let compose_contexts ctx1 ctx2 =
- ~equality:(=) ~what:[Cic.Rel 1] ~with_what:[ctx2] ~where:ctx1
+ ~equality:(=) ~what:[Cic.Implicit(Some `Hole)] ~with_what:[ctx2] ~where:ctx1
let put_in_ctx ctx t =
- ~equality:(=) ~what:[Cic.Rel 1] ~with_what:[t] ~where:ctx
+ ~equality:(=) ~what:[Cic.Implicit (Some `Hole)] ~with_what:[t] ~where:ctx
let mk_eq uri ty l r =
let contextualize uri ty left right t =
+ let hole = Cic.Implicit (Some `Hole) in
(* aux [uri] [ty] [left] [right] [ctx] [t]
* the parameters validate this invariant
* t: eq(uri) ty left right
* that is used only by the base case
- * ctx is a term with an open (Rel 1). (Rel 1) is the empty context
+ * ctx is a term with an hole. Cic.Implicit(Some `Hole) is the empty context
let rec aux uri ty left right ctx_d = function
| Cic.Appl ((Cic.Const(uri_sym,ens))::tl)
let m, ctx_c = if is_not_fixed_lp then rp,lp else lp,rp in
(* they were under a lambda *)
let m = CicSubstitution.subst (Cic.Implicit None) m in
- let ctx_c = CicSubstitution.subst (Cic.Rel 1) ctx_c in
+ let ctx_c = CicSubstitution.subst hole ctx_c in
m, ctx_c
(* create the compound context and put the terms under it *)
let uri_ind = LibraryObjects.eq_ind_URI ~eq:uri in
let pred =
(* ctx_d will go under a lambda, but put_in_ctx substitutes Rel 1 *)
- let ctx_d = CicSubstitution.lift_from 2 1 ctx_d in (* bleah *)
- let r = put_in_ctx ctx_d (CicSubstitution.lift 1 left) in
- let l = ctx_d in
+ let r = CicSubstitution.lift 1 (put_in_ctx ctx_d left) in
+ let l =
+ let ctx_d = CicSubstitution.lift 1 ctx_d in
+ put_in_ctx ctx_d (Cic.Rel 1)
+ in
let lty = CicSubstitution.lift 1 ty in
Cic.Lambda (Cic.Name "foo",ty,(mk_eq uri lty l r))
mk_sym uri_sym ty d_right d_left
(mk_eq_ind uri_ind ty left pred refl_eq right t)
- let empty_context = Cic.Rel 1 in
- aux uri ty left right empty_context t
+ aux uri ty left right hole t
let contextualize_rewrites t ty =