-xml2Gdome.cmo: xml2Gdome.cmi
-xml2Gdome.cmx: xml2Gdome.cmi
-proofEngine.cmo: cic2Xml.cmi cic2acic.cmi proofEngine.cmi
-proofEngine.cmx: cic2Xml.cmx cic2acic.cmx proofEngine.cmi
-doubleTypeInference.cmo: doubleTypeInference.cmi
-doubleTypeInference.cmx: doubleTypeInference.cmi
-cic2acic.cmo: doubleTypeInference.cmi cic2acic.cmi
-cic2acic.cmx: doubleTypeInference.cmx cic2acic.cmi
-cic2Xml.cmo: cic2acic.cmi cic2Xml.cmi
-cic2Xml.cmx: cic2acic.cmx cic2Xml.cmi
-cic2Xml.cmi: cic2acic.cmi
+proofEngine.cmo: proofEngine.cmi
+proofEngine.cmx: proofEngine.cmi
+eta_fixing.cmo: eta_fixing.cmi
+eta_fixing.cmx: eta_fixing.cmi
+content2cic.cmo: content2cic.cmi
+content2cic.cmx: content2cic.cmi
logicalOperations.cmo: proofEngine.cmi logicalOperations.cmi
logicalOperations.cmx: proofEngine.cmx logicalOperations.cmi
-sequentPp.cmo: cic2Xml.cmi cic2acic.cmi sequentPp.cmi
-sequentPp.cmx: cic2Xml.cmx cic2acic.cmx sequentPp.cmi
-misc.cmo: misc.cmi
-misc.cmx: misc.cmi
disambiguate.cmo: disambiguate.cmi
disambiguate.cmx: disambiguate.cmi
termEditor.cmo: disambiguate.cmi termEditor.cmi
termEditor.cmx: disambiguate.cmx termEditor.cmi
termEditor.cmi: disambiguate.cmi
-texTermEditor.cmo: disambiguate.cmi misc.cmi texTermEditor.cmi
-texTermEditor.cmx: disambiguate.cmx misc.cmx texTermEditor.cmi
+texTermEditor.cmo: disambiguate.cmi texTermEditor.cmi
+texTermEditor.cmx: disambiguate.cmx texTermEditor.cmi
texTermEditor.cmi: disambiguate.cmi
-applyStylesheets.cmo: cic2Xml.cmi misc.cmi sequentPp.cmi xml2Gdome.cmi \
- applyStylesheets.cmi
-applyStylesheets.cmx: cic2Xml.cmx misc.cmx sequentPp.cmx xml2Gdome.cmx \
- applyStylesheets.cmi
-applyStylesheets.cmi: cic2acic.cmi
-termViewer.cmo: applyStylesheets.cmi cic2acic.cmi logicalOperations.cmi \
- misc.cmi termViewer.cmi
-termViewer.cmx: applyStylesheets.cmx cic2acic.cmx logicalOperations.cmx \
- misc.cmx termViewer.cmi
-termViewer.cmi: cic2acic.cmi
+termViewer.cmo: logicalOperations.cmi termViewer.cmi
+termViewer.cmx: logicalOperations.cmx termViewer.cmi
invokeTactics.cmo: logicalOperations.cmi proofEngine.cmi termEditor.cmi \
termViewer.cmi invokeTactics.cmi
invokeTactics.cmx: logicalOperations.cmx proofEngine.cmx termEditor.cmx \
termViewer.cmx invokeTactics.cmi
invokeTactics.cmi: termEditor.cmi termViewer.cmi
-hbugs.cmo: invokeTactics.cmi misc.cmi proofEngine.cmi hbugs.cmi
-hbugs.cmx: invokeTactics.cmx misc.cmx proofEngine.cmx hbugs.cmi
+hbugs.cmo: invokeTactics.cmi proofEngine.cmi hbugs.cmi
+hbugs.cmx: invokeTactics.cmx proofEngine.cmx hbugs.cmi
hbugs.cmi: invokeTactics.cmi
-gTopLevel.cmo: applyStylesheets.cmi cic2Xml.cmi cic2acic.cmi hbugs.cmi \
- invokeTactics.cmi logicalOperations.cmi misc.cmi proofEngine.cmi \
- sequentPp.cmi termEditor.cmi termViewer.cmi texTermEditor.cmi
-gTopLevel.cmx: applyStylesheets.cmx cic2Xml.cmx cic2acic.cmx hbugs.cmx \
- invokeTactics.cmx logicalOperations.cmx misc.cmx proofEngine.cmx \
- sequentPp.cmx termEditor.cmx termViewer.cmx texTermEditor.cmx
+gTopLevel.cmo: eta_fixing.cmi hbugs.cmi invokeTactics.cmi \
+ logicalOperations.cmi proofEngine.cmi termEditor.cmi termViewer.cmi \
+ texTermEditor.cmi
+gTopLevel.cmx: eta_fixing.cmx hbugs.cmx invokeTactics.cmx \
+ logicalOperations.cmx proofEngine.cmx termEditor.cmx termViewer.cmx \
+ texTermEditor.cmx
REQUIRES = lablgtkmathview helm-cic_textual_parser helm-tex_cic_textual_parser \
helm-cic_proof_checking helm-xml gdome2-xslt helm-cic_unification \
helm-mathql helm-mathql_interpreter helm-mathql_generator \
- helm-tactics threads hbugs-client mathml-editor
+ helm-tactics threads hbugs-client mathml-editor \
+ helm-cic_transformations
PREDICATES = "gnome,init,glade"
OCAMLOPTIONS = -package "$(REQUIRES)" -predicates "$(PREDICATES)" -pp camlp4o
OCAMLFIND = ocamlfind
opt: styles gTopLevel.opt
- xml2Gdome.ml xml2Gdome.mli proofEngine.ml proofEngine.mli \
- doubleTypeInference.ml doubleTypeInference.mli cic2acic.ml cic2acic.mli\
- cic2Xml.ml cic2Xml.mli logicalOperations.ml logicalOperations.mli \
- sequentPp.ml sequentPp.mli mQueryGenerator.mli mQueryLevels.ml \
- mQueryLevels2.mli mQueryLevels2.ml mQueryGenerator.ml misc.ml misc.mli \
- disambiguate.ml disambiguate.mli termEditor.ml termEditor.mli \
- texTermEditor.ml texTermEditor.mli applyStylesheets.ml \
- applyStylesheets.mli termViewer.ml termViewer.mli invokeTactics.ml \
- invokeTactics.mli hbugs.ml hbugs.mli gTopLevel.ml
+ proofEngine.ml proofEngine.mli eta_fixing.ml eta_fixing.mli \
+ content2cic.ml content2cic.mli logicalOperations.ml \
+ logicalOperations.mli disambiguate.ml disambiguate.mli termEditor.ml \
+ termEditor.mli texTermEditor.ml texTermEditor.mli termViewer.ml \
+ termViewer.mli invokeTactics.ml invokeTactics.mli hbugs.ml hbugs.mli \
+ gTopLevel.ml
- xml2Gdome.cmo doubleTypeInference.cmo cic2acic.cmo cic2Xml.cmo \
- proofEngine.cmo logicalOperations.cmo sequentPp.cmo \
- mQueryLevels2.cmo misc.cmo disambiguate.cmo \
- termEditor.cmo texTermEditor.cmo applyStylesheets.cmo termViewer.cmo \
- invokeTactics.cmo hbugs.cmo gTopLevel.cmo
+ doubleTypeInference.cmo eta_fixing.cmo content2cic.cmo \
+ proofEngine.cmo logicalOperations.cmo \
+ disambiguate.cmo termEditor.cmo texTermEditor.cmo termViewer.cmo \
+ invokeTactics.cmo hbugs.cmo gTopLevel.cmo
@echo "***********************************************************************"
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), depend)
include .depend
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-(* *)
-(* *)
-(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
-(* 30/01/2002 *)
-(* *)
-(* *)
-(** stylesheets and parameters list **)
-let parseStyle name =
- let style =
- Misc.domImpl#createDocumentFromURI
- (* ~uri:("http://phd.cs.unibo.it:8081/getxslt?uri=" ^ name) ?mode:None *)
- ~uri:("styles/" ^ name) ()
- in
- Gdome_xslt.processStylesheet style
-let parseStyles () =
- parseStyle "drop_coercions.xsl",
- parseStyle "objtheorycontent.xsl",
- parseStyle "content_to_html.xsl",
- parseStyle "link.xsl",
- parseStyle "rootcontent.xsl",
- parseStyle "genmmlid.xsl",
- parseStyle "annotatedpres.xsl"
-let (d_c,tc1,hc2,l,c1,g,c2) =
- let (d_c,tc1,hc2,l,c1,g,c2) = parseStyles () in
- ref d_c, ref tc1, ref hc2, ref l, ref c1, ref g, ref c2
-let reload_stylesheets () =
- let (d_c',tc1',hc2',l',c1',g',c2') = parseStyles () in
- d_c := d_c';
- tc1 := tc1';
- hc2 := hc2';
- l := l' ;
- c1 := c1' ;
- g := g' ;
- c2 := c2'
-let getterURL = Configuration.getter_url;;
-let processorURL = Configuration.processor_url;;
-let mml_styles = [d_c ; c1 ; g ; c2 ; l];;
-let mml_args ~explode_all =
- ("explodeall",(if explode_all then "true()" else "false()"))::
- ["processorURL", "'" ^ processorURL ^ "'" ;
- "getterURL", "'" ^ getterURL ^ "'" ;
- "draw_graphURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it%3A8083/'" ;
- "uri_set_queueURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it%3A8084/'" ;
- "UNICODEvsSYMBOL", "'symbol'" ;
- "doctype-public", "'-//W3C//DTD%20XHTML%201.0%20Transitional//EN'" ;
- "encoding", "'iso-8859-1'" ;
- "media-type", "'text/html'" ;
- "keys", "'d_c%2CC1%2CG%2CC2%2CL'" ;
- "interfaceURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it/helm/html/cic/index.html'" ;
- "naturalLanguage", "'yes'" ;
- "annotations", "'no'" ;
- "URLs_or_URIs", "'URIs'" ;
- "topurl", "'http://phd.cs.unibo.it/helm'" ;
- "CICURI", "'cic:/Coq/Init/Datatypes/bool_ind.con'" ]
-let sequent_styles = [d_c ; c1 ; g ; c2 ; l];;
-let sequent_args =
- ["processorURL", "'" ^ processorURL ^ "'" ;
- "getterURL", "'" ^ getterURL ^ "'" ;
- "draw_graphURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it%3A8083/'" ;
- "uri_set_queueURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it%3A8084/'" ;
- "UNICODEvsSYMBOL", "'symbol'" ;
- "doctype-public", "'-//W3C//DTD%20XHTML%201.0%20Transitional//EN'" ;
- "encoding", "'iso-8859-1'" ;
- "media-type", "'text/html'" ;
- "keys", "'d_c%2CC1%2CG%2CC2%2CL'" ;
- "interfaceURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it/helm/html/cic/index.html'" ;
- "naturalLanguage", "'no'" ;
- "annotations", "'no'" ;
- "explodeall", "true()" ;
- "URLs_or_URIs", "'URIs'" ;
- "topurl", "'http://phd.cs.unibo.it/helm'" ;
- "CICURI", "'cic:/Coq/Init/Datatypes/bool_ind.con'" ]
-(** Stylesheets application **)
-let apply_stylesheets input styles args =
- List.fold_left (fun i style -> Gdome_xslt.applyStylesheet i !style args)
- input styles
-let apply_proof_stylesheets proof_doc ~explode_all =
- apply_stylesheets proof_doc mml_styles (mml_args ~explode_all)
-let apply_sequent_stylesheets sequent_doc =
- apply_stylesheets sequent_doc sequent_styles sequent_args
-(** Utility functions to map objects to MathML Presentation **)
-(*CSC: the getter should handle the innertypes, not the FS *)
-let innertypesfile =
- try
- with
- Not_found -> "/public/innertypes"
-let constanttypefile =
- try
- with
- Not_found -> "/public/constanttype"
-let mml_of_cic_sequent metasenv sequent =
- let sequent_gdome,ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_hypotheses =
- SequentPp.XmlPp.print_sequent metasenv sequent in
- let sequent_doc =
- Xml2Gdome.document_of_xml Misc.domImpl sequent_gdome in
- let sequent_mml = apply_sequent_stylesheets sequent_doc in
- sequent_mml,(ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_hypotheses)
- mml_of_cic_object ~explode_all uri annobj ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types
-(*CSC: ????????????????? *)
- let xml, bodyxml =
- Cic2Xml.print_object uri ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter:true
- annobj
- in
- let xmlinnertypes =
- Cic2Xml.print_inner_types uri ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types
- ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter:true
- in
- let input =
- match bodyxml with
- None -> Xml2Gdome.document_of_xml Misc.domImpl xml
- | Some bodyxml' ->
- Xml.pp xml (Some constanttypefile) ;
- Xml2Gdome.document_of_xml Misc.domImpl bodyxml'
- in
-(*CSC: We save the innertypes to disk so that we can retrieve them in the *)
-(*CSC: stylesheet. This DOES NOT work when UWOBO and/or the getter are not *)
-(*CSC: local. *)
- Xml.pp xmlinnertypes (Some innertypesfile) ;
- let output = apply_proof_stylesheets input ~explode_all in
- output
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-(* *)
-(* *)
-(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
-(* 15/01/2003 *)
-(* *)
-(* *)
-val reload_stylesheets : unit -> unit
-val mml_of_cic_sequent :
- Cic.metasenv ->
- int * Cic.context * Cic.term ->
- Gdome.document *
- ((Cic.id, Cic.term) Hashtbl.t *
- (Cic.id, Cic.id option) Hashtbl.t *
- (string, Cic.hypothesis) Hashtbl.t)
-val mml_of_cic_object :
- explode_all:bool ->
- UriManager.uri ->
- Cic.annobj ->
- (string, string) Hashtbl.t ->
- (string, Cic2acic.anntypes) Hashtbl.t -> Gdome.document
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-(*CSC codice cut & paste da cicPp e xmlcommand *)
-exception ImpossiblePossible;;
-exception NotImplemented;;
-let dtdname ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter dtd =
- if ask_dtd_to_the_getter then
- Configuration.getter_url ^ "getdtd?uri=" ^ dtd
- else
- "http://mowgli.cs.unibo.it/dtd/" ^ dtd
-let param_attribute_of_params params =
- String.concat " " (List.map UriManager.string_of_uri params)
-(*CSC ottimizzazione: al posto di curi cdepth (vedi codice) *)
-let print_term ~ids_to_inner_sorts =
- let rec aux =
- let module C = Cic in
- let module X = Xml in
- let module U = UriManager in
- function
- C.ARel (id,idref,n,b) ->
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- X.xml_empty "REL"
- ["value",(string_of_int n) ; "binder",b ; "id",id ; "idref",idref ;
- "sort",sort]
- | C.AVar (id,uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- aux_subst uri
- (X.xml_empty "VAR" ["uri",U.string_of_uri uri;"id",id;"sort",sort])
- exp_named_subst
- | C.AMeta (id,n,l) ->
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- X.xml_nempty "META" ["no",(string_of_int n) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort]
- (List.fold_left
- (fun i t ->
- match t with
- Some t' ->
- [< i ; X.xml_nempty "substitution" [] (aux t') >]
- | None ->
- [< i ; X.xml_empty "substitution" [] >]
- ) [< >] l)
- | C.ASort (id,s) ->
- let string_of_sort =
- function
- C.Prop -> "Prop"
- | C.Set -> "Set"
- | C.Type -> "Type"
- in
- X.xml_empty "SORT" ["value",(string_of_sort s) ; "id",id]
- | C.AImplicit _ -> raise NotImplemented
- | C.AProd (last_id,_,_,_) as prods ->
- let rec eat_prods =
- function
- C.AProd (id,n,s,t) ->
- let prods,t' = eat_prods t in
- (id,n,s)::prods,t'
- | t -> [],t
- in
- let prods,t = eat_prods prods in
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts last_id in
- X.xml_nempty "PROD" ["type",sort]
- [< List.fold_left
- (fun i (id,binder,s) ->
- let sort =
- Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts (Cic2acic.source_id_of_id id)
- in
- let attrs =
- ("id",id)::("type",sort)::
- match binder with
- C.Anonymous -> []
- | C.Name b -> ["binder",b]
- in
- [< i ; X.xml_nempty "decl" attrs (aux s) >]
- ) [< >] prods ;
- X.xml_nempty "target" [] (aux t)
- >]
- | C.ACast (id,v,t) ->
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- X.xml_nempty "CAST" ["id",id ; "sort",sort]
- [< X.xml_nempty "term" [] (aux v) ;
- X.xml_nempty "type" [] (aux t)
- >]
- | C.ALambda (last_id,_,_,_) as lambdas ->
- let rec eat_lambdas =
- function
- C.ALambda (id,n,s,t) ->
- let lambdas,t' = eat_lambdas t in
- (id,n,s)::lambdas,t'
- | t -> [],t
- in
- let lambdas,t = eat_lambdas lambdas in
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts last_id in
- X.xml_nempty "LAMBDA" ["sort",sort]
- [< List.fold_left
- (fun i (id,binder,s) ->
- let sort =
- Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts (Cic2acic.source_id_of_id id)
- in
- let attrs =
- ("id",id)::("type",sort)::
- match binder with
- C.Anonymous -> []
- | C.Name b -> ["binder",b]
- in
- [< i ; X.xml_nempty "decl" attrs (aux s) >]
- ) [< >] lambdas ;
- X.xml_nempty "target" [] (aux t)
- >]
- | C.ALetIn (xid,C.Anonymous,s,t) ->
- assert false
- | C.ALetIn (last_id,C.Name _,_,_) as letins ->
- let rec eat_letins =
- function
- C.ALetIn (id,n,s,t) ->
- let letins,t' = eat_letins t in
- (id,n,s)::letins,t'
- | t -> [],t
- in
- let letins,t = eat_letins letins in
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts last_id in
- X.xml_nempty "LETIN" ["sort",sort]
- [< List.fold_left
- (fun i (id,binder,s) ->
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- let attrs =
- ("id",id)::("sort",sort)::
- match binder with
- C.Anonymous -> []
- | C.Name b -> ["binder",b]
- in
- [< i ; X.xml_nempty "def" attrs (aux s) >]
- ) [< >] letins ;
- X.xml_nempty "target" [] (aux t)
- >]
- | C.AAppl (id,li) ->
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- X.xml_nempty "APPLY" ["id",id ; "sort",sort]
- [< (List.fold_right (fun x i -> [< (aux x) ; i >]) li [<>])
- >]
- | C.AConst (id,uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- aux_subst uri
- (X.xml_empty "CONST"
- ["uri", (U.string_of_uri uri) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort]
- ) exp_named_subst
- | C.AMutInd (id,uri,i,exp_named_subst) ->
- aux_subst uri
- (X.xml_empty "MUTIND"
- ["uri", (U.string_of_uri uri) ;
- "noType",(string_of_int i) ;
- "id",id]
- ) exp_named_subst
- | C.AMutConstruct (id,uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) ->
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- aux_subst uri
- (X.xml_empty "MUTCONSTRUCT"
- ["uri", (U.string_of_uri uri) ;
- "noType",(string_of_int i) ; "noConstr",(string_of_int j) ;
- "id",id ; "sort",sort]
- ) exp_named_subst
- | C.AMutCase (id,uri,typeno,ty,te,patterns) ->
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- X.xml_nempty "MUTCASE"
- ["uriType",(U.string_of_uri uri) ;
- "noType", (string_of_int typeno) ;
- "id", id ; "sort",sort]
- [< X.xml_nempty "patternsType" [] [< (aux ty) >] ;
- X.xml_nempty "inductiveTerm" [] [< (aux te) >] ;
- List.fold_right
- (fun x i -> [< X.xml_nempty "pattern" [] [< aux x >] ; i>])
- patterns [<>]
- >]
- | C.AFix (id, no, funs) ->
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- X.xml_nempty "FIX"
- ["noFun", (string_of_int no) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort]
- [< List.fold_right
- (fun (id,fi,ai,ti,bi) i ->
- [< X.xml_nempty "FixFunction"
- ["id",id ; "name", fi ; "recIndex", (string_of_int ai)]
- [< X.xml_nempty "type" [] [< aux ti >] ;
- X.xml_nempty "body" [] [< aux bi >]
- >] ;
- i
- >]
- ) funs [<>]
- >]
- | C.ACoFix (id,no,funs) ->
- let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
- X.xml_nempty "COFIX"
- ["noFun", (string_of_int no) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort]
- [< List.fold_right
- (fun (id,fi,ti,bi) i ->
- [< X.xml_nempty "CofixFunction" ["id",id ; "name", fi]
- [< X.xml_nempty "type" [] [< aux ti >] ;
- X.xml_nempty "body" [] [< aux bi >]
- >] ;
- i
- >]
- ) funs [<>]
- >]
- and aux_subst buri target subst =
-(*CSC: I have now no way to assign an ID to the explicit named substitution *)
- let id = None in
- if subst = [] then
- target
- else
- Xml.xml_nempty "instantiate"
- (match id with None -> [] | Some id -> ["id",id])
- [< target ;
- List.fold_left
- (fun i (uri,arg) ->
- let relUri =
- let buri_frags =
- Str.split (Str.regexp "/") (UriManager.string_of_uri buri) in
- let uri_frags =
- Str.split (Str.regexp "/") (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) in
- let rec find_relUri buri_frags uri_frags =
- match buri_frags,uri_frags with
- [_], _ -> String.concat "/" uri_frags
- | he1::tl1, he2::tl2 ->
- assert (he1 = he2) ;
- find_relUri tl1 tl2
- | _,_ -> assert false (* uri is not relative to buri *)
- in
- find_relUri buri_frags uri_frags
- in
- [< i ; Xml.xml_nempty "arg" ["relUri", relUri] (aux arg) >]
- ) [<>] subst
- >]
- in
- aux
-let print_object uri ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter obj =
- let module C = Cic in
- let module X = Xml in
- let module U = UriManager in
- let dtdname = dtdname ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter "cic.dtd" in
- match obj with
- C.ACurrentProof (id,idbody,n,conjectures,bo,ty,params) ->
- let params' = param_attribute_of_params params in
- let xml_for_current_proof_body =
-(*CSC: Should the CurrentProof also have the list of variables it depends on? *)
-(*CSC: I think so. Not implemented yet. *)
- X.xml_nempty "CurrentProof"
- ["of",UriManager.string_of_uri uri ; "id", id]
- [< List.fold_left
- (fun i (cid,n,canonical_context,t) ->
- [< i ;
- X.xml_nempty "Conjecture"
- ["id", cid ; "no",(string_of_int n)]
- [< List.fold_left
- (fun i (hid,t) ->
- [< (match t with
- Some (n,C.ADecl t) ->
- X.xml_nempty "Decl"
- (match n with
- C.Name n' -> ["id",hid;"name",n']
- | C.Anonymous -> ["id",hid])
- (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts t)
- | Some (n,C.ADef t) ->
- X.xml_nempty "Def"
- (match n with
- C.Name n' -> ["id",hid;"name",n']
- | C.Anonymous -> ["id",hid])
- (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts t)
- | None -> X.xml_empty "Hidden" ["id",hid]
- ) ;
- i
- >]
- ) [< >] canonical_context ;
- X.xml_nempty "Goal" []
- (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts t)
- >]
- >])
- [<>] conjectures ;
- X.xml_nempty "body" [] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts bo) >]
- in
- let xml_for_current_proof_type =
- X.xml_nempty "ConstantType" ["name",n ; "params",params' ; "id", id]
- (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts ty)
- in
- let xmlbo =
- [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
- X.xml_cdata ("<!DOCTYPE CurrentProof SYSTEM \""^ dtdname ^ "\">\n");
- xml_for_current_proof_body
- >] in
- let xmlty =
- [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
- X.xml_cdata ("<!DOCTYPE ConstantType SYSTEM \""^ dtdname ^ "\">\n");
- xml_for_current_proof_type
- >]
- in
- xmlty, Some xmlbo
- | C.AConstant (id,idbody,n,bo,ty,params) ->
- let params' = param_attribute_of_params params in
- let xmlbo =
- match bo with
- None -> None
- | Some bo ->
- Some
- [< X.xml_cdata
- "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
- X.xml_cdata
- ("<!DOCTYPE ConstantBody SYSTEM \"" ^ dtdname ^ "\">\n") ;
- X.xml_nempty "ConstantBody"
- ["for",UriManager.string_of_uri uri ; "params",params' ;
- "id", id]
- [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts bo >]
- >]
- in
- let xmlty =
- [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
- X.xml_cdata ("<!DOCTYPE ConstantType SYSTEM \""^ dtdname ^ "\">\n");
- X.xml_nempty "ConstantType"
- ["name",n ; "params",params' ; "id", id]
- [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts ty >]
- >]
- in
- xmlty, xmlbo
- | C.AVariable (id,n,bo,ty,params) ->
- let params' = param_attribute_of_params params in
- let xmlbo =
- match bo with
- None -> [< >]
- | Some bo ->
- X.xml_nempty "body" [] [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts bo >]
- in
- let aobj =
- [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
- X.xml_cdata ("<!DOCTYPE Variable SYSTEM \"" ^ dtdname ^ "\">\n");
- X.xml_nempty "Variable"
- ["name",n ; "params",params' ; "id", id]
- [< xmlbo ;
- X.xml_nempty "type" [] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts ty)
- >]
- >]
- in
- aobj, None
- | C.AInductiveDefinition (id,tys,params,nparams) ->
- let params' = param_attribute_of_params params in
- [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
- X.xml_cdata
- ("<!DOCTYPE InductiveDefinition SYSTEM \"" ^ dtdname ^ "\">\n") ;
- X.xml_nempty "InductiveDefinition"
- ["noParams",string_of_int nparams ;
- "id",id ;
- "params",params']
- [< (List.fold_left
- (fun i (id,typename,finite,arity,cons) ->
- [< i ;
- X.xml_nempty "InductiveType"
- ["id",id ; "name",typename ;
- "inductive",(string_of_bool finite)
- ]
- [< X.xml_nempty "arity" []
- (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts arity) ;
- (List.fold_left
- (fun i (name,lc) ->
- [< i ;
- X.xml_nempty "Constructor"
- ["name",name]
- (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts lc)
- >]) [<>] cons
- )
- >]
- >]
- ) [< >] tys
- )
- >]
- >], None
- print_inner_types curi ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types
- ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter
- let module C2A = Cic2acic in
- let module X = Xml in
- let dtdname = dtdname ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter "cictypes.dtd" in
- [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
- X.xml_cdata
- ("<!DOCTYPE InnerTypes SYSTEM \"" ^ dtdname ^ "\">\n") ;
- X.xml_nempty "InnerTypes" ["of",UriManager.string_of_uri curi]
- (Hashtbl.fold
- (fun id {C2A.annsynthesized = synty ; C2A.annexpected = expty} x ->
- [< x ;
- X.xml_nempty "TYPE" ["of",id]
- [< X.xml_nempty "synthesized" []
- [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts synty >] ;
- match expty with
- None -> [<>]
- | Some expty' -> X.xml_nempty "expected" [] [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts expty' >]
- >]
- >]
- ) ids_to_inner_types [<>]
- )
- >]
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-exception ImpossiblePossible
-exception NotImplemented
-val print_term :
- ids_to_inner_sorts: (string, string) Hashtbl.t ->
- Cic.annterm -> Xml.token Stream.t
-val print_object :
- UriManager.uri ->
- ids_to_inner_sorts: (string, string) Hashtbl.t ->
- ask_dtd_to_the_getter:bool ->
- Cic.annobj -> Xml.token Stream.t * Xml.token Stream.t option
-val print_inner_types :
- UriManager.uri ->
- ids_to_inner_sorts: (string, string) Hashtbl.t ->
- ids_to_inner_types: (string, Cic2acic.anntypes) Hashtbl.t ->
- ask_dtd_to_the_getter:bool ->
- Xml.token Stream.t
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-type anntypes =
- {annsynthesized : Cic.annterm ; annexpected : Cic.annterm option}
-let gen_id seed =
- let res = "i" ^ string_of_int !seed in
- incr seed ;
- res
-let fresh_id seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids =
- fun father t ->
- let res = gen_id seed in
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_father_ids res father ;
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_terms res t ;
- res
-let source_id_of_id id = "#source#" ^ id;;
-exception NotEnoughElements;;
-exception NameExpected;;
-(*CSC: cut&paste da cicPp.ml *)
-(* get_nth l n returns the nth element of the list l if it exists or *)
-(* raises NotEnoughElements if l has less than n elements *)
-let rec get_nth l n =
- match (n,l) with
- (1, he::_) -> he
- | (n, he::tail) when n > 1 -> get_nth tail (n-1)
- | (_,_) -> raise NotEnoughElements
-let acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
- ids_to_inner_types metasenv context idrefs t expectedty
- let module D = DoubleTypeInference in
- let module T = CicTypeChecker in
- let module C = Cic in
- let fresh_id' = fresh_id seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids in
- let terms_to_types =
- D.double_type_of metasenv context t expectedty
- in
- let rec aux computeinnertypes father context idrefs tt =
- let fresh_id'' = fresh_id' father tt in
- (*CSC: computeinnertypes era true, il che e' proprio sbagliato, no? *)
- let aux' = aux computeinnertypes (Some fresh_id'') in
- (* First of all we compute the inner type and the inner sort *)
- (* of the term. They may be useful in what follows. *)
- (*CSC: This is a very inefficient way of computing inner types *)
- (*CSC: and inner sorts: very deep terms have their types/sorts *)
- (*CSC: computed again and again. *)
- let string_of_sort t =
- match CicReduction.whd context t with
- C.Sort C.Prop -> "Prop"
- | C.Sort C.Set -> "Set"
- | C.Sort C.Type -> "Type"
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let ainnertypes,innertype,innersort,expected_available =
-(*CSC: Here we need the algorithm for Coscoy's double type-inference *)
-(*CSC: (expected type + inferred type). Just for now we use the usual *)
-(*CSC: type-inference, but the result is very poor. As a very weak *)
-(*CSC: patch, I apply whd to the computed type. Full beta *)
-(*CSC: reduction would be a much better option. *)
- let {D.synthesized = synthesized; D.expected = expected} =
- if computeinnertypes then
- D.CicHash.find terms_to_types tt
- else
- (* We are already in an inner-type and Coscoy's double *)
- (* type inference algorithm has not been applied. *)
- {D.synthesized =
- CicReduction.whd context (T.type_of_aux' metasenv context tt) ;
- D.expected = None}
- in
- let innersort = T.type_of_aux' metasenv context synthesized in
- let ainnertypes,expected_available =
- if computeinnertypes then
- let annexpected,expected_available =
- match expected with
- None -> None,false
- | Some expectedty' ->
- Some
- (aux false (Some fresh_id'') context idrefs expectedty'),
- true
- in
- Some
- {annsynthesized =
- aux false (Some fresh_id'') context idrefs synthesized ;
- annexpected = annexpected
- }, expected_available
- else
- None,false
- in
- ainnertypes,synthesized, string_of_sort innersort, expected_available
- in
- let add_inner_type id =
- match ainnertypes with
- None -> ()
- | Some ainnertypes -> Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_types id ainnertypes
- in
- match tt with
- C.Rel n ->
- let id =
- match get_nth context n with
- (Some (C.Name s,_)) -> s
- | _ -> raise NameExpected
- in
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- if innersort = "Prop" && expected_available then
- add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
- C.ARel (fresh_id'', List.nth idrefs (n-1), n, id)
- | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- if innersort = "Prop" && expected_available then
- add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map
- (function i,t -> i, (aux' context idrefs t)) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.AVar (fresh_id'', uri,exp_named_subst')
- | C.Meta (n,l) ->
- let (_,canonical_context,_) =
- List.find (function (m,_,_) -> n = m) metasenv
- in
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- if innersort = "Prop" && expected_available then
- add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
- C.AMeta (fresh_id'', n,
- (List.map2
- (fun ct t ->
- match (ct, t) with
- | None, _ -> None
- | _, Some t -> Some (aux' context idrefs t)
- | Some _, None -> assert false (* due to typing rules *))
- canonical_context l))
- | C.Sort s -> C.ASort (fresh_id'', s)
- | C.Implicit -> C.AImplicit (fresh_id'')
- | C.Cast (v,t) ->
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- if innersort = "Prop" then
- add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
- C.ACast (fresh_id'', aux' context idrefs v, aux' context idrefs t)
- | C.Prod (n,s,t) ->
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id''
- (string_of_sort innertype) ;
- let sourcetype = T.type_of_aux' metasenv context s in
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts (source_id_of_id fresh_id'')
- (string_of_sort sourcetype) ;
- let n' =
- match n with
- C.Anonymous -> n
- | C.Name n' ->
- if D.does_not_occur 1 t then
- C.Anonymous
- else
- C.Name n'
- in
- C.AProd
- (fresh_id'', n', aux' context idrefs s,
- aux' ((Some (n, C.Decl s))::context) (fresh_id''::idrefs) t)
- | C.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- let sourcetype = T.type_of_aux' metasenv context s in
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts (source_id_of_id fresh_id'')
- (string_of_sort sourcetype) ;
- if innersort = "Prop" then
- begin
- let father_is_lambda =
- match father with
- None -> false
- | Some father' ->
- match Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms father' with
- C.Lambda _ -> true
- | _ -> false
- in
- if (not father_is_lambda) || expected_available then
- add_inner_type fresh_id''
- end ;
- C.ALambda
- (fresh_id'',n, aux' context idrefs s,
- aux' ((Some (n, C.Decl s)::context)) (fresh_id''::idrefs) t)
- | C.LetIn (n,s,t) ->
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- if innersort = "Prop" then
- add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
- C.ALetIn
- (fresh_id'', n, aux' context idrefs s,
