exception CircularDependency of string;;
exception CouldNotFreeze of string;;
exception CouldNotUnfreeze of string;;
+exception Term_not_found of UriManager.uri;;
(* Cache that uses == instead of = for testing equality *)
(* Invariant: an object is always in at most one of the *)
uri:UriManager.uri -> unit
val find_cooked : key:UriManager.uri -> Cic.obj
val add_cooked : key:UriManager.uri -> Cic.obj -> unit
+ val remove: UriManager.uri -> unit
val dump_to_channel : ?callback:(string -> unit) -> out_channel -> unit
val restore_from_channel : ?callback:(string -> unit) -> in_channel -> unit
val mem : UriManager.uri -> bool
val find : UriManager.uri -> Cic.obj
val add : UriManager.uri -> Cic.obj -> unit
+ val remove : UriManager.uri -> unit
(** (de)serialization of type checker cache *)
val dump_to_channel : ?callback:(string -> unit) -> out_channel -> unit
let add uri obj =
HT.add hashtable uri obj
+ let remove uri =
+ if mem uri then
+ HT.remove hashtable uri
+ else
+ raise (Term_not_found uri);
+ ;;
(* used to hash cons uris on restore to grant URI structure unicity *)
let restore_uris =
let find_cooked ~key:uri = CacheOfCookedObjects.find uri;;
let add_cooked ~key:uri obj = CacheOfCookedObjects.add uri obj;;
+ let remove uri =
+ if (!unchecked_list <> []) || (!frozen_list <> []) then
+ failwith "CicEnvironment.remove while type checking"
+ else
+ CacheOfCookedObjects.remove uri
+ ;;
let dump_to_channel = CacheOfCookedObjects.dump_to_channel;;
let restore_from_channel = CacheOfCookedObjects.restore_from_channel;;
let empty = CacheOfCookedObjects.empty;;
(* The body exists ==> it is not an axiom *)
Some (Http_getter.getxml' bodyuri)
- Http_getter_types.Unresolvable_URI _ ->
+ Http_getter_types.Key_not_found _ ->
(* The body does not exist ==> we consider it an axiom *)
| _ -> assert false
+let remove_term = Cache.remove
exception CircularDependency of string;;
+exception Term_not_found of UriManager.uri;;
(* get_obj uri *)
(* returns the cic object whose uri is uri. If the term is not just in cache, *)
(* We need this in the Qed. *)
val add_type_checked_term : UriManager.uri -> Cic.obj -> unit
+ (** remove a type checked term
+ * @raise Term_not_found when given term is not in the environment
+ * @raise Failure when remove_term is invoked while type checking *)
+val remove_term: UriManager.uri -> unit
(* get_cooked_obj ~trust uri *)
(* returns the object if it is already type-checked or if it can be *)
(* trusted (if [trust] = true and the trusting function accepts it) *)