#require "pxp-engine";;
#require "pxp-lex-utf8";;
-let xhtml_header =
+open Printf
+let xhtml_header title =
+ sprintf
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">
<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">
+ <head>
+ <title>%s</title>
+ </head>
+ title
let xhtml_trailer =
" </body>
let secs =
Pxp_document.find_all ~deeply:false
(match_elt "div" "class" ~attr_value:"sect1" ()) article in
+ let title =
+ Pxp_document.find ~deeply:true
+ (fun node -> node#node_type = Pxp_document.T_element "title") doc#root in
+ title#data,
titlepage :: toc :: secs
let localize_ids secs =
let fname_of_sec sec_name = sec_name ^ ".html"
-let get_sec_name sec =
+let get_sec_id sec =
let id =
Pxp_document.find ~deeply:true (match_elt "a" "id" ()) sec
with Not_found -> failwith "can't find section id" in
id#required_string_attribute "id"
+let get_sec_title sec =
+ let h2 =
+ Pxp_document.find ~deeply:true
+ (match_elt "h2" "class" ~attr_value:"title" ()) sec in
+ let text =
+ List.find (fun node -> node#node_type = Pxp_document.T_data) h2#sub_nodes in
+ text#data
let iter_xrefs f node =
let a_s = Pxp_document.find_all ~deeply:true (match_elt "a" "href" ()) node in
let patch_sec sec_ids id2sec sec =
- let sec_name = get_sec_name sec in
+ let sec_name = get_sec_id sec in
(fun node xref ->
let open_formatter fname =
- Unix.open_process_out (Printf.sprintf "xmllint --format -o %s -" fname)
+ Unix.open_process_out (sprintf "xmllint --format -o %s -" fname)
let close_formatter oc = ignore (Unix.close_process_out oc)
-let output_index (titlepage: 'a node) (toc: 'a node) fname =
+let output_index title (titlepage: 'a node) (toc: 'a node) fname =
let oc = open_formatter fname in
- output_string oc xhtml_header;
+ output_string oc (xhtml_header title);
titlepage#write (`Out_channel oc) `Enc_utf8;
toc#write (`Out_channel oc) `Enc_utf8;
output_string oc xhtml_trailer;
close_formatter oc
-let output_sec (sec: 'a node) fname =
+let output_sec title (sec: 'a node) fname =
let oc = open_formatter fname in
- output_string oc xhtml_header;
+ output_string oc (xhtml_header (sprintf "%s - %s" title (get_sec_title sec)));
sec#write (`Out_channel oc) `Enc_utf8;
output_string oc xhtml_trailer;
close_formatter oc
let main () =
let doc = parse_xml fname in
match slice doc with
- | titlepage :: toc :: secs ->
+ | title, (titlepage :: toc :: secs) ->
let sec_ids, id2sec = localize_ids secs in
patch_toc sec_ids id2sec toc;
List.iter (patch_sec sec_ids id2sec) secs;
- output_index titlepage toc "index.html";
- List.iter (fun sec -> output_sec sec (get_sec_name sec ^ ".html")) secs
+ output_index title titlepage toc "index.html";
+ List.iter
+ (fun sec -> output_sec title sec (get_sec_id sec ^ ".html"))
+ secs
| _ -> failwith "Unrecognized document structure"
let _ = main ()