OCAMLC = ocamlopt -g -rectypes
LIB = unix.cmxa str.cmxa
-UTILS = util.cmx console.cmx listx.cmx pure.cmx num.cmx parser.cmx
+UTILS = util.cmx console.cmx parser.cmx
-all: a.out test4.out
+all: andrea.out
-run: test4.out
- bash run
-a.out: $(UTILS) lambda4.cmx problems.cmx
- $(OCAMLC) -o a.out $(LIB) $^
-sat.out: $(UTILS) lambda4.cmx sat.ml
- $(OCAMLC) -o sat.out $(LIB) $^
-test4.out: $(UTILS) lambda4.cmx test.ml
- $(OCAMLC) -o test4.out $(LIB) $^
-andrea.out: $(UTILS) andrea9.ml
- $(OCAMLC) -o andrea.out $(LIB) $(UTILS) andrea9.ml
+andrea.out: $(UTILS) andrea.ml
+ $(OCAMLC) -o andrea.out $(LIB) $(UTILS) andrea.ml
%.cmi: %.mli
$(OCAMLC) -c $<
--- /dev/null
+let (++) f g x = f (g x);;\r
+let id x = x;;\r
+let print_hline = Console.print_hline;;\r
+type var = int;;\r
+type t =\r
+ | V of var\r
+ | A of t * t\r
+ | L of t\r
+ | B (* bottom *)\r
+ | P (* pacman *)\r
+let eta_eq =\r
+ let rec aux l1 l2 t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with\r
+ | L t1, L t2 -> aux l1 l2 t1 t2\r
+ | L t1, t2 -> aux l1 (l2+1) t1 t2\r
+ | t1, L t2 -> aux (l1+1) l2 t1 t2\r
+ | V a, V b -> a + l1 = b + l2\r
+ | A(t1,t2), A(u1,u2) -> aux l1 l2 t1 u1 && aux l1 l2 t2 u2\r
+ | _, _ -> false\r
+ in aux 0 0\r
+type problem = {\r
+ orig_freshno: int\r
+ ; freshno : int\r
+ ; div : t\r
+ ; conv : t\r
+ ; sigma : (var * t) list (* substitutions *)\r
+ ; stepped : var list\r
+exception Done of (var * t) list (* substitution *);;\r
+exception Fail of int * string;;\r
+let string_of_t p =\r
+ let bound_vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "w"; "q"] in\r
+ let rec string_of_term_w_pars level = function\r
+ | V v -> if v >= level then "`" ^ string_of_int (v-level) else\r
+ let nn = level - v-1 in\r
+ if nn < 5 then List.nth bound_vars nn else "x" ^ (string_of_int (nn-4))\r
+ | A _\r
+ | L _ as t -> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_lam level t ^ ")"\r
+ | B -> "BOT"\r
+ | P -> "PAC"\r
+ and string_of_term_no_pars_app level = function\r
+ | A(t1,t2) -> (string_of_term_no_pars_app level t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars level t2)\r
+ | _ as t -> string_of_term_w_pars level t\r
+ and string_of_term_no_pars_lam level = function\r
+ | L t -> "λ" ^ string_of_term_w_pars (level+1) (V 0) ^ ". " ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam (level+1) t)\r
+ | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars level t\r
+ and string_of_term_no_pars level = function\r
+ | L _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_lam level t\r
+ | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_app level t\r
+ in string_of_term_no_pars 0\r
+let string_of_problem p =\r
+ let lines = [\r
+ "[stepped] " ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int p.stepped);\r
+ "[DV] " ^ (string_of_t p p.div);\r
+ "[CV] " ^ (string_of_t p p.conv);\r
+ ] in\r
+ String.concat "\n" lines\r
+let problem_fail p reason =\r
+ print_endline "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";\r
+ print_endline (string_of_problem p);\r
+ raise (Fail (-1, reason))\r
+let freshvar ({freshno} as p) =\r
+ {p with freshno=freshno+1}, freshno+1\r
+let rec is_inert =\r
+ function\r
+ | A(t,_) -> is_inert t\r
+ | V _ -> true\r
+ | L _ | B | P -> false\r
+let is_var = function V _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
+let is_lambda = function L _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
+let rec head_of_inert = function\r
+ | V n -> n\r
+ | A(t, _) -> head_of_inert t\r
+ | _ -> assert false\r
+let rec args_no = function\r
+ | V _ -> 0\r
+ | A(t, _) -> 1 + args_no t\r
+ | _ -> assert false\r
+let rec subst level delift fromdiv sub =\r
+ function\r
+ | V v -> if v = level + fst sub then lift level (snd sub) else V (if delift && v > level then v-1 else v)\r
+ | L t -> L (subst (level + 1) delift fromdiv sub t)\r
+ | A (t1,t2) ->\r
+ let t1 = subst level delift fromdiv sub t1 in\r
+ let t2 = subst level delift fromdiv sub t2 in\r
+ if t1 = B || t2 = B then B else mk_app fromdiv t1 t2\r
+ | B -> B\r
+ | P -> P\r
+and mk_app fromdiv t1 t2 = let t1 = if t1 = P then L P else t1 in match t1 with\r
+ | B | _ when t2 = B -> B\r
+ | L t1 -> subst 0 true fromdiv (0, t2) t1\r
+ | t1 -> A (t1, t2)\r
+and lift n =\r
+ let rec aux n' =\r
+ function\r
+ | V m -> V (if m >= n' then m + n else m)\r
+ | L t -> L (aux (n'+1) t)\r
+ | A (t1, t2) -> A (aux n' t1, aux n' t2)\r
+ | B -> B\r
+ | P -> P\r
+ in aux 0\r
+let subst = subst 0 false;;\r
+let subst_in_problem (sub: var * t) (p: problem) =\r
+print_endline ("-- SUBST " ^ string_of_t p (V (fst sub)) ^ " |-> " ^ string_of_t p (snd sub));\r
+ let p = {p with stepped=(fst sub)::p.stepped} in\r
+ let conv = subst false sub p.conv in\r
+ let div = subst true sub p.div in\r
+ let p = {p with div; conv} in\r
+ (* print_endline ("after sub: \n" ^ string_of_problem p); *)\r
+ {p with sigma=sub::p.sigma}\r
+let get_subterm_with_head_and_args hd_var n_args =\r
+ let rec aux = function\r
+ | V _ | L _ | B | P -> None\r
+ | A(t1,t2) as t ->\r
+ if head_of_inert t1 = hd_var && n_args <= 1 + args_no t1\r
+ then Some t\r
+ else match aux t2 with\r
+ | None -> aux t1\r
+ | Some _ as res -> res\r
+ in aux\r
+(* let rec simple_explode p =\r
+ match p.div with\r
+ | V var ->\r
+ let subst = var, B in\r
+ sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
+ | _ -> p *)\r
+let sanity p =\r
+ print_endline (string_of_problem p); (* non cancellare *)\r
+ if p.div = B then raise (Done p.sigma);\r
+ if not (is_inert p.div) then problem_fail p "p.div converged";\r
+ if p.conv = B then problem_fail p "p.conv diverged";\r
+ (* let p = if is_var p.div then simple_explode p else p in *)\r
+ p\r
+let print_cmd s1 s2 = print_endline (">> " ^ s1 ^ " " ^ s2);;\r
+(* eat the arguments of the divergent and explode.\r
+ It does NOT perform any check, may fail if done unsafely *)\r
+let eat p =\r
+print_cmd "EAT" "";\r
+ let var = head_of_inert p.div in\r
+ let n = args_no p.div in\r
+ let rec aux m t =\r
+ if m = 0\r
+ then lift n t\r
+ else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
+ let subst = var, aux n B in\r
+ sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
+(* step on the head of div, on the k-th argument, with n fresh vars *)\r
+let step k n p =\r
+ let var = head_of_inert p.div in\r
+ print_cmd "STEP" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var) ^ " (of:" ^ string_of_int n ^ ")");\r
+ let rec aux' p m t =\r
+ if m < 0\r
+ then p, t\r
+ else\r
+ let p, v = freshvar p in\r
+ let p, t = aux' p (m-1) t in\r
+ p, A(t, V (v + k + 1)) in\r
+ let p, t = aux' p n (V 0) in\r
+ let rec aux' m t = if m < 0 then t else A(aux' (m-1) t, V (k-m)) in\r
+ let rec aux m t =\r
+ if m < 0\r
+ then aux' (k-1) t\r
+ else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
+ let t = aux k t in\r
+ let subst = var, t in\r
+ sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
+let parse strs =\r
+ let rec aux level = function\r
+ | Parser.Lam t -> L (aux (level + 1) t)\r
+ | Parser.App (t1, t2) ->\r
+ if level = 0 then mk_app false (aux level t1) (aux level t2)\r
+ else A(aux level t1, aux level t2)\r
+ | Parser.Var v -> V v\r
+ in let (tms, free) = Parser.parse_many strs\r
+ in (List.map (aux 0) tms, free)\r
+let problem_of div conv =\r
+ print_hline ();\r
+ let all_tms, var_names = parse ([div; conv]) in\r
+ let div, conv = List.hd all_tms, List.hd (List.tl all_tms) in\r
+ let varno = List.length var_names in\r
+ let p = {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; sigma=[]; stepped=[]} in\r
+ (* activate bombs *)\r
+ let p = try\r
+ let subst = Util.index_of "BOMB" var_names, L B in\r
+ subst_in_problem subst p\r
+ with Not_found -> p in\r
+ (* activate pacmans *)\r
+ let p = try\r
+ let subst = Util.index_of "PACMAN" var_names, P in\r
+ let p = subst_in_problem subst p in\r
+ (print_endline ("after subst in problem " ^ string_of_problem p); p)\r
+ with Not_found -> p in\r
+ (* initial sanity check *)\r
+ sanity p\r
+let exec div conv cmds =\r
+ let p = problem_of div conv in\r
+ try\r
+ problem_fail (List.fold_left (|>) p cmds) "Problem not completed"\r
+ with\r
+ | Done _ -> ()\r
+let inert_cut_at n t =\r
+ let rec aux t =\r
+ match t with\r
+ | V _ as t -> 0, t\r
+ | A(t1,_) as t ->\r
+ let k', t' = aux t1 in\r
+ if k' = n then n, t'\r
+ else k'+1, t\r
+ | _ -> assert false\r
+ in snd (aux t)\r
+let find_eta_difference p t n_args =\r
+ let t = inert_cut_at n_args t in\r
+ let rec aux t u k = match t, u with\r
+ | V _, V _ -> assert false (* div subterm of conv *)\r
+ | A(t1,t2), A(u1,u2) ->\r
+ if not (eta_eq t2 u2) then (print_endline((string_of_t p t2) ^ " <> " ^ (string_of_t p u2)); k)\r
+ else aux t1 u1 (k-1)\r
+ | _, _ -> assert false\r
+ in aux p.div t n_args\r
+let rec no_leading_lambdas = function\r
+ | L t -> 1 + no_leading_lambdas t\r
+ | _ -> 0\r
+let compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j =\r
+ let rec aux hd = function\r
+ | A(t1,t2) ->\r
+ (if head_of_inert t1 = hd && args_no t1 = j\r
+ then max (\r
+ if is_inert t2 && head_of_inert t2 = hd\r
+ then j - args_no t2\r
+ else no_leading_lambdas t2)\r
+ else id) (max (aux hd t1) (aux hd t2))\r
+ | L t -> aux (hd+1) t\r
+ | V _ -> 0\r
+ | _ -> assert false\r
+ in aux hd_var\r
+let rec auto p =\r
+ let hd_var = head_of_inert p.div in\r
+ let n_args = args_no p.div in\r
+ match get_subterm_with_head_and_args hd_var n_args p.conv with\r
+ | None ->\r
+ (try let p = eat p in problem_fail p "Auto did not complete the problem" with Done _ -> ())\r
+ | Some t ->\r
+ let j = find_eta_difference p t n_args - 1 in\r
+ let k = max\r
+ (compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j p.div)\r
+ (compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j p.conv) in\r
+ let p = step j k p in\r
+ auto p\r
+let interactive div conv cmds =\r
+ let p = problem_of div conv in\r
+ try (\r
+ let p = List.fold_left (|>) p cmds in\r
+ let rec f p cmds =\r
+ let nth spl n = int_of_string (List.nth spl n) in\r
+ let read_cmd () =\r
+ let s = read_line () in\r
+ let spl = Str.split (Str.regexp " +") s in\r
+ s, let uno = List.hd spl in\r
+ try if uno = "eat" then eat\r
+ else if uno = "step" then step (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
+ else failwith "Wrong input."\r
+ with Failure s -> print_endline s; (fun x -> x) in\r
+ let str, cmd = read_cmd () in\r
+ let cmds = (" " ^ str ^ ";")::cmds in\r
+ try\r
+ let p = cmd p in f p cmds\r
+ with\r
+ | Done _ -> print_endline "Done! Commands history: "; List.iter print_endline (List.rev cmds)\r
+ in f p []\r
+ ) with Done _ -> ()\r
+let rec conv_join = function\r
+ | [] -> "@"\r
+ | x::xs -> conv_join xs ^ " ("^ x ^")"\r
+let _ = exec\r
+ "x x"\r
+ (conv_join["x y"; "y y"; "y x"])\r
+ [ step 0 0; eat ]\r
+auto (problem_of "x x" "@ (x y) (y y) (y x)");;\r
+auto (problem_of "x y" "@ (x (_. x)) (y z) (y x)");;\r
+auto (problem_of "a (x. x b) (x. x c)" "@ (a (x. b b) @) (a @ c) (a (x. x x) a) (a (a a a) (a c c))");;\r
+interactive "x y"\r
+"@ (x x) (y x) (y z)" [step 0 0; step 0 1; eat] ;;\r
+auto (problem_of "x (y. x y y)" "x (y. x y x)");;\r
+auto (problem_of "x a a a a" (conv_join[\r
+ "x b a a a";\r
+ "x a b a a";\r
+ "x a a b a";\r
+ "x a a a b";\r
+(* Controesempio ad usare un conto dei lambda che non considere le permutazioni *)\r
+auto (problem_of "x a a a a (x (x. x x) @ @ (_._.x. x x) x) b b b" (conv_join[\r
+ "x a a a a (_. a) b b b";\r
+ "x a a a a (_. _. _. _. x. y. x y)";\r
+print_endline "ALL DONE. "\r
+let acaso l =\r
+ let n = Random.int (List.length l) in\r
+ List.nth l n\r
+let acaso2 l1 l2 =\r
+ let n1 = List.length l1 in\r
+ let n = Random.int (n1 + List.length l2) in\r
+ if n >= n1 then List.nth l2 (n - n1) else List.nth l1 n\r
+let gen n vars =\r
+ let rec aux n inerts lams =\r
+ if n = 0 then List.hd inerts, List.hd (Util.sort_uniq (List.tl inerts))\r
+ else let inerts, lams = if Random.int 2 = 0\r
+ then inerts, ("(" ^ acaso vars ^ ". " ^ acaso2 inerts lams ^ ")") :: lams\r
+ else ("(" ^ acaso inerts ^ " " ^ acaso2 inerts lams^ ")") :: inerts, lams\r
+ in aux (n-1) inerts lams\r
+ in aux (2*n) vars []\r
+let f () =\r
+ let complex = 200 in\r
+ let vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "v" ; "w"; "a"; "b"; "c"] in\r
+ gen complex vars\r
+ let rec repeat f n =\r
+ prerr_endline "\n########################### NEW TEST ###########################";\r
+ f () ;\r
+ if n > 0 then repeat f (n-1)\r
+ ;;\r
+let main () =\r
+ Random.self_init ();\r
+ repeat (fun _ ->\r
+ let div, conv = f () in\r
+ auto (problem_of div conv)\r
+ ) 100;\r
+(* main ();; *)\r
+++ /dev/null
-val do_everything: string list -> int\r
+++ /dev/null
-type var = (* unique name *) int * (int * term) option * (*level*) int\r
-and term =\r
- | Tvar of var\r
- | Tapp of term * term\r
- | Tlam of int * term\r
-let zero = Tvar 1010;;\r
-let dummy = Tvar 333;;\r
-(* mk_app & subst implementano la beta *)\r
-let rec mk_app t1 t2 = match t1 with\r
- | Tlam(v, t1') -> subst v t2 t1'\r
- | _ -> Tapp(t1, t2, false)\r
-and subst v tv =\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2, _) -> mk_app (aux t1) (aux t2)\r
- | Tvar v' as t -> if v = v' then tv else t\r
- | Tlam(v', t') as t -> if v = v' then t else Tlam(v', aux t')\r
- in aux\r
-let parse =\r
- let rec minus1 = function\r
- | Tvar n -> Tvar (n-1)\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2, b) -> Tapp(minus1 t1, minus1 t2, b)\r
- | Tlam(n, t) -> Tlam(n-1, minus1 t)\r
- (* in let open Parser *)\r
- in let rec myterm_of_term = function\r
- | Parser.Var n -> Tvar n\r
- | Parser.App(t1, t2) -> (*Tapp(myterm_of_term t1, myterm_of_term t2) WARNING! BETA DOWN HERE! *)\r
- mk_app (myterm_of_term t1) (myterm_of_term t2)\r
- | Parser.Lam(t) -> minus1 (Tlam(0, myterm_of_term t))\r
- in fun strs -> (\r
- let (tms, free) = Parser.parse_many strs\r
- in List.map myterm_of_term tms\r
- )\r
-open Console;;\r
-let fancy_of_term t =\r
-let rec string_of_term =\r
- let free = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"; "f"; "g"] in\r
- let bound = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "w"; "q"; "x1"; "x2"] in\r
- let string_of_int' n = if n >= 0 then "free" ^ string_of_int n else "bound" ^ string_of_int n in\r
- let rec string_of_var t =\r
- if Tvar t = dummy then "_" else if Tvar t = zero then "ZZ" else match t with\r
- | n -> string_of_int' n\r
- and string_of_term_w_pars = function\r
- | Tvar v -> string_of_var v\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2, _) -> "(" ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_app t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars t2) ^ ")"\r
- | Tlam(_,_) as t -> "(" ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam t) ^ ")"\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_app = function\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2,_) -> (string_of_term_no_pars_app t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars t2)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_w_pars t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_lam = function\r
- | Tlam(v, t) -> "λ" ^ (string_of_int' v) ^ ". " ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam t)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars = function\r
- | Tlam(_, _) as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_lam t\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_app t\r
- in string_of_term_no_pars\r
-in let rec html_of_term =\r
- let free = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"; "f"; "g"; "h"; "i"; "j"] in\r
- let bound = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "w"; "q"] in\r
- let string_of_int' n = if n >= 0 then List.nth free (n) else List.nth bound (-n-1) in\r
- let rec string_of_var t =\r
- if Tvar t = dummy then "#" else if Tvar t = zero then "Z" else string_of_int' t\r
- and string_of_term_w_pars = function\r
- | Tvar v -> string_of_var v\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2,_) -> "(" ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_app t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars t2) ^ ")"\r
- | Tlam(_,_) as t -> "(" ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam t) ^ ")"\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_app = function\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2,_) -> (string_of_term_no_pars_app t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars t2)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_w_pars t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_lam = function\r
- | Tlam(v, t) -> "λ" ^ (string_of_int' v) ^ ". " ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam t)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars = function\r
- | Tlam(_, _) as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_lam t\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_app t\r
- in string_of_term_no_pars\r
- string_of_term t / "html_of_term t"\r
-let fancy_of_nf t: Console.fancyobj =\r
-let rec print ?(l=[]) =\r
- function\r
- `Var n -> Util.Vars.print_name l n\r
- | `N n -> string_of_int n\r
- | `Match(t,bs_lift,bs,args) ->\r
- "([" ^ print ~l (t :> Num.nf) ^\r
- " ? " ^ String.concat " | " (List.map (fun (n,t) -> string_of_int n ^ " => " ^ print ~l (Num.lift bs_lift t)) !bs) ^ "] " ^\r
- String.concat " " (List.map (print ~l) args) ^ ")"\r
- | `I(n,args) -> "(" ^ Util.Vars.print_name l n ^ " " ^ String.concat " " (Listx.to_list (Listx.map (print ~l) args)) ^ ")"\r
- | `Lam(_,nf) ->\r
- let name = Util.Vars.string_of_var (List.length l) in\r
- "" ^ name ^ "." ^ print ~l:(name::l) (nf : Num.nf)\r
-(* in let rec print_html ?(l=[]) =\r
- function\r
- `Var n -> Lambda3.print_name l n\r
- | `N n -> string_of_int n\r
- | `Match(t,bs_lift,bs,args) ->\r
- "(<b>match</b> " ^ print_html ~l (t :> Lambda3.nf) ^\r
- " <b>with</b> " ^ String.concat " <b>|</b> " (List.map (fun (n,t) -> string_of_int n ^ " <b>⇒</b> " ^ print_html ~l (Lambda3.lift bs_lift t)) !bs) ^ "..." (* Attenzion non sto stampando gli argomenti applicati! Perche' non ce ne sono mai *)\r
- | `I(n,args) -> "(" ^ Lambda3.print_name l n ^ " " ^ String.concat " " (Listx.to_list (Listx.map (print_html ~l) args)) ^ ")"\r
- | `Lam nf ->\r
- let name = Lambda3.string_of_var (List.length l) in\r
- "λ" ^ name ^ ". " ^ print_html ~l:(name::l) (nf : Lambda3.nf) *)\r
- print t / print t\r
-let print_term t = print_endline (fancy_of_term t :> Console.fancyobj);;\r
-(* *)\r
-let varcount = ref 11;;\r
-let freshvar () = (\r
- varcount := (!varcount + 1);\r
- !varcount\r
-(* magic ["x (x x x)"; "x (y. y x)"; "x x (y. y y (x x y))"] ;; *)\r
-(* magic ["((x x) (x. x))";"x x"];; *)\r
-let alive (_, _, n) = n;;\r
-let rec setalive c = function\r
- | Tvar(a,b,_) as v -> if v <> zero && v <> dummy then Tvar(a,b,c) else v\r
- | Tapp(a,b) -> Tapp(setalive c a, setalive c b)\r
- | Tlam(n, t) -> Tlam(n, setalive c t)\r
-let mk_vars t lev =\r
- let rec aux n =\r
- if n = 0\r
- then []\r
- else Tvar(0, Some(n, t), lev) :: (aux (n-1))\r
- in aux\r
-let mk_apps t ts = List.fold_right (fun x y -> mk_app y x) (List.rev ts) t;; (* which FOLD? FIXME *)\r
-let compute_special_k tms =\r
- let rec aux k t = match t with\r
- | Tvar _ -> 0\r
- | Tapp(t1,t2) -> Pervasives.max (aux 0 t1) (aux 0 t2)\r
- | Tlam(v,t) -> Pervasives.max (k+1) (aux (k + 1) t)\r
- in List.fold_left (fun b a -> Pervasives.max (aux 0 a) b) 0 tms\r
-let compute_special_h tms =\r
- let rec eat_lam = function\r
- | Tlam(_,t) -> eat_lam t\r
- | _ as t -> t\r
- in\r
- let rec aux t = match t with\r
- | Tvar _ -> 0\r
- | Tapp(t1,t2) -> Pervasives.max (aux t1) (aux t2)\r
- | Tlam(v,t) -> 1 + (aux (eat_lam t))\r
- in 1 + List.fold_left (fun b a -> Pervasives.max (aux a) b) 0 tms\r
-(* funzione di traduzione brutta & cattiva *)\r
-let translate k =\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | Tlam _ -> assert false\r
- | Tvar _ as v -> v\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2) ->\r
- let v = hd t1 in\r
- let a = alive v in\r
- let t1' = aux t1 in\r
- let t2' = if a = 0\r
- then t2\r
- else mk_apps t2 ((List.rev (mk_vars t1' (a-1) k)) @ [zero])\r
- in Tapp(t1', aux t2')\r
- in aux\r
-(* sostituisce gli argomenti dummy (delle variabili morte) con 'dummy' *)\r
-let rec dummize = function\r
- | Tlam _ -> assert false\r
- | Tvar (a,Some(b,t), c) -> Tvar(a, Some (b, dummize t), c)\r
- | Tvar _ as v -> v\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2) ->\r
- if alive (hd t1) = 0\r
- then Tapp(dummize t1, dummy)\r
- else Tapp(dummize t1, dummize t2)\r
-(* lista di sottotermini applicativi *)\r
-let rec subterms = function\r
- | Tlam _ -> assert false\r
- | Tvar _ as v -> [v]\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2) -> Tapp(t1, t2) :: ((subterms t1) @ (subterms t2))\r
-(* filtra dai sottotermini le variabili *)\r
-let rec vars subs = List.filter (function Tvar _ -> true | _ -> false) subs;;\r
-let rec stupid_uniq = function\r
- | [] -> []\r
- | x::xs -> if List.mem x xs then (stupid_uniq xs) else x::(stupid_uniq xs)\r
-let stupid_compare a b =\r
- let rec size = function\r
- | Tvar(_,None,_) -> 0\r
- | Tvar(_,Some(_,t),_) -> 1 + size t\r
- | Tapp(t1,t2) -> 1 + size t1 + size t2\r
- | Tlam _ -> assert false\r
- in compare (size a) (size b)\r
-let stupid_sort_uniq l = stupid_uniq (List.sort stupid_compare l);;\r
-(* crea i match ricorsivamente.\r
- - k e' lo special-K\r
- - subs e' l'insieme dei sottotermini\r
- TODO: riscrivere la funzione per evitare/ottimizzare la ricorsione\r
- *)\r
-let crea_match k subs (acc : (term * Lambda3.nf) list) : term -> Lambda3.nf =\r
- let req t = try List.assoc t acc with Not_found -> `Var 9999 in\r
- let aux t1 = (\r
- if t1 = dummy then `Var 99999 else\r
- (* let _ = print_term t1 in *)\r
- let cont = List.filter (fun t2 -> List.mem (Tapp(t1,t2)) subs) subs\r
- in if cont = [] then\r
- try `N (Lambda3.index_of t1 subs) with Not_found -> `Var 999 (* variabile dummy qui *) else\r
- let a = alive (hd t1) in\r
- if a = 0 then `Lam (req (Tapp(t1, dummy)))\r
- else (\r
- let vars = (List.rev (mk_vars t1 (a-1) k)) @ [zero]\r
- (* in let _ = print_endline (String.concat " " (List.map string_of_term vars))\r
- in let _ = print_term (mk_apps dummy vars) *)\r
- in let vars = List.map req vars\r
- in let vars = List.map (Lambda3.lift 1) vars (* forse lift non necessario *)\r
- in let vars = Listx.from_list vars\r
- in let body = `I(0, vars)\r
- in let branches = List.map (fun t2 -> (Lambda3.index_of t2 subs, req (Tapp(t1, t2)))) cont\r
- in let bs = ref(branches)\r
- in let lift = 1\r
- in let args = []\r
- in `Lam (`Match(body, lift, bs, args))\r
- )\r
- ) in aux\r
-let mk_zeros k =\r
- let rec aux n prev =\r
- if n = 0 then [zero]\r
- else let prev = aux (n-1) prev in let x = mk_app (List.hd prev) dummy in x :: prev\r
- in aux (k+1) []\r
-let is_scott_n t n =\r
- let open Lambda3 in let open Pure in\r
- let rec aux n = function\r
- | L (L (A (V 1, L (V 0)))) -> n = 0\r
- | L (L (A (V 0, t))) -> aux (n-1) t\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
- in aux n t\r
-(* do the magic *)\r
-let magic strings k h = (\r
- let tms = parse strings\r
- in let tms = List.map (fun x -> Tapp(x, zero)) tms\r
- in let tms' = List.map (setalive h) tms\r
- in let tms' = List.map (translate k) tms'\r
- in let tms' = List.map dummize tms'\r
- (* in let bullet = ">" / "•" *)\r
- (* in let progress s = print_endline (bullet ^^ fancy_of_string s) *)\r
- in let progress = print_h1\r
- in let _ = progress "traduzione completata"\r
- (* in let _ = List.map print_term tms' *)\r
- in let _ = progress "ordino i sottotermini"\r
- in let subs = List.concat (List.map subterms tms')\r
- in let subs = stupid_sort_uniq subs\r
- (* metti gli zeri in testa, perche' vanno calcolati per primi *)\r
- in let zeros = mk_zeros k\r
- in let subs = (List.filter (fun t -> not (List.mem t zeros)) subs) @ (List.rev zeros)\r
- in let _ = progress ("sottotermini generati: " ^ string_of_int (List.length subs))\r
- in let vars = vars subs\r
- (* in let _ = List.iter print_term subs *)\r
- (* in let _ = 0/0 *)\r
- in let fv = List.filter (function Tvar(_, None, _) as v -> v <> dummy | _ -> false) vars\r
- (* in let _ = print_string ("> free vars: " ^ String.concat ", " (List.map (string_of_term) fv)) *)\r
- in let _ = progress "sto creando i match"\r
- (* in let sigma = List.map (fun x -> x, crea_match k subs x) fv *)\r
- in let f t acc = let res = crea_match k subs acc t in (t,res)::acc\r
- in let acc = List.fold_right f subs []\r
- in let sigma = List.filter (fun (t,res) -> List.mem t fv) acc\r
- in let _ = progress "match creati"\r
- in let _ = List.iter (fun (x,y) -> print_endline (fancy_of_term x ^^ (" : " / " ↦ ") ^^ fancy_of_nf y)) sigma\r
- in let _ = progress "controllo di purezza";\r
- in let open Lambda3\r
- in let ps, _ = Lambda3.parse' strings\r
- in let ps = List.map (fun x -> Lambda3.mk_app x (`Var 1010)) ps\r
- in let ps = List.map (fun t -> ToScott.t_of_nf (t :> nf)) ps\r
- in let sigma = List.map (\r
- function (Tvar(n,_,_), inst) -> n, ToScott.t_of_nf inst | _ -> assert false\r
- ) sigma\r
- in let ps =\r
- List.fold_left (fun ps (x,inst) -> List.map (Pure.subst false x inst) ps) ps sigma\r
- in let _ = List.iteri (fun i n ->\r
- (* print_string_endline ((string_of_int i) ^ ":: " ^ (Pure.print (Pure.whd n))); *)\r
- (* assert (Pure.whd n = Scott.mk_n (Lambda3.index_of (List.nth tms' i) subs))) ps *)\r
- assert (is_scott_n (Pure.whd n) (Lambda3.index_of (List.nth tms' i) subs))) ps\r
- in let _ = progress "fatto." in ()\r
-let do_everything tms =\r
-let tms' = parse tms in\r
-let k = compute_special_k tms' in\r
-let h = compute_special_h tms' in\r
-(* let _ = print_string_endline (string_of_int h) in *)\r
-magic tms k h\r
-let _ =\r
- let tms = ["a a"; "a b"; "b a"; "b (x. y.x y a)"] in\r
- (* 1 2 *)\r
- (* let tms = ["x c" ; "b (x c d e)"; "b"] in *)\r
- (* 0 1 *)\r
- (* let tms = ["x x x"] in *)\r
- let tms' = parse tms in\r
- let k = compute_special_k tms' in\r
- let h = compute_special_h tms' in\r
- (* let _ = print_string_endline (string_of_int h) in *)\r
- magic tms k h\r
-(* type var' = (* unique name *) int * (int * term') option * (*dead*) bool option\r
-and term' =\r
- | Tvar' of var'\r
- | Tapp' of term' * term' * (* active *) bool\r
- | Tlam' of int * term'\r
-let rec iter mustapply =\r
- let aux = function\r
- | Tvar'(n, Some(m,t), b) -> Tvar(n, Some(m, aux t), b)\r
- | Tvar' _ as v -> v\r
- | Tapp'(t1, t2, b) -> if b &&\r
- in aux\r
-;; *)\r
+++ /dev/null
-(* type var = (* unique name *) int * (int * term) option * (*level*) int *)\r
-type term =\r
- | Tvar of int\r
- | Tapp of term * term * bool\r
- | Tlam of int * term\r
-let zero = Tvar 1010;;\r
-let dummy = Tvar 333;;\r
-(* mk_app & subst implementano la beta *)\r
-let rec mk_app t1 t2 = match t1 with\r
- | Tlam(v, t1') -> subst v t2 t1'\r
- | _ -> Tapp(t1, t2, false)\r
-and subst v tv =\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2, _) -> mk_app (aux t1) (aux t2)\r
- | Tvar v' as t -> if v = v' then tv else t\r
- | Tlam(v', t') as t -> if v = v' then t else Tlam(v', aux t')\r
- in aux\r
-let parse =\r
- let rec minus1 = function\r
- | Tvar n -> Tvar (n-1)\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2, b) -> Tapp(minus1 t1, minus1 t2, b)\r
- | Tlam(n, t) -> Tlam(n-1, minus1 t)\r
- (* in let open Parser *)\r
- in let rec myterm_of_term = function\r
- | Parser.Var n -> Tvar n\r
- | Parser.App(t1, t2) -> (*Tapp(myterm_of_term t1, myterm_of_term t2) WARNING! BETA DOWN HERE! *)\r
- mk_app (myterm_of_term t1) (myterm_of_term t2)\r
- | Parser.Lam(t) -> minus1 (Tlam(0, myterm_of_term t))\r
- in fun strs -> (\r
- let (tms, free) = Parser.parse_many strs\r
- in List.map myterm_of_term tms\r
- )\r
-open Console;;\r
-let fancy_of_term t =\r
-let rec string_of_term =\r
- let free = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"; "f"; "g"] in\r
- let bound = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "w"; "q"; "x1"; "x2"] in\r
- let string_of_int' n = if n >= 0 then "free" ^ string_of_int n else "bound" ^ string_of_int n in\r
- let rec string_of_var t =\r
- if Tvar t = dummy then "_" else if Tvar t = zero then "ZZ" else match t with\r
- | n -> string_of_int' n\r
- and string_of_term_w_pars = function\r
- | Tvar v -> string_of_var v\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2, _) -> "(" ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_app t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars t2) ^ ")"\r
- | Tlam(_,_) as t -> "(" ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam t) ^ ")"\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_app = function\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2,_) -> (string_of_term_no_pars_app t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars t2)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_w_pars t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_lam = function\r
- | Tlam(v, t) -> "λ" ^ (string_of_int' v) ^ ". " ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam t)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars = function\r
- | Tlam(_, _) as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_lam t\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_app t\r
- in string_of_term_no_pars\r
-in let rec html_of_term =\r
- let free = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"; "e"; "f"; "g"; "h"; "i"; "j"] in\r
- let bound = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "w"; "q"] in\r
- let string_of_int' n = if n >= 0 then List.nth free (n) else List.nth bound (-n-1) in\r
- let rec string_of_var t =\r
- if Tvar t = dummy then "#" else if Tvar t = zero then "Z" else string_of_int' t\r
- and string_of_term_w_pars = function\r
- | Tvar v -> string_of_var v\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2,_) -> "(" ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_app t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars t2) ^ ")"\r
- | Tlam(_,_) as t -> "(" ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam t) ^ ")"\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_app = function\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2,_) -> (string_of_term_no_pars_app t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars t2)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_w_pars t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_lam = function\r
- | Tlam(v, t) -> "λ" ^ (string_of_int' v) ^ ". " ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam t)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars = function\r
- | Tlam(_, _) as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_lam t\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_app t\r
- in string_of_term_no_pars\r
- string_of_term t / "html_of_term t"\r
-let fancy_of_nf t: Console.fancyobj =\r
-let rec print ?(l=[]) =\r
- function\r
- `Var n -> Util.Vars.print_name l n\r
- | `N n -> string_of_int n\r
- | `Match(t,bs_lift,bs,args) ->\r
- "([" ^ print ~l (t :> Num.nf) ^\r
- " ? " ^ String.concat " | " (List.map (fun (n,t) -> string_of_int n ^ " => " ^ print ~l (Num.lift bs_lift t)) !bs) ^ "] " ^\r
- String.concat " " (List.map (print ~l) args) ^ ")"\r
- | `I(n,args) -> "(" ^ Util.Vars.print_name l n ^ " " ^ String.concat " " (Listx.to_list (Listx.map (print ~l) args)) ^ ")"\r
- | `Lam(_,nf) ->\r
- let name = Util.Vars.string_of_var (List.length l) in\r
- "" ^ name ^ "." ^ print ~l:(name::l) (nf : Num.nf)\r
-(* in let rec print_html ?(l=[]) =\r
- function\r
- `Var n -> Lambda3.print_name l n\r
- | `N n -> string_of_int n\r
- | `Match(t,bs_lift,bs,args) ->\r
- "(<b>match</b> " ^ print_html ~l (t :> Lambda3.nf) ^\r
- " <b>with</b> " ^ String.concat " <b>|</b> " (List.map (fun (n,t) -> string_of_int n ^ " <b>⇒</b> " ^ print_html ~l (Lambda3.lift bs_lift t)) !bs) ^ "..." (* Attenzion non sto stampando gli argomenti applicati! Perche' non ce ne sono mai *)\r
- | `I(n,args) -> "(" ^ Lambda3.print_name l n ^ " " ^ String.concat " " (Listx.to_list (Listx.map (print_html ~l) args)) ^ ")"\r
- | `Lam nf ->\r
- let name = Lambda3.string_of_var (List.length l) in\r
- "λ" ^ name ^ ". " ^ print_html ~l:(name::l) (nf : Lambda3.nf) *)\r
- print t / print t\r
-let print_term t = print_endline (fancy_of_term t :> Console.fancyobj);;\r
-(* *)\r
-let varcount = ref 11;;\r
-let freshvar () = (\r
- varcount := (!varcount + 1);\r
- !varcount\r
-let find_applicative =\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | Tapp(t1, Tlam _, _) -> Some t1\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2, _) ->\r
- (match aux t1 with\r
- | None -> aux t2\r
- | _ as r -> r)\r
- | _-> None\r
- in let rec aux2 = function\r
- | [] -> None\r
- | x::xs -> (match aux x with\r
- | None -> aux2 xs\r
- | _ as result -> result\r
- )\r
- in aux2\r
-let mk_apps t ts = List.fold_right (fun x y -> mk_app y x) (List.rev ts) t;; (* which FOLD? FIXME *)\r
-let rec hd = function | Tvar _ as x -> x | Tapp(t, _, _) -> hd t | _ -> assert false;;\r
-let rec set_applied =\r
- function\r
- | Tvar _ as v -> v\r
- | Tlam _ -> assert false\r
- | Tapp(t1,t2,_) -> Tapp(set_applied t1, set_applied t2, true)\r
-let rec constant a n =\r
- if n = 0 then [] else a:: (constant a (n-1))\r
-let rec mk_dummies k t =\r
- set_applied (mk_apps t (constant dummy (k+1)))\r
-let rec make_lambda_zero k =\r
- if k = 0 then mk_dummies (k+1) zero else Tlam(0, make_lambda_zero (k-1))\r
-let mk_vars n =\r
- let rec aux n =\r
- if n = 0\r
- then []\r
- else (Tvar (freshvar ())) :: (aux (n-1))\r
- in aux n @ [make_lambda_zero (n+1)]\r
-let apply a vars =\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2, b) ->\r
- if t1 = a\r
- then (assert (not b); Tapp(aux t1, mk_apps' t2 vars, true))\r
- else Tapp(aux t1, aux t2, b)\r
- | _ as t -> t\r
- and mk_apps' t vars =\r
- if t = zero\r
- then mk_dummies (List.length vars - 1) t\r
- else aux (mk_apps t vars)\r
- in aux\r
-let round k (app_map, tms) =\r
- match find_applicative tms with\r
- | None -> raise Not_found\r
- | Some a ->\r
- let vars = mk_vars k in\r
- let f = apply a vars in\r
- let app_map = (a, vars) :: (List.map (fun (x,y) -> f x, y) app_map)\r
- in (app_map, List.map f tms)\r
-let ends_with t1 t2 = match t1 with\r
- | Tapp(_, t, _) -> t = t2\r
- | _ -> false\r
-let rec last_round k (app_map, forbidden, t) =\r
- let mk_apps' forbidden t vars =\r
- if List.mem t forbidden\r
- then mk_dummies (List.length vars - 1) t\r
- else mk_apps t vars\r
- (* in let rec already_applied = function\r
- | Tapp(_, t) -> t = zero || t = dummy || hd t = zero\r
- | _ -> false *)\r
- in if ends_with t dummy then (app_map, forbidden, t) else (match t with\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2, b) ->\r
- if b\r
- then\r
- let app_map, forbidden, t1 = last_round k (app_map, forbidden, t1)\r
- in let app_map, forbidden, t2 = last_round k (app_map, forbidden, t2)\r
- in app_map, forbidden, Tapp(t1, t2, b)\r
- else\r
- let app_map, forbidden, t1 = last_round k (app_map, forbidden, t1)\r
- in let app_map, forbidden, t2 =\r
- try\r
- let vars = List.assoc t1 app_map\r
- in last_round k (app_map, forbidden, (mk_apps' forbidden t2 vars))\r
- with Not_found ->\r
- let vars = mk_vars k in\r
- let app_map = (t1, vars) :: app_map in\r
- last_round k (app_map, (vars @ forbidden), (mk_apps' forbidden t2 vars))\r
- in app_map, forbidden, Tapp(t1, t2, true)\r
- | _ as t -> app_map, forbidden, t\r
- )\r
-let fixpoint f =\r
- let rec aux x = try\r
- let y = f x in aux y\r
- with Not_found -> x\r
- in aux\r
-(* lista di sottotermini applicativi *)\r
-let rec subterms = function\r
- | Tlam _ -> assert false\r
- | Tvar _ as v -> [v]\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2, b) -> Tapp(t1, t2, b) :: ((subterms t1) @ (subterms t2))\r
-(* filtra dai sottotermini le variabili *)\r
-let rec vars subs = List.filter (function Tvar _ -> true | _ -> false) subs;;\r
-let stupid_sort_uniq map l =\r
- let rec stupid_uniq = function\r
- | [] -> []\r
- | x::xs -> if List.mem x xs then (stupid_uniq xs) else x::(stupid_uniq xs)\r
- in let stupid_compare a b =\r
- let rec size = function\r
- | Tvar n as v -> if v = zero then 0 else (\r
- try\r
- let t, _ = List.find (fun (_,vars) -> List.mem v vars) map\r
- in 1 + size t\r
- with Not_found -> 1 + n)\r
- | Tapp(t1,t2,_) -> 1 + size t1 + size t2\r
- | Tlam _ -> assert false\r
- in compare (size a) (size b)\r
- in stupid_uniq (List.sort stupid_compare l)\r
-(* crea i match ricorsivamente.\r
- - k e' lo special-K\r
- - subs e' l'insieme dei sottotermini\r
- TODO: riscrivere la funzione per evitare/ottimizzare la ricorsione\r
- *)\r
-let crea_match subs map forbidden (acc : (term * Num.nf) list) : term -> Num.nf =\r
- let req t = try List.assoc t acc with Not_found -> `Var 9999 in\r
- let aux t1 = (\r
- if t1 = dummy then `Var 99999 else\r
- (* let _ = print_term t1 in *)\r
- let cont = List.filter (fun t2 -> List.mem (Tapp(t1,t2,true)) subs) subs\r
- in if cont = [] then\r
- try `N (Util.index_of t1 subs) with Not_found -> `Var 999 (* variabile dummy qui *) else\r
- if List.mem (hd t1) forbidden then `Lam (true,req (Tapp(t1, dummy, true)))\r
- else (\r
- let vars = List.assoc t1 map\r
- (* in let _ = print_endline (String.concat " " (List.map string_of_term vars))\r
- in let _ = print_term (mk_apps dummy vars) *)\r
- in let vars = List.map req vars\r
- in let vars = List.map (Num.lift 1) vars (* forse lift non necessario *)\r
- in let vars = Listx.from_list vars\r
- in let body = `I(0, vars)\r
- in let branches = List.map (fun t2 -> (Util.index_of t2 subs, req (Tapp(t1, t2, true)))) cont\r
- in let bs = ref(branches)\r
- in let lift = 1\r
- in let args = []\r
- in `Lam (true, `Match(body, lift, bs, args))\r
- )\r
- ) in aux\r
-(* filtra dai sottotermini le variabili *)\r
-let rec vars subs = List.filter (function Tvar _ -> true | _ -> false) subs;;\r
-let mk_zeros k =\r
- let rec aux n prev =\r
- if n = 0 then [zero]\r
- else let prev = aux (n-1) prev in let x = mk_app (List.hd prev) dummy in x :: prev\r
- in aux (k+1) []\r
-let rec freevars = function\r
- | Tvar _ as v -> [v]\r
- | Tlam(v,t) -> List.filter (fun x-> x <> Tvar v) (freevars t)\r
- | Tapp(t1,t2,_) -> (freevars t1) @ (freevars t2)\r
-open Pure;;\r
-let is_scott_n t n =\r
- let open Lambda4 in let open Pure in\r
- let rec aux n = function\r
- | L (L (A (V 1, L (V 0)))) -> n = 0\r
- | L (L (A (V 0, t))) -> aux (n-1) t\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
- in aux n t\r
-let is_scott =\r
- let open Lambda4 in let open Pure in\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | L (L (A (V 1, L (V 0)))) -> 0\r
- | L (L (A (V 0, t))) -> 1 + aux t\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
- in aux\r
-let compute_special_k tms =\r
- let rec aux k t = match t with\r
- | Tvar _ -> 0\r
- | Tapp(t1,t2,_) -> Pervasives.max (aux 0 t1) (aux 0 t2)\r
- | Tlam(v,t) -> Pervasives.max (k+1) (aux (k + 1) t)\r
- in List.fold_left (fun b a -> Pervasives.max (aux 0 a) b) 0 tms\r
-let magic strings =\r
- let rec map_helper_3 a b f =\r
- function\r
- | [] -> a, b, []\r
- | c::cs ->\r
- let a, b, d = f (a, b, c) in\r
- let a, b, ds = map_helper_3 a b f cs in\r
- a, b, (d::ds)\r
- in let _ = print_hline ()\r
- in let tms = parse strings\r
- in let k = compute_special_k tms\r
- in let zero' = make_lambda_zero (k+1)\r
- in let tms = List.map (fun x -> Tapp(x, zero', false)) tms\r
- in let fv = Util.sort_uniq (List.concat (List.map freevars tms))\r
- in let (map, tms') = fixpoint (round k) ([], tms)\r
- (* in let _ = print_string_endline "map1 "; List.iter (fun (t,_) -> print_term t) map; print_string_endline "ok1" *)\r
- in let _ = List.map print_term tms'\r
- in let map1 = List.map fst map\r
- in let map2 = List.map snd map\r
- in let map_new, forbidden, map1' = map_helper_3 [] [zero] (last_round k) map1\r
- in let map = map_new @ (List.combine map1' map2)\r
- (* in let _ = print_string_endline "map2 "; List.iter (fun (t,_) -> print_term t) map; print_string_endline "ok2" *)\r
- in let map, forbidden, tms' = map_helper_3 map forbidden (last_round k) tms'\r
- in let _ = List.map print_term tms'\r
- in let subs = List.concat (List.map subterms tms')\r
- in let subs = stupid_sort_uniq map subs\r
- (* metti gli zeri in testa, perche' vanno calcolati per primi *)\r
- in let zeros = mk_zeros k\r
- in let subs = (List.filter (fun t -> not (List.mem t zeros)) subs) @ (List.rev zeros)\r
- (* in let _ = print_string_endline " subs"; List.iter print_term subs *)\r
- (* in let _ = print_string_endline "map "; List.iter (fun (t,_) -> print_term t) map; print_string_endline "ok" *)\r
- in let f t acc = let res = crea_match subs map forbidden acc t in (t,res)::acc\r
- in let acc = List.fold_right f subs []\r
- in let sigma = List.filter (fun (t,res) -> List.mem t fv) acc\r
- in let _ = List.iter (fun (x,y) -> print_endline (fancy_of_term x ^^ (" : " / " ↦ ") ^^ fancy_of_nf y)) sigma\r
- in let _ = print_string_endline "controllo di purezza";\r
- (* in let open Num *)\r
- in let ps, _ = Num.parse' strings\r
- in let ps = List.map (fun x -> Num.mk_app x (`Var 1010)) ps\r
- in let ps = List.map (fun t -> Num.ToScott.t_of_nf (t :> Num.nf)) ps\r
- in let sigma = List.map (\r
- function (Tvar n , inst) -> n, Num.ToScott.t_of_nf inst | _ -> assert false\r
- ) sigma\r
- (* in let ps =\r
- List.fold_left (fun ps (x,inst) -> List.map (Pure.subst false x inst) ps) ps sigma\r
- in let _ = List.iteri (fun i n ->\r
- print_string_endline ("X " ^ Pure.print (Pure.whd n));\r
- (* assert (is_scott_n (Pure.whd n) (Lambda3.index_of (List.nth tms' i) subs)) *)\r
- is_scott (Pure.whd n); ()\r
- ) ps *)\r
- in ()\r
-(* magic ["x (x x x)"; "x (y. y x)"; "x x (y. y y (x x y))"] ;; *)\r
-magic ["((x x) (x. x))";"x x"];;\r
-let alive (_, _, n) = n;;\r
-let rec setalive c = function\r
- | Tvar(a,b,_) as v -> if v <> zero && v <> dummy then Tvar(a,b,c) else v\r
- | Tapp(a,b) -> Tapp(setalive c a, setalive c b)\r
- | Tlam(n, t) -> Tlam(n, setalive c t)\r
-let mk_vars t lev =\r
- let rec aux n =\r
- if n = 0\r
- then []\r
- else Tvar(0, Some(n, t), lev) :: (aux (n-1))\r
- in aux\r
-let mk_apps t ts = List.fold_right (fun x y -> mk_app y x) (List.rev ts) t;; (* which FOLD? FIXME *)\r
-let compute_special_k tms =\r
- let rec aux k t = match t with\r
- | Tvar _ -> 0\r
- | Tapp(t1,t2) -> Pervasives.max (aux 0 t1) (aux 0 t2)\r
- | Tlam(v,t) -> Pervasives.max (k+1) (aux (k + 1) t)\r
- in List.fold_left (fun b a -> Pervasives.max (aux 0 a) b) 0 tms\r
-let compute_special_h tms =\r
- let rec eat_lam = function\r
- | Tlam(_,t) -> eat_lam t\r
- | _ as t -> t\r
- in\r
- let rec aux t = match t with\r
- | Tvar _ -> 0\r
- | Tapp(t1,t2) -> Pervasives.max (aux t1) (aux t2)\r
- | Tlam(v,t) -> 1 + (aux (eat_lam t))\r
- in 1 + List.fold_left (fun b a -> Pervasives.max (aux a) b) 0 tms\r
-(* funzione di traduzione brutta & cattiva *)\r
-let translate k =\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | Tlam _ -> assert false\r
- | Tvar _ as v -> v\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2) ->\r
- let v = hd t1 in\r
- let a = alive v in\r
- let t1' = aux t1 in\r
- let t2' = if a = 0\r
- then t2\r
- else mk_apps t2 ((List.rev (mk_vars t1' (a-1) k)) @ [zero])\r
- in Tapp(t1', aux t2')\r
- in aux\r
-(* sostituisce gli argomenti dummy (delle variabili morte) con 'dummy' *)\r
-let rec dummize = function\r
- | Tlam _ -> assert false\r
- | Tvar (a,Some(b,t), c) -> Tvar(a, Some (b, dummize t), c)\r
- | Tvar _ as v -> v\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2) ->\r
- if alive (hd t1) = 0\r
- then Tapp(dummize t1, dummy)\r
- else Tapp(dummize t1, dummize t2)\r
-(* lista di sottotermini applicativi *)\r
-let rec subterms = function\r
- | Tlam _ -> assert false\r
- | Tvar _ as v -> [v]\r
- | Tapp(t1, t2) -> Tapp(t1, t2) :: ((subterms t1) @ (subterms t2))\r