- aux' ((Some (n, C.Def s))::context) (fresh_id''::idrefs) t)
- | C.Appl l ->
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- if innersort = "Prop" then
- add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
- C.AAppl (fresh_id'', List.map (aux' context idrefs) l)
- | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- if innersort = "Prop" && expected_available then
- add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map
- (function i,t -> i, (aux' context idrefs t)) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.AConst (fresh_id'', uri, exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutInd (uri,tyno,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map
- (function i,t -> i, (aux' context idrefs t)) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.AMutInd (fresh_id'', uri, tyno, exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutConstruct (uri,tyno,consno,exp_named_subst) ->
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- if innersort = "Prop" && expected_available then
- add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map
- (function i,t -> i, (aux' context idrefs t)) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.AMutConstruct (fresh_id'', uri, tyno, consno, exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutCase (uri, tyno, outty, term, patterns) ->
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- if innersort = "Prop" then
- add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
- C.AMutCase (fresh_id'', uri, tyno, aux' context idrefs outty,
- aux' context idrefs term, List.map (aux' context idrefs) patterns)
- | C.Fix (funno, funs) ->
- let fresh_idrefs =
- List.map (function _ -> gen_id seed) funs in
- let new_idrefs = List.rev fresh_idrefs @ idrefs in
- let tys =
- List.map (fun (name,_,ty,_) -> Some (C.Name name, C.Decl ty)) funs
- in
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- if innersort = "Prop" then
- add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
- C.AFix (fresh_id'', funno,
- List.map2
- (fun id (name, indidx, ty, bo) ->
- (id, name, indidx, aux' context idrefs ty,
- aux' (tys@context) new_idrefs bo)
- ) fresh_idrefs funs
- )
- | C.CoFix (funno, funs) ->
- let fresh_idrefs =
- List.map (function _ -> gen_id seed) funs in
- let new_idrefs = List.rev fresh_idrefs @ idrefs in
- let tys =
- List.map (fun (name,ty,_) -> Some (C.Name name, C.Decl ty)) funs
- in
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
- if innersort = "Prop" then
- add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
- C.ACoFix (fresh_id'', funno,
- List.map2
- (fun id (name, ty, bo) ->
- (id, name, aux' context idrefs ty,
- aux' (tys@context) new_idrefs bo)
- ) fresh_idrefs funs
- )
- in
- aux true None context idrefs t
-let acic_of_cic_context metasenv context idrefs t =
- let ids_to_terms = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let ids_to_inner_sorts = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let ids_to_inner_types = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let seed = ref 0 in
- acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
- ids_to_inner_types metasenv context idrefs t,
- ids_to_terms, ids_to_father_ids, ids_to_inner_sorts, ids_to_inner_types
-let acic_object_of_cic_object obj =
- let module C = Cic in
- let ids_to_terms = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let ids_to_inner_sorts = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let ids_to_inner_types = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let ids_to_conjectures = Hashtbl.create 11 in
- let ids_to_hypotheses = Hashtbl.create 127 in
- let hypotheses_seed = ref 0 in
- let conjectures_seed = ref 0 in
- let seed = ref 0 in
- let acic_term_of_cic_term_context' =
- acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
- ids_to_inner_types in
- let acic_term_of_cic_term' = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' [] [] [] in
- let aobj =
- match obj with
- C.Constant (id,Some bo,ty,params) ->
- let abo = acic_term_of_cic_term' bo (Some ty) in
- let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None in
- C.AConstant
- ("mettereaposto",Some "mettereaposto2",id,Some abo,aty, params)
- | C.Constant (id,None,ty,params) ->
- let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None in
- C.AConstant
- ("mettereaposto",None,id,None,aty, params)
- | C.Variable (id,bo,ty,params) ->
- let abo =
- match bo with
- None -> None
- | Some bo -> Some (acic_term_of_cic_term' bo (Some ty))
- in
- let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None in
- C.AVariable
- ("mettereaposto",id,abo,aty, params)
- | C.CurrentProof (id,conjectures,bo,ty,params) ->
- let aconjectures =
- List.map
- (function (i,canonical_context,term) as conjecture ->
- let cid = "c" ^ string_of_int !conjectures_seed in
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_conjectures cid conjecture ;
- incr conjectures_seed ;
- let idrefs',revacanonical_context =
- let rec aux context idrefs =
- function
- [] -> idrefs,[]
- | hyp::tl ->
- let hid = "h" ^ string_of_int !hypotheses_seed in
- let new_idrefs = hid::idrefs in
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_hypotheses hid hyp ;
- incr hypotheses_seed ;
- match hyp with
- (Some (n,C.Decl t)) ->
- let final_idrefs,atl =
- aux (hyp::context) new_idrefs tl in
- let at =
- acic_term_of_cic_term_context'
- conjectures context idrefs t None
- in
- final_idrefs,(hid,Some (n,C.ADecl at))::atl
- | (Some (n,C.Def t)) ->
- let final_idrefs,atl =
- aux (hyp::context) new_idrefs tl in
- let at =
- acic_term_of_cic_term_context'
- conjectures context idrefs t None
- in
- final_idrefs,(hid,Some (n,C.ADef at))::atl
- | None ->
- let final_idrefs,atl =
- aux (hyp::context) new_idrefs tl
- in
- final_idrefs,(hid,None)::atl
- in
- aux [] [] (List.rev canonical_context)
- in
- let aterm =
- acic_term_of_cic_term_context' conjectures
- canonical_context idrefs' term None
- in
- (cid,i,(List.rev revacanonical_context),aterm)
- ) conjectures in
- let abo =
- acic_term_of_cic_term_context' conjectures [] [] bo (Some ty) in
- let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' conjectures [] [] ty None in
- C.ACurrentProof
- ("mettereaposto","mettereaposto2",id,aconjectures,abo,aty,params)
- | C.InductiveDefinition (tys,params,paramsno) ->
- let context =
- List.map
- (fun (name,_,arity,_) -> Some (C.Name name, C.Decl arity)) tys in
- let idrefs = List.map (function _ -> gen_id seed) tys in
- let atys =
- List.map2
- (fun id (name,inductive,ty,cons) ->
- let acons =
- List.map
- (function (name,ty) ->
- (name,
- acic_term_of_cic_term_context' [] context idrefs ty None)
- ) cons
- in
- (id,name,inductive,acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None,acons)
- ) (List.rev idrefs) tys
- in
- C.AInductiveDefinition ("mettereaposto",atys,params,paramsno)
- in
- aobj,ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_inner_sorts,ids_to_inner_types,
- ids_to_conjectures,ids_to_hypotheses
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-exception NotEnoughElements
-exception NameExpected
-val source_id_of_id : string -> string
-type anntypes =
- {annsynthesized : Cic.annterm ; annexpected : Cic.annterm option}
-val acic_of_cic_context' :
- int ref -> (* seed *)
- (Cic.id, Cic.term) Hashtbl.t -> (* ids_to_terms *)
- (Cic.id, Cic.id option) Hashtbl.t -> (* ids_to_father_ids *)
- (Cic.id, string) Hashtbl.t -> (* ids_to_inner_sorts *)
- (Cic.id, anntypes) Hashtbl.t -> (* ids_to_inner_types *)
- Cic.metasenv -> (* metasenv *)
- Cic.context -> (* context *)
- Cic.id list -> (* idrefs *)
- Cic.term -> (* term *)
- Cic.term option -> (* expected type *)
- Cic.annterm (* annotated term *)
-val acic_object_of_cic_object :
- Cic.obj -> (* object *)
- Cic.annobj * (* annotated object *)
- (Cic.id, Cic.term) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_terms *)
- (Cic.id, Cic.id option) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_father_ids *)
- (Cic.id, string) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_inner_sorts *)
- (Cic.id, anntypes) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_inner_types *)
- (Cic.id, Cic.conjecture) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_conjectures *)
- (Cic.id, Cic.hypothesis) Hashtbl.t (* ids_to_hypotheses *)
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 17/06/2003 *)
+(* *)
+exception TO_DO;;
+let proof2cic term2cic p =
+ let rec proof2cic premise_env p =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ let rec extend_premise_env current_env =
+ function
+ [] -> current_env
+ | p::atl ->
+ extend_premise_env
+ ((p.Con.proof_id,(proof2cic current_env p))::current_env) atl in
+ let new_premise_env = extend_premise_env premise_env p.Con.proof_apply_context in
+ let body = conclude2cic new_premise_env p.Con.proof_conclude in
+ context2cic premise_env p.Con.proof_context body
+ and context2cic premise_env context body =
+ List.fold_right (ce2cic premise_env) context body
+ and ce2cic premise_env ce target =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ match ce with
+ Con.Declaration d ->
+ (match d.Con.dec_name with
+ Some s ->
+ C.Lambda (C.Name s, term2cic d.Con.dec_type, target)
+ | None ->
+ C.Lambda (C.Anonymous, term2cic d.Con.dec_type, target))
+ | Con.Hypothesis h ->
+ (match h.Con.dec_name with
+ Some s ->
+ C.Lambda (C.Name s, term2cic h.Con.dec_type, target)
+ | None ->
+ C.Lambda (C.Anonymous, term2cic h.Con.dec_type, target))
+ | Con.Proof p ->
+ (match p.Con.proof_name with
+ Some s ->
+ C.LetIn (C.Name s, proof2cic premise_env p, target)
+ | None ->
+ C.LetIn (C.Anonymous, proof2cic premise_env p, target))
+ | Con.Definition d ->
+ (match d.Con.def_name with
+ Some s ->
+ C.LetIn (C.Name s, proof2cic premise_env p, target)
+ | None ->
+ C.LetIn (C.Anonymous, proof2cic premise_env p, target))
+ | Con.Joint ho ->
+ raise TO_DO
+ and conclude2cic premise_env conclude =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "TD_Conversion" then
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
+ [Con.ArgProof p] -> proof2cic [] p (* empty! *)
+ | _ -> prerr_endline "1"; assert false)
+ else if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "BU_Conversion" then
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
+ [Con.Premise prem] ->
+ (try List.assoc prem.Con.premise_xref premise_env
+ with Not_found ->
+ prerr_endline ("Not_found: " ^ prem.Con.premise_xref);
+ raise Not_found)
+ | _ -> prerr_endline "2"; assert false)
+ else if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Exact" then
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
+ [Con.Term t] -> term2cic t
+ | _ -> prerr_endline "3"; assert false)
+ else if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Intros+LetTac" then
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
+ [Con.ArgProof p] -> proof2cic [] p (* empty! *)
+ | _ -> prerr_endline "4"; assert false)
+ else if (conclude.Con.conclude_method = "ByInduction") then
+ (match (List.tl conclude.Con.conclude_args) with
+ Con.Term (C.AAppl
+ id ((C.AConst(idc,uri,exp_named_subst))::params_and_IP))::args ->
+ let subst =
+ List.map (fun (u,t) -> (u, term2cic t)) exp_named_subst in
+ let cargs = args2cic premise_env args in
+ let cparams_and_IP = List.map term2cic params_and_IP in
+ C.Appl (C.Const(uri,subst)::cparams_and_IP@cargs)
+ | _ -> prerr_endline "5"; assert false)
+ else if (conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Rewrite") then
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
+ Con.Term (C.AConst (sid,uri,exp_named_subst))::args ->
+ let subst =
+ List.map (fun (u,t) -> (u, term2cic t)) exp_named_subst in
+ let cargs = args2cic premise_env args in
+ C.Appl (C.Const(uri,subst)::cargs)
+ | _ -> prerr_endline "6"; assert false)
+ else if (conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Apply") then
+ let cargs = (args2cic premise_env conclude.Con.conclude_args) in
+ C.Appl cargs
+ else (prerr_endline "7"; assert false)
+ and args2cic premise_env l =
+ List.map (arg2cic premise_env) l
+ and arg2cic premise_env =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ function
+ Con.Aux n -> prerr_endline "8"; assert false
+ | Con.Premise prem ->
+ (match prem.Con.premise_n with
+ Some n ->
+ C.Rel n
+ | _ ->
+ (try List.assoc prem.Con.premise_xref premise_env
+ with Not_found ->
+ prerr_endline ("Not_found: " ^ prem.Con.premise_xref);
+ raise Not_found))
+ | Con.Term t ->
+ term2cic t
+ | Con.ArgProof p ->
+ proof2cic [] p (* empty! *)
+ | Con.ArgMethod s -> raise TO_DO
+in proof2cic [] p
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 27/6/2003 *)
+(* *)
+val proof2cic :
+ (Cic.annterm -> Cic.term) ->
+ Cic.annterm Cic2content.proof -> Cic.term
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-exception Impossible of int;;
-exception NotWellTyped of string;;
-exception WrongUriToConstant of string;;
-exception WrongUriToVariable of string;;
-exception WrongUriToMutualInductiveDefinitions of string;;
-exception ListTooShort;;
-exception RelToHiddenHypothesis;;
-type types = {synthesized : Cic.term ; expected : Cic.term option};;
-(* does_not_occur n te *)
-(* returns [true] if [Rel n] does not occur in [te] *)
-let rec does_not_occur n =
- let module C = Cic in
- function
- C.Rel m when m = n -> false
- | C.Rel _
- | C.Meta _
- | C.Sort _
- | C.Implicit -> true
- | C.Cast (te,ty) ->
- does_not_occur n te && does_not_occur n ty
- | C.Prod (name,so,dest) ->
- does_not_occur n so &&
- does_not_occur (n + 1) dest
- | C.Lambda (name,so,dest) ->
- does_not_occur n so &&
- does_not_occur (n + 1) dest
- | C.LetIn (name,so,dest) ->
- does_not_occur n so &&
- does_not_occur (n + 1) dest
- | C.Appl l ->
- List.fold_right (fun x i -> i && does_not_occur n x) l true
- | C.Var (_,exp_named_subst)
- | C.Const (_,exp_named_subst)
- | C.MutInd (_,_,exp_named_subst)
- | C.MutConstruct (_,_,_,exp_named_subst) ->
- List.fold_right (fun (_,x) i -> i && does_not_occur n x)
- exp_named_subst true
- | C.MutCase (_,_,out,te,pl) ->
- does_not_occur n out && does_not_occur n te &&
- List.fold_right (fun x i -> i && does_not_occur n x) pl true
- | C.Fix (_,fl) ->
- let len = List.length fl in
- let n_plus_len = n + len in
- let tys =
- List.map (fun (n,_,ty,_) -> Some (C.Name n,(Cic.Decl ty))) fl
- in
- List.fold_right
- (fun (_,_,ty,bo) i ->
- i && does_not_occur n ty &&
- does_not_occur n_plus_len bo
- ) fl true
- | C.CoFix (_,fl) ->
- let len = List.length fl in
- let n_plus_len = n + len in
- let tys =
- List.map (fun (n,ty,_) -> Some (C.Name n,(Cic.Decl ty))) fl
- in
- List.fold_right
- (fun (_,ty,bo) i ->
- i && does_not_occur n ty &&
- does_not_occur n_plus_len bo
- ) fl true
-(*CSC: potrebbe creare applicazioni di applicazioni *)
-(*CSC: ora non e' piu' head, ma completa!!! *)
-let rec head_beta_reduce =
- let module S = CicSubstitution in
- let module C = Cic in
- function
- C.Rel _ as t -> t
- | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (function (i,t) -> i, head_beta_reduce t) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst)
- | C.Meta (n,l) ->
- C.Meta (n,
- List.map
- (function None -> None | Some t -> Some (head_beta_reduce t)) l
- )
- | C.Sort _ as t -> t
- | C.Implicit -> assert false
- | C.Cast (te,ty) ->
- C.Cast (head_beta_reduce te, head_beta_reduce ty)
- | C.Prod (n,s,t) ->
- C.Prod (n, head_beta_reduce s, head_beta_reduce t)
- | C.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
- C.Lambda (n, head_beta_reduce s, head_beta_reduce t)
- | C.LetIn (n,s,t) ->
- C.LetIn (n, head_beta_reduce s, head_beta_reduce t)
- | C.Appl ((C.Lambda (name,s,t))::he::tl) ->
- let he' = S.subst he t in
- if tl = [] then
- head_beta_reduce he'
- else
- head_beta_reduce (C.Appl (he'::tl))
- | C.Appl l ->
- C.Appl (List.map head_beta_reduce l)
- | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (function (i,t) -> i, head_beta_reduce t) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (function (i,t) -> i, head_beta_reduce t) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) ->
- let exp_named_subst' =
- List.map (function (i,t) -> i, head_beta_reduce t) exp_named_subst
- in
- C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst')
- | C.MutCase (sp,i,outt,t,pl) ->
- C.MutCase (sp,i,head_beta_reduce outt,head_beta_reduce t,
- List.map head_beta_reduce pl)
- | C.Fix (i,fl) ->
- let fl' =
- List.map
- (function (name,i,ty,bo) ->
- name,i,head_beta_reduce ty,head_beta_reduce bo
- ) fl
- in
- C.Fix (i,fl')
- | C.CoFix (i,fl) ->
- let fl' =
- List.map
- (function (name,ty,bo) ->
- name,head_beta_reduce ty,head_beta_reduce bo
- ) fl
- in
- C.CoFix (i,fl')
-(* syntactic_equality up to cookingsno for uris *)
-(* (which is often syntactically irrilevant), *)
-(* distinction between fake dependent products *)
-(* and non-dependent products, alfa-conversion *)
-(*CSC: must alfa-conversion be considered or not? *)
-let syntactic_equality t t' =
- let module C = Cic in
- let rec syntactic_equality t t' =
- if t = t' then true
- else
- match t, t' with
- C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst), C.Var (uri',exp_named_subst') ->
- UriManager.eq uri uri' &&
- syntactic_equality_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst exp_named_subst'
- | C.Cast (te,ty), C.Cast (te',ty') ->
- syntactic_equality te te' &&
- syntactic_equality ty ty'
- | C.Prod (_,s,t), C.Prod (_,s',t') ->
- syntactic_equality s s' &&
- syntactic_equality t t'
- | C.Lambda (_,s,t), C.Lambda (_,s',t') ->
- syntactic_equality s s' &&
- syntactic_equality t t'
- | C.LetIn (_,s,t), C.LetIn(_,s',t') ->
- syntactic_equality s s' &&
- syntactic_equality t t'
- | C.Appl l, C.Appl l' ->
- List.fold_left2 (fun b t1 t2 -> b && syntactic_equality t1 t2) true l l'
- | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst), C.Const (uri',exp_named_subst') ->
- UriManager.eq uri uri' &&
- syntactic_equality_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst exp_named_subst'
- | C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst), C.MutInd (uri',i',exp_named_subst') ->
- UriManager.eq uri uri' && i = i' &&
- syntactic_equality_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst exp_named_subst'
- | C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst),
- C.MutConstruct (uri',i',j',exp_named_subst') ->
- UriManager.eq uri uri' && i = i' && j = j' &&
- syntactic_equality_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst exp_named_subst'
- | C.MutCase (sp,i,outt,t,pl), C.MutCase (sp',i',outt',t',pl') ->
- UriManager.eq sp sp' && i = i' &&
- syntactic_equality outt outt' &&
- syntactic_equality t t' &&
- List.fold_left2
- (fun b t1 t2 -> b && syntactic_equality t1 t2) true pl pl'
- | C.Fix (i,fl), C.Fix (i',fl') ->
- i = i' &&
- List.fold_left2
- (fun b (_,i,ty,bo) (_,i',ty',bo') ->
- b && i = i' &&
- syntactic_equality ty ty' &&
- syntactic_equality bo bo') true fl fl'
- | C.CoFix (i,fl), C.CoFix (i',fl') ->
- i = i' &&
- List.fold_left2
- (fun b (_,ty,bo) (_,ty',bo') ->
- b &&
- syntactic_equality ty ty' &&
- syntactic_equality bo bo') true fl fl'
- | _, _ -> false (* we already know that t != t' *)
- and syntactic_equality_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst1 exp_named_subst2 =
- List.fold_left2
- (fun b (_,t1) (_,t2) -> b && syntactic_equality t1 t2) true
- exp_named_subst1 exp_named_subst2
- in
- try
- syntactic_equality t t'
- with
- _ -> false
-let rec split l n =
- match (l,n) with
- (l,0) -> ([], l)
- | (he::tl, n) -> let (l1,l2) = split tl (n-1) in (he::l1,l2)
- | (_,_) -> raise ListTooShort
-let type_of_constant uri =
- let module C = Cic in
- let module R = CicReduction in
- let module U = UriManager in
- let cobj =
- match CicEnvironment.is_type_checked uri with
- CicEnvironment.CheckedObj cobj -> cobj
- | CicEnvironment.UncheckedObj uobj ->
- raise (NotWellTyped "Reference to an unchecked constant")
- in
- match cobj with
- C.Constant (_,_,ty,_) -> ty
- | C.CurrentProof (_,_,_,ty,_) -> ty
- | _ -> raise (WrongUriToConstant (U.string_of_uri uri))
-let type_of_variable uri =
- let module C = Cic in
- let module R = CicReduction in
- let module U = UriManager in
- match CicEnvironment.is_type_checked uri with
- CicEnvironment.CheckedObj (C.Variable (_,_,ty,_)) -> ty
- | CicEnvironment.UncheckedObj (C.Variable _) ->
- raise (NotWellTyped "Reference to an unchecked variable")
- | _ -> raise (WrongUriToVariable (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
-let type_of_mutual_inductive_defs uri i =
- let module C = Cic in
- let module R = CicReduction in
- let module U = UriManager in
- let cobj =
- match CicEnvironment.is_type_checked uri with
- CicEnvironment.CheckedObj cobj -> cobj
- | CicEnvironment.UncheckedObj uobj ->
- raise (NotWellTyped "Reference to an unchecked inductive type")
- in
- match cobj with
- C.InductiveDefinition (dl,_,_) ->
- let (_,_,arity,_) = List.nth dl i in
- arity
- | _ -> raise (WrongUriToMutualInductiveDefinitions (U.string_of_uri uri))
-let type_of_mutual_inductive_constr uri i j =
- let module C = Cic in
- let module R = CicReduction in
- let module U = UriManager in
- let cobj =
- match CicEnvironment.is_type_checked uri with
- CicEnvironment.CheckedObj cobj -> cobj
- | CicEnvironment.UncheckedObj uobj ->
- raise (NotWellTyped "Reference to an unchecked constructor")
- in
- match cobj with
- C.InductiveDefinition (dl,_,_) ->
- let (_,_,_,cl) = List.nth dl i in
- let (_,ty) = List.nth cl (j-1) in
- ty
- | _ -> raise (WrongUriToMutualInductiveDefinitions (U.string_of_uri uri))
-module CicHash =
- Hashtbl.Make
- (struct
- type t = Cic.term
- let equal = (==)
- let hash = Hashtbl.hash
- end)
-(* type_of_aux' is just another name (with a different scope) for type_of_aux *)
-let rec type_of_aux' subterms_to_types metasenv context t expectedty =
- (* Coscoy's double type-inference algorithm *)
- (* It computes the inner-types of every subterm of [t], *)
- (* even when they are not needed to compute the types *)
- (* of other terms. *)
- let rec type_of_aux context t expectedty =
- let module C = Cic in
- let module R = CicReduction in
- let module S = CicSubstitution in
- let module U = UriManager in
- let synthesized =
- match t with
- C.Rel n ->
- (try
- match List.nth context (n - 1) with
- Some (_,C.Decl t) -> S.lift n t
- | Some (_,C.Def bo) -> type_of_aux context (S.lift n bo) expectedty
- | None -> raise RelToHiddenHypothesis
- with
- _ -> raise (NotWellTyped "Not a close term")
- )
- | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- visit_exp_named_subst context uri exp_named_subst ;
- CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst (type_of_variable uri)
- | C.Meta (n,l) ->
- (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
- let (_,canonical_context,_) =
- List.find (function (m,_,_) -> n = m) metasenv
- in
- let lifted_canonical_context =
- let rec aux i =
- function
- [] -> []
- | (Some (n,C.Decl t))::tl ->
- (Some (n,C.Decl (S.lift_meta l (S.lift i t))))::(aux (i+1) tl)
- | (Some (n,C.Def t))::tl ->
- (Some (n,C.Def (S.lift_meta l (S.lift i t))))::(aux (i+1) tl)
- | None::tl -> None::(aux (i+1) tl)
- in
- aux 1 canonical_context
- in
- let _ =
- List.iter2
- (fun t ct ->
- match t,ct with
- _,None -> ()
- | Some t,Some (_,C.Def ct) ->
- let expected_type =
- R.whd context
- (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context ct)
- in
- (* Maybe I am a bit too paranoid, because *)
- (* if the term is well-typed than t and ct *)
- (* are convertible. Nevertheless, I compute *)
- (* the expected type. *)
- ignore (type_of_aux context t (Some expected_type))
- | Some t,Some (_,C.Decl ct) ->
- ignore (type_of_aux context t (Some ct))
- | _,_ -> assert false (* the term is not well typed!!! *)
- ) l lifted_canonical_context
- in
- let (_,canonical_context,ty) =
- List.find (function (m,_,_) -> n = m) metasenv
- in
- (* Checks suppressed *)
- CicSubstitution.lift_meta l ty
- | C.Sort s -> C.Sort C.Type (*CSC manca la gestione degli universi!!! *)
- | C.Implicit -> raise (Impossible 21)
- | C.Cast (te,ty) ->
- (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
- let _ = type_of_aux context te (Some (head_beta_reduce ty)) in
- let _ = type_of_aux context ty None in
- (* Checks suppressed *)
- ty
- | C.Prod (name,s,t) ->
- let sort1 = type_of_aux context s None
- and sort2 = type_of_aux ((Some (name,(C.Decl s)))::context) t None in
- sort_of_prod context (name,s) (sort1,sort2)
- | C.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
- (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
- let _ = type_of_aux context s None in
- let expected_target_type =
- match expectedty with
- None -> None
- | Some expectedty' ->
- let ty =
- match R.whd context expectedty' with
- C.Prod (_,_,expected_target_type) ->
- head_beta_reduce expected_target_type
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- Some ty
- in
- let type2 =
- type_of_aux ((Some (n,(C.Decl s)))::context) t expected_target_type
- in
- (* Checks suppressed *)
- C.Prod (n,s,type2)
- | C.LetIn (n,s,t) ->
-(*CSC: What are the right expected types for the source and *)
-(*CSC: target of a LetIn? None used. *)
- (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
- let _ = type_of_aux context s None in
- let t_typ =
- (* Checks suppressed *)
- type_of_aux ((Some (n,(C.Def s)))::context) t None
- in
- if does_not_occur 1 t_typ then
- (* since [Rel 1] does not occur in typ, substituting any term *)
- (* in place of [Rel 1] is equivalent to delifting once *)
- CicSubstitution.subst C.Implicit t_typ
- else
- C.LetIn (n,s,t_typ)
- | C.Appl (he::tl) when List.length tl > 0 ->
- let expected_hetype =
- (* Inefficient, the head is computed twice. But I know *)
- (* of no other solution. *)
- R.whd context (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context he)
- in
- let hetype = type_of_aux context he (Some expected_hetype) in
- let tlbody_and_type =
- let rec aux =
- function
- _,[] -> []
- | C.Prod (n,s,t),he::tl ->
- (he, type_of_aux context he (Some (head_beta_reduce s)))::
- (aux (R.whd context (S.subst he t), tl))
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- aux (expected_hetype, tl)
- in
- eat_prods context hetype tlbody_and_type
- | C.Appl _ -> raise (NotWellTyped "Appl: no arguments")
- | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
- visit_exp_named_subst context uri exp_named_subst ;
- CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst (type_of_constant uri)
- | C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst) ->
- visit_exp_named_subst context uri exp_named_subst ;
- CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst
- (type_of_mutual_inductive_defs uri i)
- | C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) ->
- visit_exp_named_subst context uri exp_named_subst ;
- CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst
- (type_of_mutual_inductive_constr uri i j)
- | C.MutCase (uri,i,outtype,term,pl) ->
- let outsort = type_of_aux context outtype None in
- let (need_dummy, k) =
- let rec guess_args context t =
- match CicReduction.whd context t with
- C.Sort _ -> (true, 0)
- | C.Prod (name, s, t) ->
- let (b, n) = guess_args ((Some (name,(C.Decl s)))::context) t in
- if n = 0 then
- (* last prod before sort *)
- match CicReduction.whd context s with
- C.MutInd (uri',i',_) when U.eq uri' uri && i' = i ->
- (false, 1)
- | C.Appl ((C.MutInd (uri',i',_)) :: _)
- when U.eq uri' uri && i' = i -> (false, 1)
- | _ -> (true, 1)
- else
- (b, n + 1)
- | _ -> raise (NotWellTyped "MutCase: outtype ill-formed")
- in
- let (b, k) = guess_args context outsort in
- if not b then (b, k - 1) else (b, k)
- in
- let (parameters, arguments,exp_named_subst) =
- let type_of_term =
- CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context term
- in
- match
- R.whd context (type_of_aux context term
- (Some (head_beta_reduce type_of_term)))
- with
- (*CSC manca il caso dei CAST *)
- C.MutInd (uri',i',exp_named_subst) ->
- (* Checks suppressed *)
- [],[],exp_named_subst
- | C.Appl (C.MutInd (uri',i',exp_named_subst) :: tl) ->
- let params,args =
- split tl (List.length tl - k)
- in params,args,exp_named_subst
- | _ ->
- raise (NotWellTyped "MutCase: the term is not an inductive one")
- in
- (* Checks suppressed *)
- (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
- let (cl,parsno) =
- match CicEnvironment.get_cooked_obj uri with
- C.InductiveDefinition (tl,_,parsno) ->
- let (_,_,_,cl) = List.nth tl i in (cl,parsno)
- | _ ->
- raise (WrongUriToMutualInductiveDefinitions (U.string_of_uri uri))
- in
- let _ =
- List.fold_left
- (fun j (p,(_,c)) ->
- let cons =
- if parameters = [] then
- (C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst))
- else
- (C.Appl (C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst)::parameters))
- in
- let expectedtype =
- type_of_branch context parsno need_dummy outtype cons
- (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context cons)
- in
- ignore (type_of_aux context p
- (Some (head_beta_reduce expectedtype))) ;
- j+1
- ) 1 (List.combine pl cl)
- in
- if not need_dummy then
- C.Appl ((outtype::arguments)@[term])
- else if arguments = [] then
- outtype
- else
- C.Appl (outtype::arguments)
- | C.Fix (i,fl) ->
- (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
- let context' =
- List.rev
- (List.map
- (fun (n,_,ty,_) ->
- let _ = type_of_aux context ty None in
- (Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl ty)))
- ) fl
- ) @
- context
- in
- let _ =
- List.iter
- (fun (_,_,ty,bo) ->
- let expectedty =
- head_beta_reduce (CicSubstitution.lift (List.length fl) ty)
- in
- ignore (type_of_aux context' bo (Some expectedty))
- ) fl
- in
- (* Checks suppressed *)
- let (_,_,ty,_) = List.nth fl i in
- ty
- | C.CoFix (i,fl) ->
- (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
- let context' =
- List.rev
- (List.map
- (fun (n,ty,_) ->
- let _ = type_of_aux context ty None in
- (Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl ty)))
- ) fl
- ) @
- context
- in
- let _ =
- List.iter
- (fun (_,ty,bo) ->
