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+\title{Brokers and Web-Services for Automatic Deduction: a Case Study}
+\author{Claudio Sacerdoti Coen \and Stefano Zacchiroli}
+ Department of Computer Science\\
+ University of Bologna\\
+ Via di Mura Anteo Zamboni 7, 40127 Bologna, ITALY\\
+ \email{sacerdot@cs.unibo.it}
+ \and
+ Department of Computer Science\\
+ \'Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure\\
+ 45, Rue d'Ulm, F-75230 Paris Cedex 05, FRANCE\\
+ \email{zack@cs.unibo.it}
+\date{ }
+ We present a planning broker and several Web-Services for automatic deduction.
+ Each Web-Service implements one of the tactics usually available in an
+ interactive proof-assistant. When the broker is submitted a "proof status" (an
+ unfinished proof tree and a focus on an open goal) it dispatches the proof to
+ the Web-Services, collects the successfull results, and send them back to the
+ client as "hints" as soon as they are available.
+ In our experience this architecture turns out to be helpful both for
+ experienced users (who can take benefit of distributing heavy computations)
+ and beginners (who can learn from it).
+ The \ws\ approach at software development seems to be a working solution for
+ getting rid of a wide range of incompatibilities between communicating
+ software applications. W3C's efforts in standardizing related technologies
+ grant longevity and implementations availability for frameworks based on \wss\
+ for information exchange. As a direct conseguence, the number of such
+ frameworks in increasing and the World Wide Web is moving from a disorganized
+ repository of human-understandable HTML documents to a disorganized repository
+ of applications working on machine-understandable XML documents both for input
+ and output.
+ This lack of organization along with the huge amount of documents available,
+ have posed not a few problems for data location. If this limitation could be
+ overcome using heuristic-based search engine for HTML pages, a satisfying
+ solution has yet to be found for \ws\ location \todo{location non mi piace, ma
+ "localization" e' anche peggio, "retrieval"?}. A promising architecture seems
+ to be the use of \emph{brokers}, which access point (usually an URI) is known
+ by the potential clients or by \emph{registries}, to which the \wss\ subscribe
+ to publish their functionalities.
+ Since the \emph{Declaration of Linz}, the MONET Consortium \cite{MONET} is
+ working on the development of a framework aimed at providing a set of software
+ tools for the advertisement and discovering of mathematical web services. This
+ framework turns out to be strongly based on both \wss\ and brokers.
+ Several examples of CAS (Computer Algebra System) and Theorem Prover related
+ \wss\ have been shown to be useful and to fit well in the MONET Architecture
+ \todo{citarne qualcuno: CSC???}. On the other hand \todo{troppo informale?}
+ the set of \wss\ related to Proof Assistants tends to be ... rather ...
+ empty!\todo{gia' mi immagino il tuo commento: BUHM! :-)}
+ Despite of that the proof assistant case seems to be well suited to
+ investigate the usage of many different mathematical \wss. Indeed: most proof
+ assistants are still based on non-client/server architectures, are
+ application-centric instead of document-centric, offer a scarce level of
+ automation leaving entirely to the user the choice of which macro (usually
+ called \emph{tactic}) to use in order to make progress in a proof.
+ The average proof assistant can be, for example, a client of a \ws\
+ interfacing a specific or generic purpose theorem prover, or a client of a
+ \ws\ interfacing a CAS to simplify expressions in a particular mathematical
+ domain.
+ The Omega Ants project \todo{date, autori e paperi}, developed before the
+ \emph{\ws\ era}, enrich the Omega \cite{Omega} proof assistant with an
+ architecture able to distribute subparts of a proof to agents (Ants)
+ implemented as separate processes running on the same hosts of the proof
+ assistant \todo{controllare ...}.
+ In this paper we present an architecture, namely \hbugs\, implementing a
+ \emph{suggestion engine} for the proof assistant developed on behalf of the
+ \helm\ project. This architecture is based on a set of \wss\ and a broker (a
+ \ws\ itself) and is able to distribute a proof status from a client to several
+ \emph{tutor}, each of them can try to make progress in the proof and, in case
+ of success, notify the user sending him an \emph{hint}. Both the broker and
+ the tutors are instances of the homonymous entities of the MONET framework.
+% \section{Introduction}
+% Since the development of the first proof-assistants based on the
+% Curry-Howard isomorphism, it became clear that directly writing
+% lambda-terms (henceforth called simply terms) was a difficult, repetitive,
+% time-expensive and error prone activity; hence the introduction of
+% meta-languages to describe procedures that are able to automatically
+% generate the low-level terms.
+% Nowadays, almost all the proof-assistants
+% using terms description of proofs have many levels of abstractions, i.e.
+% meta-languages, to create the terms, with the only remarkable exception
+% of the ALF family \cite{ALF} in which terms are still directly written
+% without any over-standing level of abstraction.
+% In particular, there are
+% usually at least two levels, that of tactics and that of the language in
+% which the whole system and hence the tactics are written; once the tactics
+% are implemented, to do a proof the user enters to the system a sequence of
+% tactics, called a script; the script is then executed to create the term
+% encoding of the proof, which is type-checked by the kernel of the
+% proof-assistant. Writing a script interactively is much simpler than
+% writing the term by hands; once written, though, it becomes impossible
+% to understand a script without replaying it interactively. For this reason,
+% we can hardly speak of the language of tactics as a high level language,
+% even if it is ``compiled'' to the language of terms.
+% To avoid confusion, in the rest of this paper we will
+% avoid the use of the term ``proof'', using only ``script'' and ``term'';
+% moreover, we will avoid also the terms ``proof-checking'' and ``type-checking'',
+% replacing them with ``retyping'' to mean the type-checking of an already
+% generated term; finally, we will use the term ``compiling'' to mean the
+% execution of a script. Usually, compilation ends with
+% the type-checking of the generated term; hence the choice of ``retyping'' for
+% the type-checking of an already generated term.
+% A long term consequence of the introduction of tactics has been the
+% progressive lowering of interest in terms. In particular, users of
+% modern proof-assistants as Coq \cite{Coq} may even ignore the existence of
+% commands to show the terms generated by their scripts. These terms are
+% usually very huge and quite unreadable, so they don't add any easily
+% accessible information to the scripts. Hence implementors have loosed
+% interest in terms too, as far as their size and compilation time are
+% small enough to make the system response-time acceptable.
+% When this is not the case, it is sometimes possible to trade space
+% with time using reflexive tactics, in which the potentiality of complex
+% type-systems to speak about themselves are exploited: reflexive tactics
+% usually leads to a polynomial asympotical reduction in the size of the
+% terms, at the cost of an increased reduction time during retyping and
+% compilation. Often, though, reflexive tactics could not be used; moreover,
+% reflexive tactics suffer of the same implementative problems of other tactics
+% and so could be implemented in such a way to create huger than
+% needed terms, even if asymptotically smaller than the best ones created
+% without reflection.
