| uri -> raise (Invalid_URI uri)
logger (`T ("Processing server: " ^ server_url));
+ logger `BR;
let (xml_index, rdf_index, xsl_index) =
(* TODO keeps index in memory, is better to keep them on temp files? *)
(http_get (server_url ^ "/" ^ (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.xml_index)),
debug_print (sprintf "Warning: useless server %s" server_url);
(match xml_index with
| Some xml_index ->
- logger (`T "Updating XML db ...<br />");
+ logger (`T "Updating XML db ...");
+ logger `BR;
| l when is_blank_line l -> () (* skip blank and commented lines *)
assert (is_cic_uri uri || is_nuprl_uri uri) ;
(map_of_uri uri)#replace
uri ((xml_url_of_uri uri) ^ ".xml")
- | _ -> logger (`T ("Ignoring invalid line: '" ^ l)))
+ | _ ->
+ logger (`T ("Ignoring invalid line: '" ^ l));
+ logger `BR)
with Invalid_URI uri ->
- logger (`T ("Ignoring invalid XML URI: '" ^ l))))
+ logger (`T ("Ignoring invalid XML URI: '" ^ l));
+ logger `BR))
(Pcre.split ~rex:index_sep_RE xml_index); (* xml_index lines *)
- logger (`T "All done")
+ logger (`T "All done");
+ logger `BR
| None -> ());
(match rdf_index with
| Some rdf_index ->
logger (`T "Updating RDF db ...");
+ logger `BR;
(fun l ->
| [uri] ->
(Lazy.force rdf_map) # replace uri
((rdf_url_of_uri uri) ^ ".xml")
- | _ -> logger (`T ("Ignoring invalid line: '" ^ l)))
+ | _ ->
+ logger (`T ("Ignoring invalid line: '" ^ l));
+ logger `BR)
with Invalid_URI uri ->
- logger (`T ("Ignoring invalid RDF URI: '" ^ l)))
+ logger (`T ("Ignoring invalid RDF URI: '" ^ l));
+ logger `BR)
(Pcre.split ~rex:index_sep_RE rdf_index); (* rdf_index lines *)
- logger (`T "All done")
+ logger (`T "All done");
+ logger `BR
| None -> ());
(match xsl_index with
| Some xsl_index ->
logger (`T "Updating XSLT db ...");
+ logger `BR;
(fun l -> (Lazy.force xsl_map) # replace l (server_url ^ "/" ^ l))
(Pcre.split ~rex:index_sep_RE xsl_index);
- logger (`T "All done")
+ logger (`T "All done");
+ logger `BR
| None -> ());
debug_print "done with this server"
logger (`T answer)
let getxml_remote ~format ~patch_dtd uri =
- ClientHTTP.get_and_save_to_tmp
- (sprintf "%sgetxml?uri=%s&format=%s&patch_dtd=%s"
- (getter_url ()) uri
- (match format with Enc_normal -> "normal" | Enc_gzipped -> "gzipped")
- (match patch_dtd with true -> "yes" | false -> "no"))
+ ClientHTTP.get_and_save_to_tmp
+ (sprintf "%sgetxml?uri=%s&format=%s&patch_dtd=%s"
+ (getter_url ()) uri
+ (match format with `Normal -> "normal" | `Gzipped -> "gzipped")
+ (match patch_dtd with true -> "yes" | false -> "no"))
(* API *)
update_from_all_servers logger ()
-let getxml ?(format = Enc_normal) ?(patch_dtd = true) uri =
+let getxml ?(format = `Normal) ?(patch_dtd = true) uri =
if remote () then
getxml_remote ~format ~patch_dtd uri
else begin
let url = resolve uri in
let (fname, outchan) = temp_file_of_uri uri in
- Http_getter_cache.respond_xml ~uri ~url ~enc:format ~patch:patch_dtd
- outchan;
+ Http_getter_cache.respond_xml ~via_http:false ~enc:format ~patch:patch_dtd
+ ~uri ~url outchan;
close_out outchan;
else begin
let url = resolve uri in
let (fname, outchan) = temp_file_of_uri uri in
- Http_getter_cache.respond_xsl ~url ~patch:patch_dtd outchan;
+ Http_getter_cache.respond_xsl ~via_http:false ~url ~patch:patch_dtd outchan;
close_out outchan;
else begin