-(* filtra dai sottotermini le variabili *)\r
-let rec vars subs = List.filter (function Tvar _ -> true | _ -> false) subs;;\r
-let rec stupid_uniq = function\r
- | [] -> []\r
- | x::xs -> if List.mem x xs then (stupid_uniq xs) else x::(stupid_uniq xs)\r
-let stupid_compare a b =\r
- let rec size = function\r
- | Tvar(_,None,_) -> 0\r
- | Tvar(_,Some(_,t),_) -> 1 + size t\r
- | Tapp(t1,t2) -> 1 + size t1 + size t2\r
- | Tlam _ -> assert false\r
- in compare (size a) (size b)\r
-let stupid_sort_uniq l = stupid_uniq (List.sort stupid_compare l);;\r
-(* crea i match ricorsivamente.\r
- - k e' lo special-K\r
- - subs e' l'insieme dei sottotermini\r
- TODO: riscrivere la funzione per evitare/ottimizzare la ricorsione\r
- *)\r
-let crea_match k subs (acc : (term * Lambda3.nf) list) : term -> Lambda3.nf =\r
- let req t = try List.assoc t acc with Not_found -> `Var 9999 in\r
- let aux t1 = (\r
- if t1 = dummy then `Var 99999 else\r
- (* let _ = print_term t1 in *)\r
- let cont = List.filter (fun t2 -> List.mem (Tapp(t1,t2)) subs) subs\r
- in if cont = [] then\r
- try `N (Lambda3.index_of t1 subs) with Not_found -> `Var 999 (* variabile dummy qui *) else\r
- let a = alive (hd t1) in\r
- if a = 0 then `Lam (req (Tapp(t1, dummy)))\r
- else (\r
- let vars = (List.rev (mk_vars t1 (a-1) k)) @ [zero]\r
- (* in let _ = print_endline (String.concat " " (List.map string_of_term vars))\r
- in let _ = print_term (mk_apps dummy vars) *)\r
- in let vars = List.map req vars\r
- in let vars = List.map (Lambda3.lift 1) vars (* forse lift non necessario *)\r
- in let vars = Listx.from_list vars\r
- in let body = `I(0, vars)\r
- in let branches = List.map (fun t2 -> (Lambda3.index_of t2 subs, req (Tapp(t1, t2)))) cont\r
- in let bs = ref(branches)\r
- in let lift = 1\r
- in let args = []\r
- in `Lam (`Match(body, lift, bs, args))\r
- )\r
- ) in aux\r
-let mk_zeros k =\r
- let rec aux n prev =\r
- if n = 0 then [zero]\r
- else let prev = aux (n-1) prev in let x = mk_app (List.hd prev) dummy in x :: prev\r
- in aux (k+1) []\r
-let is_scott_n t n =\r
- let open Lambda3 in let open Pure in\r
- let rec aux n = function\r
- | L (L (A (V 1, L (V 0)))) -> n = 0\r
- | L (L (A (V 0, t))) -> aux (n-1) t\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
- in aux n t\r
-(* do the magic *)\r
-let magic strings k h = (\r
- let tms = parse strings\r
- in let tms = List.map (fun x -> Tapp(x, zero)) tms\r
- in let tms' = List.map (setalive h) tms\r
- in let tms' = List.map (translate k) tms'\r
- in let tms' = List.map dummize tms'\r
- (* in let bullet = ">" / "•" *)\r
- (* in let progress s = print_endline (bullet ^^ fancy_of_string s) *)\r
- in let progress = print_h1\r
- in let _ = progress "traduzione completata"\r
- (* in let _ = List.map print_term tms' *)\r
- in let _ = progress "ordino i sottotermini"\r
- in let subs = List.concat (List.map subterms tms')\r
- in let subs = stupid_sort_uniq subs\r
- (* metti gli zeri in testa, perche' vanno calcolati per primi *)\r
- in let zeros = mk_zeros k\r
- in let subs = (List.filter (fun t -> not (List.mem t zeros)) subs) @ (List.rev zeros)\r
- in let _ = progress ("sottotermini generati: " ^ string_of_int (List.length subs))\r
- in let vars = vars subs\r
- (* in let _ = List.iter print_term subs *)\r
- (* in let _ = 0/0 *)\r
- in let fv = List.filter (function Tvar(_, None, _) as v -> v <> dummy | _ -> false) vars\r
- (* in let _ = print_string ("> free vars: " ^ String.concat ", " (List.map (string_of_term) fv)) *)\r
- in let _ = progress "sto creando i match"\r
- (* in let sigma = List.map (fun x -> x, crea_match k subs x) fv *)\r
- in let f t acc = let res = crea_match k subs acc t in (t,res)::acc\r
- in let acc = List.fold_right f subs []\r
- in let sigma = List.filter (fun (t,res) -> List.mem t fv) acc\r
- in let _ = progress "match creati"\r
- in let _ = List.iter (fun (x,y) -> print_endline (fancy_of_term x ^^ (" : " / " ↦ ") ^^ fancy_of_nf y)) sigma\r
- in let _ = progress "controllo di purezza";\r
- in let open Lambda3\r
- in let ps, _ = Lambda3.parse' strings\r
- in let ps = List.map (fun x -> Lambda3.mk_app x (`Var 1010)) ps\r
- in let ps = List.map (fun t -> ToScott.t_of_nf (t :> nf)) ps\r
- in let sigma = List.map (\r
- function (Tvar(n,_,_), inst) -> n, ToScott.t_of_nf inst | _ -> assert false\r
- ) sigma\r
- in let ps =\r
- List.fold_left (fun ps (x,inst) -> List.map (Pure.subst false x inst) ps) ps sigma\r
- in let _ = List.iteri (fun i n ->\r
- (* print_string_endline ((string_of_int i) ^ ":: " ^ (Pure.print (Pure.whd n))); *)\r
- (* assert (Pure.whd n = Scott.mk_n (Lambda3.index_of (List.nth tms' i) subs))) ps *)\r
- assert (is_scott_n (Pure.whd n) (Lambda3.index_of (List.nth tms' i) subs))) ps\r
- in let _ = progress "fatto." in ()\r
-let do_everything tms =\r
-let tms' = parse tms in\r
-let k = compute_special_k tms' in\r
-let h = compute_special_h tms' in\r
-(* let _ = print_string_endline (string_of_int h) in *)\r
-magic tms k h\r
-let _ =\r
- let tms = ["a a"; "a b"; "b a"; "b (x. y.x y a)"] in\r
- (* 1 2 *)\r
- (* let tms = ["x c" ; "b (x c d e)"; "b"] in *)\r
- (* 0 1 *)\r
- (* let tms = ["x x x"] in *)\r
- let tms' = parse tms in\r
- let k = compute_special_k tms' in\r
- let h = compute_special_h tms' in\r
- (* let _ = print_string_endline (string_of_int h) in *)\r
- magic tms k h\r
-(* type var' = (* unique name *) int * (int * term') option * (*dead*) bool option\r
-and term' =\r
- | Tvar' of var'\r
- | Tapp' of term' * term' * (* active *) bool\r
- | Tlam' of int * term'\r
-let rec iter mustapply =\r
- let aux = function\r
- | Tvar'(n, Some(m,t), b) -> Tvar(n, Some(m, aux t), b)\r
- | Tvar' _ as v -> v\r
- | Tapp'(t1, t2, b) -> if b &&\r
- in aux\r
-;; *)\r
+++ /dev/null
-let print_hline = Console.print_hline;;\r
-type var = int;;\r
-type t =\r
- | V of var\r
- | A of t * t\r
- | L of t\r
- | LM of\r
- t list (* body of the match *)\r
- * int (* explicit liftno *)\r
- * int (* variable which originated this match (id) *)\r
- | B (* bottom *)\r
- | P (* pacman *)\r
-type problem = {\r
- orig_freshno: int\r
- ; freshno : int\r
- ; div : t list\r
- ; conv : t list\r
- ; matches : (var (* variable originating this match *) * (bool (* term comes from div*) * (t (* term to discriminate *) * t (* continuation *))) list) list\r
- ; sigma : (var * t) list (* substitutions *)\r
-let string_of_t p =\r
- let bound_vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "z1"; "z2"] in\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | V v -> if v >= level then "`" ^ string_of_int (v-level) else List.nth bound_vars (level - v-1)\r
- | A (t1,t2) -> "("^aux level t1^" "^aux level t2^")"\r
- | L t -> "(\\" ^ aux (level+1) (V 0) ^ ". " ^ aux (level+1) t ^ ")"\r
- | LM (ts,liftno,id) -> "[match orig="^aux 0 (V id)^"]"\r
- | B -> "BOT"\r
- | P -> "PAC"\r
- in aux 0\r
-let string_of_t p =\r
- let bound_vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "w"; "q"; "x1"; "x2"] in\r
- let rec string_of_term_w_pars level = function\r
- | V v -> if v >= level then "`" ^ string_of_int (v-level) else List.nth bound_vars (level - v-1)\r
- | A _ as t -> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_app level t ^ ")"\r
- | L _ as t -> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_lam level t ^ ")"\r
- | LM (ts,liftno,id) -> "[match orig="^ string_of_term_w_pars 0 (V id)^"]"\r
- | B -> "BOT"\r
- | P -> "PAC"\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_app level = function\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (string_of_term_no_pars_app level t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars level t2)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_w_pars level t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_lam level = function\r
- | L t -> "λ" ^ string_of_term_w_pars (level+1) (V 0) ^ ". " ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam (level+1) t)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars level t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars level = function\r
- | L _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_lam level t\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_app level t\r
- in string_of_term_no_pars 0\r
-let string_of_problem p =\r
- let lines = [\r
- "[DV] " ^ String.concat "\n " (List.map (string_of_t p) p.div);\r
- "[CV] " ^ String.concat "\n " (List.map (string_of_t p) p.conv);\r
- (* "" ; *)\r
- ] @ Util.concat_map (fun (v, lst) -> ("[<>] of "^(string_of_t p (V v))) :: List.map (fun (b,(t,c)) -> " " ^ (if b then "*" else " ") ^ " " ^ string_of_t p t\r
- (* ^" -> " ^ string_of_t p c *)\r
- ) lst) p.matches @ [""] in\r
- String.concat "\n" lines\r
-let problem_fail p reason =\r
- print_endline "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";\r
- print_endline (string_of_problem p);\r
- failwith reason\r
-let freshvar ({freshno} as p) =\r
- {p with freshno=freshno+1}, freshno+1\r
-let add_to_match p id entry =\r
- let matches = try\r
- let _ = List.assoc id p.matches in\r
- List.map (fun (id',lst as x) -> if id <> id' then x else (id, entry::lst) ) p.matches\r
- with\r
- | Not_found -> (id,[entry]) :: p.matches in\r
- {p with matches}\r
-let var_occurs_in v =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | V v' -> v + level = v'\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (aux level t1) || (aux level t2)\r
- | L t -> aux (level+1) t\r
- | LM(ts,_,_) -> List.fold_left (fun a b -> a || aux (level+1) b) false ts\r
- | B -> false\r
- | P -> false\r
- in aux 0\r
-let rec is_inert =\r
- function\r
- | A(t,_) -> is_inert t\r
- | V _ -> true\r
- | L _ | LM _ | B | P -> false\r
-let is_var = function V _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let is_lambda = function L _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let is_pacman = function P -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let rec subst isdiv level delift sub p =\r
- function\r
- | V v -> p, if v = level + fst sub then lift level (snd sub) else V (if delift && v > level then v-1 else v)\r
- | L t -> let p, t = subst isdiv (level + 1) delift sub p t in p, L t\r
- | A (t1,t2) ->\r
- let p, t1 = subst isdiv level delift sub p t1 in\r
- let p, t2 = subst isdiv level delift sub p t2 in\r
- if t1 = B || t2 = B then p, B else\r
- if level = 0 then mk_app isdiv p t1 t2 else p, A (t1, t2)\r
- | LM (ts, liftno, id) ->\r
- let p, ts =\r
- let rec aux p = function\r
- | [] -> p, []\r
- | t::ts ->\r
- let p, ts = aux p ts in\r
- let p, t = subst isdiv (level+1) delift sub p t in\r
- p, t::ts in\r
- aux p ts in\r
- p, LM(ts, liftno, id)\r
- | B -> p, B\r
- | P -> p, P\r
-and mk_app isdiv p t1 t2 = let t1 = if t1 = P then L P else t1 in match t1 with\r
- | L t1 ->\r
- (* FIXME BUG HERE! *)\r
- if is_inert t2 && (match t2 with V v -> v > p.orig_freshno | _ -> true ) && not (var_occurs_in 0 t1)\r
- then (if isdiv then {p with div=p.div @ [t2]} else {p with conv=p.conv @ [t2]}), lift (-1) t1\r
- else subst isdiv 0 true (0, t2) p t1\r
- | LM(ts,liftno,id) ->\r
- let p, t = mk_apps isdiv p t2 (List.map (lift ~-1) ts) in\r
- if t = B\r
- then p, B\r
- else\r
- let p, cont = freshvar p in\r
- let newvar = V cont in\r
- let p = add_to_match p id (isdiv,(t,newvar)) in\r
- p, newvar\r
- | B\r
- | _ when t2 = B -> p, B\r
- | t1 -> p, A (t1, t2)\r
-and mk_apps isdiv p t =\r
- function\r
- | [] -> p, t\r
- | t'::ts -> let p, t = mk_app isdiv p t t' in mk_apps isdiv p t ts\r
- and lift n =\r
- let rec aux n' =\r
- function\r
- | V m -> V (if m >= n' then m + n else m)\r
- | L t -> L (aux (n'+1) t)\r
- | A (t1, t2) -> A (aux n' t1, aux n' t2)\r
- | LM (ts, liftno, id) -> LM (List.map (aux (n'+1)) ts, n + liftno, id)\r
- | B -> B\r
- | P -> P\r
- in aux 0\r
- ;;\r
-let subst isdiv = subst isdiv 0 false;;\r
-let mk_lambda t = L (lift 1 t) ;;\r
-let subst_many b sub =\r
- let rec aux p = function\r
- | [] -> p, []\r
- | t::tms ->\r
- let p, t = subst b sub p t in\r
- let p, tms = aux p tms in\r
- p, t :: tms\r
- in aux\r
-let rec subst_in_matches sub p =\r
- function\r
- | [] -> p, []\r
- | (v, branches) :: ms->\r
- let a, b = List.split branches in\r
- let b, c = List.split b in\r
- let p, b = subst_many false sub p b in\r
- let p, c = subst_many false sub p c in\r
- let b = List.combine b c in\r
- let branches = List.combine a b in\r
- let p, ms = subst_in_matches sub p ms in\r
- p, (v, branches) :: ms\r
-let subst_in_problem (sub: var * t) (p: problem) =\r
-(* print_endline ("SUBST IN PROBLEM: " ^ string_of_t p (V (fst sub)) ^ " " ^ string_of_t p (snd sub)); *)\r
- let div, conv = p.div, p.conv in\r
- let p = {p with div=[]; conv=[]} in\r
- let p, div' = subst_many true sub p div in\r
- let p, conv' = subst_many false sub p conv in\r
- let p, matches = subst_in_matches sub p p.matches in\r
- let p = {p with div=div'@p.div; conv=conv'@p.conv; matches} in\r
- (* print_endline ("after sub: \n" ^ string_of_problem p); *)\r
- {p with sigma=sub::p.sigma}\r
-(* FIXME *)\r
-let unify_terms p t1 t2 =\r
- match t1 with\r
- | V v -> subst_in_problem (v, t2) p\r
- | _ -> problem_fail p "The collapse of a match came after too many steps :(";;\r
-let rec unify p =\r
- let rec give_duplicates =\r
- let rec aux' t = function\r
- | [] -> [], None\r
- | (b',(t',c'))::ts -> if t = t' (* FIXME! eta-eq here *)then ts, Some (b',c') else (\r
- let ts, res = aux' t ts in (b',(t',c'))::ts, res) in\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | [] -> [], None\r
- | (b,(t,c))::rest -> (\r
- match aux' t rest with\r
- | rest, None -> aux rest\r
- | rest, Some (b',c') -> ((if not b' then false else b),(t,c))::rest, Some (c', c)\r
- ) in\r
- function\r
- | [] -> [], None\r
- | (orig,branches) :: ms ->\r
- match aux branches with\r
- | _, None -> let ms, res = give_duplicates ms in (orig,branches) :: ms, res\r
- | branches', Some subst -> (orig,branches') :: ms, Some subst in\r
- let matches, vars_to_be_unified = give_duplicates p.matches in\r
- let p = {p with matches=matches} in\r
- match vars_to_be_unified with\r
- | None -> p\r
- | Some(t', t) ->\r
- (* print_endline ("> unify " ^ string_of_t p (t') ^ " with " ^ string_of_t p t); *)\r
- unify (unify_terms p t' t)\r
-let problem_done p =\r
- let all_separated = List.for_all (fun (_, lst) -> List.length lst = 1 || List.for_all (fun (_,(t,_)) -> is_var t) lst) p.matches in\r
- all_separated && List.exists ((=) B) p.div\r
-let free_vars p t =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | V v -> if v >= level then [v] else []\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (aux level t1) @ (aux level t2)\r
- | L t -> aux (level+1) t\r
- | LM(ts,_,id) -> (List.concat (List.map (aux level) ts)) @ (\r
- let lst = List.assoc id p.matches in\r
- List.concat (List.map (fun (_,(t1,t2)) -> (aux 0 t1) @ (aux 0 t2)) lst)\r
- )\r
- | B -> []\r
- | P -> []\r
- in Util.sort_uniq (aux 0 t)\r
-let visible_vars p t =\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | V v -> [v]\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (aux t1) @ (aux t2)\r
- | L t -> []\r
- | LM(ts,_,id) -> (List.concat (List.map aux ts)) @ (\r
- let lst = List.assoc id p.matches in\r
- List.concat (List.map (fun (_,(t1,t2)) -> (aux t1) @ (aux t2)) lst)\r
- )\r
- | B -> []\r
- | P -> []\r
- in Util.sort_uniq (aux t)\r
-let forget_variable var p =\r
- let p', div = subst_many true (var, P) p p.div in\r
- let p = {p' with conv=p.conv} in\r
- let p, conv = subst_many false (var, B) p p.conv in\r
- let p, matches = subst_in_matches (var, B) p p.matches in\r
- {p with div; conv; matches; sigma=p.sigma}\r
-let rec remove_divergent_discriminators p =\r
- let f = fun (b,(t,_)) -> b && (t = B || is_lambda t) in\r
- try\r
- let v,l = List.find (fun (_,lst) -> List.exists f lst) p.matches in\r
- let (_,(_,c)) as entry = List.find f l in\r
- let l = List.filter ((<>) entry) l in\r
- let matches = List.map (fun (v', l') -> v', if v' = v then l else l') p.matches in\r
- let vars = free_vars p c in\r
- let p = {p with matches} in\r
- List.fold_right forget_variable vars p\r
- with Not_found -> p\r
-exception Done;;\r
-let sanity p =\r
- (* try to fix divergent discriminators *)\r
- let p = remove_divergent_discriminators p in\r
- (* Remove lambdas from conv TODO remove duplicates *)\r
- let div = List.filter (function | P | L _ -> false | _ -> true) p.div in\r
- let conv = List.filter (function | B | V _ | A _ -> true | _ -> false) p.conv in\r
- let p = {p with div;conv} in\r
- (* Sanity checks: *)\r
- if p.div = [] then problem_fail p "p.div converged";\r
- if List.mem B p.conv then problem_fail p "p.conv diverged";\r
- if not (List.for_all (fun (_, lst) -> List.for_all (fun (b,(t,_)) -> is_inert t) lst) p.matches)\r
- then problem_fail p "Unsolvable discrimination";\r
- (* unify! :( *)\r
- let p = unify p in\r
- print_endline (string_of_problem p); (* non cancellare *)\r
- if problem_done p then raise Done else p\r
-let print_cmd s1 s2 = print_endline (">> " ^ s1 ^ " " ^ s2);;\r
-let ignore var n p =\r
- print_cmd "EAT" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var) ^ " (of:" ^ string_of_int n ^ ")");\r
- let rec aux m t =\r
- if m = 0\r
- then lift n t\r
- else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
- let p, fresh = freshvar p in\r
- let subst = var, aux n (V fresh) in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-let explode p =\r
- let fv1 = List.concat (List.map (visible_vars p) p.div) in\r
- let fv2 = List.concat (List.map (visible_vars p) p.conv) in\r
- let fv = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x fv2)) fv1 in\r
- let fv = List.filter ((<) p.orig_freshno) fv in\r
- match fv with\r
- | var::_ ->\r
- print_cmd "EXPLODE" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var));\r
- let subst = var, B in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
- | _ -> problem_fail p "premature explosion"\r
-let step var p =\r
- print_cmd "STEP" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var));\r
- let subst = var, LM([], 0, var) in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-let id var p =\r
- print_cmd "ID" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var));\r
- let subst = var, L(V 0) in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-let apply var appk p =\r
- print_cmd "APPLY"\r
- (string_of_t p (V var) ^ " applies no." ^ string_of_int appk ^ " fresh variables");\r
- let rec mk_freshvars n p =\r
- if n = 0\r
- then p, []\r
- else\r
- let p, vs = mk_freshvars (n-1) p in\r
- let p, v = freshvar p in\r
- p, V(v)::vs in\r
- let p, vars = mk_freshvars appk p in\r
- let p, t = mk_apps false p (V 0) (List.map (lift 1) vars) in\r
- let t = L (A (lift 1 (V var), t)) in\r
- let subst = var, t in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-let perm var n p =\r
- print_cmd "PERM" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var) ^ " (of:" ^ string_of_int n ^ ")");\r
- let p, v = freshvar p in\r
- let rec aux' m t = if m < 0 then t else A(aux' (m-1) t, V m) in\r
- let rec aux m t =\r
- if m = 0\r
- then aux' (n-1) t\r
- else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
- let t = aux n (lift n (V v)) in\r
- let subst = var, t in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-(* TODO:\r
-- cosi' come e' possibile unificare rami di branch solo se vanno -> a variabili,\r
- allo stesso modo e' possibile ignorare dei rami se vanno in variabili, e quelle variabili\r
- vengono sostituite ovunque: con bombe in conv e con pacman in div\r
-let forget var no p =\r
- try\r
- let l = List.assoc var p.matches in\r
- let (b,(tm,c)) = List.nth l no in\r
- let l = List.mapi (fun n x -> if n = no then (b,(B,c)) else x) l in\r
- let matches = List.map (fun (v,lst) -> v, if v = var then l else lst) p.matches in\r
- let p = {p with matches} in\r
- print_cmd "FORGET" (string_of_t p tm ^ " from the match of " ^ string_of_t p (V var));\r
- sanity p\r
- (* (match c with\r
- | V var ->\r
- print_endline (\r
- "--- FORGET " ^ string_of_t p tm ^ " from the match of " ^ string_of_t p (V var));\r
- let p = forget_variable var p in\r
- | _ -> print_endline "too late to forget that term"; p\r
- ) *)\r
- with Failure "nth" ->\r
- print_endline "wtf?"; p\r
-let parse strs =\r
- let dummy_p = {orig_freshno=0; freshno=0; div=[]; conv=[]; matches=[]; sigma=[]} in\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | Parser.Lam t -> L (aux (level + 1) t)\r
- | Parser.App (t1, t2) ->\r
- if level = 0 then snd (mk_app false dummy_p (aux level t1) (aux level t2))\r
- else A(aux level t1, aux level t2)\r
- | Parser.Var v -> V v\r
- in let (tms, free) = Parser.parse_many strs\r
- in (List.map (aux 0) tms, free)\r
-let rec list_split n =\r
- function\r
- | [] -> [], []\r
- | x::xs as l -> if n = 0 then [], l else let a, b = list_split (n-1) xs in x::a, b\r
-let magic6 div conv cmds =\r
- print_hline ();\r
- let all_tms, var_names = parse (div @ conv) in\r
- let div, conv = list_split (List.length div) all_tms in\r
- let varno = List.length var_names in\r
- let p = {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; matches=[]; sigma=[]} in\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "BOMB" var_names, L B in\r
- let p = subst_in_problem subst p in p\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- let p = sanity p in\r
- try\r
- problem_fail (List.fold_left (|>) p cmds) "Problem not completed"\r
- with\r
- | Done -> ()\r
-let interactive div conv cmds =\r
- print_hline ();\r
- let all_tms, var_names = parse (div @ conv) in\r
- let div, conv = list_split (List.length div) all_tms in\r
- let varno = List.length var_names in\r
- let p = {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; matches=[]; sigma=[]} in\r
- (* activate bombs *)\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "BOMB" var_names, L B in\r
- subst_in_problem subst p\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- (* activate pacmans *)\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "PACMAN" var_names, P in\r
- let p = subst_in_problem subst p in\r
- (print_endline ("after subst in problem " ^ string_of_problem p); p)\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- (* initial sanity check *)\r
- let p = sanity p in\r
- let p = List.fold_left (|>) p cmds in\r
- let rec f p cmds =\r
- let nth spl n = int_of_string (List.nth spl n) in\r
- let read_cmd () =\r
- let s = read_line () in\r
- let spl = Str.split (Str.regexp " +") s in\r
- s, let uno = List.hd spl in\r
- try if uno = "explode" then explode\r
- else if uno = "ignore" then ignore (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
- else if uno = "step" then step (nth spl 1)\r
- else if uno = "perm" then perm (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
- else if uno = "apply" then apply (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
- else if uno = "forget" then forget (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
- else if uno = "id" then id (nth spl 1)\r
- else failwith "Wrong input."\r
- with Failure s -> print_endline s; (fun x -> x) in\r
- let str, cmd = read_cmd () in\r
- let cmds = (" " ^ str ^ ";")::cmds in\r
- try\r
- let p = cmd p in f p cmds\r
- with\r
- | Done -> print_endline "Done! Commands history: "; List.iter print_endline (List.rev cmds)\r
- in f p []\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["x x"]\r
- [ "_. BOMB" ]\r
- [ ignore 1 1; explode ]\r
- let _ = magic6\r
- ["x y BOMB b"]\r
- [ "x BOMB y c" ]\r
- [ perm 1 3; step 8 ; explode; ];;\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["x BOMB a1 c"]\r
- [ "x y BOMB d"; "x BOMB a2 c" ]\r
- [ perm 1 3 ; step 10 ; step 13; explode; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["x (x x)"]\r
- [ "x x" ; "x x x" ] [\r
- apply 1 1;\r
- step 1;\r
- explode;\r
- step 9;\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["x (_.BOMB)"]\r
- [ "x (_._. BOMB)" ]\r
- [ apply 1 2; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["x (_.y)"]\r
- [ "y (_. x)" ]\r
- [ apply 1 1; ignore 1 1; explode; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["y (x a1 BOMB c) (x BOMB b1 d)"]\r
- [ "y (x a2 BOMB c) (x BOMB b1 d)";\r
- "y (x a1 BOMB c) (x BOMB b2 d)";] [\r
- perm 2 3;\r
- step 12;\r
- perm 17 2;\r
- step 19;\r
- step 18;\r
- ignore 22 1;\r
- ignore 21 1;\r
- ignore 24 1;\r
- ignore 25 1;\r
- step 1;\r
- step 32;\r
- explode;\r
- ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["z (y x)"]\r
- [ "z (y (x.x))"; "y (_. BOMB)" ]\r
- [ apply 2 1; step 3; explode; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["y x"]\r
- [ "y (x.x)"; "x (_. BOMB)" ]\r
- [ apply 1 1; ignore 2 1; step 1; explode; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["z (y x)"]\r
- [ "z (y (x.x))"; "y (_. BOMB)" ]\r
- [ step 1; explode; apply 2 1; id 2; ignore 3 1; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["y (x a)"]\r
- [ "y (x b)"; "x BOMB" ] [\r
- id 2;\r
- step 1;\r
- explode;\r
- ["y (x a)"] [ "y (x b)"; "x BOMB"; "y a" ]\r
- [\r
- apply 1 1;\r
- perm 2 2;\r
- ignore 9 1;\r
- step 10;\r
- explode;\r
- ];;\r
-(* "y (a c)"\r
-[ "y (b c)"; "y (x a)"; "y (x b)"; "x BOMB" ] *)\r
-["x a (x (a.y BOMB))"]\r
-[ "x b"; "x (y c)"; "x (y d)" ]\r
-[apply 1 1;\r
-apply 2 1;\r
-(* [\r
-step 1;\r
-step 3;\r
-explode' 10;\r
-(* ma si puo' fare anche senza forget *) *)\r
-(* ] *)\r
-(* dipendente dalla codifica? no, ma si risolve solo con id *)\r
- ["y a"] ["y b"; "x (y (_.BOMB))"]\r
-apply 1 1;\r
-apply 2 1;\r
- (* [id 1; explode];; *)\r
- ["PACMAN (x x x)"] ["PACMAN (x x)"]\r
- [\r
- ignore 2 2;\r
- explode;\r
- ];;\r
-print_endline "ALL DONE. "\r
+++ /dev/null
-let (++) f g x = f (g x);;\r
-let print_hline = Console.print_hline;;\r
-type var = int;;\r
-type t =\r
- | V of var\r
- | A of t * t\r
- | L of t\r
- | B (* bottom *)\r
- | P (* pacman *)\r
- | Stuck of var * int\r
- (* | Ptr of int *)\r
-let rec consts = (* const_apps, const_lambda *)\r
- let rec aux1 = function\r
- | A(t, _) -> 1 + aux1 t\r
- | _ -> 0 in\r
- let rec aux2 = function\r
- | L t -> 1 + aux2 t\r
- | _ -> 0 in\r
- function\r
- | A(t1, t2) as t ->\r
- let a1, b1 = consts t1 in\r
- let a2, b2 = consts t2 in\r
- max (aux1 t) (max a1 a2), max b1 b2\r
- | L t' as t ->\r
- let a, b = consts t' in\r
- a, max (aux2 t) b\r
- | _ -> 0, 0\r
-type problem = {\r
- orig_freshno: int\r
- ; freshno : int\r
- ; div : t\r
- ; conv : t list\r
- ; matches : (var (* variable originating this match *) * ((int (* index of the term to discriminate *) * var option (* continuation *))) list) list\r
- ; sigma : (var * t) list (* substitutions *)\r
- ; stepped : var list\r
- ; arities : (var * int) list\r
- ; k_app : int\r
- ; k_lam : int\r
-let dummy_p = {orig_freshno=0; freshno=0; div=B; conv=[]; matches=[]; sigma=[]; stepped=[]; arities=[]; k_app=0;k_lam=0};;\r
-let append_conv p t = let len = List.length p.conv in let p = {p with conv=t::p.conv} in p, len;;\r
-let get_conv p n = List.nth p.conv (List.length p.conv - 1 - n);;\r
-let index_of_conv t conv = List.length conv - 1 - (Util.index_of t conv);;\r
-let eq_conv = (=);;\r
-let eq_conv_indices p i j = eq_conv (get_conv p i) (get_conv p j);;\r
-let all_terms p = p.div :: p.conv;;\r
-exception Done of (var * t) list (* substitution *);;\r
-exception Fail of int * string;;\r
-let string_of_t p =\r
- let bound_vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "w"; "q"; "x1"; "x2"; "x3"; "x4"; "x5"] in\r
- let rec string_of_term_w_pars level = function\r
- | V v -> if v >= level then "`" ^ string_of_int (v-level) else List.nth bound_vars (level - v-1)\r
- | A _\r
- | L _ as t -> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_lam level t ^ ")"\r
- | B -> "BOT"\r
- | P -> "PAC"\r
- | Stuck _ as t -> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_app level t ^ ")"\r
- (* | Ptr _ as t-> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_app level t ^ ")" *)\r
- (* "&" ^ string_of_int n *)\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_app level = function\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (string_of_term_no_pars_app level t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars level t2)\r
- | Stuck(v,n) -> ":" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_app level (V v) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars level (get_conv p n))\r
- (* | Ptr n -> string_of_term_no_pars_app level (get_conv p n) *)\r
- (* | Ptr n -> "&" ^ string_of_int n *)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_w_pars level t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_lam level = function\r
- | L t -> "λ" ^ string_of_term_w_pars (level+1) (V 0) ^ ". " ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam (level+1) t)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars level t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars level = function\r
- | L _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_lam level t\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_app level t\r
- in string_of_term_no_pars 0\r
-let string_of_problem p =\r
- let lines = [\r
- "[arities] " ^ String.concat " " (List.map (fun (v,n) -> "`" ^ string_of_int v ^ "=" ^ string_of_int n) p.arities);\r
- "[stepped]" ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int p.stepped);\r
- "[DV] " ^ (string_of_t p p.div);\r
- "[CV] " ^ String.concat "\n " (List.map (string_of_t p) p.conv);\r
- (* "" ; *)\r
- ] @ Util.concat_map (fun (v, lst) -> ("[<>] of "^(string_of_t p (V v))) :: List.map (fun (n,c) -> " " ^ string_of_t p (get_conv p n)\r
- ^ (match c with None -> "" | Some v -> " -> " ^ string_of_t p (V v))\r
- ) lst) p.matches @ [""] in\r
- String.concat "\n" lines\r
-let problem_fail p reason =\r
- print_endline "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";\r
- print_endline (string_of_problem p);\r
- raise (Fail (-1, reason))\r
-let freshvar ({freshno} as p) =\r
- {p with freshno=freshno+1}, freshno+1\r
-let add_to_match p id t =\r
- let p, entry =\r
- try\r
- p, index_of_conv t p.conv\r
- with\r
- | Not_found -> append_conv p t in\r
- let entry' = entry, None in\r
- let matches =\r
- List.map (fun (id',lst as x) -> if id <> id' then x else (id, entry'::lst)) p.matches\r
- in\r
- {p with matches}, entry\r
-let var_occurs_in p v =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | V v' -> v + level = v'\r
- | Stuck(v',n) -> assert (v <> v'); aux level (get_conv p n)\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (aux level t1) || (aux level t2)\r
- | L t -> aux (level+1) t\r
- | B -> false\r
- | P -> false\r
- (* | Ptr n -> aux level (get_conv p n) *)\r
- in aux 0\r
-let rec is_inert p =\r
- function\r
- | A(t,_) -> is_inert p t\r
- (* | Ptr n -> is_inert p (get_conv p n) *)\r
- | V _ | Stuck _ -> true\r
- | L _ | B | P -> false\r
-let is_var = function V _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let is_lambda = function L _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let is_pacman = function P -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let rec subst level delift sub p =\r
- function\r
- | V v -> p, if v = level + fst sub then lift level (snd sub) else V (if delift && v > level then v-1 else v)\r
- | L t -> let p, t = subst (level + 1) delift sub p t in p, L t\r
- | A (t1,t2) ->\r
- let p, t1 = subst level delift sub p t1 in\r
- let p, t2 = subst level delift sub p t2 in\r
- if t1 = B || t2 = B then p, B else\r
- if level = 0 then mk_app p t1 t2 else p, A (t1, t2)\r
- | B -> p, B\r
- | P -> p, P\r
- (* | Ptr _ as t -> p, t *)\r
- | Stuck(v,_) as t ->
- assert (v <> level + fst sub); (* can't instantiate v twice after a step *)\r
- (* FIXME!!!! URGENT!!! *)\r
- p, t\r
-and mk_app p t1 t2 = let t1 = if t1 = P then L P else t1 in match t1 with\r
- | L t1 -> subst 0 true (0, t2) p t1\r
- | V v when List.mem v p.stepped ->\r
- let p, n = add_to_match p v t2 in\r
- p, Stuck(v, n)\r
- | B | _ when t2 = B -> p, B\r
- | t1 -> p, A (t1, t2)\r
-and mk_apps p t =\r
- function\r
- | [] -> p, t\r
- | t'::ts -> let p, t = mk_app p t t' in mk_apps p t ts\r
-and lift n =\r
- let rec aux n' =\r
- function\r
- | V m -> V (if m >= n' then m + n else m)\r
- | L t -> L (aux (n'+1) t)\r
- | A (t1, t2) -> A (aux n' t1, aux n' t2)\r
- | B -> B\r
- | P -> P\r
- | Stuck(m,ptr) -> assert (m >= n'); Stuck(m + n, ptr)\r
- (* | Ptr _ as t -> t *)\r
- in aux 0\r
-let subst = subst 0 false;;\r
-let mk_lambda t = L (lift 1 t) ;;\r
-let subst_many sub =\r
- let rec aux p = function\r
- | [] -> p, []\r
- | t::tms ->\r
- let p, tms = aux p tms in\r
- let p, t = subst sub p t in\r
- p, t :: tms\r
- in aux\r
-let subst_in_problem (sub: var * t) (p: problem) =\r
-(* print_endline ("SUBST IN PROBLEM: " ^ string_of_t p (V (fst sub)) ^ " |-> " ^ string_of_t p (snd sub)); *)\r
-(* BUG QUI FIXME!!!! *)\r
- let rec mix l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with\r
- | [], l2 -> l2\r
- | x::xs, _::ys -> x:: (mix xs ys)\r
- | _ -> assert false in\r
- let p, conv = subst_many sub p p.conv in\r
- let p, div = subst sub p p.div in\r
- let conv = List.rev (mix (List.rev conv) (List.rev p.conv)) in\r
- let p = {p with div; conv} in\r
- (* print_endline ("after sub: \n" ^ string_of_problem p); *)\r
- {p with sigma=sub::p.sigma}\r
-let problem_done p =\r
- let all_separated = List.for_all (fun (_, lst) -> List.for_all (fun (n,_) -> is_var (get_conv p n)) lst) p.matches in\r
- all_separated && p.div = B\r
-let free_vars p t =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | V v -> if v >= level then [v] else []\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (aux level t1) @ (aux level t2)\r
- | L t -> aux (level+1) t\r
- | B | P\r
- | Stuck _ -> []\r
- (* | Ptr n -> aux 0 (get_conv p n) *)\r
- in Util.sort_uniq (aux 0 t)\r
-let visible_vars p t =\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | V v -> [v]\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (aux t1) @ (aux t2)\r
- | B | P\r
- | Stuck _ | L _ -> []\r
- (* | Ptr n -> aux (get_conv p n) *)\r
- in Util.sort_uniq (aux t)\r
-(* TODO FIXME *)\r
-let apply_substs p t = t;;\r
-let unblock var index cont p =\r
- let rec aux p = function\r
- | Stuck(v',n') as t -> p, (if var = v' && index = n' then apply_substs p (V cont) else t)\r
- | A (t1, t2) ->\r
- let p, t1 = aux p t1 in\r
- let p, t2 = aux p t2 in\r
- mk_app p t1 t2\r
- | _ as t -> p, t in\r
- let p, div = aux p p.div in\r
- let _, conv = List.fold_right (fun c (p, conv) -> let p, c = aux p c in p, c::conv) p.conv (p,[]) in\r
- {p with div; conv}\r
-let rec unblock_all p =\r
- let aux (orig, m) (matches, news, p) =\r
- let nn = List.filter (fun (n,c) -> is_var (get_conv p n) && c = None) m in\r
- let p, conts = List.fold_left (fun (p,conts) (n,_) ->\r
- match Util.find_opt (function (n', c) when eq_conv_indices p n' n -> c | _ -> None) m\r
- with Some c -> p, (n, c)::conts | None ->\r
- (* c is the new continuation *)\r
- let p, c = freshvar p in\r
- let arity = c, List.assoc orig p.arities - 1 in\r
- print_endline ("``" ^ string_of_int orig);\r
- assert ((snd arity) > -1 );\r
- let p = {p with arities=arity::p.arities} in\r
- p, (n, c)::conts\r
- ) (p, []) nn in\r
- let m = List.map (fun (n,c) -> n, try\r
- Some (List.assoc n conts)\r
- with\r
- | Not_found -> c) m in\r
- (orig, m) :: matches, (List.map (fun x -> orig, x) conts) @ news, p\r
- in\r
- let matches, news, p = List.fold_right aux p.matches ([],[], p) in\r
- (* FIXPOINT *)\r
- if news <> [] then\r
- let f = List.fold_left (fun f (a,(b,c)) -> f ++ (unblock a b c)) (fun p -> p) news in\r
- unblock_all (f {p with matches}) else p\r
-let rec simple_explode p =\r
- match p.div with\r
- | V var ->\r
- let subst = var, B in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
- | _ -> p\r
-and sanity p =\r
- (* Sanity checks: *)\r
- if (function | P | L _ -> true | _ -> false) p.div then problem_fail p "p.div converged";\r
- if List.mem B p.conv then problem_fail p "p.conv diverged";\r
- if not (List.for_all (fun (_, lst) -> List.for_all (fun (n,_) -> is_inert p (get_conv p n)) lst) p.matches)\r
- then problem_fail p "Unsolvable discrimination";\r
- let p = unblock_all p in\r
- print_endline (string_of_problem p); (* non cancellare *)\r
- let p = if problem_done p then raise (Done p.sigma) else p in\r
- let p = if is_var p.div then simple_explode p else p in\r
- p\r
-let print_cmd s1 s2 = print_endline (">> " ^ s1 ^ " " ^ s2);;\r
-let rec hd_args t = match t with\r
- | V v -> v, []\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> let a, b = hd_args t1 in a, b @ [t2]\r
- | _ -> -666, []\r
-let max_arity_of_var v =\r
- let rec aux level =\r
- function\r
- | V _ -> 0\r
- | A _ as t -> print_string (string_of_t dummy_p t); let hd, args = hd_args t in\r
- let acc = if hd = level + v then List.length args else 0 in\r
- List.fold_right (max ++ (aux level)) args acc\r
- | L t -> aux (level + 1) t\r
- | Stuck(v,n) -> 0\r
- (* | Ptr n -> assert false *)\r
- | P | B -> 0\r
- in aux 0\r
-let ignore var n p =\r
- print_cmd "EAT" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var) ^ " (of:" ^ string_of_int n ^ ")");\r
- let rec aux m t =\r
- if m = 0\r
- then lift n t\r
- else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
- let p, fresh = freshvar p in\r
- let subst = var, aux n (V fresh) in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-let eat var p =\r
- print_cmd "EAT" ("var " ^ string_of_t p (V var));\r
- let rec is_hd v' = function\r
- | A (t,_) -> is_hd v' t\r
- | V v -> v' = v\r
- | _ -> false in\r
- let rec app_length = function\r
- | A (t,_) -> 1 + app_length t\r
- | _ -> 0 in\r
- let rec find_app_no = function\r
- | V _ | L _ | P | B -> 0\r
- | A (t1,t2) as t ->\r
- max (max (find_app_no t1) (find_app_no t2))\r
- (if is_hd var t1 then app_length t else 0)\r
- | Stuck _ -> 0\r
- (* | Ptr n -> find_app_no (get_conv p n) *)\r
- in let n = List.fold_right (max ++ find_app_no) (all_terms p) 0 in\r
- let rec aux m t =\r
- if m = 0\r
- then lift n t\r
- else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
- let p, fresh = freshvar p in\r
- let subst = var, aux n (V fresh) in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-(* let explode p =\r
- let fv1 = visible_vars p p.div in\r
- let fv2 = List.concat (List.map (visible_vars p) p.conv) in\r
- let fv = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x fv2)) fv1 in\r
- let fv = List.filter ((<) p.orig_freshno) fv in\r
- match fv with\r
- | var::_ ->\r
- print_cmd "EXPLODE" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var));\r
- let subst = var, B in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
- | _ -> raise (Fail (-1,"premature explosion"))\r
-;; *)\r
-(* let step var p =
- print_cmd "STEP" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var));
- let matches = (var,[])::p.matches in
- let p = {p with matches;stepped=var::p.stepped} in
- let subst = var, V var in
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-;; *)\r
-let choose n p =\r
- print_cmd "CHOOSE" ("#" ^ string_of_int n);\r
- let rec aux n t = match t with\r
- | V _ -> 0, t\r
- | A(t1,_) -> let n', t' = aux n t1 in if n = n' then n', t' else n'+1, t\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
- in let n', div = aux n p.div in\r
- if n' <> n then problem_fail p "wrong choose";\r
- let p = {p with div} in\r
- sanity p\r
-let apply var appk p =\r
- print_cmd "APPLY"\r
- (string_of_t p (V var) ^ " applies no." ^ string_of_int appk ^ " fresh variables");\r
- let rec mk_freshvars n p =\r
- if n = 0\r
- then p, []\r
- else\r
- let p, vs = mk_freshvars (n-1) p in\r
- let p, v = freshvar p in\r
- p, V(v)::vs in\r
- let p, vars = mk_freshvars appk p in\r
- let p, t = mk_apps p (V 0) (List.map (lift 1) vars) in\r
- let t = L (A (lift 1 (V var), t)) in\r
- let subst = var, t in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-let find_arities_after_app p =\r
- let rec aux level n = function\r
- | L t -> assert (n > 0); max_arity_of_var level t :: aux (level+1) (n-1) t\r
- | _ -> Array.to_list (Array.make n 0)\r
- in aux 0\r
-let find_all_first_args_of v =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | L t -> aux (level+1) t\r
- | V _ -> []\r
- | A(V v', t2) -> (if v + level = v' then [t2] else []) @ aux level t2\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> aux level t1 @ aux level t2\r
- | _ -> []\r
- in aux 0\r
-let step' var p =\r
- let appk = p.k_lam + p.k_app + 1 in\r
- print_cmd "STEP'" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var) ^ " and applies no." ^ string_of_int appk ^ " fresh variables");\r
- let p, vars = (* +1 below because of lifting *)\r
- Array.fold_left (fun (p,vars) _ -> let p, v = freshvar p in p, (v+1)::vars)\r
- (p, []) (Array.make appk ()) in\r
- let p, t = mk_apps p (V 0) (List.map (fun x -> V x) vars) in\r
- let first_args = Util.sort_uniq (List.fold_right ((@) ++ (find_all_first_args_of var)) (all_terms p) []) in\r
- let map = List.fold_left (fun acc t -> let acc' = find_arities_after_app p appk t in List.map (fun (x,y) -> max x y) (List.combine acc acc')) (Array.to_list (Array.make appk 0)) first_args in\r
- let arities = List.combine (List.map ((+) (-1)) vars) map in\r
- (* let p, var' = freshvar p in *)\r
- let p, var' = p, var in\r
- let matches = (var', []) :: p.matches in\r
- let p = {p with matches; stepped=var'::p.stepped; arities=arities@p.arities} in\r
- let t = L (A (lift 1 (V var'), t)) in\r
- let subst = var, t in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-let perm var n p =\r
- if n = 1 then p else (\r
- print_cmd "PERM" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var) ^ " (of:" ^ string_of_int n ^ ")");\r
- (* let p, v = freshvar p in *)\r
- let p, v = p, var in\r
- let rec aux' m t = if m < 0 then t else A(aux' (m-1) t, V m) in\r
- let rec aux m t =\r
- if m = 0\r
- then aux' (n-1) t\r
- else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
- let t = aux n (lift n (V v)) in\r
- let subst = var, t in\r
- (* let p = {p with arities=(v, List.assoc var p.arities)::p.arities} in *)\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-) ;;\r
-let free_vars_of_p p =\r
- Util.sort_uniq (Util.concat_map (free_vars p) (all_terms p));;\r
-let rec applied_vars p = function\r
-| B | P -> []\r
-| L _ -> [] (* ??? *)\r
-| V _ -> []\r
-| A(V v,t2) -> v :: applied_vars p t2\r
-| A(t1,t2) -> applied_vars p t1 @ applied_vars p t2\r
-(* | Ptr n -> applied_vars p (get_conv p n) *)\r
-| Stuck _ -> [] (* ??? *)\r
-let applied_vars_of_p p =\r
- Util.sort_uniq (Util.concat_map (applied_vars p) (all_terms p));;\r
-let rec auto p =\r
- let aux f var =\r
- try\r
- auto (f var); ()\r
- with\r
- | Done _ as d -> raise d\r
- | Fail(_, s) -> print_endline ("<<< Backtracking because: " ^ s) in\r
- print_endline ">>> auto called";\r
- (* Compute useful free variables *)\r
- let fv = applied_vars_of_p p in\r
- let fv = List.filter (fun v -> not (List.mem v p.stepped)) fv in\r
- List.iter (fun v -> print_string ("@`" ^ string_of_int v)) fv;\r
- let fv0 = List.filter (fun v -> List.assoc v p.arities > 0) fv in (* remove variable with arity left 0, cannot step there *)\r
- if fv0 = [] then (print_endline "warning! empty step fv0"; List.iter (fun v -> print_string ("@`" ^ string_of_int v)) fv);\r
- let permute_and_step p v =\r
- let step'' problem prm var =\r
- let problem = perm var prm problem in\r
- (* let _ = read_line () in *)\r
- let problem = step' var problem in\r
- problem in\r
- let arity = List.assoc v p.arities in\r
- let _, perms = Array.fold_left (fun (arity, acc) () -> let a = arity + 1 in a, a::acc) (1,[1]) (Array.make (arity-1) ()) in\r
- List.iter (fun perm -> aux (step'' p perm) v) perms\r
- in\r
- List.iter (permute_and_step p) fv0;\r
- List.iter (aux (fun v -> eat v p)) fv;\r
- (* mancano: applicazioni e choose; ??? *)\r
-let parse strs =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | Parser.Lam t -> L (aux (level + 1) t)\r