+% The low level of interest in terms of the implementors of
+% tactics often leads to naive implementations (``If it works, it is OK'') and
+% this to low-quality terms, which:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item are huger than needed because particular cases are not taken
+% into account during tactic development
+% \item require more time than needed for retyping due to
+% their size
+% \item are particularly unreadable because they don't
+% correspond to the ``natural'' way of writing the proof by hand
+% \end{enumerate}
+% To cope with the second problem, retyping is usually avoided allowing
+% systems to reload saved terms without retyping them and using a
+% checksum to ensure that the saved file has not been modified. This is
+% perfectly reasonable accordingly to the traditional application-centric
+% architecture of proof-assistants in which you have only one tool integrating
+% all the functionalities and so you are free to use a proprietary format for data
+% representation.
+% In the last months, though, an ever increasing number of people and projects
+% (see, for example, HELM \cite{EHELM}, MathWeb \cite{MATHWEB} and
+% Formavie \cite{FORMAVIE})
+% have been interested to switch from the application-centric model to the
+% newer content-centric one, in which information is stored in
+% standard formats (that is, XML based) to allow different applications to work
+% on the same set of data. As a consequence, term size really becomes an
+% important issue, due to the redundancy of standard formats, and retyping
+% is needed because the applications can not trust each other, hence needing
+% retyping and making retyping time critical.
+% Moreover, as showed by Yann Coscoy in its PhD.
+% thesis \cite{YANNTHESIS} or by the Alfa interface to the Agda system
+% \cite{ALFA}, it is perfectly reasonable and also feasible to try
+% to produce descriptions in natural languages of formal proofs encoded as
+% terms.
+% This approach, combined with the further possibility of applying the usual
+% two-dimensional mathematic notation to the formulas that appears in the
+% terms, is being followed by projects HELM \cite{HELM}, PCOQ \cite{PCOQ} and
+% MathWeb \cite{MATHWEB} with promising results. It must be understood, though,
+% that the quality (in terms of naturality and readability) of this kind of
+% proofs rendering heavily depends on the quality of terms, making also
+% the third characteristic of low-quality terms a critical issue.
+% A totally different scenario in which term size and retyping time are
+% critical is the one introduced by Necula and Lee \cite{Necula} under
+% the name Proof Carrying Code (PCC). PCC is a technique that can be used
+% for safe execution of untrusted code. In a typical instance of PCC, a code
+% receiver establishes a set of safety rules that guarantee safe behavior
+% of programs, and the code producer creates a formal safety proof that
+% proves, for the untrusted code, adherence to the safety rules. Then, the
+% proof is transmitted to the receiver together with the code and it is
+% retyped before code execution. While very compact representation of the
+% terms, highly based on type-inference and unification, could be used
+% to reduce the size and retyping time \cite{Necula2}, designing proof-assistants
+% to produce terms characterized by an high level of quality is still necessary.
+% In the next section we introduce a particular class of metrics for
+% tactics evaluation. In section \ref{equivalence} we consider the
+% notion of tactics equivalence and we describe one of the bad habits
+% of tactics implementors, which is overkilling; we also provide and analyze
+% a simple example of overkilling tactic. In the last section we describe
+% a concrete experience of fixing overkilling in the implementation of a
+% reflexive tactic in system Coq and we analyze the gain with respect to
+% term-size, retyping time and term readability.
+% \section{From Metrics for Terms Evaluation to Metrics for Tactics Evaluation}
+% The aim of this section is to show how metrics for term evaluation could
+% induce metrics for tactic evaluation. Roughly speaking, this allows us to
+% valuate tactics in terms of the quality of the terms produced. Even if
+% we think that these kinds of metrics are interesting and worth studying,
+% it must be understood that many other valuable forms of metrics could be
+% defined on tactics, depending on what we are interested in. For example,
+% we could be interested on compilation time, that is the sum of the time
+% required to generate the term and the retyping time for it. Clearly, only
+% the second component could be measured with a term metric and a good
+% implementation of a tactic with respect to the metric considered could
+% effectively decide to sacrifice term quality (and hence retyping time) to
+% minimize the time spent to generate the term. The situation is very close to
+% the one already encountered in compilers implementation, where there is
+% always a compromise, usually user configurable, between minimizing compiling
+% time and maximizing code quality.
+% The section is organized as follows: first we recall the definition of
+% tactic and we introduce metrics on terms; then we give the definition
+% of some metrics induced by term metrics on tactics.
+% \begin{definition}[Of tactic]
+% We define a \emph{tactic} as a function that, given a goal $G$ (that is, a local
+% context plus a type to inhabit) that satisfies a list of assumptions
+% (preconditions) $P$,
+% returns a couple $(L,t)$ where
+% $L = {L_1,\ldots,L_n}$ is a (possible empty) list of proof-obligations
+% (i.e. goals) and $t$ is a function that, given a list $l = {l_1,\ldots,l_n}$
+% of terms such that $l_i$ inhabits\footnote{We say, with a small abuse of
+% language, that a term $t$ inhabits a goal $G=(\Gamma,T)$ when $t$ is of type
+% $T$ in the context $\Gamma$.} $L_i$ for each $i$ in ${1,\ldots,n}$, returns a
+% term $t(l)$ inhabiting $G$.
+% \end{definition}
+% % You can get another looser definition of tactic just saying that a tactic
+% % is a partial function instead than a total one. In this paper when referring
+% % to tactics we always refer to the first definition.
+% \begin{definition}[Of term metric]
+% For any goal $G$, a term metric $\mu_G$ is any function in
+% $\mathbb{N}^{\{t/t\;\mbox{inhabits}\;G\}}$.
+% Two important class of term metrics are functional metrics and monotone
+% metrics:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item {\bf Functional metrics:} a metric $\mu_G$ is \emph{functional}
+% if for each term context (=term with an hole) $C[]$ and for all terms
+% $t_1$,$t_2$ if $\mu_G(t_1)=\mu_G(t_2)$ then $\mu_G(C[t_1])=\mu_G(C[t_2])$.
+% An equivalent definition is that a metric $\mu_G$ is functional
+% if for each term context $C[]$ the function
+% $\lambda t.\mu_G(C[\mu_G^{-1}(t)])$ is well defined.
+% \item {\bf Monotone metrics:} a metric $\mu_G$ is \emph{monotone} if for
+% each term context $C[]$ and for all terms $t_1$,$t_2$ if
+% $\mu_G(t_1)\le\mu_G(t_2)$ then $\mu_G(C[t_1])\le\mu_G(C[t_2])$.
+% An equivalent definition is that a metric $\mu_G$ is functional if
+% for each term context $C[]$ the function
+% $\lambda t.\mu_G(C[\mu_G^{-1}(t)])$ is well defined and monotone.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% % Vecchie definizioni
+% %\begin{enumerate}
+% %\item {\bf Monotony:} a metric $\mu_G$ is \emph{monotone} if for each term
+% %context (=term with an hole) $C[]$ and for all terms $t_1$,$t_2$ if
+% %$\mu_G(t_1)\le\mu_G(t_2)$ then $\mu_G(C[t_1])\le\mu_G(C[t_2])$
+% %\item {\bf Strict monotony:} a monotone metric $\mu_G$ is \emph{strictly
+% %monotone} if for each term context $C[]$ and
+% %for all terms $t_1$,$t_2$ if $\mu_G(t_1)=\mu_G(t_2)$ then
+% %$\mu_G(C[t_1])=\mu_G(C[t_2])$
+% %\end{enumerate}
+% \end{definition}
+% Typical examples of term metrics are the size of a term, the time required
+% to retype it or even an estimate of its ``naturality'' (or simplicity) to be
+% defined somehow; the first two are also examples of monotone metrics
+% and the third one could probably be defined as to be. So, in the rest
+% of this paper, we will restrict to monotone metrics, even if the
+% following definitions also work with weaker properties for general metrics.
