-theorem ltb_elim: \forall n,m:nat. \forall P:bool \to Prop.
-(n < m \to (P true)) \to (n ≮ m \to (P false)) \to
+theorem ltb_elim: ∀n,m:nat. ∀P:bool → Prop.
+(n < m → (P true)) → (n ≮ m → (P false)) →
P (ltb n m).
(match (ltb n m) with
-[ true \Rightarrow n < m
-| false \Rightarrow n ≮ m] \to (P (ltb n m))).
+[ true ⇒ n < m
+| false ⇒ n ≮ m] → (P (ltb n m))).
apply Hcut.apply ltb_to_Prop.
elim (ltb n m).
apply ((H H2)).
theorem le_pred_to_le:
- ∀n,m. O < m → pred n ≤ pred m \to n ≤ m.
+ ∀n,m. O < m → pred n ≤ pred m → n ≤ m.
intros 2;
elim n;
[ apply le_O_n
(∀x,y.x≤n → y≤n → f x = f y → x=y) →
(∀m. m ≤ n → f m ≤ n) →
- ∀x. x≤n \to ∃y.f y = x ∧ y ≤ n.
+ ∀x. x≤n → ∃y.f y = x ∧ y ≤ n.
elim n;
[ apply (ex_intro ? ? O);
generalize in match (H1 ? ? ? ? H4);
[ intro;
- |
- |
+ generalize in match (le_n_m_to_lt_m_Sn_to_eq_n_m ? ? H6 H5);
+ intro;
+ generalize in match (H1 ? ? ? ? H9);
+ [ intro;
+ rewrite > H10 in H7;
+ elim (not_le_Sn_n ? H7)
+ | rewrite > H8;
+ apply le_n
+ | apply le_n
+ ]
+ | apply le_S;
+ assumption
+ | apply le_n
| apply (ltn_to_ltO ? ? H4)
| apply Hcut1
| apply le_S_S_to_le;
rewrite < S_pred;
- exact H3
+ [ assumption
+ | apply (ltn_to_ltO ? ? H4)
+ ]
- (* TODO: caso complicato, ma simile al terzo *)
| intros;
apply (ex_intro ? ? (S n1));
-theorem foo:
+theorem finite_enumerable_SemiGroup_to_left_cancellable_to_right_cancellable_to_isMonoid:
left_cancellable ? (op G) →
right_cancellable ? (op G) →
apply (H1 ? ? ? GaxGax)
-| apply pigeonhole
+| intros;
+ elim (pigeonhole (order ? G) f ? ? ? H2);
+ [ apply (ex_intro ? ? a);
+ elim H3;
+ assumption
+ | intros;
+ change in H5 with (ι(G \sub O · G \sub x) = ι(G \sub O · G \sub y));
+ cut (G \sub (ι(G \sub O · G \sub x)) = G \sub (ι(G \sub O · G \sub y)));
+ [ rewrite > (repr_index_of ? ? (G \sub O · G \sub x)) in Hcut;
+ rewrite > (repr_index_of ? ? (G \sub O · G \sub y)) in Hcut;
+ generalize in match (H ? ? ? Hcut);
+ intro;
+ generalize in match (eq_f ? ? (index_of ? G) ? ? H6);
+ intro;
+ rewrite > index_of_repr in H7;
+ rewrite > index_of_repr in H7;
+ assumption
+ | apply eq_f;
+ assumption
+ ]
+ | intros;
+ apply index_of_sur
+ ]