let visit bag pos ctx id t f =
let rec aux bag pos ctx id subst = function
| Terms.Leaf _ as t ->
- let bag,subst,t,id = f bag t pos ctx id
- in assert (subst=[]); bag,t,id
+ let bag,subst,t,id = f bag t pos ctx id in
+ assert (subst=[]); bag,t,id
| Terms.Var i as t ->
let t= Subst.apply_subst subst t in
match t with
| Terms.Node [ Terms.Leaf eq ; ty; l; r ] when B.eq B.eqP eq ->
let o = Order.compare_terms l r in
- Terms.Equation (l, r, ty, o)
+ (* CSC: to avoid equations of the form ? -> T that
+ can always be applied and that lead to type-checking errors *)
+ (match l,r,o with
+ Terms.Var _,_,Terms.Gt
+ | _,Terms.Var _,Terms.Lt -> assert false
+ | Terms.Var _,_,(Terms.Incomparable | Terms.Invertible) ->
+ Terms.Equation (l, r, ty, Terms.Lt)
+ | _, Terms.Var _,(Terms.Incomparable | Terms.Invertible) ->
+ Terms.Equation (l, r, ty, Terms.Gt)
+ | _ -> Terms.Equation (l, r, ty, o))
| t -> Terms.Predicate t
let bag, uc =