(* $Id: nCic.ml 9058 2008-10-13 17:42:30Z tassi $ *)
+let debug = ref false;;
+let pp x =
+ if !debug then prerr_endline (Lazy.force x) else ()
exception Error of string lazy_t * exn option
let fail ?exn msg = raise (Error (msg,exn))
type tactic_pattern = GrafiteAst.npattern Disambiguate.disambiguator_input
let pp_status status =
- prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppobj status#obj)
+ pp (lazy (NCicPp.ppobj status#obj))
type cic_term = NCic.context * NCic.term
let ctx_of (c,_) = c ;;
-let relocate status destination (source,t as orig) =
- if source == destination then status, orig else
- let u, d, metasenv, subst, o = status#obj in
- let rec lcp ctx j i = function
- | (n1, NCic.Decl t1 as e)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Decl t2)::cl2 ->
- if n1 = n2 &&
- NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv t1 t2 then
- NCic.Rel i :: lcp (e::ctx)(j-1) (i-1) (cl1,cl2)
- else
- HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Appl
- [NCic.Sort NCic.Prop; NCic.Sort NCic.Prop]) j
- | (n1, NCic.Def (b1,t1) as e)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Def (b2,t2))::cl2 ->
- if n1 = n2 &&
- NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv t1 t2 &&
- NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv b1 b2 then
- NCic.Rel i :: lcp (e::ctx)(j-1) (i-1) (cl1,cl2)
- else
- HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Appl
- [NCic.Sort NCic.Prop; NCic.Sort NCic.Prop]) j
- | (n1, NCic.Def (b1,t1) as e)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Decl t2)::cl2 ->
- if n1 = n2 &&
- NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv t1 t2 then
- NCic.Rel i :: lcp (e::ctx)(j-1) (i-1) (cl1,cl2)
- else
- HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Appl
- [NCic.Sort NCic.Prop; NCic.Sort NCic.Prop]) j
- | (n1, NCic.Decl _)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Def _)::cl2 -> assert false
- | _::_, [] ->
- HExtlib.mk_list (NCic.Appl
- [NCic.Sort NCic.Prop; NCic.Sort NCic.Prop]) j
- | _ -> []
- in
- let lc =
- lcp [] (List.length destination) (List.length source)
- (List.rev destination, List.rev source)
- in
- let lc = (0,NCic.Ctx (List.rev lc)) in
- let (metasenv, subst), t =
- NCicMetaSubst.delift
- ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 ->
- try Some (NCicUnification.unify status m s c t1 t2)
- with
- | NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _
- | NCicUnification.Uncertain _ -> None)
- metasenv subst source 0 lc t
- in
- let status = status#set_obj (u, d, metasenv, subst, o) in
- status, (destination, t)
+let ppterm status t =
+ let uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status#obj in
+ let context,t = t in
+ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t
-let relocate a b c = wrap "relocate" (relocate a b) c;;
-let term_of_cic_term s t c =
- let s, (_,t) = relocate s c t in
- s, t
+let ppcontext status c =
+ let uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status#obj in
+ NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv ~subst c
-let ppterm status t =
+let ppterm_and_context status t =
let uri,height,metasenv,subst,obj = status#obj in
let context,t = t in
+ NCicPp.ppcontext ~metasenv ~subst context ^ "\n ⊢ "^
NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t
+let relocate status destination (source,t as orig) =
+ pp(lazy("relocate:\n" ^ ppterm_and_context status orig));
+ pp(lazy("relocate in:\n" ^ ppcontext status destination));
+ let rc =
+ if source == destination then status, orig else
+ let u, d, metasenv, subst, o = status#obj in
+ let hole = NCic.Sort NCic.Prop in
+ (* XXX (Prop Prop) is so illtyped that
+ even the trie used for hints lookup complains. We say Prop.
+ *)
+ let rec lcp ctx j i = function
+ | (n1, NCic.Decl t1 as e)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Decl t2)::cl2 ->
+ if n1 = n2 &&
+ NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv t1 t2 then
+ NCic.Rel i :: lcp (e::ctx)(j-1) (i-1) (cl1,cl2)
+ else
+ HExtlib.mk_list hole j
+ | (n1, NCic.Def (b1,t1) as e)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Def (b2,t2))::cl2 ->
+ if n1 = n2 &&
+ NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv t1 t2 &&
+ NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv b1 b2 then
+ NCic.Rel i :: lcp (e::ctx)(j-1) (i-1) (cl1,cl2)
+ else
+ HExtlib.mk_list hole j
+ | (n1, NCic.Def (b1,t1) as e)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Decl t2)::cl2 ->
+ if n1 = n2 &&
+ NCicReduction.are_convertible ctx ~subst ~metasenv t1 t2 then
+ NCic.Rel i :: lcp (e::ctx)(j-1) (i-1) (cl1,cl2)
+ else
+ HExtlib.mk_list hole j
+ | (n1, NCic.Decl _)::cl1, (n2, NCic.Def _)::cl2 -> assert false
+ | _::_, [] -> HExtlib.mk_list hole j
+ | _ -> []
+ in
+ let lc =
+ lcp [] (List.length destination) (List.length source)
+ (List.rev destination, List.rev source)
+ in
+ let lc = (0,NCic.Ctx (List.rev lc)) in
+ pp(lazy("delifting as " ^
+ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context:source
+ (NCic.Meta (0,lc))));
+ let (metasenv, subst), t =
+ NCicMetaSubst.delift
+ ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 ->
+ try Some (NCicUnification.unify status m s c t1 t2)
+ with
+ | NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _
+ | NCicUnification.Uncertain _ -> None)
+ metasenv subst source 0 lc t
+ in
+ let status = status#set_obj (u, d, metasenv, subst, o) in
+ status, (destination, t)
+ in
+ pp(lazy("relocated: " ^ ppterm (fst rc) (snd rc)));
+ rc
+let relocate a b c = wrap "relocate" (relocate a b) c;;
+let term_of_cic_term s t c =
+ let s, (_,t) = relocate s c t in
+ s, t
let disambiguate status t ty context =
let status, expty =
match ty with
let is_found status ctx t wanted =
(* we could lift wanted step-by-step *)
+ pp(lazy("is_found: "^ppterm status (ctx,t)));
try true, unify status ctx (ctx, t) wanted
| Error (_, Some (NCicUnification.UnificationFailure _))
(match wanted with
| Some wanted ->
let status', wanted = disambiguate status wanted None ctx in
+ pp(lazy("wanted: "^ppterm status' wanted));
let (status',found), t' = match_term status' ctx wanted t in
if found then status',t' else status,t
| None ->
~context:[] ~subst:[] pat ^ " against " ^
NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv:[] ~subst:[] ~context:[] t))
+ pp(lazy ("select in: "^ppterm low_status (context,term)));
let status, term = select low_status context path term in
let term = (context, term) in
+ pp(lazy ("postprocess: "^ppterm low_status term));
postprocess status term