- let expectedty =
- head_beta_reduce (CicSubstitution.lift (List.length fl) ty)
- in
- ignore (type_of_aux context' bo (Some expectedty))
- ) fl
- in
- (* Checks suppressed *)
- let (_,ty,_) = List.nth fl i in
- ty
- in
- let synthesized' = head_beta_reduce synthesized in
- let types,res =
- match expectedty with
- None ->
- (* No expected type *)
- {synthesized = synthesized' ; expected = None}, synthesized
- | Some ty when syntactic_equality synthesized' ty ->
- (* The expected type is synthactically equal to *)
- (* the synthesized type. Let's forget it. *)
- {synthesized = synthesized' ; expected = None}, synthesized
- | Some expectedty' ->
- {synthesized = synthesized' ; expected = Some expectedty'},
- expectedty'
- in
- CicHash.add subterms_to_types t types ;
- res
- and visit_exp_named_subst context uri exp_named_subst =
- let uris_and_types =
- match CicEnvironment.get_cooked_obj uri with
- Cic.Constant (_,_,_,params)
- | Cic.CurrentProof (_,_,_,_,params)
- | Cic.Variable (_,_,_,params)
- | Cic.InductiveDefinition (_,params,_) ->
- List.map
- (function uri ->
- match CicEnvironment.get_cooked_obj uri with
- Cic.Variable (_,None,ty,_) -> uri,ty
- | _ -> assert false (* the theorem is well-typed *)
- ) params
- in
- let rec check uris_and_types subst =
- match uris_and_types,subst with
- _,[] -> []
- | (uri,ty)::tytl,(uri',t)::substtl when uri = uri' ->
- ignore (type_of_aux context t (Some ty)) ;
- let tytl' =
- List.map
- (function uri,t' -> uri,(CicSubstitution.subst_vars [uri',t] t')) tytl
- in
- check tytl' substtl
- | _,_ -> assert false (* the theorem is well-typed *)
- in
- check uris_and_types exp_named_subst
- and sort_of_prod context (name,s) (t1, t2) =
- let module C = Cic in
- let t1' = CicReduction.whd context t1 in
- let t2' = CicReduction.whd ((Some (name,C.Decl s))::context) t2 in
- match (t1', t2') with
- (C.Sort s1, C.Sort s2)
- when (s2 = C.Prop or s2 = C.Set) -> (* different from Coq manual!!! *)
- C.Sort s2
- | (C.Sort s1, C.Sort s2) -> C.Sort C.Type (*CSC manca la gestione degli universi!!! *)
- | (_,_) ->
- raise
- (NotWellTyped
- ("Prod: sort1= " ^ CicPp.ppterm t1' ^ " ; sort2= " ^ CicPp.ppterm t2'))
- and eat_prods context hetype =
- (*CSC: siamo sicuri che le are_convertible non lavorino con termini non *)
- (*CSC: cucinati *)
- function
- [] -> hetype
- | (hete, hety)::tl ->
- (match (CicReduction.whd context hetype) with
- Cic.Prod (n,s,t) ->
- (* Checks suppressed *)
- eat_prods context (CicSubstitution.subst hete t) tl
- | _ -> raise (NotWellTyped "Appl: wrong Prod-type")
- )
-and type_of_branch context argsno need_dummy outtype term constype =
- let module C = Cic in
- let module R = CicReduction in
- match R.whd context constype with
- C.MutInd (_,_,_) ->
- if need_dummy then
- outtype
- else
- C.Appl [outtype ; term]
- | C.Appl (C.MutInd (_,_,_)::tl) ->
- let (_,arguments) = split tl argsno
- in
- if need_dummy && arguments = [] then
- outtype
- else
- C.Appl (outtype::arguments@(if need_dummy then [] else [term]))
- | C.Prod (name,so,de) ->
- let term' =
- match CicSubstitution.lift 1 term with
- C.Appl l -> C.Appl (l@[C.Rel 1])
- | t -> C.Appl [t ; C.Rel 1]
- in
- C.Prod (C.Anonymous,so,type_of_branch
- ((Some (name,(C.Decl so)))::context) argsno need_dummy
- (CicSubstitution.lift 1 outtype) term' de)
- | _ -> raise (Impossible 20)
- in
- type_of_aux context t expectedty
-let double_type_of metasenv context t expectedty =
- let subterms_to_types = CicHash.create 503 in
- ignore (type_of_aux' subterms_to_types metasenv context t expectedty) ;
- subterms_to_types
+++ /dev/null
-exception Impossible of int
-exception NotWellTyped of string
-exception WrongUriToConstant of string
-exception WrongUriToVariable of string
-exception WrongUriToMutualInductiveDefinitions of string
-exception ListTooShort
-exception RelToHiddenHypothesis
-type types = {synthesized : Cic.term ; expected : Cic.term option};;
-module CicHash :
- sig
- type 'a t
- val find : 'a t -> Cic.term -> 'a
- end
-val double_type_of :
- Cic.metasenv -> Cic.context -> Cic.term -> Cic.term option -> types CicHash.t
-(** Auxiliary functions **)
-(* does_not_occur n te *)
-(* returns [true] if [Rel n] does not occur in [te] *)
-val does_not_occur : int -> Cic.term -> bool
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+exception ReferenceToVariable;;
+exception RferenceToCurrentProof;;
+exception ReferenceToInductiveDefinition;;
+let rec fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty te =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module S = CicSubstitution in
+(* prerr_endline ("entering fix_lambdas: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te);
+ flush stderr ; *)
+ (* cast e altra porcheria ???? *)
+ match ty,te with
+ C.Prod (_,_,ty'), C.Lambda (n,s,te') ->
+ C.Lambda (n,s,fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty' te')
+ | C.Prod (_,s,ty'), C.Appl l ->
+ prerr_endline ("******** fl - eta expansion 1: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te);
+ flush stderr ;
+ let l' = List.map (S.lift 1) l in
+ C.Lambda (C.Name "x",s,
+ fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty' (C.Appl (l'@[C.Rel 1])))
+ | C.Prod (_,s,ty'), _ ->
+ prerr_endline ("******** fl - eta expansion 2: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm te);
+ flush stderr ;
+ let te' = S.lift 1 te in
+ C.Lambda (C.Name "x",s,
+ fix_lambdas_wrt_type ty' (C.Appl [te';C.Rel 1]))
+ | _, _ -> te
+let fix_according_to_type ty hd tl =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module S = CicSubstitution in
+ let rec aux ty tl res =
+ (* prerr_endline ("entering aux_1 with type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty);
+ flush stderr ; *)
+ match ty with
+ C.Rel _
+ | C.Var _
+ | C.Meta _
+ | C.Sort _
+ | C.Implicit ->
+ (match tl with
+ [] -> C.Appl res
+ | _ ->
+ prerr_endline ("******* fat - too many args: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm (C.Appl res));
+ flush stderr ;
+ C.LetIn
+ (C.Name "H", C.Appl res, C.Appl (C.Rel 1::(List.map (S.lift 1) tl))))
+ | C.Cast (v,t) -> aux v tl res
+ | C.Prod (n,s,t) ->
+ (match tl with
+ [] ->
+ prerr_endline ("******* fat - eta expansion: type=" ^ CicPp.ppterm ty ^ "term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm (C.Appl res));
+ flush stderr ;
+ let res' = List.map (S.lift 1) res
+ in
+ C.Lambda
+ (C.Name "x", (* Andrea: to do: generate a fresh name *)
+ s,
+ aux t [] (res'@[C.Rel 1]))
+ | hd::tl' ->
+ let hd' = fix_lambdas_wrt_type s hd
+ in
+ aux (S.subst hd' t) tl' (res@[hd']))
+ | C.Lambda _ -> assert false
+ | C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> aux (S.subst s t) tl res
+ | C.Appl _
+ | C.Const _
+ | C.MutInd _
+ | C.MutConstruct _
+ | C.MutCase _
+ | C.Fix _
+ | C.CoFix _ -> (* ???? *)
+ (match tl with
+ [] -> C.Appl res
+ | _ -> (* Andrea: to do: generate a fresh name *)
+ C.LetIn
+ (C.Name "H",
+ C.Appl res,
+ C.Appl (C.Rel 1::(List.map (S.lift 1) tl))))
+ in
+ aux ty tl [hd]
+let eta_fix metasenv t =
+ let rec eta_fix' t =
+(* prerr_endline ("entering aux with: term=" ^ CicPp.ppterm t);
+ flush stderr ; *)
+ let module C = Cic in
+ match t with
+ C.Rel n -> C.Rel n
+ | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map
+ (function i,t -> i, (eta_fix' t)) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst')
+ | C.Meta (n,l) ->
+ let (_,canonical_context,_) =
+ List.find (function (m,_,_) -> n = m) metasenv
+ in
+ let l' =
+ List.map2
+ (fun ct t ->
+ match (ct, t) with
+ None, _ -> None
+ | _, Some t -> Some (eta_fix' t)
+ | Some _, None -> assert false (* due to typing rules *))
+ canonical_context l
+ in
+ C.Meta (n,l')
+ | C.Sort s -> C.Sort s
+ | C.Implicit -> C.Implicit
+ | C.Cast (v,t) -> C.Cast (eta_fix' v, eta_fix' t)
+ | C.Prod (n,s,t) -> C.Prod (n, eta_fix' s, eta_fix' t)
+ | C.Lambda (n,s,t) -> C.Lambda (n, eta_fix' s, eta_fix' t)
+ | C.LetIn (n,s,t) -> C.LetIn (n, eta_fix' s, eta_fix' t)
+ | C.Appl l ->
+ let l' = List.map eta_fix' l
+ in
+ (match l' with
+ C.Const(uri,exp_named_subst)::l'' ->
+ let constant_type =
+ (match CicEnvironment.get_obj uri with
+ C.Constant (_,_,ty,_) -> ty
+ | C.Variable _ -> raise ReferenceToVariable
+ | C.CurrentProof (_,_,_,_,params) -> raise RferenceToCurrentProof
+ | C.InductiveDefinition _ -> raise ReferenceToInductiveDefinition
+ )
+ in
+ fix_according_to_type constant_type (C.Const(uri,exp_named_subst)) l''
+ | _ -> C.Appl l' )
+ | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map
+ (function i,t -> i, (eta_fix' t)) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutInd (uri,tyno,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map
+ (function i,t -> i, (eta_fix' t)) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.MutInd (uri, tyno, exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutConstruct (uri,tyno,consno,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map
+ (function i,t -> i, (eta_fix' t)) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.MutConstruct (uri, tyno, consno, exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutCase (uri, tyno, outty, term, patterns) ->
+ C.MutCase (uri, tyno, eta_fix' outty,
+ eta_fix' term, List.map eta_fix' patterns)
+ | C.Fix (funno, funs) ->
+ C.Fix (funno,
+ List.map
+ (fun (name, no, ty, bo) ->
+ (name, no, eta_fix' ty, eta_fix' bo)) funs)
+ | C.CoFix (funno, funs) ->
+ C.CoFix (funno,
+ List.map
+ (fun (name, ty, bo) ->
+ (name, eta_fix' ty, eta_fix' bo)) funs)
+ in
+ eta_fix' t
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+val eta_fix : Cic.metasenv -> Cic.term -> Cic.term
match !ProofEngine.proof with
None -> assert false
| Some (uri,metasenv,bo,ty) ->
+ let bo_fixed = Eta_fixing.eta_fix metasenv bo in
+ let ty_fixed = Eta_fixing.eta_fix metasenv ty in
+ ProofEngine.proof := Some(uri,metasenv,bo_fixed,ty_fixed);
if List.length metasenv = 0 then
!qed_set_sensitive true ;
end ;
(*CSC: Wrong: [] is just plainly wrong *)
- (Cic.CurrentProof (UriManager.name_of_uri uri, metasenv, bo, ty, []))
+ (Cic.CurrentProof (UriManager.name_of_uri uri, metasenv, bo_fixed, ty_fixed, []))
ignore (output#load_proof uri currentproof)
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-(* *)
-(* *)
-(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
-(* 06/01/2002 *)
-(* *)
-(* *)
-let domImpl = Gdome.domImplementation ();;
-let helmns = Gdome.domString "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm";;
- (* TODO BRRRRR .... *)
- (** strip first 4 line of a string, used to strip xml declaration and doctype
- declaration from XML strings generated by Xml.pp_to_string *)
-let strip_xml_headings =
- let xml_headings_RE = Pcre.regexp "^.*\n.*\n.*\n.*\n" in
- fun s ->
- Pcre.replace ~rex:xml_headings_RE s
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-(* *)
-(* *)
-(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
-(* 15/01/2003 *)
-(* *)
-(* *)
-val domImpl : Gdome.domImplementation
-val helmns : Gdome.domString
-val strip_xml_headings: string -> string
<!-- CSC: ?????????????????? -->
<xsl:variable name="AnnotationsUri"><xsl:value-of select="concat($BaseCICURI,'.ann')"/></xsl:variable>
-<xsl:variable name="InnerTypesUrl"><xsl:call-template name="makeURL4InnerTypes"><xsl:with-param name="uri" select="$InnerTypesUri"/></xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
-<!--CSC: Qui, invece, accediamo direttamente al disco e non applichiamo dc -->
-<xsl:variable name="InnerTypesUrl" select="'file:///public/sacerdot/innertypes'"/>
-<!--CSC: Questa e' la versione originale che applica dc a quello che il getter< restituisce.
-<xsl:variable name="ConstantTypeUrl"><xsl:call-template name="makeURL4InnerTypes"><xsl:with-param name="uri" select="$BaseCICURI"/></xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
-<!--CSC: Qui, invece, accediamo direttamente al disco e non applichiamo dc -->
-<xsl:variable name="ConstantTypeUrl" select="'file:///public/sacerdot/constanttype'"/>
+<xsl:variable name="InnerTypesUrl" select="'file:///tmp/asperti_innertypes'"/>
+<xsl:variable name="ConstantTypeUrl" select="'file:///tmp/asperti_constanttype'"/>
<xsl:variable name="AnnotationsUrl"><xsl:call-template name="URLofURI4getter"><xsl:with-param name="uri" select="$AnnotationsUri"/></xsl:call-template></xsl:variable>
-export OCAMLPATH=/projects/helm/galax/sources/natile-galax-0.1-alpha-installed/lib:/home/claudio/miohelm/helm/ocaml:/home/claudio/miohelm/helm:/home/claudio/miohelm/helm/hbugs/meta
+#export OCAMLPATH=/projects/helm/galax/sources/natile-galax-0.1-alpha-installed/lib:/home/luca/miohelm/helm/ocaml:/home/luca/miohelm/helm:/home/luca/miohelm/helm/hbugs/meta:/home/luca/miohelm/helm/gTopLevel
-export HELM_ANNOTATIONS_DIR=/home/claudio/miohelm/objects
-export HELM_ANNOTATIONS_URL=file:///home/claudio/miohelm/objects
-#export HELM_GETTER_URL=http://mowgli.cs.unibo.it:58081/
-#export HELM_PROCESSOR_URL=http://mowgli.cs.unibo.it:58080/
-export HELM_GETTER_URL=http://localhost:58081/
-export HELM_PROCESSOR_URL=http://localhost:58080/
+export OCAMLPATH=/home/asperti/helm/ocaml:/home/asperti/helm/hbugs/meta:/local/helm/galax/sources/natile-galax-0.1-alpha-installed/lib
-export GTOPLEVEL_PROOFFILE=/public/sacerdot/currentproof
-export GTOPLEVEL_PROOFFILETYPE=/public/sacerdot/currentprooftype
-export GTOPLEVEL_INNERTYPESFILE=/public/sacerdot/innertypes
-export GTOPLEVEL_CONSTANTTYPEFILE=/public/sacerdot/constanttype
-export POSTGRESQL_CONNECTION_STRING="dbname=mowgli"
-#export POSTGRESQL_CONNECTION_STRING="host=mowgli.cs.unibo.it dbname=mowgli user=helm password=awH21Un"
+export HELM_ANNOTATIONS_DIR=/home/luca/miohelm/objects
+export HELM_ANNOTATIONS_URL=file:///home/luca/miohelm/objects
+export HELM_GETTER_URL=http://localhost:58081/
+export HELM_PROCESSOR_URL=http://localhost:8080/helm/servlet/uwobo/
+#export HELM_GETTER_URL=http://mowgli.cs.unibo.it:58081/
+#export HELM_PROCESSOR_URL=http://mowgli.cs.unibo.it:8081/mowgli/servlet/uwobo/
export HELM_TMP_DIR=/tmp
+export GTOPLEVEL_PROOFFILE=/tmp/asperti_currentproof
+export GTOPLEVEL_PROOFFILETYPE=/tmp/asperti_currentprooftype
+export GTOPLEVEL_INNERTYPESFILE=/tmp/asperti_innertypes
+export GTOPLEVEL_CONSTANTTYPEFILE=/tmp/asperti_constanttype
+export POSTGRESQL_CONNECTION_STRING="host=mowgli.cs.unibo.it dbname=mowgli user=helm password=awH21Un"
+#export POSTGRESQL_CONNECTION_STRING="dbname=helm_mowgli_new_schema user=helm"
+#export POSTGRESQL_CONNECTION_STRING="host=mowgli.cs.unibo.it dbname=helm_mowgli_new_schema user=helm"
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-module TextualPp =
- struct
- (* It also returns the pretty-printing context! *)
- let print_context ctx =
- let print_name =
- function
- Cic.Name n -> n
- | Cic.Anonymous -> "_"
- in
- List.fold_right
- (fun i (output,context) ->
- let (newoutput,context') =
- match i with
- Some (n,Cic.Decl t) ->
- print_name n ^ ":" ^ CicPp.pp t context ^ "\n", (Some n)::context
- | Some (n,Cic.Def t) ->
- print_name n ^ ":=" ^ CicPp.pp t context ^ "\n", (Some n)::context
- | None ->
- "_ ?= _\n", None::context
- in
- output^newoutput,context'
- ) ctx ("",[])
- ;;
- exception NotImplemented;;
- let print_sequent (metano,context,goal) =
- "\n" ^
- let (output,pretty_printer_context_of_context) = print_context context in
- output ^
- "---------------------- ?" ^ string_of_int metano ^ "\n" ^
- CicPp.pp goal pretty_printer_context_of_context
- ;;
- end
-module XmlPp =
- struct
- let dtdname = "http://localhost:8081/getdtd?uri=cic.dtd";;
- let print_sequent metasenv (metano,context,goal) =
- let module X = Xml in
- let ids_to_terms = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let ids_to_inner_sorts = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let ids_to_inner_types = Hashtbl.create 503 in
- let ids_to_hypotheses = Hashtbl.create 11 in
- let hypotheses_seed = ref 0 in
- let sequent_id = "i0" in
- let seed = ref 1 in (* 'i0' is used for the whole sequent *)
- let acic_of_cic_context =
- Cic2acic.acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids
- ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types metasenv
- in
- let final_s,_,final_idrefs =
- (List.fold_right
- (fun binding (s,context,idrefs) ->
- let hid = "h" ^ string_of_int !hypotheses_seed in
- Hashtbl.add ids_to_hypotheses hid binding ;
- incr hypotheses_seed ;
- match binding with
- (Some (n,(Cic.Def t as b)) as entry)
- | (Some (n,(Cic.Decl t as b)) as entry) ->
- let acic = acic_of_cic_context context idrefs t None in
- [< s ;
- X.xml_nempty
- (match b with Cic.Decl _ -> "Decl" | Cic.Def _ -> "Def")
- ["name",(match n with Cic.Name n -> n | _ -> assert false);
- "id",hid]
- (Cic2Xml.print_term ~ids_to_inner_sorts acic)
- >], (entry::context), (hid::idrefs)
- | None ->
- (* Invariant: "" is never looked up *)
- [< s ; X.xml_empty "Hidden" [] >], (None::context), ""::idrefs
- ) context ([<>],[],[])
- )
- in
- let acic = acic_of_cic_context context final_idrefs goal None in
- [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
- X.xml_cdata ("<!DOCTYPE Sequent SYSTEM \"" ^ dtdname ^ "\">\n");
- X.xml_nempty "Sequent" ["no",string_of_int metano;"id",sequent_id]
- [< final_s ;
- Xml.xml_nempty "Goal" []
- (Cic2Xml.print_term ~ids_to_inner_sorts acic)
- >]
- >],
- ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_hypotheses
- ;;
- end
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-module TextualPp :
- sig
- val print_context :
- (Cic.name * Cic.context_entry) option list ->
- string * Cic.name option list
- exception NotImplemented
- val print_sequent :
- int * (Cic.name * Cic.context_entry) option list * Cic.term -> string
- end
-module XmlPp :
- sig
- val print_sequent :
- Cic.metasenv ->
- int * Cic.context * Cic.term ->
- Xml.token Stream.t * (Cic.id, Cic.term) Hashtbl.t *
- (Cic.id, Cic.id option) Hashtbl.t * (string, Cic.hypothesis) Hashtbl.t
- end
(* *)
+let use_stylesheets = ref true;;(* false performs the transformations in OCaml*)
(* List utility functions *)
exception Skip;;
Cic2acic.acic_object_of_cic_object currentproof
- let mml =
- ApplyStylesheets.mml_of_cic_object
- ~explode_all:true uri acic ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types
- in
- self#load_doc ~dom:mml ;
- current_infos <-
- Some
- (ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_conjectures,ids_to_hypotheses) ;
- (acic, ids_to_inner_types, ids_to_inner_sorts)
+ if !use_stylesheets then
+ let mml =
+ ApplyStylesheets.mml_of_cic_object
+ ~explode_all:true uri acic ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types
+ in
+ self#load_doc ~dom:mml ;
+ current_infos <-
+ Some
+ (ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_conjectures,ids_to_hypotheses) ;
+ else
+ (match acic with
+ Cic.ACurrentProof (id,idbody,n,conjectures,bo,ty,params) ->
+ let time1 = Sys.time () in
+ let content =
+ Cic2content.acic2content
+ (ref 0) ~name:(Some "prova") ~ids_to_inner_sorts
+ ~ids_to_inner_types bo in
+ let content2pres =
+ (Content2pres.proof2pres
+ (function p ->
+ (Cexpr2pres.cexpr2pres_charcount
+ (Content_expressions.acic2cexpr ids_to_inner_sorts p)))) in
+ let pres = content2pres content in
+ let time2 = Sys.time () in
+ (* prerr_endline ("Fine trasformazione:" ^ (string_of_float (time2 -. time1))); *)
+ let xmlpres =
+ Xml.xml_nempty "math"
+ ["xmlns","http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" ;
+ "xmlns:helm","http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm" ;
+ "xmlns:xlink","http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ ] (Mpresentation.print_mpres pres) in
+ let time25 = Sys.time () in
+ (*
+ prerr_endline ("FINE printing to stream:" ^ (string_of_float (time25 -. time2)));
+ Xml.pp xmlpres (Some "tmp");
+ let time3 = Sys.time () in
+ prerr_endline ("FINE valutazione e printing dello stream:" ^ (string_of_float (time3 -. time25)));
+ *)
+ (try
+ (* prerr_endline "(******** INIZIO DOM **********)"; *)
+ let mml = Xml2Gdomexmath.document_of_xml Misc.domImpl xmlpres in
+ let time3 = Sys.time () in
+ (* ignore (Misc.domImpl#saveDocumentToFile mml "tmp1" ()); *)
+ (* prerr_endline "(******** FINE DOM **********)"; *)
+ self#load_doc ~dom:mml;
+ prerr_endline ("Fine loading:" ^ (string_of_float (time3 -. time2)))
+ (*
+ self#load_uri "tmp";
+ let time4 = Sys.time () in
+ prerr_endline
+ ("Fine loading:" ^ (string_of_float (time4 -. time3)))
+ *)
+ with (GdomeInit.DOMException (_,s)) as e ->
+ prerr_endline s; raise e)
+ | _ -> assert false);
+ (acic, ids_to_inner_types, ids_to_inner_sorts)
+let _ =
+ Cexpr2pres_hashtbl.init Cexpr2pres.cexpr2pres Cexpr2pres.cexpr2pres_charcount
(** A widget to render sequents **)
+val use_stylesheets: bool ref;; (* false performs the transformations in OCaml*)
class sequent_viewer :
Gtk_mathview.math_view Gtk.obj ->
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-let document_of_xml (domImplementation : Gdome.domImplementation) strm =
- let module G = Gdome in
- let module X = Xml in
- let root_name,root_attributes,root_content =
- ignore (Stream.next strm) ; (* to skip the <?xml ...?> declaration *)
- ignore (Stream.next strm) ; (* to skip the DOCTYPE declaration *)
- match Stream.next strm with
- X.Empty(n,l) -> n,l,[<>]
- | X.NEmpty(n,l,c) -> n,l,c
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let document =
- domImplementation#createDocument ~namespaceURI:None
- ~qualifiedName:(Gdome.domString root_name) ~doctype:None
- in
- let rec aux (node : Gdome.node) =
- parser
- [< 'X.Str a ; s >] ->
- let textnode = document#createTextNode ~data:(Gdome.domString a) in
- ignore (node#appendChild ~newChild:(textnode :> Gdome.node)) ;
- aux node s
- | [< 'X.Empty(n,l) ; s >] ->
- let element = document#createElement ~tagName:(Gdome.domString n) in
- List.iter (function (n,v) -> element#setAttribute
- ~name:(Gdome.domString n) ~value:(Gdome.domString v)) l ;
- ignore
- (node#appendChild ~newChild:(element : Gdome.element :> Gdome.node)) ;
- aux node s
- | [< 'X.NEmpty(n,l,c) ; s >] ->
- let element = document#createElement ~tagName:(Gdome.domString n) in
- List.iter
- (function (n,v) ->
- element#setAttribute ~name:(Gdome.domString n)
- ~value:(Gdome.domString v)
- ) l ;
- ignore (node#appendChild ~newChild:(element :> Gdome.node)) ;
- aux (element :> Gdome.node) c ;
- aux node s
- | [< >] -> ()
- in
- let root = document#get_documentElement in
- List.iter (function (n,v) -> root#setAttribute
- ~name:(Gdome.domString n) ~value:(Gdome.domString v)) root_attributes ;
- aux (root : Gdome.element :> Gdome.node) root_content ;
- document
+++ /dev/null
-(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
- *
- * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
- * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
- * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
- *
- * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
- * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
- *)
-val document_of_xml :
- Gdome.domImplementation -> Xml.token Stream.t -> Gdome.document
--- /dev/null
+requires="helm-xml helm-cic_proof_checking gdome2-xslt"
MODULES = xml urimanager getter pxp cic cic_annotations cic_annotations_cache \
cic_cache cic_proof_checking cic_textual_parser \
tex_cic_textual_parser cic_unification mathql mathql_interpreter \
- mathql_generator tactics
+ mathql_generator tactics cic_transformations
--- /dev/null
+*.cm[iaox] *.cmxa
--- /dev/null
+cic2Xml.cmi: cic2acic.cmi
+cic2content.cmi: cic2acic.cmi
+contentPp.cmi: cic2content.cmi
+cexpr2pres.cmi: content_expressions.cmi mpresentation.cmi
+content2pres.cmi: cic2content.cmi mpresentation.cmi
+cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmi: content_expressions.cmi mpresentation.cmi
+applyStylesheets.cmi: cic2acic.cmi
+doubleTypeInference.cmo: doubleTypeInference.cmi
+doubleTypeInference.cmx: doubleTypeInference.cmi
+cic2acic.cmo: doubleTypeInference.cmi cic2acic.cmi
+cic2acic.cmx: doubleTypeInference.cmx cic2acic.cmi
+cic2Xml.cmo: cic2acic.cmi cic2Xml.cmi
+cic2Xml.cmx: cic2acic.cmx cic2Xml.cmi
+cic2content.cmo: cic2acic.cmi cic2content.cmi
+cic2content.cmx: cic2acic.cmx cic2content.cmi
+content_expressions.cmo: cic2acic.cmi content_expressions.cmi
+content_expressions.cmx: cic2acic.cmx content_expressions.cmi
+contentPp.cmo: cic2content.cmi contentPp.cmi
+contentPp.cmx: cic2content.cmx contentPp.cmi
+mpresentation.cmo: mpresentation.cmi
+mpresentation.cmx: mpresentation.cmi
+cexpr2pres.cmo: content_expressions.cmi mpresentation.cmi cexpr2pres.cmi
+cexpr2pres.cmx: content_expressions.cmx mpresentation.cmx cexpr2pres.cmi
+content2pres.cmo: cexpr2pres.cmi cic2content.cmi mpresentation.cmi \
+ content2pres.cmi
+content2pres.cmx: cexpr2pres.cmx cic2content.cmx mpresentation.cmx \
+ content2pres.cmi
+cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmo: cexpr2pres.cmi content_expressions.cmi \
+ mpresentation.cmi cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmi
+cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmx: cexpr2pres.cmx content_expressions.cmx \
+ mpresentation.cmx cexpr2pres_hashtbl.cmi
+misc.cmo: misc.cmi
+misc.cmx: misc.cmi
+xml2Gdome.cmo: xml2Gdome.cmi
+xml2Gdome.cmx: xml2Gdome.cmi
+xml2Gdomexmath.cmo: xml2Gdomexmath.cmi
+xml2Gdomexmath.cmx: xml2Gdomexmath.cmi
+sequentPp.cmo: cic2Xml.cmi cic2acic.cmi sequentPp.cmi
+sequentPp.cmx: cic2Xml.cmx cic2acic.cmx sequentPp.cmi
+applyStylesheets.cmo: cic2Xml.cmi misc.cmi sequentPp.cmi xml2Gdome.cmi \
+ applyStylesheets.cmi
+applyStylesheets.cmx: cic2Xml.cmx misc.cmx sequentPp.cmx xml2Gdome.cmx \
+ applyStylesheets.cmi
--- /dev/null
+PACKAGE = cic_transformations
+REQUIRES = helm-xml helm-cic_proof_checking gdome2-xslt
+INTERFACE_FILES = doubleTypeInference.mli cic2acic.mli cic2Xml.mli \
+ cic2content.mli content_expressions.mli contentPp.mli \
+ mpresentation.mli cexpr2pres.mli content2pres.mli \
+ cexpr2pres_hashtbl.mli misc.mli xml2Gdome.mli \
+ xml2Gdomexmath.mli sequentPp.mli applyStylesheets.mli
+include ../Makefile.common
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 30/01/2002 *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(** stylesheets and parameters list **)
+let parseStyle name =
+ let style =
+ Misc.domImpl#createDocumentFromURI
+ (* ~uri:("http://phd.cs.unibo.it:8081/getxslt?uri=" ^ name) ?mode:None *)
+ ~uri:("styles/" ^ name) ()
+ in
+ Gdome_xslt.processStylesheet style
+let parseStyles () =
+ parseStyle "drop_coercions.xsl",
+ parseStyle "objtheorycontent.xsl",
+ parseStyle "content_to_html.xsl",
+ parseStyle "link.xsl",
+ parseStyle "rootcontent.xsl",
+ parseStyle "genmmlid.xsl",
+ parseStyle "annotatedpres.xsl"
+let (d_c,tc1,hc2,l,c1,g,c2) =
+ let (d_c,tc1,hc2,l,c1,g,c2) = parseStyles () in
+ ref d_c, ref tc1, ref hc2, ref l, ref c1, ref g, ref c2
+let reload_stylesheets () =
+ let (d_c',tc1',hc2',l',c1',g',c2') = parseStyles () in
+ d_c := d_c';
+ tc1 := tc1';
+ hc2 := hc2';
+ l := l' ;
+ c1 := c1' ;
+ g := g' ;
+ c2 := c2'
+let getterURL = Configuration.getter_url;;
+let processorURL = Configuration.processor_url;;
+let mml_styles = [d_c ; c1 ; g ; c2 ; l];;
+let mml_args ~explode_all =
+ ("explodeall",(if explode_all then "true()" else "false()"))::
+ ["processorURL", "'" ^ processorURL ^ "'" ;
+ "getterURL", "'" ^ getterURL ^ "'" ;
+ "draw_graphURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it%3A8083/'" ;
+ "uri_set_queueURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it%3A8084/'" ;
+ "UNICODEvsSYMBOL", "'symbol'" ;
+ "doctype-public", "'-//W3C//DTD%20XHTML%201.0%20Transitional//EN'" ;
+ "encoding", "'iso-8859-1'" ;
+ "media-type", "'text/html'" ;
+ "keys", "'d_c%2CC1%2CG%2CC2%2CL'" ;
+ "interfaceURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it/helm/html/cic/index.html'" ;
+ "naturalLanguage", "'yes'" ;
+ "annotations", "'no'" ;
+ "URLs_or_URIs", "'URIs'" ;
+ "topurl", "'http://phd.cs.unibo.it/helm'" ;
+ "CICURI", "'cic:/Coq/Init/Datatypes/bool_ind.con'" ]
+let sequent_styles = [d_c ; c1 ; g ; c2 ; l];;
+let sequent_args =
+ ["processorURL", "'" ^ processorURL ^ "'" ;
+ "getterURL", "'" ^ getterURL ^ "'" ;
+ "draw_graphURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it%3A8083/'" ;
+ "uri_set_queueURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it%3A8084/'" ;
+ "UNICODEvsSYMBOL", "'symbol'" ;
+ "doctype-public", "'-//W3C//DTD%20XHTML%201.0%20Transitional//EN'" ;
+ "encoding", "'iso-8859-1'" ;
+ "media-type", "'text/html'" ;
+ "keys", "'d_c%2CC1%2CG%2CC2%2CL'" ;
+ "interfaceURL", "'http%3A//phd.cs.unibo.it/helm/html/cic/index.html'" ;
+ "naturalLanguage", "'no'" ;
+ "annotations", "'no'" ;
+ "explodeall", "true()" ;
+ "URLs_or_URIs", "'URIs'" ;
+ "topurl", "'http://phd.cs.unibo.it/helm'" ;
+ "CICURI", "'cic:/Coq/Init/Datatypes/bool_ind.con'" ]
+(** Stylesheets application **)
+let apply_stylesheets input styles args =
+ List.fold_left (fun i style -> Gdome_xslt.applyStylesheet i !style args)
+ input styles
+let apply_proof_stylesheets proof_doc ~explode_all =
+ apply_stylesheets proof_doc mml_styles (mml_args ~explode_all)
+let apply_sequent_stylesheets sequent_doc =
+ apply_stylesheets sequent_doc sequent_styles sequent_args
+(** Utility functions to map objects to MathML Presentation **)
+(*CSC: the getter should handle the innertypes, not the FS *)
+let innertypesfile =
+ try
+ with
+ Not_found -> "/public/innertypes"
+let constanttypefile =
+ try
+ with
+ Not_found -> "/public/constanttype"
+let mml_of_cic_sequent metasenv sequent =
+ let sequent_gdome,ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_hypotheses =
+ SequentPp.XmlPp.print_sequent metasenv sequent in
+ let sequent_doc =
+ Xml2Gdome.document_of_xml Misc.domImpl sequent_gdome in
+ let sequent_mml = apply_sequent_stylesheets sequent_doc in
+ sequent_mml,(ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_hypotheses)
+ mml_of_cic_object ~explode_all uri annobj ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types
+(*CSC: ????????????????? *)
+ let xml, bodyxml =
+ Cic2Xml.print_object uri ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter:true
+ annobj
+ in
+ let xmlinnertypes =