- | Parser.App (t1, t2) ->\r
- if level = 0 then snd (mk_app dummy_p (aux level t1) (aux level t2))\r
- else A(aux level t1, aux level t2)\r
- | Parser.Var v -> V v\r
- in let (tms, free) = Parser.parse_many strs\r
- in (List.map (aux 0) tms, free)\r
-let magic6 div conv cmds =\r
- print_hline ();\r
- let all_tms, var_names = parse (div :: conv) in\r
- let div, conv = List.hd all_tms, List.tl all_tms in\r
- let varno = List.length var_names in\r
- let k_app, k_lam = List.fold_left (fun (a, b) t -> let a', b' = consts t in max a a', max b b') (0,0) all_tms in\r
- let p = {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; matches=[]; sigma=[]; stepped=[];k_app;k_lam;arities=[]} in\r
- let fv = Util.sort_uniq (Util.concat_map (free_vars p) all_tms) in\r
- let arities = List.map (fun var -> var, k_app) fv in\r
- let p = {p with arities} in\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "BOMB" var_names, L B in\r
- let p = subst_in_problem subst p in p\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- let p = sanity p in\r
- try\r
- problem_fail (List.fold_left (|>) p cmds) "Problem not completed"\r
- with\r
- | Done _ -> ()\r
-let auto div conv =\r
- print_hline ();\r
- let all_tms, var_names = parse (div :: conv) in\r
- let div, conv = List.hd all_tms, List.tl all_tms in\r
- let varno = List.length var_names in\r
- let k_app, k_lam = List.fold_left (fun (a, b) t -> let a', b' = consts t in max a a', max b b') (0,0) all_tms in\r
- let p = {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; matches=[]; sigma=[]; stepped=[];k_app;k_lam;arities=[]} in\r
- let fv = Util.sort_uniq (Util.concat_map (free_vars p) all_tms) in\r
- let max_arity_of_var_in_p var p =\r
- 1 + List.fold_right (max ++ (max_arity_of_var var)) (all_terms p) 0 in\r
- let arities = List.map (fun var -> var, max_arity_of_var_in_p var p) fv in\r
- let p = {p with arities} in\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "BOMB" var_names, L B in\r
- let p = subst_in_problem subst p in p\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- let p = sanity p in\r
- try\r
- auto p;\r
- failwith "auto failed."\r
- with\r
- | Done _ -> print_endline "<<< auto ok >>>"; (* TODO: print and verify substitution *)\r
-(* let interactive div conv cmds =\r
- print_hline ();\r
- let all_tms, var_names = parse (div @ conv) in\r
- let div, conv = list_split (List.length div) all_tms in\r
- let varno = List.length var_names in\r
- let p = {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; matches=[]; sigma=[]} in\r
- (* activate bombs *)\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "BOMB" var_names, L B in\r
- subst_in_problem subst p\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- (* activate pacmans *)\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "PACMAN" var_names, P in\r
- let p = subst_in_problem subst p in\r
- (print_endline ("after subst in problem " ^ string_of_problem p); p)\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- (* initial sanity check *)\r
- let p = sanity p in\r
- let p = List.fold_left (|>) p cmds in\r
- let rec f p cmds =\r
- let nth spl n = int_of_string (List.nth spl n) in\r
- let read_cmd () =\r
- let s = read_line () in\r
- let spl = Str.split (Str.regexp " +") s in\r
- s, let uno = List.hd spl in\r
- try if uno = "explode" then explode\r
- else if uno = "ignore" then ignore (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
- else if uno = "step" then step (nth spl 1)\r
- else if uno = "perm" then perm (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
- else if uno = "apply" then apply (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
- (* else if uno = "forget" then forget (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2) *)\r
- else if uno = "id" then id (nth spl 1)\r
- else failwith "Wrong input."\r
- with Failure s -> print_endline s; (fun x -> x) in\r
- let str, cmd = read_cmd () in\r
- let cmds = (" " ^ str ^ ";")::cmds in\r
- try\r
- let p = cmd p in f p cmds\r
- with\r
- | Done -> print_endline "Done! Commands history: "; List.iter print_endline (List.rev cmds)\r
- in f p []\r
-;; *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "x x"\r
- [ "_. BOMB" ]\r
- (* [ eat 1 ] *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "x y BOMB b"\r
- [ "x BOMB y c" ]\r
- (* [ perm 1 3; step' 8 ; eat 4; eat 5; eat 15; ] *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "x BOMB a1 c"\r
- [ "x y BOMB d"; "x BOMB a2 c" ]\r
- (* [ perm 1 3 ; step' 10 ; eat 4; eat 6; step' 17; eat 3; eat 7; eat 27; ] *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "x (x x)"\r
- [ "x x" ; "x x x" ]\r
- (* [\r
- step' 1;\r
- eat 6; eat 9; eat 13;\r
-(* let _ = auto\r
- "x (_.BOMB)"\r
- [ "x (_._. BOMB)" ]\r
- (* [ apply 1 2; ] *)\r
-;; *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "x (_.y)"\r
- [ "y (_. x)" ]\r
- (* [ apply 1 1; ignore 1 1; explode; ] *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "y (x a1 BOMB c) (x BOMB b1 d)"\r
- [ "y (x a2 BOMB c) (x BOMB b1 d)";\r
- "y (x a1 BOMB c) (x BOMB b2 d)";]\r
- (* [perm 2 3;\r
- step 12;\r
- perm 17 2;\r
- step 19;\r
- step 18;\r
- ignore 22 1;\r
- ignore 21 1;\r
- ignore 24 1;\r
- ignore 25 1;\r
- step 1;\r
- step 32;\r
- explode;\r
- ] *)\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["z (y x)"]\r
- [ "z (y (x.x))"; "y (_. BOMB)" ]\r
- [ apply 2 1; step 3; explode; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["y x"]\r
- [ "y (x.x)"; "x (_. BOMB)" ]\r
- [ apply 1 1; ignore 2 1; step 1; explode; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["z (y x)"]\r
- [ "z (y (x.x))"; "y (_. BOMB)" ]\r
- [ step 1; explode; apply 2 1; id 2; ignore 3 1; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["y (x a)"]\r
- [ "y (x b)"; "x BOMB" ] [\r
- id 2;\r
- step 1;\r
- explode;\r
- ["y (x a)"] [ "y (x b)"; "x BOMB"; "y a" ]\r
- [\r
- apply 1 1;\r
- perm 2 2;\r
- ignore 9 1;\r
- step 10;\r
- explode;\r
- ];;\r
-(* "y (a c)"\r
-[ "y (b c)"; "y (x a)"; "y (x b)"; "x BOMB" ] *)\r
-["x a (x (a.y BOMB))"]\r
-[ "x b"; "x (y c)"; "x (y d)" ]\r
-[apply 1 1;\r
-apply 2 1;\r
-(* [\r
-step 1;\r
-step 3;\r
-explode' 10;\r
-(* ma si puo' fare anche senza forget *) *)\r
-(* ] *)\r
-(* dipendente dalla codifica? no, ma si risolve solo con id *)\r
- ["y a"] ["y b"; "x (y (_.BOMB))"]\r
-apply 1 1;\r
-apply 2 1;\r
- (* [id 1; explode];; *)\r
- ["PACMAN (x x x)"] ["PACMAN (x x)"]\r
- [\r
- ignore 2 2;\r
- explode;\r
- ];; *)\r
-print_endline "ALL DONE. "\r
+++ /dev/null
-let (++) f g x = f (g x);;\r
-let print_hline = Console.print_hline;;\r
-type var = int;;\r
-type t =\r
- | V of var\r
- | A of t * t\r
- | L of t\r
- | B (* bottom *)\r
- | P (* pacman *)\r
- (* | Stuck of var * int *)\r
- (* | Ptr of int *)\r
-let rec consts = (* const_apps, const_lambda *)\r
- let rec aux1 = function\r
- | A(t, _) -> 1 + aux1 t\r
- | _ -> 0 in\r
- let rec aux2 = function\r
- | L t -> 1 + aux2 t\r
- | _ -> 0 in\r
- function\r
- | A(t1, t2) as t ->\r
- let a1, b1 = consts t1 in\r
- let a2, b2 = consts t2 in\r
- max (aux1 t) (max a1 a2), max b1 b2\r
- | L t' as t ->\r
- let a, b = consts t' in\r
- a, max (aux2 t) b\r
- | _ -> 0, 0\r
-type problem = {\r
- orig_freshno: int\r
- ; freshno : int\r
- ; div : t\r
- ; conv : t list\r
- ; matches : (var (* variable originating this match *) * ((bool (* coming from div *) * t (* term to discriminate *) * var (* continuation *))) list) list\r
- ; sigma : (var * t) list (* substitutions *)\r
- ; stepped : var list\r
- ; arities : (var * int) list\r
- ; k_app : int\r
- ; k_lam : int\r
-let dummy_p = {orig_freshno=0; freshno=0; div=B; conv=[]; matches=[]; sigma=[]; stepped=[]; arities=[]; k_app=0;k_lam=0};;\r
-let append_conv p t = let len = List.length p.conv in let p = {p with conv=t::p.conv} in p, len;;\r
-let get_conv p n = List.nth p.conv (List.length p.conv - 1 - n);;\r
-let index_of_conv t conv = List.length conv - 1 - (Util.index_of t conv);;\r
-let eq_conv = (=);;\r
-let eq_conv_indices p i j = eq_conv (get_conv p i) (get_conv p j);;\r
-let all_terms p = (p.div :: p.conv) @ Util.concat_map (fun (_, lst) -> List.map (fun (_,x,_) -> x) lst) p.matches;;\r
-exception Done of (var * t) list (* substitution *);;\r
-exception Fail of int * string;;\r
-let string_of_t p =\r
- let bound_vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "w"; "q"; "x1"; "x2"; "x3"; "x4"; "x5"] in\r
- let rec string_of_term_w_pars level = function\r
- | V v -> if v >= level then "`" ^ string_of_int (v-level) else List.nth bound_vars (level - v-1)\r
- | A _\r
- | L _ as t -> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_lam level t ^ ")"\r
- | B -> "BOT"\r
- | P -> "PAC"\r
- (* | Stuck _ as t -> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_app level t ^ ")" *)\r
- (* | Ptr _ as t-> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_app level t ^ ")" *)\r
- (* "&" ^ string_of_int n *)\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_app level = function\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (string_of_term_no_pars_app level t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars level t2)\r
- (* | Stuck(v,n) -> ":" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_app level (V v) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars level (get_conv p n)) *)\r
- (* | Ptr n -> string_of_term_no_pars_app level (get_conv p n) *)\r
- (* | Ptr n -> "&" ^ string_of_int n *)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_w_pars level t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_lam level = function\r
- | L t -> "λ" ^ string_of_term_w_pars (level+1) (V 0) ^ ". " ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam (level+1) t)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars level t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars level = function\r
- | L _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_lam level t\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_app level t\r
- in string_of_term_no_pars 0\r
-let string_of_problem p =\r
- let lines = [\r
- "[arities] " ^ String.concat " " (List.map (fun (v,n) -> "`" ^ string_of_int v ^ "=" ^ string_of_int n) p.arities);\r
- "[stepped] " ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int p.stepped);\r
- "[DV] " ^ (string_of_t p p.div);\r
- "[CV] " ^ String.concat "\n " (List.map (string_of_t p) p.conv);\r
- (* "" ; *)\r
- ] @ Util.concat_map (fun (v, lst) -> ("[<>] of "^(string_of_t p (V v))) :: List.map (fun (b,t,c) -> (if b then " * " else " ") ^ string_of_t p t\r
- ^ " -> " ^ string_of_t p (V c)\r
- ) lst) p.matches @ [""] in\r
- String.concat "\n" lines\r
-let problem_fail p reason =\r
- print_endline "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";\r
- print_endline (string_of_problem p);\r
- raise (Fail (-1, reason))\r
-let freshvar ({freshno} as p) =\r
- {p with freshno=freshno+1}, freshno+1\r
-let add_to_match p id fromdiv t =\r
- let p, v = freshvar p in\r
- let arity = (List.assoc id p.arities) - 1 in\r
- let entry = fromdiv, t, v in\r
- let matches =\r
- List.map (fun (id',lst as x) -> if id <> id' then x else (id, entry::lst)) p.matches\r
- in\r
- let arities = (v,arity) :: p.arities in\r
- {p with matches; arities}, V v\r
-let var_occurs_in p v =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | V v' -> v + level = v'\r
- (* | Stuck(v',n) -> assert (v <> v'); aux level (get_conv p n) *)\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (aux level t1) || (aux level t2)\r
- | L t -> aux (level+1) t\r
- | B -> false\r
- | P -> false\r
- (* | Ptr n -> aux level (get_conv p n) *)\r
- in aux 0\r
-let rec is_inert p =\r
- function\r
- | A(t,_) -> is_inert p t\r
- (* | Ptr n -> is_inert p (get_conv p n) *)\r
- | V _ -> true\r
- | L _ | B | P -> false\r
-let is_var = function V _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let is_lambda = function L _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let is_pacman = function P -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let rec subst level delift fromdiv sub p =\r
- function\r
- | V v -> p, if v = level + fst sub then lift level (snd sub) else V (if delift && v > level then v-1 else v)\r
- | L t -> let p, t = subst (level + 1) delift fromdiv sub p t in p, L t\r
- | A (t1,t2) ->\r
- let p, t1 = subst level delift fromdiv sub p t1 in\r
- let p, t2 = subst level delift fromdiv sub p t2 in\r
- if t1 = B || t2 = B then p, B else\r
- if level = 0 then mk_app fromdiv p t1 t2 else p, A (t1, t2)\r
- | B -> p, B\r
- | P -> p, P\r
-and mk_app fromdiv p t1 t2 = let t1 = if t1 = P then L P else t1 in match t1 with\r
- | B | _ when t2 = B -> p, B\r
- | L t1 -> subst 0 true fromdiv (0, t2) p t1\r
- | V v when List.mem v p.stepped ->\r
- let p, x = add_to_match p v fromdiv t2 in\r
- p, x\r
- | t1 -> p, A (t1, t2)\r
-and mk_apps fromdiv p t =\r
- function\r
- | [] -> p, t\r
- | t'::ts -> let p, t = mk_app fromdiv p t t' in mk_apps fromdiv p t ts\r
-and lift n =\r
- let rec aux n' =\r
- function\r
- | V m -> V (if m >= n' then m + n else m)\r
- | L t -> L (aux (n'+1) t)\r
- | A (t1, t2) -> A (aux n' t1, aux n' t2)\r
- | B -> B\r
- | P -> P\r
- in aux 0\r
-let subst = subst 0 false;;\r
-let mk_lambda t = L (lift 1 t) ;;\r
-let subst_conv sub =\r
- let rec aux p = function\r
- | [] -> p, []\r
- | t::tms ->\r
- let p, tms = aux p tms in\r
- let p, t = subst false sub p t in\r
- p, t :: tms\r
- in aux\r
-let subst_in_problem (sub: var * t) (p: problem) =\r
-print_endline ("SUBST IN PROBLEM: " ^ string_of_t p (V (fst sub)) ^ " |-> " ^ string_of_t p (snd sub));\r
-(* BUG QUI FIXME!!!! *)\r
- let rec mix l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with\r
- | [], l2 -> l2\r
- | x::xs, _::ys -> x:: (mix xs ys)\r
- | _ -> assert false in\r
- let p = {p with stepped=(fst sub)::p.stepped} in\r
- let p, conv = subst_conv sub p p.conv in\r
- let p, div = subst true sub p p.div in\r
- let conv = List.rev (mix (List.rev conv) (List.rev p.conv)) in\r
- let p = {p with div; conv} in\r
- (* print_endline ("after sub: \n" ^ string_of_problem p); *)\r
- {p with sigma=sub::p.sigma}\r
-(* FIXME *)\r
-let unify_terms p v1 v2 =\r
- if List.mem v1 p.stepped\r
- then problem_fail p "The collapse of a match came after too many steps :(";\r
- subst_in_problem (v1, V v2) p\r
-let rec unify p =\r
- let rec give_duplicates =\r
- let rec aux' t = function\r
- | [] -> [], None\r
- | (b',t',c')::ts -> if t = t' (* FIXME! eta-eq here *) then ts, Some (b',c') else (\r
- let ts, res = aux' t ts in (b',t',c')::ts, res) in\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | [] -> [], None\r
- | (b,t,c)::rest -> (\r
- match aux' t rest with\r
- | rest, None -> aux rest\r
- | rest, Some(b',c') -> (b || b', t, c) :: rest, Some(c', c)\r
- ) in\r
- function\r
- | [] -> [], None\r
- | (orig,branches) :: ms ->\r
- match aux branches with\r
- | _, None -> let ms, res = give_duplicates ms in (orig,branches) :: ms, res\r
- | branches', Some subst -> (orig,branches') :: ms, Some subst in\r
- let matches, vars_to_be_unified = give_duplicates p.matches in\r
- let p = {p with matches=matches} in\r
- match vars_to_be_unified with\r
- | None -> p\r
- | Some(t', t) ->\r
- (* print_endline ("> unify " ^ string_of_t p (t') ^ " with " ^ string_of_t p t); *)\r
- unify (unify_terms p t' t)\r
-let problem_done p =\r
- let condition (b, t, cont) =\r
- (b && t = B) ||\r
- (not (List.mem cont p.stepped)) ||\r
- is_var t in\r
- let all_separated = List.for_all (fun (_, lst) -> List.for_all condition lst) p.matches in\r
- all_separated && p.div = B\r
-let free_vars p t =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | V v -> if v >= level then [v] else []\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (aux level t1) @ (aux level t2)\r
- | L t -> aux (level+1) t\r
- | B | P -> []\r
- in Util.sort_uniq (aux 0 t)\r
-let visible_vars p t =\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | V v -> [v]\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (aux t1) @ (aux t2)\r
- | B | P\r
- | L _ -> []\r
- (* | Ptr n -> aux (get_conv p n) *)\r
- in Util.sort_uniq (aux t)\r
-let rec simple_explode p =\r
- match p.div with\r
- | V var ->\r
- let subst = var, B in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
- | _ -> p\r
-and sanity p =\r
- (* Sanity checks: *)\r
- if (function | P | L _ -> true | _ -> false) p.div then problem_fail p "p.div converged";\r
- if List.mem B p.conv then problem_fail p "p.conv diverged";\r
- let solvable (b,t,c) = (b && not (List.mem c p.stepped)) || is_inert p t in\r
- if not (List.for_all (fun (_, lst) -> List.for_all solvable lst) p.matches)\r
- then problem_fail p "Unsolvable discrimination";\r
- let p = unify p in\r
- print_endline (string_of_problem p); (* non cancellare *)\r
- let p = if problem_done p then raise (Done p.sigma) else p in\r
- let p = if is_var p.div then simple_explode p else p in\r
- p\r
-let print_cmd s1 s2 = print_endline (">> " ^ s1 ^ " " ^ s2);;\r
-let rec hd_args t = match t with\r
- | V v -> v, []\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> let a, b = hd_args t1 in a, b @ [t2]\r
- | _ -> -666, []\r
-let max_arity_of_var v =\r
- let rec aux level =\r
- function\r
- | V _ -> 0\r
- | A _ as t -> print_string (string_of_t dummy_p t); let hd, args = hd_args t in\r
- let acc = if hd = level + v then List.length args else 0 in\r
- List.fold_right (max ++ (aux level)) args acc\r
- | L t -> aux (level + 1) t\r
- | P | B -> 0\r
- in aux 0\r
-let ignore var n p =\r
- print_cmd "EAT" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var) ^ " (of:" ^ string_of_int n ^ ")");\r
- let rec aux m t =\r
- if m = 0\r
- then lift n t\r
- else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
- let p, fresh = freshvar p in\r
- let subst = var, aux n (V fresh) in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-let eat var p =\r
- print_cmd "EAT" ("var " ^ string_of_t p (V var));\r
- let rec is_hd v' = function\r
- | A (t,_) -> is_hd v' t\r
- | V v -> v' = v\r
- | _ -> false in\r
- let rec app_length = function\r
- | A (t,_) -> 1 + app_length t\r
- | _ -> 0 in\r
- let rec find_app_no = function\r
- | V _ | L _ | P | B -> 0\r
- | A (t1,t2) as t ->\r
- max (max (find_app_no t1) (find_app_no t2))\r
- (if is_hd var t1 then app_length t else 0)\r
- in let n = List.fold_right (max ++ find_app_no) (all_terms p) 0 in\r
- let rec aux m t =\r
- if m = 0\r
- then lift n t\r
- else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
- let p, fresh = freshvar p in\r
- let subst = var, aux n (V fresh) in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-(* let explode p =\r
- let fv1 = visible_vars p p.div in\r
- let fv2 = List.concat (List.map (visible_vars p) p.conv) in\r
- let fv = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x fv2)) fv1 in\r
- let fv = List.filter ((<) p.orig_freshno) fv in\r
- match fv with\r
- | var::_ ->\r
- print_cmd "EXPLODE" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var));\r
- let subst = var, B in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
- | _ -> raise (Fail (-1,"premature explosion"))\r
-;; *)\r
-(* let step var p =
- print_cmd "STEP" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var));
- let matches = (var,[])::p.matches in
- let p = {p with matches;stepped=var::p.stepped} in
- let subst = var, V var in
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-;; *)\r
-let choose n p =\r
- print_cmd "CHOOSE" ("#" ^ string_of_int n);\r
- let rec aux n t = match t with\r
- | V _ -> 0, t\r
- | A(t1,_) -> let n', t' = aux n t1 in if n = n' then n', t' else n'+1, t\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
- in let n', div = aux n p.div in\r
- if n' <> n then problem_fail p "wrong choose";\r
- let p = {p with div} in\r
- sanity p\r
-let apply var appk p =\r
- print_cmd "APPLY"\r
- (string_of_t p (V var) ^ " applies no." ^ string_of_int appk ^ " fresh variables");\r
- let rec mk_freshvars n p =\r
- if n = 0\r
- then p, []\r
- else\r
- let p, vs = mk_freshvars (n-1) p in\r
- let p, v = freshvar p in\r
- p, V(v)::vs in\r
- let p, vars = mk_freshvars appk p in\r
- let p, t = mk_apps false p (V 0) (List.map (lift 1) vars) in\r
- let t = L (A (lift 1 (V var), t)) in\r
- let subst = var, t in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-let find_arities_after_app p =\r
- let rec aux level n = function\r
- | L t -> assert (n > 0); max_arity_of_var level t :: aux (level+1) (n-1) t\r
- | _ -> Array.to_list (Array.make n 0)\r
- in aux 0\r
-let find_all_first_args_of v =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | L t -> aux (level+1) t\r
- | V _ -> []\r
- | A(V v', t2) -> (if v + level = v' then [t2] else []) @ aux level t2\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> aux level t1 @ aux level t2\r
- | _ -> []\r
- in aux 0\r
-let step' var p =\r
- let appk = p.k_lam + p.k_app + 1 in\r
- print_cmd "STEP'" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var) ^ " and applies no." ^ string_of_int appk ^ " fresh variables");\r
- let p, vars = (* +1 below because of lifting *)\r
- Array.fold_left (fun (p,vars) _ -> let p, v = freshvar p in p, (v+1)::vars)\r
- (p, []) (Array.make appk ()) in\r
- let p, t = mk_apps false p (V 0) (List.map (fun x -> V x) vars) in\r
- let first_args = Util.sort_uniq (List.fold_right ((@) ++ (find_all_first_args_of var)) (all_terms p) []) in\r
- let map = List.fold_left (fun acc t -> let acc' = find_arities_after_app p appk t in List.map (fun (x,y) -> max x y) (List.combine acc acc')) (Array.to_list (Array.make appk 0)) first_args in\r
- let arities = List.combine (List.map ((+) (-1)) vars) map in\r
- (* let p, var' = freshvar p in *)\r
- let p, var' = p, var in\r
- let matches = (var', []) :: p.matches in\r
- let p = {p with matches; arities=arities@p.arities} in\r
- let t = L (A (lift 1 (V var'), t)) in\r
- let subst = var, t in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-let perm var n p =\r
- if n = 1 then p else (\r
- print_cmd "PERM" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var) ^ " (of:" ^ string_of_int n ^ ")");\r
- (* let p, v = freshvar p in *)\r
- let p, v = p, var in\r
- let rec aux' m t = if m < 0 then t else A(aux' (m-1) t, V m) in\r
- let rec aux m t =\r
- if m = 0\r
- then aux' (n-1) t\r
- else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
- let t = aux n (lift n (V v)) in\r
- let subst = var, t in\r
- (* let p = {p with arities=(v, List.assoc var p.arities)::p.arities} in *)\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-) ;;\r
-let free_vars_of_p p =\r
- Util.sort_uniq (Util.concat_map (free_vars p) (all_terms p));;\r
-let rec applied_vars p = function\r
-| B | P -> []\r
-| L _ -> [] (* ??? *)\r
-| V _ -> []\r
-| A(V v,t2) -> v :: applied_vars p t2\r
-| A(t1,t2) -> applied_vars p t1 @ applied_vars p t2\r
-let applied_vars_of_p p =\r
- Util.sort_uniq (Util.concat_map (applied_vars p) (all_terms p));;\r
-let rec auto p =\r
- let aux f var =\r
- try\r
- auto (f var); ()\r
- with\r
- (* | Done _ as d -> raise d *)\r
- | Fail(_, s) -> print_endline ("<<< Backtracking because: " ^ s) in\r
- print_endline ">>> auto called";\r
- (* Compute useful free variables *)\r
- let fv = applied_vars_of_p p in\r
- let fv = List.filter (fun v -> not (List.mem v p.stepped)) fv in\r
- List.iter (fun v -> print_string ("@`" ^ string_of_int v)) fv;\r
- let fv0 = List.filter (fun v -> List.assoc v p.arities > 0) fv in (* remove variable with arity left 0, cannot step there *)\r
- if fv0 = [] then (print_endline "warning! empty step fv0"; List.iter (fun v -> print_string ("@`" ^ string_of_int v)) fv);\r
- let permute_and_step p v =\r
- let step'' problem prm var =\r
- let problem = perm var prm problem in\r
- (* let _ = read_line () in *)\r
- let problem = step' var problem in\r
- problem in\r
- let arity = List.assoc v p.arities in\r
- let _, perms = Array.fold_left (fun (arity, acc) () -> let a = arity + 1 in a, a::acc) (1,[1]) (Array.make (arity-1) ()) in\r
- List.iter (fun perm -> aux (step'' p perm) v) perms\r
- in\r
- List.iter (permute_and_step p) fv0;\r
- List.iter (aux (fun v -> eat v p)) fv;\r
- (* mancano: applicazioni e choose; ??? *)\r
-let parse strs =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | Parser.Lam t -> L (aux (level + 1) t)\r
- | Parser.App (t1, t2) ->\r
- if level = 0 then snd (mk_app false dummy_p (aux level t1) (aux level t2))\r
- else A(aux level t1, aux level t2)\r
- | Parser.Var v -> V v\r
- in let (tms, free) = Parser.parse_many strs\r
- in (List.map (aux 0) tms, free)\r
-let magic6 div conv cmds =\r
- print_hline ();\r
- let all_tms, var_names = parse (div :: conv) in\r
- let div, conv = List.hd all_tms, List.tl all_tms in\r
- let varno = List.length var_names in\r
- let k_app, k_lam = List.fold_left (fun (a, b) t -> let a', b' = consts t in max a a', max b b') (0,0) all_tms in\r
- let p = {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; matches=[]; sigma=[]; stepped=[];k_app;k_lam;arities=[]} in\r
- let fv = Util.sort_uniq (Util.concat_map (free_vars p) all_tms) in\r
- let arities = List.map (fun var -> var, k_app) fv in\r
- let p = {p with arities} in\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "BOMB" var_names, L B in\r
- let p = subst_in_problem subst p in p\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- let p = sanity p in\r
- try\r
- problem_fail (List.fold_left (|>) p cmds) "Problem not completed"\r
- with\r
- | Done _ -> ()\r
-let auto div conv =\r
- print_hline ();\r
- let all_tms, var_names = parse (div :: conv) in\r
- let div, conv = List.hd all_tms, List.tl all_tms in\r
- let varno = List.length var_names in\r
- let k_app, k_lam = List.fold_left (fun (a, b) t -> let a', b' = consts t in max a a', max b b') (0,0) all_tms in\r
- let p = {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; matches=[]; sigma=[]; stepped=[];k_app;k_lam;arities=[]} in\r
- let fv = Util.sort_uniq (Util.concat_map (free_vars p) all_tms) in\r
- let max_arity_of_var_in_p var p =\r
- 1 + List.fold_right (max ++ (max_arity_of_var var)) (all_terms p) 0 in\r
- let arities = List.map (fun var -> var, max_arity_of_var_in_p var p) fv in\r
- let p = {p with arities} in\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "BOMB" var_names, L B in\r
- let p = subst_in_problem subst p in p\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- let p = sanity p in\r
- try\r
- auto p;\r
- failwith "auto failed."\r
- with\r
- | Done _ -> print_endline "<<< auto ok >>>"; (* TODO: print and verify substitution *)\r
-(* let interactive div conv cmds =\r
- print_hline ();\r
- let all_tms, var_names = parse (div @ conv) in\r
- let div, conv = list_split (List.length div) all_tms in\r
- let varno = List.length var_names in\r
- let p = {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; matches=[]; sigma=[]} in\r
- (* activate bombs *)\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "BOMB" var_names, L B in\r
- subst_in_problem subst p\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- (* activate pacmans *)\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "PACMAN" var_names, P in\r
- let p = subst_in_problem subst p in\r
- (print_endline ("after subst in problem " ^ string_of_problem p); p)\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- (* initial sanity check *)\r
- let p = sanity p in\r
- let p = List.fold_left (|>) p cmds in\r
- let rec f p cmds =\r
- let nth spl n = int_of_string (List.nth spl n) in\r
- let read_cmd () =\r
- let s = read_line () in\r
- let spl = Str.split (Str.regexp " +") s in\r
- s, let uno = List.hd spl in\r
- try if uno = "explode" then explode\r
- else if uno = "ignore" then ignore (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
- else if uno = "step" then step (nth spl 1)\r
- else if uno = "perm" then perm (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
- else if uno = "apply" then apply (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
- (* else if uno = "forget" then forget (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2) *)\r
- else if uno = "id" then id (nth spl 1)\r
- else failwith "Wrong input."\r
- with Failure s -> print_endline s; (fun x -> x) in\r
- let str, cmd = read_cmd () in\r
- let cmds = (" " ^ str ^ ";")::cmds in\r
- try\r
- let p = cmd p in f p cmds\r
- with\r
- | Done -> print_endline "Done! Commands history: "; List.iter print_endline (List.rev cmds)\r
- in f p []\r
-;; *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "x x"\r
- [ "_. BOMB" ]\r
- (* [ eat 1 ] *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "x y BOMB b"\r
- [ "x BOMB y c" ]\r
- (* [ perm 1 3; step' 8 ; eat 4; eat 5; eat 15; ] *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "x BOMB a1 c"\r
- [ "x y BOMB d"; "x BOMB a2 c" ]\r
- (* [ perm 1 3 ; step' 10 ; eat 4; eat 6; step' 17; eat 3; eat 7; eat 27; ] *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "x (x x)"\r
- [ "x x" ; "x x x" ]\r
- (* [\r
- step' 1;\r
- eat 6; eat 9; eat 13;\r
-(* let _ = auto\r
- "x (_.BOMB)"\r
- [ "x (_._. BOMB)" ]\r
- (* [ apply 1 2; ] *)\r
-;; *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "x (_.y)"\r
- [ "y (_. x)" ]\r
- (* [ apply 1 1; ignore 1 1; explode; ] *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
- "y (x a1 BOMB c) (x BOMB b1 d)"\r
- [ "y (x a2 BOMB c) (x BOMB b1 d)";\r
- "y (x a1 BOMB c) (x BOMB b2 d)";]\r
- (* [perm 2 3;\r
- step 12;\r
- perm 17 2;\r
- step 19;\r
- step 18;\r
- ignore 22 1;\r
- ignore 21 1;\r
- ignore 24 1;\r
- ignore 25 1;\r
- step 1;\r
- step 32;\r
- explode;\r
- ] *)\r
-let _ = auto\r
-"PACMAN (x x x)" ["PACMAN (x x)"];;\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["z (y x)"]\r
- [ "z (y (x.x))"; "y (_. BOMB)" ]\r
- [ apply 2 1; step 3; explode; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["y x"]\r
- [ "y (x.x)"; "x (_. BOMB)" ]\r
- [ apply 1 1; ignore 2 1; step 1; explode; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["z (y x)"]\r
- [ "z (y (x.x))"; "y (_. BOMB)" ]\r
- [ step 1; explode; apply 2 1; id 2; ignore 3 1; ]\r
-let _ = magic6\r
- ["y (x a)"]\r
- [ "y (x b)"; "x BOMB" ] [\r
- id 2;\r
- step 1;\r
- explode;\r
- ["y (x a)"] [ "y (x b)"; "x BOMB"; "y a" ]\r
- [\r
- apply 1 1;\r
- perm 2 2;\r
- ignore 9 1;\r
- step 10;\r
- explode;\r
- ];;\r
-(* "y (a c)"\r
-[ "y (b c)"; "y (x a)"; "y (x b)"; "x BOMB" ] *)\r
-["x a (x (a.y BOMB))"]\r
-[ "x b"; "x (y c)"; "x (y d)" ]\r
-[apply 1 1;\r
-apply 2 1;\r
-(* [\r
-step 1;\r
-step 3;\r
-explode' 10;\r
-(* ma si puo' fare anche senza forget *) *)\r
-(* ] *)\r
-(* dipendente dalla codifica? no, ma si risolve solo con id *)\r
- ["y a"] ["y b"; "x (y (_.BOMB))"]\r
-apply 1 1;\r
-apply 2 1;\r
- (* [id 1; explode];; *)\r
- ["PACMAN (x x x)"] ["PACMAN (x x)"]\r
- [\r
- ignore 2 2;\r
- explode;\r
- ];; *)\r
-print_endline "ALL DONE. "\r
+++ /dev/null
-let (++) f g x = f (g x);;\r
-let id x = x;;\r
-let print_hline = Console.print_hline;;\r
-type var = int;;\r
-type t =\r
- | V of var\r
- | A of t * t\r
- | L of t\r
- | B (* bottom *)\r
- | P (* pacman *)\r
-let eta_eq =\r
- let rec aux l1 l2 t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with\r
- | L t1, L t2 -> aux l1 l2 t1 t2\r
- | L t1, t2 -> aux l1 (l2+1) t1 t2\r
- | t1, L t2 -> aux (l1+1) l2 t1 t2\r
- | V a, V b -> a + l1 = b + l2\r
- | A(t1,t2), A(u1,u2) -> aux l1 l2 t1 u1 && aux l1 l2 t2 u2\r
- | _, _ -> false\r
- in aux 0 0\r
-type problem = {\r
- orig_freshno: int\r
- ; freshno : int\r
- ; div : t\r
- ; conv : t\r
- ; sigma : (var * t) list (* substitutions *)\r
- ; stepped : var list\r
-exception Done of (var * t) list (* substitution *);;\r
-exception Fail of int * string;;\r
-let string_of_t p =\r
- let bound_vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "w"; "q"] in\r
- let rec string_of_term_w_pars level = function\r
- | V v -> if v >= level then "`" ^ string_of_int (v-level) else\r
- let nn = level - v-1 in\r
- if nn < 5 then List.nth bound_vars nn else "x" ^ (string_of_int (nn-4))\r
- | A _\r
- | L _ as t -> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_lam level t ^ ")"\r
- | B -> "BOT"\r
- | P -> "PAC"\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_app level = function\r
- | A(t1,t2) -> (string_of_term_no_pars_app level t1) ^ " " ^ (string_of_term_w_pars level t2)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_w_pars level t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars_lam level = function\r
- | L t -> "λ" ^ string_of_term_w_pars (level+1) (V 0) ^ ". " ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam (level+1) t)\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars level t\r
- and string_of_term_no_pars level = function\r
- | L _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_lam level t\r
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_app level t\r
- in string_of_term_no_pars 0\r
-let string_of_problem p =\r
- let lines = [\r
- "[stepped] " ^ String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int p.stepped);\r
- "[DV] " ^ (string_of_t p p.div);\r
- "[CV] " ^ (string_of_t p p.conv);\r
- ] in\r
- String.concat "\n" lines\r
-let problem_fail p reason =\r
- print_endline "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";\r
- print_endline (string_of_problem p);\r
- raise (Fail (-1, reason))\r
-let freshvar ({freshno} as p) =\r
- {p with freshno=freshno+1}, freshno+1\r
-let rec is_inert =\r
- function\r
- | A(t,_) -> is_inert t\r
- | V _ -> true\r
- | L _ | B | P -> false\r
-let is_var = function V _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let is_lambda = function L _ -> true | _ -> false;;\r
-let rec head_of_inert = function\r
- | V n -> n\r
- | A(t, _) -> head_of_inert t\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
-let rec args_no = function\r
- | V _ -> 0\r
- | A(t, _) -> 1 + args_no t\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
-let rec subst level delift fromdiv sub =\r
- function\r
- | V v -> if v = level + fst sub then lift level (snd sub) else V (if delift && v > level then v-1 else v)\r
- | L t -> L (subst (level + 1) delift fromdiv sub t)\r
- | A (t1,t2) ->\r
- let t1 = subst level delift fromdiv sub t1 in\r
- let t2 = subst level delift fromdiv sub t2 in\r
- if t1 = B || t2 = B then B else mk_app fromdiv t1 t2\r
- | B -> B\r
- | P -> P\r
-and mk_app fromdiv t1 t2 = let t1 = if t1 = P then L P else t1 in match t1 with\r
- | B | _ when t2 = B -> B\r
- | L t1 -> subst 0 true fromdiv (0, t2) t1\r
- | t1 -> A (t1, t2)\r
-and lift n =\r
- let rec aux n' =\r
- function\r
- | V m -> V (if m >= n' then m + n else m)\r
- | L t -> L (aux (n'+1) t)\r
- | A (t1, t2) -> A (aux n' t1, aux n' t2)\r
- | B -> B\r
- | P -> P\r
- in aux 0\r
-let subst = subst 0 false;;\r
-let subst_in_problem (sub: var * t) (p: problem) =\r
-print_endline ("-- SUBST " ^ string_of_t p (V (fst sub)) ^ " |-> " ^ string_of_t p (snd sub));\r
- let p = {p with stepped=(fst sub)::p.stepped} in\r
- let conv = subst false sub p.conv in\r
- let div = subst true sub p.div in\r
- let p = {p with div; conv} in\r
- (* print_endline ("after sub: \n" ^ string_of_problem p); *)\r
- {p with sigma=sub::p.sigma}\r
-let get_subterm_with_head_and_args hd_var n_args =\r
- let rec aux = function\r
- | V _ | L _ | B | P -> None\r
- | A(t1,t2) as t ->\r
- if head_of_inert t1 = hd_var && n_args <= 1 + args_no t1\r
- then Some t\r
- else match aux t2 with\r
- | None -> aux t1\r
- | Some _ as res -> res\r
- in aux\r
-(* let rec simple_explode p =\r
- match p.div with\r
- | V var ->\r
- let subst = var, B in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
- | _ -> p *)\r
-let sanity p =\r
- print_endline (string_of_problem p); (* non cancellare *)\r
- if p.div = B then raise (Done p.sigma);\r
- if not (is_inert p.div) then problem_fail p "p.div converged";\r
- if p.conv = B then problem_fail p "p.conv diverged";\r
- (* let p = if is_var p.div then simple_explode p else p in *)\r
- p\r
-let print_cmd s1 s2 = print_endline (">> " ^ s1 ^ " " ^ s2);;\r
-(* eat the arguments of the divergent and explode.\r
- It does NOT perform any check, may fail if done unsafely *)\r
-let eat p =\r
-print_cmd "EAT" "";\r
- let var = head_of_inert p.div in\r
- let n = args_no p.div in\r
- let rec aux m t =\r
- if m = 0\r
- then lift n t\r
- else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
- let subst = var, aux n B in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-(* step on the head of div, on the k-th argument, with n fresh vars *)\r
-let step k n p =\r
- let var = head_of_inert p.div in\r
- print_cmd "STEP" ("on " ^ string_of_t p (V var) ^ " (of:" ^ string_of_int n ^ ")");\r
- let rec aux' p m t =\r
- if m < 0\r
- then p, t\r
- else\r
- let p, v = freshvar p in\r
- let p, t = aux' p (m-1) t in\r
- p, A(t, V (v + k + 1)) in\r
- let p, t = aux' p n (V 0) in\r
- let rec aux' m t = if m < 0 then t else A(aux' (m-1) t, V (k-m)) in\r
- let rec aux m t =\r
- if m < 0\r
- then aux' (k-1) t\r
- else L (aux (m-1) t) in\r
- let t = aux k t in\r
- let subst = var, t in\r
- sanity (subst_in_problem subst p)\r
-let parse strs =\r
- let rec aux level = function\r
- | Parser.Lam t -> L (aux (level + 1) t)\r
- | Parser.App (t1, t2) ->\r
- if level = 0 then mk_app false (aux level t1) (aux level t2)\r
- else A(aux level t1, aux level t2)\r
- | Parser.Var v -> V v\r
- in let (tms, free) = Parser.parse_many strs\r
- in (List.map (aux 0) tms, free)\r
-let problem_of div conv =\r
- print_hline ();\r
- let all_tms, var_names = parse ([div; conv]) in\r
- let div, conv = List.hd all_tms, List.hd (List.tl all_tms) in\r
- let varno = List.length var_names in\r
- let p = {orig_freshno=varno; freshno=1+varno; div; conv; sigma=[]; stepped=[]} in\r
- (* activate bombs *)\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "BOMB" var_names, L B in\r
- subst_in_problem subst p\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- (* activate pacmans *)\r
- let p = try\r
- let subst = Util.index_of "PACMAN" var_names, P in\r
- let p = subst_in_problem subst p in\r
- (print_endline ("after subst in problem " ^ string_of_problem p); p)\r
- with Not_found -> p in\r
- (* initial sanity check *)\r
- sanity p\r
-let exec div conv cmds =\r
- let p = problem_of div conv in\r
- try\r
- problem_fail (List.fold_left (|>) p cmds) "Problem not completed"\r
- with\r
- | Done _ -> ()\r
-let inert_cut_at n t =\r
- let rec aux t =\r
- match t with\r
- | V _ as t -> 0, t\r
- | A(t1,_) as t ->\r
- let k', t' = aux t1 in\r
- if k' = n then n, t'\r
- else k'+1, t\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
- in snd (aux t)\r
-let find_eta_difference p t n_args =\r
- let t = inert_cut_at n_args t in\r
- let rec aux t u k = match t, u with\r
- | V _, V _ -> assert false (* div subterm of conv *)\r
- | A(t1,t2), A(u1,u2) ->\r
- if not (eta_eq t2 u2) then (print_endline((string_of_t p t2) ^ " <> " ^ (string_of_t p u2)); k)\r
- else aux t1 u1 (k-1)\r
- | _, _ -> assert false\r
- in aux p.div t n_args\r
-let rec no_leading_lambdas = function\r
- | L t -> 1 + no_leading_lambdas t\r
- | _ -> 0\r
-let compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j =\r
- let rec aux hd = function\r
- | A(t1,t2) ->\r
- (if head_of_inert t1 = hd && args_no t1 = j\r
- then max (\r
- if is_inert t2 && head_of_inert t2 = hd\r
- then j - args_no t2\r
- else no_leading_lambdas t2)\r
- else id) (max (aux hd t1) (aux hd t2))\r
- | L t -> aux (hd+1) t\r
- | V _ -> 0\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
- in aux hd_var\r
-let rec auto p =\r
- let hd_var = head_of_inert p.div in\r
- let n_args = args_no p.div in\r
- match get_subterm_with_head_and_args hd_var n_args p.conv with\r
- | None ->\r
- (try let p = eat p in problem_fail p "Auto did not complete the problem" with Done _ -> ())\r
- | Some t ->\r
- let j = find_eta_difference p t n_args - 1 in\r
- let k = max\r
- (compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j p.div)\r
- (compute_max_lambdas_at hd_var j p.conv) in\r
- let p = step j k p in\r
- auto p\r
-let interactive div conv cmds =\r
- let p = problem_of div conv in\r
- try (\r
- let p = List.fold_left (|>) p cmds in\r
- let rec f p cmds =\r
- let nth spl n = int_of_string (List.nth spl n) in\r
- let read_cmd () =\r
- let s = read_line () in\r
- let spl = Str.split (Str.regexp " +") s in\r
- s, let uno = List.hd spl in\r
- try if uno = "eat" then eat\r
- else if uno = "step" then step (nth spl 1) (nth spl 2)\r
- else failwith "Wrong input."\r
- with Failure s -> print_endline s; (fun x -> x) in\r
- let str, cmd = read_cmd () in\r
- let cmds = (" " ^ str ^ ";")::cmds in\r
- try\r
- let p = cmd p in f p cmds\r
- with\r
- | Done _ -> print_endline "Done! Commands history: "; List.iter print_endline (List.rev cmds)\r
- in f p []\r
- ) with Done _ -> ()\r
-let rec conv_join = function\r
- | [] -> "@"\r
- | x::xs -> conv_join xs ^ " ("^ x ^")"\r
-let _ = exec\r
- "x x"\r
- (conv_join["x y"; "y y"; "y x"])\r
- [ step 0 0; eat ]\r
-auto (problem_of "x x" "@ (x y) (y y) (y x)");;\r
-auto (problem_of "x y" "@ (x (_. x)) (y z) (y x)");;\r
-auto (problem_of "a (x. x b) (x. x c)" "@ (a (x. b b) @) (a @ c) (a (x. x x) a) (a (a a a) (a c c))");;\r
-interactive "x y"\r
-"@ (x x) (y x) (y z)" [step 0 0; step 0 1; eat] ;;\r
-auto (problem_of "x (y. x y y)" "x (y. x y x)");;\r
-auto (problem_of "x a a a a" (conv_join[\r
- "x b a a a";\r
- "x a b a a";\r
- "x a a b a";\r
- "x a a a b";\r
-(* Controesempio ad usare un conto dei lambda che non considere le permutazioni *)\r
-auto (problem_of "x a a a a (x (x. x x) @ @ (_._.x. x x) x) b b b" (conv_join[\r
- "x a a a a (_. a) b b b";\r
- "x a a a a (_. _. _. _. x. y. x y)";\r
-print_endline "ALL DONE. "\r
-let acaso l =\r
- let n = Random.int (List.length l) in\r
- List.nth l n\r
-let acaso2 l1 l2 =\r
- let n1 = List.length l1 in\r
- let n = Random.int (n1 + List.length l2) in\r
- if n >= n1 then List.nth l2 (n - n1) else List.nth l1 n\r
-let gen n vars =\r
- let rec aux n inerts lams =\r
- if n = 0 then List.hd inerts, List.hd (Util.sort_uniq (List.tl inerts))\r
- else let inerts, lams = if Random.int 2 = 0\r
- then inerts, ("(" ^ acaso vars ^ ". " ^ acaso2 inerts lams ^ ")") :: lams\r
- else ("(" ^ acaso inerts ^ " " ^ acaso2 inerts lams^ ")") :: inerts, lams\r
- in aux (n-1) inerts lams\r
- in aux (2*n) vars []\r
-let f () =\r
- let complex = 200 in\r
- let vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "v" ; "w"; "a"; "b"; "c"] in\r
- gen complex vars\r
- let rec repeat f n =\r
- prerr_endline "\n########################### NEW TEST ###########################";\r
- f () ;\r
- if n > 0 then repeat f (n-1)\r
- ;;\r
-let main () =\r
- Random.self_init ();\r
- repeat (fun _ ->\r
- let div, conv = f () in\r
- auto (problem_of div conv)\r
- ) 100;\r
-(* main ();; *)\r
+++ /dev/null
-open Util
-open Util.Vars
-open Pure
-open Num
-(* exceptions *)
-exception Pacman
-exception Bottom
-exception Lambda
-exception Backtrack of string
-(* verbosity *)
-let _very_verbose = false;;
-(** Display measure of every term when printing problem *)
-let _measure_of_terms = false;;
-let verbose s =
- if _very_verbose then prerr_endline s
-let convergent_dummy = `N(-1);;
-type discriminating_set = (int * nf) list;;
-type problem =
- { freshno: int
- ; div: i_var option (* None = bomb *)
- ; conv: i_n_var list (* the inerts that must converge *)
- ; ps: i_n_var list (* the n-th inert must become n *)
- ; sigma: (int * nf) list (* the computed substitution *)
- ; deltas: discriminating_set ref list (* collection of all branches *)
- ; initialSpecialK: int
- ; label : string
- ; var_names : string list (* names of the original free variables *)
- ; trail: discriminating_set list list
-let label_of_problem {label} = label;;
-let string_of_var l x =
- try
- List.nth l x
- with Failure "nth" -> "`" ^ string_of_int x
-let string_of_term p t = print ~l:p.var_names (t :> nf);;
-let first bound p var f =