+% Here, however, we are not interested in defining such metrics, but in showing
+% how they naturally induce metrics for tactics.
+% Once a term metric is chosen, we get the notion of a best term (not unique!)
+% inhabiting a goal:
+% \begin{definition}[Of best terms inhabiting a goal]
+% the term $t$ inhabiting a goal $G$ is said to be a best term inhabiting $G$
+% w.r.t. the metric $\mu_G$ when
+% $\mu_G(t) = min\{\mu_G(t') / t'\;\mbox{inhabits}\;G\}$.
+% \end{definition}
+% Using the previous notion, we can confront the behavior of two tactics
+% on the same goal:
+% \begin{definition}
+% Let $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$ be two tactics both applyable to a goal $G$
+% such that $\tau_1(G) = (L_1,t_1)$ and $\tau_2(G) = (L_2,t_2)$.
+% We say that $\tau_1$ is better or equal than $\tau_2$ for the goal $G$
+% with respect to $\mu_G$ if, for all $l_1$ and $l_2$ lists of best terms
+% inhabiting respectively $L_1$ and $L_2$, $\mu_G(t_1(l_1)) \le \mu_G(t_2(l_2))$
+% holds.
+% \end{definition}
+% Note that confronting in this way ``equivalent'' tactics
+% (whose definition is precised in the next section) gives us information
+% on which implementation is better; doing the same thing on tactics that
+% are not equivalent, instead, gives us information about what tactic to
+% apply to obtain the best proof.
+% A (functional) metric to confront two tactics only on a particular goal
+% has the nice property to be a total order, but is quite useless. Hence,
+% we will now
+% define a bunch of different tactic metrics induced by term metrics
+% that can be used to confront the behavior of tactics when applied to
+% a generic goal. Some of them will be \emph{deterministic} partial orders;
+% others will be total orders, but will provide only a \emph{probabilistic}
+% estimate of the behavior. Both kinds of metrics are useful in practice
+% when rating tactics implementation.
+% \begin{definition}[Of locally deterministic better or equal tactic]
+% $\tau_1$ is a locally deterministic (or locally
+% uniform) better or equal tactic
+% than $\tau_2$ w.r.t. $\mu$ (and in that case we write $\tau_1 \le_{\mu} \tau_2$
+% or simply $\tau_1 \le \tau_2$), when
+% for all goals $G$ satisfying the preconditions of both tactics we have that
+% $\tau_1$ is better or equal than $\tau_2$ w.r.t. the metric $\mu_G$.
+% \end{definition}
+% \begin{definition}[Of locally deterministic better tactic]
+% $\tau_1$ is a locally deterministic (or locally uniform)
+% better tactic than $\tau_2$
+% w.r.t. $\mu$ (and in that case we write $\tau_1 <_{\mu} \tau_2$
+% or simply $\tau_1 < \tau_2$), when $\tau_1 \le_{\mu} \tau_2$ and
+% exists a goal $G$ satisfying the preconditions of both tactics such that
+% $\tau_1$ is better (but not equal!) than $\tau_2$ w.r.t. the metric $\mu_G$.
+% \end{definition}
+% \begin{definition}[Of locally probabilistic better or equal tactic of a factor K]
+% $\tau_1$ is said to be a tactic locally probabilistic better or equal of a
+% factor $0.5 \le K \le 1$ than $\tau_2$ w.r.t. $\mu$ and a particular expected
+% goals distribution when the probability of having $\tau_1$ better or equal than
+% $\tau_2$ w.r.t. the metric $\mu_G$ is greater or equal to $K$ when $G$ is
+% chosen randomly according to the distribution.
+% \end{definition}
+% The set of terms being discrete, you can note that a deterministically better
+% or equal tactic is a tactic probabilistically better or equal of a factor 1.
+% To end this section, we can remark the strong dependence of the $\le$
+% relation on the choice of metric $\mu$, so that it is easy to find
+% two metrics $\mu_1,\mu_2$ such that $\tau_1 <_{\mu_1} \tau_2$ and
+% $\tau_2 <_{\mu_2} \tau_1$. Luckily, tough, the main interesting metrics,
+% term size, retyping time and naturality, are in practice highly correlated,
+% though the correlation of the third one with the previous two could be a
+% bit surprising. So, in the following section, we
+% will not state what is the chosen term metric; you may think as
+% any of them or even at some kind of weighted mean.
+% \section{Equivalent Tactics and Overkilling}
+% \label{equivalence}
+% We are now interested in using the metrics defined in the previous section
+% to confront tactics implementation. Before doing so, though, we have to
+% identify what we consider to be different implementations of the
+% same tactic. Our approach consists in identifying every implementation
+% with the tactic it implements and then defining appropriate notions of
+% equivalence for tactics: two equivalent tactics will then be considered
+% as equivalent implementations and will be confronted using metrics.
+% Defining two tactics as equivalent when they can solve exactly the same
+% set of goals generating the same set of proof-obligations seems quite natural,
+% but is highly unsatisfactory if not completely wrong. The reason is that, for
+% equivalent tactics, we would like to have the \emph{property of substitutivity},
+% that is substituting a tactic for an equivalent one in a script should give
+% back an error-free script\footnote{A weaker notion of substitutivity is that
+% substituting the term generated by a tactic for the term generated by an
+% equivalent one in a generic well-typed term should always give back a
+% well-typed term.}. In logical frameworks with dependent types,
+% without proof-irrelevance and with universes as CIC \cite{Werner} though,
+% it is possible for a term to inspect the term of a previous proof, behaving
+% in a different way, for example, if the constructive proof of a conjunction
+% is made proving the left or right side.
+% So, two tactics, equivalent w.r.t. the previous
+% definition, that prove $A \vee A$ having at their disposal an
+% hypothesis $A$ proving the first one the left and the second one
+% the right part of the conjunction, could not be substituted one for the
+% other if a subsequent term inspects the form of the generated proof.
+% Put in another way, it seems quite reasonable to derive equivalence for
+% tactics from the definition of an underlying equivalence for terms.
+% The simplest form of such an equivalence relation is convertibility
+% (up to proof-irrelevance) of closed terms and this is the relation
+% we will use in this section and the following one. In particular,
+% we will restrict ourselves to CIC and hence to
+% $\beta\delta\iota$-convertibility\footnote{The Coq proof-assistant
+% introduces the notion of \emph{opaque} and \emph{transparent} terms,
+% differing only for the possibility of being inspected. Because the
+% user could change the opacity status at any time, the notion of
+% convertibility we must conservatively choose for the terms of Coq is
+% $\beta\delta\iota$-convertibility after having set all the definitions
+% as transparent.}.
