| TAppl l -> 1
+(* None = dropped abstraction *)
+type typ_context = (string * kind) option list
+type term_context = (string * [`OfKind of kind | `OfType of typ]) option list
+type typ_former_decl = typ_context * kind
+type typ_former_def = typ_former_decl * typ
type term =
| Rel of int
| UnitTerm
| Lambda of string * (* typ **) term
| Appl of term list
| LetIn of string * (* typ **) term * term
- | Match of reference * term * term list
+ | Match of reference * term * (term_context * term) list
| BottomElim
| TLambda of (* string **) term
| Inst of (*typ_former **) term
| UnsafeCoerce of term
+type term_former_decl = term_context * typ
+type term_former_def = term_former_decl * term
let rec size_of_term =
| Rel r -> 1
let unitty =
NCic.Const (NReference.reference_of_spec (NUri.uri_of_string "cic:/matita/basics/types/unit.ind") (NReference.Ind (true,0,0)));;
-(* None = dropped abstraction *)
-type typ_context = (string * kind) option list
-type term_context = (string * [`OfKind of kind | `OfType of typ]) option list
-type typ_former_decl = typ_context * kind
-type typ_former_def = typ_former_decl * typ
-type term_former_decl = term_context * typ
-type term_former_def = term_former_decl * term
type obj_kind =
TypeDeclaration of typ_former_decl
| TypeDefinition of typ_former_def
otherwise NOT A TYPE *)
| NCic.Meta _ -> assert false (* TODO *)
| NCic.Match (ref,_,t,pl) ->
+ let patterns_of pl =
+ let constructors, leftno =
+ let _,leftno,tys,_,n = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys status ref in
+ let _,_,_,cl = List.nth tys n in
+ cl,leftno
+ in
+ let rec eat_branch n ty context ctx pat =
+ match (ty, pat) with
+ | NCic.Prod (_, _, t), _ when n > 0 ->
+ eat_branch (pred n) t context ctx pat
+ | NCic.Prod (_, _, t), NCic.Lambda (name, ty, t') ->
+ let ctx =
+ (*BUG: we should classify according to the constructor type*)
+ (Some (name,`OfType (*(typ_of status ~metasenv context ty)*)Unit))::ctx in
+ let context = (name,NCic.Decl ty)::context in
+ eat_branch 0 t context ctx t'
+ (*BUG here, eta-expand!*)
+ | _, _ -> context,ctx, pat
+ in
+ try
+ List.map2
+ (fun (_, name, ty) pat ->
+ let context,lhs,rhs = eat_branch leftno ty context [] pat in
+ let rhs =
+ (* UnsafeCoerce not always required *)
+ UnsafeCoerce (term_of status ~metasenv context rhs)
+ in
+ lhs,rhs
+ ) constructors pl
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false
+ in
(match classify_not_term status [] (NCic.Const ref) with
| `PropKind
| `KindOrType
| `Kind -> assert false (* IMPOSSIBLE *)
| `Proposition ->
- (match pl with
+ (match patterns_of pl with
[] -> BottomElim
- | [p] ->
- (* UnsafeCoerce not always required *)
- UnsafeCoerce
- (term_of status ~metasenv context p (* Lambdas will be skipped *))
+ | [_lhs,rhs] -> rhs (*BUG HERE: Rels are not ok, bound in the _lhs*)
| _ -> assert false)
| `Type ->
- Match (ref,term_of status ~metasenv context t,
- (* UnsafeCoerce not always required *)
- List.map (fun p -> UnsafeCoerce (term_of status ~metasenv context p)) pl))
+ Match (ref,term_of status ~metasenv context t, patterns_of pl))
and eat_args status metasenv acc context tyhe =
[] -> acc
"forall " ^ name ^ ". " ^ pretty_print_type status (name::ctxt) t
| TAppl tl -> String.concat " " (List.map (pretty_print_type status ctxt) tl)
+let pretty_print_term_context status ctx1 ctx2 =
+ let name_context, res =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun el (ctx1,res) ->
+ match el with
+ None -> ""@::ctx1,res
+ | Some (name,`OfKind _) -> name@::ctx1,res
+ | Some (name,`OfType typ) ->
+ let name,ctx1 = name@:::ctx1 in
+ name::ctx1,
+ ("(" ^ name ^ " :: " ^ pretty_print_type status ctx1 typ ^ ")")::res
+ ) ctx2 (ctx1,[]) in
+ name_context, String.concat " " res
let rec pretty_print_term status ctxt =
| Rel n -> List.nth ctxt (n-1)
if pl = [] then
"error \"Case analysis over empty type\""
- let constructors, leftno =
- let _,leftno,tys,_,n = NCicEnvironment.get_checked_indtys status r in
- let _,_,_,cl = List.nth tys n in
- cl,leftno
- in
- let rec eat_branch n ty pat =
- match (ty, pat) with
- | NCic.Prod (_, _, t), _ when n > 0 -> eat_branch (pred n) t pat
- | NCic.Prod (_, _, t), Lambda (name, t') ->
- let cv, rhs = eat_branch 0 t t' in
- name :: cv, rhs
- | _, _ -> [], pat
- in
- let j = ref 0 in
- let patterns =
- try
- List.map2
- (fun (_, name, ty) pat -> incr j; name, eat_branch leftno ty pat) constructors pl
- with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false
- in
- "case " ^ pretty_print_term status ctxt matched ^ " of\n" ^
- String.concat "\n"
- (List.map
- (fun (name,(bound_names,rhs)) ->
- let pattern,body =
- (*CSC: BUG avoid name clashes *)
- String.concat " " (String.capitalize name::bound_names),
- pretty_print_term status ((List.rev bound_names)@ctxt) rhs
- in
- " " ^ pattern ^ " -> " ^ body
- ) patterns)
+ "case " ^ pretty_print_term status ctxt matched ^ " of\n" ^
+ String.concat "\n"
+ (HExtlib.list_mapi
+ (fun (bound_names,rhs) i ->
+ let ref = NReference.mk_constructor (i+1) r in
+ let name = pp_ref status ref in
+ let names,bound_names =
+ pretty_print_term_context status ctxt bound_names in
+ let body =
+ pretty_print_term status ((List.rev names)@ctxt) rhs
+ in
+ " " ^ name ^ " " ^ bound_names ^ " -> " ^ body
+ ) pl)
| Skip t
| TLambda t -> pretty_print_term status (""@::ctxt) t
| Inst t -> pretty_print_term status ctxt t
-type term_context = (string * [`OfKind of kind | `OfType of typ]) option list
-type term_former_def = term_context * term * typ
-type term_former_decl = term_context * typ
let rec pp_obj status (ref,obj_kind) =
let pretty_print_context ctx =
String.concat " " (List.rev (snd