- let p = {p with trail = (List.map (!) p.deltas)::p.trail} in
- let rec aux i =
- if i > bound then
- raise (Backtrack ("no more alternatives for " ^ string_of_var p.var_names var))
- else
- try
- f p i
- with Backtrack s ->
-prerr_endline (">>>>>> BACKTRACK (reason: " ^ s ^") measure=$ ");
- List.iter (fun (r,l) -> r := l) (List.combine p.deltas (List.hd p.trail)) ;
-prerr_endline("Now trying var="^string_of_var p.var_names var^" i="^string_of_int (i+1));
- aux (i+1)
- in
- aux 1
-let all_terms p =
- (match p.div with None -> [] | Some t -> [(t :> i_n_var)])
- @ p.conv
- @ p.ps
-let measure_of_term, measure_of_terms =
- let rec aux = function
- | `N _ | `Bottom | `Pacman -> 0
- | `Var(_,ar) -> if ar = min_int then 0 else max 0 ar (*assert (ar >= 0); ar*)
- | `Lam(_,t) -> aux t
- | `I(v,args) -> aux (`Var v) + aux_many (Listx.to_list args :> nf list)
- | `Match(u,(_,ar),_,_,args) -> aux (u :> nf) + (if ar <= 0 then 0 else ar - 1) + aux_many (args :> nf list)
- and aux_many tms = List.fold_right ((+) ++ aux) tms 0 in
- (fun t -> aux (t :> nf)), (fun l -> aux_many (l :> nf list))
-let sum_arities p = measure_of_terms (all_terms p)
-let problem_measure p = sum_arities p;;
-let string_of_measure = string_of_int;;
-let string_of_problem label ({freshno; div; conv; ps; deltas} as p) =
- let aux_measure_terms t = if _measure_of_terms then "(" ^ string_of_int (measure_of_term t) ^ ") " else "" in
- let deltas = String.concat ("\n# ") (List.map (fun r -> String.concat " <> " (List.map (fun (i,_) -> string_of_int i) !r)) deltas) in
- let l = p.var_names in
- String.concat "\n" ([
- "";
- "# DISPLAY PROBLEM (" ^ label ^ ") " ^ "measure=" ^ string_of_measure (problem_measure p);
- if List.length p.deltas > 1 then (
- "# Discriminating sets (deltas):\n" ^
- "# " ^ deltas
- ) else "# ";
- "#";
- "$" ^ p.label;
- (match div with None -> "# D" | Some div -> "D " ^ aux_measure_terms div ^ print ~l (div :> nf));
- ]
- @ List.map (fun t -> if t = convergent_dummy then "# C" else "C " ^ aux_measure_terms t ^ print ~l (t :> nf)) conv
- @ List.mapi (fun i t -> string_of_int i ^ " " ^ aux_measure_terms t ^ print ~l (t :> nf)) ps
- @ [""])
-let failwithProblem p reason =
- print_endline (string_of_problem "FAIL" p);
- failwith reason
-let make_fresh_var p arity =
- let freshno = p.freshno + 1 in
- {p with freshno}, `Var(freshno,arity)
-let make_fresh_vars p arities =
- List.fold_right
- (fun arity (p, vars) -> let p, var = make_fresh_var p arity in p, var::vars)
- arities
- (p, [])
-let simple_expand_match ps =
- let rec aux_nob level = function
- | #i_num_var as t -> (aux_i_num_var level t :> nf)
- | `Lam(b,t) -> `Lam(b,aux (level+1) t)
- | `Pacman as t -> t
- and aux level = function
- | `Bottom as t -> t
- | #nf_nob as t -> aux_nob level t
- and aux_i_num_var level = function
- | `Match(u,v,bs_lift,bs,args) as torig ->
- let (u : i_num_var) = aux_i_num_var level u in
- bs := List.map (fun (n, x) -> n, aux 0 x) !bs;
- (try
- (match u with
- | #i_n_var as u ->
- let i = index_of ~eq:eta_eq (lift (-level) u) (ps :> nf list) in (* can raise Not_found *)
- let t = cast_to_i_num_var (mk_match (`N i) v bs_lift bs (args :> nf list)) in
- if t <> torig then
- aux_i_num_var level t
- else raise Not_found
- | _ -> raise Not_found)
- with Not_found ->
- cast_to_i_num_var (mk_appl (`Match(u,v,bs_lift,bs,[])) (List.map (aux_nob level) args)))
- | `I(v,args) -> cast_to_i_num_var (mk_appl (`Var v) (List.map (aux_nob level) (Listx.to_list args)))
- | `N _ | `Var _ as t -> t
- in aux_i_num_var 0
-let fixpoint f =
- let rec aux x = let x' = f x in if x <> x' then aux x' else x in aux
-let rec super_simplify_ps ps =
- fixpoint (List.map (fun x -> cast_to_i_n_var (simple_expand_match ps (x :> i_num_var))))
-let rec super_simplify_ps_with_match ps =
- fixpoint (List.map (cast_to_i_num_var ++ (simple_expand_match ps)))
-let super_simplify ({div; ps; conv} as p) =
- let ps = super_simplify_ps p.ps p.ps in
- let conv = super_simplify_ps ps p.conv in
- let div = option_map (fun div ->
- let divs = super_simplify_ps p.ps ([div] :> i_n_var list) in
- List.hd divs) div in
- {p with div=option_map cast_to_i_var div; ps; conv}
-let cast_to_ps_with_match =
- function
- #i_num_var as y -> (y : i_num_var)
- | `Bottom | `Pacman -> raise (Backtrack "BOT/PAC in ps")
- | t ->
- prerr_endline (print (t :> nf));
- assert false (* algorithm failed *)
-let subst_in_problem x inst ({freshno; div; conv; ps; sigma} as p) =
- let len_ps = List.length ps in
-(*(let l = Array.to_list (Array.init (freshno + 1) string_of_var) in
-prerr_endline ("# INST0: " ^ string_of_var x ^ " := " ^ print ~l inst));*)
- let rec aux_ps ((freshno,acc_ps,acc_new_ps) as acc) =
- function
- | [] -> acc
- | t::todo_ps ->
-(*prerr_endline ("EXPAND t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*)
- let t = subst false false x inst (t :> nf) in
-(*prerr_endline ("SUBSTITUTED t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*)
- let freshno,new_t,acc_new_ps =
- try
- expand_match (freshno,acc_ps@`Var(max_int/3,-666)::todo_ps,acc_new_ps) t
- with Pacman | Bottom -> raise (Backtrack "Pacman/Bottom in ps")
- in
- aux_ps (freshno,acc_ps@[new_t],acc_new_ps) todo_ps
- (* cut&paste from aux above *)
- and aux_conv ps ((freshno,acc_conv,acc_new_ps) as acc) =
- function
- | [] -> acc
- | t::todo_conv ->
- (*prerr_endline ("EXPAND t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*)
- let t = subst false false x inst (t :> nf) in
-(*prerr_endline ("SUBSTITUTED t:" ^ print (t :> nf));*)
- let freshno,new_t,acc_new_ps =
- try
- expand_match (freshno,ps,acc_new_ps) t
- with Pacman | Lambda -> freshno,convergent_dummy,acc_new_ps
- | Bottom -> raise (Backtrack "Bottom in conv") in
- aux_conv ps (freshno,acc_conv@[new_t],acc_new_ps) todo_conv
- (* cut&paste from aux' above *)
- and aux_div ps (freshno,acc_new_ps) =
- function
- | None -> freshno, None, acc_new_ps
- | Some t ->
- let t = subst false false x inst (t :> nf) in
- try
- let freshno,new_t,acc_new_ps = expand_match (freshno,ps,acc_new_ps) t in
- (* backtrack if it is a number or a variable *)
- match new_t with
- | `N _ -> raise (Backtrack "div=`N")
- | `Var _
- | `I _ as new_t -> freshno, Some(new_t), acc_new_ps
- with
- | Bottom -> freshno, None, acc_new_ps
- | Pacman -> raise (Backtrack "div=PAC")
- and expand_match ((freshno,acc_ps,acc_new_ps) as acc) t =
- match t with
- | `Match(u',orig,bs_lift,bs,args) ->
- let freshno,u,acc_new_ps = expand_match acc (u' :> nf) in
- let acc_new_ps,i =
- match u with
- | `N i -> acc_new_ps,i
- | _ ->
- let ps = List.map (fun t -> cast_to_ps_with_match (subst false false x inst (t:> nf))) (acc_ps@acc_new_ps) in
- let super_simplified_ps = super_simplify_ps_with_match ps ps in
-(*prerr_endline ("CERCO u:" ^ print (fst u :> nf));
-List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline ("IN: " ^ print (fst x :> nf))) ps;
-List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline ("IN2: " ^ print (fst x :> nf))) super_simplified_ps;*)
- match index_of_opt ~eq:eta_eq super_simplified_ps (u :> i_num_var) with
- Some i -> acc_new_ps, i
- | None -> acc_new_ps@[u], len_ps + List.length acc_new_ps
- in
- let freshno=
- if List.exists (fun (j,_) -> i=j) !bs then
- freshno
- else
- let freshno,v = freshno+1, `Var (freshno+1, -666) in (* make_fresh_var freshno in *)
- bs := !bs @ [i, v] ;
- freshno in
-(*prerr_endlie ("t DA RIDURRE:" ^ print (`Match(`N i,arity,bs_lift,bs,args) :> nf) ^ " more_args=" ^ string_of_int more_args);*)
- let t = mk_match (`N i) orig bs_lift bs (args :> nf list) in
-(*prerr_endline ("NUOVO t:" ^ print (fst t :> nf) ^ " more_args=" ^ string_of_int (snd t));*)
- expand_match (freshno,acc_ps,acc_new_ps) t
- | `Lam _ -> raise Lambda (* assert false (* algorithm invariant/loose typing *) *)
- | `Bottom -> raise Bottom
- | `Pacman -> raise Pacman
- | #i_n_var as x ->
- let x = simple_expand_match (acc_ps@acc_new_ps) x in
- freshno,cast_to_i_n_var x,acc_new_ps in
- let freshno,old_ps,new_ps = aux_ps (freshno,[],[]) ps in
- let freshno,conv,new_ps = aux_conv old_ps (freshno,[],new_ps) conv in
- let freshno,div,new_ps = aux_div old_ps (freshno,new_ps) (div :> i_num_var option) in
- let ps = List.map cast_to_i_n_var (old_ps @ new_ps) in
- let conv = List.map cast_to_i_n_var conv in
- let p = {p with freshno; div; conv; ps} in
- prerr_endline ("# INST: " ^ string_of_var p.var_names x ^ " := " ^ string_of_term p inst);
- ( (* check if double substituting a variable *)
- if List.exists (fun (x',_) -> x = x') sigma
- then failwithProblem p ("Variable "^ string_of_var p.var_names x ^"replaced twice")
- );
- let p = {p with sigma = sigma@[x,inst]} in
- let p = super_simplify p in
- prerr_endline (string_of_problem "instantiate" p);
- p
-exception TriggerMatchReduction of int;;
-exception Dangerous;;
-let arity_of arities hd =
- let pos,_,nargs = List.find (fun (_,hd',_) -> hd=hd') arities in
- nargs + if pos = -1 then - 1 else 0
-let rec dangerous arities showstoppers =
- function
- `N _
- | `Var _
- | `Lam _
- | `Pacman -> ()
- | `Match(t,_,liftno,bs,args) ->
- (* CSC: XXX partial dependency on the encoding *)
- (match t with
- `N _ -> List.iter (dangerous arities showstoppers) args
- | `Match _ as t -> dangerous arities showstoppers t ; List.iter (dangerous arities showstoppers) args
- | `Var(x,_) -> dangerous_inert arities showstoppers x args 2
- | `I((x,_),args') -> dangerous_inert arities showstoppers x (Listx.to_list args' @ args) 2
- )
- | `I((k,_),args) -> dangerous_inert arities showstoppers k (Listx.to_list args) 0
-and dangerous_inert arities showstoppers k args more_args =
- List.iter (dangerous arities showstoppers) args ;
- if List.mem k showstoppers then raise Dangerous else
- try
- let arity = arity_of arities k in
- if List.length args + more_args > arity then raise Dangerous else ()
- with
- Not_found -> ()
-(* cut & paste from above *)
-let rec dangerous_conv p arities showstoppers =
- function
- | `N _
- | `Var _
- | `Lam _
- | `Pacman -> ()
- | `Match(t,_,liftno,bs,args) -> (
- (* CSC: XXX partial dependency on the encoding *)
- try (match t with
- | `N _ -> List.iter (dangerous_conv p arities showstoppers) args
- | `Match _ as t -> dangerous_conv p arities showstoppers t; List.iter (dangerous_conv p arities showstoppers) args
- | `Var(x,_) -> dangerous_inert_conv p arities showstoppers x [] args 2
- | `I((x,_),args') -> dangerous_inert_conv p arities showstoppers x (Listx.to_list args') args 2
- ) with TriggerMatchReduction x -> (
- match Util.find_opt (fun (n, t) -> if hd_of (List.nth p.ps n) = Some x then Some t else None) !bs with
- | None -> ()
- | Some t -> (
- match t with
- | `Bottom -> raise Dangerous
- | #nf_nob as t -> dangerous_conv p arities showstoppers t
- )
- )
- )
- | `I((k,_),args) -> dangerous_inert_conv p arities showstoppers k (Listx.to_list args) [] 0
-and dangerous_inert_conv p arities showstoppers k args match_args more_args =
- let all_args = args @ match_args in
- List.iter (dangerous_conv p arities showstoppers) all_args;
- let all_args = (all_args :> nf list) in
- if List.mem k showstoppers then raise Dangerous else
- try
- let arity = arity_of arities k in
-prerr_endline ("dangerous_inert_conv: ar=" ^ string_of_int arity ^ " k="^string_of_var p.var_names k ^ " listlenargs=" ^ (string_of_int (List.length args)) ^ " more_args=" ^ string_of_int more_args);
- if more_args > 0 (* match argument*) && List.length args = arity then raise (TriggerMatchReduction k)
- else if List.length all_args + more_args > arity then raise Dangerous else ()
- with
- Not_found -> ()
-(* inefficient algorithm *)
-let rec edible p arities showstoppers =
- let rec aux f showstoppers tms = function
- | [] -> showstoppers
- | x::xs when List.exists (fun y -> hd_of x = Some y) showstoppers ->
- (* se la testa di x e' uno show-stopper *)
- let new_showstoppers = sort_uniq (showstoppers @ free_vars (x :> nf)) in
- (* aggiungi tutte le variabili libere di x *)
- if List.length showstoppers <> List.length new_showstoppers then
- aux f new_showstoppers tms tms
- else
- aux f showstoppers tms xs
- | x::xs ->
- match hd_of x with
- None -> aux f showstoppers tms xs
- | Some h ->
- try
- f showstoppers (x :> nf_nob) ;
- aux f showstoppers tms xs
- with
- Dangerous ->
- aux f (sort_uniq (h::showstoppers)) tms tms
- in
- let showstoppers = sort_uniq (aux (dangerous arities) showstoppers p.ps p.ps) in
- let dangerous_conv = sort_uniq (aux (dangerous_conv p arities) showstoppers p.conv p.conv) in
-(* prerr_endline ("dangerous_conv lenght:" ^ string_of_int (List.length dangerous_conv));
-List.iter (fun l -> prerr_endline (String.concat " " (List.map (string_of_var p.var_names) l))) dangerous_conv; *)
- let showstoppers' = showstoppers @ dangerous_conv in
- let showstoppers' = sort_uniq (match p.div with
- | None -> showstoppers'
- | Some div ->
- if List.exists ((=) (hd_of_i_var div)) showstoppers'
- then showstoppers' @ free_vars (div :> nf) else showstoppers') in
- if showstoppers <> showstoppers' then edible p arities showstoppers' else showstoppers', dangerous_conv
-let precompute_edible_data {ps; div} xs =
- let aux t = match t with `Var _ -> 0 | `I(_, args) -> Listx.length args | `N _ -> assert false in
- (fun l -> match div with
- | None -> l
- | Some div -> (-1, hd_of_i_var div, aux div) :: l)
- (List.map (fun hd ->
- let i, tm = Util.findi (fun y -> hd_of y = Some hd) ps in
- i, hd, aux tm
- ) xs)
-(** Returns (p, showstoppers_step, showstoppers_eat) where:
- - showstoppers_step are the heads occurring twice
- in the same discriminating set
- - showstoppers_eat are the heads in ps having different number
- of arguments *)
-let critical_showstoppers p =
- let p = super_simplify p in
- let hd_of_div = match p.div with None -> [] | Some t -> [hd_of_i_var t] in
- let showstoppers_step =
- concat_map (fun bs ->
- let heads = List.map (fun (i,_) -> List.nth p.ps i) !bs in
- let heads = List.sort compare (hd_of_div @ filter_map hd_of heads) in
- snd (split_duplicates heads)
- ) p.deltas @
- if List.exists (fun t -> [hd_of t] = List.map (fun x -> Some x) hd_of_div) p.conv
- then hd_of_div else [] in
- let showstoppers_step = sort_uniq showstoppers_step in
- let showstoppers_eat =
- let heads_and_arities =
- List.sort (fun (k,_) (h,_) -> compare k h)
- (filter_map (function `Var(k,_) -> Some (k,0) | `I((k,_),args) -> Some (k,Listx.length args) | _ -> None ) p.ps) in
- let rec multiple_arities =
- function
- []
- | [_] -> []
- | (x,i)::(y,j)::tl when x = y && i <> j ->
- x::multiple_arities tl
- | _::tl -> multiple_arities tl in
- multiple_arities heads_and_arities in
- let showstoppers_eat = sort_uniq showstoppers_eat in
- let showstoppers_eat = List.filter
- (fun x -> not (List.mem x showstoppers_step))
- showstoppers_eat in
- List.iter (fun v -> prerr_endline ("DANGEROUS STEP: " ^ (string_of_var p.var_names) v)) showstoppers_step;
- List.iter (fun v -> prerr_endline ("DANGEROUS EAT: " ^ (string_of_var p.var_names) v)) showstoppers_eat;
- p, showstoppers_step, showstoppers_eat
- ;;
-let eat p =
- let ({ps} as p), showstoppers_step, showstoppers_eat = critical_showstoppers p in
- let showstoppers = showstoppers_step @ showstoppers_eat in
- let heads = List.sort compare (filter_map hd_of ps) in
- let arities = precompute_edible_data p (uniq heads) in
- let inedible, showstoppers_conv = edible p arities showstoppers in
- let l = List.filter (fun (_,hd,_) -> not (List.mem hd inedible)) arities in
- let p =
- List.fold_left (fun p (pos,hd,nargs) -> if pos = -1 then p else
- let v = `N pos in
- let inst = make_lams v nargs in
-prerr_endline ("# [INST_IN_EAT] eating: " ^ string_of_var p.var_names hd ^ " := " ^ string_of_term p inst);
- { p with sigma = p.sigma @ [hd,inst] }
- ) p l in
- (* to avoid applied numbers in safe positions that
- trigger assert failures subst_in_problem x inst p*)
- let ps =
- List.map (fun t ->
- try
- let j,_,_ = List.find (fun (_,hd,_) -> hd_of t = Some hd) l in
- `N j
- with Not_found -> t
- ) ps in
- let p = match p.div with
- | None -> p
- | Some div ->
- if List.mem (hd_of_i_var div) inedible
- then p
- else
- let n = match div with `I(_,args) -> Listx.length args | `Var _ -> 0 in
- let x = hd_of_i_var div in
- let inst = make_lams `Bottom n in
- subst_in_problem x inst p in
-(*let dangerous_conv = showstoppers_conv in
-prerr_endline ("dangerous_conv lenght:" ^ string_of_int (List.length dangerous_conv));
-List.iter (fun l -> prerr_endline (String.concat " " (List.map (string_of_var p.var_names) l))) dangerous_conv; *)
- let conv =
- List.map (function t ->
- try
- if let hd = hd_of t in hd <> None && not (List.mem (Util.option_get hd) showstoppers_conv) then t else (
- (match t with | `Var _ -> raise Not_found | _ -> ());
- let _ = List.find (fun h -> hd_of t = Some h) inedible in
- t)
- with Not_found -> match hd_of t with
- | None -> assert (t = convergent_dummy); t
- | Some h ->
- prerr_endline ("FREEZING " ^ string_of_var p.var_names h);
- convergent_dummy
- ) p.conv in
- List.iter
- (fun bs ->
- bs :=
- List.map
- (fun (n,t as res) ->
- match List.nth ps n with
- `N m -> m,t
- | _ -> res
- ) !bs
- ) p.deltas ;
- let old_conv = p.conv in
- let p = { p with ps; conv } in
- if l <> [] || old_conv <> conv
- then prerr_endline (string_of_problem "eat" p);
- if List.for_all (function `N _ -> true | _ -> false) ps && p.div = None then
- `Finished p
- else
- `Continue p
-let safe_arity_of_var p x =
- (* Compute the minimum number of arguments when x is in head
- position at p.div or p.ps *)
- let aux = function
- | `Var(y,_) -> if x = y then 0 else max_int
- | `I((y,_),args) -> if x = y then Listx.length args else max_int
- | _ -> max_int in
- let tms = ((match p.div with None -> [] | Some t -> [(t :> i_n_var)]) @ p.ps) in
- List.fold_left (fun acc t -> Pervasives.min acc (aux t)) max_int tms
-let instantiate p x perm =
- let n = (prerr_endline ("WARNING: using constant initialSpecialK=" ^ string_of_int p.initialSpecialK)); p.initialSpecialK in
- let arities = Array.to_list (Array.make (n+1) min_int) in
- let p,vars = make_fresh_vars p arities in
- (* manual lifting of vars by perm in next line *)
- let vars = List.map (function `Var (n,ar) -> `Var (n+perm,ar)) vars in
- let args = Listx.from_list vars in
- let bs = ref [] in
- (* other_vars are the variables which are delayed and re-applied to the match *)
- let other_vars = Array.mapi (fun n () -> `Var(n+1,min_int)) (Array.make (perm-1) ()) in
- let other_vars = Array.to_list other_vars in
- (* 666, since it will be replaced anyway during subst: *)
- let inst = `Match(`I((0,min_int),args),(x,-666),perm,bs,other_vars) in
- (* Add a number of 'perm' leading lambdas *)
- let inst = Array.fold_left (fun t () -> `Lam(false, t)) inst (Array.make perm ()) in
- let p = {p with deltas=bs::p.deltas} in
- subst_in_problem x inst p
-let compute_special_k tms =
- let rec aux k (t: nf) = Pervasives.max k (match t with
- | `Lam(b,t) -> aux (k + if b then 1 else 0) t
- | `I(n, tms) -> Listx.max (Listx.map (aux 0) (tms :> nf Listx.listx))
- | `Match(t, _, liftno, bs, args) ->
- List.fold_left max 0 (List.map (aux 0) ((t :> nf)::(args :> nf list)@List.map snd !bs))
- | `N _
- | `Bottom
- | `Pacman
- | `Var _ -> 0
- ) in
- let rec aux' top t = match t with
- | `Lam(_,t) -> aux' false t
- | `I((_,ar), tms) -> max ar
- (Listx.max (Listx.map (aux' false) (tms :> nf Listx.listx)))
- | `Match(t, _, liftno, bs, args) ->
- List.fold_left max 0 (List.map (aux' false) ((t :> nf)::(args :> nf list)@List.map snd !bs))
- | `N _
- | `Bottom
- | `Pacman
- | `Var _ -> 0 in
- Listx.max (Listx.map (aux 0) tms) + Listx.max (Listx.map (aux' true) tms)
-let choose_step p =
- let p, showstoppers_step, showstoppers_eat = critical_showstoppers p in
- let x =
- match showstoppers_step, showstoppers_eat with
- | [], y::_ ->
- prerr_endline ("INSTANTIATING (critical eat) : " ^ string_of_var p.var_names y); y
- | x::_, _ ->
- prerr_endline ("INSTANTIATING (critical step): " ^ string_of_var p.var_names x); x
- | [], [] ->
- let heads =
- (* Choose only variables still alive (with arity > 0) *)
- List.sort compare (filter_map (
- fun t -> match t with `Var _ -> None | x -> if arity_of_hd x <= 0 then None else hd_of x
- ) ((match p.div with Some t -> [(t :> i_n_var)] | _ -> []) @ p.ps)) in
- (match heads with
- | [] ->
- (try
- fst (List.find (((<) 0) ++ snd) (concat_map free_vars' (p.conv :> nf list)))
- with
- Not_found -> assert false)
- | x::_ ->
- prerr_endline ("INSTANTIATING TO EAT " ^ string_of_var p.var_names x);
- x) in
- let arity_of_x = Util.option_get (max_arity_tms x (all_terms p)) in
- let safe_arity_of_x = safe_arity_of_var p x in
- x, min arity_of_x safe_arity_of_x
-let rec auto_eat p =
- prerr_endline "{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}";
- let m = problem_measure p in
- let x, arity_of = choose_step p in
- first arity_of p x (fun p j ->
- let p' = instantiate p x j in
- match eat p' with
- | `Finished p -> p
- | `Continue p ->
- prerr_endline "{{{{{{{{ Computing measure inafter auto_instantiate }}}}}}";
- let delta = problem_measure p - m in
- if delta >= 0
- then
- (failwith
- ("Measure did not decrease (+=" ^ string_of_int delta ^ ")"))
- else prerr_endline ("$ Measure decreased: " ^ string_of_int delta);
- auto_eat p)
-let auto p n =
-prerr_endline ("@@@@ FIRST INSTANTIATE PHASE (" ^ string_of_int n ^ ") @@@@");
- match eat p with
- | `Finished p -> p
- | `Continue p -> auto_eat p
-let optimize_numerals p =
- let replace_in_sigma perm =
- let rec aux = function
- | `N n -> `N (List.nth perm n)
- | `Pacman
- | `I _ -> assert false
- | `Var _ as t -> t
- | `Lam(v,t) -> `Lam(v, aux t)
- | `Match(_,_,_,bs,_) as t -> (bs := List.map (fun (n,t) -> (List.nth perm n, t)) !bs); t
- | `Bottom as t -> t
- in List.map (fun (n,t) -> (n,aux t))
- in
- let deltas' = List.mapi (fun n d -> (n, List.map fst !d)) p.deltas in
- let maxs = Array.to_list (Array.init (List.length deltas') (fun _ -> 0)) in
- let max = List.fold_left max 0 (concat_map snd deltas') in
- let perm,_ = List.fold_left (fun (perm, maxs) (curr_n:int) ->
- let containing = filter_map (fun (i, bs) -> if List.mem curr_n bs then Some i else None) deltas' in
- (* (prerr_endline (string_of_int curr_n ^ " occurs in: " ^ (String.concat " " (List.map string_of_int containing)))); *)
- let neww = List.fold_left Pervasives.max 0 (List.mapi (fun n max -> if List.mem n containing then max else 0) maxs) in
- let maxs = List.mapi (fun i m -> if List.mem i containing then neww+1 else m) maxs in
- (neww::perm, maxs)
- ) ([],maxs) (Array.to_list (Array.init (max+1) (fun x -> x))) in
- replace_in_sigma (List.rev perm) p.sigma
-let env_of_sigma freshno sigma =
- let rec aux n =
- if n > freshno then
- []
- else
- let e = aux (n+1) in
- (try
- e,Pure.lift (-n-1) (snd (List.find (fun (i,_) -> i = n) sigma)),[]
- with
- Not_found -> ([],Pure.V n,[]))::e
- in aux 0
-(* ************************************************************************** *)
-type response = [
- | `CompleteSeparable of string
- | `CompleteUnseparable of string
- | `Uncomplete
-type result = [
- `Complete | `Uncomplete
-] * [
- | `Separable of (int * Num.nf) list
- | `Unseparable of string
-let run p =
- Console.print_hline();
- prerr_endline (string_of_problem "main" p);
- let p_finale = auto p p.initialSpecialK in
- let freshno,sigma = p_finale.freshno, p_finale.sigma in
- prerr_endline ("------- <DONE> ------ measure=. \n ");
- List.iter (fun (x,inst) -> prerr_endline (string_of_var p_finale.var_names x ^ " := " ^ string_of_term p_finale inst)) sigma;
- prerr_endline "---------<OPT>----------";
- let sigma = optimize_numerals p_finale in (* optimize numerals *)
- List.iter (fun (x,inst) -> prerr_endline (string_of_var p_finale.var_names x ^ " := " ^ string_of_term p_finale inst)) sigma;
- prerr_endline "---------<PURE>---------";
- let scott_of_nf t = ToScott.scott_of_nf (t :> nf) in
- let div = option_map scott_of_nf p.div in
- let conv = List.map scott_of_nf p.conv in
- let ps = List.map scott_of_nf p.ps in
- let sigma' = List.map (fun (x,inst) -> x, ToScott.scott_of_nf inst) sigma in
- let e' = env_of_sigma freshno sigma' in
- prerr_endline "--------<REDUCE>---------";
- (function Some div ->
- print_endline (Pure.print div);
- let t = Pure.mwhd (e',div,[]) in
- prerr_endline ("*:: " ^ (Pure.print t));
- assert (t = Pure.B)
- | None -> ()) div;
- List.iter (fun n ->
- verbose ("_::: " ^ (Pure.print n));
- let t = Pure.mwhd (e',n,[]) in
- verbose ("_:: " ^ (Pure.print t));
- assert (t <> Pure.B)
- ) conv ;
- List.iteri (fun i n ->
- verbose ((string_of_int i) ^ "::: " ^ (Pure.print n));
- let t = Pure.mwhd (e',n,[]) in
- verbose ((string_of_int i) ^ ":: " ^ (Pure.print t));
- assert (t = Scott.mk_n i)
- ) ps ;
- prerr_endline "-------- </DONE> --------";
- p_finale.sigma
-let solve (p, todo) =
- let completeness, to_run =
- match todo with
- | `CompleteUnseparable s -> `Complete, `False s
- | `CompleteSeparable _ -> `Complete, `True
- | `Uncomplete -> `Uncomplete, `True in
- completeness, match to_run with
- | `False s -> `Unseparable s
- | `True ->
- try
- `Separable (run p)
- with
- Backtrack _ -> `Unseparable "backtrack"
-let no_bombs_pacmans p =
- not (List.exists (eta_subterm `Bottom) (p.ps@p.conv))
- && not (List.exists (eta_subterm `Pacman) p.ps)
- && Util.option_map (eta_subterm `Pacman) p.div <> Some true
-let check p =
- if (let rec f = function
- | [] -> false
- | hd::tl -> List.exists (eta_eq hd) tl || f tl in
- f p.ps) (* FIXME what about initial fragments of numbers? *)
- then `CompleteUnseparable "ps contains duplicates"
- (* check if div occurs somewhere in ps@conv *)
- else if (match p.div with
- | None -> true
- | Some div -> not (List.exists (eta_subterm div) (p.ps@p.conv))
- ) && no_bombs_pacmans p
- then `CompleteSeparable "no bombs, pacmans and div"
- (* il check seguente e' spostato nel parser e lancia un ParsingError *)
- (* else if false (* TODO bombs or div fuori da lambda in ps@conv *)
- then `CompleteUnseparable "bombs or div fuori da lambda in ps@conv" *)
- else if p.div = None
- then `CompleteSeparable "no div"
- else `Uncomplete
-let problem_of (label, div, conv, ps, var_names) =
- (* TODO: replace div with bottom in problem??? *)
- let all_tms = (match div with None -> [] | Some div -> [(div :> i_n_var)]) @ ps @ conv in
- if all_tms = [] then failwith "problem_of: empty problem";
- let initialSpecialK = compute_special_k (Listx.from_list (all_tms :> nf list)) in
- let freshno = List.length var_names in
- let deltas =
- let dummy = `Var (max_int / 2, -666) in
- [ ref (Array.to_list (Array.init (List.length ps) (fun i -> i, dummy))) ] in
- let trail = [] in
- let sigma = [] in
- let p = {freshno; div; conv; ps; sigma; deltas; initialSpecialK; trail; var_names; label} in
- p, check p
+++ /dev/null
-type problem\r
-val label_of_problem : problem -> string\r
-type response = [\r
- | `CompleteSeparable of string\r
- | `CompleteUnseparable of string\r
- | `Uncomplete\r
-type result = [\r
- `Complete | `Uncomplete\r
-] * [\r
- | `Separable of (int * Num.nf) list\r
- | `Unseparable of string\r
-val problem_of: (string (* problem label *)\r
-* Num.i_var option (* div *)\r
-* Num.i_n_var list (* conv *)\r
-* Num.i_n_var list (* ps *)\r
-* string list (* names of free variables *)) -> problem * response\r
-val solve: problem * response -> result\r
+++ /dev/null
-(* Non-empty lists *)
-type 'a listx =
- | Nil of 'a
- | Cons of ('a * 'a listx)
-let rec fold_left f acc l =
- match l with
- | Nil x -> f acc x
- | Cons (x, l') -> fold_left f (f acc x) l'
-let hd =
- function
- | Nil x
- | Cons (x,_) -> x
-let rec map f =
- function
- | Nil x -> Nil (f x)
- | Cons (x, l') -> Cons (f x, map f l')
-let rec append l =
- function
- | Nil x -> Cons (x, l)
- | Cons (x, l') -> Cons (x, append l l')
-let rec length = function
- | Nil _ -> 1
- | Cons (_, xs) -> 1 + (length xs)
-let rec assoc x = function
- | Nil (y,t)
- | Cons ((y,t),_) when x=y -> t
- | Nil _ -> raise Not_found
- | Cons (_,l) -> assoc x l
-let rec to_list =
- function
- Nil x -> [x]
- | Cons (x,l) -> x::to_list l
-let rec from_list =
- function
- [] -> raise (Failure "from_list: empty list")
- | [x] -> Nil x
- | x::l -> Cons(x,from_list l)
-let rec split_nth n l =
- match n,l with
- 0,_ -> []
- | 1,Nil x -> [x]
- | n,Cons (hd,tl) -> hd::split_nth (n-1) tl
- | _,_ -> raise (Failure "split_nth: not enough args")
-let rec max =
- function
- | Nil x -> x
- | Cons (x, l) -> Pervasives.max x (max l)
-let rec last =
- function
- | Nil x -> x
- | Cons (_, l) -> last l
-let rec nth i l = match l, i with
- | Cons (x, _), 1 -> x
- | _, n when n <= 0 -> raise (Invalid_argument "Listx.nth")
- | Cons (_, xs), n -> nth (n-1) xs
- | Nil x, 1 -> x
- | Nil _, _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Listx.nth")
+++ /dev/null
-type 'a listx = Nil of 'a | Cons of ('a * 'a listx)
-val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b listx -> 'a
-val hd : 'a listx -> 'a
-val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a listx -> 'b listx
-val append : 'a listx -> 'a listx -> 'a listx
-val length : 'a listx -> int
-val assoc : 'a -> ('a * 'b) listx -> 'b
-val to_list : 'a listx -> 'a list
-val from_list : 'a list -> 'a listx
-val split_nth : int -> 'a listx -> 'a list
-val max : 'a listx -> 'a
-val last : 'a listx -> 'a
+++ /dev/null
--666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-461\r
-1686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 17: `71:2 (`64:2 (λ`171. [match(b:1) `171:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `16\r
-3:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 =\r
-> `168:-666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] ))) `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 18: `95:0 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: `64:2 (λ`171. [match(b:1) `171:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:\r
--666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904\r
-`76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 21: `78:1 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 22: a:0 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-46116\r
-| 23: `85:1 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 24: h:1 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-46116\r
-| 25: `70:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: `38:-4611686018427387904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 28: e:1 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 29: `169:1 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `10\r
-| 30: `113:1 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 31: `64:4 (λ`171. [match(b:1) `171:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:\r
--666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) (λ`171. [match(f:1) `171:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:\r
--4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904 with 24 => λ`172. [match\r
-(`92:-666) `172:-4611686018427387904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904 with 26 => λ`173. [match(`98:-666) `173:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 2\r
-8 => λ`174. [match(`104:-666) `174:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`175. [match(`128:-666) `175:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `138:-4611686018427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-46\r
-11686018427387904 with 34 => λ`176. [match(`133:-666) `176:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`177. [match(`138:\r
--666) `177:-4611686018427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `146:-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`174. [match(`105:-666) `174:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `114:-4611686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-10:-4611686018427387904 with 30 => λ`175. [match(`110:-666) `175:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )]\r
- )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] ) | 25 => `95:-666] )) (`64:3 (λ`171. [match(b:1) `171:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 =\r
-> `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:-666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) (e:3 (λ`171. λ`172. [match(d:1)\r
-`172:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-46116860184273\r
-87904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`173. [match(`30:-666) `173:-4611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:\r
--4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`174. [match(\r
-`35:-666) `174:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`175. [match(`40:-666) `175:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`\r
-176. [match(`45:-666) `176:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-46116860184273879\r
-04 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`177. [match(`50:-666) `177:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 w\r
-ith 20 => λ`178. [match(`72:-666) `178:-4611686018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`178. [match(`73:\r
--666) `178:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`177. [match(`51:-666) `177:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `5\r
-9:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`178. [match(`57:-666) `178:-4611686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73\r
-:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => `64:-666] )) (λ`171. i:2 h:1))) `120:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 32: `126:2 `126:1 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 33: `64:4 (λ`171. λ`172. [match(n:1) `172:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-461168\r
-6018427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`173. [match(s:-666) `173:-4611686018427387904 `2\r
-6:-4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with\r
-7 => `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666] )) (λ`171. `171:2 (λ`172. [match(d:1) `172:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`173.\r
- [match(`30:-666) `173:-4611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`174. [match(`35:-666) `174:-4611686018427387904 `44:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 1\r
-0 => λ`175. [match(`40:-666) `175:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`176. [match(`45:-666) `176:-4611686018427387904\r
- `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116860184273\r
-87904 with 12 => λ`177. [match(`50:-666) `177:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`178. [match(`72:-666) `178:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `12\r
-2:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`178. [match(`73:-666) `178:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 =>\r
- `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`177. [match(`51:-666) `177:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:\r
--4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`178. [match\r
-(`57:-666) `178:-4611686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )]\r
-)] )] )] ) | 14 => `64:-666] ))) (λ`171. [match(`80:1) `171:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-6\r
-66] )) `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-461\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: e:1 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-\r
-| 36: `170:2 (λ`171. λ`172. e:1) `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686\r
-| 37: `151:1 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `14\r
-| 38: `170:1 `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-4611686018427387904 `15\r
-| 39: h:2 (λ`171. λ`172. [match(n:1) `172:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-46116860\r
-18427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`173. [match(s:-666) `173:-4611686018427387904 `26:\r
--4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with 7\r
-=> `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666] )) `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 40: `134:-4611686018427387904 `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `164:1 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: `165:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 44: `168:0 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 45: e:1 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure inafter auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-compare 82 95= 1\r
-$ Measure decreased by 1\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-WARNING: using constant initialSpecialK\r
-# INST: e := λ`182. [match(d:666) `182:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => `177:-666 | 48 => `17\r
-8:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-666 | 51 => `181:-666] )\r
-||||| Displaying problem: instantiate |||||\r
-| measure=73 freshno = 181\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45\r
-| 38 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: `27:1\r
-| _: `74:2 [match(`33:3) `64:1 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-461168601\r
-8427387904 with 9 => λ`182. [match(`38:-666) `182:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904\r
- `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`183. [match(`43:-666) `183:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46\r
-:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`184. [match(`48:-666) `184:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`185. [match(`53:-66\r
-6) `185:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-46116860184\r
-27387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`186. [match(`75:-666) `186:-4611686018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904\r
- `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127\r
-:-666] ) | 21 => λ`186. [match(`76:-666) `186:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13\r
-=> λ`185. [match(`54:-666) `185:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`186. [match(`60:-666) `186:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387\r
-904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] h:1)\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => `177:-666 | 48 =>\r
- `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-666 | 51 => `181:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:\r
--4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904) with 26 => λ`182. [match(`100:-666) `182:-4611686018427387904 `107:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 w\r
-ith 28 => λ`183. [match(`106:-666) `183:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`184. [match(`130:-666) `184:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `138:-4611686018427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `13\r
-4:-4611686018427387904 with 34 => λ`185. [match(`135:-666) `185:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`186. [match(\r
-`140:-666) `186:-4611686018427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:\r
--4611686018427387904 `146:-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`183. [match(`107:-666) `183:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `114:-4611686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-46116860184273879\r
-04 `110:-4611686018427387904 with 30 => λ`184. [match(`112:-666) `184:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `11\r
-9:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-66\r
-6] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] `64:2 (λ`182. [match(b:1) `182:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 =>\r
- `167:-666 | 43 => `168:-666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] ))) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: `127:1 a:0\r
-| 1: `87:0\r
-| 2: `72:1 a:0\r
-| 3: `73:1 a:0\r
-| 4: `152:1 a:0\r
-| 5: `166:0 n:-4611686018427387904 m:-4611686018427387904 l:-4611686018427387904 k:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: `176:0 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 8: `167:1 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-461\r
-| 9: `102:0 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 10: i:2 h:1 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 11: `177:2 (λ`182. i:2 h:1) `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: h:1 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116\r
-| 14: `178:0 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 15: `64:1 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 16: `64:2 (λ`182. [match(b:1) `182:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:\r
--666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-461\r
-1686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 17: `71:2 (`64:2 (λ`182. [match(b:1) `182:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `16\r
-3:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 =\r
-> `168:-666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] ))) `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 18: `95:0 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: `64:2 (λ`182. [match(b:1) `182:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:\r
--666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904\r
-`76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 21: `78:1 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 22: a:0 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-46116\r
-| 23: `85:1 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 24: h:1 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-46116\r
-| 25: `70:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: `38:-4611686018427387904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 28: `179:0 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 29: `169:1 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `10\r
-| 30: `113:1 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 31: `64:4 (λ`182. [match(b:1) `182:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:\r
--666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) (λ`182. [match(f:1) `182:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:\r
--4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904 with 24 => λ`183. [match\r
-(`92:-666) `183:-4611686018427387904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904 with 26 => λ`184. [match(`98:-666) `184:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 2\r
-8 => λ`185. [match(`104:-666) `185:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`186. [match(`128:-666) `186:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `138:-4611686018427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-46\r
-11686018427387904 with 34 => λ`187. [match(`133:-666) `187:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`188. [match(`138:\r
--666) `188:-4611686018427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `146:-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`185. [match(`105:-666) `185:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `114:-4611686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-10:-4611686018427387904 with 30 => λ`186. [match(`110:-666) `186:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )]\r
- )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] ) | 25 => `95:-666] )) (`64:3 (λ`182. [match(b:1) `182:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 =\r
-> `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:-666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) [match(e:3) [match(f:1) `174:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `2\r
-8:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`182. [match(`32:-666) `182:-4611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`183. [match(`37:-666\r