+ Cic2Xml.print_inner_types uri ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types
+ ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter:true
+ in
+ let input =
+ match bodyxml with
+ None -> Xml2Gdome.document_of_xml Misc.domImpl xml
+ | Some bodyxml' ->
+ Xml.pp xml (Some constanttypefile) ;
+ Xml2Gdome.document_of_xml Misc.domImpl bodyxml'
+ in
+(*CSC: We save the innertypes to disk so that we can retrieve them in the *)
+(*CSC: stylesheet. This DOES NOT work when UWOBO and/or the getter are not *)
+(*CSC: local. *)
+ Xml.pp xmlinnertypes (Some innertypesfile) ;
+ let output = apply_proof_stylesheets input ~explode_all in
+ output
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 15/01/2003 *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+val reload_stylesheets : unit -> unit
+val mml_of_cic_sequent :
+ Cic.metasenv ->
+ int * Cic.context * Cic.term ->
+ Gdome.document *
+ ((Cic.id, Cic.term) Hashtbl.t *
+ (Cic.id, Cic.id option) Hashtbl.t *
+ (string, Cic.hypothesis) Hashtbl.t)
+val mml_of_cic_object :
+ explode_all:bool ->
+ UriManager.uri ->
+ Cic.annobj ->
+ (string, string) Hashtbl.t ->
+ (string, Cic2acic.anntypes) Hashtbl.t -> Gdome.document
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 28/6/2003 *)
+(* *)
+module P = Mpresentation;;
+let symbol_table = Hashtbl.create 503;;
+let symbol_table_charcount = Hashtbl.create 503;;
+let maxsize = 25;;
+let countterm current_size t =
+ let module CE = Content_expressions in
+ let rec aux current_size t =
+ if current_size > maxsize then current_size
+ else match t with
+ CE.Symbol (_,name,None,_) -> current_size + (String.length name)
+ | CE.Symbol (_,name,Some subst,_) ->
+ let c1 = current_size + (String.length name) in
+ countsubst subst c1
+ | CE.LocalVar (_,name) -> current_size + (String.length name)
+ | CE.Meta (_,name) -> current_size + (String.length name)
+ | CE.Num (_,value) -> current_size + (String.length value)
+ | CE.Appl (_,l) ->
+ List.fold_left aux current_size l
+ | CE.Binder (_, _,(n,s),body) ->
+ let cs = aux (current_size + 2 + (String.length n)) s in
+ aux cs body
+ | CE.Letin (_,(n,s),body) ->
+ let cs = aux (current_size + 3 + (String.length n)) s in
+ aux cs body
+ | CE.Letrec (_,defs,body) ->
+ let cs =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun c (n,bo) -> aux (c+(String.length n)) bo) current_size defs in
+ aux cs body
+ | CE.Case (_,a,np) ->
+ let cs = aux (current_size + 4) a in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun c (n,bo) -> aux (c+(String.length n)) bo) current_size np
+ and
+ countsubst subst current_size =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun current_size (uri,expr) ->
+ if (current_size > maxsize) then current_size
+ else
+ let c1 =
+ (current_size + (String.length (UriManager.name_of_uri uri))) in
+ (aux c1 expr)) current_size subst
+ in
+ (aux current_size t)
+let is_big t =
+ ((countterm 0 t) > maxsize)
+let rec make_attributes l1 =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | None::tl -> make_attributes (List.tl l1) tl
+ | (Some s)::tl -> (List.hd l1,s)::(make_attributes (List.tl l1) tl)
+let rec cexpr2pres ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) ?(tail = []) t =
+ let module CE = Content_expressions in
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ let rec aux =
+ function
+ CE.Symbol (xref,name,None,uri) ->
+ let attr =
+ make_attributes
+ ["helm:xref";"xlink:href"] [xref;uri] in
+ if tail = [] then
+ P.Mi (attr,name)
+ else P.Mrow([],P.Mi (attr,name)::tail)
+ | CE.Symbol (xref,name,Some subst,uri) ->
+ let attr =
+ make_attributes
+ ["helm:xref";"xlink:href"] [xref;uri] in
+ let rec make_subst =
+ (function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | [(uri,a)] ->
+ [(aux a);
+ P.Mtext([],"/");
+ P.Mi([],UriManager.name_of_uri uri)]
+ | (uri,a)::tl ->
+ (aux a)::
+ P.Mtext([],"/")::
+ P.Mi([],UriManager.name_of_uri uri)::
+ P.Mtext([],"; ")::
+ P.smallskip::
+ (make_subst tl)) in
+ P.Mrow ([],
+ P.Mi (attr,name)::
+ P.Mtext([],"[")::
+ (make_subst subst)@
+ (P.Mtext([],"]")::tail))
+ | CE.LocalVar (xref,name) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ if tail = [] then
+ P.Mi (attr,name)
+ else P.Mrow([],P.Mi (attr,name)::tail)
+ | CE.Meta (xref,name) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ if tail = [] then
+ P.Mi (attr,name)
+ else P.Mrow([],P.Mi (attr,name)::tail)
+ | CE.Num (xref,value) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ if tail = [] then
+ P.Mn (attr,value)
+ else P.Mrow([],P.Mn (attr,value)::tail)
+ | CE.Appl (axref,CE.Symbol(sxref,n,subst,uri)::tl) ->
+ let aattr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [axref] in
+ let sattr = make_attributes ["helm:xref";"xlink:href"] [sxref;uri] in
+ (try
+ (let f = Hashtbl.find symbol_table n in
+ f tl ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr)
+ with notfound ->
+ P.Mrow(aattr,
+ P.Mo([],"(")::P.Mi(sattr,n)::(make_args tl)@(P.Mo([],")")::tail)))
+ | CE.Appl (xref,l) as t ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ P.Mrow(attr,
+ P.Mo([],"(")::(make_args l)@(P.Mo([],")")::tail))
+ | CE.Binder (xref, kind,(n,s),body) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ let binder =
+ if kind = "Lambda" then
+ Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x03bb
+ else if kind = "Prod" then
+ Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x03a0
+ else if kind = "Forall" then
+ Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2200
+ else if kind = "Exists" then
+ Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2203
+ else "unknown" in
+ P.Mrow (attr,
+ P.Mtext([("mathcolor","Blue")],binder)::
+ P.Mtext([],n ^ ":")::
+ (aux s)::
+ P.Mo([],".")::
+ (aux body)::tail)
+ | CE.Letin (xref,(n,s),body) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ P.Mrow (attr,
+ P.Mtext([],("let "))::
+ P.Mtext([],(n ^ "="))::
+ (aux s)::
+ P.Mtext([]," in ")::
+ (aux body)::tail)
+ | CE.Letrec (xref,defs,body) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ let rec make_defs =
+ (function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | [(n,bo)] ->
+ [P.Mtext([],(n ^ "="));(aux body)]
+ | (n,bo)::tl ->
+ P.Mtext([],(n ^ "="))::
+ (aux body)::P.Mtext([]," and")::(make_defs tl)) in
+ P.Mrow (attr,
+ P.Mtext([],("let rec "))::
+ (make_defs defs)@
+ (P.Mtext([]," in ")::
+ (aux body)::tail))
+ | CE.Case (xref,a,np) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ let rec make_patterns =
+ (function
+ [] -> []
+ | [(n,p)] ->
+ [P.Mtext([],(n ^ " -> "));(aux p)]
+ | (n,p)::tl ->
+ P.Mtext([],(n ^ " -> "))::
+ (aux p)::P.Mtext([]," | ")::(make_patterns tl)) in
+ P.Mrow (attr,
+ P.Mtext([],("case "))::
+ (aux a)::
+ P.Mtext([],(" of "))::
+ (make_patterns np)@tail) in
+ aux t
+make_args ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) ?(tail = []) =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ function
+ [] -> tail
+ | a::tl -> P.smallskip::(cexpr2pres a)::(make_args ~tail:tail tl)
+let rec make_args_charcount ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) ?(tail = []) =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | [a] ->
+ [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],P.indented (cexpr2pres_charcount ~tail:tail a))])]
+ | (a::tl) as l ->
+ let c = List.fold_left countterm 0 l in
+ if c > maxsize then
+ P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],P.indented (cexpr2pres_charcount a))])::
+ (make_args_charcount ~tail:tail tl)
+ else [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],P.Mrow([],(P.Mspace([("width","0.2cm")]))::(make_args ~tail:tail l)))])]
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | a::tl ->
+ let tlpres =
+ let c = List.fold_left countterm 0 tl in
+ if c > maxsize then
+ P.Mtable ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ (make_args_charcount tl))
+ else
+ P.Mrow([], make_args tl) in
+ [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],(cexpr2pres_charcount a))]);
+ P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],P.indented tlpres)])] *)
+cexpr2pres_charcount ?(priority = 0) ?(assoc = false) ?(tail = []) t =
+ let module CE = Content_expressions in
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ let rec aux =
+ function
+ CE.Symbol (xref,name,None,uri) ->
+ let attr =
+ make_attributes
+ ["helm:xref";"xlink:href"] [xref;uri] in
+ if tail = [] then
+ P.Mi (attr,name)
+ else P.Mrow ([],P.Mi (attr,name)::tail)
+ | CE.Symbol (xref,name,Some subst,uri) ->
+ let attr =
+ make_attributes
+ ["helm:xref";"xlink:href"] [xref;uri] in
+ let rec make_subst =
+ (function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | [(uri,a)] ->
+ [(cexpr2pres a);
+ P.Mtext([],"/");
+ P.Mi([],UriManager.name_of_uri uri)]
+ | (uri,a)::tl ->
+ (cexpr2pres a)::
+ P.Mtext([],"/")::
+ P.Mi([],UriManager.name_of_uri uri)::
+ P.Mtext([],"; ")::
+ P.smallskip::
+ (make_subst tl)) in
+ P.Mrow ([],
+ P.Mi (attr,name)::
+ P.Mtext([],"[")::
+ (make_subst subst)@
+ (P.Mtext([],"]")::tail))
+ | CE.LocalVar (xref,name) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ if tail = [] then
+ P.Mi (attr,name)
+ else P.Mrow ([],P.Mi (attr,name)::tail)
+ | CE.Meta (xref,name) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ if tail = [] then
+ P.Mi (attr,name)
+ else P.Mrow ([],P.Mi (attr,name)::tail)
+ | CE.Num (xref,value) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ if tail = [] then
+ P.Mn (attr,value)
+ else P.Mrow ([],P.Mn (attr,value)::tail)
+ | CE.Appl (axref,CE.Symbol(sxref,n,subst,uri)::tl) ->
+ let aattr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [axref] in
+ let sattr = make_attributes ["helm:xref";"xlink:href"] [sxref;uri] in
+ if (is_big t) then
+ (try
+ (let f = Hashtbl.find symbol_table_charcount n in
+ f tl ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr)
+ with notfound ->
+ P.Mtable (aattr@P.standard_tbl_attr,
+ P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],P.Mrow([],
+ [P.Mtext([],"(");
+ cexpr2pres (CE.Symbol(sxref,n,subst,uri))]))])::
+ make_args_charcount ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) tl))
+ else cexpr2pres t
+ | CE.Appl (xref,l) as t ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ if (is_big t) then
+ P.Mtable (attr@P.standard_tbl_attr,
+ P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],P.Mrow([],
+ [P.Mtext([],"(");
+ cexpr2pres_charcount (List.hd l)]))])::
+ make_args_charcount ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) (List.tl l))
+ else cexpr2pres t
+ | CE.Binder (xref, kind,(n,s),body) as t ->
+ if (is_big t) then
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ let binder =
+ if kind = "Lambda" then
+ Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x03bb
+ else if kind = "Prod" then
+ Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x03a0
+ else if kind = "Forall" then
+ Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2200
+ else if kind = "Exists" then
+ Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2203
+ else "unknown" in
+ P.Mtable (attr@P.standard_tbl_attr,
+ [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],
+ P.Mrow([],
+ [P.Mtext([("mathcolor","Blue")],binder);
+ P.Mtext([],n ^ ":");
+ cexpr2pres_charcount s ~tail:[P.Mtext([],".")]]))]);
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],
+ P.indented (cexpr2pres_charcount body ~tail:tail))])])
+ else (cexpr2pres t ~tail:tail)
+ | CE.Letin (xref,(n,s),body) as t ->
+ if (is_big t) then
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ P.Mtable (attr@P.standard_tbl_attr,
+ [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],
+ P.Mrow([],
+ [P.Mtext([("mathcolor","Blue")],"let");
+ P.smallskip;
+ P.Mtext([],n ^ "=");
+ cexpr2pres_charcount s;
+ P.smallskip;
+ P.Mtext([],"in");
+ ]))]);
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],
+ P.indented (cexpr2pres_charcount body))])])
+ else (cexpr2pres t)
+ | CE.Letrec (xref,defs,body) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ let rec make_defs =
+ (function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | [(n,bo)] ->
+ [P.Mtext([],(n ^ "="));(aux body)]
+ | (n,bo)::tl ->
+ P.Mtext([],(n ^ "="))::
+ (aux body)::P.Mtext([]," and")::(make_defs tl)) in
+ P.Mrow (attr,
+ P.Mtext([],("let rec "))::
+ (make_defs defs)@
+ [P.Mtext([]," in ");
+ (aux body)])
+ | CE.Case (xref,a,np) ->
+ let attr = make_attributes ["helm:xref"] [xref] in
+ let rec make_patterns =
+ (function
+ [] -> []
+ | [(n,p)] ->
+ [P.Mtext([],(n ^ " -> "));(aux p)]
+ | (n,p)::tl ->
+ P.Mtext([],(n ^ " -> "))::
+ (aux p)::P.Mtext([]," | ")::(make_patterns tl)) in
+ P.Mrow (attr,
+ P.Mtext([],("case "))::
+ (aux a)::
+ P.Mtext([],(" of "))::
+ (make_patterns np)) in
+ aux t
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 27/6/2003 *)
+(* *)
+val symbol_table :
+ (string,
+ Content_expressions.cexpr list ->
+ priority:int ->
+ assoc:bool ->
+ tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ (string * string) list ->
+ (string * string) list ->
+ Mpresentation.mpres
+ ) Hashtbl.t
+val symbol_table_charcount :
+ (string,
+ Content_expressions.cexpr list ->
+ priority:int ->
+ assoc:bool ->
+ tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ (string * string) list ->
+ (string * string) list ->
+ Mpresentation.mpres
+ ) Hashtbl.t
+val maxsize : int
+val countterm : int -> Content_expressions.cexpr -> int
+val cexpr2pres :
+ ?priority:int ->
+ ?assoc:bool ->
+ ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ Content_expressions.cexpr ->
+ Mpresentation.mpres
+val cexpr2pres_charcount :
+ ?priority:int ->
+ ?assoc:bool ->
+ ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ Content_expressions.cexpr ->
+ Mpresentation.mpres
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 28/6/2003 *)
+(* *)
+module C2P = Cexpr2pres;;
+module P = Mpresentation;;
+let binary f =
+ function
+ [a;b] -> f a b
+ | _ -> assert false
+let unary f =
+ function
+ [a] -> f a
+ | _ -> assert false
+let init
+ ~(cexpr2pres:
+ ?priority:int ->
+ ?assoc:bool ->
+ ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ Content_expressions.cexpr ->
+ Mpresentation.mpres)
+ ~(cexpr2pres_charcount:
+ ?priority:int ->
+ ?assoc:bool ->
+ ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ Content_expressions.cexpr ->
+ Mpresentation.mpres)
+(* arrow *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "arrow" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 5) || (priority = 5 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:false ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:true
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2192))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:false ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2192))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "arrow" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2192))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:false ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2192))));
+(* eq *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "eq" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"="))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"="))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "eq" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"="))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"="))));
+(* and *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "and" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 20) || (priority = 20 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:20 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:20 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2227))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:20 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:20 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2227))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "and" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 20) || (priority = 20 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:20 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:20 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2227))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:20 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:20 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2227))));
+(* or *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "or" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 10) || (priority = 10 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:10 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:10 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2228))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:10 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:10 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2228))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "or" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 10) || (priority = 10 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:10 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:10 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2228))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:10 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:10 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2228))));
+(* iff *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "iff" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 5) || (priority = 5 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x21D4))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:5 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x21D4))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "iff" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 5) || (priority = 5 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x21D4))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:5 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x21D4))));
+(* not *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "not" (unary
+ (fun a ~priority ~assoc ~tail attr sattr ->
+ P.Mrow([],[
+ P.Mtext([],"(");P.Mo([],Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0xAC);
+ cexpr2pres a;P.Mtext([],")")])));
+(* leq *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "leq" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2264))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2264))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "leq" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2264))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2264))));
+(* lt *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "lt" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"<"))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"<"))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "lt" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"<"))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2265))));
+(* geq *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "geq" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2265))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2265))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "geq" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2265))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,Netconversion.ustring_of_uchar `Enc_utf8 0x2265))));
+(* gt *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "gt" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,">"))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,">"))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "gt" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 40) || (priority = 40 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,">"))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:40 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,">"))));
+(* plus *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "plus" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 60) || (priority = 60 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"+"))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"+"))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "plus" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 60) || (priority = 60 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"+"))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"+"))));
+(* times *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "times" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 70) || (priority = 70 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:70 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:70 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"*"))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:70 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:70 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"*"))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "times" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 70) || (priority = 70 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:70 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:70 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"*"))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:70 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:70 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"*"))));
+(* minus *)
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table "minus" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 60) || (priority = 60 && assoc) then
+ P.row_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"-"))
+ else
+ P.row_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres ~priority:60 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"-"))));
+Hashtbl.add C2P.symbol_table_charcount "minus" (binary
+ (fun a b ~priority ~assoc ~tail aattr sattr ->
+ if (priority > 60) || (priority = 60 && assoc) then
+ P.two_rows_table_with_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:false
+ ~tail:(P.Mtext([],")")::tail) b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"-"))
+ else
+ P.two_rows_table_without_brackets aattr
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:true ~tail:[] a)
+ (cexpr2pres_charcount ~priority:60 ~assoc:false ~tail:tail b)
+ (P.Mo(sattr,"-"))))
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 27/6/2003 *)
+(* *)
+val init:
+ cexpr2pres:
+ (?priority:int ->
+ ?assoc:bool ->
+ ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ Content_expressions.cexpr ->
+ Mpresentation.mpres) ->
+ cexpr2pres_charcount:
+ (?priority:int ->
+ ?assoc:bool ->
+ ?tail:Mpresentation.mpres list ->
+ Content_expressions.cexpr ->
+ Mpresentation.mpres) ->
+ unit
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(*CSC codice cut & paste da cicPp e xmlcommand *)
+exception ImpossiblePossible;;
+exception NotImplemented;;
+let dtdname ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter dtd =
+ if ask_dtd_to_the_getter then
+ Configuration.getter_url ^ "getdtd?uri=" ^ dtd
+ else
+ "http://mowgli.cs.unibo.it/dtd/" ^ dtd
+let param_attribute_of_params params =
+ String.concat " " (List.map UriManager.string_of_uri params)
+(*CSC ottimizzazione: al posto di curi cdepth (vedi codice) *)
+let print_term ~ids_to_inner_sorts =
+ let rec aux =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module X = Xml in
+ let module U = UriManager in
+ function
+ C.ARel (id,idref,n,b) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ X.xml_empty "REL"
+ ["value",(string_of_int n) ; "binder",b ; "id",id ; "idref",idref ;
+ "sort",sort]
+ | C.AVar (id,uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ aux_subst uri
+ (X.xml_empty "VAR" ["uri",U.string_of_uri uri;"id",id;"sort",sort])
+ exp_named_subst
+ | C.AMeta (id,n,l) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ X.xml_nempty "META" ["no",(string_of_int n) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort]
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun i t ->
+ match t with
+ Some t' ->
+ [< i ; X.xml_nempty "substitution" [] (aux t') >]
+ | None ->
+ [< i ; X.xml_empty "substitution" [] >]
+ ) [< >] l)
+ | C.ASort (id,s) ->
+ let string_of_sort =
+ function
+ C.Prop -> "Prop"
+ | C.Set -> "Set"
+ | C.Type -> "Type"
+ in
+ X.xml_empty "SORT" ["value",(string_of_sort s) ; "id",id]
+ | C.AImplicit _ -> raise NotImplemented
+ | C.AProd (last_id,_,_,_) as prods ->
+ let rec eat_prods =
+ function
+ C.AProd (id,n,s,t) ->
+ let prods,t' = eat_prods t in
+ (id,n,s)::prods,t'
+ | t -> [],t
+ in
+ let prods,t = eat_prods prods in
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts last_id in
+ X.xml_nempty "PROD" ["type",sort]
+ [< List.fold_left
+ (fun i (id,binder,s) ->
+ let sort =
+ Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts (Cic2acic.source_id_of_id id)
+ in
+ let attrs =
+ ("id",id)::("type",sort)::
+ match binder with
+ C.Anonymous -> []
+ | C.Name b -> ["binder",b]
+ in
+ [< i ; X.xml_nempty "decl" attrs (aux s) >]
+ ) [< >] prods ;
+ X.xml_nempty "target" [] (aux t)
+ >]
+ | C.ACast (id,v,t) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ X.xml_nempty "CAST" ["id",id ; "sort",sort]
+ [< X.xml_nempty "term" [] (aux v) ;
+ X.xml_nempty "type" [] (aux t)
+ >]
+ | C.ALambda (last_id,_,_,_) as lambdas ->
+ let rec eat_lambdas =
+ function
+ C.ALambda (id,n,s,t) ->
+ let lambdas,t' = eat_lambdas t in
+ (id,n,s)::lambdas,t'
+ | t -> [],t
+ in
+ let lambdas,t = eat_lambdas lambdas in
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts last_id in
+ X.xml_nempty "LAMBDA" ["sort",sort]
+ [< List.fold_left
+ (fun i (id,binder,s) ->
+ let sort =
+ Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts (Cic2acic.source_id_of_id id)
+ in
+ let attrs =
+ ("id",id)::("type",sort)::
+ match binder with
+ C.Anonymous -> []
+ | C.Name b -> ["binder",b]
+ in
+ [< i ; X.xml_nempty "decl" attrs (aux s) >]
+ ) [< >] lambdas ;
+ X.xml_nempty "target" [] (aux t)
+ >]
+ | C.ALetIn (xid,C.Anonymous,s,t) ->
+ assert false
+ | C.ALetIn (last_id,C.Name _,_,_) as letins ->
+ let rec eat_letins =
+ function
+ C.ALetIn (id,n,s,t) ->
+ let letins,t' = eat_letins t in
+ (id,n,s)::letins,t'
+ | t -> [],t
+ in
+ let letins,t = eat_letins letins in
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts last_id in
+ X.xml_nempty "LETIN" ["sort",sort]
+ [< List.fold_left
+ (fun i (id,binder,s) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ let attrs =
+ ("id",id)::("sort",sort)::
+ match binder with
+ C.Anonymous -> []
+ | C.Name b -> ["binder",b]
+ in
+ [< i ; X.xml_nempty "def" attrs (aux s) >]
+ ) [< >] letins ;
+ X.xml_nempty "target" [] (aux t)
+ >]
+ | C.AAppl (id,li) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ X.xml_nempty "APPLY" ["id",id ; "sort",sort]
+ [< (List.fold_right (fun x i -> [< (aux x) ; i >]) li [<>])
+ >]
+ | C.AConst (id,uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ aux_subst uri
+ (X.xml_empty "CONST"
+ ["uri", (U.string_of_uri uri) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort]
+ ) exp_named_subst
+ | C.AMutInd (id,uri,i,exp_named_subst) ->
+ aux_subst uri
+ (X.xml_empty "MUTIND"
+ ["uri", (U.string_of_uri uri) ;
+ "noType",(string_of_int i) ;
+ "id",id]
+ ) exp_named_subst
+ | C.AMutConstruct (id,uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ aux_subst uri
+ (X.xml_empty "MUTCONSTRUCT"
+ ["uri", (U.string_of_uri uri) ;
+ "noType",(string_of_int i) ; "noConstr",(string_of_int j) ;
+ "id",id ; "sort",sort]
+ ) exp_named_subst
+ | C.AMutCase (id,uri,typeno,ty,te,patterns) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ X.xml_nempty "MUTCASE"
+ ["uriType",(U.string_of_uri uri) ;
+ "noType", (string_of_int typeno) ;
+ "id", id ; "sort",sort]
+ [< X.xml_nempty "patternsType" [] [< (aux ty) >] ;
+ X.xml_nempty "inductiveTerm" [] [< (aux te) >] ;
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun x i -> [< X.xml_nempty "pattern" [] [< aux x >] ; i>])
+ patterns [<>]
+ >]
+ | C.AFix (id, no, funs) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ X.xml_nempty "FIX"
+ ["noFun", (string_of_int no) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort]
+ [< List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,fi,ai,ti,bi) i ->
+ [< X.xml_nempty "FixFunction"
+ ["id",id ; "name", fi ; "recIndex", (string_of_int ai)]
+ [< X.xml_nempty "type" [] [< aux ti >] ;
+ X.xml_nempty "body" [] [< aux bi >]
+ >] ;
+ i
+ >]
+ ) funs [<>]
+ >]
+ | C.ACoFix (id,no,funs) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ X.xml_nempty "COFIX"
+ ["noFun", (string_of_int no) ; "id",id ; "sort",sort]
+ [< List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,fi,ti,bi) i ->
+ [< X.xml_nempty "CofixFunction" ["id",id ; "name", fi]
+ [< X.xml_nempty "type" [] [< aux ti >] ;
+ X.xml_nempty "body" [] [< aux bi >]
+ >] ;
+ i
+ >]
+ ) funs [<>]
+ >]
+ and aux_subst buri target subst =
+(*CSC: I have now no way to assign an ID to the explicit named substitution *)
+ let id = None in
+ if subst = [] then
+ target
+ else
+ Xml.xml_nempty "instantiate"
+ (match id with None -> [] | Some id -> ["id",id])
+ [< target ;
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun i (uri,arg) ->
+ let relUri =
+ let buri_frags =
+ Str.split (Str.regexp "/") (UriManager.string_of_uri buri) in
+ let uri_frags =
+ Str.split (Str.regexp "/") (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) in
+ let rec find_relUri buri_frags uri_frags =
+ match buri_frags,uri_frags with
+ [_], _ -> String.concat "/" uri_frags
+ | he1::tl1, he2::tl2 ->
+ assert (he1 = he2) ;
+ find_relUri tl1 tl2
+ | _,_ -> assert false (* uri is not relative to buri *)
+ in
+ find_relUri buri_frags uri_frags
+ in
+ [< i ; Xml.xml_nempty "arg" ["relUri", relUri] (aux arg) >]
+ ) [<>] subst
+ >]
+ in
+ aux
+let print_object uri ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter obj =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module X = Xml in
+ let module U = UriManager in
+ let dtdname = dtdname ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter "cic.dtd" in
+ match obj with
+ C.ACurrentProof (id,idbody,n,conjectures,bo,ty,params) ->
