let parse_musing_id = function
| Musing_started (_, musing_id) -> musing_id
| Musing_aborted (_, musing_id) -> musing_id
- | _ -> assert false
+ | msg ->
+ prerr_endline (sprintf "Assertion failed, received msg: %s"
+ (Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg msg));
+ assert false
let do_critical =
let mutex = Mutex.create () in
fun action ->
- Mutex.lock mutex; let res = Lazy.force action in Mutex.unlock mutex; res
+(* debug_print "Acquiring lock ..."; *)
+ Mutex.lock mutex;
+(* debug_print "Lock Acquired!"; *)
+ let res = Lazy.force action in
+(* debug_print "Releaseing lock ..."; *)
+ Mutex.unlock mutex;
+(* debug_print "Lock released!"; *)
+ res
with e -> Mutex.unlock mutex; raise e
String.concat "\n" (List.map (fun o -> o#dump) registries)
-let handle_msg outchan = function
+let handle_msg outchan msg =
(* messages from clients *)
+ (match msg with
| Help ->
Hbugs_messages.respond_msg (Usage usage_string) outchan
| State_change (client_id, new_state) -> do_critical (lazy (
if clients#isAuthenticated client_id then begin
let active_musings = musings#getByClientId client_id in
+ prerr_endline (sprintf "ACTIVE MUSINGS: %s" (String.concat ", " active_musings));
+ if List.length active_musings = 0 then
+ prerr_endline ("No active musings for client " ^ client_id);
let stop_answers =
List.map (* collect Abort_musing message's responses *)
(fun id -> (* musing id *)
List.iter musings#unregister active_musings;
+ let subscriptions = clients#getSubscription client_id in
+ if List.length subscriptions = 0 then
+ prerr_endline ("No subscriptions for client " ^ client_id);
let started_musing_ids =
List.map (* register new musings and collect their ids *)
(fun tutor_id ->
let musing_id = parse_musing_id res in
musings#register musing_id client_id tutor_id;
- (clients#getSubscription client_id)
+ subscriptions
let stopped_musing_ids = List.map parse_musing_id stop_answers in
end else
Hbugs_messages.respond_exc "forbidden" tutor_id outchan
| Musing_completed (tutor_id, musing_id, result) -> do_critical (lazy (
- if tutors#isAuthenticated tutor_id then begin
+ if not (tutors#isAuthenticated tutor_id) then begin (* unauthorized *)
+ Hbugs_messages.respond_exc "forbidden" tutor_id outchan;
+ end else if not (musings#isActive musing_id) then begin (* too late *)
+ Hbugs_messages.respond_msg (Too_late (my_own_id, musing_id)) outchan;
+ end else begin (* all is ok: autorhized and on time *)
(match result with
| Sorry -> ()
- | Eureka extras ->
+ | Eureka hint ->
+ let client_url =
+ clients#getUrl (fst (musings#getByMusingId musing_id))
+ in
let res =
- let hint = (* TODO decidere la hint *) "hint!!!!" in
- let url =
- clients#getUrl (fst (musings#getByMusingId musing_id))
- in
- Hbugs_messages.submit_req ~url (Hint (my_own_id, hint))
+ Hbugs_messages.submit_req ~url:client_url (Hint (my_own_id, hint))
- ignore res (* TODO mi interessa la risposta? *)
- );
+ (match res with
+ | Wow _ -> () (* ok: client is happy with our hint *)
+ | unexpected_msg ->
+ prerr_endline
+ (sprintf
+ "Warning: unexpected msg from client: %s\nExpected was: Wow"
+ (Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg msg))));
Hbugs_messages.respond_msg (Thanks (my_own_id, musing_id)) outchan;
musings#unregister musing_id
- end else
- Hbugs_messages.respond_exc "forbidden" tutor_id outchan
+ end
| msg -> (* unexpected message *)
debug_print "Unknown message!";
- "unexpected_msg" (Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg msg) outchan
+ "unexpected_msg" (Hbugs_messages.string_of_msg msg) outchan)
-let handle_msg outchan = (* debugging wrapper around 'handle_msg' *)
+(* (* DEBUGGING wrapper around 'handle_msg' *)
+let handle_msg outchan =
if debug then
(fun msg -> (* filter handle_msg through a function which dumps input
messages *)
handle_msg outchan
(* thread action *)
let callback (req: Http_types.request) outchan =
(match req#path with
(* TODO write help message *)
| "/help" -> return_xml_msg "<help> not yet written </help>" outchan
- | "/act" -> handle_msg outchan (Hbugs_messages.msg_of_string req#body)
+ | "/act" ->
+ let msg = Hbugs_messages.msg_of_string req#body in
+ handle_msg outchan msg
| "/dump" ->
if debug then
Http_daemon.respond ~body:(dump_registries ()) outchan