-) `183:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`184. [match(`42:-666) `184:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`185. [ma\r
-tch(`47:-666) `185:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`186. [match(`52:-666) `186:-4611686018427387904 `79:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 =\r
-> λ`187. [match(`74:-666) `187:-4611686018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`187. [match(`75:-666) `1\r
-87:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`186. [match(`53:-666) `186:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-46116\r
-86018427387904 with 15 => λ`187. [match(`59:-666) `187:-4611686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-46116860184273\r
-87904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 |\r
-6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => `64:-666] `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904\r
-`171:-4611686018427387904) with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => `177:-666 | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-666\r
-| 51 => `181:-666] λ`182. i:2 h:1)) `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 32: `126:2 `126:1 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 33: `64:4 (λ`182. λ`183. [match(n:1) `183:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-461168\r
-6018427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`184. [match(s:-666) `184:-4611686018427387904 `2\r
-6:-4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with\r
-7 => `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666] )) (λ`182. `182:2 (λ`183. [match(d:1) `183:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`184.\r
- [match(`30:-666) `184:-4611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`185. [match(`35:-666) `185:-4611686018427387904 `44:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 1\r
-0 => λ`186. [match(`40:-666) `186:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`187. [match(`45:-666) `187:-4611686018427387904\r
- `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116860184273\r
-87904 with 12 => λ`188. [match(`50:-666) `188:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`189. [match(`72:-666) `189:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `12\r
-2:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`189. [match(`73:-666) `189:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 =>\r
- `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`188. [match(`51:-666) `188:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:\r
--4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`189. [match\r
-(`57:-666) `189:-4611686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )]\r
-)] )] )] ) | 14 => `64:-666] ))) (λ`182. [match(`80:1) `182:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-6\r
-66] )) `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-461\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: `180:0 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 36: `170:2 (λ`182. λ`183. λ`184. [match(b:1) `184:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-461168601842738\r
-7904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => `177:-66\r
-6 | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-666 | 51 => `181:-666] )) `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 37: `151:1 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `14\r
-| 38: `170:1 `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-4611686018427387904 `15\r
-| 39: h:2 (λ`182. λ`183. [match(n:1) `183:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-46116860\r
-18427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`184. [match(s:-666) `184:-4611686018427387904 `26:\r
--4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with 7\r
-=> `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666] )) `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 40: `134:-4611686018427387904 `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `164:1 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: `165:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 44: `168:0 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 45: `181:0 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 46: y:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 47: `50:1 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: `105:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 50: `144:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 51: `164:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`64 `37 `36 `35 `34 h `74 `64 `37 `36 `35 `34 `44 `43 `42 `41 `40 `50 `49 `48 `47 `46 `56 `55 `54 `53 `52 `79 `78 `77 `7\r
-6 `75 `126 `125 `124 `123 `122 `127 `86 `85 `84 `83 `82 `87 `88 `63 `62 `61 `60 `59 `70 `69 `68 `67 `66 `72 `73 `74 `151\r
- h\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96 `64 `165 `164 `163 `162 `161 `166 `167 `168 `169 `170 `121 `100 `175 `174\r
-`173 `172 `171 `176 `177 `178 `179 `180 `181 `99 `98 `97 `96 `107 `106 `105 `104 `103 `132 `131 `130 `129 `128 `138 `137\r
- `136 `135 `134 `144 `143 `142 `141 `140 `150 `149 `148 `147 `146 `152 `114 `113 `112 `111 `110 `120 `119 `118 `117 `116\r
- `121 `102 `64 `165 `164 `163 `162 `161 `166 `167 `168 `169 `170 `121\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`64 `37 `36 `35 `34 h `74 `64 `37 `36 `35 `34 `44 `43 `42 `41 `40 `50 `49 `48 `47 `46 `56 `55 `54 `53 `52 `79 `78 `77 `7\r
-6 `75 `126 `125 `124 `123 `122 `127 `86 `85 `84 `83 `82 `87 `88 `63 `62 `61 `60 `59 `70 `69 `68 `67 `66 `72 `73 `74 `151\r
- h\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96 `64 `165 `164 `163 `162 `161 `166 `167 `168 `169 `170 `121 `100 `175 `174\r
-`173 `172 `171 `176 `177 `178 `179 `180 `181 `99 `98 `97 `96 `107 `106 `105 `104 `103 `132 `131 `130 `129 `128 `138 `137\r
- `136 `135 `134 `144 `143 `142 `141 `140 `150 `149 `148 `147 `146 `152 `114 `113 `112 `111 `110 `120 `119 `118 `117 `116\r
- `121 `102 `64 `165 `164 `163 `162 `161 `166 `167 `168 `169 `170 `121\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure inafter auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-compare 73 82= 1\r
-$ Measure decreased by 1\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-WARNING: using constant initialSpecialK\r
-# INST: `177 := λ`188. [match(`176:666) `188:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-84:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] )\r
-||||| Displaying problem: instantiate |||||\r
-| measure=72 freshno = 187\r
-| 52\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45\r
-| 38 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: `27:1\r
-| _: `74:2 [match(`33:3) `64:1 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-461168601\r
-8427387904 with 9 => λ`188. [match(`38:-666) `188:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904\r
- `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`189. [match(`43:-666) `189:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46\r
-:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`190. [match(`48:-666) `190:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`191. [match(`53:-66\r
-6) `191:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-46116860184\r
-27387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`192. [match(`75:-666) `192:-4611686018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904\r
- `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127\r
-:-666] ) | 21 => λ`192. [match(`76:-666) `192:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13\r
-=> λ`191. [match(`54:-666) `191:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`192. [match(`60:-666) `192:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387\r
-904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] h:1)\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`188. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `188:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-) with 26 => λ`188. [match(`100:-666) `188:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`189. [match(`106:-666) `189:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904\r
-`128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`190. [match(`130:-666) `190:-4611686018427387904 `138:-4611686018427387904 `137:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with 34 => λ`191. [mat\r
-ch(`135:-666) `191:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-41:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`192. [match(`140:-666) `192:-4611686018427387904 `150:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`189. [match(`107:-666) `189:-4611686018427387904 `114:-4611686018427387904\r
-`113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904 with 30 => λ`190\r
-. [match(`112:-666) `190:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] `64:2 (λ`188. [\r
-match(b:1) `188:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:\r
--4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:-666 | 44 => `169:-66\r
-6 | 45 => `170:-666] ))) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: `127:1 a:0\r
-| 1: `87:0\r
-| 2: `72:1 a:0\r
-| 3: `73:1 a:0\r
-| 4: `152:1 a:0\r
-| 5: `166:0 n:-4611686018427387904 m:-4611686018427387904 l:-4611686018427387904 k:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: `176:0 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 8: `167:1 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-461\r
-| 9: `102:0 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 10: i:2 h:1 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 11: `187:1 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: h:1 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116\r
-| 14: `178:0 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 15: `64:1 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 16: `64:2 (λ`188. [match(b:1) `188:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:\r
--666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-461\r
-1686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 17: `71:2 (`64:2 (λ`188. [match(b:1) `188:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `16\r
-3:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 =\r
-> `168:-666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] ))) `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 18: `95:0 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: `64:2 (λ`188. [match(b:1) `188:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:\r
--666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904\r
-`76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 21: `78:1 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 22: a:0 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-46116\r
-| 23: `85:1 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 24: h:1 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-46116\r
-| 25: `70:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: `38:-4611686018427387904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 28: `179:0 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 29: `169:1 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `10\r
-| 30: `113:1 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 31: `64:4 (λ`188. [match(b:1) `188:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 => `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:\r
--666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) (λ`188. [match(f:1) `188:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:\r
--4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904 with 24 => λ`189. [match\r
-(`92:-666) `189:-4611686018427387904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904 with 26 => λ`190. [match(`98:-666) `190:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 2\r
-8 => λ`191. [match(`104:-666) `191:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`192. [match(`128:-666) `192:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `138:-4611686018427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-46\r
-11686018427387904 with 34 => λ`193. [match(`133:-666) `193:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`194. [match(`138:\r
--666) `194:-4611686018427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `146:-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`191. [match(`105:-666) `191:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `114:-4611686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-10:-4611686018427387904 with 30 => λ`192. [match(`110:-666) `192:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )]\r
- )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] ) | 25 => `95:-666] )) (`64:3 (λ`188. [match(b:1) `188:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904 with 41 =\r
-> `166:-666 | 42 => `167:-666 | 43 => `168:-666 | 44 => `169:-666 | 45 => `170:-666] )) [match(e:3) [match(f:1) `174:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `2\r
-8:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`188. [match(`32:-666) `188:-4611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`189. [match(`37:-666\r
-) `189:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`190. [match(`42:-666) `190:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`191. [ma\r
-tch(`47:-666) `191:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`192. [match(`52:-666) `192:-4611686018427387904 `79:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 =\r
-> λ`193. [match(`74:-666) `193:-4611686018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`193. [match(`75:-666) `1\r
-93:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`192. [match(`53:-666) `192:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-46116\r
-86018427387904 with 15 => λ`193. [match(`59:-666) `193:-4611686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-46116860184273\r
-87904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 |\r
-6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => `64:-666] `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904\r
-`171:-4611686018427387904) with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`188. [match(`176:-666) `188:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 wit\r
-h 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-666 | 51 => `181:-666] λ`188. i:2 h:1)) `120:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 32: `126:2 `126:1 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 33: `64:4 (λ`188. λ`189. [match(n:1) `189:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-461168\r
-6018427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`190. [match(s:-666) `190:-4611686018427387904 `2\r
-6:-4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with\r
-7 => `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666] )) (λ`188. `188:2 (λ`189. [match(d:1) `189:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`190.\r
- [match(`30:-666) `190:-4611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`191. [match(`35:-666) `191:-4611686018427387904 `44:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 1\r
-0 => λ`192. [match(`40:-666) `192:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`193. [match(`45:-666) `193:-4611686018427387904\r
- `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116860184273\r
-87904 with 12 => λ`194. [match(`50:-666) `194:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`195. [match(`72:-666) `195:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `12\r
-2:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`195. [match(`73:-666) `195:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 =>\r
- `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`194. [match(`51:-666) `194:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:\r
--4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`195. [match\r
-(`57:-666) `195:-4611686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )]\r
-)] )] )] ) | 14 => `64:-666] ))) (λ`188. [match(`80:1) `188:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-6\r
-66] )) `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-461\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: `180:0 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 36: `170:2 (λ`188. λ`189. λ`190. [match(b:1) `190:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-461168601842738\r
-7904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`191. [\r
-match(`173:-666) `191:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904\r
- `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 =>\r
- `180:-666 | 51 => `181:-666] )) `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686\r
-| 37: `151:1 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `14\r
-| 38: `170:1 `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-4611686018427387904 `15\r
-| 39: h:2 (λ`188. λ`189. [match(n:1) `189:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-46116860\r
-18427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`190. [match(s:-666) `190:-4611686018427387904 `26:\r
--4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with 7\r
-=> `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666] )) `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 40: `134:-4611686018427387904 `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `164:1 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: `165:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 44: `168:0 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 45: `181:0 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 46: y:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 47: `50:1 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: `105:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 50: `144:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 51: `164:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 52: i:2 h:1 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`64 `37 `36 `35 `34 h `74 `64 `37 `36 `35 `34 `44 `43 `42 `41 `40 `50 `49 `48 `47 `46 `56 `55 `54 `53 `52 `79 `78 `77 `7\r
-6 `75 `126 `125 `124 `123 `122 `127 `86 `85 `84 `83 `82 `87 `88 `63 `62 `61 `60 `59 `70 `69 `68 `67 `66 `72 `73 `74 `151\r
- h\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96 `64 `165 `164 `163 `162 `161 `166 `167 `168 `169 `170 `121 `100 `175 `174\r
-`173 `172 `171 `176 `186 `185 `184 `183 `182 `187 `178 `179 `180 `181 `99 `98 `97 `96 `107 `106 `105 `104 `103 `132 `131\r
- `130 `129 `128 `138 `137 `136 `135 `134 `144 `143 `142 `141 `140 `150 `149 `148 `147 `146 `152 `114 `113 `112 `111 `110\r
- `120 `119 `118 `117 `116 `121 `102 `64 `165 `164 `163 `162 `161 `166 `167 `168 `169 `170 `121\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`64 `37 `36 `35 `34 h `74 `64 `37 `36 `35 `34 `44 `43 `42 `41 `40 `50 `49 `48 `47 `46 `56 `55 `54 `53 `52 `79 `78 `77 `7\r
-6 `75 `126 `125 `124 `123 `122 `127 `86 `85 `84 `83 `82 `87 `88 `63 `62 `61 `60 `59 `70 `69 `68 `67 `66 `72 `73 `74 `151\r
- h\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96 `64 `165 `164 `163 `162 `161 `166 `167 `168 `169 `170 `121 `100 `175 `174\r
-`173 `172 `171 `176 `186 `185 `184 `183 `182 `187 `178 `179 `180 `181 `99 `98 `97 `96 `107 `106 `105 `104 `103 `132 `131\r
- `130 `129 `128 `138 `137 `136 `135 `134 `144 `143 `142 `141 `140 `150 `149 `148 `147 `146 `152 `114 `113 `112 `111 `110\r
- `120 `119 `118 `117 `116 `121 `102 `64 `165 `164 `163 `162 `161 `166 `167 `168 `169 `170 `121\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure inafter auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-compare 72 73= 1\r
-$ Measure decreased by 1\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-WARNING: using constant initialSpecialK\r
-# INST: `64 := λ`198. [match(`63:666) `198:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => `195:-666 | 57 =>\r
- `197:-666] )\r
-||||| Displaying problem: instantiate |||||\r
-| measure=63 freshno = 197\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 52\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 38 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: `27:1\r
-| _: `74:2 [match(`33:3) [match(`64:1) `37:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => `195:-666 | 57 =>\r
- `197:-666] `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904) with 9 => λ`198. [match(`38:-666\r
-) `198:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`199. [match(`43:-666) `199:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`200. [ma\r
-tch(`48:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`201. [match(`53:-666) `201:-4611686018427387904 `79:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 =\r
-> λ`202. [match(`75:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`202. [match(`76:-666) `2\r
-02:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`201. [match(`54:-666) `201:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-46116\r
-86018427387904 with 15 => λ`202. [match(`60:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-46116860184273\r
-87904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 |\r
-6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] h:1)\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`198. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `198:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-) with 26 => λ`198. [match(`100:-666) `198:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`199. [match(`106:-666) `199:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904\r
-`128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`200. [match(`130:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `138:-4611686018427387904 `137:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with 34 => λ`201. [mat\r
-ch(`135:-666) `201:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-41:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`202. [match(`140:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `150:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`199. [match(`107:-666) `199:-4611686018427387904 `114:-4611686018427387904\r
-`113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904 with 30 => λ`200\r
-. [match(`112:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] `195:1) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: `127:1 a:0\r
-| 1: `87:0\r
-| 2: `72:1 a:0\r
-| 3: `73:1 a:0\r
-| 4: `152:1 a:0\r
-| 5: `166:0 n:-4611686018427387904 m:-4611686018427387904 l:-4611686018427387904 k:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: `176:0 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 8: `167:1 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-461\r
-| 9: `102:0 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 10: i:2 h:1 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 11: `187:1 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: h:1 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116\r
-| 14: `178:0 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 15: `193:0 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 16: `195:1 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-461168601842\r
-| 17: `71:2 `195:1 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-| 18: `95:0 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: `195:1 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-46\r
-| 21: `78:1 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 22: a:0 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-46116\r
-| 23: `85:1 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 24: h:1 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-46116\r
-| 25: `70:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: `38:-4611686018427387904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 28: `179:0 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 29: `169:1 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `10\r
-| 30: `113:1 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 31: `195:3 (λ`198. [match(f:1) `198:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904 with 24 => λ`199. [match(`92:-666) `199:-461168601842738\r
-7904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-461168601\r
-8427387904 with 26 => λ`200. [match(`98:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`201. [match(`104:-666) `2\r
-01:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`202. [match(`128:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `138:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with 34 => λ`2\r
-03. [match(`133:-666) `203:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-46116860184273\r
-87904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`204. [match(`138:-666) `204:-4611686018427387904\r
-`150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-4611686018\r
-427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`201. [match(`105:-666) `201:-4611686018427387904 `114:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904 with 30\r
-=> λ`202. [match(`110:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] ) | 25\r
-=> `95:-666] )) (`195:2 [match(e:3) [match(f:1) `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`198. [match(`32:-666) `198:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`199. [match(`37:-666) `199:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`200. [match(`42:-6\r
-66) `200:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`201. [match(`47:-666) `201:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904\r
- `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`202. [\r
-match(`52:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`203. [match(`74:-666) `203:-4611686018427387904 `126:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 wi\r
-th 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`203. [match(`75:-666) `203:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-66\r
-6] )] ) | 13 => λ`202. [match(`53:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:\r
--4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`203. [match(`59:-666) `203:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-461\r
-1686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => λ`198.\r
- [match(`63:-666) `198:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => `195:-666 | 57 => `197:-666] )] `173:\r
--4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904) with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`198. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `198:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666] λ`198. i:2 h:1)) `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 32: `126:2 `126:1 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 33: `197:3 (λ`198. `198:2 (λ`199. [match(d:1) `199:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`200. [match(`30:-666) `200:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`201. [match(`35:-666) `201:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`202. [match(`40:-6\r
-66) `202:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`203. [match(`45:-666) `203:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904\r
- `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`204. [\r
-match(`50:-666) `204:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`205. [match(`72:-666) `205:-4611686018427387904 `126:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 wi\r
-th 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`205. [match(`73:-666) `205:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-66\r
-6] )] ) | 13 => λ`204. [match(`51:-666) `204:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:\r
--4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`205. [match(`57:-666) `205:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-461\r
-1686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => λ`200.\r
- [match(`61:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => `195:-666 | 57 => `197:-666] )] ))) (\r
-λ`198. [match(`80:1) `198:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )) `132:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: `180:0 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 36: `170:2 (λ`198. λ`199. λ`200. [match(b:1) `200:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-461168601842738\r
-7904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`201. [\r
-match(`173:-666) `201:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904\r
- `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 =>\r
- `180:-666 | 51 => `181:-666] )) `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686\r
-| 37: `151:1 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `14\r
-| 38: `170:1 `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-4611686018427387904 `15\r
-| 39: h:2 (λ`198. λ`199. [match(n:1) `199:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-46116860\r
-18427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`200. [match(s:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `26:\r
--4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with 7\r
-=> `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666 | 56 => `196:-666] )) `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `154:-4611686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 40: `134:-4611686018427387904 `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `164:1 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: `165:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 44: `168:0 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 45: `181:0 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 46: y:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 47: `50:1 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: `105:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 50: `144:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 51: `164:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 52: i:2 h:1 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 53: `62:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 54: `192:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 55: `194:0 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 56: `191:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387\r
-904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 57: `196:0 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`37 `192 `191 `190 `189 `188 `36 `35 `34 `74 `37 `192 `191 `190 `189 `188 `193 `195 `197 `36 `35 `34 `44 `43 `42 `41 `40\r
- `50 `49 `48 `47 `46 `56 `55 `54 `53 `52 `79 `78 `77 `76 `75 `126 `125 `124 `123 `122 `127 `86 `85 `84 `83 `82 `87 `88 `\r
-63 `62 `61 `60 `59 `70 `69 `68 `67 `66 `72 `73 `74 `151 h\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96 `121 `100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `176 `186 `185 `184 `183 `182 `187 `178\r
- `179 `180 `181 `99 `98 `97 `96 `107 `106 `105 `104 `103 `132 `131 `130 `129 `128 `138 `137 `136 `135 `134 `144 `143 `14\r
-2 `141 `140 `150 `149 `148 `147 `146 `152 `114 `113 `112 `111 `110 `120 `119 `118 `117 `116 `121 `102 `195 `121\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `166 := λ`198. λ`199. λ`200. λ`201. 5\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `167 := λ`198. λ`199. λ`200. λ`201. λ`202. 8\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `168 := λ`198. λ`199. λ`200. λ`201. 44\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `169 := λ`198. λ`199. λ`200. λ`201. λ`202. 29\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `170 := λ`198. λ`199. λ`200. λ`201. λ`202. 36\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `194 := λ`198. λ`199. λ`200. λ`201. 55\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`37 `192 `191 `190 `189 `188 `36 `35 `34 `74 `37 `192 `191 `190 `189 `188 `193 `195 `197 `36 `35 `34 `44 `43 `42 `41 `40\r
- `50 `49 `48 `47 `46 `56 `55 `54 `53 `52 `79 `78 `77 `76 `75 `126 `125 `124 `123 `122 `127 `86 `85 `84 `83 `82 `87 `88 `\r
-63 `62 `61 `60 `59 `70 `69 `68 `67 `66 `72 `73 `74 `151 h\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96 `121 `100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `176 `186 `185 `184 `183 `182 `187 `178\r
- `179 `180 `181 `99 `98 `97 `96 `107 `106 `105 `104 `103 `132 `131 `130 `129 `128 `138 `137 `136 `135 `134 `144 `143 `14\r
-2 `141 `140 `150 `149 `148 `147 `146 `152 `114 `113 `112 `111 `110 `120 `119 `118 `117 `116 `121 `102 `195 `121\r
-||||| Displaying problem: eat |||||\r
-| measure=58 freshno = 197\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 52\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 36 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: `27:1\r
-| _: `74:2 [match(`33:3) [match(`64:1) `37:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => `195:-666 | 57 =>\r
- `197:-666] `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904) with 9 => λ`198. [match(`38:-666\r
-) `198:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`199. [match(`43:-666) `199:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`200. [ma\r
-tch(`48:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`201. [match(`53:-666) `201:-4611686018427387904 `79:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 =\r
-> λ`202. [match(`75:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`202. [match(`76:-666) `2\r
-02:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`201. [match(`54:-666) `201:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-46116\r
-86018427387904 with 15 => λ`202. [match(`60:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-46116860184273\r
-87904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 |\r
-6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] h:1)\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`198. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `198:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-) with 26 => λ`198. [match(`100:-666) `198:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`199. [match(`106:-666) `199:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904\r
-`128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`200. [match(`130:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `138:-4611686018427387904 `137:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with 34 => λ`201. [mat\r
-ch(`135:-666) `201:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-41:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`202. [match(`140:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `150:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`199. [match(`107:-666) `199:-4611686018427387904 `114:-4611686018427387904\r
-`113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904 with 30 => λ`200\r
-. [match(`112:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] `195:1) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: `127:1 a:0\r
-| 1: `87:0\r
-| 2: `72:1 a:0\r
-| 3: `73:1 a:0\r
-| 4: `152:1 a:0\r
-| 5: 5\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: `176:0 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 8: 8\r
-| 9: `102:0 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 10: i:2 h:1 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 11: `187:1 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: h:1 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116\r
-| 14: `178:0 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 15: `193:0 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 16: `195:1 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-461168601842\r
-| 17: `71:2 `195:1 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-| 18: `95:0 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: `195:1 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-46\r
-| 21: `78:1 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 22: a:0 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-46116\r
-| 23: `85:1 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 24: h:1 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-46116\r
-| 25: `70:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: `38:-4611686018427387904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 28: `179:0 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 29: 29\r
-| 30: `113:1 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 31: `195:3 (λ`198. [match(f:1) `198:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904 with 24 => λ`199. [match(`92:-666) `199:-461168601842738\r
-7904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-461168601\r
-8427387904 with 26 => λ`200. [match(`98:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`201. [match(`104:-666) `2\r
-01:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`202. [match(`128:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `138:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with 34 => λ`2\r
-03. [match(`133:-666) `203:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-46116860184273\r
-87904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`204. [match(`138:-666) `204:-4611686018427387904\r
-`150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-4611686018\r
-427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`201. [match(`105:-666) `201:-4611686018427387904 `114:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904 with 30\r
-=> λ`202. [match(`110:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] ) | 25\r
-=> `95:-666] )) (`195:2 [match(e:3) [match(f:1) `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`198. [match(`32:-666) `198:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`199. [match(`37:-666) `199:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`200. [match(`42:-6\r
-66) `200:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`201. [match(`47:-666) `201:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904\r
- `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`202. [\r
-match(`52:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`203. [match(`74:-666) `203:-4611686018427387904 `126:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 wi\r
-th 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`203. [match(`75:-666) `203:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-66\r
-6] )] ) | 13 => λ`202. [match(`53:-666) `202:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:\r
--4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`203. [match(`59:-666) `203:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-461\r
-1686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => λ`198.\r
- [match(`63:-666) `198:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => `195:-666 | 57 => `197:-666] )] `173:\r
--4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904) with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`198. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `198:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666] λ`198. i:2 h:1)) `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 32: `126:2 `126:1 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 33: `197:3 (λ`198. `198:2 (λ`199. [match(d:1) `199:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`200. [match(`30:-666) `200:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`201. [match(`35:-666) `201:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`202. [match(`40:-6\r
-66) `202:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`203. [match(`45:-666) `203:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904\r
- `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`204. [\r
-match(`50:-666) `204:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`205. [match(`72:-666) `205:-4611686018427387904 `126:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 wi\r
-th 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`205. [match(`73:-666) `205:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-66\r
-6] )] ) | 13 => λ`204. [match(`51:-666) `204:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:\r
--4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`205. [match(`57:-666) `205:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-461\r
-1686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => λ`200.\r
- [match(`61:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => `195:-666 | 57 => `197:-666] )] ))) (\r
-λ`198. [match(`80:1) `198:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )) `132:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: `180:0 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 36: 36\r
-| 37: `151:1 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `14\r
-| 38: 36\r
-| 39: h:2 (λ`198. λ`199. [match(n:1) `199:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-46116860\r
-18427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`200. [match(s:-666) `200:-4611686018427387904 `26:\r
--4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with 7\r
-=> `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666 | 56 => `196:-666] )) `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `154:-4611686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 40: `134:-4611686018427387904 `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `164:1 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: `165:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 44: 44\r
-| 45: `181:0 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 46: y:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 47: `50:1 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: `105:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 50: `144:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 51: `164:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 52: i:2 h:1 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 53: `62:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 54: `192:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 55: 55\r
-| 56: `191:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387\r
-904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 57: `196:0 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure inafter auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-compare 58 72= 1\r
-$ Measure decreased by 1\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-@@@@ NEW INSTANTIATE PHASE (1) @@@@\r
-WARNING: using constant initialSpecialK\r
-# INST: `195 := λ`207. [match(`194:666) `207:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `2\r
-00:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61\r
-=> `206:-666] )\r
-||||| Displaying problem: instantiate |||||\r
-| measure=52 freshno = 206\r
-| 58 <> 59 <> 61\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 52\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 36 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25 <> 60\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: `27:1\r
-| _: `74:2 [match(`33:3) [match(`64:1) `37:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => λ`207. [match(`19\r
-4:-666) `207:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `206:-666] ) | 57 => `197:-66\r
-6] `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904) with 9 => λ`207. [match(`38:-666) `207:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`208. [match(`43:-666) `208:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`209. [match(`48:-\r
-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`210. [match(`53:-666) `210:-4611686018427387904 `79:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`211.\r
-[match(`75:-666) `211:-4611686018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904\r