+ let params' = param_attribute_of_params params in
+ let xml_for_current_proof_body =
+(*CSC: Should the CurrentProof also have the list of variables it depends on? *)
+(*CSC: I think so. Not implemented yet. *)
+ X.xml_nempty "CurrentProof"
+ ["of",UriManager.string_of_uri uri ; "id", id]
+ [< List.fold_left
+ (fun i (cid,n,canonical_context,t) ->
+ [< i ;
+ X.xml_nempty "Conjecture"
+ ["id", cid ; "no",(string_of_int n)]
+ [< List.fold_left
+ (fun i (hid,t) ->
+ [< (match t with
+ Some (n,C.ADecl t) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "Decl"
+ (match n with
+ C.Name n' -> ["id",hid;"name",n']
+ | C.Anonymous -> ["id",hid])
+ (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts t)
+ | Some (n,C.ADef t) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "Def"
+ (match n with
+ C.Name n' -> ["id",hid;"name",n']
+ | C.Anonymous -> ["id",hid])
+ (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts t)
+ | None -> X.xml_empty "Hidden" ["id",hid]
+ ) ;
+ i
+ >]
+ ) [< >] canonical_context ;
+ X.xml_nempty "Goal" []
+ (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts t)
+ >]
+ >])
+ [<>] conjectures ;
+ X.xml_nempty "body" [] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts bo) >]
+ in
+ let xml_for_current_proof_type =
+ X.xml_nempty "ConstantType" ["name",n ; "params",params' ; "id", id]
+ (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts ty)
+ in
+ let xmlbo =
+ [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
+ X.xml_cdata ("<!DOCTYPE CurrentProof SYSTEM \""^ dtdname ^ "\">\n");
+ xml_for_current_proof_body
+ >] in
+ let xmlty =
+ [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
+ X.xml_cdata ("<!DOCTYPE ConstantType SYSTEM \""^ dtdname ^ "\">\n");
+ xml_for_current_proof_type
+ >]
+ in
+ xmlty, Some xmlbo
+ | C.AConstant (id,idbody,n,bo,ty,params) ->
+ let params' = param_attribute_of_params params in
+ let xmlbo =
+ match bo with
+ None -> None
+ | Some bo ->
+ Some
+ [< X.xml_cdata
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
+ X.xml_cdata
+ ("<!DOCTYPE ConstantBody SYSTEM \"" ^ dtdname ^ "\">\n") ;
+ X.xml_nempty "ConstantBody"
+ ["for",UriManager.string_of_uri uri ; "params",params' ;
+ "id", id]
+ [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts bo >]
+ >]
+ in
+ let xmlty =
+ [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
+ X.xml_cdata ("<!DOCTYPE ConstantType SYSTEM \""^ dtdname ^ "\">\n");
+ X.xml_nempty "ConstantType"
+ ["name",n ; "params",params' ; "id", id]
+ [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts ty >]
+ >]
+ in
+ xmlty, xmlbo
+ | C.AVariable (id,n,bo,ty,params) ->
+ let params' = param_attribute_of_params params in
+ let xmlbo =
+ match bo with
+ None -> [< >]
+ | Some bo ->
+ X.xml_nempty "body" [] [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts bo >]
+ in
+ let aobj =
+ [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
+ X.xml_cdata ("<!DOCTYPE Variable SYSTEM \"" ^ dtdname ^ "\">\n");
+ X.xml_nempty "Variable"
+ ["name",n ; "params",params' ; "id", id]
+ [< xmlbo ;
+ X.xml_nempty "type" [] (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts ty)
+ >]
+ >]
+ in
+ aobj, None
+ | C.AInductiveDefinition (id,tys,params,nparams) ->
+ let params' = param_attribute_of_params params in
+ [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
+ X.xml_cdata
+ ("<!DOCTYPE InductiveDefinition SYSTEM \"" ^ dtdname ^ "\">\n") ;
+ X.xml_nempty "InductiveDefinition"
+ ["noParams",string_of_int nparams ;
+ "id",id ;
+ "params",params']
+ [< (List.fold_left
+ (fun i (id,typename,finite,arity,cons) ->
+ [< i ;
+ X.xml_nempty "InductiveType"
+ ["id",id ; "name",typename ;
+ "inductive",(string_of_bool finite)
+ ]
+ [< X.xml_nempty "arity" []
+ (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts arity) ;
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun i (name,lc) ->
+ [< i ;
+ X.xml_nempty "Constructor"
+ ["name",name]
+ (print_term ids_to_inner_sorts lc)
+ >]) [<>] cons
+ )
+ >]
+ >]
+ ) [< >] tys
+ )
+ >]
+ >], None
+ print_inner_types curi ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types
+ ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter
+ let module C2A = Cic2acic in
+ let module X = Xml in
+ let dtdname = dtdname ~ask_dtd_to_the_getter "cictypes.dtd" in
+ [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
+ X.xml_cdata
+ ("<!DOCTYPE InnerTypes SYSTEM \"" ^ dtdname ^ "\">\n") ;
+ X.xml_nempty "InnerTypes" ["of",UriManager.string_of_uri curi]
+ (Hashtbl.fold
+ (fun id {C2A.annsynthesized = synty ; C2A.annexpected = expty} x ->
+ [< x ;
+ X.xml_nempty "TYPE" ["of",id]
+ [< X.xml_nempty "synthesized" []
+ [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts synty >] ;
+ match expty with
+ None -> [<>]
+ | Some expty' -> X.xml_nempty "expected" [] [< print_term ids_to_inner_sorts expty' >]
+ >]
+ >]
+ ) ids_to_inner_types [<>]
+ )
+ >]
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+exception ImpossiblePossible
+exception NotImplemented
+val print_term :
+ ids_to_inner_sorts: (string, string) Hashtbl.t ->
+ Cic.annterm -> Xml.token Stream.t
+val print_object :
+ UriManager.uri ->
+ ids_to_inner_sorts: (string, string) Hashtbl.t ->
+ ask_dtd_to_the_getter:bool ->
+ Cic.annobj -> Xml.token Stream.t * Xml.token Stream.t option
+val print_inner_types :
+ UriManager.uri ->
+ ids_to_inner_sorts: (string, string) Hashtbl.t ->
+ ids_to_inner_types: (string, Cic2acic.anntypes) Hashtbl.t ->
+ ask_dtd_to_the_getter:bool ->
+ Xml.token Stream.t
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+type anntypes =
+ {annsynthesized : Cic.annterm ; annexpected : Cic.annterm option}
+let gen_id seed =
+ let res = "i" ^ string_of_int !seed in
+ incr seed ;
+ res
+let fresh_id seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids =
+ fun father t ->
+ let res = gen_id seed in
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_father_ids res father ;
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_terms res t ;
+ res
+let source_id_of_id id = "#source#" ^ id;;
+exception NotEnoughElements;;
+exception NameExpected;;
+(*CSC: cut&paste da cicPp.ml *)
+(* get_nth l n returns the nth element of the list l if it exists or *)
+(* raises NotEnoughElements if l has less than n elements *)
+let rec get_nth l n =
+ match (n,l) with
+ (1, he::_) -> he
+ | (n, he::tail) when n > 1 -> get_nth tail (n-1)
+ | (_,_) -> raise NotEnoughElements
+let acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
+ ids_to_inner_types metasenv context idrefs t expectedty
+ let module D = DoubleTypeInference in
+ let module T = CicTypeChecker in
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let fresh_id' = fresh_id seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids in
+ let terms_to_types =
+ D.double_type_of metasenv context t expectedty
+ in
+ let rec aux computeinnertypes father context idrefs tt =
+ let fresh_id'' = fresh_id' father tt in
+ (*CSC: computeinnertypes era true, il che e' proprio sbagliato, no? *)
+ let aux' = aux computeinnertypes (Some fresh_id'') in
+ (* First of all we compute the inner type and the inner sort *)
+ (* of the term. They may be useful in what follows. *)
+ (*CSC: This is a very inefficient way of computing inner types *)
+ (*CSC: and inner sorts: very deep terms have their types/sorts *)
+ (*CSC: computed again and again. *)
+ let string_of_sort t =
+ match CicReduction.whd context t with
+ C.Sort C.Prop -> "Prop"
+ | C.Sort C.Set -> "Set"
+ | C.Sort C.Type -> "Type"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let ainnertypes,innertype,innersort,expected_available =
+(*CSC: Here we need the algorithm for Coscoy's double type-inference *)
+(*CSC: (expected type + inferred type). Just for now we use the usual *)
+(*CSC: type-inference, but the result is very poor. As a very weak *)
+(*CSC: patch, I apply whd to the computed type. Full beta *)
+(*CSC: reduction would be a much better option. *)
+ let {D.synthesized = synthesized; D.expected = expected} =
+ if computeinnertypes then
+ D.CicHash.find terms_to_types tt
+ else
+ (* We are already in an inner-type and Coscoy's double *)
+ (* type inference algorithm has not been applied. *)
+ {D.synthesized =
+ CicReduction.whd context (T.type_of_aux' metasenv context tt) ;
+ D.expected = None}
+ in
+ let innersort = T.type_of_aux' metasenv context synthesized in
+ let ainnertypes,expected_available =
+ if computeinnertypes then
+ let annexpected,expected_available =
+ match expected with
+ None -> None,false
+ | Some expectedty' ->
+ Some
+ (aux false (Some fresh_id'') context idrefs expectedty'),
+ true
+ in
+ Some
+ {annsynthesized =
+ aux false (Some fresh_id'') context idrefs synthesized ;
+ annexpected = annexpected
+ }, expected_available
+ else
+ None,false
+ in
+ ainnertypes,synthesized, string_of_sort innersort, expected_available
+ in
+ let add_inner_type id =
+ match ainnertypes with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some ainnertypes -> Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_types id ainnertypes
+ in
+ match tt with
+ C.Rel n ->
+ let id =
+ match get_nth context n with
+ (Some (C.Name s,_)) -> s
+ | _ -> raise NameExpected
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" && expected_available then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
+ C.ARel (fresh_id'', List.nth idrefs (n-1), n, id)
+ | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" && expected_available then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map
+ (function i,t -> i, (aux' context idrefs t)) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.AVar (fresh_id'', uri,exp_named_subst')
+ | C.Meta (n,l) ->
+ let (_,canonical_context,_) =
+ List.find (function (m,_,_) -> n = m) metasenv
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" && expected_available then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
+ C.AMeta (fresh_id'', n,
+ (List.map2
+ (fun ct t ->
+ match (ct, t) with
+ | None, _ -> None
+ | _, Some t -> Some (aux' context idrefs t)
+ | Some _, None -> assert false (* due to typing rules *))
+ canonical_context l))
+ | C.Sort s -> C.ASort (fresh_id'', s)
+ | C.Implicit -> C.AImplicit (fresh_id'')
+ | C.Cast (v,t) ->
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
+ C.ACast (fresh_id'', aux' context idrefs v, aux' context idrefs t)
+ | C.Prod (n,s,t) ->
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id''
+ (string_of_sort innertype) ;
+ let sourcetype = T.type_of_aux' metasenv context s in
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts (source_id_of_id fresh_id'')
+ (string_of_sort sourcetype) ;
+ let n' =
+ match n with
+ C.Anonymous -> n
+ | C.Name n' ->
+ if D.does_not_occur 1 t then
+ C.Anonymous
+ else
+ C.Name n'
+ in
+ C.AProd
+ (fresh_id'', n', aux' context idrefs s,
+ aux' ((Some (n, C.Decl s))::context) (fresh_id''::idrefs) t)
+ | C.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ let sourcetype = T.type_of_aux' metasenv context s in
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts (source_id_of_id fresh_id'')
+ (string_of_sort sourcetype) ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" then
+ begin
+ let father_is_lambda =
+ match father with
+ None -> false
+ | Some father' ->
+ match Hashtbl.find ids_to_terms father' with
+ C.Lambda _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ if (not father_is_lambda) || expected_available then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id''
+ end ;
+ C.ALambda
+ (fresh_id'',n, aux' context idrefs s,
+ aux' ((Some (n, C.Decl s)::context)) (fresh_id''::idrefs) t)
+ | C.LetIn (n,s,t) ->
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
+ C.ALetIn
+ (fresh_id'', n, aux' context idrefs s,
+ aux' ((Some (n, C.Def s))::context) (fresh_id''::idrefs) t)
+ | C.Appl l ->
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
+ C.AAppl (fresh_id'', List.map (aux' context idrefs) l)
+ | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" && expected_available then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map
+ (function i,t -> i, (aux' context idrefs t)) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.AConst (fresh_id'', uri, exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutInd (uri,tyno,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map
+ (function i,t -> i, (aux' context idrefs t)) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.AMutInd (fresh_id'', uri, tyno, exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutConstruct (uri,tyno,consno,exp_named_subst) ->
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" && expected_available then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map
+ (function i,t -> i, (aux' context idrefs t)) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.AMutConstruct (fresh_id'', uri, tyno, consno, exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutCase (uri, tyno, outty, term, patterns) ->
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
+ C.AMutCase (fresh_id'', uri, tyno, aux' context idrefs outty,
+ aux' context idrefs term, List.map (aux' context idrefs) patterns)
+ | C.Fix (funno, funs) ->
+ let fresh_idrefs =
+ List.map (function _ -> gen_id seed) funs in
+ let new_idrefs = List.rev fresh_idrefs @ idrefs in
+ let tys =
+ List.map (fun (name,_,ty,_) -> Some (C.Name name, C.Decl ty)) funs
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
+ C.AFix (fresh_id'', funno,
+ List.map2
+ (fun id (name, indidx, ty, bo) ->
+ (id, name, indidx, aux' context idrefs ty,
+ aux' (tys@context) new_idrefs bo)
+ ) fresh_idrefs funs
+ )
+ | C.CoFix (funno, funs) ->
+ let fresh_idrefs =
+ List.map (function _ -> gen_id seed) funs in
+ let new_idrefs = List.rev fresh_idrefs @ idrefs in
+ let tys =
+ List.map (fun (name,ty,_) -> Some (C.Name name, C.Decl ty)) funs
+ in
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_inner_sorts fresh_id'' innersort ;
+ if innersort = "Prop" then
+ add_inner_type fresh_id'' ;
+ C.ACoFix (fresh_id'', funno,
+ List.map2
+ (fun id (name, ty, bo) ->
+ (id, name, aux' context idrefs ty,
+ aux' (tys@context) new_idrefs bo)
+ ) fresh_idrefs funs
+ )
+ in
+ aux true None context idrefs t
+let acic_of_cic_context metasenv context idrefs t =
+ let ids_to_terms = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_inner_sorts = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_inner_types = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let seed = ref 0 in
+ acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
+ ids_to_inner_types metasenv context idrefs t,
+ ids_to_terms, ids_to_father_ids, ids_to_inner_sorts, ids_to_inner_types
+let acic_object_of_cic_object obj =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let ids_to_terms = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_inner_sorts = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_inner_types = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_conjectures = Hashtbl.create 11 in
+ let ids_to_hypotheses = Hashtbl.create 127 in
+ let hypotheses_seed = ref 0 in
+ let conjectures_seed = ref 0 in
+ let seed = ref 0 in
+ let acic_term_of_cic_term_context' =
+ acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids ids_to_inner_sorts
+ ids_to_inner_types in
+ let acic_term_of_cic_term' = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' [] [] [] in
+ let aobj =
+ match obj with
+ C.Constant (id,Some bo,ty,params) ->
+ let abo = acic_term_of_cic_term' bo (Some ty) in
+ let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None in
+ C.AConstant
+ ("mettereaposto",Some "mettereaposto2",id,Some abo,aty, params)
+ | C.Constant (id,None,ty,params) ->
+ let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None in
+ C.AConstant
+ ("mettereaposto",None,id,None,aty, params)
+ | C.Variable (id,bo,ty,params) ->
+ let abo =
+ match bo with
+ None -> None
+ | Some bo -> Some (acic_term_of_cic_term' bo (Some ty))
+ in
+ let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None in
+ C.AVariable
+ ("mettereaposto",id,abo,aty, params)
+ | C.CurrentProof (id,conjectures,bo,ty,params) ->
+ let aconjectures =
+ List.map
+ (function (i,canonical_context,term) as conjecture ->
+ let cid = "c" ^ string_of_int !conjectures_seed in
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_conjectures cid conjecture ;
+ incr conjectures_seed ;
+ let idrefs',revacanonical_context =
+ let rec aux context idrefs =
+ function
+ [] -> idrefs,[]
+ | hyp::tl ->
+ let hid = "h" ^ string_of_int !hypotheses_seed in
+ let new_idrefs = hid::idrefs in
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_hypotheses hid hyp ;
+ incr hypotheses_seed ;
+ match hyp with
+ (Some (n,C.Decl t)) ->
+ let final_idrefs,atl =
+ aux (hyp::context) new_idrefs tl in
+ let at =
+ acic_term_of_cic_term_context'
+ conjectures context idrefs t None
+ in
+ final_idrefs,(hid,Some (n,C.ADecl at))::atl
+ | (Some (n,C.Def t)) ->
+ let final_idrefs,atl =
+ aux (hyp::context) new_idrefs tl in
+ let at =
+ acic_term_of_cic_term_context'
+ conjectures context idrefs t None
+ in
+ final_idrefs,(hid,Some (n,C.ADef at))::atl
+ | None ->
+ let final_idrefs,atl =
+ aux (hyp::context) new_idrefs tl
+ in
+ final_idrefs,(hid,None)::atl
+ in
+ aux [] [] (List.rev canonical_context)
+ in
+ let aterm =
+ acic_term_of_cic_term_context' conjectures
+ canonical_context idrefs' term None
+ in
+ (cid,i,(List.rev revacanonical_context),aterm)
+ ) conjectures in
+ let abo =
+ acic_term_of_cic_term_context' conjectures [] [] bo (Some ty) in
+ let aty = acic_term_of_cic_term_context' conjectures [] [] ty None in
+ C.ACurrentProof
+ ("mettereaposto","mettereaposto2",id,aconjectures,abo,aty,params)
+ | C.InductiveDefinition (tys,params,paramsno) ->
+ let context =
+ List.map
+ (fun (name,_,arity,_) -> Some (C.Name name, C.Decl arity)) tys in
+ let idrefs = List.map (function _ -> gen_id seed) tys in
+ let atys =
+ List.map2
+ (fun id (name,inductive,ty,cons) ->
+ let acons =
+ List.map
+ (function (name,ty) ->
+ (name,
+ acic_term_of_cic_term_context' [] context idrefs ty None)
+ ) cons
+ in
+ (id,name,inductive,acic_term_of_cic_term' ty None,acons)
+ ) (List.rev idrefs) tys
+ in
+ C.AInductiveDefinition ("mettereaposto",atys,params,paramsno)
+ in
+ aobj,ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_inner_sorts,ids_to_inner_types,
+ ids_to_conjectures,ids_to_hypotheses
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+exception NotEnoughElements
+exception NameExpected
+val source_id_of_id : string -> string
+type anntypes =
+ {annsynthesized : Cic.annterm ; annexpected : Cic.annterm option}
+val acic_of_cic_context' :
+ int ref -> (* seed *)
+ (Cic.id, Cic.term) Hashtbl.t -> (* ids_to_terms *)
+ (Cic.id, Cic.id option) Hashtbl.t -> (* ids_to_father_ids *)
+ (Cic.id, string) Hashtbl.t -> (* ids_to_inner_sorts *)
+ (Cic.id, anntypes) Hashtbl.t -> (* ids_to_inner_types *)
+ Cic.metasenv -> (* metasenv *)
+ Cic.context -> (* context *)
+ Cic.id list -> (* idrefs *)
+ Cic.term -> (* term *)
+ Cic.term option -> (* expected type *)
+ Cic.annterm (* annotated term *)
+val acic_object_of_cic_object :
+ Cic.obj -> (* object *)
+ Cic.annobj * (* annotated object *)
+ (Cic.id, Cic.term) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_terms *)
+ (Cic.id, Cic.id option) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_father_ids *)
+ (Cic.id, string) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_inner_sorts *)
+ (Cic.id, anntypes) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_inner_types *)
+ (Cic.id, Cic.conjecture) Hashtbl.t * (* ids_to_conjectures *)
+ (Cic.id, Cic.hypothesis) Hashtbl.t (* ids_to_hypotheses *)
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 16/62003 *)
+(* *)
+type id = string;;
+type recursion_kind = NoRecursive | Recursive | CoRecursive;;
+type 'term cobj =
+ Def of id * id option * string * (* name, *)
+ 'term option * 'term * (* body, type, *)
+ UriManager.uri list (* parameters *)
+ | Theorem of id * id option * string * (* name, *)
+ ('term proof) option * 'term * (* body, type, *)
+ UriManager.uri list (* parameters *)
+ | Variable of id *
+ string * 'term option * 'term * (* name, body, type *)
+ UriManager.uri list
+(* (* parameters *)
+ | CurrentProof of id * id *
+ string * annmetasenv * (* name, conjectures, *)
+ 'term proof * 'term * UriManager.uri list (* value,type,parameters *)
+ | InductiveDefinition of id *
+ 'term cinductiveType list * (* inductive types , *)
+ UriManager.uri list * int (* parameters,n ind. pars *)
+and 'term cinductiveType =
+ id * string * bool * 'term * (* typename, inductive, arity *)
+ 'term cconstructor list (* constructors *)
+and 'term cconstructor =
+ string * 'term (* id, type *)
+ 'term proof =
+ { proof_name : string option;
+ proof_id : string ;
+ proof_kind : recursion_kind ;
+ proof_context : ('term context_element) list ;
+ proof_apply_context: ('term proof) list;
+ proof_conclude : 'term conclude_item;
+ }
+ 'term context_element =
+ Declaration of 'term declaration
+ | Hypothesis of 'term declaration
+ | Proof of 'term proof
+ | Definition of 'term definition
+ | Joint of 'term joint
+ 'term declaration =
+ { dec_name : string option;
+ dec_id : string ;
+ dec_inductive : bool;
+ dec_aref : string;
+ dec_type : 'term
+ }
+ 'term definition =
+ { def_name : string option;
+ def_id : string ;
+ def_aref : string ;
+ def_term : 'term
+ }
+ 'term joint =
+ { joint_id : string ;
+ joint_kind : recursion_kind ;
+ joint_defs : 'term context_element list
+ }
+ 'term conclude_item =
+ { conclude_id :string;
+ conclude_aref : string;
+ conclude_method : string;
+ conclude_args : ('term arg) list ;
+ conclude_conclusion : 'term option
+ }
+ 'term arg =
+ Aux of int
+ | Premise of premise
+ | Term of 'term
+ | ArgProof of 'term proof
+ | ArgMethod of string (* ???? *)
+ premise =
+ { premise_id: string;
+ premise_xref : string ;
+ premise_binder : string option;
+ premise_n : int option;
+ }
+(* e se mettessi la conversione di BY nell'apply_context ? *)
+(* sarebbe carino avere l'invariante che la proof2pres
+generasse sempre prove con contesto vuoto *)
+let gen_id seed =
+ let res = "p" ^ string_of_int !seed in
+ incr seed ;
+ res
+let name_of = function
+ Cic.Anonymous -> None
+ | Cic.Name b -> Some b;;
+exception Not_a_proof;;
+exception NotImplemented;;
+exception NotApplicable;;
+exception ToDo;;
+(* we do not care for positivity, here, that in any case is enforced by
+ well typing. Just a brutal search *)
+let rec occur uri =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ function
+ C.Rel _ -> false
+ | C.Var _ -> false
+ | C.Meta _ -> false
+ | C.Sort _ -> false
+ | C.Implicit -> raise NotImplemented
+ | C.Prod (_,s,t) -> (occur uri s) or (occur uri t)
+ | C.Cast (te,ty) -> (occur uri te)
+ | C.Lambda (_,s,t) -> (occur uri s) or (occur uri t) (* or false ?? *)
+ | C.LetIn (_,s,t) -> (occur uri s) or (occur uri t)
+ | C.Appl l ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun b a ->
+ if b then b
+ else (occur uri a)) false l
+ | C.Const (_,_) -> false
+ | C.MutInd (uri1,_,_) -> if uri = uri1 then true else false
+ | C.MutConstruct (_,_,_,_) -> false
+ | C.MutCase _ -> false (* presuming too much?? *)
+ | C.Fix _ -> false (* presuming too much?? *)
+ | C.CoFix (_,_) -> false (* presuming too much?? *)
+let get_id =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ function
+ C.ARel (id,_,_,_) -> id
+ | C.AVar (id,_,_) -> id
+ | C.AMeta (id,_,_) -> id
+ | C.ASort (id,_) -> id
+ | C.AImplicit _ -> raise NotImplemented
+ | C.AProd (id,_,_,_) -> id
+ | C.ACast (id,_,_) -> id
+ | C.ALambda (id,_,_,_) -> id
+ | C.ALetIn (id,_,_,_) -> id
+ | C.AAppl (id,_) -> id
+ | C.AConst (id,_,_) -> id
+ | C.AMutInd (id,_,_,_) -> id
+ | C.AMutConstruct (id,_,_,_,_) -> id
+ | C.AMutCase (id,_,_,_,_,_) -> id
+ | C.AFix (id,_,_) -> id
+ | C.ACoFix (id,_,_) -> id
+let test_for_lifting ~ids_to_inner_types =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module C2A = Cic2acic in
+ (* atomic terms are never lifted, according to my policy *)
+ function
+ C.ARel (id,_,_,_) -> false
+ | C.AVar (id,_,_) -> false
+ | C.AMeta (id,_,_) -> false
+ | C.ASort (id,_) -> false
+ | C.AImplicit _ -> raise NotImplemented
+ | C.AProd (id,_,_,_) -> false
+ | C.ACast (id,_,_) ->
+ (try
+ ignore (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized;
+ true;
+ with notfound -> false)
+ | C.ALambda (id,_,_,_) ->
+ (try
+ ignore (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized;
+ true;
+ with notfound -> false)
+ | C.ALetIn (id,_,_,_) ->
+ (try
+ ignore (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized;
+ true;
+ with notfound -> false)
+ | C.AAppl (id,_) ->
+ (try
+ ignore (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized;
+ true;
+ with notfound -> false)
+ | C.AConst (id,_,_) ->
+ (try
+ ignore (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized;
+ true;
+ with notfound -> false)
+ | C.AMutInd (id,_,_,_) -> false
+ | C.AMutConstruct (id,_,_,_,_) ->
+ (try
+ ignore (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized;
+ true;
+ with notfound -> false)
+ (* oppure: false *)
+ | C.AMutCase (id,_,_,_,_,_) ->
+ (try
+ ignore (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized;
+ true;
+ with notfound -> false)
+ | C.AFix (id,_,_) ->
+ (try
+ ignore (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized;
+ true;
+ with notfound -> false)
+ | C.ACoFix (id,_,_) ->
+ (try
+ ignore (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized;
+ true;
+ with notfound -> false)
+let build_args seed l subproofs ~ids_to_inner_types ~ids_to_inner_sorts =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let rec aux l subrpoofs =
+ match l with
+ [] -> []
+ | t::l1 ->
+ if (test_for_lifting t ~ids_to_inner_types) then
+ (match subproofs with
+ [] -> assert false
+ | p::tl ->
+ let new_arg =
+ Premise
+ { premise_id = gen_id seed;
+ premise_xref = p.proof_id;
+ premise_binder = p.proof_name;
+ premise_n = None
+ }
+ in new_arg::(aux l1 tl))
+ else
+ let hd =
+ (match t with
+ C.ARel (idr,idref,n,b) ->
+ let sort =
+ (try Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts idr
+ with notfound -> "Type") in
+ if sort ="Prop" then
+ Premise
+ { premise_id = gen_id seed;
+ premise_xref = idr;
+ premise_binder = Some b;
+ premise_n = Some n
+ }
+ else (Term t)
+ | _ -> (Term t)) in
+ hd::(aux l1 subproofs)
+ in aux l subproofs
+(* transform a proof p into a proof list, concatenating the last
+conclude element to the apply_context list, in case context is
+empty. Otherwise, it just returns [p] *)
+let flat seed p =
+ if (p.proof_context = []) then
+ if p.proof_apply_context = [] then [p]
+ else
+ let p1 =
+ { proof_name = p.proof_name;
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [];
+ proof_apply_context = [];
+ proof_conclude = p.proof_conclude;
+ } in
+ p.proof_apply_context@[p1]
+ else
+ [p]
+let rec serialize seed =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | p::tl -> (flat seed p)@(serialize seed tl);;
+(* top_down = true if the term is a LAMBDA or a decl *)
+let generate_conversion seed top_down id inner_proof ~ids_to_inner_types =
+ let module C2A = Cic2acic in
+ let exp = (try ((Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annexpected)
+ with Not_found -> None)
+ in
+ match exp with
+ None -> inner_proof
+ | Some expty ->
+ if inner_proof.proof_conclude.conclude_method = "Intros+LetTac" then
+ { proof_name = None ;
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [] ;
+ proof_apply_context = [];
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "TD_Conversion";
+ conclude_args = [ArgProof inner_proof];
+ conclude_conclusion = Some expty
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ { proof_name = None ;
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [] ;
+ proof_apply_context = [inner_proof];
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "BU_Conversion";
+ conclude_args =
+ [Premise
+ { premise_id = gen_id seed;
+ premise_xref = inner_proof.proof_id;
+ premise_binder = None;
+ premise_n = None
+ }
+ ];
+ conclude_conclusion = Some expty
+ };
+ }
+let generate_exact seed t id name ~ids_to_inner_types =
+ let module C2A = Cic2acic in
+ { proof_name = name;
+ proof_id = id ;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [] ;
+ proof_apply_context = [];
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "Exact";
+ conclude_args = [Term t];
+ conclude_conclusion =
+ try Some (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound -> None
+ };
+ }
+let generate_intros_let_tac seed id n s is_intro inner_proof name ~ids_to_inner_types =
+ let module C2A = Cic2acic in
+ let module C = Cic in
+ { proof_name = name;
+ proof_id = id ;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [] ;
+ proof_apply_context = [];
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "Intros+LetTac";
+ conclude_args = [ArgProof inner_proof];
+ conclude_conclusion =
+ try Some
+ (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound ->
+ (match inner_proof.proof_conclude.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> None
+ | Some t ->
+ if is_intro then Some (C.AProd ("gen"^id,n,s,t))
+ else Some (C.ALetIn ("gen"^id,n,s,t)))
+ };
+ }
+let build_decl_item seed id n s ~ids_to_inner_sorts =
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts (Cic2acic.source_id_of_id id) in
+ if sort = "Prop" then
+ Hypothesis
+ { dec_name = name_of n;
+ dec_id = gen_id seed;
+ dec_inductive = false;
+ dec_aref = id;
+ dec_type = s
+ }
+ else
+ Declaration
+ { dec_name = name_of n;
+ dec_id = gen_id seed;
+ dec_inductive = false;
+ dec_aref = id;
+ dec_type = s
+ }
+let rec build_def_item seed id n t ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types =
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ if sort = "Prop" then
+ Proof (acic2content seed ~name:(name_of n) ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types t)
+ else
+ Definition
+ { def_name = name_of n;
+ def_id = gen_id seed;
+ def_aref = id;
+ def_term = t
