with End_of_file -> close_in ic
+let get_all_notations () =
+ (fun (interp_id, dsc) ->
+ InterpretationId interp_id, "interpretation: " ^ dsc)
+ (CicNotationRew.get_all_interpretations ())
+let get_active_notations () =
+ (fun id -> InterpretationId id)
+ (CicNotationRew.get_active_interpretations ())
+let set_active_notations ids =
+ let interp_ids =
+ HExtlib.filter_map
+ (function InterpretationId interp_id -> Some interp_id | _ -> None)
+ ids
+ in
+ CicNotationRew.set_active_interpretations interp_ids
(** @param fname file from which load notation *)
val load_notation: string -> unit
+(** {2 Notation enabling/disabling}
+ * Right now, only disabling of notation during pretty printing is supporting.
+ * If it is useful to disable it also for the input phase is still to be
+ * understood ... *)
+val get_all_notations: unit -> (notation_id * string) list (* id, dsc *)
+val get_active_notations: unit -> notation_id list
+val set_active_notations: notation_id list -> unit
Ast.AttributedTerm (`IdRef (CicUtil.id_of_annterm annterm), ast)
let load_patterns32 t =
+ let t =
+ HExtlib.filter_map (function (true, ap, id) -> Some (ap, id) | _ -> None) t
+ in
set_compiled32 (lazy (CicNotationMatcher.Matcher32.compiler t))
let load_patterns21 t =
let add_interpretation dsc (symbol, args) appl_pattern =
let id = fresh_id () in
Hashtbl.add level2_patterns32 id (dsc, symbol, args, appl_pattern);
- pattern32_matrix := (appl_pattern, id) :: !pattern32_matrix;
+ pattern32_matrix := (true, appl_pattern, id) :: !pattern32_matrix;
load_patterns32 !pattern32_matrix;
let ids = Hashtbl.find interpretations symbol in
with Not_found -> Hashtbl.add interpretations symbol (ref [id]));
+let get_all_interpretations () =
+ (function (_, _, id) ->
+ let (dsc, _, _, _) =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find level2_patterns32 id
+ with Not_found -> assert false
+ in
+ (id, dsc))
+ !pattern32_matrix
+let get_active_interpretations () =
+ HExtlib.filter_map (function (true, _, id) -> Some id | _ -> None)
+ !pattern32_matrix
+let set_active_interpretations ids =
+ let pattern32_matrix' =
+ (function
+ | (_, ap, id) when List.mem id ids -> (true, ap, id)
+ | (_, ap, id) -> (false, ap, id))
+ !pattern32_matrix
+ in
+ pattern32_matrix := pattern32_matrix';
+ load_patterns32 !pattern32_matrix
exception Interpretation_not_found
exception Pretty_printer_not_found
ids := List.filter ((<>) id) !ids;
Hashtbl.remove level2_patterns32 id;
with Not_found -> raise Interpretation_not_found);
- pattern32_matrix := List.filter (fun (_, id') -> id <> id') !pattern32_matrix;
+ pattern32_matrix :=
+ List.filter (fun (_, _, id') -> id <> id') !pattern32_matrix;
load_patterns32 !pattern32_matrix
let remove_pretty_printer id =