let url = Lazy.force Http_getter_env.dtd_dir ^ "/" ^ uri in
let (fname, outchan) = temp_file_of_uri uri in
- Http_getter_cache.respond_dtd ~url ~patch:patch_dtd outchan;
+ Http_getter_cache.respond_dtd ~via_http:false ~url ~patch:patch_dtd outchan;
close_out outchan;
raise (Http_getter_types.Cache_failure (Printexc.to_string e))
let resource_type_of_url = function
- | url when Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"\\.xml\\.gz$" url -> Enc_gzipped
- | url when Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"\\.xml$" url -> Enc_normal
+ | url when Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"\\.xml\\.gz$" url -> `Gzipped
+ | url when Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"\\.xml$" url -> `Normal
| url -> raise (Invalid_URL url)
let extension_of_resource_type = function
- | Enc_normal -> "xml"
- | Enc_gzipped -> "xml.gz"
+ | `Normal -> "xml"
+ | `Gzipped -> "xml.gz"
(* basename = resource name without trailing ".gz", if any *)
let is_in_cache basename =
(match Lazy.force Http_getter_env.cache_mode with
- | Enc_normal -> basename
- | Enc_gzipped -> basename ^ ".gz")
+ | `Normal -> basename
+ | `Gzipped -> basename ^ ".gz")
-let respond_xml ?(enc = Enc_normal) ?(patch = true) ~url ~uri outchan =
+let respond_xml
+ ?(via_http = true) ?(enc = `Normal) ?(patch = true) ~url ~uri outchan
+ =
let resource_type = resource_type_of_url url in
let extension = extension_of_resource_type resource_type in
let downloadname =
(Lazy.force Http_getter_env.rdf_dir) escaped_prefix baseuri extension
let patch_fun =
- if patch then Http_getter_common.patch_xml else (fun x -> x)
+ if patch then Http_getter_common.patch_xml ~via_http () else (fun x -> x)
let basename = Pcre.replace ~pat:"\\.gz$" downloadname in
let contype = "text/xml" in
debug_print "Cache MISS :-(";
mkdir ~parents:true (Filename.dirname downloadname);
match (resource_type, Lazy.force Http_getter_env.cache_mode) with
- | Enc_normal, Enc_normal | Enc_gzipped, Enc_gzipped ->
+ | `Normal, `Normal | `Gzipped, `Gzipped ->
wget ~output:downloadname url;
- | Enc_normal, Enc_gzipped -> (* resource normal, cache gzipped *)
+ | `Normal, `Gzipped -> (* resource normal, cache gzipped *)
let tmp = tempfile () in
let (res, cleanup) =
- if enc = Enc_normal then (* user wants normal: don't delete it! *)
+ if enc = `Normal then (* user wants normal: don't delete it! *)
(Some (tmp, enc), (fun () -> ()))
(None, (fun () -> Sys.remove tmp))
gzip ~output:(basename ^ ".gz") ~keep:true tmp; (* fill cache *)
- | Enc_gzipped, Enc_normal -> (* resource gzipped, cache normal *)
+ | `Gzipped, `Normal -> (* resource gzipped, cache normal *)
let tmp = tempfile () in
let (res, cleanup) =
- if enc = Enc_gzipped then (* user wants .gz: don't delete it! *)
+ if enc = `Gzipped then (* user wants .gz: don't delete it! *)
(Some (tmp, enc), (fun () -> ()))
(None, (fun () -> Sys.remove tmp))
threadSafe#doReader (lazy(
assert (is_in_cache basename);
match (enc, Lazy.force Http_getter_env.cache_mode) with
- | Enc_normal, Enc_normal | Enc_gzipped, Enc_gzipped ->
+ | `Normal, `Normal | `Gzipped, `Gzipped ->
(* resource in cache is already in the required format *)
(match enc with
- | Enc_normal ->
+ | `Normal ->
debug_print "No format mangling required (encoding = normal)";
