let rec super_simplify_ps ps =
+ fixpoint (List.map (fun x -> cast_to_i_n_var (simple_expand_match ps (x :> i_num_var))))
+let rec super_simplify_ps_with_match ps =
fixpoint (List.map (cast_to_i_num_var ++ (simple_expand_match ps)))
let super_simplify ({div; ps; conv} as p) =
- let ps = super_simplify_ps p.ps (p.ps :> i_num_var list) in
- let conv = super_simplify_ps ps (p.conv :> i_num_var list) in
+ let ps = super_simplify_ps p.ps p.ps in
+ let conv = super_simplify_ps ps p.conv in
let div = option_map (fun div ->
- let divs = super_simplify_ps p.ps ([div] :> i_num_var list) in
+ let divs = super_simplify_ps p.ps ([div] :> i_n_var list) in
List.hd divs) div in
{p with div=option_map cast_to_i_var div; ps=List.map cast_to_i_n_var ps; conv=List.map cast_to_i_n_var conv}
-let cast_to_ps =
+let cast_to_ps_with_match =
#i_num_var as y -> (y : i_num_var)
| `Bottom | `Pacman -> raise (Backtrack "BOT/PAC in ps")
| None -> freshno, None, acc_new_ps
| Some t ->
+ let t = subst false false x inst (t :> nf) in
- let t = subst false false x inst (t :> nf) in
let freshno,new_t,acc_new_ps = expand_match (freshno,ps,acc_new_ps) t in
- freshno,Some(cast_to_i_var new_t),acc_new_ps
- with Bottom -> freshno, None, acc_new_ps
- | Pacman -> raise (Backtrack "Pacman in div")
+ (* backtrack if it is a number or a variable *)
+ match new_t with
+ | `N _ -> raise (Backtrack "div=`N")
+ | `Var _
+ | `I _ as new_t -> freshno, Some(new_t), acc_new_ps
+ with
+ | Bottom -> freshno, None, acc_new_ps
+ | Pacman -> raise (Backtrack "div=PAC")
and expand_match ((freshno,acc_ps,acc_new_ps) as acc) t =
match t with
match u with
| `N i -> acc_new_ps,i
| _ ->
- let ps = List.map (fun t -> cast_to_ps (subst false false x inst (t:> nf))) (acc_ps@acc_new_ps) in
- let super_simplified_ps = super_simplify_ps ps ps in
+ let ps = List.map (fun t -> cast_to_ps_with_match (subst false false x inst (t:> nf))) (acc_ps@acc_new_ps) in
+ let super_simplified_ps = super_simplify_ps_with_match ps ps in
(*prerr_endline ("CERCO u:" ^ print (fst u :> nf));
List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline ("IN: " ^ print (fst x :> nf))) ps;
List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline ("IN2: " ^ print (fst x :> nf))) super_simplified_ps;*)
- match index_of_opt ~eq:eta_eq super_simplified_ps u with
+ match index_of_opt ~eq:eta_eq super_simplified_ps (u :> i_num_var) with
Some i -> acc_new_ps, i
| None -> acc_new_ps@[u], len_ps + List.length acc_new_ps
| `Pacman -> raise Pacman
| #i_n_var as x ->
let x = simple_expand_match (acc_ps@acc_new_ps) x in
- freshno,cast_to_i_num_var x,acc_new_ps in
+ freshno,cast_to_i_n_var x,acc_new_ps in
- let freshno,old_ps,new_ps = aux_ps (freshno,[],[]) (ps :> i_num_var list) in
- let freshno,conv,new_ps = aux_conv old_ps (freshno,[],new_ps) (conv :> i_num_var list) in
+ let freshno,old_ps,new_ps = aux_ps (freshno,[],[]) ps in
+ let freshno,conv,new_ps = aux_conv old_ps (freshno,[],new_ps) conv in
let freshno,div,new_ps = aux_div old_ps (freshno,new_ps) (div :> i_num_var option) in
let ps = List.map cast_to_i_n_var (old_ps @ new_ps) in