module C = Cic
module I = CicInspect
module D = Deannotate
+module S = CicSubstitution
module TC = CicTypeChecker
module Un = CicUniv
module UM = UriManager
match get_inner_types st v with
| None -> []
| Some (sty, ety) ->
+ let e = Cn.mk_pattern 0 (T.mk_arel 1 "") in
let csty, cety = cic sty, cic ety in
if Ut.alpha_equivalence csty cety then [] else
- let e = Cn.mk_pattern 0 (T.mk_arel 1 "") in
match name with
- | None -> [T.Change (sty, ety, None, e, "")]
- | Some id ->
+ | None -> [T.Change (sty, ety, None, e, "")]
+ | Some (id, i) ->
begin match get_entry st id with
| C.Def _ -> [T.ClearBody (id, "")]
| C.Decl w ->
- if Ut.alpha_equivalence csty w then []
- else [T.Change (sty, ety, Some (id, id), e, "")]
+ let w = S.lift i w in
+ if Ut.alpha_equivalence csty w then []
+ else
+ [T.Note (Pp.ppterm csty); T.Note (Pp.ppterm w);
+ T.Change (sty, ety, Some (id, id), e, "")]
let get_intro = function
T.Intros (Some count, List.rev st.intros, "") :: script
let mk_arg st = function
- | C.ARel (_, _, _, name) as what -> convert st ~name what
+ | C.ARel (_, _, i, name) as what -> convert st ~name:(name, i) what
| _ -> []
let mk_fwd_rewrite st dtext name tl direction =
) true fl fl'
Invalid_argument _ -> false)
- | _,_ -> false (* we already know that t != t' *)
+ | C.Meta (i, subst), C.Meta (i', subst') ->
+ i = i' &&
+ (try
+ List.fold_left2
+ (fun b xt xt' -> match xt,xt' with
+ | Some t, Some t' -> b && aux t t'
+ | _ -> b
+ ) true subst subst'
+ with
+ Invalid_argument _ -> false)
+(* FG: are we _really_ sure of these?
+ | C.Sort (C.Type u), C.Sort (C.Type u') -> u = u'
+ | C.Implicit a, C.Implicit a' -> a = a'
+ we insert an unused variable below to genarate a warning at compile time
+ | _,_ -> let fix_alpha_equivalence_please = 0 in false (* we already know that t != t' *)
and aux_exp_named_subst exp_named_subst1 exp_named_subst2 =