+% Convertibility, though, is a too restrictive notion that does not take
+% in account, for example, commuting conversions. Looking for more suitable
+% notions of equivalence is our main open issue for future work.
+% \begin{definition}[Of terms closed in a local environment]
+% A term $t$ is \emph{closed} in a local environment $\Gamma$ when $\Gamma$
+% is defined on any free variable of $t$.
+% \end{definition}
+% \begin{definition}[Of equivalent tactics]
+% We define two tactics $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$ to be equivalent (and
+% we write $\tau_1 \approx \tau_2$) when for each goal $G = (\Gamma,T)$ and for
+% each list of terms closed in $\Gamma$ and inhabiting the proof-obligations
+% generated respectively by $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$, we have that the result terms
+% produced by $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$ are $\beta\delta\iota$-convertible.
+% \end{definition}
+% Once we have the definition of equivalent tactics, we can use metrics,
+% either deterministic or probabilistic, to confront them. In particular,
+% in the rest of this section and in the following one we will focus on the
+% notion of deterministically overkilling tactic, defined as follows:
+% \begin{definition}[Of overkilling tactics]
+% A tactic $\tau_1$ is (deterministically) overkilling w.r.t. a metric
+% $\mu$ when there exists another tactic $\tau_2$ such that
+% $\tau_1 \approx \tau_2$ and $\tau_2 <_\mu \tau_1$.
+% \end{definition}
+% Fixing an overkilling tactic $\tau_1$ means replacing it with the
+% tactic $\tau_2$ which is the witness of $\tau_1$ being overkilling.
+% Note that the fixed tactic could still be overkilling.
+% The name overkilling has been chosen because most of the time overkilling
+% tactics are tactics that do not consider special cases, following the general
+% algorithm. While in computer science it is often a good design pattern to
+% prefer general solutions to ad-hoc ones, this is not a silver bullet:
+% an example comes another time from compiler technology, where
+% ad-hoc cases, i.e. optimizations, are greatly valuable if not necessary.
+% In our context, ad-hoc cases could be considered either as optimizations,
+% or as applications of Occam's razor to proofs to keep the simplest one.
+% \subsection{A Simple Example of Overkilling Tactic}
+% A first example of overkilling tactic in system Coq is
+% \emph{Replace}, that works in this way: when the current goal
+% is $G = (\Gamma,T)$, the
+% tactic ``{\texttt Replace E$_1$ with E$_2$.}'' always produces a new
+% principal proof-obligation $(\Gamma, T\{E_2/E_1\})$ and an auxiliary
+% proof-obligation $(\Gamma, E_1=E_2)$ and uses the elimination scheme
+% of equality on the term $E_1 = E_2$ and the two terms that inhabit the
+% obligations to prove the current goal.
+% To show that this tactic is overkilling, we will provide an example
+% in which the tactic fails to find the best term, we will
+% propose a different implementation that produces the best term and we will
+% show the equivalence with the actual one.
+% The example consists in applying the tactic in the case in which $E_1$ is
+% convertible to $E_2$: the tactic proposes to the user the two
+% proof-obligations and then builds the term as described above. We claim
+% that the term inhabiting the principal proof-obligation also inhabits
+% the goal and, used as the generated term, is surely smaller
+% and quicker to retype than the one that is generated in the
+% implementation; moreover, it
+% is also as natural as the previous one, in the sense that the apparently
+% lost information has simply become implicit in the reduction and could
+% be easily rediscovered using type-inference algorithms as the one described
+% in Coscoy's thesis \cite{YANNTHESIS}. So, a new implementation could
+% simply recognize this special case and generate the better term.
+% We will now show that the terms provided by the two implementations are
+% $\beta\delta\iota$-convertible.
+% Each closed terms in $\beta\delta\iota$-normal form
+% inhabiting the proof that $E_1$ is equal to $E_2$ is equal to the only
+% constructor of equality applied to a term convertible to the type of
+% $E_1$ and to another term convertible to $E_1$; hence, once the principle
+% of elimination of equality is applied to this term, we can first apply
+% $\beta$-reduction and then $\iota$-reduction to obtain the term inhabiting
+% the principal proof-obligation in which $E_1$ has been replaced by $E_2$.
+% Since $E_1$ and $E_2$ are $\beta\delta\iota$-convertible by hypothesis and
+% for the congruence properties of convertibility in CIC, we have that the
+% generated term is $\beta\delta\iota$-convertible to the one inhabiting the
+% principal proof-obligation.
+% %The simplest example is when $E_1$ and $E_2$ are syntactically equal:
+% %in this case the principal obligation proposed is identical to the current goal
+% %and the equality elimination introduced could be replaced by the proof of
+% %this obligation, leading to a smaller, quicker to retype and also more
+% %natural\footnote{Even if naturality is in some way a subjective metric,
+% %who would dare say that a proof in which you rewrite an expression with
+% %itself is natural?} term. To show that handling this special case in this
+% %way is equivalent to the current solution, we have to show that the two
+% %terms are $\beta\delta\iota$-convertible when so are the subterms inhabiting
+% %the obligations.
+% %The only closed term in $\beta\delta\iota$-normal form
+% %inhabiting the proof that $E_1$ is equal to $E_1$ is the only constructor
+% %of equality applied to the type of $E_1$ and to $E_1$; hence we can
+% %first apply $\beta$-reduction and then $\iota$-reduction to obtain
+% %the second proof in which $E_1$ has been replaced by $E_1$, i.e. the
+% %second proof.
+% %So, for this example, the simple fix to avoid overkilling is checking
+% %if $E_1$ and $E_2$ are syntactically equal and in case omitting the elimination;
+% %curiously, this is done in Coq in the implementation of a very similar tactic
+% %called \emph{Rewriting}.
+% %A second, more involved, example is when $E_1$ and $E_2$ are not
+% %syntactically equal, but $E_1$ reduces to $E_2$. Even in this case
+% %the elimination could simply be avoided because the typing rules of
+% %the logical system ensures us that a term that inhabits the principal
+% %obligation also inhabits the current goal: the proof is equivalent to the
+% %previous one, but for the last step in which $E_2$ is actually substituted for
+% %$E_1$; by hypothesis, though, the two terms are $\beta\delta\iota$-convertible
+% %and hence the thesis.
+% %Surely smaller and faster to retype, the new term is also as natural
+% %as the previous one, in the sense that the apparently lost information has
+% %simply become implicit in the reduction and could be easily rediscovered
+% %using type-inference algorithms as the one described in chapter ???
+% %of Coscoy's thesis \ref{YANNTHESIS}.
+% This example may seem quite stupid because, if the user is already able to
+% prove the principal proof-obligation and because this new goal is totally
+% equivalent to the original one, the user could simply redo the same steps
+% without applying the rewriting at all. Most of the time, though, the
+% convertibility of the two terms could be really complex to understand,
+% greatly depending on the exact definitions given; indeed, the user could
+% often be completely unaware of the convertibility of the two terms. Moreover,
+% even in the cases in which the user understands the convertibility, the
+% tactic has the important effect of changing the form of the current
+% goal in order to simplify the task of completing the proof, which is the reason
+% for the user to apply it.