- return_file ~fname:basename ~contype ~patch_fun outchan
- | Enc_gzipped ->
+ return_file ~via_http ~fname:basename ~contype ~patch_fun outchan
+ | `Gzipped ->
debug_print "No format mangling required (encoding = gzipped)";
- ~fname:(basename ^ ".gz") ~contype ~contenc:"x-gzip"
+ ~via_http ~fname:(basename ^ ".gz") ~contype ~contenc:"x-gzip"
~patch_fun ~gunzip:true
- | Enc_normal, Enc_gzipped | Enc_gzipped, Enc_normal ->
+ | `Normal, `Gzipped | `Gzipped, `Normal ->
(match tmp_short_circuit with
| None -> (* no short circuit possible, use cache *)
debug_print "No short circuit available, use cache";
let tmp = tempfile () in
finally (fun () -> Sys.remove tmp) (lazy (
(match enc with
- | Enc_normal ->
+ | `Normal ->
(* required format is normal, cached version is gzipped *)
gunzip (* gunzip to tmp *)
~output:tmp ~keep:true (basename ^ ".gz");
- return_file ~fname:tmp ~contype ~patch_fun outchan;
- | Enc_gzipped ->
+ return_file ~via_http ~fname:tmp ~contype ~patch_fun outchan;
+ | `Gzipped ->
(* required format is gzipped, cached version is normal *)
gzip ~output:tmp ~keep:true basename; (* gzip to tmp *)
- ~fname:tmp ~contype ~contenc:"x-gzip"
+ ~via_http ~fname:tmp ~contype ~contenc:"x-gzip"
~patch_fun ~gunzip:true
- | Some (fname, Enc_normal) -> (* short circuit available, use it! *)
+ | Some (fname, `Normal) -> (* short circuit available, use it! *)
debug_print "Using short circuit (encoding = normal)";
finally (fun () -> Sys.remove fname) (lazy (
- return_file ~fname ~contype ~patch_fun outchan
+ return_file ~via_http ~fname ~contype ~patch_fun outchan
- | Some (fname, Enc_gzipped) -> (* short circuit available, use it! *)
+ | Some (fname, `Gzipped) -> (* short circuit available, use it! *)
debug_print "Using short circuit (encoding = gzipped)";
finally (fun () -> Sys.remove fname) (lazy (
- return_file ~fname ~contype ~contenc:"x-gzip" ~patch_fun
+ return_file ~via_http ~fname ~contype ~contenc:"x-gzip" ~patch_fun
~gunzip:true outchan
(* TODO enc is not yet supported *)
-let respond_xsl ?(enc = Enc_normal) ?(patch = true) ~url outchan =
+let respond_xsl
+ ?(via_http = true) ?(enc = `Normal) ?(patch = true) ~url outchan
+ =
let patch_fun =
- if patch then Http_getter_common.patch_xsl else (fun x -> x)
+ if patch then Http_getter_common.patch_xsl ~via_http () else (fun x -> x)
let fname = tempfile () in
finally (fun () -> Sys.remove fname) (lazy (
wget ~output:fname url;
- return_file ~fname ~contype:"text/xml" ~patch_fun outchan
+ return_file ~via_http ~fname ~contype:"text/xml" ~patch_fun outchan
(* TODO enc is not yet supported *)
-let respond_dtd ?(enc = Enc_normal) ?(patch = true) ~url outchan =
+let respond_dtd
+ ?(via_http = true) ?(enc = `Normal) ?(patch = true) ~url outchan
+ =
let patch_fun =
- if patch then Http_getter_common.patch_dtd else (fun x -> x)
+ if patch then Http_getter_common.patch_dtd ~via_http () else (fun x -> x)
if Sys.file_exists url then
(* TODO check this: old getter here used text/xml *)
- return_file ~fname:url ~contype:"text/plain" ~patch_fun outchan
+ return_file ~via_http ~fname:url ~contype:"text/plain" ~patch_fun outchan
raise (Dtd_not_found url)
open Http_getter_types;;
-(** all these methods could raise Http_getter_types.Cache_failure *)
+(** all these methods could raise Http_getter_types.Cache_failure.