- `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`211. [match(`76:-666) `211:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-\r
-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`210. [match(`54:-666) `210:-4611686018427387904\r
- `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-46116860184273\r
-87904 with 15 => λ`211. [match(`60:-666) `211:-4611686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:\r
--666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] h:1)\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`207. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `207:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-) with 26 => λ`207. [match(`100:-666) `207:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`208. [match(`106:-666) `208:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904\r
-`128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`209. [match(`130:-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `138:-4611686018427387904 `137:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with 34 => λ`210. [mat\r
-ch(`135:-666) `210:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-41:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`211. [match(`140:-666) `211:-4611686018427387904 `150:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`208. [match(`107:-666) `208:-4611686018427387904 `114:-4611686018427387904\r
-`113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904 with 30 => λ`209\r
-. [match(`112:-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] λ`207. [match(`\r
-194:1) `207:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `206:-666] )) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: `127:1 a:0\r
-| 1: `87:0\r
-| 2: `72:1 a:0\r
-| 3: `73:1 a:0\r
-| 4: `152:1 a:0\r
-| 5: 5\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: `176:0 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 8: 8\r
-| 9: `102:0 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 10: i:2 h:1 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 11: `187:1 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: h:1 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116\r
-| 14: `178:0 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 15: `193:0 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 16: `203:0 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 17: `71:2 (λ`207. [match(`194:1) `207:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `2\r
-06:-666] )) `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-461\r
-| 18: `95:0 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: `204:0 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 21: `78:1 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 22: a:0 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-46116\r
-| 23: `85:1 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 24: h:1 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-46116\r
-| 25: `70:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: `38:-4611686018427387904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 28: `179:0 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 29: 29\r
-| 30: `113:1 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 31: `206:2 [match(`195:2) [match(e:3) [match(f:1) `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`207. [match(`32:-666) `20\r
-7:-4611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-46116860184273879\r
-04 `34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`208. [match(`37:-666) `208:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`209. [match(`4\r
-2:-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`210. [match(`47:-666) `210:-4611686018427387904 `56:-461168601842738\r
-7904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`21\r
-1. [match(`52:-666) `211:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904\r
- `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`212. [match(`74:-666) `212:-4611686018427387904 `126:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`212. [match(`75:-666) `212:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88\r
-:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`211. [match(`53:-666) `211:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904\r
-`61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`212. [match(`59:-666) `212:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:\r
--4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => λ`\r
-207. [match(`63:-666) `207:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-46116860184273\r
-87904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => λ`208. [match(`193:-666) `208:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `206:-666] ) | 57 => `197:-666] )] `173:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904) with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`207. [match(`176:-66\r
-6) `207:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-666 | 5\r
-1 => `181:-666] λ`207. i:2 h:1 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904) with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `206:-666] ) `120:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 32: `126:2 `126:1 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 33: `197:3 (λ`207. `207:2 (λ`208. [match(d:1) `208:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`209. [match(`30:-666) `209:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`210. [match(`35:-666) `210:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`211. [match(`40:-6\r
-66) `211:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`212. [match(`45:-666) `212:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904\r
- `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`213. [\r
-match(`50:-666) `213:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`214. [match(`72:-666) `214:-4611686018427387904 `126:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 wi\r
-th 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`214. [match(`73:-666) `214:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-66\r
-6] )] ) | 13 => λ`213. [match(`51:-666) `213:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:\r
--4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`214. [match(`57:-666) `214:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-461\r
-1686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => λ`209.\r
- [match(`61:-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => λ`210. [match(`191:-666) `210:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-98:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `206:-666] ) | 57 => `197:-666] )] ))) (λ`207. [m\r
-atch(`80:1) `207:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )) `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: `180:0 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 36: 36\r
-| 37: `151:1 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `14\r
-| 38: 36\r
-| 39: h:2 (λ`207. λ`208. [match(n:1) `208:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-46116860\r
-18427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`209. [match(s:-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `26:\r
--4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with 7\r
-=> `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666 | 56 => `196:-666] )) `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `154:-4611686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 40: `134:-4611686018427387904 `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `164:1 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: `165:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 44: 44\r
-| 45: `181:0 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 46: y:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 47: `50:1 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: `105:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 50: `144:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 51: `164:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 52: i:2 h:1 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 53: `62:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 54: `192:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 55: 55\r
-| 56: `191:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387\r
-904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 57: `196:0 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 58: u:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 59: `79:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 60: `202:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 61: `205:0 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`37 `192 `191 `190 `189 `188 `36 `35 `34 `74 `37 `192 `191 `190 `189 `188 `193 `202 `201 `200 `199 `198 `203 `204 `206 `\r
-197 `36 `35 `34 `44 `43 `42 `41 `40 `50 `49 `48 `47 `46 `56 `55 `54 `53 `52 `79 `78 `77 `76 `75 `126 `125 `124 `123 `122\r
- `127 `86 `85 `84 `83 `82 `87 `88 `63 `62 `61 `60 `59 `70 `69 `68 `67 `66 `72 `73 `74 `151 h\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `95 := λ`207. λ`208. λ`209. λ`210. 18\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `102 := λ`207. λ`208. λ`209. λ`210. 9\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `105 := λ`207. λ`208. λ`209. λ`210. λ`211. 49\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `113 := λ`207. λ`208. λ`209. 30\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `134 := λ`207. λ`208. λ`209. λ`210. λ`211. 40\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `144 := λ`207. λ`208. λ`209. λ`210. λ`211. 50\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `152 := λ`207. 4\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `205 := λ`207. λ`208. λ`209. λ`210. 61\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`37 `192 `191 `190 `189 `188 `36 `35 `34 `74 `37 `192 `191 `190 `189 `188 `193 `202 `201 `200 `199 `198 `203 `204 `206 `\r
-197 `36 `35 `34 `44 `43 `42 `41 `40 `50 `49 `48 `47 `46 `56 `55 `54 `53 `52 `79 `78 `77 `76 `75 `126 `125 `124 `123 `122\r
- `127 `86 `85 `84 `83 `82 `87 `88 `63 `62 `61 `60 `59 `70 `69 `68 `67 `66 `72 `73 `74 `151 h\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96\r
-||||| Displaying problem: eat |||||\r
-| measure=50 freshno = 206\r
-| 58 <> 59 <> 61\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 52\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 36 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25 <> 60\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: `27:1\r
-| _: `74:2 [match(`33:3) [match(`64:1) `37:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => λ`207. [match(`19\r
-4:-666) `207:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `206:-666] ) | 57 => `197:-66\r
-6] `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904) with 9 => λ`207. [match(`38:-666) `207:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`208. [match(`43:-666) `208:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`209. [match(`48:-\r
-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`210. [match(`53:-666) `210:-4611686018427387904 `79:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`211.\r
-[match(`75:-666) `211:-4611686018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904\r
- `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`211. [match(`76:-666) `211:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-\r
-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`210. [match(`54:-666) `210:-4611686018427387904\r
- `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-46116860184273\r
-87904 with 15 => λ`211. [match(`60:-666) `211:-4611686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:\r
--666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] h:1)\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`207. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `207:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-) with 26 => λ`207. [match(`100:-666) `207:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`208. [match(`106:-666) `208:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904\r
-`128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`209. [match(`130:-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `138:-4611686018427387904 `137:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with 34 => λ`210. [mat\r
-ch(`135:-666) `210:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-41:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`211. [match(`140:-666) `211:-4611686018427387904 `150:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`208. [match(`107:-666) `208:-4611686018427387904 `114:-4611686018427387904\r
-`113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904 with 30 => λ`209\r
-. [match(`112:-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] λ`207. [match(`\r
-194:1) `207:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `206:-666] )) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: `127:1 a:0\r
-| 1: `87:0\r
-| 2: `72:1 a:0\r
-| 3: `73:1 a:0\r
-| 4: 4\r
-| 5: 5\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: `176:0 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 8: 8\r
-| 9: 9\r
-| 10: i:2 h:1 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 11: `187:1 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: h:1 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116\r
-| 14: `178:0 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 15: `193:0 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 16: `203:0 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 17: `71:2 (λ`207. [match(`194:1) `207:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `2\r
-06:-666] )) `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-461\r
-| 18: 18\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: `204:0 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 21: `78:1 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 22: a:0 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-46116\r
-| 23: `85:1 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 24: h:1 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-46116\r
-| 25: `70:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: `38:-4611686018427387904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 28: `179:0 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 29: 29\r
-| 30: 30\r
-| 31: `206:2 [match(`195:2) [match(e:3) [match(f:1) `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`207. [match(`32:-666) `20\r
-7:-4611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-46116860184273879\r
-04 `34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`208. [match(`37:-666) `208:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`209. [match(`4\r
-2:-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`210. [match(`47:-666) `210:-4611686018427387904 `56:-461168601842738\r
-7904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`21\r
-1. [match(`52:-666) `211:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904\r
- `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`212. [match(`74:-666) `212:-4611686018427387904 `126:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`212. [match(`75:-666) `212:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88\r
-:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`211. [match(`53:-666) `211:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904\r
-`61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`212. [match(`59:-666) `212:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:\r
--4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => λ`\r
-207. [match(`63:-666) `207:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-46116860184273\r
-87904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => λ`208. [match(`193:-666) `208:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `206:-666] ) | 57 => `197:-666] )] `173:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904) with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`207. [match(`176:-66\r
-6) `207:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-666 | 5\r
-1 => `181:-666] λ`207. i:2 h:1 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904) with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `206:-666] ) `120:-461168601842\r
-7387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 32: `126:2 `126:1 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 33: `197:3 (λ`207. `207:2 (λ`208. [match(d:1) `208:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`209. [match(`30:-666) `209:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`210. [match(`35:-666) `210:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`211. [match(`40:-6\r
-66) `211:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`212. [match(`45:-666) `212:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904\r
- `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`213. [\r
-match(`50:-666) `213:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`214. [match(`72:-666) `214:-4611686018427387904 `126:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 wi\r
-th 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`214. [match(`73:-666) `214:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-66\r
-6] )] ) | 13 => λ`213. [match(`51:-666) `213:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:\r
--4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`214. [match(`57:-666) `214:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-461\r
-1686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => λ`209.\r
- [match(`61:-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => λ`210. [match(`191:-666) `210:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-98:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => `206:-666] ) | 57 => `197:-666] )] ))) (λ`207. [m\r
-atch(`80:1) `207:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )) `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: `180:0 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 36: 36\r
-| 37: `151:1 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `14\r
-| 38: 36\r
-| 39: h:2 (λ`207. λ`208. [match(n:1) `208:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-46116860\r
-18427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`209. [match(s:-666) `209:-4611686018427387904 `26:\r
--4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with 7\r
-=> `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666 | 56 => `196:-666] )) `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `154:-4611686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 40: 40\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `164:1 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: `165:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 44: 44\r
-| 45: `181:0 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 46: y:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 47: `50:1 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: 49\r
-| 50: 50\r
-| 51: `164:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 52: i:2 h:1 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 53: `62:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 54: `192:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 55: 55\r
-| 56: `191:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387\r
-904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 57: `196:0 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 58: u:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 59: `79:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 60: `202:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 61: 61\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure inafter auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-compare 50 58= 1\r
-$ Measure decreased by 1\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-WARNING: using constant initialSpecialK\r
-# INST: `206 := λ`216. [match(`205:666) `216:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `2\r
-09:-4611686018427387904 `208:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] )\r
-||||| Displaying problem: instantiate |||||\r
-| measure=49 freshno = 215\r
-| 65\r
-| 58 <> 59 <> 61 <> 64\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 52\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51 <> 63\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 36 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25 <> 60\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14 <> 62\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: `27:1\r
-| _: `74:2 [match(`33:3) [match(`64:1) `37:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => λ`216. [match(`19\r
-4:-666) `216:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`217. [match(`204:-666) `217\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `208:-46116860184273\r
-87904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 => `214:-666] ) | 57 => `197:-666] `36:-4611686018427387904\r
- `35:-4611686018427387904 `34:-4611686018427387904) with 9 => λ`216. [match(`38:-666) `216:-4611686018427387904 `44:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 wit\r
-h 10 => λ`217. [match(`43:-666) `217:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`218. [match(`48:-666) `218:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116860184\r
-27387904 with 12 => λ`219. [match(`53:-666) `219:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904\r
-`77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`220. [match(`75:-666) `220:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `126:-4611686018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904\r
-`122:-4611686018427387904 with 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`220. [match(`76:-666) `220:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22\r
- => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )] ) | 13 => λ`219. [match(`54:-666) `219:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-62:-4611686018427387904 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`220. [ma\r
-tch(`60:-666) `220:-4611686018427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-\r
-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666]\r
-)] )] )] )] h:1)\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`216. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `216:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 52 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666 | 63 => `213:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4\r
-611686018427387904) with 26 => λ`216. [match(`100:-666) `216:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`217. [match(`10\r
-6:-666) `217:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`218. [match(`130:-666) `218:-4611686018427387904 `138:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with\r
- 34 => λ`219. [match(`135:-666) `219:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`220. [match(`140:-666) `220:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-\r
-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`217. [match(`107:-666) `217:-4611686018427387904 `114:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 30 => λ`218. [match(`112:-666) `218:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-66\r
-6] λ`216. [match(`194:1) `216:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-46116860184\r
-27387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`217. [matc\r
-h(`204:-666) `217:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `20\r
-8:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 => `214:-666] )) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: `127:1 a:0\r
-| 1: `87:0\r
-| 2: `72:1 a:0\r
-| 3: `73:1 a:0\r
-| 4: 4\r
-| 5: 5\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: `176:0 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 8: 8\r
-| 9: 9\r
-| 10: i:2 h:1 `43:-4611686018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 11: `187:1 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: h:1 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116\r
-| 14: `178:0 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 15: `193:0 `61:-4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 16: `203:0 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 17: `71:2 (λ`216. [match(`194:1) `216:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`\r
-217. [match(`204:-666) `217:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `208:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 => `214:-666] )) `70:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 18: 18\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: `204:0 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 21: `78:1 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 22: a:0 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-46116\r
-| 23: `85:1 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 24: h:1 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-46116\r
-| 25: `70:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: `38:-4611686018427387904 `100:-4611686018427387904 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 28: `179:0 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 29: 29\r
-| 30: 30\r
-| 31: `215:1 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `11\r
-| 32: `126:2 `126:1 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 33: `197:3 (λ`216. `216:2 (λ`217. [match(d:1) `217:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-4611686018427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904 with 8 => λ`218. [match(`30:-666) `218:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `38:-4611686018427387904 `37:-4611686018427387904 `36:-4611686018427387904 `35:-4611686018427387904 `\r
-34:-4611686018427387904 with 9 => λ`219. [match(`35:-666) `219:-4611686018427387904 `44:-4611686018427387904 `43:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `42:-4611686018427387904 `41:-4611686018427387904 `40:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => λ`220. [match(`40:-6\r
-66) `220:-4611686018427387904 `50:-4611686018427387904 `49:-4611686018427387904 `48:-4611686018427387904 `47:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `46:-4611686018427387904 with 11 => λ`221. [match(`45:-666) `221:-4611686018427387904 `56:-4611686018427387904\r
- `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904 with 12 => λ`222. [\r
-match(`50:-666) `222:-4611686018427387904 `79:-4611686018427387904 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904 with 20 => λ`223. [match(`72:-666) `223:-4611686018427387904 `126:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `125:-4611686018427387904 `124:-4611686018427387904 `123:-4611686018427387904 `122:-4611686018427387904 wi\r
-th 32 => `127:-666] ) | 21 => λ`223. [match(`73:-666) `223:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-4611686018427387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-66\r
-6] )] ) | 13 => λ`222. [match(`51:-666) `222:-4611686018427387904 `63:-4611686018427387904 `62:-4611686018427387904 `61:\r
--4611686018427387904 `60:-4611686018427387904 `59:-4611686018427387904 with 15 => λ`223. [match(`57:-666) `223:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `70:-4611686018427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-461\r
-1686018427387904 with 17 => `72:-666 | 18 => `73:-666 | 6 => `74:-666] ) | 36 => `151:-666] )] )] )] )] ) | 14 => λ`218.\r
- [match(`61:-666) `218:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904 with 53 => `193:-666 | 55 => λ`219. [match(`191:-666) `219:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `1\r
-98:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`220. [match(`201:-666) `220:-461168601842738790\r
-4 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `208:-4611686018427387904 `207:-46116860\r
-18427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 => `214:-666] ) | 57 => `197:-666] ) | 62 => `212:-666] ))) (λ`216. [match(`80:\r
-1) `216:-4611686018427387904 `86:-4611686018427387904 `85:-4611686018427387904 `84:-4611686018427387904 `83:-46116860184\r
-27387904 `82:-4611686018427387904 with 22 => `87:-666 | 23 => `88:-666] )) `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: `180:0 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 36: 36\r
-| 37: `151:1 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `14\r
-| 38: 36\r
-| 39: h:2 (λ`216. λ`217. [match(n:1) `217:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-46116860\r
-18427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`218. [match(s:-666) `218:-4611686018427387904 `26:\r
--4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with 7\r
-=> `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666 | 56 => `196:-666] )) `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `154:-4611686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 40: 40\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `164:1 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: `165:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 44: 44\r
-| 45: `181:0 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 46: y:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 47: `50:1 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: 49\r
-| 50: 50\r
-| 51: `164:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 52: i:2 h:1 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 53: `62:-4611686018427387904 `192:-4611686018427387904 `191:-4611686018427387904 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 54: `192:-4611686018427387904 `165:-4611686018427387904 `164:-4611686018427387904 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 55: 55\r
-| 56: `191:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387\r
-904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 57: `196:0 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 58: u:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 59: `79:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 60: `202:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 61: 61\r
-| 62: `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 63: `212:0 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 64: `213:2 (λ`216. i:2 h:1) `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 65: `214:1 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `208:-4611686018427387904 `20\r
-dangerous_inert_conv: ar=4 k=`100 listlenargs=9\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: a := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. λ`220. 22\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: i := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. λ`220. 10\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `38 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. λ`220. 27\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `50 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. 47\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `62 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. λ`220. 53\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `72 := λ`216. 2\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `73 := λ`216. 3\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `79 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. λ`220. 59\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `85 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. 23\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `87 := 1\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `126 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. 32\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `127 := λ`216. 0\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `151 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. λ`220. 37\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `165 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. λ`220. 43\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `176 := λ`216. λ`217. 7\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `178 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. 14\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `179 := λ`216. λ`217. 28\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `180 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. 35\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `181 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. 45\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `187 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. 11\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `191 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. λ`220. 56\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `192 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. λ`220. 54\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `193 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. 15\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `197 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. λ`220. λ`221. λ`222. 33\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `212 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. 63\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `213 := λ`216. λ`217. λ`218. λ`219. λ`220. λ`221. 64\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96\r
-||||| Displaying problem: eat |||||\r
-| measure=18 freshno = 215\r
-| 65\r
-| 58 <> 59 <> 61 <> 64\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 10\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51 <> 63\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 36 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25 <> 60\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14 <> 62\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: `27:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`216. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `216:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666 | 63 => `213:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4\r
-611686018427387904) with 26 => λ`216. [match(`100:-666) `216:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`217. [match(`10\r
-6:-666) `217:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`218. [match(`130:-666) `218:-4611686018427387904 `138:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with\r
- 34 => λ`219. [match(`135:-666) `219:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`220. [match(`140:-666) `220:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-\r
-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`217. [match(`107:-666) `217:-4611686018427387904 `114:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 30 => λ`218. [match(`112:-666) `218:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-66\r
-6] λ`216. [match(`194:1) `216:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-46116860184\r
-27387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`217. [matc\r
-h(`204:-666) `217:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `20\r
-8:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 => `214:-666] )) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: 0\r
-| 1: 1\r
-| 2: 2\r
-| 3: 3\r
-| 4: 4\r
-| 5: 5\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: 7\r
-| 8: 8\r
-| 9: 9\r
-| 10: 10\r
-| 11: 11\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: h:1 `56:-4611686018427387904 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-46116\r
-| 14: 14\r
-| 15: 15\r
-| 16: `203:0 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 17: `71:2 (λ`216. [match(`194:1) `216:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`\r
-217. [match(`204:-666) `217:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `208:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 => `214:-666] )) `70:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 18: 18\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: `204:0 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 21: `78:1 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 22: 22\r
-| 23: 23\r
-| 24: h:1 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-46116\r
-| 25: `70:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: 27\r
-| 28: 28\r
-| 29: 29\r
-| 30: 30\r
-| 31: `215:1 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `11\r
-| 32: 32\r
-| 33: 33\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: 35\r
-| 36: 36\r
-| 37: 37\r
-| 38: 36\r
-| 39: h:2 (λ`216. λ`217. [match(n:1) `217:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-46116860\r
-18427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904 with 6 => λ`218. [match(s:-666) `218:-4611686018427387904 `26:\r
--4611686018427387904 z:-4611686018427387904 y:-4611686018427387904 x:-4611686018427387904 w:-4611686018427387904 with 7\r
-=> `27:-666] ) | 16 => `71:-666 | 56 => `196:-666] )) `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `154:-4611686018427387904 `153:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 40: 40\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `164:1 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: 43\r
-| 44: 44\r
-| 45: 45\r
-| 46: y:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 47: 47\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: 49\r
-| 50: 50\r
-| 51: `164:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 52: 10\r
-| 53: 53\r
-| 54: 54\r
-| 55: 55\r
-| 56: 56\r
-| 57: `196:0 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 58: u:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 59: 59\r
-| 60: `202:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 61: 61\r
-| 62: `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 63: 63\r
-| 64: 64\r
-| 65: `214:1 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `208:-4611686018427387904 `20\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure inafter auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-compare 18 50= 1\r
-$ Measure decreased by 1\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-WARNING: using constant initialSpecialK\r
-# INST: h := λ`225. [match(g:666) `225:-4611686018427387904 `220:-4611686018427387904 `219:-4611686018427387904 `218:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `217:-4611686018427387904 `216:-4611686018427387904 with 66 => `221:-666 | 67 => `222:-666 | 69 => `22\r
-4:-666] )\r
-||||| Displaying problem: instantiate |||||\r
-| measure=15 freshno = 224\r
-| 66 <> 67 <> 69\r
-| 65\r
-| 58 <> 59 <> 61 <> 64\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 10\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51 <> 63\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 36 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25 <> 60\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14 <> 62\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56 <> 68\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: `27:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`225. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `225:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666 | 63 => `213:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4\r
-611686018427387904) with 26 => λ`225. [match(`100:-666) `225:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`226. [match(`10\r
-6:-666) `226:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`227. [match(`130:-666) `227:-4611686018427387904 `138:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with\r
- 34 => λ`228. [match(`135:-666) `228:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`229. [match(`140:-666) `229:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-\r
-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`226. [match(`107:-666) `226:-4611686018427387904 `114:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 30 => λ`227. [match(`112:-666) `227:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-66\r
-6] λ`225. [match(`194:1) `225:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-46116860184\r
-27387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`226. [matc\r
-h(`204:-666) `226:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `20\r
-8:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 => `214:-666] )) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: 0\r
-| 1: 1\r
-| 2: 2\r
-| 3: 3\r
-| 4: 4\r
-| 5: 5\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: 7\r
-| 8: 8\r
-| 9: 9\r
-| 10: 10\r
-| 11: 11\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: `221:0 `55:-4611686018427387904 `54:-4611686018427387904 `53:-4611686018427387904 `52:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 14: 14\r
-| 15: 15\r
-| 16: `203:0 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 17: `71:2 (λ`225. [match(`194:1) `225:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4\r
-611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`\r
-226. [match(`204:-666) `226:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `208:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 => `214:-666] )) `70:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `69:-4611686018427387904 `68:-4611686018427387904 `67:-4611686018427387904 `66:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 18: 18\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: `204:0 `78:-4611686018427387904 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 21: `78:1 `77:-4611686018427387904 `76:-4611686018427387904 `75:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 22: 22\r
-| 23: 23\r
-| 24: `222:0 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-4611686018427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 25: `70:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: 27\r
-| 28: 28\r
-| 29: 29\r
-| 30: 30\r
-| 31: `215:1 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `11\r
-| 32: 32\r
-| 33: 33\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: 35\r
-| 36: 36\r
-| 37: 37\r
-| 38: 36\r
-| 39: `224:1 `157:-4611686018427387904 `156:-4611686018427387904 `155:-4611686018427387904 `154:-4611686018427387904 `15\r
-| 40: 40\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `164:1 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: 43\r
-| 44: 44\r
-| 45: 45\r
-| 46: y:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 47: 47\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: 49\r
-| 50: 50\r
-| 51: `164:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 52: 10\r
-| 53: 53\r
-| 54: 54\r
-| 55: 55\r
-| 56: 56\r
-| 57: `196:0 `190:-4611686018427387904 `189:-4611686018427387904 `188:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 58: u:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686\r
-018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 59: 59\r
-| 60: `202:-4611686018427387904 `93:-4611686018427387904 `92:-4611686018427387904 `91:-4611686018427387904 `90:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `89:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 61: 61\r
-| 62: `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 63: 63\r
-| 64: 64\r
-| 65: `214:1 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `208:-4611686018427387904 `20\r
-| 66: `56:-4611686018427387904 `220:-4611686018427387904 `219:-4611686018427387904 `218:-4611686018427387904 `217:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `216:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 67: `93:-4611686018427387904 `220:-4611686018427387904 `219:-4611686018427387904 `218:-4611686018427387904 `217:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `216:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 68: `219:-4611686018427387904 u:-4611686018427387904 t:-4611686018427387904 s:-4611686018427387904 r:-4611686018427387\r