+% ~\\
+% The previous example shows only a very small improvement in the produced
+% term and could make you wonder if the effort of fixing overkilling and
+% more in general if putting more attention to terms when implementing
+% tactics is really worth the trouble. In the next section we describe as
+% another example a concrete experience of fixing a complex reflexive tactic
+% in system Coq that has lead to really significant improvements in term
+% size, retyping time and naturality.
+% \section{Fixing Overkilling: a Concrete Experience}
+% Coq provides a reflexive tactic called \emph{Ring} to do associative-commutative
+% rewriting in ring and semi-ring structures. The usual usage is,
+% given the goal $E_1 = E_2$ where $E_1$ and $E_2$ are two expressions defined
+% on the ring-structure, to prove the goal reducing it to proving
+% $E'_1 = E'_2$ where $E'_i$ is the normal form of $E_i$. In fact, once
+% obtained the goal $E'_1 = E'_2$, the tactic also tries to apply simple
+% heuristics to automatically solve the goal.
+% The actual implementation of the tactic by reflexion is quite complex and
+% is described in \cite{Ring}. The main idea is described in Fig. \ref{ring1}:
+% first of all, an inductive data type to describe abstract polynomial is
+% made available. On this abstract polynomial, using well-founded recursion in
+% Coq, a normalization function named $apolynomial\_normalize$ is defined;
+% for technical reasons, the abstract data type of normalized polynomials
+% is different from the one of un-normalized polynomials. Then, two
+% interpretation functions, named $interp\_ap$ and $interp\_sacs$ are given
+% to map the two forms of abstract polynomials to the concrete one. Finally,
+% a theorem named $apolynomial\_normalize\_ok$ stating the equality of
+% the interpretation of an abstract polynomial and the interpretation of
+% its normal form is defined in Coq using well-founded induction. The above
+% machinery could be used in this way: to prove that $E^I$ is equal to its
+% normal form $E^{IV}$, the tactic computes an abstract polynomial $E^{II}$ that,
+% once interpreted, reduces to $E^{I}$, and such that the interpretation
+% of $E^{III} = (apolynomial\_normalize E^{II})$ could be shown to be equal
+% to $E^{IV}$ applying $apolynomial\_normalize\_ok$.
+% %such that $(interp\_ap\;E^{II})$ could be proved (theorem
+% %$apolynomial\_normalize\_ok$) in Coq to be equal to
+% %$(interp\_sacs\;E^{III})$ where
+% %$E^{III} = (apolynomial\_normalize E^{II})$ is another abstract polynomial
+% %in normal form and the three functions $interp\_ap$, $interp\_sacs$ and
+% %$apolynomial\_normalize$ could all be defined inside Coq using well-founded
+% %recursion/induction on the abstract polynomial definition.
+% % \myincludegraphics{ring1}{t}{12cm}{Reflexion in Ring}{Reflexion in Ring}
+% % \myincludegraphics{ring2}{t}{10cm}{Ring implementation (first half)}{Ring implementation (first half)}
+% In Fig. \ref{ring2} the first half of the steps taken
+% by the Ring tactic to prove $E_1 = E_2$ are shown\footnote{Here $E_1$
+% stands for $E^I$.}.
+% The first step is replacing $E_1 = E_2$ with $(interp\_ap\;E^{II}_1) = E_2$,
+% justifying the rewriting using the only one constructor of equality due to
+% the $\beta\delta\iota$-convertibility of $(interp\_ap\;E^{II}_1)$ with $E_1$.
+% The second one is replacing $(interp\_ap\;E^{II})$ with
+% $(interp\_sacs\;E^{III})$, justifying the rewriting using
+% $apolynomial\_normalize\_ok$.
+% Next, the two steps are done again on the left part of the equality,
+% obtaining $(interp\_sacs\;E^{III}_1) = (interp\_sacs\;E^{III}_2)$,
+% that is eventually solved trying simpler tactics as \emph{Reflexivity} or left
+% to the user.
+% The tactic is clearly overkilling, at least due to the usage of rewriting for
+% convertible terms. Let's consider as a simple example the session in Fig.
+% \ref{session}:
+% \begin{figure}[t]
+% %\begin{verbatim}
+% \mbox{\hspace{3cm}\tt Coq $<$ Goal ``0*0==0``.}\\
+% \mbox{\hspace{3cm}\tt 1 subgoal}\\
+% ~\\
+% \mbox{\hspace{3cm}\tt ~~=================}\\
+% \mbox{\hspace{3cm}\tt ~~~~``0*0 == 0``}\\
+% ~\\
+% \mbox{\hspace{3cm}\tt Unnamed\_thm $<$ Ring.}\\
+% \mbox{\hspace{3cm}\tt Subtree proved!}
+% %\end{verbatim}
+% \caption{A Coq session.}
+% \label{session}
+% \end{figure}
+% in Fig. \ref{before} the $\lambda$-term created by the
+% original overkilling implementation of Ring is shown. Following the previous
+% explanation, it should be easily understandable. In particular, the
+% four rewritings are clearly visible as applications of $eqT\_ind$, as
+% are the two applications of $apolynomial\_normalize\_ok$ and the
+% three usage of reflexivity, i.e. the two applications of $refl\_eqT$
+% to justify the rewritings on the left and right members of the equality
+% and the one that ends the proof.
+% Let's start the analysis of overkilling in this implementation:
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[Always overkilling rewritings:] as already stated, four of the rewriting
+% steps are always overkilling because the rewritten term is convertible to
+% the original one due to the tactic implementation.
+% As proved in the previous section, all these rewritings could be simply
+% removed obtaining an equivalent tactic.
+% \item[Overkilling rewritings due to members already normalized:] it may happen,
+% as in our example, that one (or even both) of the two members is already in
+% normal form. In this case the two rewriting steps for that member could be
+% simply removed obtaining an equivalent tactic as shown in the previous section.
+% \item[Rewriting followed by reflexivity:] after having removed all
+% the overkilling rewritings, the general form of the $\lambda$-term produced
+% for $E_1 = E_2$ is the application of two rewritings ($E'_1$ for $E_1$ and
+% $E'_2$ for $E_2$), followed by a proof of $E'_1 = E'_2$. In many cases,
+% $E'_1$ and $E'_2$ are simply convertible and so the tactic finishes the
+% proof with an application of reflexivity to prove the equivalent goal
+% $E'_1 = E'_1$.
+% A smaller and also more natural solution is just to
+% rewrite $E'_1$ for $E_1$ and then proving $E'_1 = E_2$ applying the lemma
+% stating the symmetry of equality to the proof of $E_2 = E'_2$.
+% The equivalence to the original
+% tactic is trivial by $\beta\iota$-reduction because the lemma is proved
+% exactly doing the rewriting and then applying reflexivity:
+% $$
+% \begin{array}{l}
+% \lambda A:Type.\\
+% \hspace{0.2cm}\lambda x,y:A.\\
+% \hspace{0.4cm}\lambda H:(x==y).\\
+% \hspace{0.6cm}(eqT\_ind~A~x~ [x:A]a==x~(refl\_eqT~A~x)~y~H)
+% \end{array}
+% $$
+% \end{description}
+% In Fig. \ref{after} is shown the $\lambda$-term created by the same
+% tactic after having fixed all the overkilling problems described above.