+ }
+(* the following function must be called with an object of sort
+Prop. For debugging purposes this is tested again, possibly raising an
+Not_a_proof exception *)
+and acic2content seed ?(name = None) ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types t =
+ let rec aux ?(name = None) t =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module X = Xml in
+ let module U = UriManager in
+ let module C2A = Cic2acic in
+ let t1 =
+ match t with
+ C.ARel (id,idref,n,b) as t ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ if sort = "Prop" then
+ generate_exact seed t id name ~ids_to_inner_types
+ else raise Not_a_proof
+ | C.AVar (id,uri,exp_named_subst) as t ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ if sort = "Prop" then
+ generate_exact seed t id name ~ids_to_inner_types
+ else raise Not_a_proof
+ | C.AMeta (id,n,l) as t ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ if sort = "Prop" then
+ generate_exact seed t id name ~ids_to_inner_types
+ else raise Not_a_proof
+ | C.ASort (id,s) -> raise Not_a_proof
+ | C.AImplicit _ -> raise NotImplemented
+ | C.AProd (_,_,_,_) -> raise Not_a_proof
+ | C.ACast (id,v,t) -> aux v
+ | C.ALambda (id,n,s,t) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ if sort = "Prop" then
+ let proof = aux t ~name:None in
+ let proof' =
+ if proof.proof_conclude.conclude_method = "Intros+LetTac" then
+ match proof.proof_conclude.conclude_args with
+ [ArgProof p] -> p
+ | _ -> assert false
+ else proof in
+ let proof'' =
+ { proof_name = None;
+ proof_id = proof'.proof_id;
+ proof_kind = proof'.proof_kind ;
+ proof_context =
+ (build_decl_item seed id n s ids_to_inner_sorts)::
+ proof'.proof_context;
+ proof_apply_context = proof'.proof_apply_context;
+ proof_conclude = proof'.proof_conclude;
+ }
+ in
+ generate_intros_let_tac seed id n s true proof'' name ~ids_to_inner_types
+ else raise Not_a_proof
+ | C.ALetIn (id,n,s,t) ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ if sort = "Prop" then
+ let proof = aux t in
+ let proof' =
+ if proof.proof_conclude.conclude_method = "Intros+LetTac" then
+ match proof.proof_conclude.conclude_args with
+ [ArgProof p] -> p
+ | _ -> assert false
+ else proof in
+ let proof'' =
+ { proof_name = name;
+ proof_id = proof'.proof_id;
+ proof_kind = proof'.proof_kind ;
+ proof_context =
+ (build_def_item seed id n s ids_to_inner_sorts
+ ids_to_inner_types)::proof'.proof_context;
+ proof_apply_context = proof'.proof_apply_context;
+ proof_conclude = proof'.proof_conclude;
+ }
+ in
+ generate_intros_let_tac seed id n s false proof'' name ~ids_to_inner_types
+ else raise Not_a_proof
+ | C.AAppl (id,li) ->
+ (try rewrite
+ seed name id li ids_to_inner_types ids_to_inner_sorts
+ with NotApplicable ->
+ try inductive
+ seed name id li ids_to_inner_types ids_to_inner_sorts
+ with NotApplicable ->
+ let args_to_lift =
+ List.filter (test_for_lifting ~ids_to_inner_types) li in
+ let subproofs =
+ match args_to_lift with
+ [_] -> List.map aux args_to_lift
+ | _ -> List.map (aux ~name:(Some "H")) args_to_lift in
+ let args = build_args seed li subproofs
+ ~ids_to_inner_types ~ids_to_inner_sorts in
+ { proof_name = name;
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [];
+ proof_apply_context = serialize seed subproofs;
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "Apply";
+ conclude_args = args;
+ conclude_conclusion =
+ try Some
+ (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound -> None
+ };
+ })
+ | C.AConst (id,uri,exp_named_subst) as t ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ if sort = "Prop" then
+ generate_exact seed t id name ~ids_to_inner_types
+ else raise Not_a_proof
+ | C.AMutInd (id,uri,i,exp_named_subst) -> raise Not_a_proof
+ | C.AMutConstruct (id,uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) as t ->
+ let sort = Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id in
+ if sort = "Prop" then
+ generate_exact seed t id name ~ids_to_inner_types
+ else raise Not_a_proof
+ | C.AMutCase (id,uri,typeno,ty,te,patterns) ->
+ let teid = get_id te in
+ let pp = List.map (function p -> (ArgProof (aux p))) patterns in
+ (match
+ (try Some (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types teid).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound -> None)
+ with
+ Some tety -> (* we must lift up the argument *)
+ let p = (aux te) in
+ { proof_name = Some "name";
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [];
+ proof_apply_context = flat seed p;
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "Case";
+ conclude_args = (Term ty)::(Term te)::pp;
+ conclude_conclusion =
+ try Some
+ (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound -> None
+ };
+ }
+ | None ->
+ { proof_name = name;
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [];
+ proof_apply_context = [];
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "Case";
+ conclude_args = (Term ty)::(Term te)::pp;
+ conclude_conclusion =
+ try Some
+ (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound -> None
+ };
+ }
+ )
+ | C.AFix (id, no, [(id1,n,_,ty,bo)]) ->
+ let proof = (aux bo) in (* must be recursive !! *)
+ { proof_name = name;
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [Proof proof];
+ proof_apply_context = [];
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "Exact";
+ conclude_args =
+ [ Premise
+ { premise_id = gen_id seed;
+ premise_xref = proof.proof_id;
+ premise_binder = proof.proof_name;
+ premise_n = Some 1;
+ }
+ ];
+ conclude_conclusion =
+ try Some
+ (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound -> None
+ };
+ }
+ | C.AFix (id, no, funs) ->
+ let proofs =
+ List.map (function (id1,n,_,ty,bo) -> (Proof (aux bo))) funs in
+ let jo =
+ { joint_id = gen_id seed;
+ joint_kind = Recursive;
+ joint_defs = proofs
+ }
+ in
+ { proof_name = name;
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [Joint jo];
+ proof_apply_context = [];
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "Exact";
+ conclude_args =
+ [ Premise
+ { premise_id = gen_id seed;
+ premise_xref = jo.joint_id;
+ premise_binder = Some "tiralo fuori";
+ premise_n = Some no;
+ }
+ ];
+ conclude_conclusion =
+ try Some
+ (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound -> None
+ };
+ }
+ | C.ACoFix (id,no,[(id1,n,ty,bo)]) ->
+ let proof = (aux bo) in (* must be recursive !! *)
+ { proof_name = name;
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [Proof proof];
+ proof_apply_context = [];
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "Exact";
+ conclude_args =
+ [ Premise
+ { premise_id = gen_id seed;
+ premise_xref = proof.proof_id;
+ premise_binder = proof.proof_name;
+ premise_n = Some 1;
+ }
+ ];
+ conclude_conclusion =
+ try Some
+ (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound -> None
+ };
+ }
+ | C.ACoFix (id,no,funs) ->
+ let proofs =
+ List.map (function (id1,n,ty,bo) -> (Proof (aux bo))) funs in
+ let jo =
+ { joint_id = gen_id seed;
+ joint_kind = Recursive;
+ joint_defs = proofs
+ }
+ in
+ { proof_name = name;
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [Joint jo];
+ proof_apply_context = [];
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "Exact";
+ conclude_args =
+ [ Premise
+ { premise_id = gen_id seed;
+ premise_xref = jo.joint_id;
+ premise_binder = Some "tiralo fuori";
+ premise_n = Some no;
+ }
+ ];
+ conclude_conclusion =
+ try Some
+ (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound -> None
+ };
+ }
+ in
+ let id = get_id t in
+ generate_conversion seed false id t1 ~ids_to_inner_types
+in aux ~name:name t
+and inductive seed name id li ids_to_inner_types ids_to_inner_sorts =
+ let aux ?(name = None) = acic2content seed ~name:None ~ids_to_inner_types ~ids_to_inner_sorts in
+ let module C2A = Cic2acic in
+ let module C = Cic in
+ match li with
+ C.AConst (idc,uri,exp_named_subst)::args ->
+ let uri_str = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
+ let suffix = Str.regexp_string "_ind.con" in
+ let len = String.length uri_str in
+ let n = (try (Str.search_backward suffix uri_str len)
+ with Not_found -> -1) in
+ if n<0 then raise NotApplicable
+ else
+ let prefix = String.sub uri_str 0 n in
+ let ind_str = (prefix ^ ".ind") in
+ let ind_uri = UriManager.uri_of_string ind_str in
+ let inductive_types,noparams =
+ (match CicEnvironment.get_obj ind_uri with
+ Cic.Constant _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.Variable _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.CurrentProof _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.InductiveDefinition (l,_,n) -> (l,n)
+ ) in
+ let rec split n l =
+ if n = 0 then ([],l) else
+ let p,a = split (n-1) (List.tl l) in
+ ((List.hd l::p),a) in
+ let params_and_IP,tail_args = split (noparams+1) args in
+ let constructors =
+ (match inductive_types with
+ [(_,_,_,l)] -> l
+ | _ -> raise NotApplicable) (* don't care for mutual ind *) in
+ let constructors1 =
+ let rec clean_up n t =
+ if n = 0 then t else
+ (match t with
+ (label,Cic.Prod (_,_,t)) -> clean_up (n-1) (label,t)
+ | _ -> assert false) in
+ List.map (clean_up noparams) constructors in
+ let no_constructors= List.length constructors in
+ let args_for_cases, other_args =
+ split no_constructors tail_args in
+ let args_to_lift =
+ List.filter (test_for_lifting ~ids_to_inner_types) other_args in
+ let subproofs =
+ match args_to_lift with
+ [_] -> List.map aux args_to_lift
+ | _ -> List.map (aux ~name:(Some "H")) args_to_lift in
+ prerr_endline "****** end subproofs *******"; flush stderr;
+ let other_method_args =
+ build_args seed other_args subproofs
+ ~ids_to_inner_types ~ids_to_inner_sorts in
+ let rparams,inductive_arg =
+ let rec aux =
+ function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | [ia] -> [],ia
+ | a::tl -> let (p,ia) = aux tl in (a::p,ia) in
+ aux other_method_args in
+ prerr_endline "****** end other *******"; flush stderr;
+ let method_args=
+ let rec build_method_args =
+ function
+ [],_-> [] (* extra args are ignored ???? *)
+ | (name,ty)::tlc,arg::tla ->
+ let idarg = get_id arg in
+ let sortarg =
+ (try (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts idarg)
+ with Not_found -> "Type") in
+ let hdarg =
+ if sortarg = "Prop" then
+ let (co,bo) =
+ let rec bc =
+ function
+ Cic.Prod (_,s,t),Cic.ALambda(idl,n,s1,t1) ->
+ let ce =
+ build_decl_item
+ seed idl n s1 ~ids_to_inner_sorts in
+ if (occur ind_uri s) then
+ ( prerr_endline ("inductive:" ^ (UriManager.string_of_uri ind_uri) ^ (CicPp.ppterm s)); flush stderr;
+ match t1 with
+ Cic.ALambda(id2,n2,s2,t2) ->
+ let inductive_hyp =
+ Hypothesis
+ { dec_name = name_of n2;
+ dec_id = gen_id seed;
+ dec_inductive = true;
+ dec_aref = id2;
+ dec_type = s2
+ } in
+ let (context,body) = bc (t,t2) in
+ (ce::inductive_hyp::context,body)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ else
+ ( prerr_endline ("no inductive:" ^ (UriManager.string_of_uri ind_uri) ^ (CicPp.ppterm s)); flush stderr;
+ let (context,body) = bc (t,t1) in
+ (ce::context,body))
+ | _ , t -> ([],aux t ~name:None) in
+ bc (ty,arg) in
+ ArgProof
+ { proof_name = Some name;
+ proof_id = bo.proof_id;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = co;
+ proof_apply_context = bo.proof_apply_context;
+ proof_conclude = bo.proof_conclude;
+ };
+ else (Term arg) in
+ hdarg::(build_method_args (tlc,tla))
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ build_method_args (constructors1,args_for_cases) in
+ { proof_name = None;
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [];
+ proof_apply_context = subproofs;
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "ByInduction";
+ conclude_args =
+ Aux no_constructors
+ ::Term (C.AAppl id ((C.AConst(idc,uri,exp_named_subst))::params_and_IP))
+ ::method_args@other_method_args;
+ conclude_conclusion =
+ try Some
+ (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound -> None
+ };
+ }
+ | _ -> raise NotApplicable
+and rewrite seed name id li ids_to_inner_types ids_to_inner_sorts =
+ let aux ?(name = None) = acic2content seed ~name:None ~ids_to_inner_types ~ids_to_inner_sorts in
+ let module C2A = Cic2acic in
+ let module C = Cic in
+ match li with
+ C.AConst (sid,uri,exp_named_subst)::args ->
+ let uri_str = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
+ if uri_str = "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq_ind.con" or
+ uri_str = "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq_ind_r.con" then
+ let subproof = aux (List.nth args 3) in
+ let method_args =
+ let rec ma_aux n = function
+ [] -> []
+ | a::tl ->
+ let hd =
+ if n = 0 then
+ Premise
+ { premise_id = gen_id seed;
+ premise_xref = subproof.proof_id;
+ premise_binder = None;
+ premise_n = None
+ }
+ else
+ let aid = get_id a in
+ let asort = (try (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts aid)
+ with Not_found -> "Type") in
+ if asort = "Prop" then
+ ArgProof (aux a)
+ else Term a in
+ hd::(ma_aux (n-1) tl) in
+ (ma_aux 3 args) in
+ { proof_name = None;
+ proof_id = gen_id seed;
+ proof_kind = NoRecursive;
+ proof_context = [];
+ proof_apply_context = [subproof];
+ proof_conclude =
+ { conclude_id = gen_id seed;
+ conclude_aref = id;
+ conclude_method = "Rewrite";
+ conclude_args =
+ Term (C.AConst (sid,uri,exp_named_subst))::method_args;
+ conclude_conclusion =
+ try Some
+ (Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_types id).C2A.annsynthesized
+ with notfound -> None
+ };
+ }
+ else raise NotApplicable
+ | _ -> raise NotApplicable
+let annobj2content ~ids_to_inner_sorts ~ids_to_inner_types =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module C2A = Cic2acic in
+ let seed = ref 0 in
+ function
+ C.ACurrentProof (id,idbody,n,conjectures,bo,ty,params) ->
+ assert false (* TO DO *)
+ | C.AConstant (id,idbody,n,bo,ty,params) ->
+ (match idbody with
+ Some idb ->
+ let sort =
+ (try Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts idb
+ with notfound -> "Type") in
+ if sort = "Prop" then
+ let proof =
+ (match bo with
+ Some body ->
+ acic2content seed ~name:None ~ids_to_inner_sorts
+ ~ids_to_inner_types body
+ | None -> assert false) in
+ Theorem(id,idbody,n,Some proof,ty,params)
+ else
+ Def(id,idbody,n,bo,ty,params)
+ | None -> Def(id,idbody,n,bo,ty,params))
+ | C.AVariable (id,n,bo,ty,params) ->
+ Variable(id,n,bo,ty,params)
+ | C.AInductiveDefinition (id,tys,params,nparams) ->
+ InductiveDefinition(id,tys,params,nparams)
+and 'term cinductiveType =
+ id * string * bool * 'term * (* typename, inductive, arity *)
+ 'term cconstructor list (* constructors *)
+and 'term cconstructor =
+ string * 'term
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 16/62003 *)
+(* *)
+type recursion_kind = NoRecursive | Recursive | CoRecursive;;
+ 'term proof =
+ { proof_name : string option;
+ proof_id : string ;
+ proof_kind : recursion_kind ;
+ proof_context : ('term context_element) list ;
+ proof_apply_context: ('term proof) list;
+ proof_conclude : 'term conclude_item;
+ }
+ 'term context_element =
+ Declaration of 'term declaration
+ | Hypothesis of 'term declaration
+ | Proof of 'term proof
+ | Definition of 'term definition
+ | Joint of 'term joint
+ 'term declaration =
+ { dec_name : string option;
+ dec_id : string ;
+ dec_inductive : bool;
+ dec_aref : string;
+ dec_type : 'term
+ }
+ 'term definition =
+ { def_name : string option;
+ def_id : string ;
+ def_aref : string ;
+ def_term : 'term
+ }
+ 'term joint =
+ { joint_id : string ;
+ joint_kind : recursion_kind ;
+ joint_defs : 'term context_element list
+ }
+ 'term conclude_item =
+ { conclude_id :string;
+ conclude_aref : string;
+ conclude_method : string;
+ conclude_args : ('term arg) list ;
+ conclude_conclusion : 'term option
+ }
+ 'term arg =
+ Aux of int
+ | Premise of premise
+ | Term of 'term
+ | ArgProof of 'term proof
+ | ArgMethod of string (* ???? *)
+ premise =
+ { premise_id: string;
+ premise_xref : string ;
+ premise_binder : string option;
+ premise_n : int option;
+ }
+val acic2content :
+ int ref -> (* seed *)
+ ?name:string option -> (* name *)
+ ids_to_inner_sorts:(Cic.id, string) Hashtbl.t ->
+ (* ids_to_inner_sorts *)
+ ids_to_inner_types:(Cic.id, Cic2acic.anntypes) Hashtbl.t ->
+ (* ids_to_inner_types *)
+ Cic.annterm -> (* annotated term *)
+ Cic.annterm proof
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 17/06/2003 *)
+(* *)
+let rec split n l =
+ if n = 0 then [],l
+ else let l1,l2 =
+ split (n-1) (List.tl l) in
+ (List.hd l)::l1,l2
+let is_big_general countterm p =
+ let maxsize = Cexpr2pres.maxsize in
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ let rec countp current_size p =
+ if current_size > maxsize then current_size
+ else
+ let c1 = (countcontext current_size p.Con.proof_context) in
+ if c1 > maxsize then c1
+ else
+ let c2 = (countapplycontext c1 p.Con.proof_apply_context) in
+ if c2 > maxsize then c2
+ else
+ countconclude c2 p.Con.proof_conclude
+ and
+ countcontext current_size c =
+ List.fold_left countcontextitem current_size c
+ and
+ countcontextitem current_size e =
+ if current_size > maxsize then maxsize
+ else
+ (match e with
+ Con.Declaration d ->
+ (match d.Con.dec_name with
+ Some s -> current_size + 4 + (String.length s)
+ | None -> prerr_endline "NO NAME!!"; assert false)
+ | Con.Hypothesis h ->
+ (match h.Con.dec_name with
+ Some s -> current_size + 4 + (String.length s)
+ | None -> prerr_endline "NO NAME!!"; assert false)
+ | Con.Proof p -> countp current_size p
+ | Con.Definition d ->
+ (match d.Con.def_name with
+ Some s ->
+ let c1 = (current_size + 4 + (String.length s)) in
+ (countterm c1 d.Con.def_term)
+ | None ->
+ prerr_endline "NO NAME!!"; assert false)
+ | Con.Joint ho -> maxsize + 1) (* we assume is big *)
+ and
+ countapplycontext current_size ac =
+ List.fold_left countp current_size ac
+ and
+ countconclude current_size co =
+ if current_size > maxsize then current_size
+ else
+ let c1 = countargs current_size co.Con.conclude_args in
+ if c1 > maxsize then c1
+ else
+ (match co.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ Some concl -> countterm c1 concl
+ | None -> c1)
+ and
+ countargs current_size args =
+ List.fold_left countarg current_size args
+ and
+ countarg current_size arg =
+ if current_size > maxsize then current_size
+ else
+ (match arg with
+ Con.Aux _ -> current_size
+ | Con.Premise prem ->
+ (match prem.Con.premise_binder with
+ Some s -> current_size + (String.length s)
+ | None -> current_size + 7)
+ | Con.Term t -> countterm current_size t
+ | Con.ArgProof p -> countp current_size p
+ | Con.ArgMethod s -> (maxsize + 1)) in
+ let size = (countp 0 p) in
+ (size > maxsize)
+let is_big = is_big_general (Cexpr2pres.countterm)
+let make_row items concl =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ (match concl with
+ P.Mtable _ -> (* big! *)
+ P.Mtable ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mrow([],items))]);
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.indented concl)])])
+ | _ -> (* small *)
+ P.Mrow([],items@[P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);concl]))
+let make_concl verb concl =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ (match concl with
+ P.Mtable _ -> (* big! *)
+ P.Mtable ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mtext([("mathcolor","Red")],verb))]);
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.indented concl)])])
+ | _ -> (* small *)
+ P.Mrow([],
+ [P.Mtext([("mathcolor","Red")],verb);
+ P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);
+ concl]))
+let make_args_for_apply term2pres args =
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ let rec make_arg_for_apply is_first arg row =
+ (match arg with
+ Con.Aux n -> assert false
+ | Con.Premise prem ->
+ let name =
+ (match prem.Con.premise_binder with
+ None -> "previous"
+ | Some s -> s) in
+ P.Mi([],name)::row
+ | Con.Term t ->
+ if is_first then
+ (term2pres t)::row
+ else P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")])::P.Mi([],"_")::row
+ | Con.ArgProof _
+ | Con.ArgMethod _ ->
+ P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")])::P.Mi([],"_")::row) in
+ match args with
+ hd::tl ->
+ make_arg_for_apply true hd
+ (List.fold_right (make_arg_for_apply false) tl [])
+ | _ -> assert false;;
+let rec justification term2pres p =
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ if ((p.Con.proof_conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Exact") or
+ ((p.Con.proof_context = []) &
+ (p.Con.proof_apply_context = []) &
+ (p.Con.proof_conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Apply"))) then
+ let pres_args =
+ make_args_for_apply term2pres p.Con.proof_conclude.Con.conclude_args in
+ P.Mrow([],
+ P.Mtext([("mathcolor","Red")],"by")::P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")])::
+ P.Mo([],"(")::pres_args@[P.Mo([],")")])
+ else proof2pres term2pres p
+and proof2pres term2pres p =
+ let rec proof2pres p =
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ let indent =
+ let is_decl e =
+ (match e with
+ Con.Declaration _
+ | Con.Hypothesis _ -> true
+ | _ -> false) in
+ ((List.filter is_decl p.Con.proof_context) != []) in
+ let concl =
+ (match p.Con.proof_conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> None
+ | Some t -> Some (term2pres t)) in
+ let body =
+ let presconclude = conclude2pres p.Con.proof_conclude indent in
+ let presacontext =
+ acontext2pres p.Con.proof_apply_context presconclude indent in
+ context2pres p.Con.proof_context presacontext in
+ P.Mtable ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ (context2pres_old p.Con.proof_context)@
+ (acontext2pres_old p.Con.proof_apply_context indent)@
+ [conclude2pres_old p.Con.proof_conclude indent]) in *)
+ match p.Con.proof_name with
+ None -> body
+ | Some name ->
+ let ac =
+ (match concl with
+ None -> P.Mtext([],"NO PROOF!!!")
+ | Some c -> c) in
+ let action =
+ P.Maction([("actiontype","toggle")],
+ [(make_concl "proof of" ac);
+ body]) in
+ P.Mtable ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mfenced([],[P.Mtext ([],name)]))]);
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([], P.indented action)])])
+ and context2pres c continuation =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun ce continuation ->
+ P.Mtable([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd ([],ce2pres ce)]);
+ P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd ([], continuation)])])) c continuation
+ and context2pres_old c =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ List.map
+ (function ce -> P.Mtr ([], [P.Mtd ([], ce2pres ce)])) c
+ and ce2pres =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ function
+ Con.Declaration d ->
+ (match d.Con.dec_name with
+ Some s ->
+ let ty = term2pres d.Con.dec_type in
+ P.Mrow ([],
+ [P.Mtext([("mathcolor","Red")],"Assume");
+ P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);
+ P.Mi([],s);
+ P.Mtext([],":");
+ ty])
+ | None ->
+ prerr_endline "NO NAME!!"; assert false)
+ | Con.Hypothesis h ->
+ (match h.Con.dec_name with
+ Some s ->
+ let ty = term2pres h.Con.dec_type in
+ P.Mrow ([],
+ [P.Mtext([("mathcolor","Red")],"Suppose");
+ P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);
+ P.Mtext([],"(");
+ P.Mi ([],s);
+ P.Mtext([],")");
+ P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);
+ ty])
+ | None ->
+ prerr_endline "NO NAME!!"; assert false)
+ | Con.Proof p -> proof2pres p
+ | Con.Definition d ->
+ (match d.Con.def_name with
+ Some s ->
+ let term = term2pres d.Con.def_term in
+ P.Mrow ([],
+ [P.Mtext([],"Let ");
+ P.Mi([],s);
+ P.Mtext([]," = ");
+ term])
+ | None ->
+ prerr_endline "NO NAME!!"; assert false)
+ | Con.Joint ho ->
+ P.Mtext ([],"jointdef")
+ and acontext2pres ac continuation indent =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun p continuation ->
+ let hd =
+ if indent then
+ P.indented (proof2pres p)
+ else
+ proof2pres p in
+ P.Mtable([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd ([],hd)]);
+ P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd ([], continuation)])])) ac continuation
+ and acontext2pres_old ac indent =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ List.map
+ (function p ->
+ if indent then
+ P.Mtr ([], [P.Mtd ([], P.indented (proof2pres p))])
+ else
+ P.Mtr ([],
+ [P.Mtd ([], proof2pres p)])) ac
+ and conclude2pres conclude indent =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ if indent then
+ P.indented (conclude_aux conclude)
+ else
+ conclude_aux conclude
+ and conclude2pres_old conclude indent =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ if indent then
+ P.Mtr ([], [P.Mtd ([], P.indented (conclude_aux conclude))])
+ else
+ P.Mtr ([],
+ [P.Mtd ([], conclude_aux conclude)])
+ and conclude_aux conclude =
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "TD_Conversion" then
+ let expected =
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> P.Mtext([],"NO EXPECTED!!!")
+ | Some c -> term2pres c) in
+ let subproof =
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
+ [Con.ArgProof p] -> p
+ | _ -> assert false) in
+ let synth =
+ (match subproof.Con.proof_conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> P.Mtext([],"NO SYNTH!!!")
+ | Some c -> (term2pres c)) in
+ P.Mtable
+ ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");("columnalign","left")],
+ [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],make_concl "we must prove" expected)]);
+ P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],make_concl "or equivalently" synth)]);
+ P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],proof2pres subproof)])])
+ else if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "BU_Conversion" then
+ let conclusion =
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> P.Mtext([],"NO Conclusion!!!")
+ | Some c -> term2pres c) in
+ make_concl "that is equivalent to" conclusion
+ else if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Exact" then
+ let conclusion =
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> P.Mtext([],"NO Conclusion!!!")
+ | Some c -> term2pres c) in
+ let arg =
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
+ [Con.Term t] -> term2pres t
+ | _ -> assert false) in
+ make_row
+ [arg;P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);P.Mtext([],"proves")] conclusion
+ else if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Intros+LetTac" then
+ let conclusion =
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> P.Mtext([],"NO Conclusion!!!")
+ | Some c -> term2pres c) in
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
+ [Con.ArgProof p] ->
+ P.Mtable
+ ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],proof2pres p)]);
+ P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],
+ (make_concl "we proved *" conclusion))])]);
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ else if (conclude.Con.conclude_method = "ByInduction") then
+ byinduction conclude
+ else if (conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Rewrite") then
+ let justif =
+ (match (List.nth conclude.Con.conclude_args 6) with
+ Con.ArgProof p -> justification term2pres p
+ | _ -> assert false) in
+ let term1 =
+ (match List.nth conclude.Con.conclude_args 2 with
+ Con.Term t -> term2pres t
+ | _ -> assert false) in
+ let term2 =
+ (match List.nth conclude.Con.conclude_args 5 with
+ Con.Term t -> term2pres t
+ | _ -> assert false) in
+ let conclusion =
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> P.Mtext([],"NO Conclusion!!!")
+ | Some c -> term2pres c) in
+ P.Mtable ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mrow([],[
+ P.Mtext([("mathcolor","Red")],"rewrite");
+ P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);term1;
+ P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);
+ P.Mtext([("mathcolor","Red")],"with");
+ P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);term2]))]);
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.indented justif)]);
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],make_concl "we proved" conclusion)])])
+ else if conclude.Con.conclude_method = "Apply" then
+ let pres_args =
+ make_args_for_apply term2pres conclude.Con.conclude_args in
+ let by =
+ P.Mrow([],
+ P.Mtext([("mathcolor","Red")],"by")::P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")])::
+ P.Mo([],"(")::pres_args@[P.Mo([],")")]) in
+ match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> P.Mrow([],[P.Mtext([],"QUA");by])
+ | Some t ->
+ let concl = (term2pres t) in
+ let ann_concl = make_concl "we proved" concl in
+ P.Mtable ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],by)]);
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],ann_concl)])])
+ else let body =
+ P.Mtable
+ ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");("columnalign","left")],
+ [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mtext([],"Apply method" ^ conclude.Con.conclude_method ^ " to"))]);
+ P.Mtr ([],
+ [P.Mtd ([],
+ (P.indented
+ (P.Mtable
+ ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ args2pres conclude.Con.conclude_args))))])]) in
+ match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> body
+ | Some t ->
+ let concl = (term2pres t) in
+ let ann_concl = make_concl "we proved" concl in
+ P.Mtable ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],body)]);
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],ann_concl)])])
+ and args2pres l =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ List.map
+ (function a -> P.Mtr ([], [P.Mtd ([], arg2pres a)])) l
+ and arg2pres =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ function
+ Con.Aux n ->
+ P.Mtext ([],"aux " ^ string_of_int n)
+ | Con.Premise prem ->
+ P.Mtext ([],"premise")
+ | Con.Term t ->
+ term2pres t
+ | Con.ArgProof p ->
+ proof2pres p
+ | Con.ArgMethod s ->
+ P.Mtext ([],"method")
+ and byinduction conclude =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ let proof_conclusion =
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> P.Mtext([],"No conclusion???")