-904 q:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 69: `223:0 `218:-4611686018427387904 `217:-4611686018427387904 `216:-4611686018427387904\r
-dangerous_inert_conv: ar=4 k=`100 listlenargs=9\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: u := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. λ`229. 58\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: y := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. λ`229. 46\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `56 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. λ`229. 66\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `70 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. λ`229. 25\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `71 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. λ`229. λ`230. 17\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `78 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. 21\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `93 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. λ`229. 67\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `196 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. 57\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `202 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. λ`229. 60\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `203 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. 16\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `204 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. 20\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `214 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. λ`229. 65\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `215 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. λ`229. 31\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `219 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. λ`229. 68\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `221 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. 13\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `222 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. 24\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `223 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. 69\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `224 := λ`225. λ`226. λ`227. λ`228. λ`229. 39\r
-Just created bomb var: x-226:-666\r
-# INST (div): `27 := x-226:-666\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96\r
-||||| Displaying problem: eat |||||\r
-| measure=8 freshno = 225\r
-| 66 <> 67 <> 69\r
-| 65\r
-| 58 <> 59 <> 61 <> 64\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 10\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51 <> 63\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 36 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25 <> 60\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14 <> 62\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56 <> 68\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: *\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`226. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `226:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666 | 63 => `213:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4\r
-611686018427387904) with 26 => λ`226. [match(`100:-666) `226:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`227. [match(`10\r
-6:-666) `227:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`228. [match(`130:-666) `228:-4611686018427387904 `138:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with\r
- 34 => λ`229. [match(`135:-666) `229:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`230. [match(`140:-666) `230:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-\r
-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`227. [match(`107:-666) `227:-4611686018427387904 `114:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 30 => λ`228. [match(`112:-666) `228:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-66\r
-6] λ`226. [match(`194:1) `226:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-46116860184\r
-27387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`227. [matc\r
-h(`204:-666) `227:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `20\r
-8:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 => `214:-666] )) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: 0\r
-| 1: 1\r
-| 2: 2\r
-| 3: 3\r
-| 4: 4\r
-| 5: 5\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: 7\r
-| 8: 8\r
-| 9: 9\r
-| 10: 10\r
-| 11: 11\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: 13\r
-| 14: 14\r
-| 15: 15\r
-| 16: 16\r
-| 17: 17\r
-| 18: 18\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: 20\r
-| 21: 21\r
-| 22: 22\r
-| 23: 23\r
-| 24: 24\r
-| 25: 25\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: 27\r
-| 28: 28\r
-| 29: 29\r
-| 30: 30\r
-| 31: 31\r
-| 32: 32\r
-| 33: 33\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: 35\r
-| 36: 36\r
-| 37: 37\r
-| 38: 36\r
-| 39: 39\r
-| 40: 40\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `164:1 `163:-4611686018427387904 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: 43\r
-| 44: 44\r
-| 45: 45\r
-| 46: 46\r
-| 47: 47\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: 49\r
-| 50: 50\r
-| 51: `164:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 52: 10\r
-| 53: 53\r
-| 54: 54\r
-| 55: 55\r
-| 56: 56\r
-| 57: 57\r
-| 58: 58\r
-| 59: 59\r
-| 60: 60\r
-| 61: 61\r
-| 62: `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 63: 63\r
-| 64: 64\r
-| 65: 65\r
-| 66: 66\r
-| 67: 67\r
-| 68: 68\r
-| 69: 69\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure inafter auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-compare 8 18= 1\r
-$ Measure decreased by 1\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-@@@@ NEW INSTANTIATE PHASE (0) @@@@\r
-WARNING: using constant initialSpecialK\r
-# INST: `164 := λ`233. [match(`163:666) `233:-4611686018427387904 `230:-4611686018427387904 `229:-4611686018427387904 `2\r
-28:-4611686018427387904 `227:-4611686018427387904 `226:-4611686018427387904 with 70 => `231:-666 | 71 => `232:-666] )\r
-||||| Displaying problem: instantiate |||||\r
-| measure=7 freshno = 232\r
-| 70 <> 71\r
-| 66 <> 67 <> 69\r
-| 65\r
-| 58 <> 59 <> 61 <> 64\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 10\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51 <> 63\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 36 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25 <> 60\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14 <> 62\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56 <> 68\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: *\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`233. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `233:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666 | 63 => `213:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4\r
-611686018427387904) with 26 => λ`233. [match(`100:-666) `233:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`234. [match(`10\r
-6:-666) `234:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`235. [match(`130:-666) `235:-4611686018427387904 `138:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with\r
- 34 => λ`236. [match(`135:-666) `236:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`237. [match(`140:-666) `237:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-\r
-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`234. [match(`107:-666) `234:-4611686018427387904 `114:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 30 => λ`235. [match(`112:-666) `235:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-66\r
-6] λ`233. [match(`194:1) `233:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-46116860184\r
-27387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`234. [matc\r
-h(`204:-666) `234:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `20\r
-8:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 => `214:-666] )) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: 0\r
-| 1: 1\r
-| 2: 2\r
-| 3: 3\r
-| 4: 4\r
-| 5: 5\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: 7\r
-| 8: 8\r
-| 9: 9\r
-| 10: 10\r
-| 11: 11\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: 13\r
-| 14: 14\r
-| 15: 15\r
-| 16: 16\r
-| 17: 17\r
-| 18: 18\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: 20\r
-| 21: 21\r
-| 22: 22\r
-| 23: 23\r
-| 24: 24\r
-| 25: 25\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: 27\r
-| 28: 28\r
-| 29: 29\r
-| 30: 30\r
-| 31: 31\r
-| 32: 32\r
-| 33: 33\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: 35\r
-| 36: 36\r
-| 37: 37\r
-| 38: 36\r
-| 39: 39\r
-| 40: 40\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: `231:0 `162:-4611686018427387904 `161:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 43: 43\r
-| 44: 44\r
-| 45: 45\r
-| 46: 46\r
-| 47: 47\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: 49\r
-| 50: 50\r
-| 51: `232:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611\r
-| 52: 10\r
-| 53: 53\r
-| 54: 54\r
-| 55: 55\r
-| 56: 56\r
-| 57: 57\r
-| 58: 58\r
-| 59: 59\r
-| 60: 60\r
-| 61: 61\r
-| 62: `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 63: 63\r
-| 64: 64\r
-| 65: 65\r
-| 66: 66\r
-| 67: 67\r
-| 68: 68\r
-| 69: 69\r
-| 70: `163:-4611686018427387904 `230:-4611686018427387904 `229:-4611686018427387904 `228:-4611686018427387904 `227:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `226:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 71: `175:-4611686018427387904 `230:-4611686018427387904 `229:-4611686018427387904 `228:-4611686018427387904 `227:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `226:-4611686018427387904\r
-dangerous_inert_conv: ar=4 k=`100 listlenargs=9\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `163 := λ`233. λ`234. λ`235. λ`236. λ`237. 70\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `231 := λ`233. λ`234. 42\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `232 := λ`233. λ`234. λ`235. λ`236. 51\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`100 `175 `174 `173 `172 `171 `99 `98 `97 `96\r
-||||| Displaying problem: eat |||||\r
-| measure=7 freshno = 232\r
-| 70 <> 71\r
-| 66 <> 67 <> 69\r
-| 65\r
-| 58 <> 59 <> 61 <> 64\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 10\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51 <> 63\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 36 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25 <> 60\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14 <> 62\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56 <> 68\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: *\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) `100:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904 with 46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`233. [match(`17\r
-6:-666) `233:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `178:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-66\r
-6 | 51 => `181:-666 | 63 => `213:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4\r
-611686018427387904) with 26 => λ`233. [match(`100:-666) `233:-4611686018427387904 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-461168\r
-6018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686018427387904 with 28 => λ`234. [match(`10\r
-6:-666) `234:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`235. [match(`130:-666) `235:-4611686018427387904 `138:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-4611686018427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with\r
- 34 => λ`236. [match(`135:-666) `236:-4611686018427387904 `144:-4611686018427387904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 => λ`237. [match(`140:-666) `237:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-4611686018427387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-\r
-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`234. [match(`107:-666) `234:-4611686018427387904 `114:-46\r
-11686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-4611686018427387904 `110:-461168601842738790\r
-4 with 30 => λ`235. [match(`112:-666) `235:-4611686018427387904 `120:-4611686018427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118\r
-:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with 31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-66\r
-6] λ`233. [match(`194:1) `233:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `201:-4611686018427387904 `200:-46116860184\r
-27387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-666 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`234. [matc\r
-h(`204:-666) `234:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-4611686018427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `20\r
-8:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 => `214:-666] )) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: 0\r
-| 1: 1\r
-| 2: 2\r
-| 3: 3\r
-| 4: 4\r
-| 5: 5\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: 7\r
-| 8: 8\r
-| 9: 9\r
-| 10: 10\r
-| 11: 11\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: 13\r
-| 14: 14\r
-| 15: 15\r
-| 16: 16\r
-| 17: 17\r
-| 18: 18\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: 20\r
-| 21: 21\r
-| 22: 22\r
-| 23: 23\r
-| 24: 24\r
-| 25: 25\r
-| 26: `100:1 `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: 27\r
-| 28: 28\r
-| 29: 29\r
-| 30: 30\r
-| 31: 31\r
-| 32: 32\r
-| 33: 33\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: 35\r
-| 36: 36\r
-| 37: 37\r
-| 38: 36\r
-| 39: 39\r
-| 40: 40\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: 42\r
-| 43: 43\r
-| 44: 44\r
-| 45: 45\r
-| 46: 46\r
-| 47: 47\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: 49\r
-| 50: 50\r
-| 51: 51\r
-| 52: 10\r
-| 53: 53\r
-| 54: 54\r
-| 55: 55\r
-| 56: 56\r
-| 57: 57\r
-| 58: 58\r
-| 59: 59\r
-| 60: 60\r
-| 61: 61\r
-| 62: `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 63: 63\r
-| 64: 64\r
-| 65: 65\r
-| 66: 66\r
-| 67: 67\r
-| 68: 68\r
-| 69: 69\r
-| 70: 70\r
-| 71: `175:-4611686018427387904 `230:-4611686018427387904 `229:-4611686018427387904 `228:-4611686018427387904 `227:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `226:-4611686018427387904\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure inafter auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-compare 7 8= 1\r
-$ Measure decreased by 1\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-WARNING: using constant initialSpecialK\r
-# INST: `100 := λ`239. [match(`99:666) `239:-4611686018427387904 `237:-4611686018427387904 `236:-4611686018427387904 `23\r
-5:-4611686018427387904 `234:-4611686018427387904 `233:-4611686018427387904 with 72 => `238:-666] )\r
-||||| Displaying problem: instantiate |||||\r
-| measure=6 freshno = 238\r
-| 72\r
-| 70 <> 71\r
-| 66 <> 67 <> 69\r
-| 65\r
-| 58 <> 59 <> 61 <> 64\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 10\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51 <> 63\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 36 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25 <> 60\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14 <> 62\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56 <> 68\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: *\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) [match(`100:-4611686018427387904) `175:-4611686018427387904 `237:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `236:-4611686018427387904 `235:-4611686018427387904 `234:-4611686018427387904 `233:-4611686018427387904 with 72 => `\r
-238:-666] `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904) with\r
-46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`239. [match(`176:-666) `239:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `17\r
-8:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-666 | 51 => `181:-666 | 63 => `213:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904) with 26 => λ`239. [match(`100:-666) `239:-46116860184273879\r
-04 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686\r
-018427387904 with 28 => λ`240. [match(`106:-666) `240:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`241. [match(`130:-666)\r
- `241:-4611686018427387904 `138:-4611686018427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with 34 => λ`242. [match(`135:-666) `242:-4611686018427387904 `144:-461168601842738\r
-7904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 =>\r
-λ`243. [match(`140:-666) `243:-4611686018427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-46116860184\r
-27387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`240. [match(`107\r
-:-666) `240:-4611686018427387904 `114:-4611686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904 with 30 => λ`241. [match(`112:-666) `241:-4611686018427387904 `120:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with\r
-31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] λ`239. [match(`194:1) `239:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `2\r
-01:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-6\r
-66 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`240. [match(`204:-666) `240:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `208:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 =\r
-> `214:-666] )) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: 0\r
-| 1: 1\r
-| 2: 2\r
-| 3: 3\r
-| 4: 4\r
-| 5: 5\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: 7\r
-| 8: 8\r
-| 9: 9\r
-| 10: 10\r
-| 11: 11\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: 13\r
-| 14: 14\r
-| 15: 15\r
-| 16: 16\r
-| 17: 17\r
-| 18: 18\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: 20\r
-| 21: 21\r
-| 22: 22\r
-| 23: 23\r
-| 24: 24\r
-| 25: 25\r
-| 26: `238:0 `98:-4611686018427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 27: 27\r
-| 28: 28\r
-| 29: 29\r
-| 30: 30\r
-| 31: 31\r
-| 32: 32\r
-| 33: 33\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: 35\r
-| 36: 36\r
-| 37: 37\r
-| 38: 36\r
-| 39: 39\r
-| 40: 40\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: 42\r
-| 43: 43\r
-| 44: 44\r
-| 45: 45\r
-| 46: 46\r
-| 47: 47\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: 49\r
-| 50: 50\r
-| 51: 51\r
-| 52: 10\r
-| 53: 53\r
-| 54: 54\r
-| 55: 55\r
-| 56: 56\r
-| 57: 57\r
-| 58: 58\r
-| 59: 59\r
-| 60: 60\r
-| 61: 61\r
-| 62: `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 63: 63\r
-| 64: 64\r
-| 65: 65\r
-| 66: 66\r
-| 67: 67\r
-| 68: 68\r
-| 69: 69\r
-| 70: 70\r
-| 71: `175:-4611686018427387904 `230:-4611686018427387904 `229:-4611686018427387904 `228:-4611686018427387904 `227:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `226:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 72: `99:-4611686018427387904 `237:-4611686018427387904 `236:-4611686018427387904 `235:-4611686018427387904 `234:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `233:-4611686018427387904\r
-dangerous_inert_conv: ar=5 k=`175 listlenargs=9\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`175 `237 `236 `235 `234 `233 `174 `173 `172 `171\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`175 `237 `236 `235 `234 `233 `174 `173 `172 `171\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `99 := λ`239. λ`240. λ`241. λ`242. λ`243. 72\r
-# INST_IN_EAT: `238 := λ`239. λ`240. λ`241. 26\r
-dangerous_conv lenght:5\r
-`175 `237 `236 `235 `234 `233 `174 `173 `172 `171\r
-||||| Displaying problem: eat |||||\r
-| measure=6 freshno = 238\r
-| 72\r
-| 70 <> 71\r
-| 66 <> 67 <> 69\r
-| 65\r
-| 58 <> 59 <> 61 <> 64\r
-| 53 <> 55 <> 57\r
-| 10\r
-| 46 <> 47 <> 48 <> 49 <> 50 <> 51 <> 63\r
-| 41 <> 42 <> 43 <> 44 <> 45 <> 54\r
-| 36 <> 39 <> 40\r
-| 37\r
-| 35\r
-| 34\r
-| 33\r
-| 32\r
-| 31\r
-| 30\r
-| 28 <> 29\r
-| 26 <> 27\r
-| 24 <> 25 <> 60\r
-| 22 <> 23\r
-| 20 <> 21\r
-| 17 <> 18 <> 6\r
-| 15 <> 36\r
-| 12 <> 13\r
-| 11\r
-| 10\r
-| 9\r
-| 8 <> 14 <> 62\r
-| 7\r
-| 6 <> 16 <> 56 <> 68\r
-| 5\r
-| 0 <> 1 <> 2 <> 3 <> 4\r
-| *: *\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: _\r
-| _: `121:3 [match(`94:3) [match(e:1) [match(`100:-4611686018427387904) `175:-4611686018427387904 `237:-4611686018427387\r
-904 `236:-4611686018427387904 `235:-4611686018427387904 `234:-4611686018427387904 `233:-4611686018427387904 with 72 => `\r
-238:-666] `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-4611686018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904) with\r
-46 => `176:-666 | 47 => λ`239. [match(`176:-666) `239:-4611686018427387904 `186:-4611686018427387904 `185:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `184:-4611686018427387904 `183:-4611686018427387904 `182:-4611686018427387904 with 10 => `187:-666] ) | 48 => `17\r
-8:-666 | 49 => `179:-666 | 50 => `180:-666 | 51 => `181:-666 | 63 => `213:-666] `99:-4611686018427387904 `98:-4611686018\r
-427387904 `97:-4611686018427387904 `96:-4611686018427387904) with 26 => λ`239. [match(`100:-666) `239:-46116860184273879\r
-04 `107:-4611686018427387904 `106:-4611686018427387904 `105:-4611686018427387904 `104:-4611686018427387904 `103:-4611686\r
-018427387904 with 28 => λ`240. [match(`106:-666) `240:-4611686018427387904 `132:-4611686018427387904 `131:-4611686018427\r
-387904 `130:-4611686018427387904 `129:-4611686018427387904 `128:-4611686018427387904 with 33 => λ`241. [match(`130:-666)\r
- `241:-4611686018427387904 `138:-4611686018427387904 `137:-4611686018427387904 `136:-4611686018427387904 `135:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `134:-4611686018427387904 with 34 => λ`242. [match(`135:-666) `242:-4611686018427387904 `144:-461168601842738\r
-7904 `143:-4611686018427387904 `142:-4611686018427387904 `141:-4611686018427387904 `140:-4611686018427387904 with 35 =>\r
-λ`243. [match(`140:-666) `243:-4611686018427387904 `150:-4611686018427387904 `149:-4611686018427387904 `148:-46116860184\r
-27387904 `147:-4611686018427387904 `146:-4611686018427387904 with 37 => `152:-666] )] )] )] ) | 29 => λ`240. [match(`107\r
-:-666) `240:-4611686018427387904 `114:-4611686018427387904 `113:-4611686018427387904 `112:-4611686018427387904 `111:-461\r
-1686018427387904 `110:-4611686018427387904 with 30 => λ`241. [match(`112:-666) `241:-4611686018427387904 `120:-461168601\r
-8427387904 `119:-4611686018427387904 `118:-4611686018427387904 `117:-4611686018427387904 `116:-4611686018427387904 with\r
-31 => `121:-666] )] )] ) | 27 => `102:-666] λ`239. [match(`194:1) `239:-4611686018427387904 `202:-4611686018427387904 `2\r
-01:-4611686018427387904 `200:-4611686018427387904 `199:-4611686018427387904 `198:-4611686018427387904 with 58 => `203:-6\r
-66 | 59 => `204:-666 | 61 => λ`240. [match(`204:-666) `240:-4611686018427387904 `211:-4611686018427387904 `210:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `209:-4611686018427387904 `208:-4611686018427387904 `207:-4611686018427387904 with 65 => `215:-666] ) | 64 =\r
-> `214:-666] )) `121:1\r
-| _: _\r
-| 0: 0\r
-| 1: 1\r
-| 2: 2\r
-| 3: 3\r
-| 4: 4\r
-| 5: 5\r
-| 6: 6\r
-| 7: 7\r
-| 8: 8\r
-| 9: 9\r
-| 10: 10\r
-| 11: 11\r
-| 12: 12\r
-| 13: 13\r
-| 14: 14\r
-| 15: 15\r
-| 16: 16\r
-| 17: 17\r
-| 18: 18\r
-| 19: 6\r
-| 20: 20\r
-| 21: 21\r
-| 22: 22\r
-| 23: 23\r
-| 24: 24\r
-| 25: 25\r
-| 26: 26\r
-| 27: 27\r
-| 28: 28\r
-| 29: 29\r
-| 30: 30\r
-| 31: 31\r
-| 32: 32\r
-| 33: 33\r
-| 34: 34\r
-| 35: 35\r
-| 36: 36\r
-| 37: 37\r
-| 38: 36\r
-| 39: 39\r
-| 40: 40\r
-| 41: 41\r
-| 42: 42\r
-| 43: 43\r
-| 44: 44\r
-| 45: 45\r
-| 46: 46\r
-| 47: 47\r
-| 48: `32:-4611686018427387904 `175:-4611686018427387904 `174:-4611686018427387904 `173:-4611686018427387904 `172:-46116\r
-86018427387904 `171:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 49: 49\r
-| 50: 50\r
-| 51: 51\r
-| 52: 10\r
-| 53: 53\r
-| 54: 54\r
-| 55: 55\r
-| 56: 56\r
-| 57: 57\r
-| 58: 58\r
-| 59: 59\r
-| 60: 60\r
-| 61: 61\r
-| 62: `174:-4611686018427387904 `32:-4611686018427387904 `31:-4611686018427387904 `30:-4611686018427387904 `29:-46116860\r
-18427387904 `28:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 63: 63\r
-| 64: 64\r
-| 65: 65\r
-| 66: 66\r
-| 67: 67\r
-| 68: 68\r
-| 69: 69\r
-| 70: 70\r
-| 71: `175:-4611686018427387904 `230:-4611686018427387904 `229:-4611686018427387904 `228:-4611686018427387904 `227:-4611\r
-686018427387904 `226:-4611686018427387904\r
-| 72: 72\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure inafter auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-compare 6 7= 1\r
-$ Measure decreased by 1\r
-{{{{{{{{ Computing measure before auto_instantiate }}}}}}\r
-Fatal error: exception Assert_failure("lambda4.ml", 490, 15)\r
+++ /dev/null
-open Num;;\r
-open Lambda4;;\r
-(* type var = int;;\r
-type state = {\r
- terms : nf list;\r
- arities : (var * int) list;\r
- freshno : int;\r
- apps : (var * (var list)) list;\r
-let replace =\r
- function\r
- | `Var _ | `Lam _ as t -> t\r
- | `I(v,tms) ->\r
- try\r
- let apps = List.assoc v p.apps in\r
- let hd, tl = ... in\r
- let s, freshvar = mk_freshvar s\r
- []\r
- aux (mk_apps v (Listx.map ))\r
- with\r
- | Not_found -> `I(v, Listx.map (replace s) tms)\r
- | _ -> assert false\r
-let iteration : state -> state = fun s ->\r
- let terms = Util.concat_map (replace s) s.terms in\r
- s;;\r
+++ /dev/null
-open Util
-open Util.Vars
-open Pure
-(* debug options *)
-let debug_display_arities = false;;
-(************ Syntax ************************************)
-(* Normal forms*)
-(* Var n = n-th De Bruijn index, 0-based *)
-(*type nf =
- | Lam of nf
- | Var of int
- | i
-and i =
- | I of int * nf listx
-type var = int * (* arity of variable*) int;;
-type 'nf_nob i_var_ = [ `I of var * 'nf_nob Listx.listx | `Var of var ]
-type 'nf_nob i_n_var_ = [ `N of int | 'nf_nob i_var_ ]
-type ('nf_nob,'nf) i_num_var_ = [
- | 'nf_nob i_n_var_
- | `Match of ('nf_nob,'nf) i_num_var_ * (* originating var *) var * (*lift*) int * (*branches*)(int * 'nf) list ref * (*args*)'nf_nob list
-type 'nf nf_nob_ = [ `Lam of (* was_unpacked *) bool * 'nf | `Pacman | ('nf nf_nob_,'nf) i_num_var_ ]
-type nf = [ nf nf_nob_ | `Bottom ]
-type nf_nob = nf nf_nob_
-type i_var = nf_nob i_var_;;
-type i_n_var = nf_nob i_n_var_;;
-type i_num_var = (nf_nob,nf) i_num_var_;;
-let hd_of_i_var =
- function
- `I ((v,_),_)
- | `Var (v,_) -> v
-let hd_of =
- function
- `I ((v,_),_)
- | `Var(v,_) -> Some v
- | `N _ -> None
- | `Match _ -> assert false
-let arity_of_hd =
- `I ((_,a),_)
-| `Var(_,a) -> a
-| _ -> 0 (* FIXME? *)
-let lift m (t : nf) =
- let aux_var l (n, ar) = (if n < l then n else n+m), ar in
- let rec aux_i_num_var l =
- function
- `I(v,args) -> `I(aux_var l v, Listx.map (aux_nob l) args)
- | `Var v -> `Var(aux_var l v)
- | `N _ as x -> x
- | `Match(t,v,lift,bs,args) ->
- `Match(aux_i_num_var l t, v, lift + m, bs, List.map (aux_nob l) args)
- and aux_nob l =
- function
- #i_num_var as x -> (aux_i_num_var l x :> nf_nob)
- | `Lam(b,nf) -> `Lam (b, aux (l+1) nf)
- | `Pacman -> `Pacman
- and aux l =
- function
- #nf_nob as x -> (aux_nob l x :> nf)
- | `Bottom -> `Bottom
- in
- (aux 0 t : nf)
-(* put t under n lambdas, lifting t accordingtly *)
-let rec make_lams t =
- function
- 0 -> t
- | n when n > 0 -> `Lam (false, lift 1 (make_lams t (n-1)))
- | _ -> assert false
-let free_vars' =
- let rec aux n = function
- `N _ -> []
- | `Var(x,ar) -> if x < n then [] else [(x-n,ar)]
- | `I((x,ar),args) ->
- (if x < n then [] else [(x-n,ar)]) @
- List.concat (List.map (aux n) (Listx.to_list args :> nf list))
- | `Lam(_,t) -> aux (n+1) t
- | `Match(t,_,liftno,bs,args) ->
- aux n (t :> nf) @
- List.concat (List.map (fun (_,t) -> aux (n-liftno) t) !bs) @
- List.concat (List.map (aux n) (args :> nf list))
- | `Bottom | `Pacman -> []
- in aux 0
-let free_vars = (List.map fst) ++ free_vars';;
-module ToScott =
-let rec scott_of_nf = function
- | `N n -> Scott.mk_n n
- | `Var(v,_) -> Pure.V v
- | `Match(t,_,liftno,bs,args) ->
- let bs = List.map (fun (n,t) -> n, scott_of_nf (lift liftno (t :> nf))) !bs in
- let t = scott_of_nf (t :> nf) in
- let m = Scott.mk_match t bs in
- List.fold_left (fun acc t -> Pure.A(acc,scott_of_nf t)) m (args :> nf list)
- | `I((v,_), args) -> Listx.fold_left (fun acc t -> Pure.A(acc,scott_of_nf t)) (Pure.V v) (args :> nf Listx.listx)
- | `Lam(_,t) -> Pure.L (scott_of_nf t)
- | `Bottom -> Pure.B
- | `Pacman -> let f x = Pure.A (x,x) in f (Pure.L (Pure.L (f (Pure.V 0))))
-(************ Pretty-printing ************************************)
-(* let rec string_of_term l = fun _ -> "";; *)
-let rec string_of_term =
- let boundvar x = "v" ^ string_of_int x in
- let varname lev l n =
- if n < lev then boundvar (lev-n-1)
- else if n < List.length l then List.nth l (n-lev)
- else "`" ^ string_of_int (n-lev) in
- let rec string_of_term_w_pars lev l = function
- | `Var(n,ar) -> varname lev l n ^ (if debug_display_arities then ":" ^ string_of_int ar else "")
- | `N n -> string_of_int n
- | `I _ as t -> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_app lev l t ^ ")"
- | `Lam(_,`Bottom) -> "BOMB"
- | `Lam _ as t -> "(" ^ string_of_term_no_pars_lam lev l t ^ ")"
- | `Match(t,(v,ar),bs_lift,bs,args) ->
- (* assert (bs_lift = lev); *)
- "(["^ varname lev l v ^ (if debug_display_arities then ":"^ string_of_int ar else "") ^",match " ^ string_of_term_no_pars lev l (t :> nf) ^
- " with " ^ String.concat " | " (List.map (fun (n,t) -> string_of_int n ^ " => " ^ string_of_term l (t :> nf)) !bs) ^ "] " ^
- String.concat " " (List.map (string_of_term l) (args :> nf list)) ^ ")"
- | `Bottom -> "BOT"
- | `Pacman -> "PAC"
- and string_of_term_no_pars_app lev l = function
- | `I((n,ar), args) -> varname lev l n ^ (if debug_display_arities then ":" ^ string_of_int ar else "") ^ " " ^ String.concat " " (List.map (string_of_term_w_pars lev l) (Listx.to_list args :> nf list))
- | #nf as t -> string_of_term_w_pars lev l t
- and string_of_term_no_pars_lam lev l = function
- | `Lam(_,`Bottom) -> "BOMB"
- | `Lam(_,t) -> "λ" ^ boundvar lev ^ ". " ^ (string_of_term_no_pars_lam (lev+1) l t)
- | _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars lev l t
- and string_of_term_no_pars lev l = function
- | `Lam _ as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_lam lev l t
- | #nf as t -> string_of_term_no_pars_app lev l t
- in string_of_term_no_pars 0
-let print ?(l=[]) = string_of_term l;;
-let string_of_nf t = string_of_term [] (t :> nf);;
-(************ Hereditary substitutions ************************************)
-let cast_to_i_var =
- function
- #i_var as y -> (y : i_var)
- | t ->
- prerr_endline (print (t :> nf));
- assert false (* algorithm failed *)
-let cast_to_i_n_var =
- function
- #i_n_var as y -> (y : i_n_var)
- | t ->
- prerr_endline (print (t :> nf));
- assert false (* algorithm failed *)
-let cast_to_i_num_var =
- function
- #i_num_var as y -> (y : i_num_var)
- | t ->
- prerr_endline (print (t :> nf));
- assert false (* algorithm failed *)
-let rec set_arity arity = function
-(* FIXME because onlt variables should be in branches of matches, one day *)
-| `Var(n,_) -> `Var(n,arity)
-| `N _ | `Bottom | `Pacman as t -> t
-| `Lam(false, t) -> `Lam(false, set_arity arity t)
-| `Match(t,(n,_),bs_lift,bs,args) -> `Match(t,(n,arity),bs_lift,bs,args)
-| `I _ | `Lam _ -> assert false
-let minus1 n = if n = min_int then n else n - 1;;
-let rec mk_app (h : nf) (arg : nf) =
- match arg with
- | `Bottom -> `Bottom
- | #nf_nob as arg ->
- match h with
- | `I(v,args) -> `I(v,Listx.append (Listx.Nil arg) args)
- | `Var v -> `I(v, Listx.Nil arg)
- | `Lam(truelam,nf) -> subst truelam true 0 arg (nf : nf) (* AC FIXME sanity check on arity *)
- | `Match(t,v,lift,bs,args) -> `Match(t,v,lift,bs,List.append args [arg])
- | `Bottom | `Pacman as t -> t
- | `N _ -> assert false (* Numbers cannot be applied *)
-(*in let l = ["v0";"v1";"v2"] in
-prerr_endline ("mk_app h:" ^ print ~l h ^ " arg:" ^ print ~l:l arg ^ " res:" ^ print ~l:l res); res*)
-and mk_appl h args =
- (*prerr_endline ("MK_APPL: " ^ print h ^ " " ^ String.concat " " (List.map print args));*)
- List.fold_left mk_app h args
-and mk_appx h args = Listx.fold_left mk_app h args
-and mk_match t (n,ar) bs_lift bs args =
- (*prerr_endline ("MK_MATCH: ([" ^ print t ^ "] " ^ String.concat " " (Listx.to_list (Listx.map (fun (n,t) -> string_of_int n ^ " => " ^ print t) bs)) ^ ") " ^ String.concat " " (List.map print args));*)
- let m =
- match t with
- `N m as t ->
- (try
- let h = List.assoc m !bs in
- let h = set_arity (minus1 ar) h in
- let h = lift bs_lift h in
- h
- with Not_found ->
- `Match (t,(n,ar),bs_lift,bs,[]))
- (* We are assuming that the econding of matches is s.t.:
- - match PAC.. --> PAC
- - match BOT.. --> BOT *)
- | `Bottom -> `Bottom
- | `Pacman -> `Pacman
- | `Lam _ -> assert false
- | `I _ | `Var _ | `Match _ as t -> `Match(t,(n,ar),bs_lift,bs,[]) in
- mk_appl m args
-and subst truelam delift_by_one what (with_what : nf(*_nob*)) (where : nf) =
- let rec aux_propagate_arity ar = function
- | `Lam(false, t) when not delift_by_one -> `Lam(false, aux_propagate_arity ar t)
- | `Match(`I(v,args),(x,_),liftno,bs,args') when not delift_by_one ->
- `Match(`I(v,args),(x,ar),liftno,bs,args')
- | `Var(i,oldar) -> `Var(i, if truelam then (assert (oldar = min_int); ar) else oldar)
- | _ as t -> t in
- let rec aux_i_num_var l =
- function
- `I((n,ar),args) ->
- if n = what + l then
- let args = Listx.map (aux l) (args :> nf Listx.listx) in
- mk_appx (lift l (aux_propagate_arity ar (with_what :> nf))) args
- else
- mk_appl (`Var ((if delift_by_one && n >= l then n-1 else n), ar)) (List.map (aux l) (Listx.to_list (args :> nf Listx.listx)))
- | `Var(n,ar) ->
- if n = what + l then
- lift l (aux_propagate_arity ar (with_what :> nf))
- else
- `Var((if delift_by_one && n >= l then n-1 else n), ar)
- | `N _ as x -> x
- | `Match(t,v,bs_lift,bs,args) ->
- let bs_lift = bs_lift + if delift_by_one then -1 else 0 in
- (* Warning! It now applies again the substitution in branches of matches.
- But careful, it does it many times, for every occurrence of
- the match. This is okay because what does not occur in with_what. *)
- let l' = l - bs_lift in
- let with_what' = lift l' (with_what :> nf) in
- (* The following line should be the identity when delift_by_one = true because we
- are assuming the ts to not contain lambda-bound variables. *)
- bs := List.map (fun (n,t) -> n,subst truelam false what with_what' t) !bs ;
- let body = aux_i_num_var l t in
- mk_match body v bs_lift bs (List.map (aux l) (args :> nf list))
- and aux l(*lift*) =
-(*function iii -> let res = match iii with*)
- function
- | #i_num_var as x -> aux_i_num_var l x
- | `Lam(b, nf) -> `Lam(b, aux (l+1) nf)
- | `Bottom -> `Bottom
- | `Pacman -> `Pacman
-(*in let ll = ["v0";"v1";"v2"] in
-prerr_endline ("subst l:" ^ string_of_int l ^ " delift_by_one:" ^ string_of_bool delift_by_one ^ " what:" ^ (List.nth ll what) ^ " with_what:" ^ print ~l:ll with_what ^ " where:" ^ print ~l:ll iii ^ " res:" ^ print ~l:ll res); res*)
- in
- aux 0 where
-(************ Parsing ************************************)
-(************** Algorithm(s) ************************)
-let eta_compare x y =
- (* let clex a b = let diff = ? a b in if diff = 0 then cont () else 0 in *)
- let clex aux1 aux2 (a1,a2) (b1,b2) =
- let diff = aux1 a1 b1 in if diff = 0 then aux2 a2 b2 else diff in
- let rec lex aux l1 l2 =
- match l1,l2 with
- | [], [] -> 0
- | [], _ -> -1
- | _, [] -> 1
- | x::xs, y::ys -> clex aux (lex aux) (x,xs) (y,ys) in
- let rec aux t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
- | `Var(n,_) , `Var(m,_) -> compare n m
- | `I((n1,_), l1), `I((n2,_), l2) ->
- clex compare (lex aux) (n1, (Listx.to_list l1 :> nf list)) (n2, (Listx.to_list l2 :> nf list))
- | `Bottom, `Bottom
- | `Pacman, `Pacman -> 0
- | `Lam _, `N _ -> -1
- | `N _, `Lam _ -> 1
- | `Bottom, `Lam(_,t) -> -1
- | `Lam(_,t), `Bottom -> 1
- | `Lam(_,t1), `Lam(_,t2) -> aux t1 t2
- | `Lam(_,t1), t2 -> - aux t1 (mk_app (lift 1 t2) (`Var(0,-666)))
- | t2, `Lam(_,t1) -> aux t1 (mk_app (lift 1 t2) (`Var(0,-666)))
- | `N n1, `N n2 -> compare n1 n2
- | `Match(u,_,bs_lift,bs,args), `Match(u',_,bs_lift',bs',args') ->
- let bs = List.sort (fun (n,_) (m,_) -> compare n m) !bs in
- let bs' = List.sort (fun (n,_) (m,_) -> compare n m) !bs' in
- clex aux (clex (lex (clex compare aux)) (lex aux)) ((u :> nf), (bs, (args :> nf list))) ((u' :> nf), (bs', (args' :> nf list)))
- | `Match _, _ -> -1
- | _, `Match _ -> 1
- | `N _, _ -> -1
- | _, `N _ -> 1
- | `I _, _ -> -1
- | _, `I _ -> 1
- | `Bottom, _ -> -1
- | _, `Bottom -> 1
- | `Pacman, _ -> -1
- | _, `Pacman -> 1
- in aux x y
-let eta_eq (#nf as x) (#nf as y) = 0 = eta_compare x y ;;
-let rec eta_subterm sub t =
- if eta_eq sub t then true else
- match t with
- | `Lam(_,t') -> eta_subterm (lift 1 sub) t'
- | `Bottom
- | `Pacman -> false
- | `Match(u,ar,liftno,bs,args) ->
- eta_subterm sub (u :> nf)
- || List.exists (fun (_, t) -> eta_subterm sub (lift liftno t)) !bs
- || List.exists (eta_subterm sub) (args :> nf list)
- | `I((v,_), args) -> List.exists (eta_subterm sub) ((Listx.to_list args) :> nf list) || (match sub with
- | `Var(v',_) -> v = v'
- | `I((v',_), args') -> v = v'
- && Listx.length args' < Listx.length args
- && List.for_all (fun (x,y) -> eta_eq x y) (List.combine (Util.take (Listx.length args') (Listx.to_list args :> nf list)) (Listx.to_list args' :> nf list))
- | _ -> false
- )
- | `N _ | `Var _ -> false
-let eta_subterm (#nf as x) (#nf as y) = eta_subterm x y;;
-let max_arity_tms n =
- let max a b = match a, b with
- | None, None -> None
- | None, Some x
- | Some x, None -> Some x
- | Some x, Some y -> Some (Pervasives.max x y) in
- let aux_var l (m,a) = if n + l = m then Some a else None in
- let rec aux l = function
- | `Var v -> aux_var l v
- | `I(v,tms) -> max (aux_var l v) (aux_tms l (Listx.to_list tms :> nf list))
- | `Lam(_,t) -> aux (l+1) t
- | `Match(u,_,_,bs,args) -> max (max (aux l (u :> nf)) (aux_tms l (args :> nf list))) (aux_tms l (List.map snd !bs))
- | `N _ | `Bottom | `Pacman -> None
- and aux_tms l =
- List.fold_left (fun acc t -> max acc (aux l t)) None in
- fun tms -> aux_tms 0 (tms :> nf list)
+++ /dev/null
-type var = int * (* arity of variable*) int;;
-type 'nf_nob i_var_ = [ `I of var * 'nf_nob Listx.listx | `Var of var ]
-type 'nf_nob i_n_var_ = [ `N of int | 'nf_nob i_var_ ]
-type ('nf_nob,'nf) i_num_var_ = [
- | 'nf_nob i_n_var_
- | `Match of ('nf_nob,'nf) i_num_var_ * (* originating var *) var * (*lift*) int * (*branches*)(int * 'nf) list ref * (*args*)'nf_nob list
-type 'nf nf_nob_ = [ `Lam of (* was_unpacked *) bool * 'nf | `Pacman | ('nf nf_nob_,'nf) i_num_var_ ]
-type nf = [ nf nf_nob_ | `Bottom ]
-type nf_nob = nf nf_nob_
-type i_var = nf_nob i_var_;;
-type i_n_var = nf_nob i_n_var_;;
-type i_num_var = (nf_nob,nf) i_num_var_;;
-val hd_of_i_var : i_var -> int
-val hd_of : i_n_var -> int option
-val arity_of_hd : i_n_var -> int
-(* put t under n lambdas, lifting t accordingtly *)
-val make_lams : nf -> int -> nf
-val lift : int -> nf -> nf
-val free_vars' : nf -> var list
-val free_vars : nf -> int list
-module ToScott :
- sig
- val scott_of_nf : nf -> Pure.Pure.t
- end
-val print : ?l:string list -> nf -> string
-val cast_to_i_var : [< nf > `I `Var] -> i_var
-val cast_to_i_n_var : [< nf > `I `N `Var] -> i_n_var
-val cast_to_i_num_var : [< nf > `I `N `Match `Var] -> i_num_var
-val set_arity : int -> nf -> nf
-val mk_app : nf -> nf -> nf
-val mk_appl : nf -> nf list -> nf
-val mk_appx : nf -> nf Listx.listx -> nf
-val mk_match : nf -> var -> int -> (int * nf) list ref -> nf list -> nf
-val subst : bool -> bool -> int -> nf -> nf -> nf
-val eta_compare : nf -> nf -> int
-val eta_eq : [< nf ] -> [< nf ] -> bool
-val eta_subterm : [< nf ] -> [< nf ] -> bool
-val max_arity_tms : int -> [< nf] list -> int option
-val minus1 : int -> int
+++ /dev/null
-type 'nf i_var_ = [ `I of int * int * 'nf Listx.listx | `Var of int * int ]
-type 'nf i_n_var_ = [ `N of int | 'nf i_var_ ]
-type 'nf i_num_var_ =
- [ `I of int * int * 'nf Listx.listx
- | `Match of int * 'nf i_num_var_ * int * (int * 'nf) list ref * 'nf list
- | `N of int
- | `Var of int * int ]
-type 'nf nf_ =
- [ `I of int * int * 'nf Listx.listx
- | `Lam of bool * 'nf nf_
- | `Match of int * 'nf i_num_var_ * int * (int * 'nf) list ref * 'nf list
- | `N of int
- | `Var of int * int ]
-type nf = nf nf_
-type i_var = nf i_var_
-type i_n_var = nf i_n_var_
-type i_num_var = nf i_num_var_
-val hd_of_i_var : i_var -> int
-val hd_of :
- [< `I of 'c * 'a * 'b | `Match of 'c | `N of 'd | `Var of 'e * 'a ] -> 'a option
-(* put t under n lambdas, lifting t accordingtly *)
-val make_lams : nf -> int -> nf
-val lift : int -> nf -> nf
-val free_vars : nf -> int list
-module ToScott :
- sig
- val t_of_i_num_var : nf i_num_var_ -> Pure.Pure.t
- val t_of_nf : nf -> Pure.Pure.t
- end
-val print : ?l:string list -> nf -> string
-val string_of_nf : [<nf] -> string
-val cast_to_i_var : [< nf > `I `Var] -> i_var
-val cast_to_i_n_var : [< nf > `I `N `Var] -> i_n_var
-val cast_to_i_num_var : [< nf > `I `N `Match `Var] -> i_num_var
-val mk_app : nf -> nf -> nf
-val mk_appl : nf -> nf list -> nf
-val mk_appx : nf -> nf Listx.listx -> nf
-val mk_match : int -> nf i_num_var_ -> int -> (int * nf) list ref -> nf list -> nf
-val subst : bool -> int -> nf -> nf -> nf
-val parse' : string list -> nf list * string list
-val eta_compare : nf -> nf -> int
-val eta_eq : [< nf ] -> [< nf ] -> bool
-val eta_subterm : [< nf ] -> [< nf ] -> bool
+++ /dev/null
-open Lambda4;;
-open Util;;
-(* Syntax for problem files in problem/ folder:
-- dollar ($) on newline
- begin new problem
- $! means that the problem is expected to be separable,
- $? means that it is expected to be unseparable
-- (#) on new line
- comment line
-- (D) (C) (N) stand respectively for divergent, convergent, numeric
-- lines starting with spaces inherit the type from the last line
-(* assert_depends solves the problem, and checks if the result was expected *)
-let assert_depends x =
- let c = String.sub (label_of_problem (fst x)) 0 1 in
- match solve x with
- | _, `Unseparable s when c = "!" ->
- failwith ("assert_depends: unseparable because: " ^ s ^ ".")
- | _, `Separable _ when c = "?" ->
- failwith ("assert_depends: separable.")
- | _ -> ()
-(* TODO *)
-(* div under a lambda in conv *)
-if Array.length Sys.argv = 1
- then failwith "no command line args. Please use e.g. ./a.out problems/*"
-else Array.iteri (fun i filename -> if i > 0 then
- List.iter (assert_depends ++ problem_of) (Parser.from_file filename)
- ) Sys.argv
+++ /dev/null
-$! 3col: 0<>1\r
-C x (_.x y BOMB BOMB y y y b) (_.x BOMB y BOMB y y y b) (_.x BOMB BOMB y y y y b) BOMB BOMB BOMB a\r
-C x y y y (_.x BOMB y y y BOMB BOMB b) (_.x y BOMB y BOMB y BOMB b) (_.x y y BOMB BOMB BOMB y b) a\r
-D x y y y y y y a\r
-C x y y y z z z BOMB\r
-$? 3col: 0<>1 1<>1\r
-C x (_.x y BOMB BOMB y y y b) (_.x BOMB y BOMB y y y b) (_.x BOMB BOMB y y y y b) BOMB BOMB BOMB a\r
-C x y y y (_.x BOMB y y BOMB BOMB BOMB b) (_.x y BOMB y BOMB BOMB BOMB b) (_.x y y BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB b) a\r
-D x y y y y y y a\r
-C x y y y z z z BOMB\r
-$? 3col: 0<>1<>2 0<>3 1<>3 2<>3\r
-C x (_.x y BOMB BOMB y y y y y y y y y b) (_.x BOMB y BOMB y y y y y y y y y b) (_.x BOMB BOMB y y y y y y y y y y b) BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB a\r
-C x y y y (_.x BOMB y y y BOMB BOMB y y y y y y b) (_.x y BOMB y BOMB y BOMB y y y y y y b) (_.x y y BOMB BOMB BOMB y y y y y y y b) BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB a\r
-C x y y y y y y (_.x BOMB y y BOMB y y y BOMB BOMB y y y b) (_.x y BOMB y y BOMB y BOMB y BOMB y y y b) (_.x y y BOMB y y BOMB BOMB BOMB y y y y b) BOMB BOMB BOMB a\r