+ * @param via_http (default: true) @see Http_getter_common.return_file *)
val respond_xml:
- ?enc:encoding -> ?patch:bool -> url:string -> uri:string -> out_channel ->
- unit
+ ?via_http:bool -> ?enc:encoding -> ?patch:bool -> url:string -> uri:string ->
+ out_channel ->
+ unit
val respond_xsl:
- ?enc:encoding -> ?patch:bool -> url:string -> out_channel ->
- unit
+ ?via_http:bool -> ?enc:encoding -> ?patch:bool -> url:string ->
+ out_channel ->
+ unit
val respond_dtd:
- ?enc:encoding -> ?patch:bool -> url:string -> out_channel ->
- unit
+ ?via_http:bool -> ?enc:encoding -> ?patch:bool -> url:string ->
+ out_channel ->
+ unit
val clean: unit -> unit
let string_of_ls_flag = function No -> "NO" | Yes -> "YES" | Ann -> "ANN"
let string_of_encoding = function
- | Enc_normal -> "Normal"
- | Enc_gzipped -> "GZipped"
+ | `Normal -> "Normal"
+ | `Gzipped -> "GZipped"
let is_cic_obj_uri uri = Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^cic:" uri
let is_theory_uri uri = Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^theory:" uri
Cic_uri (Theory (Pcre.replace ~pat:"^theory:" uri))
| uri -> raise (Invalid_URI uri)
-let patch_xml line =
- Pcre.replace
- ~pat:(sprintf "DOCTYPE (.*) SYSTEM\\s+\"%s/"
- (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.dtd_base_url))
- ~templ:(sprintf "DOCTYPE $1 SYSTEM \"%s/getdtd?uri="
- (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.my_own_url))
- line
-let patch_xsl line =
- let mk_patch_fun tag line =
- Pcre.replace
- ~pat:(sprintf "%s\\s+href=\"" tag)
- ~templ:(sprintf "%s href=\"%s/getxslt?uri="
- tag (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.my_own_url))
- line
- in
- let (patch_import, patch_include) =
- (mk_patch_fun "xsl:import", mk_patch_fun "xsl:include")
- in
- patch_include (patch_import line)
-let patch_dtd line =
- Pcre.replace
- ~pat:(sprintf "ENTITY (.*) SYSTEM\\s+\"(%s/)?"
- (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.dtd_base_url))
- ~templ:(sprintf "ENTITY $1 SYSTEM \"%s/getdtd?uri="
- (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.my_own_url))
- line
+let patch_xsl ?(via_http = true) () =
+ fun line ->
+ let mk_patch_fun tag line =
+ Pcre.replace
+ ~pat:(sprintf "%s\\s+href=\"" tag)
+ ~templ:(sprintf "%s href=\"%s/getxslt?uri="
+ tag (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.my_own_url))
+ line
+ in
+ let (patch_import, patch_include) =
+ (mk_patch_fun "xsl:import", mk_patch_fun "xsl:include")
+ in
+ patch_include (patch_import line)
+let patch_entity ?(via_http = true) () =
+ if via_http then
+ fun line ->
+ Pcre.replace
+ ~pat:(sprintf "ENTITY (.*) SYSTEM\\s+\"(%s/)?"
+ (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.dtd_base_url))
+ ~templ:(sprintf "ENTITY $1 SYSTEM \"%s/getdtd?uri="
+ (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.my_own_url))
+ line
+ else
+ fun line ->
+ Pcre.replace
+ ~pat:(sprintf "ENTITY (.*) SYSTEM\\s+\"(%s/)?"