+ | Some t -> term2pres t) in
+ let inductive_arg,args_for_cases =
+ (match conclude.Con.conclude_args with
+ Con.Aux(n)::_::tl ->
+ let l1,l2 = split n tl in
+ let last_pos = (List.length l2)-1 in
+ List.nth l2 last_pos,l1
+ | _ -> assert false) in
+ let induction_on =
+ let arg =
+ (match inductive_arg with
+ Con.Aux n ->
+ P.Mtext ([],"an aux???")
+ | Con.Premise prem ->
+ (match prem.Con.premise_binder with
+ None -> P.Mtext ([],"the previous result")
+ | Some n -> P.Mi([],n))
+ | Con.Term t ->
+ term2pres t
+ | Con.ArgProof p ->
+ P.Mtext ([],"a proof???")
+ | Con.ArgMethod s ->
+ P.Mtext ([],"a method???")) in
+ (make_concl "we proceede by induction on" arg) in
+ let to_prove =
+ (make_concl "to prove" proof_conclusion) in
+ let we_proved =
+ (make_concl "we proved" proof_conclusion) in
+ P.Mtable
+ ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");("columnalign","left")],
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],induction_on)])::
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],to_prove)])::
+ (make_cases args_for_cases) @
+ [P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],we_proved)])])
+ and make_cases args_for_cases =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ List.map
+ (fun p -> P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],make_case p)])) args_for_cases
+ and make_case =
+ let module P = Mpresentation in
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ function
+ Con.ArgProof p ->
+ let name =
+ (match p.Con.proof_name with
+ None -> P.Mtext([],"no name for case!!")
+ | Some n -> P.Mi([],n)) in
+ let indhyps,args =
+ List.partition
+ (function
+ Con.Hypothesis h -> h.Con.dec_inductive
+ | _ -> false) p.Con.proof_context in
+ let pattern_aux =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun e p ->
+ let dec =
+ (match e with
+ Con.Declaration h
+ | Con.Hypothesis h ->
+ let name =
+ (match h.Con.dec_name with
+ None -> "NO NAME???"
+ | Some n ->n) in
+ [P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);
+ P.Mi ([],name);
+ P.Mtext([],":");
+ (term2pres h.Con.dec_type)]
+ | _ -> [P.Mtext ([],"???")]) in
+ dec@p) args [] in
+ let pattern =
+ P.Mtr ([],[P.Mtd ([],P.Mrow([],
+ P.Mtext([],"Case")::P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")])::name::pattern_aux@
+ [P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);
+ P.Mtext([],"->")]))]) in
+ let subconcl =
+ (match p.Con.proof_conclude.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> P.Mtext([],"No conclusion!!!")
+ | Some t -> term2pres t) in
+ let asubconcl =
+ P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],
+ make_concl "the thesis becomes" subconcl)]) in
+ let induction_hypothesis =
+ (match indhyps with
+ [] -> []
+ | _ ->
+ let text =
+ P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([], P.indented
+ (P.Mtext([],"by induction hypothesis we know:")))]) in
+ let make_hyp =
+ function
+ Con.Hypothesis h ->
+ let name =
+ (match h.Con.dec_name with
+ None -> "no name"
+ | Some s -> s) in
+ P.indented (P.Mrow ([],
+ [P.Mtext([],"(");
+ P.Mi ([],name);
+ P.Mtext([],")");
+ P.Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);
+ term2pres h.Con.dec_type]))
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let hyps =
+ List.map
+ (function ce -> P.Mtr ([], [P.Mtd ([], make_hyp ce)]))
+ indhyps in
+ text::hyps) in
+ (* let acontext =
+ acontext2pres_old p.Con.proof_apply_context true in *)
+ let body = conclude2pres p.Con.proof_conclude true in
+ let presacontext =
+ acontext2pres p.Con.proof_apply_context body true in
+ P.Mtable ([("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");
+ ("columnalign","left")],
+ pattern::asubconcl::induction_hypothesis@
+ [P.Mtr([],[P.Mtd([],presacontext)])])
+ | _ -> assert false in
+proof2pres p
+let content2pres =
+ proof2pres
+ (function p -> Cexpr2pres.cexpr2pres_charcount (Content_expressions.acic2cexpr p))
+;; *)
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 27/6/2003 *)
+(* *)
+val proof2pres :
+ ('a -> Mpresentation.mpres) ->
+ 'a Cic2content.proof ->
+ Mpresentation.mpres
+(* val content2pres : Cic.annterm Cic2content.proof -> Mpresentation.mpres *)
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 17/06/2003 *)
+(* *)
+exception ContentPpInternalError;;
+exception NotEnoughElements;;
+(* Utility functions *)
+let string_of_name =
+ function
+ Some s -> s
+ | None -> "_"
+(* get_nth l n returns the nth element of the list l if it exists or *)
+(* raises NotEnoughElements if l has less than n elements *)
+let rec get_nth l n =
+ match (n,l) with
+ (1, he::_) -> he
+ | (n, he::tail) when n > 1 -> get_nth tail (n-1)
+ | (_,_) -> raise NotEnoughElements
+let rec blanks n =
+ if n = 0 then ""
+ else (" " ^ (blanks (n-1)));;
+let rec pproof p indent =
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ let new_indent =
+ (match p.Con.proof_name with
+ Some s ->
+ prerr_endline
+ ((blanks indent) ^ "(" ^ s ^ ")"); flush stderr ;(indent + 1)
+ | None ->indent) in
+ let new_indent1 =
+ if (p.Con.proof_context = []) then new_indent
+ else
+ (pcontext p.Con.proof_context new_indent; (new_indent + 1)) in
+ papply_context p.Con.proof_apply_context new_indent1;
+ pconclude p.Con.proof_conclude new_indent1;
+and pcontext c indent =
+ List.iter (pcontext_element indent) c
+and pcontext_element indent =
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ function
+ Con.Declaration d ->
+ (match d.Con.dec_name with
+ Some s ->
+ prerr_endline
+ ((blanks indent)
+ ^ "Assume " ^ s ^ " : "
+ ^ (CicPp.ppterm (Deannotate.deannotate_term d.Con.dec_type)));
+ flush stderr
+ | None ->
+ prerr_endline ((blanks indent) ^ "NO NAME!!"))
+ | Con.Hypothesis h ->
+ (match h.Con.dec_name with
+ Some s ->
+ prerr_endline
+ ((blanks indent)
+ ^ "Suppose " ^ s ^ " : "
+ ^ (CicPp.ppterm (Deannotate.deannotate_term h.Con.dec_type)));
+ flush stderr
+ | None ->
+ prerr_endline ((blanks indent) ^ "NO NAME!!"))
+ | Con.Proof p -> pproof p indent
+ | Con.Definition d ->
+ (match d.Con.def_name with
+ Some s ->
+ prerr_endline
+ ((blanks indent) ^ "Let " ^ s ^ " = "
+ ^ (CicPp.ppterm (Deannotate.deannotate_term d.Con.def_term)));
+ flush stderr
+ | None ->
+ prerr_endline ((blanks indent) ^ "NO NAME!!"))
+ | Con.Joint ho ->
+ prerr_endline ((blanks indent) ^ "Joint Def");
+ flush stderr
+and papply_context ac indent =
+ List.iter(function p -> (pproof p indent)) ac
+and pconclude concl indent =
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ prerr_endline ((blanks indent) ^ "Apply method " ^ concl.Con.conclude_method ^ " to");flush stderr;
+ pargs concl.Con.conclude_args indent;
+ match concl.Con.conclude_conclusion with
+ None -> prerr_endline ((blanks indent) ^"No conclude conclusion");flush stderr
+ | Some t -> prerr_endline ((blanks indent) ^ "conclude" ^ concl.Con.conclude_method ^ (CicPp.ppterm (Deannotate.deannotate_term t)));flush stderr
+and pargs args indent =
+ List.iter (parg indent) args
+and parg indent =
+ let module Con = Cic2content in
+ function
+ Con.Aux n -> prerr_endline ((blanks (indent+1)) ^ (string_of_int n));flush stderr
+ | Con.Premise prem -> prerr_endline ((blanks (indent+1)) ^ "Premise");flush stderr
+ | Con.Term t ->
+ prerr_endline ((blanks (indent+1)) ^ (CicPp.ppterm (Deannotate.deannotate_term t)));
+ flush stderr
+ | Con.ArgProof p -> pproof p (indent+1)
+ | Con.ArgMethod s -> prerr_endline ((blanks (indent+1)) ^ "A Method !!!");flush stderr
+let print_proof p = pproof p 0;
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+val print_proof: Cic.annterm Cic2content.proof -> unit
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 27/6/2003 *)
+(* *)
+(* the type cexpr is inspired by OpenMath. A few primitive constructors
+ have been added, in order to take into account some special features
+ of functional expressions. Most notably: case, let in, let rec, and
+ explicit substitutons *)
+type cexpr =
+ Symbol of string option * string * subst option * string option
+ (* h:xref, name, subst, definitionURL *)
+ | LocalVar of (string option) * string (* h:xref, name *)
+ | Meta of string option * string (* h:xref, name *)
+ | Num of string option * string (* h:xref, value *)
+ | Appl of string option * cexpr list (* h:xref, args *)
+ | Binder of string option * string * decl * cexpr
+ (* h:xref, name, decl, body *)
+ | Letin of string option * def * cexpr (* h:xref, def, body *)
+ | Letrec of string option * def list * cexpr (* h:xref, def list, body *)
+ | Case of string option * cexpr * ((string * cexpr) list)
+ (* h:xref, case_expr, named-pattern list *)
+ decl = string * cexpr (* name, type *)
+ def = string * cexpr (* name, body *)
+ subst = (UriManager.uri * cexpr) list
+let symbol_table = Hashtbl.create 503;;
+(* eq *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#(/1/0)"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "eq",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#(/1/0)"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr (List.tl args)));;
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic_Type/eqT.ind#(/1/0)"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "eq",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eqT.ind#(/1/0)"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr (List.tl args)));;
+(* and *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/and.ind#(/1/0)"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "and",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/and.ind#(/1/0)"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+(* or *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/or.ind#(/1/0)"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "or",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/or.ind#(/1/0)"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+(* iff *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/iff.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "iff",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/iff.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+(* not *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/not.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "not",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/not.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+(* exists *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/ex.ind#(/1/0)"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ match (List.tl args) with
+ [Cic.ALambda (_,Cic.Name n,s,t)] ->
+ Binder
+ (Some aid, "Exists", (n,acic2cexpr s),acic2cexpr t)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found);;
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic_Type/exT.ind#(/1/0)"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ match (List.tl args) with
+ [Cic.ALambda (_,Cic.Name n,s,t)] ->
+ Binder
+ (Some aid, "Exists", (n,acic2cexpr s),acic2cexpr t)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found);;
+(* leq *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/le.ind#(/1/0)"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "leq",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/le.ind#(/1/0)"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rle.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "leq",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rle.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+(* lt *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/lt.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "lt",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/lt.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rlt.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "lt",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rlt.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+(* geq *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/ge.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "geq",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/ge.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rge.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "geq",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rge.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+(* gt *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/gt.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "gt",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/gt.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rgt.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "gt",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rgt.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+(* plus *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/plus.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "plus",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/plus.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/Zplus.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "plus",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/ZArith/fast_integer/Zplus.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rplus.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "plus",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rplus.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+(* times *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/mult.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "times",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Init/Peano/mult.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rmult.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "times",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Reals/Rdefinitions/Rmult.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+(* minus *)
+Hashtbl.add symbol_table "cic:/Coq/Arith/Minus/minus.con"
+ (fun aid sid args acic2cexpr ->
+ Appl
+ (Some aid, (Symbol (Some sid, "minus",
+ None, Some "cic:/Coq/Arith/Minus/mult.con"))
+ :: List.map acic2cexpr args));;
+let string_of_sort =
+ function
+ Cic.Prop -> "Prop"
+ | Cic.Set -> "Set"
+ | Cic.Type -> "Type"
+let get_constructors uri i =
+ let inductive_types =
+ (match CicEnvironment.get_obj uri with
+ Cic.Constant _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.Variable _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.CurrentProof _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.InductiveDefinition (l,_,_) -> l
+ ) in
+ let (_,_,_,constructors) = List.nth inductive_types i in
+ constructors
+exception NotImplemented;;
+let acic2cexpr ids_to_inner_sorts t =
+ let rec acic2cexpr t =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module X = Xml in
+ let module U = UriManager in
+ let module C2A = Cic2acic in
+ let make_subst =
+ function
+ [] -> None
+ | l -> Some (List.map (function (uri,t) -> (uri, acic2cexpr t)) l) in
+ match t with
+ C.ARel (id,idref,n,b) -> LocalVar (Some id,b)
+ | C.AVar (id,uri,subst) ->
+ Symbol (Some id, UriManager.name_of_uri uri,
+ make_subst subst, Some (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
+ | C.AMeta (id,n,l) -> Meta (Some id,("?" ^ (string_of_int n)))
+ | C.ASort (id,s) -> Symbol (Some id,string_of_sort s,None,None)
+ | C.AImplicit _ -> raise NotImplemented
+ | C.AProd (id,n,s,t) ->
+ (match n with
+ Cic.Anonymous ->
+ Appl (Some id, [Symbol (None, "arrow",None,None);
+ acic2cexpr s; acic2cexpr t])
+ | Cic.Name name ->
+ let sort =
+ (try Hashtbl.find ids_to_inner_sorts id
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* if the Prod does not have the sort, it means
+ that it has been generated by cic2content, and
+ thus is a statement *)
+ "Prop") in
+ let binder = if sort = "Prop" then "Forall" else "Prod" in
+ let decl = (name, acic2cexpr s) in
+ Binder (Some id,binder,decl,acic2cexpr t))
+ | C.ACast (id,v,t) -> acic2cexpr v
+ | C.ALambda (id,n,s,t) ->
+ (match n with
+ Cic.Anonymous -> assert false
+ | Cic.Name name ->
+ let decl = (name, acic2cexpr s) in
+ Binder (Some id,"Lambda",decl,acic2cexpr t))
+ | C.ALetIn (id,n,s,t) ->
+ (match n with
+ Cic.Anonymous -> assert false
+ | Cic.Name name ->
+ let def = (name, acic2cexpr s) in
+ Letin (Some id,def,acic2cexpr t))
+ | C.AAppl (aid,C.AConst (sid,uri,subst)::tl) ->
+ let uri_str = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
+ (try
+ (let f = Hashtbl.find symbol_table uri_str in
+ f aid sid tl acic2cexpr)
+ with notfound ->
+ Appl (Some aid, Symbol (Some sid,UriManager.name_of_uri uri,
+ make_subst subst, Some uri_str)::List.map acic2cexpr tl))
+ | C.AAppl (aid,C.AMutInd (sid,uri,i,subst)::tl) ->
+ let inductive_types =
+ (match CicEnvironment.get_obj uri with
+ Cic.Constant _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.Variable _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.CurrentProof _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.InductiveDefinition (l,_,_) -> l
+ ) in
+ let (name,_,_,_) = List.nth inductive_types i in
+ let uri_str = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
+ let puri_str = (uri_str ^ "#(/1/" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ ")") in
+ (try
+ (let f = Hashtbl.find symbol_table puri_str in
+ f aid sid tl acic2cexpr)
+ with notfound ->
+ Appl (Some aid, Symbol (Some sid, name,
+ make_subst subst, Some puri_str)::List.map acic2cexpr tl))
+ | C.AAppl (id,li) ->
+ Appl (Some id, List.map acic2cexpr li)
+ | C.AConst (id,uri,subst) ->
+ Symbol (Some id, UriManager.name_of_uri uri,
+ make_subst subst, Some (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
+ | C.AMutInd (id,uri,i,subst) ->
+ let inductive_types =
+ (match CicEnvironment.get_obj uri with
+ Cic.Constant _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.Variable _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.CurrentProof _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.InductiveDefinition (l,_,_) -> l
+ ) in
+ let (name,_,_,_) = List.nth inductive_types i in
+ let uri_str = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
+ let puri_str = (uri_str ^ "#(/1/" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ ")") in
+ Symbol (Some id, name, make_subst subst, Some puri_str)
+ | C.AMutConstruct (id,uri,i,j,subst) ->
+ let constructors = get_constructors uri i in
+ let (name,_) = List.nth constructors (j-1) in
+ let uri_str = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
+ let puri_str = (uri_str ^ "#(/1/" ^ (string_of_int i) ^ "/" ^ (string_of_int j) ^ ")") in
+ Symbol (Some id, name, make_subst subst, Some puri_str)
+ | C.AMutCase (id,uri,typeno,ty,te,patterns) ->
+ let constructors = get_constructors uri typeno in
+ let named_patterns =
+ List.map2 (fun c p -> (fst c, acic2cexpr p))
+ constructors patterns in
+ Case (Some id, acic2cexpr te, named_patterns)
+ | C.AFix (id, no, funs) ->
+ let defs =
+ List.map (function (id1,n,_,_,bo) -> (n, acic2cexpr bo)) funs in
+ let (name,_) = List.nth defs no in
+ let body = LocalVar (None, name) in
+ Letrec (Some id, defs, body)
+ | C.ACoFix (id,no,funs) ->
+ let defs =
+ List.map (function (id1,n,_,bo) -> (n, acic2cexpr bo)) funs in
+ let (name,_) = List.nth defs no in
+ let body = LocalVar (None, name) in
+ Letrec (Some id, defs, body) in
+ acic2cexpr t
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 27/6/2003 *)
+(* *)
+ cexpr =
+ Symbol of string option * string * (subst option) * string option
+ (* h:xref, name, subst, definitionURL *)
+ | LocalVar of string option * string (* h:xref, name *)
+ | Meta of string option * string (* h:xref, name *)
+ | Num of string option * string (* h:xref, value *)
+ | Appl of string option * cexpr list (* h:xref, args *)
+ | Binder of string option *string * decl * cexpr
+ (* h:xref, name, decl, body *)
+ | Letin of string option * def * cexpr (* h:xref, def, body *)
+ | Letrec of string option * def list * cexpr (* h:xref, def list, body *)
+ | Case of string option * cexpr * ((string * cexpr) list)
+ (* h:xref, case_expr, named-pattern list *)
+ decl = string * cexpr (* name, type *)
+ def = string * cexpr (* name, body *)
+ subst = (UriManager.uri * cexpr) list
+val acic2cexpr :
+ (Cic.id, string) Hashtbl.t -> Cic.annterm -> cexpr
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+exception Impossible of int;;
+exception NotWellTyped of string;;
+exception WrongUriToConstant of string;;
+exception WrongUriToVariable of string;;
+exception WrongUriToMutualInductiveDefinitions of string;;
+exception ListTooShort;;
+exception RelToHiddenHypothesis;;
+type types = {synthesized : Cic.term ; expected : Cic.term option};;
+(* does_not_occur n te *)
+(* returns [true] if [Rel n] does not occur in [te] *)
+let rec does_not_occur n =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ function
+ C.Rel m when m = n -> false
+ | C.Rel _
+ | C.Meta _
+ | C.Sort _
+ | C.Implicit -> true
+ | C.Cast (te,ty) ->
+ does_not_occur n te && does_not_occur n ty
+ | C.Prod (name,so,dest) ->
+ does_not_occur n so &&
+ does_not_occur (n + 1) dest
+ | C.Lambda (name,so,dest) ->
+ does_not_occur n so &&
+ does_not_occur (n + 1) dest
+ | C.LetIn (name,so,dest) ->
+ does_not_occur n so &&
+ does_not_occur (n + 1) dest
+ | C.Appl l ->
+ List.fold_right (fun x i -> i && does_not_occur n x) l true
+ | C.Var (_,exp_named_subst)
+ | C.Const (_,exp_named_subst)
+ | C.MutInd (_,_,exp_named_subst)
+ | C.MutConstruct (_,_,_,exp_named_subst) ->
+ List.fold_right (fun (_,x) i -> i && does_not_occur n x)
+ exp_named_subst true
+ | C.MutCase (_,_,out,te,pl) ->
+ does_not_occur n out && does_not_occur n te &&
+ List.fold_right (fun x i -> i && does_not_occur n x) pl true
+ | C.Fix (_,fl) ->
+ let len = List.length fl in
+ let n_plus_len = n + len in
+ let tys =
+ List.map (fun (n,_,ty,_) -> Some (C.Name n,(Cic.Decl ty))) fl
+ in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (_,_,ty,bo) i ->
+ i && does_not_occur n ty &&
+ does_not_occur n_plus_len bo
+ ) fl true
+ | C.CoFix (_,fl) ->
+ let len = List.length fl in
+ let n_plus_len = n + len in
+ let tys =
+ List.map (fun (n,ty,_) -> Some (C.Name n,(Cic.Decl ty))) fl
+ in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (_,ty,bo) i ->
+ i && does_not_occur n ty &&
+ does_not_occur n_plus_len bo
+ ) fl true
+(*CSC: potrebbe creare applicazioni di applicazioni *)
+(*CSC: ora non e' piu' head, ma completa!!! *)
+let rec head_beta_reduce =
+ let module S = CicSubstitution in
+ let module C = Cic in
+ function
+ C.Rel _ as t -> t
+ | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map (function (i,t) -> i, head_beta_reduce t) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst)
+ | C.Meta (n,l) ->
+ C.Meta (n,
+ List.map
+ (function None -> None | Some t -> Some (head_beta_reduce t)) l
+ )
+ | C.Sort _ as t -> t
+ | C.Implicit -> assert false
+ | C.Cast (te,ty) ->
+ C.Cast (head_beta_reduce te, head_beta_reduce ty)
+ | C.Prod (n,s,t) ->
+ C.Prod (n, head_beta_reduce s, head_beta_reduce t)
+ | C.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
+ C.Lambda (n, head_beta_reduce s, head_beta_reduce t)
+ | C.LetIn (n,s,t) ->
+ C.LetIn (n, head_beta_reduce s, head_beta_reduce t)
+ | C.Appl ((C.Lambda (name,s,t))::he::tl) ->
+ let he' = S.subst he t in
+ if tl = [] then
+ head_beta_reduce he'
+ else
+ head_beta_reduce (C.Appl (he'::tl))
+ | C.Appl l ->
+ C.Appl (List.map head_beta_reduce l)
+ | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map (function (i,t) -> i, head_beta_reduce t) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map (function (i,t) -> i, head_beta_reduce t) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) ->
+ let exp_named_subst' =
+ List.map (function (i,t) -> i, head_beta_reduce t) exp_named_subst
+ in
+ C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst')
+ | C.MutCase (sp,i,outt,t,pl) ->
+ C.MutCase (sp,i,head_beta_reduce outt,head_beta_reduce t,
+ List.map head_beta_reduce pl)
+ | C.Fix (i,fl) ->
+ let fl' =
+ List.map
+ (function (name,i,ty,bo) ->
+ name,i,head_beta_reduce ty,head_beta_reduce bo
+ ) fl
+ in
+ C.Fix (i,fl')
+ | C.CoFix (i,fl) ->
+ let fl' =
+ List.map
+ (function (name,ty,bo) ->
+ name,head_beta_reduce ty,head_beta_reduce bo
+ ) fl
+ in
+ C.CoFix (i,fl')
+(* syntactic_equality up to cookingsno for uris *)
+(* (which is often syntactically irrilevant), *)
+(* distinction between fake dependent products *)
+(* and non-dependent products, alfa-conversion *)
+(*CSC: must alfa-conversion be considered or not? *)
+let syntactic_equality t t' =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let rec syntactic_equality t t' =
+ if t = t' then true
+ else
+ match t, t' with
+ C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst), C.Var (uri',exp_named_subst') ->
+ UriManager.eq uri uri' &&
+ syntactic_equality_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst exp_named_subst'
+ | C.Cast (te,ty), C.Cast (te',ty') ->
+ syntactic_equality te te' &&
+ syntactic_equality ty ty'
+ | C.Prod (_,s,t), C.Prod (_,s',t') ->
+ syntactic_equality s s' &&
+ syntactic_equality t t'
+ | C.Lambda (_,s,t), C.Lambda (_,s',t') ->
+ syntactic_equality s s' &&
+ syntactic_equality t t'
+ | C.LetIn (_,s,t), C.LetIn(_,s',t') ->
+ syntactic_equality s s' &&
+ syntactic_equality t t'
+ | C.Appl l, C.Appl l' ->
+ List.fold_left2 (fun b t1 t2 -> b && syntactic_equality t1 t2) true l l'
+ | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst), C.Const (uri',exp_named_subst') ->
+ UriManager.eq uri uri' &&
+ syntactic_equality_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst exp_named_subst'
+ | C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst), C.MutInd (uri',i',exp_named_subst') ->
+ UriManager.eq uri uri' && i = i' &&
+ syntactic_equality_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst exp_named_subst'
+ | C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst),
+ C.MutConstruct (uri',i',j',exp_named_subst') ->
+ UriManager.eq uri uri' && i = i' && j = j' &&
+ syntactic_equality_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst exp_named_subst'
+ | C.MutCase (sp,i,outt,t,pl), C.MutCase (sp',i',outt',t',pl') ->
+ UriManager.eq sp sp' && i = i' &&
+ syntactic_equality outt outt' &&
+ syntactic_equality t t' &&
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun b t1 t2 -> b && syntactic_equality t1 t2) true pl pl'
+ | C.Fix (i,fl), C.Fix (i',fl') ->
+ i = i' &&
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun b (_,i,ty,bo) (_,i',ty',bo') ->
+ b && i = i' &&
+ syntactic_equality ty ty' &&
+ syntactic_equality bo bo') true fl fl'
+ | C.CoFix (i,fl), C.CoFix (i',fl') ->
+ i = i' &&
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun b (_,ty,bo) (_,ty',bo') ->
+ b &&
+ syntactic_equality ty ty' &&
+ syntactic_equality bo bo') true fl fl'
+ | _, _ -> false (* we already know that t != t' *)
+ and syntactic_equality_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst1 exp_named_subst2 =
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun b (_,t1) (_,t2) -> b && syntactic_equality t1 t2) true
+ exp_named_subst1 exp_named_subst2
+ in
+ try
+ syntactic_equality t t'
+ with
+ _ -> false
+let rec split l n =
+ match (l,n) with
+ (l,0) -> ([], l)
+ | (he::tl, n) -> let (l1,l2) = split tl (n-1) in (he::l1,l2)
+ | (_,_) -> raise ListTooShort
+let type_of_constant uri =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module R = CicReduction in
+ let module U = UriManager in
+ let cobj =
+ match CicEnvironment.is_type_checked uri with
+ CicEnvironment.CheckedObj cobj -> cobj
+ | CicEnvironment.UncheckedObj uobj ->
+ raise (NotWellTyped "Reference to an unchecked constant")
+ in
+ match cobj with
+ C.Constant (_,_,ty,_) -> ty
+ | C.CurrentProof (_,_,_,ty,_) -> ty
+ | _ -> raise (WrongUriToConstant (U.string_of_uri uri))
+let type_of_variable uri =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module R = CicReduction in
+ let module U = UriManager in
+ match CicEnvironment.is_type_checked uri with
+ CicEnvironment.CheckedObj (C.Variable (_,_,ty,_)) -> ty
+ | CicEnvironment.UncheckedObj (C.Variable _) ->
+ raise (NotWellTyped "Reference to an unchecked variable")
+ | _ -> raise (WrongUriToVariable (UriManager.string_of_uri uri))
+let type_of_mutual_inductive_defs uri i =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module R = CicReduction in
+ let module U = UriManager in
+ let cobj =
+ match CicEnvironment.is_type_checked uri with
+ CicEnvironment.CheckedObj cobj -> cobj
+ | CicEnvironment.UncheckedObj uobj ->
+ raise (NotWellTyped "Reference to an unchecked inductive type")
+ in
+ match cobj with
+ C.InductiveDefinition (dl,_,_) ->
+ let (_,_,arity,_) = List.nth dl i in
+ arity
+ | _ -> raise (WrongUriToMutualInductiveDefinitions (U.string_of_uri uri))
+let type_of_mutual_inductive_constr uri i j =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module R = CicReduction in
+ let module U = UriManager in
+ let cobj =
+ match CicEnvironment.is_type_checked uri with
+ CicEnvironment.CheckedObj cobj -> cobj
+ | CicEnvironment.UncheckedObj uobj ->
+ raise (NotWellTyped "Reference to an unchecked constructor")
+ in
+ match cobj with
+ C.InductiveDefinition (dl,_,_) ->
+ let (_,_,_,cl) = List.nth dl i in
+ let (_,ty) = List.nth cl (j-1) in
+ ty
+ | _ -> raise (WrongUriToMutualInductiveDefinitions (U.string_of_uri uri))
+module CicHash =
+ Hashtbl.Make
+ (struct
+ type t = Cic.term
+ let equal = (==)
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+(* type_of_aux' is just another name (with a different scope) for type_of_aux *)
+let rec type_of_aux' subterms_to_types metasenv context t expectedty =
+ (* Coscoy's double type-inference algorithm *)
+ (* It computes the inner-types of every subterm of [t], *)
