(* argument parsing *)
let depth = int "depth" params in
let width = int "width" params in
+ let timeout = string "timeout" params in
let paramodulation = bool "paramodulation" params in
let full = bool "full" params in
let superposition = bool "superposition" params in
let subterms_only = bool "subterms_only" params in
let caso_strano = bool "caso_strano" params in
let demod_table = string "demod_table" params in
+ let timeout =
+ try Some (float_of_string timeout) with Failure _ -> None
+ in
(* the real tactic *)
let auto_tac dbd (proof, goal) =
let normal_auto () =
debug_print (lazy "USO PARAMODULATION...");
(* try *)
- let rc = Saturation.saturate caso_strano dbd ~depth ~width ~full (proof, goal) in
+ let rc = Saturation.saturate caso_strano dbd ~depth ~width ~full
+ ?timeout (proof, goal) in
prerr_endline (Saturation.get_stats ());
with exn ->
let saturate
- dbd ?(full=false) ?(depth=default_depth) ?(width=default_width) status =
+ dbd ?(full=false) ?(depth=default_depth) ?(width=default_width)
+ ?(timeout=600.) status =
let module C = Cic in
reset_refs ();
Indexing.init_index ();
let goals = make_goal_set goal in
let max_iterations = 10000 in
- let max_time = Unix.gettimeofday () +. 600. (* minutes *) in
+ let max_time = Unix.gettimeofday () +. timeout (* minutes *) in
eq_uri env goals theorems passive active max_iterations max_time
?full:bool ->
?depth:int ->
?width:int ->
+ ?timeout:float ->
ProofEngineTypes.proof * ProofEngineTypes.goal ->
ProofEngineTypes.proof * ProofEngineTypes.goal list
module A = Ast;;
let floc = HExtlib.dummy_floc;;
+let paramod_timeout = ref 600;;
let universe = "Univ" ;;
let kw = [
else [])@
[GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Tactic(floc,
- GA.Auto (floc,["paramodulation",""])),
+ GA.Auto (floc,["paramodulation","";"timeout",string_of_int !paramod_timeout])),
Some (GA.Dot(floc))));
GA.Executable(floc,GA.Tactical(floc, GA.Try(floc,
GA.Tactic (floc, GA.Assumption floc)), Some (GA.Dot(floc))))
(* MAIN *)
-let tptp2grafite ?raw_preamble ~tptppath ~filename () =
+let tptp2grafite ?(timeout=600) ?raw_preamble ~tptppath ~filename () =
+ paramod_timeout := timeout;
let rec aux = function
| [] -> []
| ((A.Inclusion (file,_)) as hd) :: tl ->
val tptp2grafite:
+ ?timeout:int ->
?raw_preamble:(string -> string) ->
tptppath:string -> filename:string -> unit ->
Helm_registry.get_opt_default Helm_registry.string ~default:"./"
- let data = Matitaprover.p_to_ma ~filename:file ~tptppath in
+ let data = Matitaprover.p_to_ma ~filename:file ~tptppath () in
let filename = Pcre.replace ~pat:"\\.p$" ~templ:".ma" file in
script#assignFileName filename;
source_view#source_buffer#begin_not_undoable_action ();
(* $Id$ *)
let main () =
- match Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0) with
- | "gragrep" | "gragrep.opt" -> Gragrep.main ()
- | "matitadep" | "matitadep.opt" -> Matitadep.main ()
- | "matitaclean" | "matitaclean.opt" -> Matitaclean.main ()
- | "matitamake" | "matitamake.opt" -> Matitamake.main ()
- | "matitaprover" | "matitaprover.opt" -> Matitaprover.main ()
- | _ ->
+ match Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0) with
+ |"gragrep" |"gragrep.opt" |"gragrep.opt.static" ->Gragrep.main()
+ |"matitadep" |"matitadep.opt" |"matitadep.opt.static" ->Matitadep.main()
+ |"matitaclean"|"matitaclean.opt"|"matitaclean.opt.static"->Matitaclean.main()
+ |"matitamake" |"matitamake.opt" |"matitamake.opt.static" ->Matitamake.main()
+ |"matitaprover"|"matitaprover.opt"
+ |"matitaprover.opt.static"->Matitaprover.main()
+ | _ ->
let _ = Paramodulation.Saturation.init () in *)
(* ALB to link paramodulation *)
-let p_to_ma ~tptppath ~filename =
+let p_to_ma ?timeout ~tptppath ~filename () =
let data =
- Tptp2grafite.tptp2grafite ~filename ~tptppath:tptppath
+ Tptp2grafite.tptp2grafite ?timeout ~filename ~tptppath:tptppath
~raw_preamble ()
let main () =
MatitaInit.fill_registry ();
let tptppath = ref "./" in
+ let timeout = ref 600 in
["-tptppath",Arg.String (fun s -> tptppath:= s),
- "Where to find the Axioms/ and Problems/ directory"];
+ "Where to find the Axioms/ and Problems/ directory";
+ "-timeout", Arg.Int (fun x -> timeout := x),
+ "Timeout in seconds"];
MatitaInit.parse_cmdline ();
MatitaInit.load_configuration_file ();
Helm_registry.set_bool "db.nodb" true;
| [file] -> file
| _ -> prerr_endline "You must specify exactly one .p file."; exit 1
- let data = p_to_ma ~filename:inputfile ~tptppath:!tptppath in
+ let data =
+ p_to_ma ~timeout:!timeout ~filename:inputfile ~tptppath:!tptppath ()
+ in
(* prerr_endline data; *)
let is = Ulexing.from_utf8_string data in
let gs = GrafiteSync.init () in
val main: unit -> unit
-val p_to_ma: tptppath:string -> filename:string -> string
+val p_to_ma: ?timeout:int -> tptppath:string -> filename:string -> unit -> string