+% \begin{figure}
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% Unnamed_thm < Show Proof.
+% LOC:
+% Subgoals
+% Proof:
+% (eqT_ind R
+% (interp_ap R Rplus Rmult ``1`` ``0`` Ropp (Empty_vm R)
+% (APmult AP0 AP0)) [r:R]``r == 0``
+% (eqT_ind R
+% (interp_sacs R Rplus Rmult ``1`` ``0`` Ropp (Empty_vm R)
+% Nil_varlist) [r:R]``r == 0``
+% (eqT_ind R
+% (interp_ap R Rplus Rmult ``1`` ``0`` Ropp (Empty_vm R) AP0)
+% [r:R]
+% ``(interp_sacs R Rplus Rmult 1 r Ropp (Empty_vm R) Nil_varlist)
+% == r``
+% (eqT_ind R
+% (interp_sacs R Rplus Rmult ``1`` ``0`` Ropp (Empty_vm R)
+% Nil_varlist)
+% [r:R]
+% ``(interp_sacs R Rplus Rmult 1 r Ropp (Empty_vm R)
+% Nil_varlist) == r`` (refl_eqT R ``0``)
+% (interp_ap R Rplus Rmult ``1`` ``0`` Ropp (Empty_vm R) AP0)
+% (apolynomial_normalize_ok R Rplus Rmult ``1`` ``0`` Ropp
+% [_,_:R]false (Empty_vm R) RTheory AP0)) ``0``
+% (refl_eqT R ``0``))
+% (interp_ap R Rplus Rmult ``1`` ``0`` Ropp (Empty_vm R)
+% (APmult AP0 AP0))
+% (apolynomial_normalize_ok R Rplus Rmult ``1`` ``0`` Ropp
+% [_,_:R]false (Empty_vm R) RTheory (APmult AP0 AP0))) ``0*0``
+% (refl_eqT R ``0*0``))
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \caption{The $\lambda$-term created by the original overkilling implementation}
+% \label{before}
+% \end{figure}
+% \begin{figure}
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% Unnamed_thm < Show Proof.
+% LOC:
+% Subgoals
+% Proof:
+% (sym_eqT R ``0`` ``0*0``
+% (apolynomial_normalize_ok R Rplus Rmult ``1`` ``0`` Ropp
+% [_,_:R]false (Empty_vm R) RTheory (APmult AP0 AP0)))
+% \end{verbatim}
+% \caption{The $\lambda$-term created by the new implementation}
+% \label{after}
+% \end{figure}
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{A Quantitative Analysis of the Gain Obtained}
+% Let's now try a quantitative analysis of the gain with respect to term size,
+% retyping time and naturality, considering the two interesting cases of
+% no member or only one member already in normal form\footnote{If the two
+% members are already in normal form, the new implementation simply applies
+% once the only constructor of the equality to one of the two members. The tactic
+% is also implemented to do the same thing also when the two members are not yet
+% in normal forms, but are already convertible. We omit this other improvement
+% in our analysis.}.
+% \subsubsection{Term Size.}
+% \paragraph{Terms metric definition:} given a term $t$, the metric $|.|$ associates to it its number of nodes $|t|$.
+% \paragraph{Notation}: $|T|$ stands for the number of nodes in the actual parameters
+% given to $interp\_ap$, $interp\_sacs$ and $apolynomial\_normalize\_ok$ to
+% describe the concrete (semi)ring theory and the list of non-primitive
+% terms occurring in the goal to solve. In the example in figures \ref{before}
+% and \ref{after}, $|T|$ is the number of nodes in
+% \begin{texttt}[R Rplus Rmult ``1`` ``0`` Ropp (Empty\_vm R)]\end{texttt}.
+% $|R|$ stands for the number of nodes in the term which is the carrier
+% of the ring structure. In the same examples, $|R|$ is simply 1, i.e.
+% the number of nodes in \begin{texttt}R\end{texttt}.
+% \begin{displaymath}
+% \begin{array}{l}
+% \mbox{\bf Original version:}\\
+% \begin{array}{ll}
+% 1 + (|E^{II}_1| + |T| + 1) + |E_2| + |E_1| + &
+% \mbox{(I rewriting Left)} \\
+% 1 + |E_1| + &
+% \mbox{(justification)} \\
+% 1 + (|E^{III}_1| + |T| + 1) + |E_2| + (|E^{II}_1| + |T| + 1) + &
+% \mbox{(II rewriting Left)} \\
+% (|E^{II}_1| + |T| + 1) + &
+% \mbox{(justification)} \\
+% 1 + (|E^{II}_2| + |T| + 1) + (|E^{III}_1| + |T| + 1) + |E_2| + &
+% \mbox{(I rewriting Right)} \\
+% 1 + |E_2| + &
+% \mbox{(justification)} \\
+% 1 + (|E^{III}_2| + |T| + 1) + (|E^{III}_1| + |T| + 1) + &
+% \mbox{(II rewriting Right)} \\
+% ~(|E^{II}_2| + |T| + 1) +& \\
+% (|E^{II}_2| + |T| + 1) + &
+% \mbox{(justification)} \\
+% 1 + |E_1| = &
+% \mbox{(reflexivity application)} \\
+% \hline
+% 4|E_1| + 2|E_2| + 3|E^{II}_1| + 3|E^{II}_2| + 3|E^{III}_1| + |E^{III}_2| +~ &
+% \mbox{\bf Total number} \\
+% ~10|T| + 17 &
+% \end{array}
+% \end{array}
+% \end{displaymath}
+% \begin{displaymath}
+% \begin{array}{l}
+% \mbox{\bf New version, both members not in normal form:}\\
+% \begin{array}{ll}
+% 1 + |R| + |E_1| + |E'_2| + &
+% \mbox{(Rewriting Right)} \\
+% 1 + |T| + |E^{II}_2| + &
+% \mbox{(justification)} \\
+% 1 + |R| + |E'_2| + |E'_1| + |E_2| + &
+% \mbox{(Symmetry application)} \\
+% 1 + |T| + |E^{II}_1| = &
+% \mbox{(justification)} \\
+% \hline
+% 2|E_1| + |E_2| + |E^{II}_1| + |E^{II}_2| + 2|E'_2| + 2|T| +~ &
+% \mbox{\bf Total number} \\
+% ~2|R| + 4 & \\
+% ~ &
+% \end{array}
+% \end{array}
+% \end{displaymath}
+% \begin{displaymath}
+% \begin{array}{l}
+% \mbox{\bf New version, only the first member not in normal form:}\\
+% \begin{array}{ll}
+% 1 + |R| + |E_1| + |E'_2| + &
+% \mbox{(Rewriting)} \\
+% 1 + |T| + |E^{II}_2| = &
+% \mbox{(justification)} \\
+% \hline
+% |E_1| + |E'_2| + |E^{II}_2| + |T| + |R| + 2~~~ &
+% \mbox{\bf Total number} \\
+% ~ &
+% \end{array}
+% \end{array}
+% \end{displaymath}
+% While the overall space complexity of the terms generated by the new
+% implementation is asymptotically equal to the one of the old implementation,
+% all the constants involved are much smaller, but for the one of
+% $E'_2$ (the two normal forms) that before was 0 and now is
+% equal to 2. Is it possible to have goals for which the new implementation
+% behaves worst than the old one? Unfortunately, yes. This happens when
+% the size of the two normal forms $E'_1$ and $E'_2$ is greatly huger than
+% ($E^{II}_1 + |T| + 1)$ and $(E^{II}_2 + |T| + 1)$. This happens when
+% the number of occurrences of non-primitive terms is much higher than
+% the number of non-primitive terms and the size of them is big. More
+% formally, being $m$ the number of non-primitive terms, $d$ the average
+% size and $n$ the number of occurrences, the new implementation creates bigger
+% terms than the previous one if
+% \begin{displaymath}
+% n \log_2 m + m d < n d
+% \end{displaymath}
+% where the difference between the two members is great enough to hide the gain
+% achieved lowering all the other constants.