+ (* even when they are not needed to compute the types *)
+ (* of other terms. *)
+ let rec type_of_aux context t expectedty =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module R = CicReduction in
+ let module S = CicSubstitution in
+ let module U = UriManager in
+ let synthesized =
+ match t with
+ C.Rel n ->
+ (try
+ match List.nth context (n - 1) with
+ Some (_,C.Decl t) -> S.lift n t
+ | Some (_,C.Def bo) -> type_of_aux context (S.lift n bo) expectedty
+ | None -> raise RelToHiddenHypothesis
+ with
+ _ -> raise (NotWellTyped "Not a close term")
+ )
+ | C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ visit_exp_named_subst context uri exp_named_subst ;
+ CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst (type_of_variable uri)
+ | C.Meta (n,l) ->
+ (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
+ let (_,canonical_context,_) =
+ List.find (function (m,_,_) -> n = m) metasenv
+ in
+ let lifted_canonical_context =
+ let rec aux i =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | (Some (n,C.Decl t))::tl ->
+ (Some (n,C.Decl (S.lift_meta l (S.lift i t))))::(aux (i+1) tl)
+ | (Some (n,C.Def t))::tl ->
+ (Some (n,C.Def (S.lift_meta l (S.lift i t))))::(aux (i+1) tl)
+ | None::tl -> None::(aux (i+1) tl)
+ in
+ aux 1 canonical_context
+ in
+ let _ =
+ List.iter2
+ (fun t ct ->
+ match t,ct with
+ _,None -> ()
+ | Some t,Some (_,C.Def ct) ->
+ let expected_type =
+ R.whd context
+ (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context ct)
+ in
+ (* Maybe I am a bit too paranoid, because *)
+ (* if the term is well-typed than t and ct *)
+ (* are convertible. Nevertheless, I compute *)
+ (* the expected type. *)
+ ignore (type_of_aux context t (Some expected_type))
+ | Some t,Some (_,C.Decl ct) ->
+ ignore (type_of_aux context t (Some ct))
+ | _,_ -> assert false (* the term is not well typed!!! *)
+ ) l lifted_canonical_context
+ in
+ let (_,canonical_context,ty) =
+ List.find (function (m,_,_) -> n = m) metasenv
+ in
+ (* Checks suppressed *)
+ CicSubstitution.lift_meta l ty
+ | C.Sort s -> C.Sort C.Type (*CSC manca la gestione degli universi!!! *)
+ | C.Implicit -> raise (Impossible 21)
+ | C.Cast (te,ty) ->
+ (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
+ let _ = type_of_aux context te (Some (head_beta_reduce ty)) in
+ let _ = type_of_aux context ty None in
+ (* Checks suppressed *)
+ ty
+ | C.Prod (name,s,t) ->
+ let sort1 = type_of_aux context s None
+ and sort2 = type_of_aux ((Some (name,(C.Decl s)))::context) t None in
+ sort_of_prod context (name,s) (sort1,sort2)
+ | C.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
+ (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
+ let _ = type_of_aux context s None in
+ let expected_target_type =
+ match expectedty with
+ None -> None
+ | Some expectedty' ->
+ let ty =
+ match R.whd context expectedty' with
+ C.Prod (_,_,expected_target_type) ->
+ head_beta_reduce expected_target_type
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ Some ty
+ in
+ let type2 =
+ type_of_aux ((Some (n,(C.Decl s)))::context) t expected_target_type
+ in
+ (* Checks suppressed *)
+ C.Prod (n,s,type2)
+ | C.LetIn (n,s,t) ->
+(*CSC: What are the right expected types for the source and *)
+(*CSC: target of a LetIn? None used. *)
+ (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
+ let _ = type_of_aux context s None in
+ let t_typ =
+ (* Checks suppressed *)
+ type_of_aux ((Some (n,(C.Def s)))::context) t None
+ in
+ if does_not_occur 1 t_typ then
+ (* since [Rel 1] does not occur in typ, substituting any term *)
+ (* in place of [Rel 1] is equivalent to delifting once *)
+ CicSubstitution.subst C.Implicit t_typ
+ else
+ C.LetIn (n,s,t_typ)
+ | C.Appl (he::tl) when List.length tl > 0 ->
+ let expected_hetype =
+ (* Inefficient, the head is computed twice. But I know *)
+ (* of no other solution. *)
+ R.whd context (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context he)
+ in
+ let hetype = type_of_aux context he (Some expected_hetype) in
+ let tlbody_and_type =
+ let rec aux =
+ function
+ _,[] -> []
+ | C.Prod (n,s,t),he::tl ->
+ (he, type_of_aux context he (Some (head_beta_reduce s)))::
+ (aux (R.whd context (S.subst he t), tl))
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ aux (expected_hetype, tl)
+ in
+ eat_prods context hetype tlbody_and_type
+ | C.Appl _ -> raise (NotWellTyped "Appl: no arguments")
+ | C.Const (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
+ visit_exp_named_subst context uri exp_named_subst ;
+ CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst (type_of_constant uri)
+ | C.MutInd (uri,i,exp_named_subst) ->
+ visit_exp_named_subst context uri exp_named_subst ;
+ CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst
+ (type_of_mutual_inductive_defs uri i)
+ | C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst) ->
+ visit_exp_named_subst context uri exp_named_subst ;
+ CicSubstitution.subst_vars exp_named_subst
+ (type_of_mutual_inductive_constr uri i j)
+ | C.MutCase (uri,i,outtype,term,pl) ->
+ let outsort = type_of_aux context outtype None in
+ let (need_dummy, k) =
+ let rec guess_args context t =
+ match CicReduction.whd context t with
+ C.Sort _ -> (true, 0)
+ | C.Prod (name, s, t) ->
+ let (b, n) = guess_args ((Some (name,(C.Decl s)))::context) t in
+ if n = 0 then
+ (* last prod before sort *)
+ match CicReduction.whd context s with
+ C.MutInd (uri',i',_) when U.eq uri' uri && i' = i ->
+ (false, 1)
+ | C.Appl ((C.MutInd (uri',i',_)) :: _)
+ when U.eq uri' uri && i' = i -> (false, 1)
+ | _ -> (true, 1)
+ else
+ (b, n + 1)
+ | _ -> raise (NotWellTyped "MutCase: outtype ill-formed")
+ in
+ let (b, k) = guess_args context outsort in
+ if not b then (b, k - 1) else (b, k)
+ in
+ let (parameters, arguments,exp_named_subst) =
+ let type_of_term =
+ CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context term
+ in
+ match
+ R.whd context (type_of_aux context term
+ (Some (head_beta_reduce type_of_term)))
+ with
+ (*CSC manca il caso dei CAST *)
+ C.MutInd (uri',i',exp_named_subst) ->
+ (* Checks suppressed *)
+ [],[],exp_named_subst
+ | C.Appl (C.MutInd (uri',i',exp_named_subst) :: tl) ->
+ let params,args =
+ split tl (List.length tl - k)
+ in params,args,exp_named_subst
+ | _ ->
+ raise (NotWellTyped "MutCase: the term is not an inductive one")
+ in
+ (* Checks suppressed *)
+ (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
+ let (cl,parsno) =
+ match CicEnvironment.get_cooked_obj uri with
+ C.InductiveDefinition (tl,_,parsno) ->
+ let (_,_,_,cl) = List.nth tl i in (cl,parsno)
+ | _ ->
+ raise (WrongUriToMutualInductiveDefinitions (U.string_of_uri uri))
+ in
+ let _ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun j (p,(_,c)) ->
+ let cons =
+ if parameters = [] then
+ (C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst))
+ else
+ (C.Appl (C.MutConstruct (uri,i,j,exp_named_subst)::parameters))
+ in
+ let expectedtype =
+ type_of_branch context parsno need_dummy outtype cons
+ (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context cons)
+ in
+ ignore (type_of_aux context p
+ (Some (head_beta_reduce expectedtype))) ;
+ j+1
+ ) 1 (List.combine pl cl)
+ in
+ if not need_dummy then
+ C.Appl ((outtype::arguments)@[term])
+ else if arguments = [] then
+ outtype
+ else
+ C.Appl (outtype::arguments)
+ | C.Fix (i,fl) ->
+ (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
+ let context' =
+ List.rev
+ (List.map
+ (fun (n,_,ty,_) ->
+ let _ = type_of_aux context ty None in
+ (Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl ty)))
+ ) fl
+ ) @
+ context
+ in
+ let _ =
+ List.iter
+ (fun (_,_,ty,bo) ->
+ let expectedty =
+ head_beta_reduce (CicSubstitution.lift (List.length fl) ty)
+ in
+ ignore (type_of_aux context' bo (Some expectedty))
+ ) fl
+ in
+ (* Checks suppressed *)
+ let (_,_,ty,_) = List.nth fl i in
+ ty
+ | C.CoFix (i,fl) ->
+ (* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
+ let context' =
+ List.rev
+ (List.map
+ (fun (n,ty,_) ->
+ let _ = type_of_aux context ty None in
+ (Some (C.Name n,(C.Decl ty)))
+ ) fl
+ ) @
+ context
+ in
+ let _ =
+ List.iter
+ (fun (_,ty,bo) ->
+ let expectedty =
+ head_beta_reduce (CicSubstitution.lift (List.length fl) ty)
+ in
+ ignore (type_of_aux context' bo (Some expectedty))
+ ) fl
+ in
+ (* Checks suppressed *)
+ let (_,ty,_) = List.nth fl i in
+ ty
+ in
+ let synthesized' = head_beta_reduce synthesized in
+ let types,res =
+ match expectedty with
+ None ->
+ (* No expected type *)
+ {synthesized = synthesized' ; expected = None}, synthesized
+ | Some ty when syntactic_equality synthesized' ty ->
+ (* The expected type is synthactically equal to *)
+ (* the synthesized type. Let's forget it. *)
+ {synthesized = synthesized' ; expected = None}, synthesized
+ | Some expectedty' ->
+ {synthesized = synthesized' ; expected = Some expectedty'},
+ expectedty'
+ in
+ CicHash.add subterms_to_types t types ;
+ res
+ and visit_exp_named_subst context uri exp_named_subst =
+ let uris_and_types =
+ match CicEnvironment.get_cooked_obj uri with
+ Cic.Constant (_,_,_,params)
+ | Cic.CurrentProof (_,_,_,_,params)
+ | Cic.Variable (_,_,_,params)
+ | Cic.InductiveDefinition (_,params,_) ->
+ List.map
+ (function uri ->
+ match CicEnvironment.get_cooked_obj uri with
+ Cic.Variable (_,None,ty,_) -> uri,ty
+ | _ -> assert false (* the theorem is well-typed *)
+ ) params
+ in
+ let rec check uris_and_types subst =
+ match uris_and_types,subst with
+ _,[] -> []
+ | (uri,ty)::tytl,(uri',t)::substtl when uri = uri' ->
+ ignore (type_of_aux context t (Some ty)) ;
+ let tytl' =
+ List.map
+ (function uri,t' -> uri,(CicSubstitution.subst_vars [uri',t] t')) tytl
+ in
+ check tytl' substtl
+ | _,_ -> assert false (* the theorem is well-typed *)
+ in
+ check uris_and_types exp_named_subst
+ and sort_of_prod context (name,s) (t1, t2) =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let t1' = CicReduction.whd context t1 in
+ let t2' = CicReduction.whd ((Some (name,C.Decl s))::context) t2 in
+ match (t1', t2') with
+ (C.Sort s1, C.Sort s2)
+ when (s2 = C.Prop or s2 = C.Set) -> (* different from Coq manual!!! *)
+ C.Sort s2
+ | (C.Sort s1, C.Sort s2) -> C.Sort C.Type (*CSC manca la gestione degli universi!!! *)
+ | (_,_) ->
+ raise
+ (NotWellTyped
+ ("Prod: sort1= " ^ CicPp.ppterm t1' ^ " ; sort2= " ^ CicPp.ppterm t2'))
+ and eat_prods context hetype =
+ (*CSC: siamo sicuri che le are_convertible non lavorino con termini non *)
+ (*CSC: cucinati *)
+ function
+ [] -> hetype
+ | (hete, hety)::tl ->
+ (match (CicReduction.whd context hetype) with
+ Cic.Prod (n,s,t) ->
+ (* Checks suppressed *)
+ eat_prods context (CicSubstitution.subst hete t) tl
+ | _ -> raise (NotWellTyped "Appl: wrong Prod-type")
+ )
+and type_of_branch context argsno need_dummy outtype term constype =
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module R = CicReduction in
+ match R.whd context constype with
+ C.MutInd (_,_,_) ->
+ if need_dummy then
+ outtype
+ else
+ C.Appl [outtype ; term]
+ | C.Appl (C.MutInd (_,_,_)::tl) ->
+ let (_,arguments) = split tl argsno
+ in
+ if need_dummy && arguments = [] then
+ outtype
+ else
+ C.Appl (outtype::arguments@(if need_dummy then [] else [term]))
+ | C.Prod (name,so,de) ->
+ let term' =
+ match CicSubstitution.lift 1 term with
+ C.Appl l -> C.Appl (l@[C.Rel 1])
+ | t -> C.Appl [t ; C.Rel 1]
+ in
+ C.Prod (C.Anonymous,so,type_of_branch
+ ((Some (name,(C.Decl so)))::context) argsno need_dummy
+ (CicSubstitution.lift 1 outtype) term' de)
+ | _ -> raise (Impossible 20)
+ in
+ type_of_aux context t expectedty
+let double_type_of metasenv context t expectedty =
+ let subterms_to_types = CicHash.create 503 in
+ ignore (type_of_aux' subterms_to_types metasenv context t expectedty) ;
+ subterms_to_types
--- /dev/null
+exception Impossible of int
+exception NotWellTyped of string
+exception WrongUriToConstant of string
+exception WrongUriToVariable of string
+exception WrongUriToMutualInductiveDefinitions of string
+exception ListTooShort
+exception RelToHiddenHypothesis
+type types = {synthesized : Cic.term ; expected : Cic.term option};;
+module CicHash :
+ sig
+ type 'a t
+ val find : 'a t -> Cic.term -> 'a
+ end
+val double_type_of :
+ Cic.metasenv -> Cic.context -> Cic.term -> Cic.term option -> types CicHash.t
+(** Auxiliary functions **)
+(* does_not_occur n te *)
+(* returns [true] if [Rel n] does not occur in [te] *)
+val does_not_occur : int -> Cic.term -> bool
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 06/01/2002 *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+let domImpl = Gdome.domImplementation ();;
+let helmns = Gdome.domString "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm";;
+ (* TODO BRRRRR .... *)
+ (** strip first 4 line of a string, used to strip xml declaration and doctype
+ declaration from XML strings generated by Xml.pp_to_string *)
+let strip_xml_headings =
+ let xml_headings_RE = Pcre.regexp "^.*\n.*\n.*\n.*\n" in
+ fun s ->
+ Pcre.replace ~rex:xml_headings_RE s
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 15/01/2003 *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+val domImpl : Gdome.domImplementation
+val helmns : Gdome.domString
+val strip_xml_headings: string -> string
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Andrea Asperti <asperti@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 16/62003 *)
+(* *)
+ mpres =
+ (* token elements *)
+ Mi of attr * string
+ | Mn of attr * string
+ | Mo of attr * string
+ | Mtext of attr * string
+ | Mspace of attr
+ | Ms of attr * string
+ | Mgliph of attr * string
+ (* General Layout Schemata *)
+ | Mrow of attr * mpres list
+ | Mfrac of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Msqrt of attr * mpres
+ | Mroot of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Mstyle of attr * mpres
+ | Merror of attr * mpres
+ | Mpadded of attr * mpres
+ | Mphantom of attr * mpres
+ | Mfenced of attr * mpres list
+ | Menclose of attr * mpres
+ (* Script and Limit Schemata *)
+ | Msub of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Msup of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Msubsup of attr * mpres * mpres *mpres
+ | Munder of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Mover of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Munderover of attr * mpres * mpres *mpres
+(* | Multiscripts of ??? NOT IMPLEMEMENTED *)
+ (* Tables and Matrices *)
+ | Mtable of attr * row list
+ (* Enlivening Expressions *)
+ | Maction of attr * mpres list
+ row = Mtr of attr * mtd list
+ mtd = Mtd of attr * mpres
+ attr = (string * string) list
+let smallskip = Mspace([("width","0.1cm")]);;
+let indentation = Mspace([("width","0.3cm")]);;
+let indented elem =
+ Mrow([],[indentation;elem]);;
+let standard_tbl_attr =
+ [("align","baseline 1");("equalrows","false");("columnalign","left")];;
+let two_rows_table attr a b =
+ Mtable(attr@standard_tbl_attr,
+ [Mtr([],[Mtd([],a)]);
+ Mtr([],[Mtd([],b)])]);;
+let two_rows_table_with_brackets attr a b op =
+ (* only the open bracket is added; the closed bracket must be in b *)
+ Mtable(attr@standard_tbl_attr,
+ [Mtr([],[Mtd([],Mrow([],[Mtext([],"(");a]))]);
+ Mtr([],[Mtd([],Mrow([],[indentation;op;smallskip;b]))])]);;
+let two_rows_table_without_brackets attr a b op =
+ Mtable(attr@standard_tbl_attr,
+ [Mtr([],[Mtd([],a)]);
+ Mtr([],[Mtd([],Mrow([],[indentation;op;smallskip;b]))])]);;
+let row_with_brackets attr a b op =
+ (* by analogy with two_rows_table_with_brackets we only add the
+ open brackets *)
+ Mrow(attr,[Mtext([],"(");a;smallskip;op;smallskip;b])
+let row_without_brackets attr a b op =
+ Mrow(attr,[a;smallskip;op;smallskip;b])
+let rec print_mpres =
+ let module X = Xml in
+ function
+ Mi (attr,s) -> X.xml_nempty "mi" attr (X.xml_cdata s)
+ | Mn (attr,s) -> X.xml_nempty "mn" attr (X.xml_cdata s)
+ | Mo (attr,s) -> X.xml_nempty "mo" attr (X.xml_cdata s)
+ | Mtext (attr,s) -> X.xml_nempty "mtext" attr (X.xml_cdata s)
+ | Mspace attr -> X.xml_empty "mspace" attr
+ | Ms (attr,s) -> X.xml_nempty "ms" attr (X.xml_cdata s)
+ | Mgliph (attr,s) -> X.xml_nempty "mgliph" attr (X.xml_cdata s)
+ (* General Layout Schemata *)
+ | Mrow (attr,l) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "mrow" attr
+ [< (List.fold_right (fun x i -> [< (print_mpres x) ; i >]) l [<>])
+ >]
+ | Mfrac (attr,m1,m2) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "mfrac" attr
+ [< print_mpres m1;
+ print_mpres m2
+ >]
+ | Msqrt (attr,m) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "msqrt" attr [< print_mpres m >]
+ | Mroot (attr,m1,m2) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "mroot" attr
+ [< print_mpres m1;
+ print_mpres m2
+ >]
+ | Mstyle (attr,m) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "mstyle" attr [< print_mpres m >]
+ | Merror (attr,m) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "merror" attr [< print_mpres m >]
+ | Mpadded (attr,m) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "mpadded" attr [< print_mpres m >]
+ | Mphantom (attr,m) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "mphantom" attr [< print_mpres m >]
+ | Mfenced (attr,l) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "mfenced" attr
+ [< (List.fold_right (fun x i -> [< (print_mpres x) ; i >]) l [<>])
+ >]
+ | Menclose (attr,m) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "menclose" attr [< print_mpres m >]
+ (* Script and Limit Schemata *)
+ | Msub (attr,m1,m2) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "msub" attr
+ [< print_mpres m1;
+ print_mpres m2
+ >]
+ | Msup (attr,m1,m2) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "msup" attr
+ [< print_mpres m1;
+ print_mpres m2
+ >]
+ | Msubsup (attr,m1,m2,m3) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "msubsup" attr
+ [< print_mpres m1;
+ print_mpres m2;
+ print_mpres m3
+ >]
+ | Munder (attr,m1,m2) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "munder" attr
+ [< print_mpres m1;
+ print_mpres m2
+ >]
+ | Mover (attr,m1,m2) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "mover" attr
+ [< print_mpres m1;
+ print_mpres m2
+ >]
+ | Munderover (attr,m1,m2,m3) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "munderover" attr
+ [< print_mpres m1;
+ print_mpres m2;
+ print_mpres m3
+ >]
+(* | Multiscripts of ??? NOT IMPLEMEMENTED *)
+ (* Tables and Matrices *)
+ | Mtable (attr, rl) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "mtable" attr
+ [< (List.fold_right (fun x i -> [< (print_mrow x) ; i >]) rl [<>])
+ >]
+ (* Enlivening Expressions *)
+ | Maction (attr, l) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "maction" attr
+ [< (List.fold_right (fun x i -> [< (print_mpres x) ; i >]) l [<>])
+ >]
+and print_mrow =
+ let module X = Xml in
+ function
+ Mtr (attr, l) ->
+ X.xml_nempty "mtr" attr
+ [< (List.fold_right (fun x i -> [< (print_mtd x) ; i >]) l [<>])
+ >]
+and print_mtd =
+ let module X = Xml in
+ function
+ Mtd (attr,m) -> X.xml_nempty "mtd" attr (print_mpres m)
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+ mpres =
+ (* token elements *)
+ Mi of attr * string
+ | Mn of attr * string
+ | Mo of attr * string
+ | Mtext of attr * string
+ | Mspace of attr
+ | Ms of attr * string
+ | Mgliph of attr * string
+ (* General Layout Schemata *)
+ | Mrow of attr * mpres list
+ | Mfrac of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Msqrt of attr * mpres
+ | Mroot of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Mstyle of attr * mpres
+ | Merror of attr * mpres
+ | Mpadded of attr * mpres
+ | Mphantom of attr * mpres
+ | Mfenced of attr * mpres list
+ | Menclose of attr * mpres
+ (* Script and Limit Schemata *)
+ | Msub of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Msup of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Msubsup of attr * mpres * mpres *mpres
+ | Munder of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Mover of attr * mpres * mpres
+ | Munderover of attr * mpres * mpres *mpres
+(* | Multiscripts of ??? NOT IMPLEMEMENTED *)
+ (* Tables and Matrices *)
+ | Mtable of attr * row list
+ (* Enlivening Expressions *)
+ | Maction of attr * mpres list
+ row = Mtr of attr * mtd list
+ mtd = Mtd of attr * mpres
+ attr = (string * string) list
+val smallskip : mpres
+val indented : mpres -> mpres
+val standard_tbl_attr : attr
+val two_rows_table : attr -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres
+val two_rows_table_with_brackets : attr -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres
+val two_rows_table_without_brackets : attr -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres
+val row_with_brackets : attr -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres
+val row_without_brackets : attr -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres -> mpres
+val print_mpres :
+ mpres -> Xml.token Stream.t
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+module TextualPp =
+ struct
+ (* It also returns the pretty-printing context! *)
+ let print_context ctx =
+ let print_name =
+ function
+ Cic.Name n -> n
+ | Cic.Anonymous -> "_"
+ in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun i (output,context) ->
+ let (newoutput,context') =
+ match i with
+ Some (n,Cic.Decl t) ->
+ print_name n ^ ":" ^ CicPp.pp t context ^ "\n", (Some n)::context
+ | Some (n,Cic.Def t) ->
+ print_name n ^ ":=" ^ CicPp.pp t context ^ "\n", (Some n)::context
+ | None ->
+ "_ ?= _\n", None::context
+ in
+ output^newoutput,context'
+ ) ctx ("",[])
+ ;;
+ exception NotImplemented;;
+ let print_sequent (metano,context,goal) =
+ "\n" ^
+ let (output,pretty_printer_context_of_context) = print_context context in
+ output ^
+ "---------------------- ?" ^ string_of_int metano ^ "\n" ^
+ CicPp.pp goal pretty_printer_context_of_context
+ ;;
+ end
+module XmlPp =
+ struct
+ let dtdname = "http://localhost:8081/getdtd?uri=cic.dtd";;
+ let print_sequent metasenv (metano,context,goal) =
+ let module X = Xml in
+ let ids_to_terms = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_father_ids = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_inner_sorts = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_inner_types = Hashtbl.create 503 in
+ let ids_to_hypotheses = Hashtbl.create 11 in
+ let hypotheses_seed = ref 0 in
+ let sequent_id = "i0" in
+ let seed = ref 1 in (* 'i0' is used for the whole sequent *)
+ let acic_of_cic_context =
+ Cic2acic.acic_of_cic_context' seed ids_to_terms ids_to_father_ids
+ ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types metasenv
+ in
+ let final_s,_,final_idrefs =
+ (List.fold_right
+ (fun binding (s,context,idrefs) ->
+ let hid = "h" ^ string_of_int !hypotheses_seed in
+ Hashtbl.add ids_to_hypotheses hid binding ;
+ incr hypotheses_seed ;
+ match binding with
+ (Some (n,(Cic.Def t as b)) as entry)
+ | (Some (n,(Cic.Decl t as b)) as entry) ->
+ let acic = acic_of_cic_context context idrefs t None in
+ [< s ;
+ X.xml_nempty
+ (match b with Cic.Decl _ -> "Decl" | Cic.Def _ -> "Def")
+ ["name",(match n with Cic.Name n -> n | _ -> assert false);
+ "id",hid]
+ (Cic2Xml.print_term ~ids_to_inner_sorts acic)
+ >], (entry::context), (hid::idrefs)
+ | None ->
+ (* Invariant: "" is never looked up *)
+ [< s ; X.xml_empty "Hidden" [] >], (None::context), ""::idrefs
+ ) context ([<>],[],[])
+ )
+ in
+ let acic = acic_of_cic_context context final_idrefs goal None in
+ [< X.xml_cdata "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n" ;
+ X.xml_cdata ("<!DOCTYPE Sequent SYSTEM \"" ^ dtdname ^ "\">\n");
+ X.xml_nempty "Sequent" ["no",string_of_int metano;"id",sequent_id]
+ [< final_s ;
+ Xml.xml_nempty "Goal" []
+ (Cic2Xml.print_term ~ids_to_inner_sorts acic)
+ >]
+ >],
+ ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_hypotheses
+ ;;
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+module TextualPp :
+ sig
+ val print_context :
+ (Cic.name * Cic.context_entry) option list ->
+ string * Cic.name option list
+ exception NotImplemented
+ val print_sequent :
+ int * (Cic.name * Cic.context_entry) option list * Cic.term -> string
+ end
+module XmlPp :
+ sig
+ val print_sequent :
+ Cic.metasenv ->
+ int * Cic.context * Cic.term ->
+ Xml.token Stream.t * (Cic.id, Cic.term) Hashtbl.t *
+ (Cic.id, Cic.id option) Hashtbl.t * (string, Cic.hypothesis) Hashtbl.t
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+let document_of_xml (domImplementation : Gdome.domImplementation) strm =
+ let module G = Gdome in
+ let module X = Xml in
+ let root_name,root_attributes,root_content =
+ ignore (Stream.next strm) ; (* to skip the <?xml ...?> declaration *)
+ ignore (Stream.next strm) ; (* to skip the DOCTYPE declaration *)
+ match Stream.next strm with
+ X.Empty(n,l) -> n,l,[<>]
+ | X.NEmpty(n,l,c) -> n,l,c
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let document =
+ domImplementation#createDocument ~namespaceURI:None
+ ~qualifiedName:(Gdome.domString root_name) ~doctype:None
+ in
+ let rec aux (node : Gdome.node) =
+ parser
+ [< 'X.Str a ; s >] ->
+ let textnode = document#createTextNode ~data:(Gdome.domString a) in
+ ignore (node#appendChild ~newChild:(textnode :> Gdome.node)) ;
+ aux node s
+ | [< 'X.Empty(n,l) ; s >] ->
+ let element = document#createElement ~tagName:(Gdome.domString n) in
+ List.iter (function (n,v) -> element#setAttribute
+ ~name:(Gdome.domString n) ~value:(Gdome.domString v)) l ;
+ ignore
+ (node#appendChild ~newChild:(element : Gdome.element :> Gdome.node)) ;
+ aux node s
+ | [< 'X.NEmpty(n,l,c) ; s >] ->
+ let element = document#createElement ~tagName:(Gdome.domString n) in
+ List.iter
+ (function (n,v) ->
+ element#setAttribute ~name:(Gdome.domString n)
+ ~value:(Gdome.domString v)
+ ) l ;
+ ignore (node#appendChild ~newChild:(element :> Gdome.node)) ;
+ aux (element :> Gdome.node) c ;
+ aux node s
+ | [< >] -> ()
+ in
+ let root = document#get_documentElement in
+ List.iter (function (n,v) -> root#setAttribute
+ ~name:(Gdome.domString n) ~value:(Gdome.domString v)) root_attributes ;
+ aux (root : Gdome.element :> Gdome.node) root_content ;
+ document
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+val document_of_xml :
+ Gdome.domImplementation -> Xml.token Stream.t -> Gdome.document
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+(* cut and paste from xml2Gdome.ml: there was the namespace problem.
+ This is a fst patch: we generate a fixed namespace for math *)
+let document_of_xml (domImplementation : Gdome.domImplementation) strm =
+ let module G = Gdome in
+ let module X = Xml in
+ let namespace = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" in
+ let root_name,root_attributes,root_content =
+ (*
+ ignore (Stream.next strm) ; (* to skip the <?xml ...?> declaration *)
+ ignore (Stream.next strm) ; (* to skip the DOCTYPE declaration *)
+ *)
+ match Stream.next strm with
+ X.Empty(n,l) -> n,l,[<>]
+ | X.NEmpty(n,l,c) -> n,l,c
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let document =
+ domImplementation#createDocument ~namespaceURI:(Some (Gdome.domString namespace))
+ ~qualifiedName:(Gdome.domString ("m:" ^ root_name)) ~doctype:None
+ in
+ document#get_documentElement#setAttribute (Gdome.domString "xmlns:m") (Gdome.domString namespace);
+ let rec aux (node : Gdome.node) =
+ parser
+ [< 'X.Str a ; s >] ->
+ let textnode = document#createTextNode ~data:(Gdome.domString a) in
+ ignore (node#appendChild ~newChild:(textnode :> Gdome.node)) ;
+ aux node s
+ | [< 'X.Empty(n,l) ; s >] ->
+ let element = document#createElementNS
+ ~namespaceURI:(Some (Gdome.domString namespace))
+ ~qualifiedName:(Gdome.domString ("m:" ^ n)) in
+ List.iter
+ (function (n,v) ->
+ let i =
+ (try String.index n ':'
+ with Not_found -> 0) in
+ if i = 0 then
+ element#setAttribute
+ ~name:(Gdome.domString n) ~value:(Gdome.domString v)
+ else
+ let ns_label = String.sub n 0 i in
+ let ns =
+ if ns_label = "helm" then "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm"
+ else if ns_label = "xlink" then "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ else assert false in
+ element#setAttributeNS
+ ~namespaceURI:(Some (Gdome.domString ns))
+ ~qualifiedName:(Gdome.domString n)
+ ~value:(Gdome.domString v)) l ;
+ ignore
+ (node#appendChild ~newChild:(element : Gdome.element :> Gdome.node)) ;
+ aux node s
+ | [< 'X.NEmpty(n,l,c) ; s >] ->
+ let element = document#createElementNS
+ ~namespaceURI:(Some (Gdome.domString namespace))
+ ~qualifiedName:(Gdome.domString ("m:" ^ n)) in
+ List.iter
+ (function (n,v) ->
+ let i =
+ (try String.index n ':'
+ with Not_found -> 0) in
+ if i = 0 then
+ element#setAttribute
+ ~name:(Gdome.domString n) ~value:(Gdome.domString v)
+ else
+ let ns_label = String.sub n 0 i in
+ let ns =
+ if ns_label = "helm" then "http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm"
+ else if ns_label = "xlink" then "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ else assert false in
+ element#setAttributeNS
+ ~namespaceURI:(Some (Gdome.domString ns))
+ ~qualifiedName:(Gdome.domString n)
+ ~value:(Gdome.domString v)) l ;
+ ignore (node#appendChild ~newChild:(element :> Gdome.node)) ;
+ aux (element :> Gdome.node) c ;
+ aux node s
+ | [< >] -> ()
+ in
+ let root = document#get_documentElement in
+ List.iter (function (n,v) -> root#setAttribute
+ ~name:(Gdome.domString n) ~value:(Gdome.domString v)) root_attributes ;
+ aux (root : Gdome.element :> Gdome.node) root_content ;
+ document
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000-2002, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
+ *)
+val document_of_xml :
+ Gdome.domImplementation -> Xml.token Stream.t -> Gdome.document