-C x y y y y y y y y y (_.x BOMB y y BOMB y y BOMB y y y BOMB BOMB b) (_.x y BOMB y y BOMB y y BOMB y BOMB y BOMB b) (_.x y y BOMB y y BOMB y y BOMB BOMB BOMB y b) a\r
-D x y y y y y y y y y y y y a\r
-C x y y y y y y z z z BOMB BOMB BOMB BOMB\r
-C x y y y y y y y y y z z z BOMB\r
+++ /dev/null
-$! bugs 1
-# bug with eating firing reduction of matches
-D z (_. (v y))
-C u (z (_. (v x)))
-$! bugs 2
-# algorithm tries to eat z, but should first step on x, w
-D z PAC
-C x y PAC PAC
-N x (w z) Z
+++ /dev/null
-$! m1\r
-N y z Z\r
- x z Z\r
- x (a k) u Z\r
- x (a r) Z\r
- x (a k) v Z\r
-$! m2\r
-N y z Z\r
- x z Z\r
- x (a k) u Z\r
- x (a r) Z\r
- x (a k) v Z\r
+++ /dev/null
-$! n1\r
-D b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e) (k. l. m. f) (g (k. c e) (b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e) b)) (f c (h (k. c c g))) (g (k. c e) (k. i) f e (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b) (c (c e)) (k. l. c b d)) (k. e c (k (l. f))) (g (k. c e) (k. i) e)) (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b) (f c) b)\r
-C b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e) (k. l. m. f) (g (k. c e) (b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e) b)) (f c (h (k. c c g))) (g (k. c e) (k. i) f e (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b) (c (c e)) (k. l. c b d)) (k. e c (k (l. f))) (g (k. c e) (k. i) e)) (b (k. f) (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b) (c (c e))) (k. l. m. f) (g (k. c e) (k. i) f e) (k. i))\r
- g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b) (c (c e)) (k. l. c b d) (k. l. g (m. c e) (m. i) (c b) (l c) b) (e c (d d (d c)) (c e (k. f)) (b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e) (k. l. m. f)))\r
- b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e) (k. l. m. f) (g (k. c e) (b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e) b)) (f c (h (k. c c g))) (g (k. c e) (k. i) f e (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b) (c (c e)) (k. l. c b d)) (k. e c (k (l. f))) (g (k. c e) (k. i) e))\r
- b (k. f) (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b) (c (c e))) (k. l. m. f) (g (k. c e) (k. i) f e) (k. l. m. c c g) (e c (b (k. f))) (k. f c)\r
- c (c e) (e c (d d (d c)) (k. c e (f c))) (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b) (c (c e)) (k. l. c b d) (k. c e (l. f) (k (l. c e) (l. i)))) (k. l. l (m. c e) (m. i) (c b) (f c) b) (k. l. c k) (f (f c) (b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e)) (b (k. f) (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b) (c (c e))) (k. l. m. f) (g (k. c e) (k. i) f e) (k. l. m. c c g) (e c (b (k. f)))))\r
-N b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e) b (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b)) (h (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b) (c (c e)))) (g (k. c e) (b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e) b) (g (k. c e) (k. i) (g (k. c e) (k. i) e) (e c (d d (d c)) (k. c e (f c))))) a Z\r
- c c g (k. b (c b) (l. m. c b k) (c e)) (k. b (c b) (l. m. c b d) (c k) b) (k. e c (d h) k) (g (k. c e) (b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e) b) (g (k. c e) (k. i) (g (k. c e) (k. i) e) (e c (d d (d c)) (k. c e (f c))))) a Z\r
- d h (b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e)) (k. g (l. c e) (l. i) (c b) (k c) b) d b (b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (c e) b (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b)) (k. c)) a Z\r
- g (k. c e) (k. d d) (k. k k) (e c (d d (d c)) i) (k. g (l. k e) (l. d d)) (g i (b (c b) (k. l. c b d) (e c (d d (d c)) (k. c e (f c)) (k. k (c k) (l. m. c k d) (c e) k (g (l. c e) (l. i) (c k)) (l. c))))) (c b) a Z\r
- g (k. c e) (k. i) f e (g (k. c e) (k. i) (c b) (c (c e)) (k. l. c b d)) (k. e c (k (l. f))) (g (k. c e) (k. i) e) a Z\r
-$! n2\r
-D b b (c d) (k. d e) (k. k) (k. l. b)\r
-C b b (d e (k. d e)) (g (k. e) (k. k)) (b (b b) (d (g (d e) (g (k. e)) h) (b b (c d) (k. l. b)) (b (k. h))) (k. k (k k) (l. l))) (f (e (c d))) (b b (d e (k. d e)) (b b) (b (b b) (d (g (d e) (g (k. e)) h) (b b (c d) (k. l. b)) (b (k. h))))) (d e (k. d e) g (i (k. k)))\r
- f (g (k. e)) (k. b b) (c d (k. k d) (k. l. l) c) (k. c d) (k. c) (d (g (de) (g (k. e)) h) (g (k. b b)))\r
- f (g (k. e)) (k. b b) (c d (k. k d) (k. l. l) c) (k. c d) (k. l. l) (k. g (d e) (l. m. m))\r
- b b (d e (k. d e)) (g (k. e) (k. k)) (b (b b) (d (g (d e) (g (k. e)) h) (b b (c d) (k. l. b)) (b (k. h))) (k. k (k k) (l. l))) (f (e (c d))) (b b (d e (k. d e)) (b b) (b (b b) (d (g (d e) (g (k. e)) h) (b b (c d) (k. l. b)) (b (k. h)))))\r
- d (g (d e) (g (k. e)) h) (g (g (d e)) (d e (k. d e) (k. b (l. h)) (k. l. d e))) (b (k. h) (k. k e (l. m. b b)) (k. k (k k) (l. l))) (k. b) (b b (k. l. i)(k. c))\r
-N b (b b) (d (g (d e) (g (k. e)) h) (b b (c d) (k. l. b)) (b (k. h))) (e (b b (c d))) (d (g (d e) (g (k. e)) h) (b b (c d) (k. l. b)) (g (k. e) (k. k))) (k. l. d (g (d k) (g (m. k)) h) (d k (m. n. b b))) (e (c d) (e (c d))) Z\r
- d (g (d e) (g (k. e)) h) (d e (k. l. b b)) (b b) h (k. g (l. e) (l. l)) Z\r
- d e (k. d e) (k. b (l. h)) (k. l. d e) (d (g (d e) (g (k. e)) h) (g (d e) (k. l. l))) Z\r
- f (g (k. e)) (k. b b) (c d (k. k d) (k. l. l) c) (k. c d) (k. c) (k. l. m. b b) Z\r
- f (g (k. e)) (k. b b) (c d (k. k d) (k. l. l) c) (k. c d) (b (b b) (d (g(d e) (g (k. e)) h) (b b (c d) (k. l. b)) (b (k. h))) (e (b b (c d))) (d (g (d e) (g (k. e)) h) (b b (c d) (k. l. b)) (g (k. e) (k. k)))) (k. d e (l. d e) f) Z\r
-$! n3\r
-D b (k. c (c d e f)) (k. l. f (m. f) (m. f) (m. n. n))\r
-C b (g (k. e e)) (k. b (g (l. e e))) (g (h (k. i)) (k. e)) (f (k. f) (k. f) i) (i (k. c (c d e f)) (k. l. l) (k. g (h (l. i)) (k d) f) e) (k. l. h) (k. f (l. f) (l. f) (l. e)) (k. l. l (m. l))\r
- c d e (f i) (e e) (g e) (k. l. e) (k. c (g (k (l. i)))) (c d e (k. k))\r
- f (k. f) (k. f) (f h) (f h (c d e (f i))) (k. b) (c d e (f i) (e e) (f (k. h))) (g e (b (k. i)) (e e (e e)))\r
- f (k. f) (k. f) (k. e) (c d e (f i) (e e) (g e)) (k. e e) (k. l. m. e) (k. e)\r
- g e f (f (k. f) (f (k. f) (k. l. f)) (c d e b)) (f (k. f) (k. f) (k. l. l) b) (f (k. h)) (c d e (f i) (e e) (g e) (k. l. e)) (f (k. f) f)\r
-N b (g (k. e e)) (k. b (g (l. e e))) (g (h (k. i)) (k. e)) (f (k. f) (k. f) i) (i (k. c (c d e f)) (k. l. l) (k. g (h (l. i)) (k d) f) e) (k. l. h) (k. f (l. f) (l. f) (l. e)) Z\r
- c d e (f i) (e e) (g e) (b (g (k. e e)) (k. c (g (h (l. i))) (l. f l))) (k. f (l. f) (l. f)) Z\r
- e e (k. k d e (l. l)) (g e) (c d e b (e e (c (c d e f)))) (d (e e (k. k d e (l. l))) (k. k i)) (k. i (l. c (c d e f))) (k. h) Z\r
- f (k. f) (k. f) (f h) (f h (c d e (f i))) (k. b) (f i (c d e)) (k. h) Z\r
- g e f (f (k. f) (f (k. f) (k. l. f)) (c d e b)) (f (k. f) (k. f) (k. l. l) b) (f (k. h)) (c d e (f i) (e e) (g e) (k. l. e)) (f (k. f) f) (f (k. f) (k. f) (k. l. l) (c (k. i (l. c (c d e f))))) Z\r
+++ /dev/null
-$! o1\r
-N x a b Z\r
- x (_. BOT) c Z\r
-$! o2\r
-N x (y (_. BOT) a) c Z\r
- x (y a PAC) d Z\r
-$! o3\r
-D y (x a1 BOMB c) (x BOMB b1 d)\r
-C y (x a2 BOMB c) (x BOMB b1 d)\r
- y (x a1 BOMB c) (x BOMB b2 d)\r
-$! o4\r
-D x BOMB a1 c\r
-C x y BOMB d\r
-$! o6\r
-D x BOMB\r
-C x y\r
+++ /dev/null
-$! p2\r
-N x y Z\r
- x z Z\r
- x (y z) Z\r
-$! p4\r
-N x y Z\r
- x (a. a x) Z\r
- y (y z) Z\r
-$! p5\r
-N a (x. x a) b Z\r
- b (x. x b) a Z\r
-$! p6\r
-N a (x. x a) b Z\r
- b (x. x b) (c a) Z\r
-$! p7\r
-N a (x. (x a) (a x x a) (x x) ) Z\r
-$! p8\r
-N x x (x x) Z\r
-$! p9\r
-N x x (x x x) (x x (x x)) (x x (x x x)) x x Z\r
-$! p10\r
-N x (y (x a b c)) Z\r
-$! p11\r
-N x x Z\r
- x (y.y) Z\r
-$! p12\r
-N x x (x x) Z\r
- x x (x (y.y)) Z\r
-$! p13\r
-N x x (x x (x x x x x (x x))) Z\r
-$! p14\r
-N a (a a (a (a a)) (a (a a))) Z\r
-$! p15\r
-N a (a (a a)) (a a (a a) (a (a (a a))) (a (a a)) (a a (a a) (a (a (a a))) (a (a a)))) (a a (a a) (a (a (a a))) (a (a a))) Z\r
-$! p16:\r
-N a (a a) (a a (a (a a)) (a (a a)) (a a (a (a a)) a)) Z\r
-$! p17\r
-N b a Z\r
- b (c.a) Z\r
-$! p18\r
-N a (a a) (a a a (a (a (a a) a)) (a a a (a (a (a a) a)))) Z\r
- a a Z\r
- a (a a) Z\r
-$! p19\r
-N a (a a) (a a a (a (a (a a) a)) a) Z\r
-$! p20\r
-N a (a b) (b (a b) (a (a b))) (a (a b) (a (a b)) (a (a b)) c) (a (a b) (a (a b)) (b (a b)) c (a a (a (a b) (a (a b)) b)) (a (a b) (a (a b)) (b (a b)) (a a) (a c (b (a b))))) Z\r
-$! p21\r
-N (((y z) (y z)) ((z (y z)) ((y z) (z z)))) Z\r
- (((z z) x) (y z)) Z\r
- ((z (y z)) ((y z) (z z))) Z\r
-$! p22\r
-N ((z y) ((((y (z y)) x) (y (z y))) ((y (z y)) (z z)))) Z\r
- ((z y) (((((y (z y)) x) (y (z y))) ((y (z y)) (z z))) (((((y (z y)) x) (y (z y))) ((y (z y)) (z z))) ((x y) (z z))))) Z\r
- (y ((((y (z y)) x) (y (z y))) ((y (z y)) (z z)))) Z\r
-$! p23\r
-# (* diverging tests *) (* test p23 leads to test p24 *)\r
-N z z z Z\r
- z (z z) (x. x) Z\r
-$! p24\r
-# (* because of the last term, the magic number is 1 and we diverge\r
- but setting the magic number to 0 allows to solve the problem\r
- thus our strategy is incomplete *)\r
-N b b Z\r
- b f Z\r
- f b Z\r
- a (x.x) Z\r
-$! p25\r
-# (* because of the last term, the magic number is 1 and we diverge\r
- but setting the magic number to 0 allows to solve the problem\r
- thus our strategy is incomplete *)\r
-N b b Z\r
- b f Z\r
- f b Z\r
- f (x.x) Z\r
-$! p26\r
- (* BUG:\r
- 0 (n (d (o.n) ...)))\r
- After instantiating n, the magic number (for d) should be 2, not 1! *)\r
-N (((x y) (z. (y. (y. z)))) (z. y)) Z\r
- (((x y) x) (y y)) Z\r
-$! p27\r
-N (((((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) ((z y) (((z y) (z (z y))) ((z y) x)))) (((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) x) y)) (((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) ((z y) (((z y) (z (z y))) ((z y) x)))) (((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) x) y))) ((((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) ((z y) (((z y) (z (z y))) ((z y) x)))) (((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) x) y)) (((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) ((z y) (((z y) (z (z y))) ((z y) x)))) (((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) x) y)))) Z\r
- ((((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) ((z y) (((z y) (z (z y))) ((z y) x)))) (((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) x) y)) (((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) ((z y) (((z y) (z (z y))) ((z y) x)))) (((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) x) y))) Z\r
- (((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) ((z y) (((z y) (z (z y))) ((z y) x)))) (((((z y) (z (z y))) (z (z y))) x) y)) Z\r
-$! p28\r
-N ((((z (x. (z. (x. x)))) (z x)) x) (z (x. (z. (x. x))))) Z\r
- (((z (x. (z. (x. x)))) (z x)) ((z x) (x. (z. (x. x))))) Z\r
-$! p29\r
-N ((((((x x) (x x)) (z. (y x))) (z. ((x x) y))) y) ((x x) y)) Z\r
- (((((x x) (x x)) (z. (y x))) (z. ((x x) y))) y) Z\r
-$! p30\r
-N ((b c) (b. (z a))) Z\r
- ((v (a. (z v))) ((y (b c)) ((z a) (v y)))) Z\r
- ((v (v. c)) z) Z\r
- ((v y) (v (a. (z v)))) Z\r
- ((y (b c)) ((z a) (v y))) Z\r
-$! p31\r
-N (((((((v (((a v) w) (((a v) w) v))) (w. c)) (b (a v))) c) (z. a)) (x. (w. (w. c)))) (((a (y c)) ((y c) ((a v) (w (z. a))))) (w. c))) Z\r
- ((((((v (((a v) w) (((a v) w) v))) (w. c)) (b (a v))) c) (z. a)) (x. (w. (w. c)))) Z\r
- (((((b (a v)) (a. (y c))) z) (w. w)) ((a c) c)) Z\r
- (((((v (((a v) w) (((a v) w) v))) (w. c)) (b (a v))) c) (z. a)) Z\r
- ((((a (y c)) ((y c) ((a v) (w (z. a))))) (w. c)) (x. w)) Z\r
-$? p32\r
-# should fail because the first and second terms are eta-eq\r
-N (((((a y) v) (z a)) (z (((z a) (z a)) (w. v)))) (y. (a y))) Z\r
- (((((a y) v) (z a)) (z (((z a) (z a)) (w. v)))) a) Z\r
- (((((z a) (z a)) b) (v. (v. (z a)))) (v. ((a y) v))) Z\r
- ((((a y) v) (z a)) (z (((z a) (z a)) (w. v)))) Z\r
- ((((w (a. (z. ((z a) (z a))))) (v. ((a y) v))) (((z a) (z a)) b)) (w. (((z a) (z a)) (c. (c ((z a) (z a))))))) Z\r
-$! p33\r
- (* Shows an error when the strategy that minimizes special_k is NOT used *)\r
-N ((((((v (y. v)) (w. (c. y))) ((((a (c. y)) (v w)) ((b (z (a (c. y)))) (b (z (a (c. y)))))) ((a (c. y)) b))) (((y (y (v w))) z) ((((a (c. y)) (v w)) ((b (z (a (c. y)))) (b (z (a (c. y)))))) ((a (c. y)) b)))) (b c)) (((v w) (z (a (c. y)))) ((y b) (b (z (a (c. y))))))) Z\r
- ((((((a (c. y)) (v w)) ((b (z (a (c. y)))) (b (z (a (c. y)))))) ((a (c. y)) b)) (c. y)) (c. y)) Z\r
- (((((a (c. y)) (v w)) ((b (z (a (c. y)))) (b (z (a (c. y)))))) ((a (c. y)) b)) (c. y)) Z\r
- (((((a (c. y)) (v w)) ((b (z (a (c. y)))) (b (z (a (c. y)))))) (b (z (a (c. y))))) ((c b) (b. (b w)))) Z\r
-# (* "(((((a (c. y)) b) v) (z (a (c. y)))) (a. (b (z (a (c. y))))))" *)\r
-$! p34\r
-N b c (b c) (c (d (j. e))) (b c (b c) (j.c f)) (b f (j. k. d)) (b (j. k. l. b c (b c)) (b g)) a Z\r
- d (j. e) e (j. c f) (j. c j) b a Z\r
- d (j. e) e (j. c f) b (b c (b c) (j. c f)) a Z\r
- d (j. e) e (j. c f) b (b c (b c) (j. c f) (g b)) a Z\r
- d (j. e) e (j. c f) b (j. k. j (l. e) e (l. k f) b) a Z\r
-$! p35\r
-N (((((((((b z) v) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y))))) (y (v (y y)))) ((w ((a b) z)) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y)))))) (z ((y (v (y y))) b))) (((y (v (y y))) ((y (v (y y))) x)) ((((c (a b)) (y y)) ((y (v (y y))) b)) (((c (a b)) (y y)) ((y (v (y y))) b))))) (z (z b))) ((y y) (((b z) v) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y))))))) Z\r
- ((((((((a b) z) w) (((b z) v) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y)))))) ((y y) ((y (v (y y))) b))) ((((((c (a b)) (y y)) ((y (v (y y))) b)) (((c (a b)) (y y)) ((y (v (y y))) b))) (((((c (a b)) (y y)) (y (v (y y)))) (z w)) ((w (((v (y y)) (v (y y))) a)) (w (z ((y (v (y y))) b)))))) (z w))) (((((((b z) v) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y))))) (y (v (y y)))) ((w ((a b) z)) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y)))))) (z ((y (v (y y))) b))) (c (a b)))) (((((b z) (c b)) (c ((v (y y)) (v (y y))))) (((((c (a b)) (y y)) ((y (v (y y))) b)) Z (((c (a b)) (y y)) ((y (v (y y))) b))) ((c b) (z (z b))))) (((((((b z) v) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y))))) (y (v (y y)))) (b (((v (y y)) (v (y y))) ((y y) (z (z b)))))) (((((w ((a b) z)) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y))))) (((v (y y)) (v (y y))) a)) (((((b z) v) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y))))) (y (v (y y)))) (b (((v (y y)) (v (y y))) ((y y) (z (z b))))))) (b z))) ((x ((c b) (c b))) (((((b z) v) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y))))) (y (v (y y)))) ((w ((a b) z)) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y)))))))))) Z\r
- ((((((((b z) v) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y))))) (y (v (y y)))) ((w ((a b) z)) (a ((v (y y)) (v (y y)))))) (z ((y (v (y y))) b))) (((y (v (y y))) ((y (v (y y))) x)) ((((c (a b)) (y y)) ((y (v (y y))) b)) (((c (a b)) (y y)) ((y (v (y y))) b))))) (v (y y))) Z\r
-$! p36\r
-N (((((((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) ((b a) (b a))) (((y c) (x a)) (v (((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) z)))) ((b a) (b a))) ((a c) (b (((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) (z a))))) ((((((b (((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) z)) (c ((y (x a)) ((z v) (y a))))) (v (((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) z))) (((((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) z) (((z v) (y a)) (c y))) ((x a) (((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) z)))) ((c ((y (x a)) ((z v) (y a)))) (b (((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) z)))) ((((b (z a)) (y a)) (y c)) (a (((((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) ((b a) (b a))) (x a)) ((((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) z) (((z v) (y a)) (c y)))))))) Z\r
- (((((((z v) (y a)) (b a)) w) b) (((b a) ((((z v) (y a)) (b a)) w)) ((((z v) (y a)) (b a)) w))) (((b a) ((((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) ((((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) ((b a) (b a))) (x a))) w)) (((c y) a) v))) Z\r
- (((((((z v) (y a)) (b a)) w) b) (a (((((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) ((b a) (b a))) (x a)) ((((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) z) (((z v) (y a)) (c y)))))) ((((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) ((((y a) (((z v) (y a)) (b a))) ((b a) (b a))) (x a))) x)) Z\r
-$! p37\r
- issue with eta-equality of terms in ps\r
-N x (a y) z Z\r
- x (a z. y z) w Z\r
- a c Z\r
+++ /dev/null
-$! q1\r
-C a d e\r
-N a b Z\r
- a c Z\r
-$! q2\r
-C a d e\r
-N a b Z\r
-$! q3\r
-D x y\r
-C a d e f\r
-N a b Z\r
-$! q4\r
-C f (x.a b c d)\r
-N a b Z\r
-$! q5\r
-D x y\r
-C (y. x)\r
-N x Z\r
-$! q6\r
-D x w\r
-C (y. x z)\r
-N y Z\r
-$! q7\r
-D (b (c d (e f f k.(g e))) f)\r
-C (g (e f) (g e h) (f d (e f) k.e) k.(c d l.(c d)) (f d k.g (b (g (e f)) (b (g (e f)) (e f)) (g (e f) (g e h)))) k.l.(h f (b i)))\r
- (g (e f) (g e h) (f d (e f) k.e) k.(c d l.(c d)) (b (g (e f))) k.l.(g f (k f f (k f f m.(g k)))))\r
- (b (g (e f)) f k.e k.l.(f d (e f)) (c d (e f f k.(g e)) (g k.(e f f))) (h f (i (h k.(i b l.m.n.e)))))\r
-N (f d (e f) k.e k.l.(c d) (b (g e) k.h) (i b k.l.m.e b) a) Z\r
- (f d (e f) k.e k.l.(c d) (b (g e) k.h) (d k.e) (f d (e f) k.e) a) Z\r
- (g (e f) (g e h) (f d (e f) k.e) k.(c d l.(c d)) (g e h) (g f (e f f (e f f k.(g e))) (g (e f)) (b (c d (e f f k.(g e))) (b (g (e f)) (e f)) (b (g (e f)) k.l.e))) a) Z\r
-$! q8\r
-D x a\r
-C y (x b c)\r
-N j Z\r
-$! q9\r
-D x a\r
-C y x\r
-N a (y a b b b) Z\r
-$! q11\r
-D x y\r
-C a (x z)\r
-$! q10\r
-D b (k. c) d (e (f g) (k. g)) (k. l. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. l. c) (b (k. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. c f) (k. e (f g))) (b (k. c) (k. e) f (b (k. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. c f)) (b (k. c) (k. e) f (b (k. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. c f))) (k. b (l. c) b (l. b (m. c))) (k. b (l. c)))\r
-C e (f g) (k. g) (c f) (k. e) (k. b (l. c) d (b (l. c))) (c f (k. b (l. c)) (k. l. b (m. c))) (k. l. b (m. c) d (l (f k) (m. k)) (m. n. c)) (c f (k. b (l. c)) (k. b (l. c) d) (k. c k))\r
- e (f g) (k. g) (c f) (k. i) (k. l. h) (k. l. m. n. m) (b (k. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. c f)) (k. l. m. k (f g) (n. g) (c f) (n. k))\r
- b (k. c) (k. e) f (b (k. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. c f)) (b (k. c) (k. e) f (b (k. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. c f))) (k. b (l. c) b (l. b (m. c))) (k. b (l. c))\r
- b (k. c) d (e (f g) (k. g)) (k. l. m. n. m) (k. l. m. b (n. k) d (b (n. k))) (b (k. c) (k. e) (k. l. m. b (n. c))) (e (f g) (k. g) (c f) (k. i) (k. l. h) (k. l. m. n. m) (b (k. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. c f)) (k. l. m. k (f g) (n. g) (c f) (n. k)))\r
- b (k. c) d (e (f g) (k. g)) (k. l. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. l. c) (b (k. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. c f) (k. e (f g)))\r
-N b (k. c) (k. e) f (b (k. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. c f)) (b (k. c) (k. e) f (b (k. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. c f))) (k. b (l. c) b (l. b (m. c))) (e (f g) (k. g) (c f) (c f (k. b (l. c)) (k. e))) Z\r
- b (k. c) d (e (f g) (k. g)) (k. l. m. n. m) (k. l. m. b (n. k) d (b (n. k))) (e (f g) (k. g) (c f) (k. e) (k. b (l. c) d (b (l. c)))) (k. e (f g) (l. g) (c f) (l. k) (l. m. h)) Z\r
- b (k. c) d (e (f g) (k. g)) (k. l. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. l. m. n. o. p. o) (e (f g) (k. g) (c f) (k. i) f) Z\r
- b (k. c) d (e (f g) (k. g)) (k. l. c) (k. l. b (m. c)) (k. l. c) (k. b) Z\r
- e (f g) (k. g) (c f) (k. e) (k. b (l. c)) (c f (k. b (l. c)) (k. l. b (m. k))) (k. b (l. k)) (e (f g) (k. g) (c f) (c f (k. b (l. c)) (k. e))) Z\r
+++ /dev/null
-$! Scott mk_math with empty bs\r
-D b (_. _. BOT)\r
-C b\r
+++ /dev/null
-$? w1\r
-D x y\r
-C x BOMB\r
-$? w2\r
-D x y z\r
-C x BOMB z\r
- x y y\r
-$! w3\r
-D b c d (k. e k) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d)) (f g (c (e h))) (d b (k. b) (f g (e f))) (c (e h)) (k. b c d (l. c (l k)) (b c (l. e e) (b c d (l. e l) (e e (b (l. m. b)) d (l. d))) (l. c)))\r
-C b c d (k. e k) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d)) (f g (c (e h))) (d b (k. b) (f g (e f))) (c (e h)) (e e (b (k. l. b)) (k. e k)) (k. e e) (k. g (l. g (m. b c)) (l. i (f g)))\r
-C b c d (k. e k) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d)) (f g (c (e h))) (d b (k. b) (f g (e f))) (c (e h)) (d b (k. b)) (k. d k (k (l. m. k)) (c (e h))) (b c (k. c (e h)))\r
-C b c d (k. e k) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d)) (f g (c (e h))) (d b (k. b) (f g (e f))) (c (e h)) (e e (b (k. l. b)) (k. e k)) (k. e e)\r
-C b c d (k. e k) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d)) (f g (c (e h))) (d b (k. b) (f g (e f))) (c (e h)) (d b (k. b)) (k. d k (k (l. m. k)) (c (e h)))\r
-C b (k. l. b) (e f) (b c d) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d) (e (k. l. b c) (k. l. b k) (b c)) d (e e (e e) (d (k. f)) (b c d (k. e k) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d)) (f g (c (e h))))) (e e (b (k. l. b)) (b (k. l. b) (e f) (b c d)) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d) (b (k. l. b))) (k. b c k (l. e l) (e e (b (l. m. b)) k (l. k)) (f g (c (e h))) (k b (l. b) (f g (e f))) (c (e h))) (k. i (f g) (l. l)))\r
-N b c d (k. e k) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d)) (f g (c (e h))) (d b (k. b) (f g (e f))) (c (e h)) (d b (k. b)) (k. l. c (l k)) Z\r
- b c d (k. e k) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d)) (f g (c (e h))) (d b (k. b) (f g (e f))) (c (e h)) (e e (b (k. l. b)) (k. e k)) Z\r
- b c d (k. e k) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d)) (f g (c (e h))) (d b (k. b) (f g (e f))) (c (e h)) (e e (b (k. l. b)) (k. e k)) (k. l. c (k h)) Z\r
- b c d (k. e k) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d)) (f g (c (e h))) (d b (k. b) (f g (e f))) (c (e h)) (e e (b (k. l. b)) (k. e k)) (k. l. c (k h)) (d b (b c d (k. c (k h))) (b c d (k. e k) (b c))) Z\r
- b c d (k. e k) (e e (b (k. l. b)) d (k. d)) (f g (c (e h))) (d b (k. b) (f g (e f))) (c (e h)) (e e (b (k. l. b)) (k. e k)) (k. b k d (l. e l) (e e (b (l. m. b)) d (l. d)) (f g (k (e h)))) Z\r
-$! w4\r
-D b (c b) (k. d) (e f (k. e) (k. b) (f d)) (e f (k. g k) d) (k. c k (c k g))\r
-C c (k. l. l b k) (k. l. d) (e f (k. k) (g e)) (k. l. m. n. n b m) (k. b (b (k e))) (k. g) (e f (k. k (g e) h) b (e (k. g) (h c (g c) f)))\r
- e f (k. k) (k. l. c b) (k. l. l (k b) g) (k. e f (l. l)) (h c (c (k. l. l b k) (k. l. d) (e f (k. k) (g e))) (k. g e (g e))) (k. g (l. e f g) (l. h c) (g (l. e f g) (l. h c)))\r
- e f (k. k (g e) h) (g (k. e f g) (c (c b g) (k. l. l b g))) (k. k (g e) h) (k. h) (b (b (g e)) (k. c (l. m. m b l))) (k. l. g l (g l) (m. c b))\r
- c (k. l. l b k) (k. l. d) (e f (k. k) (g e)) (k. l. m. n. n b m) (k. b (b (k e))) (k. g)\r
- e f (k. k) (g e) (e f (k. e)) (e f (k. e)) (h c (b (g e) h (k. c (l. m. m k l))))\r
-N c (k. l. l b k) (k. l. d) (e f (k. k) (g e)) (k. l. m. n. n b m) (k. b (b (k e))) (k. i) Z\r
- e f (k. k (g e) h) (g (k. e f g) (c (c b g) (k. l. l b g))) (k. k (g e) h) (k. h) (b (b (g e)) (k. c (l. m. m b l))) (h (c b) g i) Z\r
- e f (k. k) (g e) (e f (k. e)) (h (k. g e (g e)) (h (k. g e (g e)))) (k. d) Z\r
- e f (k. k) (g e) (e f (k. e)) (h (k. g e (g e)) (h (k. g e (g e)))) (k. d) (k. l. m. c k) Z\r
- g (k. e f g) (k. h c) (b (g e) h (k. c (l. m. m k l))) (k. c b g) (k. e f (l. l) (g e) (e f (l. e))) f Z\r
-# This was failing because special_k was too low\r
-$! low special_k\r
-N y x\r
- y z\r
-# In general:\r
- DIV x (n times PAC) a\r
- CON x (n times PAC) b\r
- 1 y (m times lambda. x) 0\r
- 2 y z 0\r
- when x steps on the n+1-th argument,\r
- y must apply n+m+1 variables\r
- Thus special_k must be >=n+m+1\r
-$! eatable right away\r
-D y y\r
-C x (_. y y)\r
-#$? should raise a parsing error\r
-# (div occurs as subterm at top-level in conv and ps)\r
- D (a b)\r
- C ((((((((a (v (y. y))) (v c)) ((x ((a (v (y. y))) (v c))) y)) (((a (v (y. y))) (((v c) ((((z z) b) (c. a)) (w (c. (v c))))) (w. (v. (z. (v (y. y))))))) (((v (x. (v c))) (v (x. (v c)))) (((((z z) b) (c. a)) (z z)) (b c))))) (a. ((((z z) b)(c. a)) (z z)))) (y. (z z))) (((a (v (y. y))) w) (z. x))) (w. (z. (v (y. y)))))\r
- C ((((((((z z) b) (c. a)) (z z)) ((v (y. y)) a)) (v (y. y))) ((((a (v (y. y))) (v c)) (z z)) ((a (v (y. y))) (((v c) ((((z z) b) (c. a)) (w (c. (v c))))) (w. (v. (z. (v (y. y))))))))) (z. ((v (y. y)) a)))\r
- C (((((((a (v (y. y))) w) (a b)) ((b (x. (b. a))) (b. (v. ((((z z) b) (c. a)) (z z)))))) (a. (z. (b. w)))) (x. (((w v) ((z z) (a (v (y. y))))) ((a (v (y. y))) (v c))))) (((z z) (a (v (y. y)))) (b. a)))\r
- C (((((((z z) b) (c. a)) (z z)) (b c)) (b. a)) (((v (x. (v c))) (((v (x. (v c))) ((z z) b)) (a. (w. (v. (z. (v (y. y)))))))) ((x ((a (v (y. y))) (v c))) (b. (c. y)))))\r
- C (((((((z z) b) (c. a)) (z z)) (b c)) (b. a)) (y. (x. z)))\r
- N ((((((((a (v (y. y))) w) (a b)) ((b (x. (b. a))) (b. (v. ((((z z) b) (c. a)) (z z)))))) (a. (z. (b. w)))) (x. (((w v)((z z) (a (v (y. y))))) ((a (v (y. y))) (v c))))) (((z z) (a (v (y. y)))) (b. a))) (w. ((((w v) ((z z) (a (v (y. y)))))((a (v (y. y))) (v c))) (((((v c) ((((z z) b) (c. a)) (w (c. (v c))))) (w. (v. (z. (v (y. y)))))) ((z z) a)) (y. ((v c)((((z z) b) (c. a)) (w (c. (v c)))))))))) Z\r
- N (((((((a (v (y. y))) (v c)) ((x ((a (v (y. y))) (v c))) y)) (((a (v (y. y))) (((v c) ((((z z) b) (c. a)) (w (c. (v c))))) (w. (v. (z. (v (y. y))))))) (((v (x. (v c))) (v (x. (v c)))) (((((z z) b) (c. a)) (z z)) (b c))))) (a. ((((z z) b) (c. a)) (z z)))) (y. (z z))) (((a (v (y. y))) w) (z. x))) Z\r
- N (((((((z z) b) (c. a)) (z z)) ((v (y. y)) a)) (v (y. y))) ((((a (v (y. y))) (v c)) (z z)) ((a (v (y. y))) (((v c) ((((z z) b) (c. a)) (w (c. (v c))))) (w. (v. (z. (v (y. y))))))))) Z\r
- N (((((((z z) b) (c. a)) (z z)) (b c)) (b. a)) (y. (x ((z z) a)))) Z\r
- N (((((((z z) b) (c. a)) (z z)) (b c)) (x. (((z z) b) (c. a)))) (((v c) ((((z z) b) (c. a)) (w (c. (v c))))) (w. (v. (z. (v (y. y))))))) Z\r
+++ /dev/null
-open Unix;;
-let process_output_to_list2 = fun command ->
- let chan = open_process_in command in
- let res = ref ([] : string list) in
- let rec process_otl_aux () =
- let e = input_line chan in
- res := e::!res;
- process_otl_aux() in
- try process_otl_aux ()
- with End_of_file ->
- let stat = close_process_in chan in (List.rev !res,stat)
-let cmd_to_list command =
- let (l,_) = process_output_to_list2 command in l;;
-let lines = cmd_to_list "tput cols" in
-prerr_endline (List.hd (lines));;
+++ /dev/null
-open Util.Vars
-module Pure =
-type t =
- | V of int
- | A of t * t
- | L of t
- | B
-let rec print ?(l=[]) =
- function
- V n -> print_name l n
- | A(t1,t2) -> "(" ^ print ~l t1 ^ " " ^ print ~l t2 ^ ")"
- | L t ->
- let name = string_of_var (List.length l) in
- "λ" ^ name ^ "." ^ print ~l:(name::l) t
- | B -> "B"
-let lift m =
- let rec aux l =
- function
- | V n -> V (if n < l then n else n+m)
- | A (t1,t2) -> A (aux l t1, aux l t2)
- | L t -> L (aux (l+1) t)
- | B -> B
- in
- aux 0
-(* Reference implementation.
- Reduction machine used below
-let subst delift_by_one what with_what =
- let rec aux l =
- function
- | A(t1,t2) -> A(aux l t1, aux l t2)
- | V n ->
- if n = what + l then
- lift l with_what
- else
- V (if delift_by_one && n >= l then n-1 else n)
- | L t -> L (aux (l+1) t)
- in
- aux 0
-let rec whd =
- function
- | A(t1, t2) ->
- let t2 = whd t2 in
- let t1 = whd t1 in
- (match t1 with
- | L f -> whd (subst true 0 t2 f)
- | V _
- | A _ -> A(t1,t2))
- | V _
- | L _ as t -> t
-let unwind ?(tbl = Hashtbl.create 317) m =
- let rec unwind (e,t,s) =
- let cache_unwind m =
- try
- Hashtbl.find tbl m
- with
- Not_found ->
- let t = unwind m in
- Hashtbl.add tbl m t ;
- t in
- let s = List.map cache_unwind s in
- let rec aux l =
- function
- | A(t1,t2) -> A(aux l t1, aux l t2)
- | V n as x when n < l -> x
- | V n ->
- (try
- lift l (cache_unwind (List.nth e (n - l)))
- with Failure _ -> V (n - l))
- | L t -> L (aux (l+1) t)
- | B -> B in
- let t = aux 0 t in
- List.fold_left (fun f a -> A(f,a)) t s
- unwind m
-let mwhd m =
- let rec aux =
- function
- | (e,A(t1,t2),s) ->
- let t2' = aux (e,t2,[]) in
- let (_,t,_) = t2' in
- if t = B
- then t2'
- else aux (e,t1,t2'::s)
- | (e,L t,x::s) -> aux (x::e,t,s)
- | (e,V n,s) as m ->
- (try
- let e,t,s' = List.nth e n in
- aux (e,t,s'@s)
- with Failure _ -> m)
- | (e, B, _) -> (e, B, [])
- | (_,L _,[]) as m -> m
- in
- unwind (aux m)
-module Scott =
-open Pure
-let rec mk_n n =
- if n = 0 then L (L (A (V 1, L (V 0)))) else L (L (A (V 0, mk_n (n-1))))
-let dummy = V (max_int / 2)
-let mk_match t bs =
- let bs = List.sort (fun (n1,_) (n2,_) -> compare n1 n2) bs in
- let rec aux m t =
- function
- [] -> A (L dummy, t)
- | (n,p)::tl as l ->
- if n = m then
- A (A (t, L (lift (m+1) p)), L (aux (m+1) (V 0) tl))
- else
- A (A (t, dummy), L (aux (m+1) (V 0) l))
- in
- aux 0 t bs
+++ /dev/null
-module Pure :
- sig
- type t = V of int | A of t * t | L of t | B
- val print : ?l:string list -> t -> string
- val lift : int -> t -> t
- val unwind : ?tbl:('a list * t * 'a list as 'a, t) Hashtbl.t -> 'a -> t
- val mwhd : (('a * t * ('b list as 'c) as 'b) list as 'a) * t * 'c -> t
- end
-module Scott :
- sig
- val mk_n : int -> Pure.t
- val dummy : Pure.t
- val mk_match : Pure.t -> (int * Pure.t) list -> Pure.t
- end
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-echo "Running test. Log file: $file."
-trap 'echo' SIGINT
-./test4.out 2>&1 | tee $file | stdbuf -o0 grep -Po '(?<=measure=)[^ ]*' | stdbuf -o0 tr '\n' ' '
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]
- rm $file
- echo
- echo 'Test succeeded'
- echo ''
- echo 'Test failed or interrupted'
- echo "Please have a look at log file: $file ."
+++ /dev/null
- Reductions from SAT and 3-colorability of graphs to separation\r
- of lambda-terms. Commented out the encoding from SAT.\r
-open Util;;\r
-(* type cnf = int list list;;\r
-let (++) f g x = f (g x);;\r
-let maxvar : cnf -> int =\r
- let aux f = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> max acc (f x)) 0 in\r
- aux (aux abs)\r
-;; *)\r
-type graph = (int * int) list;;\r
-type color = int;;\r
-let arc x y = min x y, max x y;;\r
-let mem g x y = List.mem (arc x y) g;;\r
-(* let reduction_sat_3col p =\r
- let triangle a0 a1 a2 = [arc a0 a1; arc a0 a2; arc a1 a2] in\r
- let init0 = triangle 0 1 2 in\r
- (* 0false; 1true; 2base*)\r
- let n = maxvar p in\r
- let init1 = Array.to_list (Array.mapi (fun i () -> triangle (2*i+1) (2*(i+1)) 2) (Array.make n ())) in\r
- let freshno = ref (2 * n + 3) in\r
- let mk_triangle () =\r
- let i = !freshno in\r
- freshno := i+3; i, i+1, i+2 in\r
- let rec translate = function\r
- | [] -> assert false\r
- | x::[] -> [triangle 0 2 x]\r
- | x::y::l ->\r
- let a,b,c = mk_triangle () in\r
- triangle a b c :: [arc x a; arc y b] :: translate (c::l) in\r
- let p = List.map (List.map (fun x ->\r
- if x = 0 then assert false\r
- else if x < 0 then 2 * (abs x + 1)\r
- else 2 * x + 1\r
- )) p in\r
- let init2 = List.map (List.concat ++ translate) p in\r
- !freshno, init0 @ List.concat (init1 @ init2)\r
-let string_of_graph g =\r
- String.concat " " (List.map (fun (x,y) -> string_of_int x ^ "<>" ^ string_of_int y) g)\r
-;; *)\r
-(* let main p =\r
- let mv = maxvar p in\r
- prerr_endline (string_of_int mv);\r
- let _, g = reduction_sat_3col p in\r
- prerr_endline (string_of_graph g);\r
- generate ;;\r
-prerr_endline (main[\r
- [1; -2; 3];\r
- [2; 4; -5]\r
-]);; *)\r
-let p_ = "BOMB ";;\r
-let x_ = "x ";;\r
-(* y, z dummies *)\r
-let y_ = "y ";;\r
-let z_ = "z ";;\r
-(* a, b endline separators *)\r
-let a_ = "a ";;\r
-let b_ = "b ";;\r
-let generate g n max =\r
- (* 0 <= n <= max+1 *)\r
- let three f sep =\r
- String.concat sep (List.map f [0;1;2]) in\r
- let rec aux' n m color =\r
- if m = -1 then x_\r
- else aux' n (m-1) color ^\r
- if n = m then\r
- (if List.mem (n,n) g then p_^p_^p_ (* cappio nel grafo *)\r
- else three (fun c -> if color = c then y_ else p_) "")\r
- else if n < m then y_^y_^y_\r
- else if List.mem (m,n) g then\r
- three (fun c -> if color = c then p_ else y_) ""\r
- else y_^y_^y_ in\r
- let rec aux m =\r
- if m = -1 then x_\r
- else aux (m-1) ^\r
- if n < m then p_^p_^p_\r
- else if n = m then\r
- "(_." ^ three (aux' n max) "b) (_." ^ "b) "\r
- else y_^y_^y_\r
- in aux max ^ a_\r
-let generate2 g n max =\r
- let rec aux m =\r
- if m = -1 then x_\r
- else aux (m-1) ^\r
- if n < m then p_^p_^p_\r
- else if n = m\r
- then z_^z_^z_\r
- else y_^y_^y_\r
- in aux max ^ p_\r
-let encode_graph g =\r
- let g = List.map (fun (x,y) -> min x y, max x y) g in\r
- let mapi f a = Array.to_list (Array.mapi f a) in\r
- let nodex_no =\r
- List.fold_left (fun acc (a,b) -> Pervasives.max acc (Pervasives.max a b)) 0 in\r
- String.concat "\n" ("\n$ problem from 3-colorability" ::\r
- let no = nodex_no g in\r
- mapi (fun i () ->\r
- (if i = no+1 then "D " else "C ") ^ generate g i no\r
- ) (Array.make (no+2) ()) @\r
- mapi (fun i () ->\r
- "C " ^ generate2 g i no\r
- ) (Array.make (no+1) ());\r
- )\r
-print_endline "Three example encodings:";;\r
-(* easy one *)\r
-prerr_endline (encode_graph [0,1;]);;\r
-(* two imopssible problems *)\r
-prerr_endline (\r
- encode_graph [0,1; 1,1]\r
-prerr_endline (\r
- encode_graph [0,1; 0,2; 1,2; 0,3; 1,3; 2,3]\r
-print_endline "\nIt will now run some problems and decode the solutions";;\r
-print_endline "Press ENTER to continue.";;\r
-let _ = read_line ();;\r
-let strip_lambda_matches =\r
- let getvar = function\r
- | `Var(n,_) -> n\r
- | _ -> assert false in\r
- let rec aux n = function\r
- | `Lam(_,t) -> aux (n+1) t\r
- | `Match(_,_,_,bs,_) -> Some (n, List.map (getvar ++ snd) !bs)\r
- | _ -> None\r
- in aux 0\r
-let next_candidates sigma cands =\r
- let sigma = Util.filter_map\r
- (fun x -> try Some (List.assoc x sigma) with Not_found -> None) cands in\r
- match Util.find_opt strip_lambda_matches sigma with\r
- | None -> -1, []\r
- | Some x -> x\r
-let fix_numbers l =\r
- let rec aux n = function\r
- | [] -> []\r
- | x::xs -> (x - 2*n - 1) :: (aux (n+1) xs)\r
- in aux 0 l\r
-let color (g:graph) =\r
- let p = encode_graph g in\r
- let (_, _, _, _, vars as p) = Parser.problem_of_string p in\r
- let _, result = Lambda4.solve (Lambda4.problem_of p) in\r
- match result with\r
- | `Unseparable _ -> prerr_endline "Graph not colorable"; None\r
- | `Separable sigma -> (\r
- (* start from variable x *)\r
- let x = Util.index_of "x" vars in\r
- (* List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline (string_of_int (fst x) ^ ":" ^ Num.print ~l:vars (snd x))) sigma; *)\r
- let rec iter f x =\r
- let n, x = f x in if x = [] then [] else n :: iter f x in\r
- let numbers = iter (next_candidates sigma) [x] in\r
- let numbers = fix_numbers numbers in\r
- (* display solution *)\r
- let colors = ["r"; "g"; "b"] in\r
- prerr_endline ("\nSolution found:\n " ^ String.concat "\n "\r
- (List.mapi (fun i x ->\r
- string_of_int i ^ " := " ^ List.nth colors x) numbers));\r
- assert (List.for_all (fun (a,b) -> List.nth numbers a <> List.nth numbers b) g);\r
- Some numbers)\r
-let bruteforce g =\r
- let nodes_no = 1+\r
- List.fold_left (fun acc (a,b) -> Pervasives.max acc (Pervasives.max a b)) 0 g in\r
- let check x = if List.for_all (fun (a,b) -> List.nth x a <> List.nth x b) g\r
- then failwith "bruteforce: sat" in\r
- let rec guess l = prerr_string "+";\r
- if List.length l = nodes_no\r
- then check l\r
- else (guess (0::l); guess (1::l); guess (2::l)) in\r
- guess [];\r
- prerr_endline "bruteforce: unsat"\r
-assert (color [0,1;0,2;1,2;2,3;3,0] <> None);;\r
-assert (color [0,1;0,2;1,2;2,3;3,0;0,4;4,2] <> None);;\r
-(* assert (color [\r
- 1,2; 1,4; 1,7; 1,9; 2,3; 2,6; 2,8; 3,5;\r
- 3,7; 3,0; 4,5; 4,6; 4,0; 5,8; 5,9; 6,11;\r
- 7,11; 8,11; 9,11; 0,11;\r
-] = None);; *)\r
-(* https://turing.cs.hbg.psu.edu/txn131/file_instances/coloring/graph_color/queen5_5.col *)\r
-color [1,7\r
-; 1,13\r
-; 1,19\r
-; 1,25\r
-; 1,2\r
-; 1,3\r
-; 1,4\r
-; 1,5\r
-; 1,6\r
-; 1,11\r
-; 1,16\r
-; 1,21\r
-; 2,8\r
-; 2,14\r
-; 2,20\r
-; 2,6\r
-; 2,3\r
-; 2,4\r
-; 2,5\r
-; 2,7\r
-; 2,12\r
-; 2,17\r
-; 2,22\r
-; 2,1\r
-; 3,9\r
-; 3,15\r
-; 3,7\r
-; 3,11\r
-; 3,4\r
-; 3,5\r
-; 3,8\r
-; 3,13\r
-; 3,18\r
-; 3,23\r
-; 3,2\r
-; 3,1\r
-; 4,10\r
-; 4,8\r
-; 4,12\r
-; 4,16\r
-; 4,5\r
-; 4,9\r
-; 4,14\r
-; 4,19\r
-; 4,24\r
-; 4,3\r
-; 4,2\r
-; 4,1\r
-; 5,9\r
-; 5,13\r
-; 5,17\r
-; 5,21\r
-; 5,10\r
-; 5,15\r
-; 5,20\r
-; 5,25\r
-; 5,4\r
-; 5,3\r
-; 5,2\r
-; 5,1\r
-; 6,12\r
-; 6,18\r
-; 6,24\r
-; 6,7\r
-; 6,8\r
-; 6,9\r
-; 6,10\r
-; 6,11\r
-; 6,16\r
-; 6,21\r
-; 6,2\r
-; 6,1\r
-; 7,13\r
-; 7,19\r
-; 7,25\r
-; 7,11\r
-; 7,8\r
-; 7,9\r
-; 7,10\r
-; 7,12\r
-; 7,17\r
-; 7,22\r
-; 7,6\r
-; 7,3\r
-; 7,2\r
-; 7,1\r
-; 8,14\r
-; 8,20\r
-; 8,12\r
-; 8,16\r
-; 8,9\r
-; 8,10\r
-; 8,13\r
-; 8,18\r
-; 8,23\r
-; 8,7\r
-; 8,6\r
-; 8,4\r
-; 8,3\r
-; 8,2\r
-; 9,15\r
-; 9,13\r
-; 9,17\r
-; 9,21\r
-; 9,10\r
-; 9,14\r
-; 9,19\r
-; 9,24\r
-; 9,8\r
-; 9,7\r
-; 9,6\r
-; 9,5\r
-; 9,4\r
-; 9,3\r
-; 10,14\r
-; 10,18\r
-; 10,22\r
-; 10,15\r
-; 10,20\r
-; 10,25\r
-; 10,9\r
-; 10,8\r
-; 10,7\r
-; 10,6\r
-; 10,5\r
-; 10,4\r
-; 11,17\r
-; 11,23\r
-; 11,12\r
-; 11,13\r
-; 11,14\r
-; 11,15\r
-; 11,16\r
-; 11,21\r
-; 11,7\r
-; 11,6\r
-; 11,3\r
-; 11,1\r
-; 12,18\r
-; 12,24\r
-; 12,16\r
-; 12,13\r
-; 12,14\r
-; 12,15\r
-; 12,17\r
-; 12,22\r
-; 12,11\r
-; 12,8\r
-; 12,7\r
-; 12,6\r
-; 12,4\r
-; 12,2\r
-; 13,19\r
-; 13,25\r
-; 13,17\r
-; 13,21\r
-; 13,14\r
-; 13,15\r
-; 13,18\r
-; 13,23\r
-; 13,12\r
-; 13,11\r
-; 13,9\r
-; 13,8\r
-; 13,7\r
-; 13,5\r
-; 13,3\r
-; 13,1\r
-; 14,20\r
-; 14,18\r
-; 14,22\r
-; 14,15\r
-; 14,19\r
-; 14,24\r
-; 14,13\r
-; 14,12\r
-; 14,11\r
-; 14,10\r
-; 14,9\r
-; 14,8\r
-; 14,4\r
-; 14,2\r
-; 15,19\r
-; 15,23\r
-; 15,20\r
-; 15,25\r
-; 15,14\r
-; 15,13\r
-; 15,12\r
-; 15,11\r
-; 15,10\r
-; 15,9\r
-; 15,5\r
-; 15,3\r
-; 16,22\r
-; 16,17\r
-; 16,18\r
-; 16,19\r
-; 16,20\r
-; 16,21\r
-; 16,12\r
-; 16,11\r
-; 16,8\r
-; 16,6\r
-; 16,4\r
-; 16,1\r
-; 17,23\r
-; 17,21\r
-; 17,18\r
-; 17,19\r
-; 17,20\r
-; 17,22\r
-; 17,16\r
-; 17,13\r
-; 17,12\r
-; 17,11\r
-; 17,9\r
-; 17,7\r
-; 17,5\r
-; 17,2\r
-; 18,24\r
-; 18,22\r
-; 18,19\r
-; 18,20\r
-; 18,23\r
-; 18,17\r
-; 18,16\r
-; 18,14\r
-; 18,13\r
-; 18,12\r
-; 18,10\r
-; 18,8\r
-; 18,6\r
-; 18,3\r
-; 19,25\r
-; 19,23\r
-; 19,20\r
-; 19,24\r
-; 19,18\r
-; 19,17\r
-; 19,16\r
-; 19,15\r
-; 19,14\r
-; 19,13\r
-; 19,9\r
-; 19,7\r
-; 19,4\r
-; 19,1\r
-; 20,24\r
-; 20,25\r
-; 20,19\r
-; 20,18\r
-; 20,17\r
-; 20,16\r
-; 20,15\r
-; 20,14\r
-; 20,10\r
-; 20,8\r
-; 20,5\r
-; 20,2\r
-; 21,22\r
-; 21,23\r
-; 21,24\r
-; 21,25\r
-; 21,17\r
-; 21,16\r
-; 21,13\r
-; 21,11\r
-; 21,9\r
-; 21,6\r
-; 21,5\r
-; 21,1\r
-; 22,23\r
-; 22,24\r
-; 22,25\r
-; 22,21\r
-; 22,18\r
-; 22,17\r
-; 22,16\r
-; 22,14\r
-; 22,12\r
-; 22,10\r
-; 22,7\r
-; 22,2\r
-; 23,24\r
-; 23,25\r
-; 23,22\r
-; 23,21\r
-; 23,19\r
-; 23,18\r
-; 23,17\r
-; 23,15\r
-; 23,13\r
-; 23,11\r
-; 23,8\r
-; 23,3\r
-; 24,25\r
-; 24,23\r
-; 24,22\r
-; 24,21\r
-; 24,20\r
-; 24,19\r
-; 24,18\r
-; 24,14\r
-; 24,12\r
-; 24,9\r
-; 24,6\r
-; 24,4\r
-; 25,24\r
-; 25,23\r
-; 25,22\r
-; 25,21\r
-; 25,20\r
-; 25,19\r
-; 25,15\r
-; 25,13\r
-; 25,10\r
-; 25,7\r
-; 25,5\r
-; 25,1];;\r
+++ /dev/null
-type graph = (int * int) list\r
-type color\r
-val encode_graph : graph -> string\r
-val color: graph -> (color list) option\r
+++ /dev/null
-open Lambda4;;
-open Util;;
-let acaso l =
- let n = Random.int (List.length l) in
- List.nth l n
-let acaso2 l1 l2 =
- let n1 = List.length l1 in
- let n = Random.int (n1 + List.length l2) in
- if n >= n1 then List.nth l2 (n - n1) else List.nth l1 n
-(** with bombs and pacmans too *)
-let acaso3 l1 l2 =
- if Random.int 10 = 0 then (
- if Random.int 2 = 0 then "BOMB" else "PAC"
- ) else
- let n1 = List.length l1 in
- let n = Random.int (n1 + List.length l2) in
- if n >= n1 then List.nth l2 (n - n1) else List.nth l1 n
-(* let rec take l n =
- if n = 0 then []
- else match l with
- | [] -> []
- | x::xs -> x :: (take xs (n-1))
-;; *)
-let gen n vars =
- let rec take' l n =
- if n = 0 then [], []
- else match l with
- | [] -> [], []
- | [_] -> assert false
- | x1::x2::xs -> let a, b = take' xs (n-1) in x1::a,x2::b in
- let rec aux n inerts lams =
- if n = 0 then List.hd inerts, take' (Util.sort_uniq (List.tl inerts)) 5
- else let inerts, lams = if Random.int 2 = 0
- then inerts, ("(" ^ acaso vars ^ ". " ^ acaso2 inerts lams ^ ")") :: lams
- else ("(" ^ acaso inerts ^ " " ^ acaso2 inerts lams^ ")") :: inerts, lams
- in aux (n-1) inerts lams
- in aux (2*n) vars []
-let gen_pac n vars =
- let rec take' l n =
- if n = 0 then [], []
- else match l with
- | [] -> [], []
- | [_] -> assert false
- | x1::x2::xs -> let a, b = take' xs (n-1) in x1::a,x2::b in
- let rec aux n inerts lams =
- if n = 0 then List.hd inerts, take' (Util.sort_uniq (List.tl inerts)) 5
- else let inerts, lams = if Random.int 2 = 0
- then inerts, ("(" ^ acaso vars ^ ". " ^ acaso3 inerts lams ^ ")") :: lams
- else ("(" ^ acaso inerts ^ " " ^ acaso3 inerts lams^ ")") :: inerts, lams
- in aux (n-1) inerts lams
- in aux (2*n) vars []
-let rec repeat f n =
- prerr_endline "\n########################### NEW TEST ###########################";
- f () ;
- if n > 0 then repeat f (n-1)
-let solve div convs nums label =
- let p = String.concat "\n" (
- ("$! randomly generated test " ^ label) ::
- ("D " ^ div) ::
- List.map ((^) "C ") convs @
- List.map (fun s -> "N " ^ s ^ " Z") nums
- ) in
- prerr_endline p;
- match (Lambda4.solve ++ Lambda4.problem_of ++ Parser.problem_of_string) p with
- | `Uncomplete, `Unseparable _ ->
- failwith ("Test4.solve: unseparable, and cannot tell if that's right or not.")
- | _ -> ()
-let main =
- Random.self_init ();
- (* num = number of tests to run *)
- let num = 100 in
- (* if flag --with-pac active, then more general tests *)
- let with_pac = List.mem "--with-pac" (Array.to_list Sys.argv) in
- let label, f = if with_pac
- then (
- let complex = 10 in
- let vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "v" ; "w"; "a"; "b"; "c"] in
- "with pacmans & bombs", fun () -> gen_pac complex vars
- ) else (
- let complex = 200 in
- let vars = ["x"; "y"; "z"; "v" ; "w"; "a"; "b"; "c"] in
- "", fun () -> gen complex vars
- ) in
- repeat (fun _ ->
- let div, (conv, nums) = f () in
- solve div conv nums label
- ) num;
- prerr_endline "\n---- ALL TESTS COMPLETED ----"
+++ /dev/null
-(((((((v (((a v) w) (((a v) w) v))) (w. c)) (b (a v))) c) (z. a)) (x. (w. (w. c)))) (((a (y c)) ((y c) ((a v) (w (z. a))))) (w. c)))\r
-((((((v (((a v) w) (((a v) w) v))) (w. c)) (b (a v))) c) (z. a)) (x. (w. (w. c))))\r
-(((((b (a v)) (a. (y c))) z) (w. w)) ((a c) c))\r
-(((((v (((a v) w) (((a v) w) v))) (w. c)) (b (a v))) c) (z. a))\r
-((((a (y c)) ((y c) ((a v) (w (z. a))))) (w. c)) (x. w))\r
-let fancy_of_term : nf -> Console.fancyobj =\r
- let open Console in\r
- let of_var level n =\r
- if n < level\r
- then fancy_of_string (string_of_var n)\r
- else (("x" ^ string_of_int (level-n-1)) / ("var<sup>" ^ string_of_int (n-level) ^ "</sup>"))\r
- in let rec aux level = function\r
- `Var n -> of_var level n\r
- | `N n -> fancy_of_string (string_of_int n)\r
- | `Match(t,bs_lift,bs,args) ->\r
- "([" ^^ aux level (t :> nf) ^^\r
- " ? " ^ String.concat " | " (List.map (fun (n,t) -> string_of_int n ^ " => " ^ print ~l (lift bs_lift t)) !bs) ^ "] " ^\r
- String.concat " " (List.map (print ~l) args) ^ ")"\r
- | `I(n,args) -> "(" ^ print_name l n ^ " " ^ String.concat " " (Listx.to_list (Listx.map (print ~l) args)) ^ ")"\r
- | `Lam nf ->\r
- let name = string_of_var (List.length l) in\r
- "λ" ^ name ^ "." ^ print ~l:(name::l) (nf : nf)\r
- in aux 0\r