+% The logarithmic factor in the previous
+% formula derives from the implementation of the map of variables to
+% non-primitive terms as a tree and the representation of occurrences with
+% the path inside the tree to retrieve the term.
+% To fix the problem, for each non-primitive term occurring more than once
+% inside the normal forms, we can use a \emph{let \ldots in} local definition
+% to bind it to a fresh identifier; then we replace every occurrence of
+% the term inside the normal forms with the appropriate
+% identifier\footnote{This has not yet been implemented in Coq.}.
+% In this way, the above inequation becomes
+% \begin{displaymath}
+% n \log_2 m + m d < n + m d
+% \end{displaymath}
+% that is never satisfied.
+% Here it is important to stress how the latest problem was easily
+% overlooked during the implementation and has been discovered
+% only during the previous analysis, strengthening our belief in
+% the importance of this kind of analysis for tactic implementations.
+% In the next two paragraphs we will consider only the new implementation
+% with the above fixing.
+% \subsubsection{Retyping Time.}
+% \paragraph{Terms metric definition:} given a term $t$, the metric $|.|$ associates to it the time $|t|$ required to retype it.
+% Due to lack of space, we will omit a detailed analysis as the one given
+% for terms size. Nevertheless, we can observe that the retyping time required
+% is surely smaller because all the type-checking operations required for
+% the new implementation are already present in the old one, but for the
+% type-checking of the two normal forms, that have fewer complexity
+% than the type-checking of the two abstract normal forms, and the
+% \emph{let \ldots in} definitions that have the same complexity of the
+% type-checking of the variable map. Moreover, the quite expensive operation
+% of computing the two normal forms is already done during proof construction.
+% %In the case in which both the members of the equality are not in normal form,
+% %we can't expect a great improvement in retyping time but for very cheap
+% %normalizations; this because retyping time is dominated by the factor due to
+% %$apolynomial\_normalize$ that is present in both implementations and is
+% %usually much higher than the factor due to the removed applications of
+% %$interp\_ap$, $interp\_sacs$ and the eliminations of equality.
+% %The situation is very different if one of the two members is already
+% %convertible to its normal form and the reduction involved in the normalization
+% %is expensive. In this rather unlikely case, the new implementation
+% %avoids the reduction at all, roughly halving the overall retyping time.
+% In section \ref{benchmarks} we present some benchmarks to give an idea of
+% the real gain obtained.
+% \subsubsection{Naturality.}~\\~\\
+% The idea behind the \emph{Ring} tactic is to be able to prove
+% an equality showing that both members have the same normal form.
+% This simply amounts to show that each member is equal to the same
+% normal form, that is exactly what is done in the new implementation.
+% Indeed, every step that belonged to the old implementation and has been
+% changed or removed to fix overkilling used to lead to some unnatural step:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item The fact that the normalization is not done on the concrete
+% representation, but passing through two abstract ones that are
+% interpreted on the concrete terms is an implementative detail that
+% was not hidden as much as possible as it should be.
+% \item Normalizing a member of the equality that is already in normal form,
+% is illogical and so unnatural. Hence it should be avoided, but it was not.
+% \item The natural way to show $A=B$ under the hypothesis $B=A$ is just
+% to use the symmetric property of equality. Instead, the old implementation
+% rewrote $B$ with $A$ using the hypothesis and proved the goal by reflexivity.
+% \item Using local definitions (\emph{let \ldots in}) as abbreviations
+% rises the readability of the proof by shrinking its size removing
+% subexpressions that are not involved in the computation.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \subsection{Some Benchmarks}
+% \label{benchmarks}To understand the actual gain in term size and retyping
+% time on real-life examples, we have done some benchmarks on the whole set
+% of theorems in the standard library of Coq that use the Ring tactic. The
+% results are shown in table~\ref{benchs}.
+% Term size is the size of the disk dump of the terms. Re-typing time is the
+% user time spent by Coq in proof-checking already parsed terms. The reduction
+% of the terms size implies also a reduction in Coq parsing time, that is
+% difficult to compute because Coq files do not hold single terms, but whole
+% theories. Hence, the parsing time shown is really the user time spent by Coq
+% to parse not only the terms on which we are interested, but also all the
+% terms in their theories and the theories on which they depend. So, this last
+% measure greatly under-estimates the actual gain.
+% Every benchmark has been repeated 100 times under different load conditions on
+% a 600Mhz Pentium III bi-processor equipped with 256Mb RAM. The timings shown
+% are mean values.
+% \begin{table}
+% \begin{center}
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% & ~Term size~ & Re-typing time & Parsing time\\
+% \hline
+% Old implementation & 20.27Mb & 4.59s & 2.425s \\
+% \hline
+% New implementation & 12.99Mb & 2.94s & 2.210s \\
+% \hline
+% Percentage reduction & 35.74\% & 35.95\% & 8.87\% \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}
+% \end{center}
+% \caption{Some benchmarks}
+% \label{benchs}
+% \end{table}
+% \section{Conclusions and Future Work}
+% Naive ways of implementing tactics lead to low quality terms that are
+% difficult to inspect and process. To improve the situation, we show
+% how metrics defined for terms naturally induce metrics for tactics and
+% tactics implementation and we advocate the usage of such metrics for
+% tactics evaluation and implementation. In particular, metrics could
+% be used to analyze the quality of an implementation or could be used at run
+% time by a tactic to choose what is the best way to proceed.
+% To safely replace a tactic implementation with another one, it is important
+% to define when two tactics are equivalent, i.e. generate equivalent terms.
+% In this work, the equivalence relation chosen for terms has simply been
+% $\beta\delta\iota$-convertibility, that in many situations seems too strong.
+% Hence, an important future work is the study of weaker forms of term
+% equivalence and the equivalence relations they induce on tactics. In particular,
+% it seems that proof-irrelevance, $\eta$-conversion and commuting conversions
+% must all be considered in the definition of a suitable equivalence relation.
