force_does_not_occur metasenv subst restrictions ty in
let j = newmeta () in
let metasenv_entry = j, (name, newctx, newty) in
- prerr_endline ("restricting ?" ^ string_of_int i ^ " to ?" ^
- string_of_int j ^ " : " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~context:newctx
- ~subst newty ^" in a shorter context:\n" ^
- NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv ~subst newctx);
let reloc_irl =
mk_perforated_irl 0 (List.length ctx) restrictions in
let subst_entry = i, (name, ctx, NCic.Meta (j, reloc_irl), ty) in
let shift,lc = l in
match lc, lc1 with
| NCic.Irl len, NCic.Irl len1
- when shift1 < shift || len1 + shift1 > len + shift ->
+ when shift1 - k < shift || len1 + shift1 - k > len + shift ->
+ let low_gap = max 0 (shift - (shift1 - k)) in
+ let high_gap = max 0 (shift1 + len1 - k - (shift + len)) in
let restrictions =
- HExtlib.list_seq 1 (shift - shift1) @
- HExtlib.list_seq (shift+len+1) (shift1+len1)
+ HExtlib.list_seq 1 (low_gap+1) @
+ HExtlib.list_seq (len1-high_gap) len1
+ prerr_endline ("RESTRICTIONS FOR: " ^
+ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:[]
+ (NCic.Meta (i,l1)) ^
+ " that was part of a term unified with " ^
+ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:[]
+ (NCic.Meta (n,l)) ^ " ====> " ^
+ String.concat "," ( string_of_int restrictions));
let metasenv, subst, newmeta =
restrict metasenv subst i restrictions
- (metasenv, subst),
- NCic.Meta(newmeta, mk_perforated_irl shift1 len1 restrictions)
+ let meta =
+ NCic.Meta(newmeta,(k,NCic.Irl (len - low_gap - high_gap)))
+ in
+ (metasenv, subst), meta
| NCic.Irl _, NCic.Irl _ when shift = 0 -> ms, orig
| NCic.Irl _, NCic.Irl _ ->
ms, NCic.Meta (i, (shift1 - shift, lc1))
| NotInTheList | MetaSubstFailure _ -> ms, j::tbr, tl
let (metasenv, subst), to_be_r, lc1' = deliftl [] 1 ms lc1 in
prerr_endline ("TO BE RESTRICTED: " ^
(String.concat "," ( string_of_int to_be_r)));
let l1 = pack_lc (shift, NCic.Ctx lc1') in
if to_be_r = [] then
(metasenv, subst),