+ (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.dtd_base_url))
+ ~templ:(sprintf "ENTITY $1 SYSTEM \"file://%s/"
+ (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.dtd_dir))
+ line
+let patch_doctype ?(via_http = true) () =
+ if via_http then
+ fun line ->
+ Pcre.replace
+ ~pat:(sprintf "DOCTYPE (.*) SYSTEM\\s+\"%s/"
+ (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.dtd_base_url))
+ ~templ:(sprintf "DOCTYPE $1 SYSTEM \"%s/getdtd?uri="
+ (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.my_own_url))
+ line
+ else
+ fun line ->
+ Pcre.replace
+ ~pat:(sprintf "DOCTYPE (.*) SYSTEM\\s+\"%s/"
+ (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.dtd_base_url))
+ ~templ:(sprintf "DOCTYPE $1 SYSTEM \"file://%s/"
+ (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.dtd_dir))
+ line
+let patch_dtd = patch_entity
+let patch_xml ?via_http () line =
+ patch_doctype ?via_http () (patch_entity ?via_http () line)
let return_file
- ~fname ?contype ?contenc ?(patch_fun = fun x -> x) ?(gunzip = false) outchan
+ ~fname ?contype ?contenc
+ ?(patch_fun = fun x -> x) ?(gunzip = false) ?(via_http = true) outchan
let headers =
match (contype, contenc) with
| (None, Some e) -> ["Content-Encoding", e]
| (None, None) -> []
- Http_daemon.send_basic_headers ~code:200 outchan;
- Http_daemon.send_headers headers outchan;
- Http_daemon.send_CRLF outchan;
+ if via_http then begin
+ Http_daemon.send_basic_headers ~code:200 outchan;
+ Http_daemon.send_headers headers outchan;
+ Http_daemon.send_CRLF outchan
+ end;
if gunzip then begin (* gunzip needed, uncompress file, apply patch_fun to
it, compress the result and sent it to client *)
let (tmp1, tmp2) =
Http_getter_misc.gunzip ~keep:true ~output:tmp1 fname;(* gunzip to tmp1 *)
let new_file = open_out tmp2 in
Http_getter_misc.iter_file (* tmp2 = patch(tmp1) *)
- (fun line -> output_string new_file (patch_fun line ^ "\n"))
+ (fun line ->
+ output_string new_file (patch_fun line ^ "\n");
+ flush outchan)
close_out new_file;
Http_getter_misc.gzip ~output:tmp1 tmp2; (* tmp1 = gzip(tmp2); rm tmp2 *)
Http_getter_misc.iter_file (* send tmp1 to client as is*)
- (fun line -> output_string outchan (line ^ "\n"))
+ (fun line -> output_string outchan (line ^ "\n"); flush outchan)
Sys.remove tmp1 (* rm tmp1 *)
with e ->
Sys.remove tmp1;
raise e
- end else (* no need to gunzip, apply patch_fun directly to file *)
+ end else begin (* no need to gunzip, apply patch_fun directly to file *)
- (fun line -> output_string outchan (patch_fun line ^ "\n"))
- fname
+ (fun line -> output_string outchan (patch_fun line ^ "\n"); flush outchan)
+ fname;
+ end
val uri_of_string: string -> uri
-val patch_xml : string -> string
-val patch_xsl : string -> string
-val patch_dtd : string -> string
+val patch_xml : ?via_http:bool -> unit -> string -> string
+val patch_dtd : ?via_http:bool -> unit -> string -> string
+ (* TODO via_http not yet supported for patch_xsl *)
+val patch_xsl : ?via_http:bool -> unit -> string -> string
@param fname name of the file to be sent
@param gunzip is meaningful only if a patch function is provided. If gunzip
is true patch_fun is applied to the uncompressed version of the file. The file
is then compressed again and send to client
+ @param via_http (default: true) if true http specific communications are used
+ (e.g. headers, crlf before body) and sent via outchan, otherwise they're not.
+ Set it to false when saving to a local file
@param outchan output channel over which sent file fname *)
val return_file:
fname:string ->
?contype:string -> ?contenc:string ->
- ?patch_fun:(string -> string) -> ?gunzip:bool ->
+ ?patch_fun:(string -> string) -> ?gunzip:bool -> ?via_http:bool ->
out_channel ->