+% \bibitem{ALF} The ALF family of proof-assistants:\\
+% {\tt http://www.cs.chalmers.se/ComputingScience/Research/\\Logic/implementation.mhtml}
+% \bibitem{Coq} The Coq proof-assistant:\\
+% {\tt http://coq.inria.fr/}
+% \bibitem{FORMAVIE} The Formavie project:\\
+% {\tt http://http://www-sop.inria.fr/oasis/Formavie/}
+% \bibitem{EHELM} The HELM project:\\
+% {\tt http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/}
+% \bibitem{MATHWEB} The MathWeb project:\\
+% {\tt http://www.mathweb.org/}
+% \bibitem{PCOQ} The PCoq project:\\
+% {\tt http://www-sop.inria.fr/lemme/pcoq/}
+% \bibitem{HELM} A.Asperti, L.Padovani, C.Sacerdoti Coen, I.Schena.
+% Towards a library of formal mathematics. Panel session of
+% the 13th International Conference on Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics (TPHOLS'2000),
+% Portland, Oregon, USA.
+% \bibitem{Ring} S. Boutin. Using reflection to build efficient and certified
+% decision procedures. In Martin Abadi and Takahashi Ito, editors, TACS'97,
+% volume 1281. LNCS, Springer-Verlag, 1997.
+% \bibitem{YANNTHESIS} Y.Coscoy. \emph{Explication textuelle de preuves pour le
+% Calcul des Constructions Inductives}, PhD. Thesis, Universit\'e de Nice-Sophia
+% Antipolis, 2000.
+% \bibitem{ALFA} T. Hallgreen, Aarne Ranta. An Extensible Proof Text Editor.
+% Presented at LPAR2000.
+% \bibitem{Necula} G. Necula, P. Lee. Safe Kernel Extensions Without Run-Time
+% Checking. Presented at OSDI'96, October 1996.
+% \bibitem{Necula2} G. Necula, P. Lee. Efficient Representation and Validation of Proofs. Presented at LICS'98, June 1998
+% \bibitem{Werner} B. Werner. \emph{Une Th\'eorie des Constructions Inductives},
+% PhD. Thesis, Universit\'e Paris VII, May 1994.
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+% definition of the "\spnewtheorem" command.
+% Usage:
+% \spnewtheorem{env_nam}{caption}[within]{cap_font}{body_font}
+% or \spnewtheorem{env_nam}[numbered_like]{caption}{cap_font}{body_font}
+% or \spnewtheorem*{env_nam}{caption}{cap_font}{body_font}
+% New is "cap_font" and "body_font". It stands for
+% fontdefinition of the caption and the text itself.
+% "\spnewtheorem*" gives a theorem without number.
+% A defined spnewthoerem environment is used as described
+% by Lamport.
+% definition of \spnewtheorem with number
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@spxnthm{#1}{#2}}{\@spynthm{#1}{#2}}}
+\def\@spxnthm#1#2[#3]#4#5{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+ {\@definecounter{#1}\@addtoreset{#1}{#3}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\expandafter\noexpand
+ \csname the#3\endcsname \noexpand\@thmcountersep \@thmcounter{#1}}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
+ \global\@namedef{#1}{\@spthm{#1}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#4}{#5}}%
+ \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
+\def\@spynthm#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+ {\@definecounter{#1}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@thmcounter{#1}}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
+ \global\@namedef{#1}{\@spthm{#1}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#3}{#4}}%
+ \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
+ \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\@latexerr{No theorem environment `#2' defined}\@eha}%
+ {\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+ {\global\@namedef{the#1}{\@nameuse{the#2}}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#3}%
+ \global\@namedef{#1}{\@spthm{#2}{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#4}{#5}}%
+ \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}}
+\def\@spthm#1#2#3#4{\topsep 7\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
+\def\@spxthm#1#2#3#4{\@spbegintheorem{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}{#3}{#4}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ the#1\endcsname}{#5}{#3}{#4}\ignorespaces}
+ \item[\hskip\labelsep{#3#1\ #2\@thmcounterend}]#4}
+ \item[\hskip\labelsep{#4#1\ #2}]{#4(#3)\@thmcounterend\ }#5}
+% definition of \spnewtheorem* without number
+\def\@Ynthm#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
+ {\global\@namedef{#1}{\@Thm{\csname #1name\endcsname}{#3}{#4}}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname #1name\endcsname{#2}%
+ \global\@namedef{end#1}{\@endtheorem}}}
+\def\@Thm#1#2#3{\topsep 7\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
+ {#4}{#2}{#3}\ignorespaces}
+ \item[\hskip\labelsep{#2#1\@thmcounterend}]}
+ \item[\hskip\labelsep{#3#1}]{#3(#2)\@thmcounterend\ }}
+ \def\@thmcountersep{.}
+ \spnewtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section]{\bfseries}{\itshape}
+ \spnewtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}{\bfseries}{\itshape}
+ \if@envcntreset
+ \@addtoreset{theorem}{section}
+ \else
+ \@addtoreset{theorem}{chapter}
+ \fi
+%definition of divers theorem environments
+\if@envcntsame % alle Umgebungen wie Theorem.
+ \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spothm{#1}[theorem]{#2}{#3}{#4}}
+\else % alle Umgebungen mit eigenem Zaehler
+ \if@envcntsect % mit section numeriert
+ \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spxnthm{#1}{#2}[section]{#3}{#4}}
+ \else % nicht mit section numeriert
+ \if@envcntreset
+ \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spynthm{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
+ \@addtoreset{#1}{section}}
+ \else
+ \def\spn@wtheorem#1#2#3#4{\@spynthm{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}
+ \@addtoreset{#1}{chapter}}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \def\@tempa{#1}%
+ \let\@tempd\@elt
+ \def\@elt##1{%
+ \def\@tempb{##1}%
+ \ifx\@tempa\@tempb\else
+ \@addtoreset{##1}{#2}%
+ \fi}%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\let\expandafter\@tempc\csname cl@#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter\def\csname cl@#2\endcsname{}%
+ \@tempc
+ \let\@elt\@tempd}
+ \item[\hskip\labelsep{##4##1\ ##2}]{##4##3\@thmcounterend\ }##5}
+ \def\@Opargbegintheorem##1##2##3##4{##4\trivlist
+ \item[\hskip\labelsep{##3##1}]{##3##2\@thmcounterend\ }}
+ }
+ \list{}{\advance\topsep by0.35cm\relax\small
+ \leftmargin=1cm
+ \labelwidth=\z@
+ \listparindent=\z@
+ \itemindent\listparindent
+ \rightmargin\leftmargin}\item[\hskip\labelsep
+ \bfseries\abstractname]}
+ {\endlist}
+\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
+\newdimen\headlineindent % dimension for space between
+\headlineindent=1.166cm % number and text of headings.
+ \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty
+ \def\@evenhead{\normalfont\small\rlap{\thepage}\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+ \leftmark\hfil}
+ \def\@oddhead{\normalfont\small\hfil\rightmark\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+ \llap{\thepage}}
+ \def\chaptermark##1{}%
+ \def\sectionmark##1{}%
+ \def\subsectionmark##1{}}
+ \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty
+ \def\@evenhead{\normalfont\small\rlap{\thepage}\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+ \hfil}
+ \def\@oddhead{\normalfont\small\hfil\hspace{\headlineindent}%
+ \llap{\thepage}}
+ \def\chaptermark##1{}%
+ \def\sectionmark##1{}%
+ \def\subsectionmark##1{}}