc[$x['mark']][$k] = sum_time($v, $x[$k]);
- }
- }
- }
- return array_values($rc);
function array_to_combo($l,$a) {
echo "<select name=\"$l\">";
echo "<option value=\"--\">--</option>";
$gb = $_GET['groupby'];
$limit = $_GET['limit'];
if($gb != "--")
- $what = "mark, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(time))) as sum_time, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(timeuser))) as sum_timeuser";
+ $what = "mark, SUM(time) as sum_time, SUM(timeuser) as sum_timeuser";
$what = "mark, time, timeuser, compilation, test, result, options";
$clause = clause_for($c);
return $s;
- <head>
- <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>QUERY results</h1>
-<? foreach( $qs as $name => $q) { ?>
- <h2><? echo $name; ?></h2>
- <p>
- <tt><? print $q; ?></tt>
- </p>
- <table border=1>
- <?
- $q = query($q);
+function printer($q){
+ static $i = 0;
+ if ( $i == 0) {
echo "<tr>";
- foreach( $q[0] as $name => $txt) {
+ foreach( $q as $name => $txt) {
echo "<th>$name</th>";
echo "</tr>\n";
+ } else {
foreach ($q as $k => $v) {
$i = $i + 1;
echo "</tr>\n";
- ?>
+ }
+ $i++;
+ <head>
+ <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>QUERY results</h1>
+<? foreach( $qs as $name => $q) { ?>
+ <h2><? echo $name; ?></h2>
+ <p>
+ <tt><? print $q; ?></tt>
+ </p>
+ <table border=1>
+ <? query($q,&$printer); ?>
<? } ?>
<p><a href="bench.php">BACK to the query page</a></p>